4.57 EVN Hemipharese Dextra
4.57 EVN Hemipharese Dextra
4.57 EVN Hemipharese Dextra
Supervisor on Duty :
Prof Dr. dr. Edi Hartoyo, Sp. A (K)
Visi Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Fakultas Kedokteran ULM
Misi Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak
Fakultas Kedokteran ULM
1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dokter dokter spesialis anak yang
menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, professional, dan
berakhlak mulia
2. Menyelenggarakan penelitian yang menghasilkan IPTEK Ilmu Kesehatan
Anak yang berwawasan lingkungan lahan basah
3. Menyelenggarakan pengabdian dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat
terutama di bidang kesehatan berwawasan lingkungan lahan basah
4. Melakukan kerjasama dengan pemerintah daerah, perguruan tinggi
dalam dan luar negeri serta para pihak lainnya untuk peningkatkan
pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi
5. Meningkatkan mutu Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Anak
melalui peningkatan kualitas sarana dan prasarana Pendidikan
6. Meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pengelolaan Program
Studi Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Anak
New patient : 4 patients
Emergency Ward : - Patients
Neonatology Ward : 1 Patient
PICU : - Patient
Isolation Ward : - Patient
Pediatric Ward : 3 Patient
Emergency Ward
PICU ward
Neonatology ward
Baby, Mrs. Sophia / F / 26 Respiratory Failure ec Pneumonia Neonatal + Susp PJB 23/7/24
d.o asianotic 17.30
• Name : SN
• Age : 5 years 3 months old
• Gender : Female
• No. RM : 01-56-66-37
• Day of admission : July, 23rd 2024
• Address : Buntok
Chief complaint :
• Circulation
– Pale (-), mottled (-), cyanosis (-)
Conclusion: No Emegency
Primary survey
• Airway
– Patent, no snoring, no gurgling
• Breathing
– RR 24 times/min, regular breathing rythm, SpO2 98% room air.
• Circulation
– Blood pressure: 90/60 mmHg (P50-P90), Pulse 134 bpm, regular,
– CRT < 2 seconds, pale (-) mottled (-) cyanosis (-)
• Disability
– E4V5 M6 = 15, Light reflex (+/+), lateralization (+), motoric weakness
• Environment
– Body temperature 37.1ᴼC
Conclusion: Stable 9
Emergency Management
07.30 WITA
Patient referred from Jaraga Sasameh Hospital, Buntok with diagnosis Suspect Myastenia Gravis +
Tetraparese + Susp CHF ec Rheumatic Heart Disease. Patient came to ER with chief complain
Weakness on right extremities since 1 months prior to admission (p.a). Patient’s general condition was
moderatly ill, GCS E4V5M6, BP: 90/60 mmHg (P90-95) Temp : 37,1˚C, HR: 134 bpm, RR: 24x/min, CRT < 2
sec, SpO2: 99% without oxygen supplementation, warm extremities
Recheck patency iv access
Perform laboratories examination
Perform Electrocardiogram
Monitoring vital signs and observation
Consult to supervisor in charge
14.30 WITA
During observation, patient was stable, general condition was moderately ill, GCS
E4V5M6,BP 100/70 mmHg HR 109 bpm, regular and adequate, respiration rate 24
times/minute, temperature 36.8 oC, SpO2 99 % room air, CRT < 2 seconds, warm
Secondary Survey
History of present illness
1 week p.a Ulin General Hospital
History of Past illness
• No history of hypertension
• No history hospitalization before
• No history of blood transfusion
Conclusion: No remarkable data
Family history
• The patient was born aterm, spontaneous vaginal delivery assisted by doctor, birth
weight was 2600, birth length was 51 and head circumference mother was forget.
Patient immediately crying, no history of active resuscitation, no bluish, no pale, no
Conclusion : No remarkable data 13
• BCG (1), Polio (3), DPT(3), Hep B (4), MR (1), HiB (0) PCV(0)
• Conclusion: Incomplete immunization (Indonesia Pediatric Association)
• Exclusive breastfeeding since birth until 4 month old @10-12 times
• Complementary food since 6 months old.
• Regular family meal since 12 months old, 3 times a day, 10-15 spoonful each meal.
• Currently patient eat regular meal 1-2 times per day, 1-2 full portion with rice, few
chicken thigh or fish with vegetables (810 kcal) (75,8 % RDA).
