Bns Form
Bns Form
Bns Form
Form No. 01, Page 1 of 4 pages
Revised February 2011
For the period ______________ 20 __
1. This performance rating sheet is applicable to the availment of second grade Civil Service eligibility, and the annual search for Outstanding
2. Accomplish the form every twelve months (one year) of continuous service of the BNS. The inclusive period of service of the BNS as indica
above may differ if the BNS is being considered for both. For the Outstanding BNS Award, the period of service is January to December of
year. For Civil Service eligibility, the period of service may vary, as long as it covers a period of 2 years continuous satisfactory service.
3. In rating, rate the yearly accomplishments of the BNS against the targets set in the BNS action plan.
4. In filling up the forms, determine the accomplishment per task/activity of the BNS being evaluated. Give corresponding scores to each
accomplishment per task/activity and indicate these under column "Actual Score". Fill up the column "Remarks" when necessary to explain
of accomplishments. Add up the actual scores and place a check (/) on the appropriate rating of the BNS performance.
Score of Accomplishment 1/
Task/Activity Quality Actual
Accomplishment Score
1/ The accomplishment for this and all tasks should be given the corresponding scores as provided under the column Score.
2/ Per DOH-Administrative Order No. 25 Series 2003 dated 3 March 2003, all children aged 0-71 months (at least 17.5% of total population) s
be weighed.
For areas with more than 2,000 preschoolers like cities and NCR areas, the following scoring system could be used for 1.A c:
81 and above 10.0
61 - 80 8.0
31 - 60 6.0
21 - 30 4.0
1 - 20 2.0
3/ All children, 0-24 months old should be weighed monthly. In cases where there are too many infants, the local nutrition committee could pr
that a certain proportion of these infants should be weighed monthly, but the number of infants should not be less than 200.
4/ Mo. 1 refers to lst mo. service of BNS; Mo. 2 to his/her 2nd mo. of service, etc.
PPAN-IG No. 009
Form No. 01, Page 2 of 4 pages
Score of Accomplishment 1/
Task/Activity Quality Actual
Accomplishment Score
C. Follow-up weighing of 25-71 months old
preschoolers 5/
a. total number of 25-71 months old _____ 1st Qtr 90 & above 10.0
preschoolers weighed ÷ total number of 25-71 _____ 2nd Qtr 80 - 89 9.0
months old preschoolers identified by full _____ 3rd Qtr 70 - 79 8.0
weighing excluding those who have _____ 4th Qtr 60 - 69 7.0
graduated or transferred. 50 - 59 6.0
40 - 49 5.0
b. % accomplishment (a x 100) 30 - 39 4.0
= % quarterly accomplishment __________ % 20 - 29 3.0
c. total % accomplishment (add all % quarterly 10 - 19 2.0
accomplishment) __________ % 9 & below 1.0
d. average quarterly accomplishment = (c) ÷ 4 __________ %
Organizations include civic groups (i.e. youth organization, senior citizens, Red Cross, Rotary Club), religious and school (i.e. Girl Sc
could possibly assist in the conduct of weighing.
Attendance to trainings/seminars/orientations during the evaluation year should be supported by certificates of attendance.
Date : ______________
- Very Satisfactory
70-84 - Satisfactory
55-69 - Unsatisfactory
54 and below - Very Unsatisfactory
nt of second grade Civil Service eligibility, and the annual search for Outstanding BNS.
ontinuous service of the BNS. The inclusive period of service of the BNS as indicated
For the Outstanding BNS Award, the period of service is January to December of each
ay vary, as long as it covers a period of 2 years continuous satisfactory service.
3 March 2003, all children aged 0-71 months (at least 17.5% of total population) should
nd NCR areas, the following scoring system could be used for 1.A c:
. In cases where there are too many infants, the local nutrition committee could prescribe
ed monthly, but the number of infants should not be less than 200.
er to the mother and child/children. If the family is visited twice, thrice or even 12 times
ion, senior citizens, Red Cross, Rotary Club), religious and school (i.e. Girl Scouts) that