City Sanitation Plan Tumkur
City Sanitation Plan Tumkur
City Sanitation Plan Tumkur
Submitted to
Directorate of Municipal
Government of
Submitted by
Administrative Staff
College of India,
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Forward ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Preamble ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Objectives of City-Wide Sanitation Plan ........................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Scope, methodology and limitations .................................................................................................................. 9
1.4 Process, detailed steps and limitations .......................................................................................................... 13
1.5 Primary survey ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
1.5.1 Methodology adopted for the sample surveyed .................................................................................. 16
1.5.2 Communication Needs Assessment ........................................................................................................... 17
1.6 Verification of MoUD checklist ........................................................................................................................... 18
1.6.1 Content Self Assessment ................................................................................................................................. 18
1.6.2 Process Self Assessment .................................................................................................................................. 20
1.7 Chapter Plan ................................................................................................................................................................. 21
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We wish to thank DMA, GoK for having entrusted the preparation of the City Sanitation Plans (CSP) for
selected 8 cities of Karnataka, Tumkur being one of them. Great acknowledge is extended to the MRC
of DMA, GoK in furnishing the digital maps and sharing slum surveyed details under the programme
Asha Kiran Mahiti. To ensure and monitor the progress of CSP, we are acknowledged to the CMAK for
rendering their support in regularly coordinating with the city ULBs during the preparation of CSP.
In order to ensure the authenticity and good judgement of the data collected and surveyed our sincere
acknowledgement to Mr. Anurag Tiwari, Former Commissioner, Tumkur City Corporation, Mrs. Savitri,
Commissioner, Tumkur City Corporation, Mr. Shiva Shankar and Mr. Shivaprasad, Community
Development Officer, Tumkur City Corporation. The ULB officials have not only lent their expertise
and word but also gathered data, assessed environmental issues but also debated their causes and
effects for better planning of CSP. Greater acknowledgement is extended to the CSTF members who
have actively participated in the regular meetings and shared their views and concern on the
development of the city’s infrastructure. I also thank the Bhageerath team for their dedicated efforts
made during the primary survey. This report is built on data gathered in 2010-2011, the relevance of
which cannot be underestimated.
The report also benefitted greatly from a large number of constructive comments from the MoUD, GoI
and Water Sanitation Programme (WSP), New Delhi for building an operational framework and
provided assistance in formulating the report.
Lastly, appreciation and greater acknowledgement goes towards our team of ASCI who has committed
constructively during the meetings, workshops, discussions, data collection, analysis and documenting
the City Sanitation Plan for Tumkur in a good shape.
The Tumkur CSP looks forward to develop effective strategies for safe disposal of solid and liquid
waste generating in the city by suggesting environment friendly with low cost technology options for a
better living. I wish Tumkur city achieves its goal in providing its city with 100% sanitation
infrastructure as drafted in this CSP which could as well improve the sanitation ranking at national
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CSTF Chairperson
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The team of ASCI that has put forth dedicated efforts towards the completion of Tumkur City
Sanitation Plan includes the following members:
1. Prof. Srinivas Chary Vedala Team leader and Task Manager | Overall
Dean and Director, Centre for coordination and guidance, inputs on
Energy, Environment, Urban institutional arrangements and finances
Governance and Infrastructure
Development (CEEUG&ID)
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1.1 Preamble
The National Urban Sanitation Policy (NUSP) 2008 envisages “All Indian cities and towns become
totally sanitized, healthy and livable with a special focus on hygienic and affordable sanitation
facilities for the urban poor and women.” The policy aims to ensure sustained public health and
environmental outcomes for all cities by making them free of open defecation; providing adequate
and properly maintained individual, community and public sanitation facilities, especially for the
poor; ensuring safe and sanitary disposal of waste; altered mindsets, collective behavior change and
health and hygiene practices, and re-oriented institutions that work collaboratively to achieve and
sustain health and environmental benefits. The overall goal of National Policy is to transform Urban
India into community-driven, totally sanitized, healthy and livable cities and towns. Specific goals
a) Awareness generation and behavior change,
b) Open defecation free cities,
c) Integrated town-wide sanitation,
d) Sanitary and safe disposal, and
e) Proper operation &maintenance of all sanitary installations.
Against this background, and in recognition of its importance to national and state development,
the Integrated Town-Wide Sanitation Plan for Tumkur City is prepared to provide town-wide
systematic approach and framework to achieve the goals contemplated under NUSP.
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g) Ward profiling as per City Sanitation Ranking parameters: City as a number of spatial units
looked at indicators pertaining to the practice of open defecation, access to sanitation
(individual, community and public), collection, treatment and disposal of solid and liquid wastes,
proper upkeep and maintenance of the sanitation infrastructure, clear institutional roles and
responsibilities and improvements in health and environment as per the City Sanitation Rating.
h) Communication gap and needs assessment: IEC needs assessment carried out and broad
communication strategy developed in consultation with the ULB officials and other stakeholders.
i) Developing a situation analysis report: The situation analysis, prepared by taking into
consideration the ground realities, local conditions and assessment of the present sanitation
situation. It included inputs from all the above activities with the details of existing household
sanitation arrangements, public sanitary conveniences, wastewater disposal, solid waste
management and water supply. The report also included an analysis of the ULB’s legal
framework and byelaws and financial analysis, data on key public and environmental health,
user charges, willingness to pay, etc.
j) Formulation of vision: This involved understanding the major aspirations with respect to
urban development in the state through consultations and building an overarching vision that
may be appropriate to the articulations. This involved the following ;
Secondary information, data analysis and report review
Brainstorming with key stakeholders and focus groups
Understanding visions of concerned sectors and other constituents e.g., cities and
development agencies and concerned authorities.
k) Development of strategy: This involved understanding of major issues of the sector, major
priorities laid down and an assessment of how the current arrangements are working with
respect to urban development in the city. Also, the key strengths, major weaknesses, potential
opportunities as well as likely threats would also be analysed to move towards the identification
of the action/intervention areas that form the strategy development. This involved:
Completion of information analysis, with quick estimates and review of current policies and
Consultations with key stakeholders/ focused group discussions
Detailed discussion with departments/ agencies/ cities/ authorities
l) Preparation of draft CSP: Finalization of CSP along with recommendations based on the
situation and solutions for making open defecation free city and totally sanitized, public toilet
and community toilets models and operational models; proto-type design recommendation for
all typical situations, waste disposal mechanisms, starters for sewerage layouts and estimation
of requirement in terms of capacities, quantity and finances.
m) Preparation of implementation road map: It involved identifying and documenting
interventions for the improvement of sanitation. The cost estimates of such interventions (only
ball park figures); the institutional responsibility as well as broad timelines for implementation
indicated in the CSP.
Initially, the situational analysis is done with the help of both secondary data and primary survey.
For this purpose, statistical data, information from past reports, institutional sources and
publications will provide, which will be analysed to the requirements of various aspects/subjects of
the study. The sources and methods for data collection included collection of data from ULBs
and/or the water and sanitation utility provided to the city on water supply, sanitation, sewerage,
wastewater treatment, solid waste management, drainage, etc. Comprehensive data required for
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CSP preparation included adequate provision of toilets, open defecation free status, no manual
scavenging, safe handling and treatment/ reuse of human excreta, sullage, drainage and solid waste
management will be collected from secondary sources if possible.
Brainstorming meetings were held in focus groups having wider representation from various
quarters of the society in order to understand current sectoral priorities and aspirations. Time to
time orientation and consultation workshops with stakeholders both at state and city level were
held. Activity outline is given below. The objectives of these workshops included building capacities
of the concerned stakeholders, assessing the drawbacks and potential of these areas, validation of
issues and build consensus in accommodating and addressing the concerns of various distinct
pockets within the given city.
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6. Collection and A review of reports or supporting documents available with City Corporation was
review of secondary done for understanding of the existing status and proposed infrastructure of the
data/ reports city.
7. Focused Group Conducting FGDs have provided to identify problems. FGDs have been conducted
Discussions (FGD) in slum areas, market, residential areas and slaughter house. The FGDs have given
an understanding to prepare the situation assessment of the city’s infrastructure
for CSP.
8. Draft City Sanitation Comprises basic city profile, demographic details, SWM, water supply, waste
Plan water treatment, sewerage network in the city, situation assessment, demand
supply gap assessment, municipal responsibilities, financial assessment, etc. The
integration of the available information along with the outcome of primary survey
and FGDs has been used to prepare the draft CSP.
Step 3: Sensitization/
Step 1: Profiling ULB: As a preparatory work, a preliminary profiling of ULBs using SLB indicators
and city ratings to highlight the ODF status, sanitation situation, health indicators and current
projects was undertaken.
Step 2: Stakeholder analysis: The ULBs are in the frontline of implementation and have a key role
in ensuring sanitation and should focus on demand responsive approach. Plan formulation through
stakeholder consultation will provide the foundation for CSP which has government endorsement
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as well as an informed civil society to monitor its implementation. To play their part, as per the
requirements of CSP, institutions, organizations, individuals, NGOs, academics, journals, local
councilors, industry owners, consultants, representatives of private sector, etc., are identified in
Tumkur and analyzed the strengths and competencies required for sanitation.
Step 4: Constituting CSTF technical core team: CSTF has been constituted by MMC to mobilize
stakeholders to elevate the consciousness about sanitation in the mind of municipal agencies,
government agencies and amongst the people of the city. CSTF will organize a multi-stakeholder,
multi-party meeting in the preparatory stage and take a formal resolution to make the city 100%
sanitized. Details of CSTF, date of constitution, members, etc are given in Annexure 3.
Step 5: Initiating IEC activities: The objective of well driven IEC has to be demand-driven with
social marketing approaches to increase demand for toilets and ensure hygiene behaviors, promote
no subsidies for household toilets in future and encourage diversity in technology and design. For
this purpose ULBs may utilize suitable player for inter-personal IEC and training from the existing
system like; ward development committees, health institutions, schools, National Service Scheme
(NSS) volunteers, the private sector (retailers, contractors, suppliers, plumbers, masons),
neighborhood committees, NGOs and Anganwadi workers.
Step 6: Situation analysis and mapping current status: The situation analysis, prepared by
taking into consideration the ground realities, local conditions and assessment of the present
sanitation situation has been undertaken and broad framework is indicated below:
Tools used: Data templates, survey formats, transect walks along with schedules of interviews
(slums, industrial areas, water bodies), FGDs, technical analysis, impact, indicators, stakeholder
consultations at city level, etc.
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Step 7: Problem analysis and assessment of options: Followed by situational analysis problem,
challenges have been identified in coverage, access, treatment and disposal, institutional, financial,
social and cultural aspects and capacity concerns. Also reviewed comprehensive range of
sanitation and wastewater management options including industrial and municipal sewerage,
sewage treatment, conventional and low cost, centralized and decentralized sewerage, separate and
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combined effluent disposal options, on-site sanitation options, separate programs for schools,
public toilets, sanitation in slums, community-based NGO supported programs, etc.
The main purpose of analyzing the options is to identify plausible technical, financial and
institutional solutions considering (i) unit cost per beneficiary, (ii) maximizing both human and
environmental benefits, (iii) sustainability, (iv) a long-term plan, (v) government policy including
land use zoning, (vi) piloting new approaches, (vii) beneficiary participation, (viii) wastewater as a
resource, (ix) lessons learned from the past and (x) political commitment.
Step 8: Developing and finalization of CSP: Having completed above steps, CSP has been
formulated to articulate sanitation goals, specific quantifications both in terms of technical,
capacities and financial based on stakeholder consultations and the analysis of choices made
depending on costs of capital investments, operation and maintenance, monitoring and evaluation.
Project priorities for sanitation need to consider:
Serving the unserved urban poor
Serving the unserved schools
Serving the unserved public areas
Institutional capacity building for sustainability and environmental monitoring
Grant elements for demonstration pilot projects for eco-sanitation (private developers)
Rehabilitation of existing facilities
Improvement of existing sanitation (septic tank sludge and effluent treatment)
Extension of existing sewerage and sewage treatment (as a last priority)
Areas covered: The survey considered spatially from all parts of the city, but the main focus was
given to the following areas.
Table 4: Surveys and sample numbers
4. Institutions 7
5. Community toilets -
6. Public toilets 7
7. Slaughter houses 0
8. Water bodies 2
9. Commercial places 5
10. Hospitals 0
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xi. Maps and physical features of settlements (wards, slums, etc.) and key Yes
city infrastructure (water, sewerage, drainage, roads, treatment plants,
water and sewage pumping stations, etc.)
xii. Data on health-related indicators of sanitation and water supply Yes
xiii. Other important and locally relevant details (specify)
2) Has the draft CSP identified specific data gaps and developed a plan for Yes
detailed data collection?
II Institutional roles and issues
3) Has the city identified an institutional home/s for sanitation planning,
implementation, monitoring and regulation?
4) Has the draft CSP proposed specific actions to resolve institutional gaps (Score overall ‘Yes if
and overlaps for: at least 5 indicators
below score ‘Yes,
else ‘No)
a. Planning and financing
b. Creation of physical infrastructure
c. O&M management Yes
d. Training and capacity building Yes
e. Monitoring of outcomes
f. Communications
g. Regulation
III City-wide sanitation campaign
5) Does the draft CSP contain a plan for the launch of a 100% sanitation
Campaign in the city?
IV Technology options and city-wide design
6) Has draft CSP detailed and evaluated different technology options (on or Yes
off-site as well for collection, transport and safe disposal – i.e. full-cycle) for
7) Do the proposed sanitation interventions (rehabilitation, retrofitting or
new investments) consider the whole city? (not just a part thereof)
V Urban poor and unreached
8) Has the draft CSP identified the locations or settlements of the urban poor Yes
and other unreached population segments with have no or limited access to
9) Does the draft CSP identify actions for assisting unreached/poor Yes
households with individual, community or public sanitation facilities (in
that order); and efficient disposal from these facilities?
10) Has the draft CSP identified or proposed sources of financing the CSP
(schemes, grants, loans, etc.) for extending access to sanitation and related
behavior change communication activities?
VI Financing and O&M management
11) Does the draft CSP consider an appropriate time-frame and spatial and
demographic dimensions to remain relevant (at least for the 12th Five Year
Plan period, even if investment numbers are indicative or work-in-
12) Were the different sanitation options (hardware plus software) evaluated
on the basis of financial viability? (i.e. Cost Benefit Analysis done)
13) Whether O&M implications of each of the investment options evaluated i.e.
implications on tariff increases and willingness to pay for services;
personnel number and capacities etc.?
14) Has the draft CSP considered options for partnering with private sector,
NGOs etc. for implementation or O&M management of sanitation facilities?
VII Expedient and other actions
15) Has the draft CSP identified the steps for implementing improved
enforcement of existing laws and provisions? (e.g. prohibiting hazardous
discharge of untreated sewage, scrutiny about sanitation arrangements
before issue of building permits)
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16) Have gaps and overlaps in existing regulations identified for resolution? Yes
(e.g. provisions in development regulations or building bye-laws to
promote sanitation including safe disposal)
17) Does the draft CSP have a plan for improving septage management? Yes
18) Whether the draft CSP includes an implementation plan and timeline? Yes
19) Whether the draft CSP has a disaster preparedness component?
20) Whether the draft CSP identifies short-term/ medium-term/ long-term Yes
measures to achieve identified outcomes?
21 Does this draft CSP leads to improvement of service levels with respect of Yes
SLB related to MSW/storm water drainage/solid waste management?
22) Outline of expected improvements on rating as per NUSP? Yes
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Chapter 6 aims to present the strategies for the CSP. It provides the vision for the CSP and its goals
and the basic guiding principles on which the strategies are based. Thereafter, strategies have been
provided to improve coverage and access to sanitation facilities, to implement effectively the
various proposals, options, mechanism for effectively financing the strategies and proposals along
with proper phasing.
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It may be noted that the awards will not recognize mere inputs, hardware or expenditure incurred
in urban sanitation but assess how these lead to achievements of intermediate milestones toward
the final result of 100% safe disposal of wastes from the city on a sustainable basis. Cities will need
to raise the awareness of city stakeholders (households, establishments, industries, municipal
functionaries, media, etc.) since improved sanitation can ensure improved public health and
environmental outcomes only if considerable changes in behavior and practice take place across
the spectrum of society.
Must eliminate the practice of manual scavenging and provide adequate personnel protection
equipment that addresses the safety of sanitation workers
Municipal wastewater and storm water drainage must be safely managed
Recycle and reuse of treated wastewater for non potable applications should be implemented
wherever possible
Solid waste collected and disposed off fully and safely
Services to the poor and systems for sustaining results
Improved public health outcomes and environmental standards
Ideally, data for the above outputs, processes and outcomes are regularly collected by city
authorities but at present, very few cities will have, at best, partial data available. This rating
exercise will help in highlighting the need for regular data collection and monitoring of indicators.
National rating survey data utilizes these categories for publication of results.
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On the basis of plans prepared and implemented, cities will be able to measure the results of their
actions and be able to clearly chart out their improvements over time compared to their baseline
situation. On achievement of remarkable results, i.e. coming into the Green category (Healthy and
clean city), cities will typically become eligible for the national award. Other cities showing
remarkable incremental performance or selective achievements may also be given special or
honorary awards. Cities in different size-classes may also be considered for category-wise awards.
Based on results of the rating survey and selection of awardees, cities will be invited to participate
in a National Urban Sanitation Award ceremony.
Findings of a survey commissioned by the MoUD rated Indian cities on safe sanitation practices of
423 Class-I cities (with a population of more than 1,00,000). Four color codes have been assigned
to the cities based on the points they obtained in the rating; Red means the cities need 'immediate
remedial action', Black means 'need considerable improvement', Blue means ‘recovering,’ Green
means ‘healthy and clean’, community-driven Nirmal Shahar, or totally sanitized, healthy and
liveable cities and towns. One of the objectives of CSP is to improve the scores by identifying their
interventions areas. None of the cities fall in the green category. The distribution of the 436 cities
in the said categories has been presented in the table as follows.
Schedule Description
I Relates to implementation schedule
II Specifications relating to collection, segregation, storage, transportation,
processing and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW).
III Specifications for land filling indicating; site selection, facilities at the site,
specifications for and filling, Pollution prevention, water quality
monitoring, ambient air quality monitoring, plantation at landfill site,
closure of landfill site and post care.
IV Indicate waste processing options including; standards for composting,
treated l lactates and incinerations.
The MSW Rules (2000) very categorically state the roles and responsibilities of ULBs, the State
Government, the Union Territory Administrations and the Pollution Control Boards. The roles of the
ULBs as stated are as follows:
1. Every municipal authority shall, within the territorial area of the municipality, be responsible
for the implementation of the provisions of these rules and for any infrastructure development
for collection, storage, segregation, transportation, processing and disposal of municipal solid
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2. The municipal authority or an operator of a facility shall make an application in Form I, for
grant of authorization for setting up waste processing and disposal facility including landfills
from the State Board or the Committee in order to comply with the implementation
programme laid down in Schedule I.
3. The municipal authority shall comply with these rules as per the implementation schedule laid
down in Schedule I.
4. The municipal authority shall furnish its annual report
a. To the Secretary-in-charge of the Department of Urban Development of the concerned State
or as the case may be of the Union Territory, in case of a metropolitan city; or
b. To the District Magistrate or the Deputy Commissioner concerned in case of all other towns
and cities, with a copy to the State Board or the Committee on or before the 30 th day of June
every year.