• Conclusion: Inadequate nutritional intake
• Patient can lift head at 2 months old
• Patient can turn over the body at 4 months old
• Patient can sit at 6 months old
• Patient can stand at 10 months old
• Patient can walk at 13 months old
• Patient can talk properly 1 year until now
• Now patient at playgroup, no difficulties at studying and socialize with her peer.
• Conclusion: No remarkable data
Social Environment
• Patient is the third child in the family.
• Patient lived in a house
• Patient lived with his parent, and two older brother.
• The father is a mechanic
• mother is a housewife
• Father was an active smoker
• Income 2.000.000 – 3.000.000 per month
• No history of usage of Mosquito burning coil
• There is no pet in patient house.
• They use gas for cooking
• Patient use a water from well for daily needs, and for shower
and laundry
• Conclusion: low socioeconomic status
F 5 y 3 mo
M, 10 y.o M, 7 y.o
Conclusion :
Patient was the 3rd child this family
Grandmother history of hypertention
Mother history of urticaria
No history of malignancy in family
No history of consanguinity marriage.
Physical Examination
(23/7/2024 07.30, at Ulin Hospital)
General condition
• Moderately-ill
• Alert
• pGCS: E4V5M6
Vital sign
Organ Descriptions
Head Normocephaly, facial edema (-), alopecia (-), dysmorphic face (-), malar rash (-)
Eyes Pale conjunctiva (+), icteric sclera (-), isochor pupil 3 mm/3 mm, light reflexes (+/+) , normal
eye movements, sunken eyes (-/-) allergy shinner (-), swelling (-), redness (-), discharge (-).
Neck Lymph nodes enlargement (-), no tenderness, no erythema, nuchal rigidity (-)
Ear discharge (-) Nasal discharge (-/-), Nasal flare (-)-Livid nasal mucosa (+), allergy crease (-),
ENT satellite lesion (-), hyperemic pharynx (-), tonsils hyperemic (-), detritus (-), pseudomembrane
Mouth Dirty and whitish tongue (-), stomatitis (-), oral trush (-), sub gingival bleeding (-) wet lips (+),
geographic tongue (-), tooth cavity (-)
Inspection: wasted ribs (-), subcostal retraction (-), pectus carinatum (-), pectus excavatum (-)
Palpation : Symmetrical vocal fremitus, no axilla lymph nodes enlargement
Percussion : sonor +/+
Thorax Auscultation: vesicular (+), rales (---/---), wheezing (-), prolonged expiration (-), stridor
inspiration (-), S1S2 regular, murmur 3/6 systolic left parasternal ICS III – IV , radiating (+)
apex , gallop (-)
Flat, distended (-), no tenderness, non-migrating, normal abdominal sound (+) liver not
Abdomen palpable, spleen not palpable, shifting dullness (-) undulation (-), normal skin turgor
Warm, CRT < 2 seconds, edema (-), pitting edema (-), petechiae (-), clubbing finger (-) axillary
Extremities lymph nodes enlargement (-), axilla and inguinal lymph nodes enlargement (-), cyanotic (-),
BCG scar (+)
Skin Pale (-), cyanotic (-), rash (-), hematoma (-), icteric (-), mottled (-), itchy (-)
Organ Descriptions
Meningeal sign (-), Brudzinski I (-), Brudzinski II (-), Kernig (-)
Motoric strength 4444 | 5555 Physiological reflex (N |N)
4444 | 5555 (N| N)
Pathologic reflex Babinski (-/-), Flaccid (+) right lower extremity, Spastic (+) right hand,
clonus (-) Muscle tone (-) Atrophy on extremities muscle (-), Limitation of Range Of
Sensoric : in normal range
Nervus Craniales
N. I hard to evaluated
N. II normal, strabismus (-)
N. XI hard to evaluate
Anthropometric Status
• Body Weight : 11,9 Kg
• Body Height : 102 cm
• Ideal Body Weight : 16,5 kg
• Height Age : 4 Years 3 months old
• Arm circumference : 16,5 cm
• Head circumference : 47 cm (Normocephaly)
CDC Growth Chart
• Weight/Age : < P3
• Height/Age : P5-10
• Weight/Height : 72 %
Head CT Scan
without Contrast
