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“Joy of All Suffering Romanians who have been Liberated in these days”
2019 marks the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of
The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America


Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year except times when designated as Fast
free Eve of Theophany (Saturday, January 5)
Beheading of St John the Baptizer (Thursday August 29)
Lifting of the Holy Cross (Saturday, September 14)
Paschal Fast - Great Lent (Monday, March 11 – Saturday, April 27)
Holy Apostles Peter & Paul Lent (Saturday, June 22 – Friday, June 28)
Dormition of the Mother of God Lent (Thursday, August 1 - Wednesday, August 14)
Nativity of the Lord Lent (Friday, November 15 – Tuesday, December 24)
Non-liturgical days (when no liturgy is celebrated): Friday before the Theophany of the Lord (January 4);
Wednesday and Friday of the Cheesefare Week (March 6 and 8); Monday and Tuesday of the first week of
Great Lent (March 11 and 12); Holy and Great Friday (April 26).
The Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great is celebrated 10 times during the year: January 1 and 6, March 17,
24, 31; April 7, 14, 25, 27; December 24.
The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is celebrated weekdays during the Great Lent (Monday through Friday),
beginning with Wednesday of the first week of Lent until Holy and Great Wednesday (inclusive), with the
exception for the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25).
The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom is celebrated on all other days.


On all Sundays throughout the year; on Imperial Feasts (+) (on Ascension of the Lord a special memorial
service is celebrated for fallen soldiers); during the days of the week (Monday-Friday) of Great Lent;
during non-liturgical days as indicated in the calendar; in the period from Pentecost Sunday until St Thomas
Sunday (April 21- May 5); in the period from the Nativity of the Lord to Theophany (December 25 – January


During all lenten periods and fasting days (indicated above); on the eves and days of Imperial Feasts (February
1-2; June 5-6; June 15-17; August 15; September 13-14); during the week before Great Lent until Thomas
Sunday (March 4 – May 5); from Nativity of the Lord to Theophany (December 25 – January 6).


During all lenten periods and fasting days; on the eves and days of Imperial Feasts (February 1-2; May 27-28;
June 6-8; August 15; September 13-14); during the week before Great Lent until Thomas Sunday (February 24
– April 26); Sts. Peter & Paul Lent (June 15-28); Dormition of the Mother of God Lent (August 1-14); Nativity
of the Lord Lent (November 15 – December 24); from Nativity of the Lord to Theophany (December 25 –
January 6).
2019 – April 28 2020 – April 19
2021 – May 2 2022 – April 24
2023 – April 16

Fish, Wine & Oil Allowed = (F,W,O)

Eggs, Milk & Cheese Allowed = (E,M,C)


1T (+) Circumcision of Our Lord; +) St. Basil the Great and his mother, St. Emilia (New Year.
Thanksgiving Service)
2 W Holy Hierarch Sylvester, bishop of Rome; Ven. Seraphim of Sarov (Forefeast of Theophany)(Fast Free)
3 T Holy Prophet Malachi; Martyr Gordius
4 F Synaxis of the Seventy Apostles; Ven. Teoctist; Ven. Apolinaria (Fast free) (non-liturgical day)
5 S Holy Martyrs Theopemptus, Theonas; Ven. Syncletica (Eve of Theophany) (Strict Fast)
The Baptism of the Lord. Epis. Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7. Gos. Matthew 3:13-17. Follow Menaion.
6 S (+) Holy Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ
7 M + Synaxis of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptizer John
8 T Ven. George the Chozebite and Domnica
9 W Martyr Polyeuctus; Ven. Eustratius; Holy Hierarch Peter, bishop of Sebastea
10 T St. Gregory of Nyssa; + Ven. Antypas of Calapodesti; Holy Hierarch Dometian, bishop of Melitene
11 F + Ven. Theodosius, founder of cenobitic life in Palestine; Ven. Vitaly
12 S Martyr Tatiana the deaconess and Eustasia
Sunday after Theophany. Epis. Ephesians 4:7-13. Gos. Matthew 4:12-17 (Beginning of the Lord’s ministry).
Tone 8. Mat. Gos. 11.
13 S Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus; Holy Hierarch James (Jacob), bishop of Nisibis
14 M Ven. Martyrs slain at Sinai and Raithu; St. Sava of Serbia; St. Nina (Leave-taking of Theophany)
15 T Ven. Paul of Thebes and John “Calabytes” (the hut-dweller)
16 W Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy Apostle Peter; Martyr Danax the reader
17 T +) Ven. Anthony the Great; Ven. Anthony the New of Berea
18 F + Sts. Athanasius and Cyril, archbishops of Alexandria
19 S Ven. Macarius the Great and Macarius of Alexandria; Holy Hierarch Mark, metropolitan of Ephesus;
Virgin Martyr Euphrasia
29th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. (of the 28th Sunday): Colossians 1:12-18. Gos. Luke 17:12-19 (Ten
lepers). Tone 1. Mat. Gos. 1.
20 S +) Ven. Euthymius the Great; Martyr Eusebius, Martyrs Innas, Pinnas and Rimmas
21 M Ven. Maximus the Confessor; Martyrs Neophytus and Valerian; Martyr Agnes of Rome
22 T Holy Apostle Timothy; Monk-martyr Anastasius the Persian
23 W Hieromartyr Clement, bishop of Ancyra; Martyr Agathangelus; Holy Fathers of the 6th Ecumenical
24 T Ven. Xenia; Holy Hierarch Philon, bishop of Kolpasteia in Crete
25 F +) Holy Hierarch Gregory the Theologian, archbishop of Constantinople; + Holy Hierarch
Bretanion, bishop of Tomis
26 S +) Holy Hierarch Joseph the Merciful, Metropolitan of Moldova; Ven. Xenophon, his wife Maria
and their children Arcadius and John
31 Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. 1 Timothy 1:15-17. Gos. Luke 18:35-43 (the Healing of the Man Born
Blind). Tone 2. Mat. Gos. 2.
27 S + Translation of the Relics of the Holy Hierarch John Chrysostom; St. Marciana the Empress
28 M Ven. Ephraim and Isaac of Syria; Ven. Paladius of Antioch; Ven. James the hermit
29 T Translation of the Relics of Hieromartyr Ignatius the Godbearer; Martyr Philotheus
30 W +) Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, & John Chrysostom;
Hieromartyr Hippolytus, bishop of Rome
31 T Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries Cyrus and John