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Objectives of ILCS
To stop proliferation of dry toilets and open defecation
To remove the dehumanizing practice of manual scavenging
To provide better sanitation facilities to the people of all municipalities in the state
To motivate people of latrine less areas, to come forward and build toilets
To inculcate healthy practice of maintaining sanitation
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The preparatory phase of RAY has already commenced under Slum free City Planning Scheme from
2010 and action plan has being drawn to proceed towards the goal of slum-free cities in a
systematic and time bound manner.
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2.9 Namma Mane Yojane (Interest Subsidy Scheme for Housing the Urban Poor)
Interest Subsidy Scheme for Housing the Urban Poor (ISHUP) has been conceived for providing
interest subsidy on housing urban poor to make the housing affordable and within the repaying
capacity of EWS/LIG. The scheme encourages poor sections to avail loan facilities through
Commercial Banks/HUDCO for the purposes of construction of houses and avail 5% subsidy in
interest payment for loans up to Rs. 1 lakh. Loan repayment periods will be permissible generally
ranging from 15-20 years. The subsidy will be 5% per annum for EWS and LIG, admissible for a
maximum loan amount of Rs. 1 lakh over the full period of the loan. Beneficiary borrowers may
choose fixed or floating rates (the consequences clearly explained to the borrowers by PLIs). An
additional of 1% per annum maximum will be permitted to be charged by banks/HFCs if fixed rate
loans are extended which will be subject to reset after a minimum period of 5 years.
The scheme will leverage flow of institutional finance for the EWS and LIG segment households and
result in creation of additional housing stock of 3.10 lakh houses for EWS/LIG segments over the
next 4 years (2008-2012) out of which 2.13 lakh dwelling units are targeted for EWS housing and
0.97 lakh for LIG housing. Households with monthly income of up to Rs 3,300 are classified as EWS
while those with monthly income between Rs 3,300 and Rs 7,300 are termed LIG. Preference will
be given to scheduled caste, schedule tribe, minorities and person with disabilities and women
beneficiaries in accordance with their proportion in the total population of city /urban agglomerate
during the 2001 census.
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In recent years the city has grown extensively and growth rate is considerably high over the past
decades. As the city is the closest to the state capital Bangalore through a new dedicated express
highway road and railway. It is estimated that the city will grow at a much faster pace due to
population migration. The city should make adequate efforts to improve the city’s infrastructure in
terms of providing adequate potable water supply, sanitation, roads and improving overall hygiene
of the city.
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classified into four. The dry season is from January to February followed by hot weather from
March to May. Over 18% of annual rainfall occurs during the pre monsoon season. The monsoon
season is from June to September yielding around 52% of the annual rainfall. The post monsoon
period from October to December contributes to nearly 30% of annual rainfall. On an average,
annually over 650 mm rainfall occurs in nearly 45 rainy days.
3.4 Topography
Tumkur is located at 13020’N longitude and 77006’E latitude. It has an average elevation of 822
meters (2696 feet).
River basins: Pennar, Lower Cauvery and Lower Tungabhadra drain the district. Pennar Basin is
drained by Jayamangala and Kumudvathi rivers which are tributaries of North Pinakini river. River
Shimsha drains the area falling in Lower Cavery Basin in the district. Lower Tungabhadra Basin is
drained by Vedavathi and Suvarnamukhi rivers in the district. There are no perennial rivers in the
city. The rivers and streams originate from small watersheds and empty into number of tanks
scattered in the district. The drainage pattern in the area is semidendratic to dendratic.
3.6 Economy
Tumkur is a place having commercial, educational and industrial centres. Agricultural activity in
and around Tumkur city is another source of income as the land around the city is suitable to
cultivate rice, millets, ragi, maize, coconut, arecanut, pulses, oil seeds, etc. Tumkur has been
recently grown in the field of education. There are various colleges and institutes established in the
field of medicine, engineering, etc. The surrounding areas of Tumkur have new industrial layouts
developed and this is causing a huge population growth the city.
3.7 Industries
The chief industries are the making of coarse cotton cloths, woolen blankets, ropes, watches
(Hindustan Machine Tools), WIPRO, TVSE and Karmobiles Ltd., which is merged with Rane Madras.
"Tumkur glow for Beauty Crowns" Swarnmandir has been chiseling out the intricate nuances of
gold crowns for Miss India-Universe, Miss India-World and Miss India-Earth sponsored by Tanishq
have their industries around the town.
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3.9 Demography
Census 2001 was the last official
data available on demographic 305821
details of Tumkur city. The field 248929
surveys for the Census 2011
have been completed and 200000
Table 10: Population trends representing the average decadal growth of Tumkur city
Decadal growth
Year Population Households
rate (%)
1961 47277 8627
1971 70476 49 12975
1981 108670 54 19060
1991 179877 65 34595
2001 248929 38 53958
2011 305821 23 65958
Source: Tumkur City Corporation, Tumkur
As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Tumkur in 2011 is 305,821; of which male
and female are 155,406 and 150,415 respectively. The sex ratio of Tumkur city is 968 per 1000
males. Total children (0-6) in Tumkur city are 29,655 as per figure from Census India report on
2011. There were 15,233 boys while 14,422 are girls. Child sex ratio of girls is 947 per 1000 boys.
projected population is forecasted to reach around 3.67 lakhs in the year 2020, 4.29 lakhs in the
year 2030 and 4.91 lakhs by the year 2040 as depicted in the table below.
2005 2009 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Geometric increase Incremental increase
Arithmetical increase Average of 3 methods
Ward wise demographic details and its potentials summarized in the table below:
Growth rate potential of Tumkur has been demarcated into 5 categories namely, very high (0-
5000), high (5000-10000), medium (10000-20000), low (20000-30000) and very low (above
30000) depending on population density.
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(Due to unavailability of ward wise area, the density rate has not been calculated. The information
will be updated once the area is received)
Agricultural land: The agricultural activity is predominant in and around the city accounting to
2767 hectares which is 36.7% of the developed area. Due to the soil and suitable climatic condition,
there is good scope for agricultural produce.
Residential areas: The residential area is estimated to be around 2152 hectares which is 28.5% of
the developed area. Residential developments are concentrated in Hulkur, Gandhi Nagar, S.S.
Puram, Yallapura, A.K. Colony, CSI layout, Siddhalinga Palya, Poor House Colony, etc. It is expected
that residential areas grow enormously due to increasing population and demand for extension of
residential layouts.
Transportation and communication: The area covered is 1117 hectares, which is 14.8% of the
total developed area. The area, which comes under this use is the areas covered by roads, streets,
bus stand, railway tracks and railway stations, AIR, telephone exchange, aerodrome etc. For some
existing important roads, road widening of the narrow roads is also been proposed.
Commercial use: The area under commercial use is 142.7 hectares which is 1.9% of the total
developed area. The city is an important commercial centre in the state, but there is no organized
central business area for the entire city. The business activity is observed mainly around bus stand,
along the Bangalore Road. Because of lack of proper control, informal shopping on footpath has
come up and this obstructs the movement of pedestrians and vehicles.
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Industrial use: The total area under Industrial use is 339 hectares i.e, 4.5% of the total
development in industrial area. Siragate, Badwadi, Antarasanahalli, etc., are the predominant
industrial area in the city.
The Tumkur city is one of the fastest growing cities in Karnataka state. The factor responsible for
its growth includes the city being closer to the capital city Bangalore, education, agriculture, etc.
There are around 65,958 residential properties as per the Corporation records. The commercial
properties account to about 8,386. There are around 292 institutions in the city.
There is no authorized slaughter house in Tumkur city operating as per the Pollution Control Board
norms. The slaughtering of animals is done in the premises of meat shops on illegal basis. The
waste water after cleaning of waste from these shops is directly discharged into the open drains
and the solid waste is mixed with the municipal solid waste which is dumped with the other waste
without any segregation.
No. of properties
No. Government No. of meat
Residential Commercial Institutions
Hospitals shops
1 1254 180 2 7
2 1674 322 5 13
3 1359 162 8 13
4 1678 381 7 10
5 1648 454 6 4
6 3080 367 8 0
7 1709 361 12 12
8 1153 160 4 13
9 1954 229 13 15
10 1575 329 2 5
11 2358 248 11 9
12 1842 322 9 40
13 2498 359 8 1 2
14 1426 183 6 1 4
15 1526 261 7 4
16 2536 391 4 6
17 2183 26 9 1
18 2446 337 5 4
19 1854 259 10 8
20 2711 260 11 14
21 1361 163 14 4
22 1388 165 16 0
23 2178 247 18 12
24 2078 96 19 0
25 2112 67 11 3
26 1334 89 9 10
27 2315 82 12 6
28 1452 102 8 4
ASCI, Hyderabad 37
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
29 2276 70 9 7
30 2210 82 7 0
31 1186 526 6 5
32 2200 254 1 8
33 2200 567 5 1 5
34 2179 140 7 3
35 1025 145 3 9
Total 65958 8386 292 3 260
Source: Tumkur City Corporation
Ward Area
Slum Name
No. (sq.
2 1. Siragate A.K. Colony 0.0084 239 69 79 25
6 2. Dibbur 0.201 1069 270 1056 267
6 3. Dibbur Janatha Colony 0.0292 617 167 579 157
7 4. G.C.R. Colony 0.0088 1748 336 1725 330
8 5. Sante Maydhana 0.0034 448 100 448 100
9 6. Hegdde Colony 0.0243 2051 399 2038 395
12 7. Nazarabhadh 0.117 4475 943 4255 900
12 8. Sweepers colony 0.0048 709 144 553 117
13 9. Kuripalya 0.0052 1230 265 1002 224
13 10. Laboury Colony 0.0081 976 193 976 193
14 11. Idgha Mohalla 0.0246 1228 248 499 104
16 12. B.M. Thotha 0.012 1227 312 796 207
17 13. Hallashetty kerepalya 0.024 1808 449 1764 439
18 14. Goodsshed Colony 0.0247 3556 800 3035 678
20 15. Ambedkar Nagar 0.0091 390 130 369 123
20 16. N.R. Colony 0.016 3659 800 2712 604
23 17. Bhagyamandhira 0.009 228 60 211 56
24 18. Upparahalli 0.02 634 151 533 127
ASCI, Hyderabad 38
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
● Notified
● Non-notified
The slums in Tumkur city is spread over 23 wards. It is observed that the slum population is dense
to about 40-50% of the total population in some of the wards as given in the table below. Most of
the slum dwellers are living under below poverty line. The livelihood options are limited and
people are dependent on works involving daily wages. There needs lot of improvement in the city
especially the slum locations.
Table 17: Notified and non-notified slum details as on 2010-2011
Ward wise %
Ward Total Slum Slum
of slum
No. population population households
1 10211 505 115 5%
2 7981 1708 449 21%
6 12999 1686 437 13%
7 7340 1748 336 24%
8 8225 448 100 5%
9 12456 2051 399 16%
11 11452 3229 697 28%
12 11523 5184 1087 45%
13 9987 3487 731 35%
14 8453 1631 332 19%
16 10289 1227 312 12%
17 8792 1808 449 21%
18 6894 3556 800 52%
20 9956 4049 930 41%
22 11945 903 241 8%
23 7942 1277 352 16%
24 12346 634 151 5%
26 7999 837 177 10%
29 8265 9547 1986 116%
30 9745 653 155 7%
31 8084 784 172 10%
34 11798 2243 531 19%
35 8831 1447 330 16%
223513 50642 11269
Source: MRC, DMA, GoK and Tumkur City Corporation
ASCI, Hyderabad 40
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
The secondary information is validated with the primary survey along with the focused group
discussions in slums and other areas of concern to understand the problematic areas with regards
to improper sanitation, its status and hygiene among the people.
No. of
Sanitation arrangement Percentage
Total households in Tumkur: 65958
Toilets connected to conventional sewer + 310 HHs using 36477 55%
community toilets
Toilets connected to septic tank 23749 36%
Toilets connected to pit latrine 1491 2%
Toilets connected to open nallas 1379 2%
ASCI, Hyderabad 41
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
The environmental condition in these areas is unsatisfactory with regards to discharged water,
improper services and unhygienic conditions. The lines that are connected to open nalla get
blocked frequently causing overflow of waste water leading to environmental crisis leaving with
severe health hazards. Fecal matter in the places where toilets are connected to open nalla is a
quite common site. The complaints are not addressed on time which causes severe problems to the
residents of these localities.
Toilets connected to open nallas: As per the Tumkur Corporation records, around 1379 (2%)
household toilets are directly connected to open nalla. The environmental condition in these areas
is unsatisfactory with regards to discharged water and its effects on health of the residents. The
lines that are connected to open nalla get blocked frequently and this causes overflow of waste
water in near places causing environmental crisis. The complaints are not addressed on time which
causes severe problems to the residents of these localities.
Toilets connected to septic tank with/without soak pit: Majority of the toilets is connected to
the septic tank with or without soak pit. As per the Tumkur City Corporation records, there are
23749 (36% of total households) households toilets connected to septic tanks with soak pits.
ASCI, Hyderabad 42
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
Permanent: Houses with wall and roof made of permanent materials. Wall can be G.I., metal, asbestos sheets,
burnt bricks, stone or concrete. Roof can be made of tiles, slates G.I., metal, asbestos sheets, bricks, stone or
Temporary: Houses with wall and roof made of temporary material. Wall can be made of grass, thatch,
bamboo, plastic, polythene, mud, unburnt brick or wood. Roof can be made of grass, thatch, bamboo, wood,
mud, plastic or polythene.
Semi-permanent: Either of wall or roof is made of permanent material & other is made of temporary
Serviceable: Wall is made of mud, unburnt brick or wood.
Non-serviceable: Wall is made of grass, thatch, bamboo, plastic or polythene, etc.
As per the notification on service level benchmarking, Tumkur has been overestimated compared
to the secondary sources of information and field investigations indicated different picture on most
of the indicators especially on the coverage of toilets and coverage of sewage network services.
Thus, it is imperative to maintain a strong database on the sanitation parameters.
Sewerage network in slums: The sanitation in the city needs improvement with regards to the
toilets connection to the UGD or septic tanks is concerned. As per the records of Asha Kiran Mahiti
of Karnataka Municipal Reforms Cell, DMA, GoK, it is observed that around 67% of the slum
household toilets are connected to storm water drainage. This needs serious attention to transform
the connections to either UGD or septic tank or at least to the pit system depending upon the city’s
infrastructure. Around 24% (2705) of the household toilets are connected to UGD which is very
less in number. Around 31% is not connected to the sewerage network which indicates absence of
toilet and clear indication of open defecation or usage of community toilets.
Type of toilets in slums: As per the analysis of information obtained from Karnataka Municipal
Reforms Cell, DMA, GoK, it is apparent that some of the slum areas in Tumkur are having toilets
either individual or dependant on public/community toilets or practicing open defecation. Though
there are certain gaps or the missing links in facilitating sanitation infrastructure in slums. As given
in the table below, it is inferred that approximately 9509 (14%) of the total slum households are
having sewerage arrangements with septic tanks and pits in their toilets. However, around 1760
(3%) of the total slum households practice defecating in open. During the field visit it was observed
that the slum dwellers are habituated in openly defecating. Even ladies are defecating in open areas
though they feel that it is not safe to go out in the night times. Some of the toilets constructed in the
houses are poorly connected to the open drains without UGD connection. Presently most of the
houses have converted their toilets into storage houses. The toilets constructed under the ILCS
programme are not in use due to poor drainage network causing frequent blockage of the drains.
ASCI, Hyderabad 44
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
35% Individual
toilet Communi Public
11% ty toilet toilet
3% 1%
Survey results revealed that only 51% of the households have individual toilets, 1% used public
toilet, shared and community toilets comprises of 10% and 3% respectively, while open defecation
ASCI, Hyderabad 45
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
is about 34%. Tumkur city is observed to have high OD occurrences which may be due to defunct
toilets, unavailability of toilets, lack of water supply, lack of space, etc.
Ward Slum Slum Percentage
Slum name practicing
No households population of OD
1 Settihalli A.K. Colony 115 505 85 73.9%
2 Antharasana halli 380 1469 242 63.7%
34 Ellarabande 194 779 121 62.4%
34 Kaythsandra A.K. Colony 187 866 97 51.9%
35 Near R.M.C. Yard 108 456 51 47.2%
14 Mariyamma Nagara 84 403 37 44.0%
12 Sweepers colony 144 709 61 42.4%
31 Batawadi 110 484 41 37.3%
13 Laboury Colony 193 976 69 35.8%
11 Gangasandra A.K. Colony 76 328 26 34.2%
20 N.R. Colony 800 3659 246 30.8%
22 Devanuru 241 903 67 27.8%
35 Devarayapattana Colony 222 991 58 26.1%
30 Bharathi Nagara 155 653 39 25.2%
6 Dibbur Janatha Colony 167 617 41 24.6%
13 Kuripalya 265 1230 64 24.2%
2 Siragate A.K. Colony 69 239 16 23.2%
18 Goodsshed Colony 800 3556 109 13.6%
11 RajivGandhi Extn 559 2624 73 13.1%
13 Tippu Nagara 273 1281 29 10.6%
23 Bhagyamandhira 60 228 6 10.0%
7 G.C.R. Colony 336 1748 24 7.1%
29 Maraluru Janatha Colony 1986 9547 127 6.4%
34 Maruthi Nagara 150 598 8 5.3%
31 Jayanagara 62 300 2 3.2%
14 Idgha Mohalla 248 1228 7 2.8%
24 Upparahalli 151 634 2 1.3%
9 Hegdde Colony 399 2051 3 0.8%
17 Hallashetty kerepalya 449 1808 3 0.7%
12 Nazarabhadh 943 4475 6 0.6%
ASCI, Hyderabad 46
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
The main issues identified in open defecation are lack of water supply, space constraint to construct
toilet and behavioral attitude in people who prefer defecating in open places. The percentage of OD
in households ranges from 0-74% of the respective slum area. The areas that need immediate
action to prevent OD are Settihalli A.K. Colony, Antharasanahalli, Ellarabande, Kaythsandra A.K.
Colony, Near R.M.C. Yard, Mariyamma Nagara, Sweepers Colony, Batawadi, Laboury Colony,
Gangasandra A.K. Colony, N.R. Colony, Devanuru, Devarayapattana Colony, Bharathi Nagara, Dibbur
Janatha Colony, Kuripalya, Siragate A.K. Colony, Goodshed Colony, Rajiv Gandhi Extn, Tippu Nagara
and Bhagyamandhira.
As per the primary survey, another 6 wards apart from the 20 wards mentioned below experience
open defecation namely, ward No. 8, 21, 26, 27, 28 and 32 as shown in the table below with low to
high occurrences in these wards. Remaining 9 wards can be declared as OD free wards. The
following table indicates the ranges of OD in different wards that needs efforts to address and
eliminate OD in these areas by supplementing with total sanitation facilities.