at Ulin Hospital
Head CT Scan without Contrast
at Ulin Hospital (06/07/2024)
MSCT scan of the head 64 slices without contrast axial cut. Reconstruction performedsagittal and
coronal sections:
• A relatively well-demarcated hypodense lesion in the left cortical subcortical lobe temporo
parietalis and left basal ganglia
• The left lateral ventricle is dilated. The rest of the ventricular system is normal, no abnormal
• No midline deviation of structures Sulci and other gyri, right fissure sylvii normal, cisterna open
• Pons, midbrain, cerebellum normal
• Air cell mastoid, nasopharyng, other paranasal sinuses within normal limits
• Bulbus oculi, retrobulber space, N opticus within normal limits
• Skeletal and soft tissue normal
• White matter and gray matter boundaries are clear
• Size of sella tursica is normal
1. Subacute ischemic lesions in the subcortical, cortical of left temporo parietal lobe and left basal
2. Currently no hemorrhage /SOL/calvaria fracture seen
Laboratory Findings
at Jaraga Sasameh Hospital (22/07/2024)
Referenced value
Hb (g/dL) 7.8 11.5 - 14.5
Hematocrit (%) 25.8 34 - 40
RBC (milion/ul) - 3.9-5.3
Leukocyte (/µL) 14.500 5.000 – 14.500
Thrombocyt (/uL) 212.000 150.000 – 450.000
MCV (fl) 67.7 76.0 - 90.0
MCH (pg) 20.5 25.0 – 30.0
MCHC (g/dl) 30.3 32- 36 • Hypochromic
Neutr % 72 11.5 - 14.5 microcytic anemia
Lymph % 21 34 - 40
RBG 128 < 200
ESR mm/h 100 <25mm/h
ECG at Jaraga Sasameh Hospital (22/07/2024)
Sinus tachycardi
Chest X-Ray
at Jaraga Sasameh Hospital (22/07/2024)
AP Supine Position
Differential Diagnosis
I. Brain Ischemic a/r cortical subcortical left temporoparietal lobe and left basal ganglia I67.82
II. Hemiparese dextra related to ischemic left basal ganglia G81
III. Motor Aphasia related to left temporoparietal lobe ischemic R47
IV. Suspected acynaotic congenital heart due to susp
1. Ventricullar septal defect Q21
2. Atrial septal Defect Q21.1
3. Atrio-Ventricullar septal defect Q21.23
V. Suspect Rheumatic Heart Disease I.00
VI. Microcytic hypochromic anemia due to susp
1. Hypochromic microcytic anemia due to susp iron deficiency anemia D64.9
2. Anemia of chronic disease D63.8
VII. Underweight R63.6
VIII. Short Stature R62.0
IX. Moderate Malnutrition E44
X. Incomplete immunization Z28
Initial Managements
Fluid IVFD D5 1/2 NS 500 cc/ 24 jam (Half maintenance)
Antibiotics IV Ampicillin 4 x 600 mg (100 mg/kgBW/day)
Antipyretic IV Paracetamol 120 mg (10 mg/kgBW/dose) (if needed)
Planning Diagnostic CBC, Serum Electrolyte, ECG, MDT, CRP, ASTO, LED,
Echocardiography, Head MRI
Planning Monitoring Vital signs, GCS, seizure, sign of increased intracranial
pressure, balance diuresis, diuresis, antibiotic response
Family Education Educate the family about diagnosis, planning, treatment and
Consult to Supervisor in Charge
Consult to Neurology Division
Consult to Cardiology Division
Plan to Hospitalized at Neurology Ward
Plan to catch up immunization
Laboratory Findings
at Ulin Hospital (23/07/2024)
23/07/24 Referenced value 23/07/24 Reference value
Hb (g/dL) 8.4 11.5 - 14.5 Albumin (g/dl) - 3.8-5.4
Hematocrit (%) 28.8 34 - 40 AST(U/L) 25 5-34
RBC (milion/ul) 4.08 3.9-5.3 ALT(U/L) 11 0-55
Leukocyte (/µL) 15.600 5.000 – 14.500 Ureum (mg/dL) 24 5-25
Thrombocyt (/uL) 267.000 150.000 – 450.000 Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.33 0.57 – 1.11
Sodium (mEq/L) 138 136-145
MCV (fl) 70.6 76.0 - 90.0
Potassium (mEq/L) 4.4 3.5-5.5
MCH (pg) 20.6 25.0 – 30.0
Chloride (mEq/L) 112 95-105
MCHC (g/dl) 29.2 32- 36
Calsium 10.2 8.4-10.0
Neut % 61.5 37-71
Lymph % 30.5 17 - 67 AstoIU/ml <200 <200
RBG (mg/dL) 124 <200.0 CRPmg/l 79 <= 5
ECG at Ulin Hospital (23/07/2024)