1|P age


1 F Martyrs Tryphon, Perpetua & Felicitas (Forefeast of Presentation of our Lord)

2 S (+) Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple (Fast free)
32nd Sunday after Pentecost (Zacchaeus). Epis. 1 Timothy 4:9-15. Gos. Luke 19:1-10. Tone 3. Mat. Gos. 3.
3 S Righteous Simeon the God-receiver; Anna the Prophetess
4 M Ven. Isidor of Pelusium; Hieromartyr Abramius
5 T Martyrs Agatha & Theodula
6 W Holy Hierarchs Bucolus, bishop of Smyrna and Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople; Ven. Barsanuphius
the Great
7 T Holy Hierarch Parthenius, bishop of Lampsacus; Ven. Luke of Hellas
8 F Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates; Prophet Zechariah
9 S Martyr Nichephorus (Leave-taking of Presentation of the Lord)
17th Sunday after Pentecost (Canaanite Woman). Epis. 2 Corinthians 6:16-18, 7:1. Gos. Matthew 15: 21-28.
Tone 4. Mat. Gos. 4.
10 S +) Hieromartyr Haralambos; Virgin Martyr Valentina
11 M Hieromartyr Blaise, bishop of Sebaste; St. Theodora the Empress
12 T Holy Hierarch Meletius, archbishop of Antioch; St. Kristo the gardener
13 W Ven. Martinian; Holy Apostle Aquila and his wife Priscilla; Holy Hierarch Eulogius, patriarch of
14 T Ven. Auxentius, Maron & Abraham
15 F Apostle of the Seventy Onesimus; Martyr Major
16 S Martyrs Pamphilius & Valens; Holy Hierarch Flavian, archbishop of Constantinople; St. Nicholas of
33 Sunday after Pentecost (Publican and the Pharisee). Epis. 2 Timothy 3:10-15. Gos. Luke 18:10-14.
Tone 5. Mat. Gos. 5 (Triodion begins).
17 S Great Martyr Theodore the Soldier (“Tyro”); St. Mariamne; Holy Emperor Marcian & Empress
18 M Holy Hierarch Leo, bishop of Rome
19 T Holy Apostles Archippos, Philemon & his wife Apphias of the 70
20 W Holy Hierarch Leo, bishop of Catania; Ven.Vissarion (Fast Free)
21 T Ven. Timothy; Holy Hierarch Eustathios, archbishop of Antioch
22 F Uncovering of the relics of the Martyrs at the gate of Eugenios in Constantinople (Fast Free)
23 S + Hieromartyr Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna; Ven. Gorgonia
34th Sunday after Pentecost (Prodigal Son). Epis. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. Gos. Luke 15:11-32. Tone 6. Mat.
Gos. 6.
24 S + The first & second findings of the honorable head of St. John the Forerunner
25 M Holy Hierarch Tarasios, patriarch of Constantinople
26 T Holy Hierarch Porphyrios, bishop of Gaza; Martyr Photini, the Samaritan woman
27 W Ven. Prokopios the Confessor and Thalelaeus; + St. Raphael, bishop of Brooklyn
28 T +) Venerable John Cassian and Germanus of Dobrogea; Ven. Basil the Confessor; Hieromartyr
Proterius, patriarch of Alexandria

2|P age


1 F Ven. Martyr Eudoxia; Ven. Domnina

2 S Hieromartyr Theodotos, bishop of Cyrenia; Martyr Hesychius (Saturday of Souls)
Sunday of Last Judgment (Farewell to Meat). Epis. 1 Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2. Gos. Matthew 25:31-46.
Tone 7. Mat. Gos. 7.
3 S Martyrs Eutropios, Kleonikos & Basilikos
4 M Ven. Gerasimos of the Jordan; Martyrs Paul & his sister Juliana (E,M,C)
5 T Martyr Conon of Isauria & Conon the Gardener; Ven. Mark the Hermit (E,M,C)
6 W Holy 42 Martyrs of Ammoria; Uncovering of the Precious Cross (non-liturgical day) (E,M,C)
7 T Hieromartyrs Ephraim, bishop of Tomis, and bishops of Cherson: Basil, Capito, Eugene, Aetherius,
Elpidius and Agathodoros (E,M,C)
8 F Ven. Hierarch Theophylactus the Confessor, bishop of Nicomedia (non-liturgical day) (E,M,C)
9 S + Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste (Memorial Saturday) (E,M,C)
36th Sunday after Pentecost - Expulsion of Adam from Paradise (Farewell to Dairy). Epis. Romans 13:11-
14; 14:1-4. Gos. Matthew 6:14-21. Tone 8. Mat. Gos. 8. Martyrs of Communist Persecution.
10 S Martyrs Quadratus, Cyprian & Dionysius and those with them (E,M,C)
11 M Holy Hierarch Sophronius, patriarch of Jerusalem (Beginning of Great Lent - non-liturgical day. Great
Canon of St. Andrew of Crete – Part 1)
12 T Ven. Theophanes the Confessor; Holy Hierarch Gregory Dialogus, bishop of Rome; Ven. Simeon the
New Theologian (non-liturgical day) (Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete – Part 2)
13 W Translation of the relics of the Holy Hierarch Nicephorus, patriarch of Constantinople; Martyr Christina
of Persia (Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete – Part 3)
14 T Ven. Benedict of Nursia; Hieromartyr Alexander the priest (Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete – Part
15 F Martyrs Agapius, Publius & Timolaus
16 S Martyr Sabinas of Egypt; Ven. Christodoulos of Patmos (St Theodore Saturday – Memorial Saturday)
1 Sunday of Great Lent (Orthodoxy). Epis. Hebrews 11:24-26, 32-40. Gos. John 1:43-51. Tone 1. Mat.
Gos. 9.
17 S Ven. Alexius, the man of God (W,O)
18 M Holy Hierarch Cyril, archbishop of Jerusalem; Holy Hierarch Nikolai of Zhicha
19 T Martyrs Chrysanthus & Daria, Claudius & Hilaria; Martyr Marian the deacon
20 W Ven. Martyrs slain at the monastery of St. Sabbas
21 T Holy Hierarch James the Confessor; Ven. Serapion
22 F Hieromartyr Basil, priest of Ancyra; Martyr Drosida, daughter of Emperor Trajan
23 S Ven. Martyr Nikon of Sicily & 199 disciples with him (Memorial Saturday) (W,O)
2nd Sunday of Great Lent (St. Gregory Palamas). Epis. Hebrews 1:10-14; 2:1-3; Hebrews 7:26-28; 8:1-2
(Hierarch). Gos. Mark 2:1-12 (Healing of paralytic in Capernaum); John 10:9-16 (Hierarch). Tone 2. Mat.
Gos. 10.
24 S Holy Hierarch Artemon, bishop of Seleucia; Ven. Zachariah (W,O)
25 M (+) Annunciation (F,W,O)
26 T Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel; Martyr Montanus the priest and his wife, Maxima; Holy 26
Martyrs in the Crimea (Leave-taking of Annunciation)
27 W Martyr Matrona of Thessalonika; Martyrs Philetus and Lidia, his wife, with their 4 children
28 T Ven. Hilarion the New; Ven. Stephen the Wonderworker
29 F Hieromartyrs Mark, bishop of Arethusa and Cyril the deacon; Martyrs Ionas and Varahisios
30 S Ven. John of Sinai, author of The Ladder; St. Eubula, mother of St. Panteleimon (Memorial Saturday)
3|P age