Table 22: Existing status and the range of open defecation in slums
ASCI, Hyderabad 47
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
0- 5% 9, 12, 17, 24 4
6 - 10% 7, 23, 29 3
11 - 15% 14, 18 2
> 16% 1, 2, 6, 11, 13, 20, 22, 30, 31, 34, 35 11
Total 20
In addition, as per 8, 21, 26, 27, 28, 32 6
primary survey
Grand total 26
Source: Analysis done by ASCI based on secondary data and primary survey
Affordability to construct
1% 0% Affordability of connecting
1% to sewer network
8% 11% Uncertainty over land and
39% tenure
Space constraints
Figure: Feceal matter along the side of Amani Lake and Bheemsandra Lake
ASCI, Hyderabad 48
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
According to the Primary survey, around 7 public toilets were surveyed to know the status and
condition of the toilet facilities provided. There are total 65 toilets seats in 7 public toilets
surveyed. These toilets are maintained by CMC, NGOs and private agencies. The condition of toilets
was found to be average. The toilets are running on par and use basis ranging from Rs. 3.00 for
defecation and Rs. 1.00 for urinals. The user of the toilets ranges from 250-700 users/day with a
total of 2800 users/day. The toilets are of Indian style and the outlet connected to the sewer lines.
As per the survey the toilets are cleaned 3-5 times a day.
ASCI, Hyderabad 49
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
Hall Circle
Akila Bharatha Pariyavaran
5. Railway Station 2 2 2 250
Grama Vikasana Samsthe
6. Private Bus Sulab International Social
10 3 10 500
Stand Service Organization
7. KSRTC Bus Stand 8 9 8 700 KSRTC Bus Stand
Total 7 surveyed 38 27 44 2800
Source: Primary Survey, ASCI
Figure 9: Public toilet at Railway Station Figure 10: Public toilet at B.H. Road
Figure 11: Public toilet at City Market Figure 12: Public toilet at Ashoka Road
Figure 13: Public toilet near District Court Figure 14: Public toilet at KSRTC Bus Stand
ASCI, Hyderabad 50
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
There is more demand on constructing community toilets as there are household toilets with
improper facilities, defunct toilets and also absence of toilets. People with absence of individual
toilets should be encouraged to use community toilets to reduce the occurrence of open defecation.
ASCI, Hyderabad 51
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
30-40 74%
10 to 20
people More
22% than 50
20-30 people
people 0%
ASCI, Hyderabad 52
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
Table 17: Ward wise details of Government Schools and their sanitation facilities
ASCI, Hyderabad 53
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
22 HPS PS,UPS,HS 3 3 2 3 N
23 HPS PS,UPS,HS 4 4 3 2 N
24 HPS PS,UPS 3 3 2 3 Y
28 PS UPS 4 4 3 3 Y
29 HPS PS,UPS,HS 2 3 2 3 Y
31 HPS PS,UPS,HS 4 4 3 3 N
32 HPS PS,UPS 3 2 3 2 N
33 HPS PS,UPS,HS 3 3 2 2 Y
34 HPS PS,UPS,HS 3 3 2 2 Y
35 HPS PS,UPS 2 2 2 2 Y
88 88 71 72
Source: Tumkur City Corporation, Tumkur
Total Sanitation Campaign guidelines at present stipulate that toilets in all types of Government
Schools i.e. Primary, Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary and Anganwadis should be
constructed. The Department of Drinking Water Supply is supporting the construction of toilets and
urinals in schools under TSC.
The guidelines say that separate toilets for girls and boys should be provided in co-educational schools
which are to be treated as two separate units and each unit is entitled to Central assistance. The unit
cost of each school toilet units is Rs. 20,000 of which 70% i.e. Rs. 14,000 is given as Central share, the
rest being the State share. Each unit consists of one toilet and three or four urinals. It is evident that the
number of toilet units to be built should be linked to the number of students to be catered to by each
unit. Hence, the following clarification is issued:
“One Urinal space may be provided for every 20 to 40 boys or girls separately and one toilet seat may
be provided for every 80 to 120 boys or girls separately. One school toilet unit should consist of one
lavatory and three to four urinals. Construction should be in multiples of units depending on the
strength of the school, on whether students are allowed to go to urinals during classes, on whether
schools have staggered breaks, space available in the school premises, expected growth in the
enrolment and other regional conditions. States are given the flexibility to define their norms within
this range depending on existing State norms and the other factors mentioned above. School-wise
requirement of toilet units should be worked out based on these factors.”
ASCI, Hyderabad 54
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
The individual toilets in the households are mostly connected to septic tanks and some of the toilets
also have single and or double pit system. There are around 23749 septic tanks and 1491 pits in
the city as shown in the table below. The sludge from the septic tanks and pits are excavated with
the interval of 2-6 years depending upon the status and requirement. As per the Tumkur City
Corporation records there is regular monitoring on maintenance of septic tanks and pits. The
septic tanks and pits are cleaned using sucking and jetting machines. There are 3 sucking machines
with the City Corporation used for sludge removal. Around 150 tanks are cleaned every year. No
manual scavenging is performed for cleaning of septic tanks. The excavated sludge is transferred to
the agricultural lands as manure.
ASCI, Hyderabad 55
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
The primary survey results state that around 81% of the surveyed households water closets
connected to septic tank are cleaned by private sweepers and around 19% of the tanks are cleaned
by Municipality. It is important to understand the mechanism in operating and cleaning the septic
tanks by the private sweepers. It is important that the private sweepers use sucking machines and
not cleaned manually. The City Corporation should maintain a record and monitor these private
sweepers and the method of cleaning adopted. Majority of the septic tanks (around 71%
households) are cleaned once in two years. Whereas, around 17% of the households clean their
septic tanks once a year and around 12% of the households surveyed cleaned the septic tanks once
in 6 months.
Municipalit Once in a
y two years
19% 71%
in a
Private 17%
Once in 6 <6
months months
12% 0%
Figure 18: Cleaning of septic tanks Figure 19: Frequency of cleaning septic tanks
Particulars Value Remarks
1 No of customers being charged for sewerage 8860
2 Connection fee (one-time) to connect to system Rs. 2500/-
3 Average monthly tariff (Rs. per connection) Rs.
4 Annual demand for sewerage tariff (Rs.) - last
year data
ASCI, Hyderabad 56
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
1. Proper monitoring of the operation and maintenance for the UGD system is required.
2. Good operation and maintenance of UGD system will reduce the spread of disease.
3. Low-lying areas should be connected to proper drainage so as to prevent breeding of
4. More community toilets in slum areas are required.
5. UGD facilities should be provided in slums.
6. Inspections should be done frequently on periodic basis.
7. Health and hygiene related matters need to be conveyed to people through IEC programs.
ASCI, Hyderabad 57
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
As per the field observations, the condition of these meat shops is not satisfactory. The liquid waste
is let into the sewer lines or is let into the open drains. The solid waste from the slaughtering of
animals is also found to be dumped into the open drains or on the road side.
ASCI, Hyderabad 58
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
Figure : Slaughtering of goat near S.S. Temple Figure : Slaughtering of goat and its liquid waste
Road, B.G. Palya Circle spread at the premises near Kothi Thopu
Waste water
Year Projected population
generated in MLD
2010 304,938 39
2015 336,054 43
2020 367,170 47
2025 398,286 51
2030 429,403 55
2035 460,519 59
2040 491,635 63
2045 522,751 67
Note: The average waste water generation is taken as 129 lpcd
Source: Estimated by ASCI, Hyderabad
ASCI, Hyderabad 59
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
ASCI, Hyderabad 60
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
28 6500 13500 40
29 5400 11500 55
30 8000 9000 35
31 13000 8000 40
32 10000 8000 25
33 12870 11000 60
34 3000 5000 30
35 3900 5500 60
204260 225950
Source: Tumkur City Corporation, Tumkur
Figure 21: Flood prone areas during rainy Figure 22: Time taken to solve solid waste
season problems by the ULB
ASCI, Hyderabad 61
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
• Improper maintenance of manholes, sewer pipes and other drainage network systems
• Improper tertiary network arrangement
• De-silting of the primary and secondary storm water drains
• Improvement of storm water drainage near downstream end/tank bed areas
• Removal of bottle necks in the system
• Providing drain improvement in low-lying areas
• Drain widening and construction of new drain walls
• Providing rehabilitation to existing drain walls, bridges and culverts
• Providing drain bed protection
• Community awareness campaigns
• Training and maintenance
ASCI, Hyderabad 63
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
68 67
18 17
20 14 14 13 12
10 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3
Residential Commercial Street Construction Market waste Choultries Slaughter Floating
sweeping waste Houses waste
Waste generation: The various sources of MSW generation include domestic households,
commercial establishments, hotels, markets, marriage halls, construction waste and health centers.
Domestic households: The waste
Box 6: SWM initiatives by the Government
generated in domestic households forms the
major component of the total MSW The Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 and Karnataka
Municipal Corporation Act, 1976, have emphasized the
generated in ULBs. The amount of solid need to collect and dispose ‘rubbish and filth’ in a
waste generated by the households is 68 defined manner, so as to keep public places clean.
MTD and 67 MTD collected by the City However, there is no reference to scientific collection
Corporation. and disposal of the same. Hence, rules have been laid
down fixing the responsibility of management of solid
waste disposal and various standards for disposal
Commercial establishments: The
solid waste. Rules that regulate the management and
commercial establishments in the cities handling of solid waste in Tumkur are:
range from general shops, petty shops, Municipal Solid Wastes (Management & Handling)
bakeries and juice shops, electrical and Rules, 2000;
electronics and wholesale and retail stores. Karnataka State Policy on Integrated Solid Waste
The waste from commercial areas Management (ISWM);
contributes to 18 MTD from which 17 MTD Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules,
is collected.
Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules,
Market waste: The waste is collected by the 1989, 2000, 2003
Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules, 2001; and
Corporation on daily basis. The waste from
Recycled Plastics (Manufacture & Usage) Rules,
market is organic in nature. The waste
generated is 5 MTD with 100% collection Guidelines for managing E-waste, 2002
Construction waste: The city is experiencing development in the field of construction. The waste
from construction activities contribute to 13 MTD of which 12 MTD is collected for further disposal.
storage bins (dumper bins) have been placed at commercial areas and bulk waste generation
points. The MSW stored in the dumper bins is transferred to the compost facility using dumper
placers. The chicken and mutton market waste is collected by the City Corporation and transported
along with the municipal solid waste.
Figure 25: Drains mixed with waste water and solid waste disposed
Street sweeping: The road length in Tumkur city is approximately 575 km. The street sweeping
activity in the city is carried out by the pourkarmikas. The street sweeping activities are classified
on the basis of three categories of roads depending upon the frequency of collection namely; A type
roads for daily collection (133 km), B type roads where the waste is collected twice a week (233
km) and C type roads where waste is collected once a week (299.7 km). The waste from streets and
the silt collected from the road side drains are temporarily stored is small heaps on the road sides
or are collected in the bins.
The roads and drains are swept by the pourkarmikas which is then collected in the bins. The waste
is primarily collected using bins and containers which are then dumped into the auto tippers at the
waste collection points. The secondary waste is then collected using trucks, tractors and dumper
placers for further treatment.
ASCI, Hyderabad 65
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
The estimated quantum of MSW generated from residential areas is 131 TPD of which around 118
is collected for further treatment. The details of ward wise waste generated and collected is given
in the table below:
ASCI, Hyderabad 66
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
Door-to- Disposed
door in road
collection side bin
26% 27%
Once in 3
Disposed at
in drain Three
designate days &
5% d open Once in Daily Daily above
dumping 2 days once twice 49%
spot… 1% 3% 0%
Figure 26: Disposal of solid waste Figure 27: Frequency of solid waste collection
ASCI, Hyderabad 67
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
Design life
The phases of design life of a landfill comprises of an ‘active’ period and a ‘closure and post closure’
period. As per MSW Rules the active period of a landfill site shall be large enough to last for 20-25
years. The ‘closure’ and ‘post-closure’ period for which a landfill is monitored and maintained will
typically be 15 years after the ‘active’ period is completed.
ASCI, Hyderabad 68
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
The MSW management activities are being supervised by the Health Department of TCC. The
details of the officials and other conservancy staff including pourkarmikas is set out in the table
Source: Implementation of Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management System in Tumkur, Karnataka
ASCI, Hyderabad 70
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
1. Private sector helping the waste management by treating the solid waste generated by them
in their premises and as per the MSW rules to be implemented
2. Training, motivating and educating the workers
3. Scientific way of working (Allotting labourers to a particular area on population basis)
ASCI, Hyderabad 71
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
4. Create enough awareness among the community about the importance of waste segregation
at source of generation and recycling inorganic waste
5. 100% achievement in door to door collection, by creating proper infrastructures and road
6. Capacity building training of staffs for segregation of waste is very important.
7. Provide adequate safety measures for the staff.
8. Regular time to time collection of waste
9. Covering of vehicles carrying waste.
10. Single door containers can be made available.
11. Training for pourakarmikas regarding waste handling.
12. Supply of disinfectants for mosquitoes and other insects.
13. Regularizing government rules and to be implemented properly. SWM rules should be strictly
envisaged in coordination with RWA, SHG, etc. Implementation of IEC for safe disposal of SW.
14. Awareness among the public can be created only through the ULB.
ASCI, Hyderabad 72
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
Total 23
The annual expenditure for 2009-10 for the maintenance (over and above new infrastructure
installment) is Rs. 456.81 lakhs for water production and supply and Rs. 36.84 lakhs for sewerage
while the annual revenue is Rs. 140.2 lakhs for water supply. The ULB does not charge the
customers for sewerage service. The water supply therefore is not at its breakeven level as far as
costs are concerned. However, it was reported that the CMC does not have to borrow or run deficits
to pay the bills.
The second phase of water supply up gradation is in progress. It promises 24X7 water supply
across the city. The project budget is Rs. 4727 lakhs. Out of this the share of CMC is Rs. 470 lakhs
and Rs. 4133 lakhs is the loan. Rs. 1102.88 lakhs is the government grant, Rs. 3151.4 lakhs is the
loan from financial institutions and Rs. 472 lakhs goes to the ULB.
ASCI, Hyderabad 73
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
17 940 3 8 3 6 2
18 1520 1 34 1 6 0
19 998 3 40 2 5 0
20 950 3 200 1 8 0
21 2016 3 8 3 9 19
22 1097 2 22 2 9 0
23 400 2 200 3 14 0
24 1544 1 73 2 20 5
25 1043 1 10 1 4 6
26 1009 1 25 3 6 6
27 1195 1 10 3 2 2
28 1034 1 120 1 10 1
29 544 1 85 3 5 0
30 2062 2 35 4 30 0
31 2618 1 70 3 8 0
32 961 1 8 3 4 0
33 1258 2 150 2 10 0
34 1073 2 25 2 0 8
35 1242 1.5 47 2 11 0
39788 2695 263 130
Source: Tumkur City Corporation, Tumkur
Benchmarking: The World Bank prescribed benchmark level for NRW is 20%. Considering our
calculated figure of 39% to be correct, the ULB should check the volume of NRW. This might be
possible by minimizing leakages and taking actions so as to check water theft.
Meters: There is no metering in Tumkur and hence the quantity of water supplied or consumed by
any particular section of customers cannot be readily identified.
Benchmarking: Metering is a very important tool when it comes to recovering costs for water
consumption and estimating the per capita water usage so that water conservation measures can
be undertaken. Tumkur needs to implement metering, the benchmark level being 100% for the
Network performance: The water supply network has 4 to 5 breaks every km of distance covered
by the pipeline every year. The sewerage line has 9-10 breaks every year per km of pipeline
Benchmarking: As opposed to 4 to 5 pipe breaks per km every year, we can consider the
benchmark level to be 0.2 per km per year as has been achieved by the Anglian Water supply or the
Cambridge Water supply in the UK. The benchmark for sewerage blockages cannot be found due to
the lack of reporting of data. The pipe breaks have to be reduced to enhance network performance
and NRW.
ASCI, Hyderabad 74
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Billing and collection: In Tumkur, waste water services are not charged. There is no metering for
water either. However, there is a fixed water charge of Rs. 45 per month per connection. The
average revenue collected from water and waste water services per cubic meter of water is 0.20
USD. Per connection every year yields 11.27 USD of revenue to the ULB. Since the entire revenue is
due to the water services, the split percentage of water revenue to waste water revenue is 100 to
zero. The residential connections bear 98.48% of the revenue while the industrial and commercial
sector bears 1.52%. Total water revenues per service population as a percentage of per capita GNI,
the 0.10. The collection ratio, i.e. the amount of money collected as a percentage of the billed
revenue is 90.79% while the operating cost coverage ratio is just 0.31. As reported, the ULB does
not have any loans and water supply is self sustaining. Hence, the debt service is zero for the ULB.
Benchmarking: 567.01 USD (in Perth, Australia), if considered the benchmark revenue per
connection per year for water supply services, Tumkur falls way below the benchmark. The total
water revenues per service population as a percentage of per capita GNI is a lot lower than the
benchmark if we consider it to be 1% as in Thames Water supply, UK. This can be seen as a positive
thing because it signifies that the affordability of water supply services is good. The collection ratio is
90.79% for 2009 in Tumkur which agrees with the benchmark level of 90% as suggested by the
Ministry of Urban Development. The operating cost coverage is below its benchmark level of 3.59
as registered by Perth Water Corporation, Australia in 2005.
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50,001-1,00,000 14.00
>1,00,000 18.00
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River 0 0.0%
Water tanker 15 0.1%
Others 33 0.3%
Source: Karnataka Municipal Reforms Cell, DMA, GoK
The primary survey results state that the households are dependent on City Corporation for
drinking water supply. Majority of them are dependant on public taps accounting to around 79% of
the surveyed households. Around 21% of the households are having the own arrangements of
individual taps for the usage of water. Very few households are dependent on open well, tanks and
water tankers for using water.
The duration of the water supply is mostly 2-4 hours per day accounting for 74% of the total
households surveyed. There are locations which have water supply for 1-2 hours/day (4%), 4-6
hours/day (4%), 6-8 hours/day (6%), 8-10 hours/day (6%) and more than 10 hours/day (6%).
The areas with inadequate hours per day of water supply should be improved by increasing the
supply of water which will improve the living habits of the city.
supply 4-6 hrs
4% 2-4 hrs
79% 74%
Figure 29: Drinking water arrangement Figure 30: Duration of drinking water supply
The main problems associated with existing distribution system are un equitable supply, non
availability of adequate pressure in distribution mains, inadequate storage capacity of service
reservoirs, inadequate size of distribution mains, old and dilapidated pipelines, illegal tapping of
feeder mains at many locations, unauthorized house connections, faulty metering, inadequate
operation and maintenance staff, adoption of inappropriate design methodology etc. Specific issues
• Majority of slum households depend on public taps for water supply.
• Many feeder mains are tapped for distributing water to local pockets resulting in considerable
loss of head in the pipes and reduction in carrying capacity.
• Most of the distribution pipes are very old and are damaged at many places and distribution
system is not adequate to meet the future demand. Faulty metering, lack of proper operation and
maintenance, adoption of inappropriate design methodology etc. are adding to equitable
distribution problem. Tumkur is in the process of implementing city wide 24X7 water supply
and expected to complete it by another year.
• The existing distribution system covers only the central core area and does not cover the
extended areas resulting in these extended areas facing acute shortage of water.
• The distribution system is not adequate to meet the future demand.
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1. Water to be supplied as per the population in any particular area so as to provide adequate
water supply facilities
2. Action to be taken so as to achieve efficient water supply system
3. Illegal connections to be made legal and create awareness among people
4. Water supply network to be made more efficient and orderly
5. Water meter to be installed compulsorily
6. Inspire and educate people to pay the water bills promptly
7. Pipeline leakages to be repaired immediately
8. Power supply should be continous without interruption
9. Rain water harvesting to be made compulsory
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Total 50 9.61
M&E systems are in place to track incidences of open defecation 4 0.00 Short term: Staffs to be deployed on monitoring OD
Monitoring mechanism (procedures or systems along with staff) to track OD practices.
