Edit - Daily OK IGD HIL 06.11.2019
Edit - Daily OK IGD HIL 06.11.2019
Edit - Daily OK IGD HIL 06.11.2019
Resident on Duty:
Supervisor :
Dr. H. Patiyus Agustiansyah, OBGYN(C), MARS
1 0 1
11.00 AM O: Sens: Coma, GCS E1M1Vt, BP: 126/89 mmHg, P : 127x/min, RR : 22x/min
(ventilator), SpO2 94%
Abdominal: Fundal height 2 fingers above umbilical (20 cm), longitudinal lie, left
spine fetus, head, U 5/5, uterine contraction (-), FHR (-)
VT : Portio soft, posterior, eff 0 %, dilatation (-), head, HI, amniotic membrane
and denominator can’t assessed
A : G1P0A0 29 weeks gestational age not inlabor with eclampsia antepartum + partial
HELLP syndrome + post ROSC 1x + desaturation + acute pulmonary edema SDF
cephalic presentation + Anhydramnios
P : Observasion of vital sign, seizure and inlabor sign
Dexamethasone 15 mg/ 8 hours IV
Another therapy ~ Anesthesiology Dept
Planned for abdominal termination after stabilization max 12 hours
Assesment anestesiology for CS
Follow Up OBGYN S : Preterm pregnancy with history of seizure and loss of consciousness
05-11-2019 O : Sense: Coma, GCS E1M2Vt , BP 121/81 mmHg, P: 125x/menit RR 22x/menit
01.00 PM SpO2 95%
A : G1P0A0 29 weeks gestational age not inlabor with eclampsia antepartum + partial
HELLP syndrome + post ROSC 1x + desaturation + acute pulmonary edema
SDF cephalic presentation + Anhydramnios
- Vital sign, seizure and inlabor sign
- IVFD RL gtt xx/minute
- Ceftriaxone 1gr/ 12 hours IV
- Paracetamol 1gr/8 hours
- N acetyl cysteine 1gr/ 8 hours per NGT
- Dexamethason 15 mg/ 8 hours IV
- Epinefrin 15 mcg/hours IV
- Inform consent to the family, CS with DOT risk