3rd Sunday of Great Lent (The Cross). Epis. Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:1-6. Gos. Mark 8:34-38; 9:1. Tone 3. Mat.
Gos. 11.
31 S + St. Innocent of Alaska; Hieromartyr Hypatios, bishop of Gangra; Martyr Benjamin the deacon (W,O)

4|P age

1M Ven. Mary of Egypt. Martyr Gherontios
2T Ven. Titus the Wonderworker; Martyrs Amphianus & Edesius
3W Ven. Nicetus the Confessor and Illyricus
4T Ven. Joseph the Hymnographer, George of Mt. Maleon and Zosima
5F Martyrs Agathopodes & Theodulus; Martyr Victorin and those with him
6S Hieromartyr Irenaeus, bishop of Sirmium; Holy Hierarch Eutychios, patriarch of Constantinople;
Ven. Gregory of Sinai and Platonida (Memorial Saturday) (W,O)
4 Sunday of Great Lent (St. John of the Ladder). Epis. Hebrews 6:13-20; Ephesians 5:8-19 (Ven. John).
Gos. Mark 9:17-32 (Healing of the epileptic son); Matthew 4:25; 5:1-12 (Ven. John) (Sermon on the Mount –
Beatitudes). Tone 4. Mat. Gos. 1.
7 S St. Tikhon, Enlightener of North America; Martyr Calliopius; Holy Hierarch George the Confessor,
bishop of Mitylene (W,O)
8 M Apostles of the Seventy: Herodion, Agabus, Asyncritus, Rufus, Phlegon, Hermes. Holy Hierarch
Celestine, bishop of Rome
9 T Holy Martyr Eupsichios and Venerable Vadim
10 W Martyrs Terence, Pompeios, Africanus, Maximus and Zeno (Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete)
11 T + Holy Hierarch Callinicus of Cernica, bishop of Ramnicul; Hieromartyr Antipas, bishop of
12 F + Martyr Sava of Buzau; Holy Hierarch Basil the Confessor, bishop of Parium (Akathist to Birthgiver
of God)
13 S Hieromartyr Artemon; Martyr Eleftherios the Persian (Memorial Saturday) (W,O)
5th Sunday of Great Lent. (St. Mary of Egypt) Epis. Hebrews 9:11-14; Galatians 3:23-29 (of the Saint).
Gos. Mark 10:32-45; Luke 7:36-50 (of the Saint). Tone 5. Mat. Gos. 2.
14 S +) Holy Hierarch Pachomius of Gledin, bishop of Roman; Holy Hierarch Martin the Confessor,
bishop of Rome; Martyr Thomais (W,O)
15 M Apostles of the Seventy: Aristarchus, Pudens & Trophimus; Martyr Crescens
16 T Holy Virgins: Agapy, Irene and Hiona
17 W Hieromartyr Simeon, bishop in Persia
18 T Ven. John, disciple of St. Gregory of Decapolis
19 F Ven. John of Old Lavra; Hieromartyr Paphnutius
20 S + Holy Hierarch Theotimus, bishop of Tomis; Ven. Theodore Trichinas (Lazarus Saturday –
Memorial Saturday) (W,O)
6 Sunday of Great Lent (Palm Sunday). Epis. Philippians 4:4-9.Gos. John 12:1-18. Follow the Triodion.
21 S (+) Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem (F,W,O) (Bridegroom Matins)
22 M Holy Monday. St. Theodore Sykeote, bishop of Anastasiopolis; Apostle Nathaniel (Bridegroom Matins)
23 T Holy Tuesday. +) Great Martyr George the Trophy-bearer (the commemoration will be held on
Bright Monday); Martyr Valerius (Bridegroom Matins)
24 W Holy Wednesday. +) Holy Confessors: Elias (Iorest), Simion Stephan & Sava (Brancovich); Holy
Hierarch Joseph the Confessor of Maramures; Martyrs Pasikrates and Valentine; Ven. Elizabeth
(Holy Unction, Bridegroom Matins)
25 T Holy Thursday. Holy Apostle & Evangelist Mark; +) Ven. Vasile (Romania) (Twelve Gospels)
26 F Holy Friday. Hieromartyr Vasilefs, bishop of Amasea; St. Glaphira; Martyrs Cyril, Kindeas and
Dasius of Axiopolis (Lamentations) (non-liturgical day)
27 S Holy Saturday. Hieromartyr Simeon, the kinsman of the Lord, bishop of Jerusalem; Apostles of the
Seventy: Mark and Zenas
Sunday of the Holy Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Epis. Acts 1:1-8. Gos. John 1:1-17.
28 S (+) Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Holy Pascha)

5|P age

29 M Bright Monday. Holy 9 Martyrs at Cyzicus; Ven. Memnon the wonderworker; +) Great Martyr
George the Trophy-bearer (commemoration celebrated today)
30 T Bright Tuesday. Apostle James, son of Zebedee; Holy Hierarch Donatus, bishop of Euroea