: 1 mark
Monthly collection of data on OD practices from each ward : 1 mark
Reportage of monthly data in public forum : 1 mark
Incentives and awards being implemented for stopping OD: 1 mark
All sewerage systems in the city are working properly and there is no ex- 0 (5) 4.02 Short to long term: The pipes need regular check. The
filtration. (Not applicable for cities without sewerage systems) damaged pipes need immediate recovery.
Septage / sludge is regularly cleaned, safely transported and disposed after 10 (5) 5.00 Needs more stringent steps to treat and dispose the
C treatment, from on-site systems in the city (MAXIMUM 10 marks for cities slugde.
without sewerage systems)
Underground and surface drainage systems are functioning and are well- 4 2.00 Overestimated.
maintained Short to long term: 100% coverage of UGD and surface
D Centralized database/maps exist for drainage system: 2 marks drainage by 2014 onwards.
Pre-monsoon and one other-season cleaning, repairs and maintenance of
drains undertaken: 2 marks
Solid waste management (collection and treatment) systems are efficient 5 4.00 Medium to long term: Collection efficiency to be
(and are in conformity with the MSW Rules, 2003) improved and waste segregation and disposal should
100% segregated wastes on arrival at disposal/treatment facilities; be in place.
80% recycling of wastes;
100% operational cost recovery.
Framing rules for:
E SW Collection and Treatment: (formally adopted MSW Rules, 2000): 1 mark
HHs and establishments by D2D collection 100%=1 mark
Proportion of streets covered by regular street-sweeping (at least once a
day) 100%=1mark;
Proportion of waste processed or recycled
80% and above=1 mark
Cost Recovery for SWM Services (including treatment) - 100%=1 mark
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There is clear institutional responsibility assigned; and there are 4 4.00 Sustenance of responsibilities for improved facilities.
documented operational systems in practice for b)/c) to e) above
Availability of written manual and codified procedures for:
F Sewerage: 1mark
Septage: 1 mark
Drainage: 1 mark
SWM: 1 mark
Sanctions for deviance on part of polluters and institutions is clearly laid 3 3.00 Sustenance
out and followed in practice
Total 30 22.00
Improved quality of drinking water in city compared to baseline. 7 4.55 Short to long term: Regular monitoring of pipes and
A immediate repair or replacement of damaged pipes.
Efficient treatment of drinking water.
Improved water quality in water bodies in and around city compared to 7 0.00 Short to long term: Regular monitoring and
baseline maintenance of water bodies. Stringent action on
entering sewage or industrial waste entering into the
water bodies.
Reduction in water-borne disease incidence amongst city population 6 0.00 Short to long term: Improving water quality and
compared to baseline regular maintenance of UGD system along with
50% or more: 6 marks arrangement of toilets at the household level will
40% - 50%: 5 marks reduce the water borne diseases.
C 35% - 40% 4 mark
30% - 35%: 3 mark
25% - 30%: 2 marks
20% - 25%: 1 mark
< 20%: 0 mark
Total 20 4.55
Grand total 100 36.16
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The city is governed by the Tumkur City Corporation forming the city legislative branch, headed by
a Mayor. The Corporation comprises 35 wards with an elected Corporator for each ward. The
Commissioner, Health Officer and Engineers in charge for efficient of water supply and sanitation,
solid waste management and health issues form part of the executive branch.
The Tumkur City Corporation is a local self government institution constituted under the Karnataka
Municipal Corporation Act, 1976. It was converted as City Corporation in August 2010. A
combination of civic and parastatal organizations caters to the basic needs of Tumkur. Tumkur City
Corporation is in charge of the responsibilities to provide and maintain roads, water supply,
sewerage system, street lighting, establishing markets and shopping areas, development of parks
and water bodies, solid waste management.
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lighting and discretionary functions like maintenance of parks, gardens, libraries, hospitals
providing entertainment in public places, slum upgradation, promotions of cultural, educational
and aesthetic aspects, urban forestry maintenance of destitute homes and implementation of urban
poverty alleviation programs sponsored by the Government.
5.4.2 Procedures for the decision making process, supervision and accountability
The proposals received by the Municipal Council in the matters of execution/ repairs of
infrastructure work are processed and examine by the Commissioner in terms of the provisions of
the Karnataka Municipal Corporation Act / the instructions of the Government and placed before
the Council for approval. The Council ordinarily meets once in a month. In urgent matters it can
meet frequently. The Commissioner is required to prepare the agenda for the meeting of the council
in consultation with the Mayor and sent to all the members at least 7 days in advance. After
approval of the proposal by the Council the Commissioner can implement the decision if such
decisions are within the powers of the Council in such reasonable time as may be required. If the
decisions required the approval of higher field officers or the Government, the Commissioner will
accordingly seek the approval. The government is vested with the supervisory powers and it can
suspend/ set aside the decisions if found to be contrary to the provisions of the Karnataka
Municipal Corporation Act. The Council and the Commissioner are accountable for all happenings
in the Corporation. Four Standing Committees consisting of 7 Councilors has been constituted in
2005 to deal with the matters of:
Taxation & finance
Public health, education and social justice
Town planning and
Associated Departments: There are several others that play a very important role in the city’s
functioning and governance that include:
1. Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board (KUWSDB)
2. Karnataka Public Works Department (PWD)
3. Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC)
4. Department of Archaeology and Museums
5. Lake Development Authority
6. Zoo Authority of India
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The CSP aims to provide 100% through scientific planning in providing basic infrastructure
facilities to the city. There are many gaps in the performance of the Tumkur City Corporation.
Hence looking at the performance, following targets have been set in order to achieve 100%
sanitation in the city.
Following is the projection made for infrastructure facilities like water supply, solid waste
generated and the waste water generated in the City.
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Period Goals
Short-term Elimination of open defecation totally
(2012-13) Universal access to safe sanitation
o Households and community level
o Up gradation of unsanitary to sanitary toilets
o School and institutional sanitation
o Public areas
Ensuring success of UGD for sanitary & safe disposal of human excreta & liquid waste
Credible information (MIS)
City-wide education and awareness campaign
Decentralized technology options for pockets not covered under UGD
100% door to door collection of MSW
Medium- Sanitary and safe disposal of human excreta and liquid waste (continuing process)
term (2014- Regulation of septic tanks and septage management
2016) Systems in place for good O & M (individual, community level toilets and disposal
systems) through behaviour change and good mgmt practices
Institutional arrangements and capacity building
Safe transportation and disposal of MSW
Long-term Litter free areas
(2016 Scientific MSW treatment and disposal
onwards) Water recycle and reuse
Monitoring and evaluation
Environmental and financial sustainability
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Focus on sound finances and maintenance: Sanitation system should be sustainable. The
users should pay against use to maintain sustainability. Similarly, polluters should pay for the
cost of cleaning up the impact of their pollution on the environment. Choice and maintenance
of facilities have to be well thought of in advance to make service affordable and sustainable.
Need to ensure last mile connectivity to water supply system and sewerage system in network
coverage area. Door to collection should be 100%.
Environmental integrity and health benefits: Sanitation services, which have unacceptable
impacts on the environment, should not be considered to be adequate. Environmentally
acceptable solutions to local problems that do not cause deterioration of the wider
environment must be considered in all development activities. Appropriate protection of the
environment should be applied, including if necessary prosecution under the law is required.
Sanitation, environment and health are all interlinked and process of improvements which
should be accompanied by promotional activities as well as health and hygiene education.
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Table: Indicative figures in household sanitation arrangements over CSP implementation period
Baseline Pre-CSP
Sanitation arrangement (received from the City CSP implementation period
data year
Corporation, Tumkur)
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Safe toilet: Toilets connected to conventional sewer 36477 40564 45043 49721 54604 55969
+ 310 HHs using community toilets
In % 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 75%
Safe toilet: Toilets connected to septic tank with 23749 23662 22175 20599 17473 17910
soak pits
In % 36% 35% 32% 29% 24% 24%
Safe toilet: Toilets connected to Pit latrine 1491 1352 693 710 728 746
In % 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1%
Unsafe toilet: Toilets connected to open nallas 1379 676 346 0 0 0
In % 2% 1% 1%
Unsafe condition: HHs practicing open defecation 2862 1352 693 0 0 0
In % 4% 2% 1%
DEWATs and other types 0 2862 6930 9944 13105 14925
In % 0% 4% 10% 14% 18% 20%
Total households 65958 67607 69297 71030 72805 74625
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Note: In Tumkur, OD is found to be more than the secondary given by the Tumkur City Corporation and AKM data. The
primary survey depicts that the OD is found more prominent in many places which may be due to defunct toilets and
behaviour of people. OD is found more among children. Most of the women and girls are practicing OD due to improper
toilets, lack of water supply and behaviour.
* Tumkur scores zero in the City Sanitation Ranking on access and use of toilets by urban poor and other un-served
households (including slums) - individual and community sanitation facilities.
* Primary survey depicts that the open defecation is severe in slum areas like Settihalli A.K. Colony, Antharasana halli,
Ellarabande and Kaythsandra A.K. Colony experience >50% of the total slum population.
* SLB: The coverage of toilets is 70% as per SLB indicator. This has been over estimated when compared to field
observations, secondary data and city sanitation ranking.
and operations and maintenance of the infrastructure, including charging user fees is indicated
below. The planning for public toilets has taken consideration the following user groups: slum
population, floating population, population during weekly markets, etc., population at public place
like bus stands, railway stations, tourist places, etc. Such facilities can be managed through
community groups, NGOs, CBOs and private operators on a self sustaining basis.
Community toilets separately for ladies and gents need to be constructed in slum areas as per the
norms where poor can not afford an individual toilet financially. Here the municipality will act as
facilitator to identify land for construction of toilet, approve design and provide finances and sign a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with local residents who are going to use it for O & M which
is going to be the responsibility of the Community. Options for toilets available are indicated below:
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Hence around 15 community toilets with 5 seats each for ladies and gents (total of 10 seats) could
be proposed depending on the status of individual toilets and areas of rampant open defecation in
slums and also to meet the needs of present population, growing population and also the floating
population. In strategic locations about 5 toilet blocks with 10 seats each can be proposed.
Table: Operation and maintenance of the toilets – Community toilet (each unit of 5 seats)
O&M In Rs
One seat can cater for 20 HHs. 5 seats can cater 100 HHs x 30 =3000
100 HHs. Assuming Rs. 30/month/seat.
Two walls of the complex shall be used for 1000 x 2 =2000
advertisement (Social welfare, education, etc)
Total revenue 5000
Expenditure – cleaning material per seat 50 x 5 = 250
Sweeper charges 2000
Civic maintenance (water & electricity) 800
UGD user charges/year 360
Deposit for future repairs, etc. 380
Remuneration to community organizer 5000 – 3000 = 2000
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Table: Indicative investment requirements, O&M costs and user charges for public/community
sanitary conveniences
Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
(Pre CSP)
A. Public 200 seats Additiona Additional Additional Additional Additional
Sanitary existing 100 seats 100 seats 100 seats 100 seats 100 seats
Floating Persons 100000
110000 120000 130000 140000 150000
population served
persons served by
existing PSCs)
Capital cost Rs 20 lakhs 20 lakhs 20 lakhs 20 lakhs 20 lakhs
towards 20000
construction of per seat
public sanitary
Indicative Rs. per 200000 2,20,000 240000 2,60,000 2,80, 000 3, 00, 000
minimum user use
charge (Rs2 per
Annual O&M of Rs Rs. Cumulativ Rs. Rs. Rs. 200000
public sanitary (400/m 40000 e Rs. 120000 160000 per month
conveniences onth per per 80000 per per month per month
seat) month month
UGD charges (one Rs 91200 247000 228000 228000 228000 228000
UGD user charges
Existing floating population is 5000-6000.
Land will be provided by the government, respective departments who have huge visitors or ULB.
To eliminate OD all community toilets will be added in first two years. Later it is assumed that few people
will switch over to individual toilets and those additional seats will cater to increase in slum population.
UGD one time connection cost Rs 3800/household.
An indicative user charge for community toilet per HH is Rs 30.00/month or Rs 1/day.
Indicative user charges for public toilet Rs 1/day/use.
Capital cost for construction of toilet is Rs 20,000 per seat. (inclusive of water and electricity connection)
criteria include the number of poor beneficiaries. Most local grants go to improvement of infrastructure.
From 2005 onwards, use of funds for hardware is restricted to 60%. Learning from mistakes is an
accepted part of the approach17.
2. Slum sanitation programme of Mumbai: A key feature was the involvement of slum communities in
project implementation right from the planning stage. The mobilization process facilitated collaborations
between NGOs, contractors and CBOs. In each slum a CBO was formed and registered as a trust or a
society (under the Bombay Public Trust Act. To express its “demand” each family in the target slum area
was asked to pay contribution Rs.100 per adult (maximum of Rs 500 per family) as a membership fee.
The amount was deposited in a joint bank account. After construction of the toilet block the CBO typically
certifies its satisfactory completion and signs a MOU with the Municipal Corporation. The responsibility of
maintaining the toilet block is then handed over to the CBO. MOU specifies that CBO will operate and
maintain the toilet block.
3. After the reforms in TSC programme, priority was given for setting up sanitary complexes in a place
acceptable for both men and women. The prescribed unit cost is upto Rs 2 lakh, shared by GoI, State
Government and the community in the ratio of 60:20:20. However, the community contribution can be
made by the local governance from its budget (GoI, CSRS 2002). This approach directly provides subsidy
to communities rather than individuals. Though many households are inclined positively to have IHL, the
scarcity of space, the traditional taboos have become a constraint for construction of IHL. To overcome
such constraints, the Integrated Community Latrines Complex (ICLC) becomes a substitute. The
maintenance cost of the community sanitary complexes has to be met by the Panchayats/voluntary
organisations/charitable trusts/Self Help Groups and not the committee setup by local government.
Sl. Estimated
No. cost in Rs.
1 No. of seats 12
2 Accommodation of person/seat/day 60
3 Total capacity or persons/day 12 x 60 = 720
4 Revenue per month (720 persons x 1 per person = 720 x 30 days) 21600
5 Revenue by Ad per month (one wall) 500
Total revenue 22100
6 Cleaning articles Rs. 50 x 12 toilets 600
7 No. of sweepers: 2 4000
8 Civic maintenance and other contingencies 1000
9 Caretaker per month 4000
10 UGD user charges/year 360
Total expenditure 9960
Estimated Private Operator Income 12140
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Health clubs: School health and hygiene clubs (or similar groups with other names) are usually
involved in helping children for maintenance tasks which can be very useful for:
Stimulating safe hygiene behavior among children;
Monitoring SSHE program;
Reaching out into the community;
Prepare an annual action plan for the School health club;
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Management options: NUSP, National rating award scheme, Standardized Service level
Benchmarking framework of Government of India all provide a good structure for defining steps to
be taken for CSP and its implementation. Though MMC will have overall responsibility in
implementing CSP, it will also require concerted efforts of many stakeholders to achieve various
goals identified in the table. For this partnership arrangements with relevant government agencies,
private sector, civil society, NGOs need to established and institutionalized for successful
implementation of CSPs. It is observed that different models will work in different situations and
some of the options to be tested and implemented by NMC are as follows:
Sewerage system need not be the only sanitation system for liquid waste. Covering cent percent
areas in any given city at any given point of time with central sewer network is difficult task in
Indian conditions. Onsite sanitation systems to treat grey and black water or a combination shall
be encouraged and adopted for less dense settlements and other uncovered areas so as to ensure
100% treatment of both black and grey water. For onsite sanitation, periodic cleaning shall be
ensured through byelaw enforcement. ULB may provide the equipment at a fee and also safe
disposal, depending on the type of onsite treatment involved. The proposals for Tumkur consider
safe containment, treatment and disposal of human excreta and community liquid waste. This will
be achieved by:
Ensuring that all human wastes are collected, treated and disposed off safely;
Promoting proper disposal and treatment of sludge from on-site installations (septic tanks, pit
latrines, etc.);
Promoting proper functioning of network-based sewerage systems and ensuring connections
of households to them;
Encourage recycle and reuse of treated waste water for non-potable applications, wherever
6.8.1 Technical options for fecal treatment and waste water treatment
100% of human excreta and liquid wastes from all sanitation facilities must be disposed-off safely.
Rudimentary latrines (discharging into drains and nalas) are spread nearly about 1379 households
in Tumkur. The next step in the sanitation ladder is to transform these households connection to
improved latrines that ensure more hygienic separation of excreta with connection to septic tank
and the final step is a flush latrine connected to a sewer network. Each successive step of the ladder
represents a higher unit cost but is assumed to give a correspondingly lower level of health risk
(Morella 2008). Different types of sanitation systems indicated in the table below and
decentralized wastewater treatment plants can be suggested i.e. septic tanks, biogas toilets and
Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS).
The six technologies represent different levels of sanitation services. Whereas the septic tank aims
only at providing better hygienic conditions, the ecosan and biogas systems provide additional
benefits (reuse of nutrients, biogas). The decentralized systems aim at reusing the treated
wastewater for irrigation.
Table 48: Intended benefits for the six technology systems
Basic sanitation Waste water treatment
Intended Septic DEWATS
Biogas Ecosan SIBF** MSF***
benefit tank ****
Type Individual Individual / Individual / Communal Communal Communal
Communal Communal
Better hygienic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Reuse of NA Yes Yes NA* NA* NA*
nutrients and
Reuse of treated NA NA NA Yes Yes Yes
waste water for
**Solid Immobilised Biofilter (SIBF)
***Multiple Stage Filtration (MSF)
****Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS)
All systems provide water for irrigation with which users get in contact so regular monitoring is
required to keep the hygienic risks low. Hence education on appropriate hygiene practices as well
as the use of the systems as a way to improve aspects, such as smell and breeding insects, should be
provided on ongoing basis.
3 Ease of O&M Easy, as user Easy, less complex, Most difficult and Easier than (C)
responsible but multiple schemes expensive
4 Use of existing Maximum Maximum Septic tanks will More use than in
household be redundant (C)
5 Septage Separate system Separate system Not for household Required to
management required required septage some extent
6 Land availability Problem in core Problem in core city Land for pumping Choice as per
city and and developed area stations and land availability
developed area treatment plants feasible
7 Impact on Maximum Less than (A) Least Much less
ground water
8 Willingness to Not applicable Less More as HHs does Depends on type
connect and pay need septic tank of disposal
The biogas and ecosan system pose medium risk to the person who is emptying the systems,
whereas the SIBF and the DEWATS feature only low risk as users do not get in direct contact with
the system. The risk here is dependent on the reuse of water for irrigation practices, type of crops
and how well the prior treatment has worked. One factor of success of the decentralized systems is
the well organized operation and maintenance, which is either conducted by a private company or a
community committee. Those decentralized systems also require less energy (and have therefore
lower costs) than conventional treatment systems.
It is the responsibility of the Corporation, to ensure that the performance of the proposed sewerage
system is not compromised in any manner by adopting proper practices of operation and
maintenance of the system. Effective O&M of an underground sewerage scheme is critical and the
direct responsibility rests with the TCC. For ease of operation and maintenance, the proposed
sewerage system has to be of locally available materials, skilled manpower and easily available
mechanical/electrical equipment.
