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Humidification Loads Will Exceed 90% RH in Duct at Temperature Indicated. Booster Humidification Is Recommended

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Tables 30-2 and 30-4 can be used to determine maximum

Fan coil air systems which mix return air and outside air in humidification load at the given conditions of mixed air
varying amounts to obtain a given final mixed air temperature temperature and required RH, assuming 40% RH OSA and 10%
require special consideration in determining maximum minimum OSA.
humidification loads.
NOTE: Consideration must be given to over-saturating
Systems of this type usually use a fixed minimum amount conditions in lower temperature systems.
of outside air (approximately 10%-30%) when outside air
temperature is at a maximum design (-10°F). As the outside EXAMPLE
air temperature increases, more outside air is mixed with Given conditions that 70°F return air temperature is mixed with
return air to achieve a final mixed air temperature (55°F). outside air to produce 55°F constant mixed air temperature in
Since humidification load is a function of the amount of duct. The design of the space being conditioned is 70°F at 40%
outside air introduced (plus its moisture content) the maximum RH. Total volume of air through the fan system is 40,000 CFM.
humidification requirement will occur at some outside air Determine maximum humidification load.
temperature other than maximum design.
From Table 30-2 with 55°F mixed air temperature and 40% RH
space design, the maximum humidification load is 11.4 pounds
per 1,000 CFM of total air volume. This maximum load occurs
Tables 30-1 and 30-3 below give the percent of outside air
when the outside air temperature is at 55°F. Multiplying 11.4 x
required to maintain desired mixed air temperature when
40 results in total pounds per hour required in the 40,000 CFM
outside air temperature is as shown. Table 30-1 is used when
system. Therefore maximum humidification load becomes 456
return air (room air) temperature is at 70°F. Table 30-3 is for
pounds of vapor per hour.
75°F return air systems.

*Humidification loads will exceed 90% RH in duct at temperature indicated. Booster humidification is recommended.

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