Merritt Morning Market-Dec20-#2103

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PGX Daily with f

diet boree

$ 99


Black’s Pharmacy
Please recycle

SERVING IT UP FRESH… 3 TIMES A WEEK! 2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155


Wrap up Christmas at
Our beat is local... our bend, up! Box 2199, Merritt BC V1K 1B8
Harry S. Lali T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700

Winter solstice & GENERAL

M.L.A. Fraser-Nicola Letter to the editor
Parasites in Merritt lunar eclipse STORE
Please advise the parasite(s) who
smashed in my passenger window of Tomorrow is winter solstice and this Open Christmas Eve til 4:00pm
my car, while I was working the night- year, it will fall on the same day as a full
Monday - Thursday
shift cleaning, that he or she is a com- lunar eclipse. The last time the 2 coincid-
plete heel. ed was in the year 1554. The 72-minute
To law enforcement, I am deeply dis- lunar eclipse — when the sun, the Earth

and the moon are aligned — begins in


appointed, it shouldn’t take a tax pay-

9:00AM TO 5:30PM

the early morning hours on Dec. 21 in

2099 Granite Ave., Bag 4400 Stn. Main Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
ing citizen to tell you that the parasites Hwy 5A, 20km N. of Merritt •
(250)378-2753 • beside the quilchena hotel
North America. NASA says the best time
Tel 250 378-4802 Fax 250 378-4852
are busy between the hours of 2a.m. and
6a.m. Furthermore the fact that nearly to watch the eclipse is 3:17am ET, that is
Breakfast is SPECIAL at Han’s twelve hours have passed and there has 12:17am PT.
Winter solstice begins at 3:38pm PT
been no contact from your office to my
•Full breakfast menu home. Shame on you for your lack of tomorrow, and gives us the shortest day
•From 7am-11am •Seniors’ menu of the year as well as the longest night of
concern, and for the rude receptionist Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
OR book your group’s breakfast meetings the year… It also heralds the return to
you have working the front desk. INC.
Talk to Karen or Sheree about their special breakfast buffet Sincerely, Anita Lessing lengthening days! Specialists
ICBC Claims
Wood Stove Exchange Community
Shelter from the Storm •Commercial •Residential
Open 7am-9pm back on track Merritt’s extreme weather shelter is •Automotive •Industrial
daily now open when temperatures drop
The Nicola Valley Wood Stove 2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
Exchange (NVWSE) is back in opera- below -8°C, as well as every Monday 378-4531
tion. The program, which has initiated night until March 28th. Doors open 8pm
the changeout of over 40 dirty old at Crossroads Community Church, 2990
stoves in the valley in the last 2 years, Voght St., across from the RCMP detach-
had been suspended due to lack of ment. Volunteers are needed to help run
funding. Last month however, the BC this progam. If you’d like to help out,
Vintage, antique, Ministry of Environment increased the please contact Jody 378-7746 or Shelley
funds available for the program. The 315-0098. The shelter is run by ASK SPACE FOR YOUR AD
new & used Merritt Air Quality Committee has suc- Wellness Merritt/Rural Harm Reduction
furniture cessfully applied for the funds required Outreach.
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
Something for to operate the program. The TNRD City of Merritt New Year's celebrations
everyone! (Areas M&N) and the City of Merritt On Fri., Dec 31, starting at 4pm, the
are offering further cash incentives. City of Merritt is ringing in the New Year
2071 Quilchena Ave • Under this year’s program partici- — our 100th anniversary year. There will
(250)378-0044 pating retailers will be offering a 10% be free skating at the NV Memorial
reduction off the regular appliance arena from 4-5pm. A New Year free
price. In addition, the program will pro- swim Mexican fiesta at the NV Aquatic
seasons vide grants of $750 or half the cost of the Ctre, with games, prizes, mock count-
stove, whichever is the least. down & concession, from 5:30-6:30pm.
Give the gift of art!
Arnold Mosley
Replacement units must meet emis- New Year's celebrations take place at the
greetings! sions standards set by the EPA or CSA. Civic Centre, with the anniversary
Jack Andreasen
Bill Edmonds
Last issue before Christmas is Wednesday, Dec. 22/10 To be eligible for the program, appli- announcements, free cocoa & hot dogs Roger Kamp

First issue after New Year is Monday, Jan. 3/11 cants must have an old non EPA/CSA from 6-8pm. Mary Longman

appliance to trade in. Eligible trade-ins Fall Fair New Year's Eve dance Opie Oppenheim

include wood stoves, fireplace inserts This is their 4th year for the New
Pius Chong

and wood furnaces. These units can be Year's party at the Lower Nicola
Doug Strand

replace by EPA/CSA certified wood or Community Hall, on Friday, Dec. 31st.