The primary aim of STP’s O&M is the running and maintenance the plant efficiently and
economically, so that the effluent from the plant meets the prescribed standards in terms of BOD, SS
and faecal coliforms laid down by the local body or the pollution control board while discharging
the effluent on land or into water body like Phullong Vagu.
The basic requirements of successful O&M of STP are:
1. A thorough knowledge of plant and machinery and equipment provided in the STP & their
2. A thorough knowledge of the processes,
3. Proper and adequate tools,
4. Adequate stock of spare parts and chemical,
5. Assignment of specific responsibilities to operating staff,
6. Schedule of daily preventive maintenance,
7. Systematic and period inspection,
8. Training of all operating staff in operating procedures and maintenance practices,
9. Maintaining records of key activities and operating logs of equipment, and
10. Good house-keeping.
1. Protect the sewerage system against damaging materials, which may be discharged by the
public, commercial and industrial institution.
2. Prevent the sewerage system from clogging due to deposition of solids as a result of
inadequate flow.
3. Prevent the accumulation of foul gases in the sewerage system due to the anaerobic
decomposition of the deposited solids.
4. Save the workers involved in the sewer cleaning from death due to obnoxious gases.
The preventive maintenance methods to achieve the above requirement are; ensure self-cleaning
velocity in all section of the sewerage system at least once in a day for prevention of clogging in the
sewerage system. The sewer section where it is not possible to obtain the self-cleansing velocities
due to flatness of the gradient especially in the head reaches of the sewer network, flushing is
The O&M of the created infrastructure includes manning and maintenance of the STPs, power
charges for the pumping stations, manning for the maintenance of the net work, maintenance and
repairs of the sewer cleaning machinery and equipment, administrative expenditure involved in
billing and collection of sewerage cess, etc. Also the sewer lines between two successive manholes
should be periodically inspected using intrusive equipments & arrangement for silting and
blockages. The revenue from the sewerage sector is mainly from the charges being collected while
giving new sewerage connection and drainage cess collected along with house tax. Apart from
regular O&M of sewer lines following recommendations may be considered to sustain the existing
reasonably good sanitation situation and tackle future problems:
1. Sewerage charges shall be levied on the basis of water consumed and in the water bill itself. In
case of no water supply, alternative methods of billing shall be used.
2. Sewerage charges should also have an ‘energy’ surcharge/component, which shall be directly
linked to the unit energy charges levied by the power utility.
3. In view of the higher polluting potential, sewerage charges should reflect full cost recovery for
all sewerage O&M operations.
4. Future buildings may have double-stack plumbing system for separation of grey & black water.
5. On-site packaged treatment units may be used to treat grey water, black water or a combination,
depending on the user choice.
6. Using a combination of on-site and off-site sewerage / sanitation systems for waster water /
sewage, 100% treatment shall be ensured, for environmental protection and sustainability.
7. It is suggested that Sewage Management Rules, similar to Municipal Solid Waste (Management
& Handling) Rules may be framed and notified under the EPA & Water Pollution Acts etc., in
order to consolidate provisions under different Acts/Rules/Notifications and to focus attention
on Sewage Management issues. Guidelines/Standards for Septage management and Reuse of
Treated Wastewater have to be formulated.
4. Utilities/ULBs may provide incentive on the quantity of waste water treated and reused for
which separate metering may be necessary.
5. Dual piping at street level shall continue to be prohibited due to the public health risks
involved. However, dual piping at street level may be adopted in cities with well laid out
service ducts and with 24x7 water supplies but the pressure in the main water supply network
shall always be maintained at least twice of the pressure in the dual pipe carrying treated
6. The water for reuse may be mandatorily colored.
7. Models for reuse of used-water may be developed and its applications identified and widely
propagated for encouraging reuse at local level (E.g. Israel is said to practice reuse 6-7 times
before the intervention of treatment system. This may be studied and intensive water users
encouraged adopting such practices).
8. Incentives may be provided to customers (in water tariff, property tax, etc) for the recycle and
reuse of treated wastewater.
Energy efficiency: Energy Audit may be mandated at prescribed intervals for efficient functioning
of electro-mechanical equipment in the sector.
Decentralized wastewater systems collect, treat and reuse or dispose of wastewater at or near its
point of generation. It includes systems that treat wastewater from individual homes or buildings
as well as cluster systems that treat wastewater from groups of two or more houses. Unlike
centralized urban wastewater treatment systems, decentralized systems treat wastewater close to
the source, typically using small pipes for collecting small volumes of domestic wastewater. They
are most cost-effective option especially in peri-urban of Tumkur. Following guidelines need to be
followed for application of sewage water.
Table 50: Degree of treatment needed for land application
Treatment Device type Land application system
Primary Septic tank Soil absorption systems
Grey water tank Burial (for compost)
Waterless composting toilet
Combustion toilet
Secondary Grey water treatment Subsurface irrigation
Septic tank and re-circulating
sand filter
Tertiary Grey water treatment Subsurface irrigation
(disinfection) Septic tank and re-circulating Surface irrigation (non–aerosol)
sand filter
Grey water Grey water treatment Subsurface irrigation
tertiary (excluding Surface irrigation (non–aerosol)
kitchen wastes) Toilet flushing
development. In Tumkur this can be promoted in no UGD network areas of isolated development in
outskirts. Tumkur has good scope on DEWATS system with no UGD coverage.
The sewage treatment unit consists of anaerobic up flow reactor (sedimentation ponds, septic
tanks, or imhoff tanks) as a primary treatment and Root Zone Treatment (RTZ) System
(constructed wetlands) / fixed bed filters/ baffled septic tanks as secondary treatment system. A
maturation pond (tertiary aerobic or anaerobic) is also in place for tertiary treatment. The treated
wastewater is finally supplied to the houses for inferior domestic uses like toilet flushing and
garden irrigation. Combination of primary treatment with any of the other systems is done in
accordance with the quality of the waste water influent and desired effluent quality.
Description of wastewater treatment units: The wastewater treatment system consists of Up-
flow Anaerobic Reactor as primary treatment unit. This system was designed & implemented for
300 person equivalent. The cross section of this reactor is trapezoidal section in the bottom and
rectangular in the top. The waste water from final receiving chamber is allowed to enter in this
reactor at the bottom through a pipe and water rises up at a very low velocity. The treated waste
water is collected through gutter along longitudinal walls and enters the secondary treatment
1. Volume: 114 m3
2. Cross sectional area: 12m2
3. Longitudinal Sectional area at the centre: 40m2
Secondary treatment unit: The wastewater treatment systems consists of Horizontal root zone
system as secondary treatment which receives partly treated wastewater from primary treatment
Horizontal root zone treatment unit: The secondary treatment units are implemented in phase
level hence the first level is designed for 50 persons. In the root zone treatment, wastewater passes
through filter bed by uniform horizontal flow. Root zone treatment are sealed filter beds consisting
of sand, gravel and soil system, occasionally with a cohesive element, planted with vegetation which
can grow in wetlands. The wastewater passes through the filter bed where biodegradation of the
wastewater takes place.
Hence total cost required for the construction of wastewater treatment system is Rs 4000.00 per
Description of work Amount (Rs)
1 Monitoring waste water analysis cost 26,500
Operation & Maintenance (Since 30,000
commissioning till date)
3 Onsite laboratory
4 Cost of equipment and chemicals 12,000
5 Total (two years) 68,500
6 O&M cost year 35,000
Area requirement per person for the treatment of wastewater is nearly 2.4 m2/person.
Performance indicators in SWM sector explain scope for lot of improvements especially in
collection efficiency, treatment and disposal as first step. There need to be considerable focus
required to address solid waste management complying with MSW 200 rules. DPR on ISWM for
Tumkur has been prepared in this connection.
The Health Department of TCC is headed by a Health Officer along with the Environmental
Engineers responsible for all activities of collection, street sweeping, transportation and disposal of
solid waste and the Engineering Department is responsible for procurement and maintenance of
equipment and vehicles. A systematic action plan for maintaining solid waste management while
achieving each recommendation as outlined below:
5. Management Regular reporting and data updating. Developing information base on: Funds and
Information Appropriate division of roles and Daily/weekly/monthly reports at town/ward/zone level. leadership
Systems (MIS) responsibilities. Spatial and seasonal waste generation quantities and nature (Ward-wise waste),
collection points linking to GIS, asset inventory, category wise waste generation,
number of workers in each ward for collection, transportation and disposal.
Recording weigh-bridge on-site
Number of staff and expected clearance frequencies.
6. Levy user Polluter pays principle and a policy on Display boards with details of MSW in specific area including Contractor’s phone Lack of political
charges SWM user charges. number on the dustbins to be cleared by them and specify how residents can will.
Simple procedures and strict enforcement handover waste to municipal body.
of regulations. Charges for business or trade, eating-houses or hostels, health-care facilities,
Share MSW information with the Public. shops, offices, street-food, fairs and exhibitions and ceremonies.
Avoid NIMBY by sanitizing all wastes near point of collection until composting
7. Advanced Strong citizen’s group to work closely with Organize citizen meeting in neighborhood and explain concept of ALM through
Locality ULB to develop strategy and improve ISWM as public meetings.
Management well as other civic amenities in their local area. Select ALM committee from all representative building, lanes etc.
8. Promoting Performance improvement criteria based Enhancing the strength of ULBs and ability of engaged contractors to perform. Lack of
Public Private contracting system. Take up pilot in newly developed areas, under-served areas and particularly in credible
Participation the areas where local bodies have not been providing service through their own information
(PPP) labor force. Inadequate
PPP can be considered in: internal
Door to door collection of household waste, commercial waste, hospital waste, capacities to
hotel waste, construction waste and market waste. monitor
Setting-up, operation and maintenance of waste disposal facility, operation and private
maintenance of waste treatment or processing plants. operator
Supplying refuse collection vehicles on lease, repairs and maintenance of
vehicles at a private garage, transportation of waste on contractual basis, etc.
9. Selection of Developing environmentally sustainable Setup expert committee. Coordination and
treatment models especially in disposal e.g. scientific internal capacities
technologies landfills. issues.
Creating awareness amongst households and institutions about sanitation and its linkages
with public and environmental health and
Promoting mechanisms to bring about and sustain behavioral changes aimed at adoption of
healthy sanitation practices.
There needs to be considerable engagement with households and communities on changing
mindsets and understanding incentives to change behavior and practices. A communication
strategy has been part of the CSP to create support for and facilitate effective implementation of
city-wide, demand-based sanitation programs and for generating awareness amongst urban
households on sanitation and its linkages with health, economic productivity and the environment
along with facilitating behavior change towards adoption of safe sanitation practices among
One reason for the low support to sanitation is that opinion leaders, policy makers and managers
do not see the links between sanitation, public health and economics. The first step in making cities
100% sanitized is to elevate the consciousness about sanitation in the mind of municipal agencies,
government agencies and most importantly, amongst the people of the city. ULBs are in the
frontline of implementation and have a key role in ensuring sanitation and should focus on demand
responsive approach. To meet this challenge a systematic ‘Communication Need Assessment (CNA)’
for different target groups has been taken up as part of CSP and objective of well driven IEC is
demand-driven with social marketing approaches to increase demand for toilets and ensure
hygiene behaviors, promote no subsidies for household toilets in future and encourage diversity in
technology and design.
State government should ensure support to ULBs in providing enabling environment in all respects
and provide communication and awareness strategy. The following table details out IEC and
advocacy plan in achieving desired goals of environmental sanitation:
Federations representing slums in Contamination due to fecal matter Newspaper advertisement calling for
town outskirts Safe disposal of human excreta meeting
Health and hygiene Press conference
Diarrhea, GE, Malaria, Scabies
Consultation on problems with current toilets
Consultation of water scarcity
Consultation on environmental sanitation
Consultation on expectations form Municipality
Office bearers of Residents Welfare Consultation on problems with current toilets Meetings, door to door campaigning,
Association middleclass localities Consultation on septic tank cleaning Newspaper advertisement calling for
Consultation on environmental sanitation meeting and Press Conference
Consultation of water supply situation
Consultation of willingness to pay for tricycles etc
Consultation on expectations form Municipality
Water and sanitation officials Display numbers of responsible officials like Sanitation Inspectors Print pamphlets given with newspapers,
prominently in their zones news paper advertisements, painting on
Restart Call Center facility, establish grievance redressal mechanism. Elevated/underground reservoirs.
Appreciation of what people desire Print the phone numbers of responsible
officials on the tractors
Water and sanitation workers Importance of safe handling of waste
Contractors Do not dump garbage on roads leading to dump yard Print the phone numbers of responsible
Do not burn garbage and segregate waste at the dump yard. officials on the tractors
Shopkeepers Do not dump garbage in by lanes and if you need to dispose hazardous waste call
the municipality and ask for a tractor.
Town wide Keep house and neighborhood clean Road Side Billboards, Newspaper Ads and
Boil/Filter the Water before drinking Town Cable
Wash your hands before and after eating/drinking
Do not allow mosquitoes to breed in your neighborhood
Immunize children and do not share clothes of persons infected with skin
Sanitation, despite being a basic human need and a critical need for improved quality of life, has not
got the necessary attention in the past. Also, the different aspects of sanitation starting from
collection of human feces to the safe disposal (the whole process cycle) have seen different
For better targeting a need based IEC actions to be implemented categorized into following phases.
Table 57: Phase wise distribution of works
Phase I (1-2 months) Phase II (3 months) Phase III (Continuous)
Awareness raising phase Educational phase Continuing education - Action
promotion phase
Aimed at generating high To deepen the knowledge and Promotional phase with short
awareness and a sense of alarm or appreciation of the target audience. campaigns at least once a year.
concern about the OD, problem Information and educational Action to dominate.
situation and UGD promotion. approaches to stress properly To trigger the actual adoption of the
Consists of easy to grasp messages designed septic tanks and periodic practices being marketed.
(e.g. disease incidences from septic tank inspections and
contaminated water are rising). desludging every 2-3 years.
Technical guidance to proper UGD
Short advertisements in various
media or communication channels.
Media options: Media options: Media options:
o Local Cable TV ads (30 o Local Cable TV ads (30 o Continuing radio, TV, print ads
seconds) seconds) o Continuing house to house
o Local newspaper ads o Local newspaper ads visits
o Billboards o Billboards o Continuing short film showing
o Tarpaulin posters mounted o Tarpaulin posters mounted on in theaters
on mobile vans mobile vans o Continuing billboards
o Leaflets for those attending o Leaflets for those attending o Continuing but less frequent
meetings meetings assemblies, SLF meetings
o News releases in print, radio o News releases in print, radio o Continuing news releases on all
and TV and TV platforms
o Discussions on radio o Discussions on radio o Continuing feature articles
Organise interactive programmes for effective implementation of UGD. Organise walks by children,
meeting/workshop with stakeholders e.g. Shopkeepers, RWA, NGOs, communities etc.
Institutionalize regular discussion between various departments for increased co-ordination to further
goals of CSP.
Seeking feedback from Councilors to help effective implementation.
Media: TV, Radio, door to door, Mass announcements Budget: 3 – 3.5 lakhs / year
billboards, leaflets
Proportion of families practicing hand washing before feeding cooking and after defecation.
Reduction in incidences in diarrhea and other water borne diseases.
Proportion of wards contributing towards maintenance charges of common facilities through
village committee.
Grouping wards in size of population. Area and social development index for effective training,
supervision, media tools and monitoring.
For example:
Low density : wall paintings, signboards, slogans, Group meetings, Puppet show,
Moderate density: wall paintings, signboards, slogans, Group meetings, Puppet show
High density : Wall paintings, signboards, slogans, Group meetings/ Road shows, Mela, School
Very high density : Wall paintings, signboards, slogans, Group meetings/ Road shows/ Mela,
School programmes
Slogans: In each ward 8 for low density 10 slogans for high density will be written. Different land
uses (Residential, commercial, Slums, institutional) should have different slogans.
Personal hygiene include hand washing
WARD/ House/ City cleanliness
Need of toilets, sanitation and requirement of soak pits
Cleanliness of water sources- well, tap etc.
Solid and liquid waste management
Cleanliness of toilets
Handling of water
Disease due to unsanitary conditions, preventions and cure
Diaherrea, vomiting, water borne diseases.
Malaria, Jaundice, skin disease
Influenced by political or religious pressures
Surrendering the programme to any particular group committed to subjective learning
Negative approach & unnecessary discussions on generic problems
Making false promise to the people
Tokenism in the name of people participation
A lose unstructured approach to IEC activities
Places for writing slogans:
Ward office
Gatherings at water sources, toilets
School/ anganwadi
Community hall
Milk diary
Centre Temple
Shopping center / hatt/ Commercial areas
Bus stand/ Hospital/ PHC Center
People participation
Water supply pattern
School sanitation
Sanitation: Importance of sanitation perception, attitude, personal and surrounding
hygiene, available Govt. schemes, responsibilities and contribution.
Health: Water related diseases, prevention and precaution.
Media to be used:
Flash card
Video/ slides
Feedback from the group in the form of :
Charts made by them, questionnaire
Research in economics has shown over past several decades that in many situations, especially in
infrastructure and 'facilitating' investments, public investments can crowd-in and increase private
investments. Sanitation has both public good and private good aspects to it. It should be funded by
both public and private finances.
A model where public funds provide the back-end and private funds provide the front-end can fill
the gap in sanitation financing. Government-Business-Consumer, model can be used.
This may include plan and budgetary funds, state funds, municipal and local government funds, and
private funds to build sewers and sewage treatment infrastructure of high quality. This may be
done on a build-operate-transfer (BOT) basis, or on a lease-hire-to-businesses basis - like telecom,
electricity or transport infrastructure in some places.
Ensuring that resources are deployed where they are most needed
Consulting beneficiaries and responding to what they actually want
Ensuring that they include any necessary ‘software’ components such as hygiene education
(this is especially important for latrine-building schemes).
For this purpose, it may be necessary to bring in an NGO or other agency to work alongside the
main implementing agency.
BMC has to have some stakeholder meetings led by its commissioner and can identify the quantum
of the money available under various possible schemes for furthering sanitation Goals and can be
utilized in a very systematic manner as indicated below.
Private Sector/
MLA/ MP Fund
NGO etc
13th FC
BPL toilet
APL toilet
School toilet
Anganwadi toilet
Community Complex
Public toilets
Technical support
Liquid Waste – treatment and
Solid waste – treatment and
Capacity building
MSW D2D collection
MSW transportation
Water bodies O &M
Storm water drain
For the effective implementation of the city sanitation plan, it is anticipated that funds will be
sourced from following channels:
The central grants via ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of HUPA, GoI.
Individual and institutional contributions.
State’s own budget.
Connection cost of UGD to be collected and deposited for O&M of STPs and should be managed
by CSTF.
Promote public-private partnership for key activities identified in the city sanitation plan. PPP in
public and community toilets, CSR funds and mobilize private people in maintaining and
monitoring school toilets.
Funding projects wherever possible from existing schemes such as JNNURM and UIDSSMT.
Funding from bilateral and multilateral agencies can also be explored.
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City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
Providing assistance for the preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) as per city sanitation
plan as soon as requests for funding are received.
