N:B: The Figure in The Right Margin Indicates Full Marks.

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hurt its (e) —— (pre-modify the noun) leg and it was bleeding (f) —— HSC Examination 2020

(postmodify the verb). Israt became (g) —— (post-modify the verb) sad. Subject: English 2nd paper
She (h) —— (pre-modify the verb) carried the dog home and nursed the Subject Coad: 108
wound. She tied a bandage tightly round the (i) —— (pre-modify the noun) Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100
leg. In a week the dog was (j) —— (use an intensifier to pre-modify the [N:B: The figure in the right margin indicates full marks.]
adjective) well. 1. Fill in the blanks in the following texts with articles (a/an/the) as
10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put a cross
following text. .5×10=5 (×) in those blanks. .5×10=5
Mobile phone has become an essential gadget for everybody. (a) —— it has A craftwork is (a) —— applied form of art, (b) —— social and cultural
become very popular. (b) –— it has created a number of problems. It has (c) product reflecting (c) —— inclusive nature of folk (d) —— imagination. A
—— advantages (d) —— disadvantages. (e) –—it helps connect people. (f) craftwork, which usually doesn't bear (e) —— signature of its (f) ——
—— it helps to exchange information. (g) —— it can be used for various maker, retains (g) —— personal touch. When we look at (h) —— thirty-
purposes. (h) —— it has a few disadvantages (i) —— can cause a lot of year old nakshikantha we wonder at (i) —— its months and designs that
troubles. (j) –— it advantages are more than its disadvantages. point to (j) —— artistic ingenuity and the presence of the maker in it.
11. Read the following passage and then write the synonym or antonym 2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. .5×10=5
of the words as directed below. .5×10=5 Universities should never be made (a) —— mechanical organization (b) —
Teaching is a noble profession. It is an ideal career for women. Teaching — collecting and distributing knowledge. (c) —— them, people should
gives women a golden chance to take care of household works. Teaching is offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth (d) —— mind to others, and
more difficult than any other job. A teacher not only has to take classes but earn their proud right (e) —— in return to receive gifts (f) —— the rest of
also prepare students' test and evaluate exam scripts after class hours. And the world. But, (g) —— the whole length and breadth (h) —— India, there
he has to guide his learners also to choose career. (a) teaching (antonym); is not a single university established (i) —— the modern time where a
(b) noble (antonym); (c) profession (synonym) ; (d) chance (synonym); (e) foreign or an Indian student can properly be acquainted (j) —— the best
prepare (synonym); (f) difficult (antonym); (g) evaluate (synonym); (h) product of Indian mind.
guide (antonym); (i) household (synonym); (j) choose (synonym). 3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box.
12. There are errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following .5×10=5
text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors. .5×10=5 as if there let alone would what if
The high and the low the rich and poor the wise and the foolish the sinner rather
and the virtuous all must die Death is a must There is no way to escape from was born as soon as had better have to What does.... look
death Where there is life There is death It is unfortunate that sometimes we
(a) Aristotle is the great philosopher who had a vast knowledge in different
forget we are mortal. Different worldly attractions make us forget our
subjects. He —— in Stagira in 384 BC. (b) —— was a big tree in the forest.
transient existence on earth
But people cut it down for their settlement. (c) He is behaving —— he
were the king of the world. Actually he is a rogue. (d) I am worried about share the water. Instead of taking all water for themselves the farmers on the
my new job. —— I lose my job? (e) If you want to prosper in life, you — higher land leave enough for their neighbours down the valley. Farming in
— keep working hard patiently. There is no short cut way to succeed. dry areas (j) —— (make) possible by such cooperation. By cooperation
(f) —— she finished her work, she called her father. farmers have learned to make even the desert produce crops.
(g) Rohan cannot ride a bicycle, —— drive a car. I have never seen an 6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed. 1×5=5
inactive person like him. (h) Son : Mom, —— a devil ——? Mom : Sorry, (a) Child labour is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century (positive). It
dear, I have never seen a devil. (i) I have an important task with you. We — is complete violation of human rights. (b) Unfortunately, it has been
— meet early. (j) I —— go out for dinner than remain hungry. accepted in our society (complex). (c) Only poverty is responsible for this
4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases. .5×10=5 (negative). (d) In a family of five or six children, the parents have to send
(a) There are many obstacles in our way to success. We must work hard so some of their kids to work so that they can fill their empty stomachs
that ——. (b) My childhood was full of joys and happiness. Would that — (simple). (e) Though these poor children have to do bone breaking work all
—. (c) When I got down from the train, I saw my friend, Ripon. It was long day, in return they are rewarded with all kinds of abuse (compound).
since ——. (d) Five years have passed since ——. I still miss him very 7. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches. 5
much. (e) I didn't know anything of the matter. ——, I would have told him The beggar said, "Will you give me some food? I have been without food
about it. (f) The poem was too difficult ——. The teacher told us to listen to for two days." The housewife said, "Why don't you work? You can earn
him very carefully. (g) Some students adopt unfair means in the your own food." "Oh my God", said the beggar. "I am disabled. I can't
examination. It is high time ——. (h) If I had a camera, ——. I like work."
photography very much. (i) Don’t worry. I will join you after I ——. Then 8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph.
we will play together. (j) You take so much food at dinner. You will suffer Where necessary, rewrite the sentence so that all pronoun references
unless ——. are clear. 1×5=5
5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as In small village, a little boy lived with its father and mother. He was the
per subject and context. .5×10=5 only son for him. The parents of the little boy were very depressed Jue to its
Cooperation means (a) —— (to work) together for the benefit of all. bad temper. The boy used to get angry very soon and taunt others with his
Without cooperation modern society (b) —— (exist). Cooperation (c) —— bad words. He scolded kids, neighbours and even his friends due to anger.
(see) at its best among farmers in the dry regions of some parts of Australia He invited all worries for its parents through it. As a result, his friends and
and America. The fields (d) —— (irrigate) in these regions. Crops cannot neighbours avoided it.
be grown without water. Water (e) —— (bring) to the fields without 9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank
streams being tapped higher up. For this purpose canals and dams (f) —— spaces. .5×10=5
(build). The canals have been cut through the fields of more than one One day Israt was returning home (a) —— (post-modify the verb) from
farmer. Those who (g) —— (live) higher up the valley than the others (h) college. On the way she saw a dog (b) —— (use a participle phrase to post-
—— (allow) to build canals through their land in order to carry water to the modify a noun). It was barking (c) —— (post-modify the verb). An (d) —
fields of farmers lower down. In times of drought all (i) —— (be) able to — (pre-modify the noun) boy had hit the poor creature with a big stone. It

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