Cass Dolen

pellet fuelled appliances. Fireplace Doors open at 7:30pm, dance from 8pm-
Shannon Kilroy
MK Dahlquist-Gray
inserts can also be replaced with gas or 2am. Tickets are $25ea. A designated Jean Kiegerl
electric units. driver service will be available. For more

A keepsake
Ellen Norgaard

Merritt’s only ALL-MAKE A building permit is required by law info, contact Kathy 378-5925 or
Evelyn Armstrong
for the installation of any “solid fuel Marianne 378-9929.
transmission shop!
Bev Veale
burning appliance.” To receive the featuring
Georgina Beatty
grant, participants must obtain a permit and the installation must pass inspection. 27 local John Taylor
•Fully experienced FMI contact Tim Larsen, 378-8216 or artists — a
Leonard A. George Jr.

• Servicing all makes & models

Available at
Cindy Trent
• Guaranteed prrofessional workmanship
Baillie House &
Monastic Christmas tradition Surinder Panghali
for the Arts
Free scrap
At a monastery high in the mountains, the monks have a rigid vow of silence. Only Joslyn Freels

Country Bug Books
car pick-up
at Christmas, and only by one monk, and only with one sentence, is the vow Les Hampton
allowed to be broken. One Christmas, Brother Thomas is allowed to speak and he Bobbi Parkes
says, "I like the mashed potatoes we have with the Christmas turkey!" and he sits Gwayne Point
down. Silence ensues for 365 days. The next Christmas, Brother Michael gets his Nancy Saddleman
This project &
turn, and he says "I think the mashed potatoes are lumpy and I hate them!" Once NV Arts Council Jana Sasaki
250.378.9241 | 2676 Nicola Ave. again, silence for 366 days (it's leap year). The following Christmas, Brother Paul supported by Barbara Rode

T his Week’s Horoscope SATURDAY,

rises and says, "I am fed up with this constant bickering!"
Nicola Valley Community Great
Arts Council JANUARY 22ND,

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer DINNER & SHOW

gift Idea

2010-11 concert series
The Good Lovelies
March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 -

- April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22

Juno Award winners for

Unexpected communications Fresh developments in There are dramatic changes in Your inner awareness of where

Roots & Traditional

could throw you off balance as trends affect your earnings as how you project yourself as the you should be heading awak-
you absorb the implications of you get up to speed. They new year approaches. By ens. It could take the early
Album of the Year: group
Merritt Desert Inn (250)378-2254
what you learn. It could take are coming in far faster than spring you'll find you are deal- months of 2011 to work out the

Presented by Merritt BC Elvis Presley®

three months to work it all out. you anticipated, it could take ing with new people in a new implications of these newly dis-

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

Come out & enjoy an
tickets months to adjust. role. covered needs and desires.
evening with friends and

Fan Club, (250)378-4710

Adults… $22 help support the Patients
Seniors… $17
Transportation Program,
Students… $17 July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct. 23 - NV Health Centre
at Black’s Pharmacy Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21
Baillie House A lively and unpredictable You'll raise your profile at You're more aware of the guid- Intense involvements & rela-
sponsors group of people will have a work, and people notice your ing philosophy in your choices tionships awaken you to life
•Black’s Pharmacy Give the gift of
major effect upon your hopes unusual & useful abilities. and in 2011 you will begin to fol- as the new year of 2011
•Interior Savings live music this
and dreams for 2011. They'll Just let your unsuspected tal- low your instincts more in how approaches. Following up on
•Royal LePage Merritt


help you raise your sights. ents be expressed by doing you use your working skills to these desires could take up

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius

Real Estate Services FRI & SAT, 9PM-1:30AM •Fun Darts Mondays
Tickets make
what comes naturally.. get to where you want to go. the early months of the year.
•Alastair Murdoch & Co.
GREAT gifts!
•Q101.1 •Mandolin’s
•Karaoke Tuesdays
•City of Merritt
PRODUCTIONS •Texas Hold’em
Nov 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 -
•BC Arts Council
Wed 7pm

•Individual donors
Dec 21 Feb 18 Mar 20 •Thurs, Fri & Sat:

Karaoke Dance Party

Jan 19 show up & have a

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What awakens in you is an Make some distinctive You experience a greater You are very aware of home & chance to win a trip
awareness of the effect your changes in how you work and appetite for life & living, urged family, and you feel the need for 2 your choice of
partner has on you. New rela- on by a desire to be yourself to put things onto a different with ALLISON PRODUCTIONS 5 destinations
Capital Room, Iron Mountain Music, 7:30pm
how you are organized. It's
tionships could be the result, or necessary to adjust to new and to suit yourself rather than footing in 2011 that better • OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711
you put things onto a different factors you had not anticipate worry about the opinion of oth- allows you to express your •RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859
footing in early 2011. as 2011 gets underway. ers. desires and talents.
Our Reputation Is Your Guarantee


Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email
garage sales Whether you're searching for a new or used vehicle or looking for a quick quote
4 15" wntr snws on rims $300 378-6307 YAMAHA elect. orgn. bnch $150 378-6965
on a vehicle, our friendly, professional staff is ready to provide you with all the help
2 WNTR tires, lk nw 205/75R14 on 5- FIR firewd, split/delvrd 378-2179 or
you need.
MON, DEC. 20, 2251 Jackson Ave. hole stl rims, m&s & snwflk 378-9545 pck-up @ #90 Hwy 8
9am - ? Lots Xmas lights, outdr & indr
Our Service and Parts Departments are waiting to help you get what you need
WHT high step Cap-It commerc. grade 12MM oak lam. flrng. 80sq, cvrs approx.
Xmas decorations. Cheap! WP, NEB. (no fade pnt) cnpy, cab slide wndw, 2 side 70sf., reg. $1.79/sf, sell .90/sf 315-0331
personal for sale - furniture and get you back on the road as quickly as possible.
It's a great day at Murray GM Merritt.
wndws, exc. cond. fits 95-01 Dodge shrt
bx trck, pd $1300, sell $650obo 378-4622.
FND: girl’s bike, dam’d, call to ID 280-0059 MOVNG sale: kitch. tbl & chairs, ent. ctre,
2 SETS tires: 205/75R14 for 99 Dodge
2049 Nicola Ave, Merritt. •
ND SOMEONE to take care of your Caravan, set wntrs used 1 seas., 1 set all- roll-top dsk, coff. tbl, misc furn. 280-0590
Phone (250)378-9255 • Toll Free 1-888-378-9255
home or small frm ovr Xmas holidays? seas. used 1 mo. $150/set 315 8571 COMP. dsk 36”x36” w/ keybrd drwr
Call Bill, honest, rel. 378-6514 $20. Wht 6-drwr drssr 46”x28” $15.
2 LT225/75R16 m&s. 2 235/75R16
LOST: slvr rng w/ flwr engrvd, hnd- Michelin Xtreme Ice. 2 Recap m&s Wht 4-drwr drssr 36”x16” $20. End

Breakfast is SPECIAL at Han’s

made, pnk-sz, btwn Douglas/YDSWM 225/75R16 on Chev rims, 6-blt 378-9202 tbl, 1-drwr 21”x22” $10 315-8716
ND counsellor for coca cola addiction
94 DODGE Dakota ext cab, Arrow fbr-
gls cnpy, v8 318 auto, p/l, p/w, cruise,
a/c, nw pnt/brks, mp3 playr, 4 nw all-
5-PC bdrm suite $250. 5-drwr drssr w/
mirr $50. 2 twn bds w/ hdrbrd & matt.
$150ea 378-4345
•Full breakfast menu
ND SOME xtra help with Xmas clean- seas. tires. $2900obo, drv by 2202 9-DRWR cream-col.'d drssr, top
ing. I am avail. Sherrillee 315-0406 Garcia St, bhnd pool 378-5004 17"wx66"l $50obo 378-9841
•From 7am-11am •Seniors’ menu
LOST: Wallet, Menzies to Armstrong, brwn, 4 WNTR Hankook Novak radials FREE, pick up Dec 18 morning: sngl

OR book your group’s breakfast meetings

Diana 315-1355, Stephanie (778)470-2274 P195/75R14 $20ea. (250)350-6808 twn bd & matt., wd frame, bfr
LST: LG cell phone in red case 378-1887 05 DODGE SX 2.0, lw kms, p/w, p/l, 12noon/movng out of town 378-8214
Talk to Karen or Sheree about their special breakfast buffet
WTD: co-ed players for drop-in hockey p/trnk, a/c, am/fm/cd, cruise, tilt $7000 CHSTRFLD & chair $275 378-6307
Wednesdays 2pm 378-9229 378-2197 aft 5pm wkdays, daytime wknds 2 STOR. UNITS full of nw/used qual.
ANGIE’S TEA LEAF READING. For 2 SETS 235x15 wntr chains rebar hvy furnite for lvngrm, bdrm diningrm. Want
all your psychic needs, accurate. Call duty 378-4053 to clear-out by end of Dec. 315-0209
anytime thru wk, wknds, eves. Gift cer- GRILLS for vehicles: 92 Saab, 90 MOVING: 3-pc lvngrm set, couch,
tificates available. 378-8326 Toyota Camry, 84 Fairmont, more, loveseat & chaise $1000obo. 315-0272
help wanted
Open 7am-9pm With More
mainly 90s 378-5572 LOVESEAT. Couch. Solid wckr coff.
81 FORD 351 mod’d eng, rn cnd. 86 tbl. Laurie 315-4474
EXPER'D log trck operator for f-t seas. Dodge 3/4-tn pck-up $400obo 378-6915
log hauling position Merritt area, must BRND nw couch, brwn, suede-lk fbrc
have Class 1 lic. w/ air brake endorsement, 4 RIMS for Mazda RMX7, 2 wntr tires
for Mazda/Dodge 378-4503
$100 315-4668
OAK crib & chng tbl, exc cnd $800/both.
Railyard Mall • 378-2266
cln drvr's abstract, some mechanical abili-
ty. Short log hauling exper. an asset., com- SEThvy duty trck chains fit 16” tires 378-6585 Princess toddlr bd w/ matt. $45 378-6295
mission based pay. Only those indiv. w/ 89 FORD Tempo, 4-cyl., auto, rns grt COMP. dsk/htch, gd cnd, castors, $50.
log hauling exper. nd apply, submit resume %750obo 378-2543 Call/text 315-8754. Pic can be emailed
& refs to 99 CHEV Monte Carlo trans, 30k, nice LRG chrm tbl & 6 chairs, exc cnd $100.
cnd 315-0209 Leathr sofa & loveseat, 3 yrs old $800
80 FORD Econoline cargo van, hi-bx, 378-4589

Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001

ND HLP during holidays? I’m exper’d prop.-pwrd $900obo 315-0202 LOVESEAT. Kitch. tbl & 6 chairs, exc
& avail.: shppng, hlp bkng, decorating,

95 MERC. Cougar, $1100obo 315-4751 cnd. 378-4503

hsekeepng, snw shvllng, respite, hse/pet OLDR 4-drwr vanity w/ mirr. & stool,
sittng, designated drvr 378-8383 94 MAZDA Protege 4-dr, auto, nw fuel
pmp/ altrntr $1200obo 378-6603 pntd wht $40. Sml solid wd 2-drwr
GRANT'S HOME & YARD SERVIC- drssr pntd wht $25. 5x7 classic area
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700 96 FORD 1/2-tn 4x4, 6-cyl., 5-spd

ICBC Claims
ES, 20 yrs exp, home renos, repairs & rug, dark design $50 378-9650
rntl cln-up. $30/hr + dmp fees 378-0104 man., gd cond., nw tires 378-5352

•Commercial •Residential CUST.-BLT computers, will set up wire- 95 DOGDE 1-ton w/ 3-yd dump, hop-
per & snowblade $15,000. 04 enclosed
DRK pine chst of drwrs, lk nw cnd
$200obo. Nerf bar lts $135obo 378-6915

•Automotive •Industrial
less networks, install upgrades, speed up SOLID pine ent. unit w/ stor. drwrs &
comp., install alternative os (MEPIS 17' trlr $5000 280-1247
93 FORD Taurus, 4-dr, auto, sunroof, glass drs, exc. cond., fits 32" tv, pd
Linux), computer lessons 378-3694

2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)

rns gd $1400 378-2129 $1000, sell $250. 378-6720
CHIMNEY sweepng for all your wd-

4 15” wntr tims for Pont. $150. 2 compl. 3 PROCELAIN vases w/ gld trim. Qu-
brning nds. Mike 378-5067 sz canopy bd w/ bdside tbls, drssr w/
GRANNY'S House Quilting & Retreat struts for Pont. $80 315-2231 aft 5pm
96 GMC 1/2 ton 4x4. 4- 6 hole, 16" stl mirr. Lrg drssrs, solid wd, nw. 315-0209
has fabric and sewing notions. Call SOLID ebony kitch. tbl $75obo. 2 mpl
Eleanor 378-3734 for more info. rims w/ beauty rngs, caps & nuts, gd pnt.
378-0409, 315-2080 match. end tbls w/ stor. $50/pr 315-2284

JAMARA JOYAL BC Registered L-SHAPE wrtng dsk w/ 2 drwrs, 5 shlvs,

88 GMC Suburban, gd 350, 4-spd, auto,
Massage Therapist. Wed & Fri 12:30-
rns gd/body gd, trans nds wrk$1000 or 60”x30” & 36”x18”, detach. $50. Wd cabi- CONTRACTOR
5:30, Sat 11-6. 378-8300 net, gls drs, 4 shlvs, 42”x22”x16” $20. 25”
ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen. prt out 378-8156 sincere gent. Home, yard,

tv cabinet, shlvs for vcr/tapes $20 378-

ODD garage
95 JEEP YJ $2500 378-1887
for sale - electronics/software
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd- 5 6 2 7 & auto; forestry. Will take on any
scp, vry versatile, gd refs., reas. rates to fit 85 DODGE trck, slnt 6, 57k, rns 378-6795
your budget. Mike 315-1039, 315-5398 97 AEROSTAR shrt-whl base, 3L auto,
of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile,

Last issue before Christmas is Wednesday, Dec. 22/10 JOBBER Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398
20" TV. 2 tv stnds. Frank 378-4493 always available. Reasonable. Refs.
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. 180k, a/c, 7-pass., sprt mdl, gd gls, gd
MOVING: 52" tv $1000obo 315-0272