6|P age


1 W Prophet Jeremiah; Ven. Martyrs Euthymius, Ignatius and Acacius (Fast Free)
2 T Translation of the relics of St. Athanasius the Great; +) Holy Hierarch Athanasius III, patriarch of
3 F +) Life-giving Fount of Mother of God. +) Ven. Irodion of Lainici; Martyrs Timothy & his wife,
Mavra (Fast Free)
4 S Martyr Pelagia; St. Monica, mother of Blessed Augustine; Ven. Valerian; + Hieromartyr Vasily
Martysz, missionary in America
2 Sunday after Pascha (St. Thomas). Epis. Acts 5:12-20. Gos. John 20:19-31. Tone 1. Mat. Gos. 1.
5 S Great-martyr Irene; New Martyr Ephraim
6 M Righteous Job the long-suffering; Martyr Barbarus
7 T Apparition of the sign of the Holy Cross over Jerusalem; + St. Alexis Toth of Wilkes-Barre; Martyrs
Acacius and Quadratus
8 W +) Apostle & Evangelist John the Theologian; Ven. Arsenios the Great (F,W,O)
9 T Prophet Isaiah; Martyr Christopher; Translation of the Relics of St. Nicholas to Bari
10 F Apostle Simeon Zealotes (F,W,O)
11 S Hieromartyr Mocius the priest; Holy Hierarch Methodius & Ven. Cyril, apostles to the Slavs
3rd Sunday after Pascha (Myrrhbearing Women). Epis. Acts 6:1-7. Gos. Mark 15:43-47, 16:1-8. Tone 2.
Mat. Gos. 4.
12 S +) Martyr John of Wallachia; Holy Hierarch Epiphanios, archbishop of Cyprus, and Germanos,
patriarch of Constantinople
13 M Martyr Glyceria; St. Sergius the Confessor
14 T Martyr Isidore of Chios; Hieromartyr Therapont, bishop of Cyprus
15 W Ven. Pachomios the Great; Holy Hierarch Achilles, bishop of Larissa; + Holy Hierarch Jacob of
Putna, metropolitan of Moldova (F,W,O)
16 T Ven. Theodore the Sanctified; Martyr Nicholas of Metsovo; + Ven. Silas, Paisius and Nathan of
Sihastria of Putna Monastery
17 F Apostle Andronicus and his wife Junia; Venerable Nectarios and Theophan (F,W,O)
18 S Martyrs Peter, Dionysius & Paul
4th Sunday after Pascha (Healing of paralytic at Bethesda). Epis. Acts 9:32-42. Gos. John 5:1-15. Tone 3.
Mat. Gos. 5.
19 S Hieromartyr Patrick, bishop of Prussia
20 M Martyr Thallelaeus; Ven. Talasius; St. Lydia of Philippisia
21 T +) Equals-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine & his mother Helen
22 W Martyrs Basiliscus & Marcellus; Holy Fathers of the 2nd Ecumenical Council (Mid-feast of Pentecost)
23 T Holy Hierarch Michael the Confessor, bishop of Synnada; Myrrhbearer Mary, wife of Cleophas
24 F Ven. Simeon the younger of the Wonderful Mountain (F,W,O)
25 S + Third finding of the Head of St. John the Baptizer
5th Sunday after Pascha (Samaritan Woman). Epis. Acts 11:19-30. Gos. John 4:5-42. Tone 4. Mat. Gos. 7.
26 S Apostles of the Seventy: Karpos & Alphaios; Martyrs Abercius and Helen
27 M Martyr Julius the Veteran; Holy Confessor John the Russian, Hieromartyrs Eladius and Therapont,
bishop of Sardis
28 T Hieromartyr Eutichyios, bishop of Melitene; Holy Hierarch Nicetas, bishop of Chalcedon
29 W Virgin-martyr Theodosia; Hieromartyr Olivian (Leave-taking of Mid-Feast of Pentecost) (F,W,O)
30 T Ven. Issac the Confessor and Barlaam
31 F Martyrs Hermias, Eusebios & Haralambos (F,W,O)

7|P age


1 S Martyr Justin the Philosopher and those together with him

6 Sunday after Pascha (Healing of man born blind). Epis. Acts 16:16-34. Gos. John 9:1-38. Tone 5. Mat.
Gos. 8.
2 S +) Great-Martyr John the New of Suceava; Holy Hierarch Nicephorus the Confessor, patriarch of
3 M Martyrs Lucillian, Hypatius and Paula the virgin; St. Kevin, Abbot of Glendalough
4 T + Martyrs of Niculitsel: Zoticus, Atallus, Camisius and Philip; Holy Hierarch Mitrophan, Patriarch
of Constantinople; Myrrhbearers Mary and Martha, sisters of Lazarus the Righteous
5 W Hieromartyr Dorotheos of Tyrus; Holy Martyrs Appolo and Leonidas (Leave-taking of Pascha) (F,W,O)
6 T (+) Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ (Day of Heroes)
7 F Hieromartyr Theodotus of Ancyra; Martyr Zenaida (F,W,O)
8 S Martyrs Nicander & Marcian; Translation of the relics of Great Martyr Theodore the Soldier
7th Sunday after Pascha (Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council). Epis. Acts 20:16-18, 28-36. Gos.
John 17:1-13 (Prayer of Jesus). Tone 6. Mat. Gos. 10.
9 S Holy Hierarch Cyril, archbishop of Alexandria
10 M Martyrs Alexander & Antonina; Hieromartyr Timothy, bishop of Prussa
11 T Apostles Bartholomew & Barnabas; Holy Hierarch Luke, archbishop of Crimea; Hieromartyr Mitrophan
& the Chinese Orthodox Martyrs (1900)
12 W Ven. Onuphrius the Great and Peter the Athonite (F,W,O)
13 T Martyr Aquilina; Holy Hierarch Triphyllius, bishop of Cyprus
14 F Prophet Elisha; Holy Hierarch Methodios, patriarch of Constantinople (Leave-taking of Ascension of our
Lord) (F,W,O)
15 S Prophet Amos; Martyr Hesychius; Blessed Augustine and Jerome (Saturday of Souls)
8th Sunday after Pascha (Pentecost). Epis. Acts 2:1-11. Gos. John 7:37-53; 8:12. Follow Pentecostarion.
16 S (+) Descent of the Holy Spirit
17 M (+) Holy Trinity
18 T Martyrs Leontios, Hypatios & Theodoulos; Ven. Erasmus
19 W Holy Apostle Jude, brother of the Lord; Ven. Paisius the Great (Fast Free)
20 T Hieromartyr Methodius the bishop; Holy Hierarch Kallistos, patriarch of Constantinople
21 F Martyrs Julian of Tarsus and Afrodisios (Fast Free)
22 S +) Holy Hierarch Gregory the Teacher, Metropolitan of Romanian Lands; Hieromartyr Eusebios
(Leave-taking of Descent of Holy Spirit) (Beginning of Fast of Holy Apostles) (F,W,O)
1 Sunday after Pentecost (All Saints). Epis. Hebrews 11:33-40; 12:1-2. Gos. Matthew 10:32-33; 37-38;
19:27-30. Tone 8. Mat. Gos. 1.
23 S Martyrs Agrippina; Hieromartyr Aristocleus the priest (F,W,O)
24 M (+) Nativity of St. John the Baptist. + Translation of the relics of Great Martyr John the New of
Suceava; + St. Nicetas of Remesiana (F,W,O)
25 T Virgin-martyr Febronia; Martyr Orentius and his brothers; Martyr Livia
26 W Ven. David of Thessaloniki; Holy Hierarch John, bishop of the Goths
27 T Ven. Sampson, the host of Strangers; St. Joanna the Myrrhbearer
28 F Translation of the relics of the Holy Unmercenaries Cyrus & John; Martyr Papias
29 S (+) Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
2nd Sunday after Pentecost (American & Romanian Saints). Epis. Romans 2:10-16. Gos. Matthew 4:18-23
(Calling of first Apostles). Tone 1. Mat. Gos. 2.
30 S + Synaxis of the 12 Apostles; +) Holy Hierarch Ghelasius of Rametz

