Time-3 Hours M.M 90: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Patna Region Summative Assesment - 2 Class-Ix Science
Time-3 Hours M.M 90: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Patna Region Summative Assesment - 2 Class-Ix Science
Time-3 Hours M.M 90: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Patna Region Summative Assesment - 2 Class-Ix Science
Time-3 hours M.M=90
General instructions:
(i) The question paper comprise of two sections, A & B. You are to attempt both the sections.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) All questions of section A and section B are to be attempted separately.
(iv) Question number 1-3 in section A are of one marks. These are to be answered in one word
or in one sentence.
(v) Question number 4-6 in section A are two marks. These are to be answered in about thirty
words each.
(vi) Question number 7-18 in section A are of three marks. These are to be answered in about
fifty words.
(vii) Question number 19-24 in section A are of five marks. Question number 23-24 consist
(viii) Question number 25-33 in section B are multiple choice questions based on practical skills.
Each question is of one mark. You are to select one appropriate response out of the four
(ix) Question number 34-36 are of two marks each and are based on practical skill.
र्दो लगातार la/kuu ,oa fojyu ds chp dk nwjh ककसी तरं ग में क्या होगा -
Q.30. The physical quantity that will remain unchanged after reflection of bond
wave is –
(a)Velocity (b)Wavelength (c)Frequency (d)All of these
कौि सा भौनतक गुि अपरवववरनतत रहता है धवनि तरग के परवरति के बार्द
(a)Velocity (b)Wavelength (c)Frequency (d)All of these
Q.31 The weight of a body felt in tape water and salty water are WA and WB
respectively, then
(a) WA= WB (b) WA > WB (c) WA < WB (d) WA=2 WB
ककलस वसतु का भार िल के पिी और खारा पिी मे इिमे से कया होग |
(a) WA= WB (b) WA > WB (c) WA < WB (d) WA=2 WB
Q.32 Study the chemical reaction given and Identify the value of
X (mass of co2 in gram)
CH4(g) +2O2(g) CO2(g)+2H2O
16 64 X 36
(a)28gm (b) 32gm (c)44gm (d)40gm
दर्दये गये रसायनिक प्रनतकक्रया का अध्ययि करे एवं X का माि बताएं,
CH4(गैस)+202(गैस) co2(g)+2H2o
16 64 X 36
(अ)28ग्राम (ब) 32ग्राम (स)44ग्राम (र्द)40ग्राम
Q.33 In an experiment to verify the law of conservation of mass in a chemical
reaction ,weighing the flask with its content is done carefully :
(a) Only before the experiment (b)Only after the experiment
(c) Both Before and after the experiment (d) Weighing is not essential
ककसी प्रयोग मैं द्र्व्य्मि संरछ्ण के लसधान्त जााँच करिे के ललए रसायनिक अलभकक्रया मे ववकर को
उसके अलभकमयक के सार् सवधाििीपुवक
य िापा जता है ?
(a)केवल प्रयोग से पहले (b) केवल प्रयोग के बार्द
(c)र्दोिो प्रयोग के पहले एवम बार्द (d) माप करिा अवस्यक िहीं है
Q.34 Name the group to which dryopteris belongs, write its identifying feature
Mz~k;ksiVsfjl fdl oxZ ls vkrs gS] uke fy[ksA buds nks y{k.ksk dks fy[ksA
Q.35 what is echo? What is the minimum distance to hear echo?
इको कया है ?इसे सुििे का ियुितम र्दरु ी कया है |
Q.36 To verify the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction a student
takes a known amount of solution of BaCl2 in a small test tube which is hanged
in a sealed conical flask containing Na2SO4 solution. The flask is slightly tilted
so that the two solution get mixed with each other and a chemical reaction
occurs. What is the relation between the masses of chemical involved.
रसायनिक प्रनतकक्रया मे द्रययमाि संरक्षण के लसद्धांत को जॉच कर िे के ललये एक िात्र िे एक
परखिली मे ज्ञात मात्रा का BaCl2 का घोल लेकर उसे एक बंर्द conical flask क्जसमे Na2so4 का घोल
है उसमे डूबोया, conical flask को र्ोरा सा दहलाया गया क्जससे र्दोिो घोल आपस में लमल गया, इस
रसायनिक प्रनतकक्रया मे र्दोिो घोलों के द्रययमाि मे क्या सम्बंध है l