First issue after New Year is Monday, Jan. 3/11

Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 cnd $2450obo (250)458-2513
4, 205/65/R15 tires on 5-bolt Ford alum. MED.-SZ Zenith col. tv, wrks exc $50
COMPLETE Home Improvement 378-8265
Service. Repairs, add's, nw cnstrction. No rims, $200obo OTF 4 Gmc LT
job too sml, lic'd & ins'd. Jim 378-7200 245/75/R16 tires on 6-blt rims 378-8260 NVR used HP refurbished home com-
puter, wireless, dvd, lots more 315-0009
4 GOODYR Ultra Grip snws on rims.
P205/70R15, used 1 seas. $340 378-6307 TV WALL mount, brnd nw/nvr out of
MOTHER of 1 will babysit, LN area, 3 yrs GDYR Wrnglr SRA tires P255/75 17", bx, fits 23"-40" screens $50. Sony vcr,
daycare exper., 1st aid, my home 378-6442 gd cond $100 firm 378-5790 hrdly used $25. 378-2458
HELEW’U’ Child Care Society. Space avail.,
livestock/pets & access.
SAMSUNG m300 camera cellphone Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
open to chldrn 0-6 yrs. Info/rates 378-3311 pay-as-u-go w/ Vrgn Mbl $35. Panasonic
for sale - appliances
FREE: 11 6-wk old shep./collie x pup- mini camcorder $75. Bell 3100 satelite pies, blk/wht/brwn in color, gd Xmas rcvr w/ 18" dsh $100 378-4227
USED/wrkng fine top-load wshr & frnt gifts & gd companions 315-9840 PRNTR & scannr 378-6915
load dryer, wht, cln, inst'd stckr for more WRM, lovng homes needed for 1-yr old BLK elect. Fender acoustic guitar w/
rm $175/pr. 378-2662 calico fem. & big, beaut. blue-eyed male Fender amp & hard case $350 378-1383
WSHR & dryer, match. $200 315-4668 siamese 378-3737 32” tv set, lk nw $250obo 315-2284

Baillie House
for sale - recreational
OLDR Maytag wshr, exc. rn cond. $50. ABANDONED kittns nd gd homes 315-8732
Inglis dryer, exc rn cond. $50. 378-2458 COLLIE puppy to give away, 3 mos.
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700 2 TOASTER ovns, 1 lrg, 1 sml, both lk
nw 378-2750
old, blk/brwn, vry cute, no time for him ANNIV. 4x8 Dufferin slate pool tbl,
solid oak w/ grn flt, balls, cues etc incl.,
cell 315-8401 CURLING Club selling kitch. appl.: 4- PET carrier cover, nvr used, approx beaut., pd $3500, sell $1899obo. Batt.-
oper'd 3-whl glf bag cart, lk nw cond.,
brnr Westnghse stove $25, Westnghse 2- 17"x22"x27" $45 Erin 378-6233
ovn 4-brnr stove $75, Coldspot 12cf wrks awesome.... takes hills no problem,
77 GAL. fish tnk, blk stnd w/ 2 cup- c/w batt. & chrgr, great Xmas gift. Set
sngl dr fridge $50, 2 4' lts w/ balast & brds,f luval fltr, lts, htr, gls lids, gravel,
lamps. Bob 378-4423, 378-6217 Cooper goalie gloves (catchr & blockr),
pd $1200, sell $650 firm. 50-gal. fsh vry gd cond. $99. Pr 30" Itech goalie
KENMORE wht fridge & glass top, slf- tnk, lt/lid/fltr/grvl $60. 378-2540

cln stove, exc cond. $300/both, will sell pads, lk nw $119. Pr 29" Vaughn goalie
2 FSH tnks w/ fsh & access., offrs 378-2067 pads, exc. cond. $139. Kathy 315-3758
sep. 378-2530 eves 14 BABY rats $5 ea., males & fem. 4 2 HYDR. jcks for cmpr $40ea 378-2889

INGLISwshr & dryer, 2 yrs old $550 378-6233 wks old/ready to go, hand-raised &
DISHWSHR, b-i, Kenmore, gd wrkng GRT Xmas gif: Sportscraft treadmill
friendly. to gd homes only no feedr rats! TX390, lk nw/used cpl times $250 378-2776
cnd 378-3648
12’ alum. boat w/ trlr, seats, rod hldr,

& Happy
WHT Inglis top loading stacker wshr & NW, med.-sz 18"wx21.5"h, Petmate dog blk lfjckts, oars, no mtr $1000 378-2577

1675 Tutill Court,

dryer, 73"hx27"wx32"d $275obo 378-4622 wire dog kennel w/ blk tray $40 378-9841
INGLIS fridge, top frzr, wrks grt, wht CMPND bow PSE 45”, 45-75 lbs 315-0009
AUSSIE/heeler px ups brn Sept 14,
Merritt, BC
FOOSBALL tbl. Stndrd air hockey