8|P age


1 M +) Holy Hierarch Leontius of Radautz; Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas & Damian of Rome
2 T Placing of the robe of Mother of God in Blachernae; +) St. Stefan the Great of Moldavia; Holy
Hierarch Juvenaly, patriarch of Jerusalem; +) Holy Hierarch and Wonderworker John of Shanghai
and San Francisco
3 W Martyr Hyacinth; Holy Hierarch Anatolius, patriarch of Constantinople
4 T Holy Hierarch Andrew, archbishop of Crete; Ven. Martha
5 F + Ven. Athanasius the Athonite; Ven. Lampadus
6 S Ven. Sisoes the Great; Martyr Lucy of Rome
3rd Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Romans 5:1-10. Gos. Matthew 6:22-33 (Worries of life). Tone 2. Mat.
Gos. 3.
7 S Great-martyr Kyriake; Ven. Thomas of Mt. Maleon; Martyr Evangelicus
8 M Great-martyr Procopius & his mother the Martyr Theodosia; +) Martyr Epictetus the priest and
Astion the monk
9 T Hieromartyrs and Bishops Pancratius & Cyril
10 W 45 Holy Martyrs at Nicopolis in Armenia
11 T Great-martyr Eufemia; St. Olga, equal to the Apostles and enlightener of Russia
12 F (+) Veneration of the Holy Icon of the Mother of God Prodromitsa of Mount Athos; Martyrs Proclus
& Hilary; Ven. Michael of Maleinus; St. Veronica; Ven. Paisius the Hagiorite
13 S Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel; Ven. Stephen of St. Sava Monastery; Martyr Maria of Persia; Ven.
4 Sunday after Pascha. (Holy Fathers of 4th Ec. Council). Epis. Romans 6:18-23; Titus 3:8-15 (Fathers).
Gos. Matthew 8:5-13 (Healing of centurion's servant); John 17:1-13 (Fathers). Tone 3. Mat. Gos. 4.
14 S Apostle Aquila of the Seventy; Martyrs Justus & Heraclius; Ven. Nicodemus the Hagiorite
15 M Martyrs Cyricus & Julita; St. Vladimir, enlightener of Russia
16 T Hieromartyr Athenogenes & his 10 disciples; Martyr Julia
17 W Great-martyr Marina (Margaret); Holy Hierarch Euphrasius, bishop of Ionopolis
18 T + Martyr Emilian of Dorostolum; Martyr Pambo
19 F Ven. Macrina, sister of St. Basil the Great; Ven. Dios; Uncovering of the relics of Ven. Seraphim of
20 S +) Glorious Prophet Elijah (Elias) the Tishbite; Mother Maria (Skobtsova) of Paris and those with her
5th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Romans 10:1-10. Gos. Matthew 8:28-34; 9:1 (Cure of two demoniacs of
Gadara). Tone 4. Mat. Gos. 5.
21 S Ven. Simeon & John the ascetics; Prophet Ezekiel; + Ven. Raphael and Parthenius of old Agapia
22 M Myrrhbearer & Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene; Ven. Martyr Marcella
23 T Translation of relics of Hieromartyr Phocas; Martyrs Apollinaris, Vitalis and Valeria
24 W Great-martyr Christina; Martyr Hermogenes; Martyrs Boris & Gleb
25 T Dormition of Righteous Ana, mother of the Birthgiver of God; Holy Fathers of the 5th Ecumenical
Council; Ven. Olympiada and Eupraxia
26 F Hieromartyr Hermolaus; Martyr Parascheva of Rome; + Ven. Ioannichius the New of Muscel; + St.
Jacob of Alaska
27 S + Great-martyr and healer Panteleimon; St. Clement of Ochrid
6th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Romans 12:6-14. Gos. Matthew 9:1-8 (Cure of the paralytic from
Capernaum). Tone 5. Mat. Gos. 6.
28 S Apostles of the Seventy and Deacons: Prochoros, Nicanor, Timon & Parmenas; Ven. Paul of
29 M Martyr Callinicus, Benjamin and Mamant; Martyr Theodota and her sons

9|P age

30 T Apostles of the Seventy: Silas, Silvanus, Crescens, Epenetus & Andronicus; Hieromartyr Valentinus,
bishop of Umbria
31 W Righteous Eudocimus; Righteous Joseph of Arimathea (Forefeast of the Procession of the Holy Cross)