Proposed scheme for mechanical aid for cleaning of sewers and septic tanks (SMACSS)
a. The National Advisory Council (NAC) has observed that the shameful practice of manual scavenging
persists in India, despite being outlawed. The NAC has identified the need for a special focus to liberate our
society from the norms on social exclusion and discrimination along with an action plan with full ownership
of participation of the persons involved in manual scavenging. The Government of India has enacted the
Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993. It serves as a
primary instrument in the liberation of a broken people enslaved to a life of indignity enforced through
ideologies of descent based work and caste. The Act defines a manual scavenger as “a person engaged in or
employed in manual carriage of human excreta”.
b. However, the existing definition of manual scavenging as per the Act, 1993 does not cover manual cleaning
of septic tanks and sewer cleaning. It is essential that such cleaning operations be included in the definition of
manual scavenging since there they involve similar issues of dignity as well as health related risks. Therefore,
the definition of manual scavenging may be modified as “a person engaged or employed, whether by an
individual or an urban local body or any other public or private agency, for manual cleaning, carrying or
disposing untreated human excreta, including a latrine, a tank, in a drain or a sewer line”.
There are established technologies that convert human excreta into manure in a scientific manner. Such
decomposed material and its carriage may not be covered in the definition of scavenging.
c. Accordingly, the MoUD intends to formulate a scheme for facilitating the state government and ULBs in
ensuring cleaning of sewer and septic tanks/any latrines mechanically. The scheme will facilitate funding for
the procurement of suction machines for cleaning of septic tanks and suction-cum-jetting machines for
cleaning of sewers in all cities/towns in the Country. The scheme is envisaged on ‘All Town’ basis. All 5161
cities and towns as per 2001 census will qualify for assistance under the proposed scheme.
d. Financing pattern
Funds would be provided to the SLNA through State Governments / UTs in the form of 100% grant for
capital investment for the procurement of the equipment and machinery. No funds would be provided for
operation and maintenance of sewerage and onsite sanitation systems including maintenance of these
machines which shall be borne by the ULBs/State Govts.
The operation and maintenance of sewerage and onsite sanitation system (septic tanks, dry latrines etc)
including running and maintenance of machinery shall be the responsibility of the ULB/Water Supply and
Sanitation (WSS) Agencies/Boards. If necessary, these activities may be outsourced by the ULBs/ WSS
Agencies/Boards to private service providers/ entrepreneurs over a specified period as per the
agreement to be executed between ULBs & private entrepreneurs. The O&M cost including desilting,
cleaning of sewers & manholes, de-sludging of septic tanks and maintenance of vehicles would be borne
by the ULBs.
The requirement of funds for the purchase of suction machines and suction-cum jetting machines for
cleaning of sewers and septic tanks for all 5161 towns have been assessed as Rs. 4949 Crores.
Funding will be available for the procurement of new machines only.
cleaning operations of the sewer and septic tanks and the status of the action taken on the
eradication of manual scavenging by the ULBs and report to the Municipal Administration/State
Government which will forward the same to SLNAs. The SLNA will forward the status of the
implementation of the scheme to the Ministry of Urban Development.
The concerned ULB/Head of Water Supply and Sanitation Agencies, who are responsible for O&M
of sewerage and onsite sanitation facilities shall furnish an action plan each year to the Ministry of
Urban Development through Directorate of Municipal Administration and SLNA regarding action
taken/action to be taken for elimination of manual scavenging and the number of employees
engaged in manual cleaning and mechanical cleaning of sewers and septic tanks in the next 2 years
from the date of purchase of machines.
The existing multilevel institutional arrangement should be reoriented with clear assignment of
specific roles and responsibilities to the institutions. The setup of institutions needs to be
addressed at the state, district, and the ULB level. The details of the institutional setup at ULB level
has been described as follows:
3. Within the ULB, there is a need to identify Sanitation Implementation Unit in-house from the
existing staff for all practical implementation purposes. The unit shall be responsible for
preparation and implementation of the city sanitation plan. Commissioner/ CMOH shall be the
head of the unit and may appoint suitable officer as the in-charge officer. Commissioner/CMOH
may also nominate other suitable officers as members of the unit. This unit should be
supported by additional staff like Sanitary Inspector depending on the population of ULBs. This
unit can monitor the progress every month, develop and update database on sanitation in ULB.
The unit will pinpoint problem areas to address, prioritize projects for implementation, and
monitor quality checks. They will identify actions and related spatial and non-spatial
interventions. For day to day implementations existing institutional mechanism at ULB level
like Ward Committees, Ward Development Committees, Task Force needs to be strengthened
with orientation trainings and capacity building training.
4. The Municipal level committee shall be headed by the Chairperson with the members being the
Municipal Commissioner (Convener), CMHO, ME, CDS President, Local NGO, DM&HO or his
deputy. This committee shall meet once in every fifteen days and as frequently and as possible
during the epidemic period
The functions of the unit will be:
To conduct a baseline survey on city sanitation and update regularly (once in two years)
To prioritize projects for implementation, monitor quality checks identified under CSP and
identify actions and related spatial and non-spatial interventions.
To develop city wide communication strategy and conduct city wide total sanitation campaign.
To ensure intra departmental coordination of ULB for sanitation promotion.
To develop network with several government departments and other agencies for promoting
healthy & environmentally sound sanitation.
To manage all the process like procurement, contracting etc. for sanitation projects, be
responsible for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the program. Develop local
sanitation and hygiene regulations in consultation with stakeholders; establish standards and
norms; inform citizens of their rights and duties under existing sanitation legislation/
regulations; set up mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing their implementation.
Clarify roles and improve agency coordination.
Streamlining policies so as to develop and adopt local septage ordinance, Institute regular
desludging mechanism, PPP promotion and regulation, ULB introduce user charges, update
and amend regulation in building bye laws.
Mobilize Government support Capital but local groups to manage O & M.
Build political support through exposure visits workshops.
Engaging civil societies to end OD.
For day to day implementations existing institutional mechanism at ULB level like Ward
Committees, Ward Development Committees, the Task Force needs to be strengthened with
orientation trainings and capacity building training.
Poverty wing of ULB should be responsible to design, implement, and monitor the sanitation
promotion programs, converging the source of funds and preparing the budget. ULB should also
plan and budget for the operation and maintenance of sanitation systems. It is also responsible for
assisting households to provide their own sanitation and to build their own toilet facilities. Specific
responsibilities include:
ASCI, Hyderabad 127
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
To design integrated planning and communication strategy for city sanitation promotion
To provide access to sanitation to all urban population
To make communities aware of the importance of sanitation in terms of health
To launch together with the communities, health and hygiene promotion programs
To monitor the health of communities
Establish and improve septage management requirements and guidelines
Providing technical support, guidance and training
To assist households to operate and maintain sanitation facilities
To assist Ward Education Committee for the improvement of school infrastructure, including
sanitation and for implementing School health promotion programs to create safe and
healthy school.
To coordinate all the internal departments like PWD, Sanitation, Health and Education, and
also involving the Community Based Organizations, Welfare Associations, youth clubs, market
committees etc. for Total Sanitation Approach and Campaign in the ULB, and make the city
open defecation free.
To develop and design ward wise, & slum wise incentive schemes for reaching the ultimate
goal of Nirmal Shahar.
Constitution of SUSC
Creation of a strategic urban sanitation cell at DMA, GoK, to be headed by a ‘Director’
equivalent officer with a fixed tenure of five of mission period for better coordination and
integrated development.
SUSC is expected to provide overall direction and strategic support to ULBs and coordinate
with state level organizations in achieving the strategy objectives in a time- bound manner.
SUSC will support cities in preparing CSPs by giving overall direction, frame work etc with in
the first year of mission period.
It will have three strategic wings (figure below) with specific and designated expertise to offer
and support in achieving the mission objectives. Each wing will have two expert staff in
required field with the support from “Sanitation Fund”.
SUSC will be central coordinating body and need to coordinate with State, Districts and ULBs.
IEC wing should work closely with State Health Department, Education Department and design
awareness programs for convergence. Engineering wing and MIS wings should coordinate
regularly with Town and Country Planning Department to ensure all convergence and effective
Stakeholder Role
Citizens Carry out segregation of waste at household level
Handover the segregated waste to the primary collection crew at the
pre-notified time
Pay user fee for the door-to-door collection service offered
Avoid throwing of waste on streets
Area Inform the residents about the proposed MSW Management Plan
Members Ensure that the residents co-operate and follow all the principles
Appoint primary collection crew for door-to-door collection service
Monitor performance of service providers, wherever required
Private Carry out their roles and responsibilities as per the contractual
Operator arrangement between them and TCC
Ensure that the MSW is handled in the manner set out in the contractual
arrangement and is not disposed in any other manner whatsoever.
Obtain compliance certificate from the authorities concerned.
TCC Set out MSW Management Plan
Monitor the works being performed by the private operator
Ensure compliance by RWAs and citizens
Make payments to the private operator
At ULB level, the City Sanitation Task Force will monitor the program in support of Standing
Committees (Health, Sanitation, Public Works and Water supply) based on implementation agency
data, citizens’ groups feedback and primary field visits. Periodic verification of following Impact
and Monitoring indicators at ULB level are suggested.
To measure 100% sanitation milestone achievements, a number of tools apart from 19 indicators of City
Sanitation Ranking can be considered:
a. Impact indicators
Use of safe methods for disposal of infant excreta
Knowledge of danger of unsafe excreta disposal and hand washing practice
Percentage of toilets upgraded with own funds by households after monsoon/filling up of pit
b. Monitoring indicators
% of households with access to sanitary latrines: public and personal separately
% constructed water supply facilities maintained by the communities served
% households using safe drinking water regularly (public and personal separately)
Use of toilets by household members (esp. men, aged, disabled, children under 5)
Range of available affordable options for toilets.
Use of Recycled Waste Water in Agriculture/ Horticulture as % and absolute quantity. Extent of land
made available for housing the poor.
c. Energy planning and conservation
Energy is a key driver of a thriving urban life, and while in India, energy is typically a state subject, cities can
benefit by better management of demand and supply and exploring provisions for decentralized alternatives
of renewable energy.
Indicator-ii: Extent of housing/land made available for poor.
Indicator-iii: Tenure provision to urban poor (percentage of total).
Indicator-iv: Percentage urban poor households with basic services.
Indicator-v: Distribution of urban poor housing/land in high and middle income housing areas.
Indicator iv: Housing
o Quality of shelter (kutcha/ pucca)
o Legal/ illegal/ unauthorized
o Own/ rented
In case of sewage effluent, following standards need to be met and a mechanism to monitor
internally by CSTF by way of protocol adoption.
The review period of the proposed action plan for CSP is five years from the formal adoption date.
Progress monitoring and reporting will be conducted monthly by the council, by the taskforce
quarterly and by the State Government bi-annually. As a result of the review, some revisions to the
targets may be required in order to:
a) Update or remove those targets that have proven to be unclear, unable to be adequately
measured, unworkable or out of date in their allocation of responsibility for action.
b) Reflect changes in the wider wastewater management/sanitation service provision landscape.
c) Better reflect progress against the targets and, where necessary, set new targets.
d) Better reflect the current state of knowledge of wastewater management/sanitation facilities.
The provision of collective ‘in kind’ rewards to motivators that successfully support wards
and neighborhoods meeting reward scheme.
Publicly recognizing those wards and neighborhoods that achieve ‘excreta free’, ‘litter free’
or ‘foul water free’ status.
Placing a signboard to this effect at the entrance to the neighborhood/ward.
The disincentives within the CSP to be taken by the ULBs on violating the rules and actions
deteriorating environment may consider the following:
Exercising all provisions within the Municipal Act/ Water Act to levy fines, bills for costs
incurred and instigates court proceedings for encroachments, releases of industrial waste
or effluent, illegal slaughtering of animals, markets, burial grounds and the provision of
essential water/sewerage/drainage connections.
The provision of ‘fine’ for all individuals that dispose excreta, litter or foul water in an
unhygienic manner in public spaces (Polluter pay principle).
Sanctions against harmful actions and/or failure to act - for instance, a ban, supported by
fines on the use of untreated sewage to irrigate crops/water bodies.
Effective provision of MSW management services would require co-ordinated effort by various
stakeholders. The stakeholders in the project comprise RWAs, ULBs, citizens, and private operators.
The roles of each stakeholder are presented in the matrix below.
Purification and Installation of
treatment of water water treatment
plant for ensuring
100% purity
Water supply to poor Provision of more
urban communities number of
and connections connections for
100% coverage
24x7 water supply
12 Environment
Water resources that Study of water 25 lakh/
are polluted pollution levels and zone
suggestive measure
to arrest pollution
Major locations of air Setting up of 25 lakh/
pollution treatment units for zone
industrial sector
Locations of heavy System to control 50 lakh/
pollution pollution zone
13 Awareness
NGOs working with Encouragement to 12 lakh/
peoples participatory such NGOs and zone
approach assistance if
NGOs or agencies Additional financial 3 lakh/
working towards assistance if zone
citizen education required
Note: Project costs will be ascertained in consensus with CSTF and ULB during consultation
Sanitation Facilities of
(a) Public toilets Lump-sum
(b) Existing sewer network Lump-sum
(c) Existing built-up drains Lump-sum
Total of Upgrading and repairs
Total Estimated Investment Cost
Note: Project costs will be ascertained in consensus with CSTF and ULB during consultation
The workshop started with a welcome speech by Mr. Jayavibhavaswamy, Commissioner, Tumkur
City Corporation and Mrs. N. Yashoda, Mayor, Tumkur City Corporation. The agenda listed the need
for the constitution of CSTF members and their role in the preparation of City Sanitation Plan
followed by the group activity among the CSTF members to seek their views on the problems and
solutions in regard to the sanitation in their respective city, as given below. The number of
participants was 29 which included Mayor, Commissioner, Environmental Engineers, Health
Officer, Environment Officer, Community Development Expert Officer, NGOs, Town Planners, ASCI’s
team, CMAK, Bhageerath. The discussions on the various issues were noted and relevant inference
was drawn. The session concluded with the closing remarks by the Commissioner of City
Corporation, Tumkur and ASCI team thanked the CSTF members for their support and interaction.
GROUP I: Water
11. Inefficient water supply system
12. Water supply as per requirement based on population is not done efficiently
13. Illegal water connections exist
14. The water supply connections are not efficiently assigned to the newer layouts
15. If the water is not taxed, people will not recognize its importance
16. Difficulty in collecting water cess/tax
17. Leakage in water supply pipelines
18. Lack of exposure/awareness on rain water harvesting
19. Irresponsibility in the public in using water efficiently
20. Lack of awareness among people about rain water harvesting
10. Water to be supplied as per the population in any particular area so as to provide adequate
water supply facilities
11. Action to be taken so as to achieve efficient water supply system
12. Illegal connections to be made legal and create awareness among people
13. Water supply network to be made more efficient and orderly
1. Proper monitoring of the operation and maintenance for the UGD system is required
2. Good operation and maintenance of UGD system will reduce the spread of disease
3. Low lying areas should be connected to proper drainage so as to prevent breeding of
4. UGD facilities should be provided even in slums
5. Inspections should be done frequently
6. Health and hygiene related matters need to be conveyed to people through IEC programs
15. Private sector helping the waste management by treating the solid waste generated by them
in their premises and as per the MSW rules to be implemented
16. Training, motivating and educating the workers
17. Scientific way of working (Allotting labourers to a particular area on population basis)
18. Create enough awareness among the community about the importance of waste segregation
at source of generation and recycling inorganic waste
19. 100% achievement in door to door collection, by creating proper infrastructures and road
The meeting commenced with the welcome address to all the CSTF members by Mr. ----- Assistant
Executive Engineer, Tumkur City Corporation and the introductory remarks was given by Mrs.
Yashoda, Research Associate, CMAK, Bangalore. Mr. ---- welcomed representative of ASCI,
Hyderabad and CMAK, Bangalore. The meeting addressed the purpose of an overall scenario of
preparation of CSP and the city sanitation ranking at national level.
The presentation on the progress status was made by Ms. Uzra Sultana, Senior Research Associate,
Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad. The presentation basically aimed in making
the CSTF members understand the importance of their involvement during the preparation and
finalization, process and methodology, data gaps and support required for the preparation of CSP
for Tumkur city. The scope for further city’s development and performance on sanitation issues
was also discussed. It was inferred during the meeting that increasing performance level on the low
scored marks of city sanitation ranking was very well understood by the CSTF members along with
detailed discussion on the intervention areas.
The following are the key issues incurred during the meeting:
1. Infrastructure development needs to be considered during planning of CSP as Tumkur city
is expecting lot of industrial growth in coming years.
2. Approximately 1000 acres of land area in Dobbaspet is going to experience industrial
3. Solid waste management: Biomedical waste and waste from animal husbandry also causes
severe problems for the city.
4. Tumkur has many granite industries and the polishing of it is severe causing environmental
damage to the city. The collection of its waste has become a problematic issue due to lack of
space for the storage of waste.
5. There are rice mills which might be coming up in near future within the city limits after
expansion of the peripheral area of the city. Hence these factors to be considered during
planning CSP.
6. There is no authorized slaughter house in the city. Hence a space should be located for
scientific handling of waste from slaughter house.
7. There are some variations observed in the secondary data received by ASCI which needs a
detailed review of the information collected.
ASCI, Hyderabad 141
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
8. No survey has been done on sewerage network; hence some data can be referred from
earlier Census data.
9. Bulk connections: The data received by ASCI is not clear and hence needs more clarity on
the break up or definition of bulk connection.
10. Discussion points on City Sanitation Ranking
a. Number of community toilets should be increased in areas like railway tracks, open
defecation sites, etc.
b. The STP is not functioning. It is under repair and will function within a week time.
c. Number of staffs/pourkarmikas should be increased for regular and effective collection
of solid waste.
d. Some of the private schools in Tumkur are in bad condition when sanitation is
concerned. As Tumkur is identified as education city, there needs to be strong sanitation
plan for institutions.
The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. ------- Deputy Mayor, Tumkur City Corporation,
to all the CSTF members for having participated in the discussions and sharing their experience
with valuable suggestions. A thankful note was extended to the presenter from ASCI and CSTF
member from CMAK for giving the update of the preparation of CSP. The discussions were
interactive and the involvement of the CSTF members was appreciative.
Registration form
Base Maps
1. Map showing ward boundaries, population density
2. Map showing zone wise boundaries
3. Map with location of notified and non-notified slums
4. Master plan (old and new)
ASCI, Hyderabad 143
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
Table 12: Access to public toilets in commercial areas and public places
No. of toilet seats Number of
Ward Name of Location of Type of
persons Remarks
No. area public toilet Ladies Gents management
defecation (Rs.)
Working /Not
Price per use
Ward No.
Type of
Table 14: Ward wise details of septic tanks, pits and their cleaning procedures
Interval of cleaning
Interval of cleaning
Clearing Procedure
Clearing Procedure
No. of Pits (specify
-Single or double )
No. of septic tanks
Quantity of sludge
Quantity of sludge
present (Y/N)
present (Y/N)
Ward No.