$175obo 315-0111 blues, reds, b&w's, 1st shots, dwrmd
for sale - automotive $250 (250)295-7898 game. Laurie 315-4474

Holiday Hours:
1 BLK male & 1 fem. orange kitten lft, 20' Car/toy hauler trlr by Forest Rvr, nw, 2 drs,

FREE scrap car pick-up 378-9241 4 lts, 2 vnts, 4 sec locks $8000obo 378-8175
Closed Dec 18th– Jan 9th
John & Melissa 378-6198
98 CHRYSL. Intrepid, grn, w/ summr CHASING TAILS Dog Grooming, Sml 6” gs-pwrd ice auger gd cnd $150 378-0104
Reopen Jan 10th/2011
& wntr tires on rims $2000 280-0749 & lrg dogs. Janine 315-5896 TREADMILLA-1 cond $325obo 378-2676

New hours in 2011 for sale - miscellaneous

04 MITSUBISHI Eclipse Spyder GT PR girl’s pirouette CCM figure skates,
convert. beaut. cond., lw km @ 85k, sz 12, brnd nw/nvr wrn $20 378-4053
Monday 10 am to 3 pm
chrm mags, brnd nw lw profile tires, FIREWOOD sale, $120/cord 378-5379 CUST. trlr 7’x10’, dual axle, 2’ side
Tuesday 10 am to 3 pm Now accepting
loaded w/ leathr & heated seats. Orig. BELL upright piano $300obo, must sell walls, chckr plate, 5 opening drs, fits 2

Wednesday 10 am to 4 pm
air intake syst. for 96 Chev pck-up, quads. 8’ cmpr, htr, 3-way f, stove top,
donations for our
Kathy 315-3758
removed for hi-perform. syst., $50. hydr jcks. 02 Polaris 500 quad, bck seat
Thursday 10 am to 4 pm
NW/nvr worn wntr jckt & snwpnt set,
spring garage sale
Kathy 315-3758 girl's sz lrg, lt blue/cream, pd $90 sell lugg. rck, camo, gun rck. 315-0406

Friday 10 am to 3 pm
01 VW GTI, exc cond, mech. sound, $40. Lori 378-8835 03 POLARIS RMK Vrtcl Edge Liberty

Closed all Statutory Holidays WINTER HOURS: 10am-4pm Tues-Sat

1.8l turbo charged eng., >228,000 but RABBIT meat & fur $6/lb. Order or 800, 159 trck, 2 hlmts/goggles/blts,

1999 Voght St. • (250) 378-0349

well-maint'd, full leathr inter., sunroof, pre-order 378-5955 cover, spare plugs, xtra crnk bearaing
Phone 250-378-4145
auto, 6 disc cd player. Hate to sell but installed, pd $6000, sell $4500obo, lw
COMPL. match. dinnerware set: plates,
for special appointments
going travelling, incl set summr & wntr mil., exc cond (250)836-4077, 378-1347
tires on rims, Pioneer touch scrn dck. bowls, saucers, salt+pepper, gravy boat,

or to book a tour
tea cups etc., vry gd cond $150 378-8265 SLED dck $475 315-0074
$4500obo 378-7403
BRWN plstc 500ml bottles for home QUAD/mtrbike hauler, sngl axle util
ALUM. canopy for Dodge Dakota, boat trlr, stor. bx on frnt, anchr pnts, sides,
rck. Frank 378-4493 brewing. $10/bx of 24 378-4852
ARIANA acoustic guitar $75. Squier by tailgate, must see $400 378-4101 REDUCED to sell $215,000obo. Invest. 3-BDRM hse, Sage Plc., n/x, n/p, Jan 1. 1-
for sale - tools/equipment
81 DODGE 3/4-tn flat dck 4x4, 318 mtr, prop., gd tenants, nr shppng, lrg dck in bdrmste, Sage Plc, n/s, n/p Jan 1 378-5695
gd rn cnd $2500obo 378-3648 Fender Stratocastor w/ amp $250, lesson

Give the gift of art!