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1 T Procession of the Holy Cross; Seven Maccabean Martyrs (Beginning of Fast of Mother of God)
2 F Translation of the relics of the Protomartyr Stephen the Archdeacon; Righteous Gamaliel; Emperor
Justinian the Great
3 S Ven. Isaac, Dalmatos and Faustus; Holy Myrrhbearer Salome; Ven. Theodora of Thessalonica
7th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Romans 15:1-7. Gos. Matthew 9:27-35 (Healing of two blind men and a
mute man from Capernaum). Tone 6. Mat. Gos. 7.
4 S Seven Holy Youths (Sleepers) of Ephesus; Martyr Tathuil
5 M +) Ven. John Jacob the Hozevite; Martyr Eusignius; St. Nonna, mother of St. Gregory the Theologian;
Holy Hierarch Fabian, bishop of Rome (Forefeast of Transfiguration)
6 T (+) Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ (F,W,O)
7 W +) Ven. Teodora of Sihla; Ven. Paphnutius–Parvu the Painter; Ven. Martyr Dometius the Persian;
Holy Hierarch Narcissus, archbishop of Jerusalem; St. Irene the Empress
8 T Holy Hierarch Emilian the Confessor, bishop of Cyzicus and Myron, bishop of Crete
9 F Apostle Matthias; Ten Holy Martyrs who suffered for the icon of Christ; + Glorification of St. Herman of
10 S Martyr and Archdeacon Laurence; Hieromartyr Sixtus, bishop of Rome; Martyr Hippolytus
8th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. 1 Corinthians 1:10-17. Gos. Matthew 14:14-22 (Multiplication of loaves in
the desert). Tone 7. Mat. Gos. 8.
11 S +) Holy Hierarch Niphon, patriarch of Constantinople; Martyr & Archdeacon Euplus
12 M Martyrs Photios & Anicletus
13T Translation of the relics of Ven. Maximus the Confessor; Ven. Dorotheus and Dositheus (Leave-taking
of the Transfiguration)
14 W Prophet Micah (Forefeast of the Dormition of the Birthgiver of God)
15 T (+) Dormition of the Birthgiver of God
16 F Translation of the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands of our Lord from Edessa to Constantinople; +) Martyrs
Constantin Brancoveanu & his sons: Constantin, Stefan, Radu, Matthew and the Counselor
Ianache; +) Ven. Joseph of Varatec; Martyr Diomedes
17 S Martyrs Myron the priest, Straton and Cyprian; St. George the Pilgrim
9th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. 1 Corinthians 3:9-17. Gos. Matthew 14:22-34 (Walking on the Sea). Tone
8. Mat. Gos. 9.
18 S Martyrs Florus and Laurus
19 M Martyrs Andrew the General (Stratelates), Timothy, Agapius and Thecla
20 T Prophet Samuel; Martyrs Severus, Heliodorus and Theocharis
21 W Apostle Thaddeus; Martyr Bassa and her children; Martyrs Donatus the deacon, Romulus the priest,
Silvanus the deacon and Venustus
22 T Martyr Agathonikos and those with him
23 F Martyr Lupus; Hieromartyr Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons (Leave-taking of feast of the Dormition)
24 S Hieromartyrs Eutychos and Cosmas of Aetolia
10th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. 1 Corinthians 4:9-16. Gos. Matthew 17:14-23 (Cure of the lunatic). Tone
1. Mat. Gos. 10.
25 S Translation of relics of the Apostle Bartholomew; Apostle Titus
26 M Martyr Adrian & his wife, Natalia
27 T Ven. Pimen the Great; Martyr Phenurios; Holy Hierarch Hosius, bishop of Cordova
28 W Ven. Moses the Ethiopian; Righteous Hezekiah
29 T (+) Beheading of Prophet, Forerunner and Baptizer John (Strict Fast)
30 F +) Holy Hierarch Varlaam, metropolitan of Moldavia, and John of Rasca and Secu, bishop of
Roman; Holy Hierarchs Alexander, John and Paul the New, patriarchs of Constantinople
31 S Placing of the Belt (Sash) of the Birthgiver of God
11 | P a g e

11th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. 1 Corinthians 9:2-12. Gos. Matthew 18:23-35 (Parable of the unforgiving
debtor). Tone 2. Mat. Gos. 11.
1 S + Ven. Dionysius Exiguus (the Humble); Ven. Simeon the Stylite; 40 Martyrs of Adrianopolis
(Beginning of Church Year) (Service of Thanksgiving)
2 M Martyr Mamas; Holy Hierarch John the Faster, patriarch of Constantinople
3 T Hieromartyr Anthimos, bishop of Nicomedia; Ven. Theoctistos; + Ven. Neophytos and Meletios
4 W Hieromartyr Babylas, bishop of Antioch; Prophet Moses; Martyr Petronius
5 T + Prophet Zachariah and Righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Baptizer
6 F + Commemoration of the miracle of Archangel Michael at Colossae; Martyr Eudoxius
7 S Martyr Sozon; + Ven. Simeon and Amphilochius of Pangaratz (Forefeast of Nativity of Mother of
Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross. Epis. Galatians 6:11-18; Philippians 2:5-11 (of the Feast). Gos.
John 3:13-17 (Jesus’conversation with Nicodemus); Luke 10:38-42, 11:27-28 (of the Feast). Tone 3. Mat.
Gos. 1.
8 S (+) Nativity of the Birthgiver of God
9 M Holy & Righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; + Ven. Chiriac of Tazlau; + Ven Onuphrius
of Vorona; Holy Fathers of the 3rd Ecumenical Council
10 T Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora
11 W Ven. Theodora of Alexandria; St. Euphrosynus the cook
12 T Hieromartyr Autonomus, Macedonius & Theodulus (Leave-taking of Nativity of Birthgiver of God)
13 F + Consecration of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem; Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion
and Cyprian, bishop of Carthage; + Ven. John of Prislop; Martyrs of Dobrogea: Macrobius,
Gordian, Elias, Zoticus, Lucian and Valerian (Forefeast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
14 S (+) Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Strict Fast)
Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Epis. Galatians 2:16-20. Gos. Mark 8:34-38; 9:1 (Take up
the cross and follow Christ). Tone 4. Mat. Gos. 2.
15 S +) Holy Hierarch Joseph the New of Partos, metropolitan of Banat; + Great-martyr Nicetas;
+ Holy Hierarch Vissarion, archbishop of Larisa
16 M Greatmartyr Euphemia; Martyrs Melitina and Ludmilla
17 T Martyr Sophia & her daughters: Faith, Hope and Charity
18 W Holy Hierarch Eumenios, bishop of Gortyna; Martyr Ariadne
19 T Martyrs Trophimos, Sabbatius & Dorymedon
20 F Great-martyr Eustathius, his wife Theopiste & their children Agapius & Theopistus
21 S Apostle Quadratus; Prophet Jonah (Leave-taking of Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
18th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. 2 Corinthians 9:6-11. Gos. Luke 5:1-11 (Miraculous catch of fish). Tone
5. Mat. Gos. 3.
22 S + Hieromartyr Theodosius of Brazi monastery, metropolitan of Moldova; Hieromartyr Phocas,
bishop of Synope
23 M Conception of the Prophet, Forerunner & Baptizer John; Ven. Xanthippe and Polyxene
24 T Protomartyr & Equal-to-the-Apostles Thekla; + Martyrs Peter the Aleut & Hieromonk Juvenaly of
Alaska; Ven. Silouan the Athonite
25 W Ven. Euphrosyne; Ven. Paphnutius of Egypt; Ven. Sergius of Radonezh
26 T +) Repose of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John; +) Ruler Neagoe Basarab; Righteous Gideon
27 F + Hieromartyr Anthimus, metropolitan of Romanian Lands; Martyrs Callistratus & Epicharis
28 S + Ven. Chariton the Confessor; Prophet Baruch
19th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. 2 Corinthians 11:31-33; 12:1-9. Gos. Luke 6:31-36 (Sermon on the Plain
- Love your enemies); Tone 6. Mat. Gos. 4.
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29 S Ven. Cyriacus the hermit; Martyr Petronia
30 M Martyr Gregory the Illuminator, archbishop of Armenia; Martyr Rhipsime and Gaiana