Table 15: Sludge/septage equipment and management
Municipality Private
No. Indicator Remarks
Owned Agencies
A Equipment Available
1 No of Sludge Suction trucks/equipment
2 Annual No of tanks cleaned - last year's estimate
B Cleaned using mechanical equipment
3 Estimated Volume (ML) cleaned last year
4 Method of Conveyance and Disposal: Untreated
5 Amount Disposed Untreated (ML) - last year's estimate
6 Location of disposal - untreated
7 Method of Conveyance and Disposal: Treated
8 Amount Disposed Treated (ML) - last year's estimate
9 Location of disposal - treated
10 Cost per tank cleaning
C Manual Cleaning of Tanks and Pits
11 Estimate Annual No of Tanks cleaned - last year's average
12 Cost per tank cleaning
13 Method of disposal of sludge cleaned
14 Who are the persons cleaning tanks?
ML = Million Litres
Table 16: Ward wise details of Govt. schools and their sanitation facilities
No. of toilets Is water Toilet outlets
No. of toilets
Ward School working supply
No. name present in Sewerage Septic Open
Girls Boys Girls Boys
toilets? (Y/N) system tanks nallas
Table 17: Ward wise details of Anganwadis and their sanitation facilities
No. of toilets Is water supply Toilet outlets
No. of toilets
Ward Anganwadi working present in
No. name toilets? (Y/N) Sewerage Septic Open
Girls Boys Girls Boys
system tanks nallas
Table 19: Details of vehicles used for door to door waste collection
Capacity of each Total waste
Vehicle type No .of vehicles No. of trips
vehicle (Tons) collected (Tons)
Length of
Volume of
drainage Length roads
grey Identification
Ward system (Pucca/ semi % of area % Functional
water of problem Remarks
No. (Pucca/ semi Pucca/kachha) covered treated status
generated areas
pucca/kachha) (km)
Transect walks involve a walk through the settlement existing sanitation services accompanied by a
small and an initial understanding of number of key informants the condition from the from the
community. It provides an introduction to existing sanitation services and an initial understanding of the
condition from the perspective of local residents.
Basic information
1. Town/City: 2. Date:
3. Ward No : 4. House No:
5. Religion: 6. Caste:
7. Education status:
8. Respondents gender: Male Female
9. Slum Yes No
10. If yes, slum name Notified Non notified
11. (i) Head of the household (Name): Male Female
(ii) Building plan approval Yes No
12. Accommodation Own Rented
13. Total members (Put number in front of male and Male Female
Sanitation arrangement
14. Type of Toilet a. Household b. Public toilet c. Community toilet
d. Shared (No .of HH) e. Open defecation
15. If, household or shared 1. Service latrine a. Night soil lifted by scavenger b. Night soil serviced by animal
facility, Latrine type 2. Unimproved pit latrine a. Fill and shift type without any outlet b. Connected to
3. Dry pit latrine (without water a. Yes b. No
4. Pour flush Pit Latrine a. Single Pit b. Two pit
5. Water Closet a. Connected to Sewer b. Connected to septic tank and
soak pit
c. Connected to septic tank without soak pit
24. Payment arrangements for a. Pay and use (Every use) b. Monthly family pass c. Free of cost
community toilets
25. Charges a. 50 paise b. Rs 1-2 c. Rs. 2-3
d. Rs 3 and above e. Monthly pass
1. Less than 20
2. 20-30
3. 30-40
26.Are you satisfied with present a. Yes b. No
27. If No state reasons* (tick all a. poor maintenance b. corruption c. lack of facilities
possible options) d. Other, Specify
28.Why you have not constructed a. Affordability to construct b .Affordability of connecting to sewer network c. Uncertainty over land and
toilet (Applicable if Q 14-15 are toilet tenure
d. Space Constraints e. Low priority given to sanitation (awareness) f. Lack of water
47.Frequency of cleaning drains a. Daily once b. Once in two days c. once in 3 days d. once in a week e. Irregular
48. Structure a) Pucca b) semi-Pucca c) Kutcha
49. Whether the area is prone to flooding during rains? a) Yes b) No
50. Frequency of flooding/Water Logging a) During rainy season b) Once in a while
51. Do you have sewer connection? a) Yes b) No
52. If yes, How much do you pay? a) 20-50 b) 50-80 c) 80-100 d) 100-130 e) 130-150 f) 150-180 g) 180 & above
Grievance redressal
53. Whom do you approach a) Sanitary Supervisor b) Corporator c) MLA d) NGO e) RWA f) others (Specify)
to give your complaint
regarding sanitation and
water supply?
54. How do you make a) Direct (By word) b) Letter c) Phone d) Internet
55.Time taken to solve the 1) Water leakage a) 0-5 Hours b) 5-10 Hours c)10-15 Hours d)Within 24 Hours
problem 2) Solid Waste Management a) 0-5 Hours b) 5-10 Hours c) 10-24 Hours e) More than a day
3) Sanitation a) 0-24 Hours b) 2 days c) 3 days d) More than 3 days
56. Are you satisfied with a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Partially d) Bad e)worse
present system
57. Are you informed about a. Yes b. No How: News paper Advertisement Wall poster
City Sanitation if yes how?
1. Open Defecation
2. Disposal of Sludge
3. Disposal of Liquid waste (Black and grey)
1. Institution name
2. Complete address
3. Number of Staff 1 to 5 15 to 25
6 to 10 25 and above
11 to 15
4. Condition of toilets (Observation) Good Bad
Average Worst
5. Toilet facility is provided to staff Yes No
6. Toilets provided separately for male & female Yes No
7. No. of toilets provided to male staff of the 1 to 3 7 to 9
Institute 4 to 6 Above 9
8. No. of toilets provided to female staff of the 1 to 3 7 to 9
Institute 4 to 6 Above 9
9. No. of seats available in the toilet for both the 1 to 5 11 to 15
gender 6 to 10 Above 16
10. Does the toilets have minimum infrastructure Yes No
11. If yes, what type of facilities are available Water supply Sinks are available
Doors with bolts Soaps
Buckets Hand wash
Lights Anything else
Tiled bathrooms
12. If water supply is there then what is the Overhead tank water Ground water
source Piped water Surface water
13. Are they maintained well Yes No
14. Do you need to improve the toilet condition Yes No
15. Type of improvement required
1. Cleaning
2. Continuous water supply
3. Maintenance
4. Change design
5. Upgrade infrastructure
6. Others
(Note: Take a photograph of the toilets)
1. Town/ City
2. Location
3. Maintained by/ service
4. No. of toilets Urinals Bath Washbasins
5. Male : 6. Female: 7. Children:
8. Pay per use (In Rs) Defecation Urinal Bathing
9. No. of people visiting per day:
10. Condition Very good Good Average Bad Worst
11. Cleaning (No. of times per day):
12. Type of latrine
13. Fecal sludge management
a) Sewer
b) Manually lifted
c) Onsite treatment
d) Other
14. Effluent discharge (where does it go)
15. O & M arrangement
1. Town/city
2. Location
3. Owner of the toilet
4. Year of construction
5. Maintained by/ service
6. No. of toilet seats
7. Number of people visiting/ Male: Female: Children
using (per day)
8. Other provisions (Number) Urinals Bath Washbasins
9. Care taker Yes No
10. Pay per use (In Rs) Defecation: Urinal: Bathing: Nothing:
11. Basis for pay Defecation: Urinal: Bathing: Nothing:
12. Condition Very good Good Average Bad Worst
13. Cleaning (No. of times per day):
14. Type of latrine Septic tank Pit Sewerage
16. Type of flush Cistern flush Pour flush
17. Water supply Yes No
18. Electricity Yes No
19. Soap facility Yes No
20. Visual appeal Good Bad
21. Smell No smell Bad smell
22. Leakages Yes No
23. Fecal sludge management
a. STP
b. Suction vehicle
c. Onsite treatment
d. Other
24. Effluent discharge(where does it go)
25. Detailed description of O & M arrangement
26. Description of financials for both capital and O&M costs
27. Overall rating Excellent Good Average Poor
28. Reasons for rating
29. Observations on hygienic practices of care taker and user
30. Any other observations/ Remarks
a. Basic Information
Name of the Respondent: Male/Female
Student □ Teacher □ Principal □ Others □
Name of the School Ownership of School Building:
I. Own □ Rent □
Address and location Landmark
2 Strength
(a) No. of Students Girls Boys
(b) No. of Teachers
No. of Students Female Male
(c) No. of other Staff Female Male
3(a) Students
No. of Urinals No. of WCs
Total Presently existed Balance to be Total Presently Balance to be
requirement o.k Under repairs constructed requirement existing constructed
3(b) Teachers
No. of Urinals No. of WCs
Presently existed Balance to be Total Presently Balance to be
Total required constructed requirement existing constructed
o.k Under repairs
4 Does the school have a waste water disposal (Other than WC water)
5 Yes
Toilets Connected to: Septic Tank □ Sewerage □ Open drains □ Not connected □
6 Is the toilet properly ventilated? Yes No
7 Is the toilet tiled? Yes No
8 Does the toilet has electricity connection? Yes No
8(a) If yes, is it working? Yes No
9 Does the school have water connection? Yes No
10 Are there other sources of Water Supply?
Borewell □ Tankers □ Others (specify) :
10 (a) Is there a facility for water storage? Yes/No
Overhead Tank □ Sump □ Filled into Barrels/Drums □
11 Is there flowing water in the toilets? Yes No
12 Is the toilet in working condition? (No Blockades, Usable) Yes No
12 If no, Reasons: No Water □ Damaged Door □ Bolt broken inside the toilet □
(a) Others(Specify) :
A. Perception survey
1 Do you use toilets? Yes No
a If no, Where do you go by? a) Your home is nearby□ b) to neighbor’s home □
c) don’t drink water □ d) open defecate □ d) others (specify):
2 Are students allowed to leave in the mid of the classes to use the urinals? Yes No
3 Are students of different classes having breaks at the same time/intervals? Yes No
4 Do you feel any students having dropped out or frequently fallen sick & away from Yes No
school days due to poor sanitation?
5 Other Concerns/issues in maintenance of toilets?
1 Do You use the toilets? Yes No
a If no, Where do you go by? a) Your home is nearby□ b) to neighbor’s home □
c) don’t drink water □ d) open defecate □ d) others (specify):
2 Do you feel any students having dropped out or frequently fallen sick & away from Yes No
school days due to poor sanitation?
3 Have you seen any teacher transferred to another school due to poor sanitation? Yes No
4 Other Concerns/issues in maintenance of toilets?
1 Do You use the toilets? Yes No
a If no, Where do you go by? a) Your home is nearby□ b) to neighbor’s home □
c) don’t drink water d) open defecate e) others (specify):
2 Do they wash their hands after they go to toilets? Yes No
3 Are you allowed to leave in the mid of the classes to use the urinals? Yes No
Girl Students:
1 Is there arrangement for dustbin in the toilets? Yes No
2 Do you attend school during menstrual period? Yes No
3 Any special menstrual hygiene classes? Yes No
The key idea is to carry out a needs assessment within the existing infrastructure as well as the strategy
to go with expansion of infrastructure. Following steps were identified before visiting the field.
1. Identifying stakeholder groups and available channels of communication categorize them.
2. Focus Group Discussions, Interviews, Transect Walks.
3. Topic Guides were prepared for each stakeholder group.
4. Data collection. Field assessment of communications needs was carried out.
FGDs will target the stakeholder groups e.g., residents, establishments and ULB officials. Opinion leaders
also need to be targeted as a high influence group both for interviews and implementation of
communications strategies. Following are the key personnel to be interviewed:
Key officials-Commissioners, sanitation inspectors, medical/health officers,
Councilors, Community elders,
City media: newspapers reporters,
RWA office bearers,
Safaikaramcharies union office bearers,
Heads of Commercial establishments and shopkeepers, including public places such as bus stands
Random Samples of Residents from Rich neighborhoods.
Slum residents
School teachers, children, employees
Hospital employees and doctors
1. Residents in slum
• Awareness regarding health and hygiene: The current level of awareness regarding ill-effects of lack
of sanitation, ODF, hand washing, SWM, etc.
• Awareness regarding Government policies for improving water and sanitation: NUSP, Sources and
channels of such knowledge and communication
• Awareness regarding technical options such as toilet options
• Willingness to upgrade financial and behavioral constraints
• Participation in any public awareness campaign regarding sanitation, Agencies that carried the
campaign and learning’s from the campaign
• Activities of local SHG's and other community organization, areas of engagement
• In non-slum areas - check for RWAs
• Media consumption patterns reading newspapers, Cable TV etc (also in non-slum areas)
• Information regarding demography of the slum (To be gathered from surveys)
• Complaint resolution system: complaints and mechanisms of resolution, how do they deal with water
and sanitation crisis, approaching local corporator, complain to Municipality, Agitate
• Kinds of training and tools are given to Safaikaramcharies for safe disposal of waste etc and their
satisfaction at what has been provided.
4. School sanitation
• Status of school sanitation
• Health problems
• Issues-drop out rates/ enrollment rates
• Girl children, status of SSA
• O&M problems, health problems
5. Hospitals
Examine disposal of hazardous waste, specifically if effluents are being left into open drains
Disease burden of the town, data from District Medical/Health Officer, information on campaigns to
mitigate, budget allocated
Disease burden, Diarrhea, GET, Cholera, Malaria, Skin problems
Communication efforts with reference to diarrhea, malaria, etc.
6. Media persons
• Main Sanitation issues in the city
• Sanitation news stories
• Municipality PR. Who answers media enquiries?
• Municipal Advertisements in dailies.
1. Messages: Behavior change communication for residents, sustaining behavior and attitude change,
attitudes of officials. Creating awareness about health and hygiene, environmental sanitation, helping
officials be good listeners, improving management within existing constraints through better
communication. Developing content for manuals for best communication practices, posters etc.
2. Channels of communication: these include grievance redressal mechanism of the MC, MC’s interaction
with people- feedback seeking mechanisms, postures, hoardings, exhibitions, school activities, cable TV,
FM Radio, Handbills, Newspapers, Street Plays, Meetings/seminars, workshops, presentations and
interpersonal means.
Interpersonal means include interactive group education and door to door motivational programmes.
Here the role of NGO’s is important.
3. Parameters: OUTPUT, PROCESS, OUTCOME as per NUSP
Environmental sanitation
• SWM: market waste, domestic waste, waste segregation at source and at collection point, waste
disposal measures
• Treatment of solid waste and dump
• Deviance on part of polluters and institutions such as hospitals
• Proportion of solid waste, grey water, black water generated that is treated and disposed safely
• ODF: public toilets, individual latrines, toilet maintenance, disposal of human waste,
• M&E to Track OD
• Check if sewage systems are working properly
• Disposal of septage
• UGS: awareness, user charges, problems
• Water bodies and quality of water in and around the city,
• Reduction in water borne diseases amongst city-population
II Secondary Information
1. District census handbook
2. Data on access to services from census and NSSO studies
3. CDP for the city
4. Master plan for the city
5. DPRs for water supply, sewerage including STPs, sanitation, storm water drainage, SWM,
environment including water bodies and slum development
6. Environment status report
7. Data on number of water bodies and extent of pollution
8. Quality of water in water bodies
9. Data on extent of grey water generation, collection and treatment and a comparative assessment
with sewage waste
10. Data on number of STPs, volume of waste generated and treated, extent of reuse and recycle of
waste water
11. Arrangements for septage treatment
12. Data on access to toilets by type (connected to sewerage, septic tanks, pits) and by wards – in terms
of households and properties
13. Data on number of notified and non-notified slums by wards along with population and access to
14. Data on community toilets by wards and by slums
15. Data on public toilets by wards and by type of areas (residential, industrial, commercial etc.)
16. Data on manual scavenging practices and areas
17. Data on length of sewerage network and percentage of area and population covered by sewerage
network by wards
18. Data on length of drainage network , types of drains, location of drainage outfalls and impact areas
19. Type of existing technological choices and feasibility of the same
20. Number of government and private primary, secondary and higher secondary schools and the
sanitation status for both boys and girls in terms of number and type of toilet facilities
21. Details of hazardous, industrial, health and other types of wastes
22. Mapping of key institutions along with roles and responsibilities with a specific focus on sanitation
23. Organogram for each key institution
24. Data on programmes and schemes implemented by various institutions with special focus on ULB
schemes and sanitation schemes
25. Existing regulatory arrangements for sanitation
26. Number of workers engaged in sanitation
27. Extent of cost recovery and user charges in sewerage and SWM
28. Type of O&M system
29. Monitoring and evaluation arrangements for sanitation and to track open defecation
30. Monthly collection of data on open defecation
31. Reportage on open defecation in a public forum
32. Incentives and awards for preventing open defecation
33. Complaint registration and grievance redressal mechanisms
34. Special focus on historical monuments and major recreation areas
35. Data on health indicators with a special focus on water and sanitation related diseases and
incidence of diarrheal diseases reported in the city over the last three financial years
36. Data on drinking water quality
37. Roles of NGOs
38. Collection of existing IEC materials including news paper clippings
39. Number and percentage of floating population
40. Number of flooding and water logging incidences
41. Percentage of households/properties openly depositing human excreta into nalas and drains
42. Proportion of storm water that is efficiently and safely managed – 100% pacca drains and flooding
and water logging incidences
43. Protective gear and safety equipment to sewerage and STP workers
44. Mechanical, CCTV, systems are being used for monitoring and cleaning sewers
45. Whether workers are provided insurance/provident fund/gratuity
46. Whether there is functioning grievance redressal mechanism for complaints related to sewerage
and septage
47. Whether septage/sullage (cleaners) workers use protective gear and safety equipment
48. Whether mechanical (non-manual) systems are being used for cleaning tanks and pits
49. Whether the cleaning and disposal of sludge from tanks and pits is monitored
50. Centralized data base, maps exist for drainage system
51. Pre-monsoon and one other season cleaning, repairs and maintenance of drains undertaken
52. Coverage of households and establishments by daily door-to-door collection
53. Proportion of city streets effectively covered by regular street sweeping, at least once a day
54. Proportion of waste that is processes and recycled
55. Cost recovery for SWM services
56. Availability of written manual and codified procedures for sewerage, septage, drainage and SWM
57. Status of State/ULB Act, provisions for punishments/fines for littering and letting out untreated
excreta in the open
58. Implementation of above rules in practice
59. Instances of fines in the last one year for littering and letting out in open
60. Conditions at dumping site and treatment plant
All sanitation technologies are either Wet or Dry. Wet technologies require water as the name
indicates flush out the feces and they drain in to a leach pit, septic tank or sewer- common practice.
Dry technology does not require water as the name indicates. This is our age old pit latrine,
ventilated improved pits etc. This is our usually adopted in hilly area where the water table is
pretty deep. To feel clean water is a must, so wet latrines are preferred by common man.
On site and Off site Systems
On site: Retaining waste in a pit or tank.
Off site: Removing waste to a distant place for treatment and disposal or disposal alone. Even in
the On site system periodical removal of sludge/septage is necessary.
Conventional offsite disposal system involves collection of the sewage through pipes and conveying
to a sewage treatment plant, treatment and disposal. This is an expensive option, requires extensive
land etc. So the communities were forced to think of alternative low cost onsite disposal methods
of which the most widely used options are Septic tank and Twin pit pour flush latrines.
Septic Tank
A septic tank is a combined sedimentation and digestion tank where sewage is held for one or two
days. During the period, the suspended solids settle down to the bottom. This is accompanied by
anaerobic digestion of settled solids (sludge) and liquid resulting in reduction in the volume of
sludge, reduction in biodegradable organic matter and release of gases like CO2, CH4, etc. The
effluent although clarified to a large extent still contains appreciable amount of dissolved and
suspended organic solids and pathogens. The effluent is to be disposed in a very careful way.