Sinus rhythm with rate of 150 beats per minute. P wave Present before each QRS complex, PR Interval
within normal limits, QRS Complex narrow and upright, ST Segment Isoelectric, normal axis
•Sinus tachycardia
Problem List
• Female, 5 years 3 months old
• Tenderness at the left leg 3 months p.a
• Spontaneous weakness at right extremities 40 days p.a
• Patient couldn’t speak, but still understood the conversation by the parents 40 days p.a
• Then patient brought by her parents to Jaraga Sasameh Hospital and refered to Neurosurgery
Polyclinic at Ulin General Hospital 40 days p.a
• Stiffnes right hand 1 week p.a
• Pale at lips and face region 1 week p.a
• Incomplete immunization
• Inadecuate nutrinitonal intake
• Low economic status
Physical Examination
• Murmur 3/6 systolic left parasternal ICS III – IV , radiating (+) apex
• Decrease Motoric Strength at right extremities
• Spastic (+) right hand
• Limitation of Range Of Motion
• Underweight, Normal Height, Moderate Malnutrition
Problem List
Working Diagnosis
I. Brain Ischemic a/r cortical subcortical left temporoparietal lobe and left basal ganglia I67.82
II. Hemiparese dextra related to ischemic left basal ganglia G81
III. Motor Aphasia related to left temporoparietal lobe ischemic R47
IV. Suspected acynaotic congenital heart due to susp
1. Ventricullar septal defect Q21
2. Atrial septal Defect Q21.1
3. Atrio-Ventricullar septal defect Q21.23
V. Microcytic hypochromic anemia due to susp
1. Hypochromic microcytic anemia due to susp iron deficiency anemia D64.9
2. Anemia of chronic disease D63.8
VI. Underweight R63.6
VII. Short Stature R62.0
VIII. Moderate Malnutrition E44
IX. Incomplete immunization Z28
Final Managements
Fluid IVFD D5 1/2 NS 500 cc/ 24 jam (Half maintenance)
Nutrition Recommended Daily Allowance:
Determination of calorie needs
Calories 90 x 16,5 = 1485 kcal/day
Protein 1 x 16,5 = 16,5 g/day
Fluid 90-110 x 11,7 = 1053 - 1287 mL/day
Route of feeding : Oral route, Fullfilled with :
Soft porridge 3 x 400 kcal = 1200 kcal
Snack 2x100 Kcal = 200 kcal
Total 1400 kcal, Fulfilled 94.2 % RDA, 11% PER
Consult to Neurology Division
dr. Nurul Hidayah, M.Sc, Sp.A(K)
Consult to Cardiology Division
dr. Hana C.E Sembiring, Sp.A
• Plan Echocardiography
Follow up
July, 24th 2024, 07.00 WITA
S: Decrease of consciousness (-), seizure (-) fever (-), vomit (-), shortness of breath (-)
BP: 90/55 mmHg
Pulse : 122 bpm
RR: 24 times/minute Temp: 36.9oC
SpO2 : 98% room air CRT <2 seconds
Neurologic examination
Meningeal Sign (-) Sensory Hard to evaluate
Motor strength 4444/5555
Physiological reflex +3/+2 Pathological reflexes (-) spastic (+), clonus (-), flaccid (+)
A: I. Brain Ischemic a/r cortical subcortical left temporoparietal lobe and left basal ganglia I67.82
II. Hemiparese dextra related to ischemic left basal ganglia G81
III. Motor Aphasia related to left temporoparietal lobe ischemic R47
IV. Suspected acynaotic congenital heart due to susp
1. Ventricullar septal defect Q21
2. Atrial septal Defect Q21.1
3. Atrio-Ventricullar septal defect Q21.23
V. Microcytic hypochromic anemia due to susp
1. Hypochromic microcytic anemia due to susp iron deficiency anemia D64.9
2. Anemia of chronic disease D63.8
VI. Underweight R63.6
VII. Short Stature R62.0
VIII. Moderate Malnutrition E44
IX. Incomplete immunization Z28
Follow up
July, 24th 2024, 07.00 WITA
P Planning Diagnostic MDT, CRP, Echocardiography, Head MRI, SI, TIBC. Ferritin,
transferrin saturation, reticulocyte
Planning Monitoring Vital signs, GCS, seizure, sign of increased intracranial
pressure, antibiotic response, shortness of breath
G No seizure
No increased intracranial pressure
No Shortness of Breath
Thank you