books & stnd can go too. Erin 378-6233 bck, 1-car gar., lrg fncd yrd bck lane, 2-BDRM bsmt ste for prof. people, n/s,
Arnold Mosley
01 OLDS Alero sale/OTF skidoo. 89 Gmc WD stove RSF Energy, stl wrkplate reno'd 5-bdrm 2.5 bth house rntd $1700/ n/p, immed $750 378-3778 aft 5pm
Trckr sale/OTF skidoo 378-3527, 280-0414 HOME-made perogies, ordr now for $325. Russ 936-8188 mo. 2364 Quilchena Ave. 378-4227
Jack Andreasen
Xmas. Rose 378-6337 2-BDRM uptwn unit for lease,
95 CHEV ext cab forst grn, auto 4x4, cnpy, 6HP 24” Sears snwblwr $250 378-6354 5-BDRM hse, 2.5 bths, lrg yrd, gd cln/quiet wrkng tenants w/ refs, n/s,
Bill Edmonds
frame restor. 30k, must see $6000 315-8716 PONTIAC wntr potatoes 378-1336
MSTRCRFT plnr, 12.5", brnd nw/nvr area $265,000 378-5489 n/p, immed., ser. inq. only 378-8383
BLK leather coat w/ blk fur lining, nr
Roger Kamp
2 LT245/75R16 wntrs $30ea. 378-4315 out of bx $300. Mtr 120v 15a 60Hz, TWNHSE @ Woodlane Vill., 2- 1-BDRM ste 378-5610
nw $100obo 315-0071 9000rpm Earl378-5311, 315-8492
CARTWRIGHT trans. fits Dodge 360 bdrms, dn, lvng & diningrms, kitch. w/ 2-BDRM ste, w/d, n/s, n/p, Jan 1
Mary Longman 318, 80s-early 90s, 1/2-tn, lng shft, reblt/nvr SAT. dsh, gd cnd $15. Men’s mtn bike, MOFFAT gas hot wtr heater, 140l, gd eating area, 2.5 bths, gs f/p, nw crptng, $675 + util 378-9432
Opie Oppenheim
used w/ cnvrtr nw in bx, offrs 378-4053 nds wrk on brk $25 280-0059 cond. $30 315-3183 full bsmt, view of rvr $265,000. Sandra 2-BDRMbsmt Dec 1 378-3531, 378-0170
DRY fir firewd $150/cord, dlvrd 378-9229 378-2957(h), 378-4066(w)
Pius Chong
USED 2 wntrs, 4 studded 16" Laredo hd WOOD stove 378-4471 2-BDRM + dn, 2-bth mbl home,
tires mntd on nw 16x6.5gm 1500 4x4 XMAS gifts: hndmade wd Xmas rein- HOT wtr tnk, 184l, nw/nvr used 378-5368 RNT, opt. to buy: sngl wide mbl home w/ 1152sf, 5 appl. $950 + dep, dwntwn
Doug Strand rims. Alos alum. tailgate cvr. 378-6136 deers 1-2' tall $20-$30. 4" glass beaded dwn paymnt, 2-bdrm, 1 bth, will fin. oac Merr., spec. for right cple, priv. 1-
stars, ornament or hng in wndw $10-$20. REGENCY gas f/p insrt w/ nw liner $150.
Cass Dolen
95 CHEV Lumina 3.1L, rns exc, xtra set To give away: toilet. 378-4554 aft 5pm 1-800-361-8111, pgr 378-3082, 315- 800-361-8111, pgr 378-3082, 315-1000
view @ The Florentine, Debbie 315-4514
snows, as is $1000 378-6307 4 used fluor. lights $20obo ea. Joe 378-2676 1000
Shannon Kilroy 2 HANKOOK tires HPW401 165R13 RAD. arm saw on stnd $40. Cmnt
SHED, w/ elect. hk-up $2000 315-5115 MANUF’D homes, set up in prk, all 2-BDRM hse, lrg fncd yrd w/ det. gar.
MK Dahlquist-Gray
mntd on 5-hole rims fit Toyota, gd wntr whlbarrow $25. 32’ alum ext laddr $90. serv. connected, ready to move in 1- & lrg wrkshp, nr schls/twn, f/s/w/d, n/s,
Dryer $50. 3’ wood toboggan $5, movng OLDR Dewalt rad. arm saw $100 378-1887 800-361-8111, 315-1000
Jean Kiegerl
tread, m&s w/ snwflake 378-9545
sale ‘til sat. Nov 27 only. 378-6795 SNOWBEAR 5x8 tilt util. trlr, 12" tires, n/p, Jan 1 $950 (604)946-2990

A keepsake
89 ACCLAIM 4-dr, brnd nw struts,
Ellen Norgaard
2-BDRM ste nr twn/schl, immed ,
for rent
body/inter. in grt shape, grey, crack in CARPET: 12x15 $60, 10x13 $30, exc cnd. $650 378-9461
$75/both, med. beige, prof cln’d, incl n/s, n/p $775 util incl 378-4345
Evelyn Armstrong
04 CRAFTSMAN snwblwr 9.5hp 27" 2-

wndshld/ rns vry well, exc. on gas
$1100obo undrlay, studs, strips 378-9169 stage auger, elect. strt/pull cord, 6 frwrd/3 rev., B.C. HOUSING now accepting 2-BDRM lgl bsmt ste, immed, 2327
Bev Veale
Coutlee Ave., 378-2047

or NR NW Micathermic flat panel heatr, p/steerng, pd $1800, $950 lk nw 378-6842 applications for wait list for seniors
wanted/wanted to buy
Georgina Beatty
P205/75R14 studded snw tire, wht wall can wall mount, up to 4oo sf, pd $120, 55+ or adults w/ disability needing 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, nr twn/schl,