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1 T (+) Protection of the Mother of God; Apostle Ananias; Ven. Romanos the Melodist; + Ven. Joseph
and Chiriac of Bisericani
2 W Hieromartyr Cyprian; Virgin-martyr Justina
3 T Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite; Martyr Theoctistus
4 F Hieromartyr Hierotheos, bishop of Athens
5 S Martyr Charitina; + Ven. Daniel and Misail of Turnu monastery
20th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Galatians 1:11-19. Gos. Luke 7:11-16 (Resurrection of the son of the
widow of Nain). Tone 7. Mat. Gos. 5.
6 S + Glorification of St. Innocent, Apostle to America; Apostle Thomas; Martyr Erotiida
7 M + Great-martyrs Sergius & Bacchus; Hieromartyrs Julian the priest, Caesarius the deacon and
8 T Ven. Pelagia and Thais
9 W Apostle James, son of Alphaeus; Ven. Andronicus and Athanasia
10 T Martyrs Eulampius & his sister Eulampia; Ven. Bassian and Theophilus the Confessor
11 F Apostle Philip, one of the 7 deacons; Holy Hierarch Theophanes the Confessor, bishop of Nicea; Holy
Fathers of Optina
12 S Martyrs Probus, Tarachus & Andronicus; Holy Hierarch Cosmas, bishop of Maiuma
21st Sunday after Pentecost (Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council). Epis. Galatians 2:16-20; Titus
3:8-15 (Fathers). Gos. Luke 8:5-15 (Parable of the Sower); John 17:1-13 (Fathers). Tone 8. Mat. Gos. 6.
13 S + Bringing of the relics of Apostle Andrew to Jassy; Martyrs Carpus, Papylus, Agathodorus,
Agathonike and Florentius
14 M +) Ven. Parascheva of Jassy; Martyrs Nazarius, Gervasius, Protasius & Celsius
15 T Hieromartyr Lucian, priest in Antioch
16 W Martyr Longinus the Centurion
17 T Prophet Hosea; Ven. Martyr Andrew of Crete
18 F Apostle & Evangelist Luke; Martyr Marinus the Elder
19 S Prophet Joel; Martyr Varus; St. Cleopatra; Ven. John of Rila
23rd Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Ephesians 2:4-10; Gos. Luke 8:26-39 (Cure of the demoniac of Gadara).
Tone 1. Mat. Gos. 7.
20 S Great-martyr Artemius; Ven. Gerasimos of Kefalonia
21 M +) Ven. Confessors: Bessarion, Sophronius; Martyr Oprea; Priest-Confessors: John of Gales and
Moses Macinic of Sibiel; Ven. Hilarion the Great
22 T Holy Hierarch Abercius, bishop of Hieropolis, Equal-to-the-Apostles; Holy 7 Youths of Ephesus
23 W Apostle James, brother of the Lord, first bishop of Jerusalem; Holy Hierarch Ignatius, patriarch of
Constantinople; Ven. Macarius the Roman
24 T Great-martyr Arethas; Martyrs Mark, Sotirichos and Valentine
25 F Martyrs Marcian & Martyrius; St. Tabitha
26 S +) Great-martyr Demetrios the myrrh-streaming
24th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Ephesians 2:14-22. Gos. Luke 8:41-56 (Resurrection of Jairus’ daughter).
Tone 2. Mat. Gos. 8.
27 S + Ven. Dimitrie the New (Basarabov); Martyr Nestor
28 M + Holy Hierarch Iachint, metropolitan of the Romanian Lands; Martyrs Terence, his wife Neonila
and their 7 children; Holy Hierarch Firmilian, bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
29 T Virgin-Martyr Anastasia the Roman; Ven. Abramius and Maria, his niece
30 W Hieromartyr Zenobius, bishop of Cilicia and his sister Zenobia; Apostle Cleopas
31 T Apostles Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Aristobulus, Narcissus and Apelles; + Hieromartyr John
(Kochurov) of Chicago (1917); Martyr Epimachus

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1 F Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas & Damian of Mesopotamia
2 S Martyrs Acindynus, Pegasius, Aphthonius, Elpidephorus and Anempodistus (Saturday of Souls)
22nd Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Galatians 6:11-18. Gos. Luke 16:19-31 (Rich man and Lazarus). Tone 3.
Mat. Gos. 9.
3 S Hieromartyrs Akepsimas, Joseph and Aethalas; Translation of relics of Great-martyr George in Lydia
4 M Ven. Joannicius the Great; Hieromartyrs Nicander and Hermas; St. Sylvia, mother of Gregory Dialogus
5 T Martyrs Galaction and Episteme
6 W Holy Hierarch Paul the Confessor, patriarch of Constantinople; Ven. Luke of Sicily
7 T 33 Martyrs of Melitene; Ven. Lazarus of Mount Galesius
8 F +) Synaxis of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel and all the heavenly powers
9 S Martyrs Claudius, Castor, Sempronian and Nicostratus; Martyrs Onesiphoros and Porphyrios; Ven.
Matrona; Holy Hierarch Nectarios of Aegina
25 Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Ephesians 4:1-7. Gos. Luke 10:25-37 (Good Samaritan). Tone 4. Mat.
Gos. 10.
10 S Apostles Rodion, Sosipater, Olympas, Erastos, Tertius and Quartus; Great-martyr Orestes
11 M + Great-martyr Menas; Martyrs Victor, Vincent & Stephanida; Ven. Theodore the Studite
12 T Holy Hierarch John the Merciful, patriarch of Alexandria; +) Martyrs and Confessors of Nasaud:
Athanasius, Basil, Gregory and Basil; Ven. Nilus the hermit
13 W +) Holy Hierarch John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople and his mother, St. Anthusa
14 T + Apostle Philip of the 12 Apostles; Holy Hierarch Gregory Palamas, archbishop of Thessalonica
15 F +) Ven. Paisius (Velichkovsky) of Neamtz; Martyrs and Confessors Gurias, Samonas and Habibus the
deacon (Beginning of Nativity Fast)
16 S Apostle & Evangelist Matthew (F,W,O)
26th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Ephesians 5:8-19. Gos. Luke l2:16-21 (Parable of the rich man who
hoarded possessions). Tone 5. Mat. Gos. 11.
17 S Holy Hierarchs Gregory the Wonderworker, bishop of Neocaesarea and Gennadius, patriarch of
Constantinople; Ven. Lazarus the Iconographer (F,W,O)
18 M Martyrs Platon, Romanus & Zacchaeus
19 T Prophet Obadiah; Martyr Barlaam
20 W +) Ven. Gregory of Decapolis; Martyr Dasius; Holy Hierarch Proclus, archbishop of Constantinople
(Forefeast of Entrance of Birthgiver of God in Temple) (W,O)
21 T (+) Entrance of the Birthgiver of God in the Temple (F,W,O)
22 F Apostles Philemon, Archippus, Onesimos and Apphia; Martyr Cecelia
23 S + Ven. Anthony of Iezeru-Valcea; Holy Hierarchs Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium and Gregory,
bishop of Agrigentum (F,W,O)
30 Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Colossians 3:12-16. Gos. Luke 18:18-27 (The rich aristocrat). Tone 6.
Mat. Gos. 1.
24 S Hieromartyrs Clement, bishop of Rome and Peter, bishop of Alexandria (F,W,O)
25 M + Great-martyr Catherine; Great-martyr Mercurius (Leave-taking of Entrance of Birthgiver of God in
Temple) (W,O)
26 T Ven. Alypius the Stylite, Nikon and Stylianus of Paphlagonia (W,O)
27 W Great-martyr James the Persian; Ven. Nathaniel and Pinoufrius (W,O)
28 T Venerable-martyr Stephen the New; Martyr Irenarchus (W,O)
29 F Martyrs Paramon & Philoumenus; Ven. Pitirim
30 S +) Holy Apostle Andrew the first-called, Protector of Romania; +) Holy Hierarch Andrew Saguna,
metropolitan of Transylvania; Holy Hierarch Frumentius, bishop of Ethiopia; + Ven. Sebastian
(Dabovich) (F,W,O)

