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The institution having the following requisite infrastructure, may apply for accreditation:

A. Class Room :
Class room for 25 students (minimum area 225 sq. ft.) should have proper
ventilation, well-illuminated black board/white board and availability of adequate
furniture and ceiling fans.

B. Lab cum Workshop : The size of workshop for 25 students should be at least 25ft. x
20 ft. with adequate lighting,exhaust & ceiling fans. The workshop should have the
following Tool/ Equipments/Apparatus or material for Practical Training:

List of Tools and Equipments

Sl. Tools Quantity Sl. Tools Quantity

no no
1. W.C. (Indian type) 02 15. Brass Bib Cock 02
2. W.C. (European Type) 02 16 Brass stop Cock 05
3. L.L. cistern 02 17. Plastic Taps 05
4. H.L cistern 02 18. H.D.P. Pile fitting 05
5. Automatic cistern 02 19. Electric Heater for PVC 02
6. Urinal Basin 05 20. Brass Tap + Chrome 05 each
7. Wash Basin 02 21. P.V.C. Cistern 2
8. Sink 02 22. Sink steel (with drawing 01
9. C.I. Trap (Nahani) +P+Q 05 23. Traps PVC 05
10. Check Valve ½” 05 24. Pipe Rendi 2 each
11. Ferrule ½”=1” 05 25. Threading Dies set 2 sets
12. Flush pipe 02 26. Pipe 2 nos.
13. G. I. Bend + Socket 05(each) 27. Pipe cutter 1 ½ “ 1”, 2 nos.
¾ “, ½” (each)
14. Grating + ELL 180 02 28. Hack San from 18” 2 nos.

C. Physical Facilities : The institution should have the facilities for Drinking water,
Bathrooms & Toilets.

D. Library : Library should have a minimum 20 books/articles/magazines etc. in

related subject.
E. Faculty & Supporting Staff:

Faculty & Supporting Staff Educational/Professional Qualification No.

Coordinator Degree/Diploma in appropriate branch with 5 01

years experinece
Instructor Diploma in Mechanical Engineering of ITI 02
certificate in plumbing trade with 2 years
Receptionist cum clerk Relevant to job 01

F. Batch size – Maximum 20 students in one batch.

Note : An institution can run maximum 2 batches for this course.

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