27 local
sell $55. Noma oscillating ceramic affordable housing. Rnt is 30% of cln, n/s, n/p Dec 15 378-4503
John Taylor
on Chev car whl $100 Joe 378-2676
heatr, used 3x, 750 or 1500w $35. Sml WRKNG oldr grdn tiller Kathy 315-3758 income. 1-800-834-7149, 378-4040 DEC.1, sml 1-bdrm cottage $375 utils

artists — a
94 MADZA Protege, beige 5-spd, 1.8L, 4-
Leonard A. George Jr. cyl., 4-dr. 210k, snws & summr tires all on parabolic heatr $15. 280-0314 bfr 8pm TOY train. Pr snowshoes. John 378-6965 RM for rnt, quiet hsehold 378-8807 xtra, n/s, n/p, refs Sherry 378-9595

Available at
LNDRYRM tub w/ taps, <1 yr old $50. FOR cash: any coins of any kind 378-2909 2-BDRM + dn, lvng, dining, 2 bth mbl 3-BDRM hse, 1871 Main St.,
Cindy Trent
rims, well-maint'd; service rcrds. sml dnt in
2 wht faux blinds, 36"wx45"l w/ FOR GRANNY squares: odds & ends of home, 1152sf 5 appl., $950/mo + sec. Collettville, sep. gar. 280-5020

Baillie House &

hd/othrwise body gd $1000 firm 315-8095.
Surinder Panghali
valances $50/both. 378-9841

for the Arts

90 SUNBIRD, 4-dr, 5-spd, 215k, free yarn, any col. Can pck up 378-6289 dep, dwntwn Merritt, spec. for right cpl, 2-BDRM grnd lvl bsmt ste, nr Railyard
Joslyn Freels
brgndy, no rst, nw wntrs, vry rel. BRWN plstc 500ml bottles for home TOW htch for Ford Ranger. Office sign, secluded priv., 315-1000, pgr 378-3082 Mall, bus stop, immed, n/s, n/p (due to

Country Bug Books
$1200obo 525-0047, 378-2417 brewing. $10/bx of 24 378-4853 electirc or any kind 378-4007 allergies), refs req'd 378-8298 aft 2pm
Les Hampton 351 WINDSOR mtr, rns gd w/ trans VERT. fbrc blids, beige, exc cnd., n/s 108"x SET fairly gd P235 lt trck 16” rims 315-5398 ROOMS @ Coldwater Hotel, start- 3-BDRM twnhse $800 util xtra, nr
Bobbi Parkes $800 firm 378-4007 58" $25. Fld-up trck ball pit $15 378-4857 BUY/RNT mtrl cage for rescue cat to ing from $400/mo 378-2821 schl, nw lam. flrng/lino/wndows,
2-BDRM home, fncd yrdf/s, w/d, n/s, n/p Dec. 15 RJ (604)839-2925
Gwayne Point
$500 92 Buick Regal 3.8, nds nw alt (nw ROBO coupe w/ all attach. $375. 378-1383 aclimatize to othr cats 525-0135
$178), >$3000 put in ovr past 3 yrs, nw NW walker, used 3 mos. 378-8807 DBL size mattress. 378-8326 gas ht, nicely reno'd. avail now. OPN bdrm bach. lk nw for wrkng prsn/
Nancy Saddleman
$750 378-4789, 378-7363 senior, n/p, n/s $600 util incl 378- 6312
This project & for sale house/property
exhst, air cared w/ rcrds. $350obo 95 BABY bssnt $30, universal stroller $30, baby
Jana Sasaki
Ford Escort 2-dr hb, nds nw crnk shft swng $30, playpen $10, 4 garb. bags boys 2-BDRM bsmt ste, Jan 1 nr twn 1-BDRM bsmt ste, shared kitch.,
NV Arts Council snsr (nw $40) 378-1398, 280-0591 clothes/shoes/wntrs uits 9-18mths $45/all, 315-2345, 525-0240 suit for wrkng prsn/cpl $650 util
Barbara Rode
SALE/rnt/rnt-to-own: 3-bdrm mbl home,
supported by BUICK LeSabre $3800 (250)377-7786, girls clothes 6-24mths $30/all obo 378-1832 #20 Diamond Vale MHP, reas. offr Dale, 2-BDRM bsmt ste, 1.5 bths, nw, Jan incl, lrg gar. neg., immd 315-4914
280-0857 3 PICS of Elvis, 2 lrg, 1 sml 378-9438 Crystal (250)350-3383 15 378-6268 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, n/s 378-8298

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