15 | P a g e

16 Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. 2 Corinthians 6:1-10; Gos. Matthew 25:14-30 (Parable of the Talents).
Tone 7. Mat. Gos. 2.
1 S Prophet Nahum; Ven. Philaret the Merciful (F,W,O)
2 M Prophet Habakkuk; Martyr Myrope; Holy Hierarch Solomon, archbishop of Ephesusl; Ven. Porphyrius
the Kapsokalivite (W,O)
3 T + Elder George of Cernica; Prophet Zephaniah (Sophonios) (F,W,O)
4 W + Great-martyr Barbara; Ven. John of Damascus; + Hieromartyr Alexander (Hotovitzky), missionary
in America (W,O)
5 T +) Ven. Sabbas the Sanctified; Martyr Athanasius (F,W,O)
6 F +) Holy Hierarch Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia (F,W,O)
7 S +) Martyr Philothea of Arges; Holy Hierarch Ambrose, bishop of Milan (F,W,O)
27th Sunday after Pentecost. Epis. Ephesians 6:10-17. Gos. Luke 13:10-17 (Healing of the crippled woman
on the Sabbath). Tone 8. Mat. Gos. 3.
8 S Ven. Patapius; Apostles Caesar, Tychicus and Onesiphorus (F,W,O)
9 M Conception of the Birthgiver of God by St. Anna; Prophetess Anna (Hannah), mother of the Prophet
Samuel (F,W,O)
10 T Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes & Eugraphusc(W,O)
11 W Ven. Daniel the Stylite & Luke the New (W,O)
12 T +) Holy Hierarch Spyridon the Wonderworker, bishop of Tremithus; + Holy Hierarch Mardarije, first
Serbian bishop in America and Canada (F,W,O)
13 F +) St. Herman of Alaska; + Holy Hierarch Dosoftei, metropolitan of Moldova; Great-martyrs
Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius and Orestes; Virgin-martyr Lucy (W,O)
14 S Martyrs of Alexandria: Thyrsus, Callinicus, Philemon, Appolonius & Arianus (F,W,O)
28th Sunday after Pentecost (Forefathers of the Lord). Epis. Colossians 3:4-11. Gos. Luke 14:16-24 (Parable
of the great banquet). Tone 1. Mat. Gos. 4.
15 S + Hieromartyr Eleutherius, bishop of Illyria, and his mother Martyr Anthia; Martyr Susanna (F,W,O)
16 M Prophet Haggai (Aggaeus); Empress Theophania (W,O)
17 T Prophet Daniel and the 3 Holy Youths: Ananias, Azarias & Misael (W,O)
18 W +) Ven. Daniel the Hermit of Voronetz; Martyrs Sebastian and Zoe; Holy Hierarch Modestus,
archbishop of Jerusalem (W,O)
19 T Martyr Boniface; St. Aglae; Holy Hierarch Gregentios, bishop of Ethiopia (W,O)
20 F Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer, bishop of Antioch (Forefeast of Birth of Christ)
21 S Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia; Martyr Themistocles (W,O)
Sunday before the Birth of Christ (Ancestors of the Lord). Epis. Hebrews 11:9-10, 32-40. Gos. Matthew
1:1-25 (Genealogy of the Savior). Tone 2. Mat. Gos. 5.
22 S + Holy Hierarch Peter Mogila, metropolitan of Kiev; Great-martyr Anastasia
23 M 10 Martyrs of Crete; Holy Hierarch Paul, archbishop of Neocaesarea
24 T Ven. Nun-Martyr Eugenia (Eve of Birth of Christ)
25 W (+) Birth of our Lord, God & Savior Jesus Christ
26 T (+) Synaxis of the Most Holy Birthgiver of God; +) Ven. Nicodemus of Tismana; Hieromartyr
Euthymius the Confessor, bishop of Sardis
27 F +) Apostle and Protomartyr Stephen the Archdeacon; Ven. Theodore the Confessor (Fast-free)
28 S 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia
Sunday after the Birth of our Lord (Joseph the Betrothed, David the Prophet and James, brother of the
Lord). Epis. Galatians 1:11-19. Gos. Matthew 2:13-23 (Escape into Egypt). Tone 3. Mat. Gos. 6.
29 S 14,000 Infants (Holy Innocents) slain by Herod; Ven. Marcellus and Thaddeus
30 M Virgin-martyr Anysia; Ven. Theodora; Ven. Leo

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31 T Ven. Melania of Rome; Martyr Hermes; St.Theophylactus of Ochrid (Leave-taking of Birth of Christ)
(Service of Thanksgiving for the new year)

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