Red Zuma Project - PM Final Exercise

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You are a member of a project team assigned to develop the new razor scooter code
named the “RED ZUMA”. The table shown below contains the information necessary
to create a project schedule. For the purpose of this case assume the following

1. The project begins on January 2 , 2015

2. The following holidays are observed – January 1, Martin Luther King Day
(third Monday in January), Memorial Day (Last Monday in May), July 4th,
Labour day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in
November, December 25.
3. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, then Friday will be given as an extra day off,
and if it falls on a Sunday, then Monday will be given as a day off. If
December 25th falls on a Friday then Monday will not be given a day off.
4. The project team works eight-hour day, Monday to Friday.


1 Market Analysis 25

2 Product Design 30 21

3 Manufacturing Study 20 21

4 Product Design Selection 10 3,4


5 Detailed Marketing Plan 15 4

6 Manufacturing Process 30 45

7 Detailed Product Design 45 45

8 Build Prototypes 25 8memorial day

9 Lab test Prototypes 10 9

10 Field Test procedures 15 9

11 Finalized Product Design 20 7,10,11

11 Finalized Manufacturing Process 10 12

12 Order Components 7 12

13 Order Production Equipment 14 13

14 Install Production Equipment 35 14FS+20 Days,

15FS + 30 Days

15 Celebrate 1 6,16
The following personnel have been assigned full-time to the Red-Zuma project team

4 Marketing specialists - $80,000 / Yr

4 Design engineers- $1,25,000 / Yr
4 Development engineers- $1,10,000 / Yr
4 Industrial engineers- $1,00,000 / Yr
4 Test riders- $ 70 / Hr
2 Purchasing agent. - $ 75,000 /Yr

Resource Assignments
Task Name Resource Name
Market Analysis Marketing specialists ( 400%)
Product Design Marketing Specialists, Design Engineers(400%), Development
Engineer(200%, Industrial Engineer, Purchasing Agent
Manufacturing Industrial Engineer (400%), Development Engineer (200%)
Product Design Marketing Specialists(200%), Design Engineer (300%), Development
Selection Engineer(200%), Industrial Engineer(200%), Purchasing agent(25%)
Detailed Marketing Marketing Specialist(400%)
Manufacturing Design Engineer , Development Engineer(200%), Industrial Engineer(300%)
Detailed Product Marketing Specialist(200%),Design Engineer(400%), Development
Design Engineer(200%), Industrial Engineer(200%), Purchasing Agent(25%)
Build Prototype Design Engineer ( 200%), Development Engineer ( 200%), Industrial
Lab test Prototypes Design Engineer ( 200%), Development Engineer(200%), Test Rider

Field Test Marketing Specialist, Design Engineer (200%), Development Engineer

procedures Industrial Engineer, Test Rider ( 300%)

Finalized Product Marketing Specialist(200%, Design Specialist ( 300%),Development

Design Engineer (300%), Industrial Engineer ( 200%), Purchasing Agent (25%)

Finalized Industrial Engineer ( 300%), Designe Engineer , Purchasing Agent (25%)


Order Components Purchasing Agent

Order Production Purchasing Agent


Install Production Design Engineer, Development Engineer (300%), Industrial Engineer

Equipment (400%)

Celebrate Design Engineer (400%), Development Engineer(400%), Industrial

Engineer(400%), Marketing Specialist(400%), Purchasing Agent(200%)

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