Because of this unsatisfactory condition of the effluent and also difficulty in providing proper
effluent disposal system, septic tanks are limited to individual houses, institutions whose
contributory population does not exceed so as to reduce the volume of effluent and thereby reduce
the difficulty in treatment. The septic tanks are normally rectangular in shape and can either be a
single tank or double tank. In case of double tank, the solid concentration is considerably lower and
the first compartment is usually twice the size of the second. The liquid depth is 1-2 m and the
length to breadth 2 - 1. Recommend sizes of septic tanks up to 2 users and for 300 users are given
Table 60: Recommended sizes of septic tanks
No. of Length Breadth Liquid depth in m cleaning
users in m in m interval of 2-3years
5 1.5 0.75 1.00-1.05
10 2 0.90 1.00-1.40
15 2 0.90 1.30-2.00
20 2.3 1.10 1.30-1.80
50 5.00 2.00 1.00-1.24
100 7.50 2.65 1.00-1.24
150 10.00 3.00 1.00-1.24
200 12.00 3.30 1.00-1.24
300 15.00 4.00 1.00-1.24
a) The capacities are recommended on the assumption that discharges from water closet alone are
connected to septic tank.
b) A provision of 300 mm should be provided as freeboard.1.00 m + 0.30 m, 1.05 m + 0.30 m etc.
c) For population over 100 mm the tank may be divided into independent parallel chambers for
easy maintenance and cleaning.
Soak Pits
The soak pits may be of any regular shape and filled with rubble or brick bats. Soak pits need be
prepared only when the water table is sufficiently below or when a porous layer underlies an in
previous layer at top. Minimum dimension of the soak pit shall be 1.00m and the depth below the
invert level or inlet pipe surrounding land to avoid flooding.
Soak pit or Seepage pit
All seepage pits shall have a diameter of 1.00m.
All seepage pits shall be designed as any of the following two types
1. Hollow and lined with acceptable material.
2. Filled with coarse stone or similar material that range from fines, sand, clay or organic
Pits filled with coarse stone are prepared over hollow lined pits
Lining of brick, stone, block or similar materials shall have a minimum thickness of 100
mm and shall be laid with overlapping, tight-butted joints
Below the inlet level, mortar shall be used in the horizontal joints only. Above the inlet, all
joints shall be filled fully with mortar.
For hollow- lined pits, the inlet pipe should extend horizontally at least 300 mm into the pit
with a tee to divert flow downward and prevent washing and eroding the side wall
A minimum annular space of 150 mm between the lining and excavation wall shall be filled
with crushed rock or gravel varying in diameter from 20 mm to 65 mm and free from fines,
sand, clay, or organic material. The maximum fines in the gravel shall be 2 percent by
weight passing through a Standard 10 mesh (2.0 mm) sieve. Clean coarse gravel or rock at
least 150 mm deep shall be placed in the bottom of each pit.
A structurally sound and otherwise suitable top shall be provided that will prevent
entrance of surface water, dirt or other foreign material, and be capable of supporting the
overburden of earth and any reasonable load to which it is subjected
Access to each hollow –lined pit shall be provided by means of a manhole, not less than 450
mm in minimum horizontal dimension, or by means of an easily removable cover.
The top of the pit shall be covered with a minimum of 150 mm of backfill.
In pits filled with coarse stone, the perforated distribution pipe shall run across each pit. A
layer of crushed rock or gravel shall be used for levelling the distribution pipe.
Dispersion Trenches
Narrow and shallow trenches about 0.5m to 1.00m deep and 0.3m to 1.00m wide excavated to a
slight slope. Open jointed stone ware or concrete pipes 80 to 100 mm diameter are laid in the
trenches over a bed of 15 to 25 cm of washed gravel or crushed stone. The top of pipes shall be
covered by coarse gravel and crushed stone to a minimum depth of 15 cm. The balance portion may
be filled with earth and finished in the form of a mound above the ground to avoid flooding of
trenches during rain.
Width of trench:300 to 600 mm wide
Depth :500to 600 mm
Dispersion pipe: 100 mm diameter open jointed S.W. pipes/ 75mm to 90mm OD perforated
PVC pipes
Maximum length of each trench: 30 m
Spacing of the trench : 1.8 m
Slope of the pipe :1 in 400
Media: 20 to 65 mm size broken stones for a thickness of 150 mm below the pipe.
Separation distance of trees and rooted plants;
Trees and other large rooted plants shall not be allowed to grow near to dispersion trenches
It is desirable to cover the area over onsite soil absorption systems with lawn grass or other
shallow –rooted plants
Soil absorption systems should not be located under vegetable gardens.
The separation distance of trenches must be at least equal to 3 times the deepest effective
depth of trench with a minimum separation of 370 mm between trenches
pit design was introduced. When one pit is full, the excreta is diverted into the second pit. The filled
up pit can be conveniently implied after 1⅟₂ to 2 years when most of the pathogens die off. The
sludge can be used as manure.
Leach Pit
Leach pits serve a dual function of
a) Storage and digestion of excreted solids and
b) Infilteration of waste liquids
Leach pits are designed based on the following parameters
1) Solid accumulation rate
2) Long term infilteration rate
3) Hydraulic loading
4) Minimum period required for effective pathogen destruction
5) Optimal pit emptying frequency
The pits are lined with honey come brick work, open jointed or with perforated burnt clay or
concrete rings. The pits are circular and used alternatively and designed for 3 years filling period.
When one pit is filled it is stopped, the excreta being diverted to second pit. The contents become
lich organic humus, innocuous and free from pathogens as well as smell. When convenient, it is
emptied and contents used as organic manure. The size of leach pits depends on a number of
factors mentioned above. The effective volume under dry conditions should be at least 0.135 m³
per capita of the house hold for a period of 3 years. In the case of wet pit where water table is high
the volume shall be 0.210 m³ per capita of the house hold for a period of 3 years. Leach pit
configuration can be varied to suit site conditions while the least cost design in a twin circular pits.
Aqua Privy
This is a simplified form of septic tank consisting of a masonry tank filled with water, a squatting
pan or a platform placed above the tank and ventilation pipe. A long chute or pipe from the
squatting is submerged in the tank water. The excreta fall through this chute or pipe into the tank
and undergo anaerobic digestion as in septic tank. The accumulated sludge (digested) from the tank
is to be removed periodically. To compensate for evaporation, leakage losses and to maintain the
water seal i.e., submergence of chute in the water, water is added every time after its use.
Tiruchirapally (Trichy to most people), the famous temple town of the South, is the fourth-largest
city in Tamil Nadu, and is located on the banks of the Cauvery with a population of just over a
million — of which 25 per cent live in slums. Trichy has 211 “approved” slums and as many as 75
“unapproved” slums which are located on railway land, Government of India land, and land
belonging to the Waqf Board and other private owners. Until the end of the 1990s the slums of
Trichy, with their sanitation and toilet facilities in an appalling state, were no different from the rest
of the country. But things began to change about 10 years ago, and Trichy has not looked back since.
The city was ranked 6th in India in the sanitation ranking of Indian cities by the ministry of urban
development in 2009-10.
It all started with a major initiative launched by the NGO Gramalaya in 2000, mobilising women in
the slums in self-help groups (SHGs) and launching an awareness campaign on sanitation through
training. They were able to get the support of Water-Aid, a UK-based NGO, to fund the
building/renovation of 25 community toilets and child-friendly toilets in the slums, which would be
managed by the women of the community on a pay-and-use basis. Sanitation health education
teams were set up by the SHGs to propagate the message of sanitation, monitor the behaviour of
residents, and supervise the maintenance of the toilets.
A community toilet complex typically has 10-12 seats for women and 10-12 for men. Child-friendly
toilets are separately provided in an adjacent area, for children up to the age of eight. Each toilet
has a tap which supplies 24×7 water. Some have graduated to “sanitary complexes” with room for
bathing and washing. Each facility receives its water supply from the Trichy City Corporation (TCC),
and a bore well is also provided by the corporation. Each has a provision of underground storage of
water and an overhead tank to which water is pumped. TCC has ensured that water is made
available also in summer months through tankers. The corporation waives the electricity charge for
the pumping of water for the first few years of operating the toilets. Afterwards, the tariff for
community toilets is levied at the lower domestic rate and not commercial rate.
The cost of a typical community toilet was around Rs 3 lakh in the initial years that Water-Aid built
such complexes. Today, the cost is around Rs 12 lakh. The success of the women in managing and
maintaining the community toilets encouraged the TCC to build more of them, so that all the 211
approved slums now have community toilets. Out of a total of 347 such toilets (some slums have
more than one), 284 are connected to the sewerage system and 63 function through a septic tank.
About 100 toilets are being managed on a pay and use basis by SHGs with Gramalaya, and another
40 by other NGOs. For the rest, the TCC and/or ward councillors take the responsibility for
managing the toilets.
The Kamala Nehru Nagar slum where the toilet was inside the slum area. In West Devathanam,
another complex where the toilet is located between the slum and a public road and caters to the
needs of the slum as well as the floating population surrounding the slum. At the community toilets
run by SHGs, sanitary health education team members take turns to sit at a table placed outside the
toilet complex with tokens to sell as people come to use the toilet. They engage cleaners who clean
the complex two to three times a day. I found that the toilets were cleaner than what we may
typically find in cinema halls in Delhi.
It is clear from the systems they have put in place to manage and maintain these toilets that these
women understand the economics of it all. The collection from user charges is used to pay their
electricity bills, the cleaner, the guard who keeps the watch, and expenses of minor repairs. The
typical user charge varies from 50 paise to Re 1 per use, while children, the elderly and the
physically challenged have free access. The accounts are meticulously-kept and are audited by the
All teams make a small subscription to come together under Women’s Action for Village
Empowerment (WAVE) which is a registered society. Monthly meetings of WAVE allow them to
discuss their problems and learn from each other in finding solutions. A member of the TCC is also
invited to these meetings. They are now extending their sphere to cover solid waste management
and better delivery of other public services.
After initial resistance to their cause, men wanted to have a part of the action when the women
seemed to be succeeding in making their slums clean. The women obliged by creating AWASH
(Association for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) so that men could also contribute to improving the
water and sanitation scenario of their joint habitat. Men also find a role through WATSAN (water
and sanitation) committees in monitoring the progress of the overall sanitation status of the slums
in the city. The municipal commissioner, T. T. Balsamy, was very appreciative of the role played by
the NGOs and the communities in bringing about the much overdue transformation. As Geetha
Jegan, executive director of Gramalaya put it: “Together, the city corporation, the NGOs and the
communities from the slums of Trichy have transformed the sanitation scenario in Trichy.”Trichy
has shown the way. Other cities in India must follow to completely get rid of open defecation and
work for better sanitary conditions.
blockage in the neighbour's portion of the sewer. The rapid, direct and informed feedback to the misuser
virtually eliminates the need to educate the users of the system in the "acceptable and unacceptable" and
results in fewer blockages than in conventional systems. Finally, because of the greatly reduced
responsibility of the wastewater utility, its operating costs are sharply reduced. The condominial system is
now providing service to hundreds of thousands of urban people in northeast Brazil and is being replicated
on a large scale throughout the country. The danger, however, is that the clever engineering is seen as "the
system". Where the community and organisational aspects have been missing, the technology has worked
poorly (as in Joinville, Santa Catarina) or not at all (as in the Baixada Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro). Source:
Briscoe, 1993; de Melo, 1985.
GRIHA has a 100 point system consisting of some core points, which are mandatory to be met while
the rest are optional points, which can be earned by complying with the commitment of the
criterion for which the point is allocated. Different levels of certification (one star to five stars) are
awarded based on the number of points earned. The minimum points required for certification is
50. Buildings scoring 50 to 60 points, 61 to 70 points, 71 to 80 points, and 81 to 90 points will get
one star, ‘two stars’, ‘three stars’ and ‘four stars’ respectively. A building scoring 91 to 100 points
will get the maximum rating viz. five stars.
ASCI : Administrative Staff College of India
BOD : Biological Oxygen Demand
BOT : Buy-Own-Operate
BPL : Below Poverty Line
BSUP : Basic Services to the Urban Poor
CAA : Constitution Amendment Act
COD : Chemical Oxygen Demand
CPHEEO : Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization
CSP : City Sanitation Plan
CT : Community Toilets
CTF : City sanitation Task Force
DMHO : District Medical Health Officer
DPR : Detailed Project Report
ELSR : Elevated Service Reservoir
FGD : Focus Group Discussions
FY : Financial Year
GIS : Geographic Information System
GoI : Government of India
HHs : Households
HSC : House Service Connections
IEC : Information, Education, Communication
ILCS : Integrated Low Cost Sanitation
JnNURM : Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
AMC : Agartala Municipal Council
UDD : Urban Development Department
MSL : Mean Sea Level
MSW : Municipal Solid Waste
NRW : Non Revenue Water
NUSP : National Urban Sanitation Policy
ODF : Open Defecation
O&M : Operations and Maintenance
PHED : Public Health and Engineering Department
PSP : Public Stand Posts
SI : Sanitary Inspector
SLB : Service Level Benchmarking
SJSRY : Swarna Jayanti Shehri Rojgar Yojana
SSA : Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
SSHE : School Sanitation and Hygiene Education
STP : Sewage Treatment Plant
SWM : Solid Waste Management
ULB : Urban Local Body
UGD : Under Ground Drainage
WC : Water Closet
Units of Measure
lpcd : litres per capita per day
m : metre
MLD : Million litres per day
Sq. m : square metre
TPD : Tonnes per day
1. Activated sludge: An aerobic treatment process in which oxygen and micro-organism
concentrations in wastewater are artificially elevated to facilitate rapid digestion of
biodegradable organic matter.
2. Aerated pond or lagoon: A natural or artificial wastewater treatment pond in which
mechanical or diffused air aeration is used to supplement the natural reoxygenation processes.
3. Aerobic treatment: Treatment of wastewater with the help of micro-organisms that rely on
4. Anaerobic digestion: Decomposition of organic material by anaerobic bacteria in the absence
of air.
5. Anaerobic lagoon: A system for treatment of high-strength wastewater and sludge that
involves retention under anaerobic conditions.
6. Biochemical oxygen demand: A measure of the organic pollutant strength of wastewater.
7. Biosolids: See Sewage sludge.
8. Blackwater: Wastewater discharge from toilets.
9. Bucket latrine: A traditional but unhygienic form of sanitation in which feces is deposited into
a bucket which is collected regularly (usually at night) and taken away (usually by ‘sweepers’).
10. Composting latrine: A latrine designed to receive both feces and waste vegetable matter with
the aim of reducing moisture content and achieving a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio that promotes
rapid that promotes rapid decomposition.
11. Dry latrines: All forms of latrines that do not require water for flushing.
12. Desludging: Removal of sludge or settled solid matter from treatment tanks such as
septic/Imhoff tank, interceptor tank or sedimentation tanks.
13. Disposal: Discharge, deposition or dumping of any liquid or solid waste onto land or water so
that it may enter the environment.
14. Domestic sewage: All forms of wastewater derived from residential properties, as well as
black water and grey water from commercial and institutions buildings.
15. Dry sanitation: Disposal of human excreta without the use of water for flushing or anal
16. Ecological sanitation (ecosan): A form of dry sanitation that involves separation of feces and
urine in order to facilitate recycling of nutrients in local agricultural systems.
17. Effluent: Any form of wastewater or liquid waste that flows from an operation or activity.
18. Excreta: Feces and urine.
19. Fecal sludge: The undigested sludge that is collected from pit latrines and leach pits.
20. Grey water (also know as sullage): Wastewater produced by washing and bathing activities.
21. Lagoon: See technology data sheet on ‘Wastewater and Fecal Sludge Treatment: Waste
Stabilization Ponds’ (page 104).
22. Leachfield: A trench filled with sand, soil, gravel and brickbats for disposal of septic tank
overflow into the surrounding soil.
23. Leach pit (sometimes known as a cesspit): An underground tank that is used where there is no
sewer and household wastewaters are drained into them to permit leaching of the liquid into
the surrounding soil.
24. Night soil: Human excreta, with or without anal cleansing material, which are deposited into a
bucket or other receptacle for manual removal.
25. On-plot sanitation: A sanitation system that is wholly contained within the plot occupied by a
private dwelling and its immediate surroundings. Commonly, on-plot sanitation is equivalent
to ‘household latrine’, but may also include facilities shared by several households living
together on the same plot.
ASCI, Hyderabad 178
City Sanitation Plan | Tumkur
26. On-plot facilities: The components of a sanitation system located within a householder’s plot.
27. Off-site sanitation: A system of sanitation that involves collection and transportation of waste
(wastewater either by sewerage or septage/fecal sludge by vacuum truck) to a location away
from the immediate locality.
28. Pathogens: Micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa that cause disease.
29. Percolation rate: The rate at which liquids move through soil.
30. Pit latrine: A form of on-plot sanitation with a pit for accumulation and decomposition of
excreta from which liquid infiltrates into the surrounding soil.
31. Pour flush toilet: A type of latrine where a water seal trap is used to prevent smells and to
reduce insects.
32. Sanitation: Interventions (usually construction of facilities such as latrines) that improve the
management of excreta and promote sanitary (healthy) conditions.
33. Septage: Mixture of wastewater and sludge removed from a septic tank during cleaning
34. Septic tank: A form of on-plot sanitation for the anaerobic treatment of sewage/blackwater.
35. Sewage: A mixture of wastewater from all urban activates from residential, commercial
properties. It may also contain a component of industrial wastewater.
36. Sewer: A conduit, usually a pipe, which is used to collect and convey wastewater away from its
point of production to its point of disposal.
37. Sewage sludge (sometimes referred to as biosoilds): A semisolid residue generated during
the treatment of domestic sewage including both solids removed by sedimentation and
biological sludge produced by biological treatment.
38. Sewerage: A network of interconnected sewers in a area, district or town.
39. Soak pit/Soak away: A pit, typically after a septic tank from where wastewater slowly seeps
into the ground through perforated sides and bottom.
40. Sullage (also know as grey water): Wastewater from bathing, laundry, preparation of food,
cooking, and other personal and domestic activates.
41. Superstructure: Screen or building enclosing a latrine to provide privacy and protection for
42. Suction truck: A vehicle used for mechanized sludge removal from septic tanks and lined
latrine pits.
43. Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP): A dry latrine system, with a dark interior and a
screened vent pipe to reduce odor and fly problems.
44. Vent pipe: A pipe that facilitates the escape of gases and odors from a latrine or septic tank.
45. Wastewater: Liquid waste from households or commercial or industrial operations, along
with any surface water/storm water.
46. Wastewater treatment: A combination of physical, chemical and biological processes to
remove suspended solids, dissolved pollutants and pathogens and render the water harmless
to the environment.
47. Water closet: A pan, incorporating a water seal, in which excreta are deposited before being
flushed away using water.
48. Water seal: Water held in a U-shaped pipe or hemispherical bowl connecting a pan to a pipe,
channel or pit to prevent the escape of gases and insects from the sewer or pit.
1. Solid Waste Action Plan, Tumkur, year
2. Service Level Benchmarking, a Manual for Urban Local Bodies, 2010
3. Initiatives in Urban sector, Karnataka 2010
4. National Urban Sanitation Policy 2008
1. DMA
2. MRC
3. TCC
1. Mr. Anurag Tiwari, Former Commissioner, Tumkur City Corporation
2. SYSRY section