Pili Nut Industry - Albay

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unavailability of farm-to-market

Albay positions roads and post-harvest

as PH’s world- facilities.
“Basta pili, Albay ’yan, and
class pili subsequently, Bicol (Pili is
inherent to Albay, and
product hub subsequently to Bicol),”
Elegado said. However, he
with DA-PRDP’s stressed the need to upgrade
commodity the province’s quality standards
by investing on nutritional
investment plan analysis and technically and
Date Published: April 5, 2017 scientifically proven shelf-life
testing to capture both the local
To be the Philippines’ world- and international markets.
class pili products hub is
Albay’s vision as the province In addition, DA-Bicol’s High
explores opportunities for pili Value Crops Development
product development in Program (HVCDP) Coordinator
partnership with the Rosita Imperial recommended
Department of Agriculture’s investing in accredited pili
Philippine Rural Development nurseries to address scarcity in
Project (DA-PRDP). supply of planting materials.
In a Provincial Commodity
Investment Plan (PCIP)
Stakeholders’ Consultation
attended by key players in pili’s
value chain in Albay on March
14, pili farmers, traders, and
representatives of government
agencies shared their insights
about the current situation of
the pili industry in the province
particularly the constraints and
development gaps that need to DA Bicol RFO HVCDP
be addressed. Coordinator Rosita Imperial
Farmer-leader Bertito stresses the importance of
Laganson shared that currently, investing in accredited pili
pili farmers and farm owners nurseries to ensure
benefit from their farm produce sustainability of supply of
on a minimal basis due to planting materials in the
difficulty in harvesting while province. (Photo by Annielyn L.
Jacinto Alexis Elegado, Baleza, DA-PRDP RPCO V
provincial director of InfoACE Unit)
Department of Science and The pili stakeholders envision
Technology-Bicol cited the pili to mechanize pili harvesting
industry’s problem on and product processing and
generate additional income by fairs and exhibits. Currently, we
investing on accredited pili want to expand the production
nurseries and exploring other and processing of pili pulp oil
pili products like pili pulp oil and and pili elemi oil which has high
pili elemi. They also visualize international demand,” Vibar
the establishment of several said. She also discussed the
processing centers for both potential of pili accessories,
food and non-food pili products furniture and home decoration
in Albay. production using pili shells.
At the PCIP Stakeholders’
Consultation, the stakeholders
agreed to expand and accredit
existing pili nurseries in the first
and second districts of Albay,
develop a curriculum and NC II
accreditation for skilled pili nut
cracker, depulper and desheller
as well as establish a shared
pili service facility.
According to Provincial
Agricultural Services (PAS)
Senior Agriculturist and Pili
Focal Person Arlene Vibar, lbay’s Provincial Agricultural
PAS has organized the Albay Services (PAS) Senior
Pili and Cacao Industry Agriculturist and Pili Focal
Association (APCIA). APCIA is Person Arlene Vibar discusses
a federation of provincial pili the initial steps taken by the
producers, traders, processors PLGU-Albay to attain its vision
and assemblers. This of becoming the country’s
federation eyes the world-class pili hub and how its
development of 1,500 partnership with DA-PRDP can
commercial pili plantation-type further take the province into
farms in Albay, one farm that vision. (Photo by Annielyn
planted with 100 pili trees. L. Baleza, DA-PRDP RPCO V
APCIA is a recipient of a Good InfoACE Unit)
Manufacturing Practices (GMP) The province has 800 hectares
and Hazard Analysis and planted to pili. With the
Critical Control Points assistance of DA, the provincial
(HACCP)-compliant pili government has distributed
processing center worth P3 asexually propagated and
million from DA-Bicol. With grafted pili planting materials in
funding support from PRDP, various areas in Albay.
the province targets to procure
pili processing equipment. Reports from the Philippine
Statistics Authority show that in
“Our pili processors now 2015, Bicol is the country’s
participate in international trade major pili producer with 6,258
tons or 85 percent of the PPMIU-Albay I-PLAN Staff
domestic production. Albay Engr. Percival De Villa
follows Sorsogon as the top pili- discusses the PCIP to the
producing province with 24 stakeholders to solicit their
percent share. From 2008 to insights on investment
2015, Albay recorded the requirements to develop the pili
highest growth rate of area industry in Albay. (Photo by
planted and harvested to pili Annielyn L. Baleza, DA-PRDP
with 4.21 percent per year. RPCO V InfoACE Unit)
The PCIP is a three-year rolling Currently, PRDP-Bicol’s local
consensus plan between the and national level planning (I-
DA and the local government PLAN) component has
unit (LGU) based on the value generated P1.5 billion-worth of
chain analysis of priority investments from DA and other
commodities. The PRDP, a six- agencies out of PCIPs on top of
year project designed to PRDP investments.
establish an inclusive, value
Sixty-eight percent of the total
chain-oriented and climate-
investments were initially
resilient agri-fishery sector, that
funded in 2016 to 2017 while
promotes the mainstreaming of
the remaining 32 percent were
the PCIP in the design,
identified by the agencies for
implementation, monitoring,
inclusion in the 2018 to 2019
and evaluation of policies and
planning and budgeting
programs of LGUs and
exercises. (Annielyn L. Baleza,
concerned nongovernment
institutions. The Project also
harmonizes the LGUs’ plans
and programs with DA,
concerned government
agencies, civil society
organizations, and private

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