The document discusses sources and control methods for particle and microbiological contamination in cleanrooms. For particle contamination, the main sources are outdoor air, indoor transfer air between rooms, people, work surfaces, process equipment, and raw/semi-finished materials. Control methods include tighter construction, pressurization, filtration, proper gowning, cleaning, and using cleanroom-rated equipment and furniture. For microbiological contamination, the main sources are microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. Control methods include physical approaches like heat, radiation, and filtration as well as chemical approaches like sterilization and disinfection.
The document discusses sources and control methods for particle and microbiological contamination in cleanrooms. For particle contamination, the main sources are outdoor air, indoor transfer air between rooms, people, work surfaces, process equipment, and raw/semi-finished materials. Control methods include tighter construction, pressurization, filtration, proper gowning, cleaning, and using cleanroom-rated equipment and furniture. For microbiological contamination, the main sources are microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. Control methods include physical approaches like heat, radiation, and filtration as well as chemical approaches like sterilization and disinfection.
The document discusses sources and control methods for particle and microbiological contamination in cleanrooms. For particle contamination, the main sources are outdoor air, indoor transfer air between rooms, people, work surfaces, process equipment, and raw/semi-finished materials. Control methods include tighter construction, pressurization, filtration, proper gowning, cleaning, and using cleanroom-rated equipment and furniture. For microbiological contamination, the main sources are microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. Control methods include physical approaches like heat, radiation, and filtration as well as chemical approaches like sterilization and disinfection.
The document discusses sources and control methods for particle and microbiological contamination in cleanrooms. For particle contamination, the main sources are outdoor air, indoor transfer air between rooms, people, work surfaces, process equipment, and raw/semi-finished materials. Control methods include tighter construction, pressurization, filtration, proper gowning, cleaning, and using cleanroom-rated equipment and furniture. For microbiological contamination, the main sources are microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. Control methods include physical approaches like heat, radiation, and filtration as well as chemical approaches like sterilization and disinfection.
Sources of Contamination Description Control Methods
Tighter exterior wall
construction, exterior Infiltration through zone pressurization, doors, and cracks at vestibules at main windows, and walls Outdoor air entrances, and seal space penetrations. Makeup air entering External through the air Multiple level filtrations conditioning systems Seal wall penetrations, Infiltration through multiple level Indoor transfer air doors, windows, and pressurizations & between rooms wall penetrations for depressurizations to pipes, ducts, etc. obtain proper airflow directions Largest source of Garments, proper internal particles: skin People gowning procedures, air scales, hair, textile shower before entry fibers Work surface Rubbing one item Use cleanroom suitable shedding against another or rated furniture Process Spray, painting, Local filtration and equipment welding, grinding exhaust Equipment washing, cleaning and Internal Raw and semi- During transport sterilization before finished material entry, use airlock & pass-through Liquids, During preparation, pressurized gases processing and Local exhaust used in process packaging Chemicals used Use cleanroom suitable Out-gassing to room for cleaning or rated cleaners Room Dust generated from Constructed with construction wall, floor, ceiling, special building materials door, fibrous insulation materials
Microbiological Contamination & Control
Unlike non- Control Methods
reproduce, microorganisms could reproduce at a rapid speed if nutrition and environment are Physical: favorable. Heat Microorganism can be classified as bacteria, Radiation algae, fungi, protozoa and viruses. Some of Filtration these are essential, useful and harmless, while others are harmful and dangerous. Chemical: