Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of PDF
Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of PDF
Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of PDF
Abstract—Recently, research has picked up a fervent pace in the 4) static and/or dynamic air-gap irregularities;
area of fault diagnosis of electrical machines. The manufacturers 5) bent shaft (akin to dynamic eccentricity) which can re-
and users of these drives are now keen to include diagnostic fea- sult in a rub between the rotor and stator, causing serious
tures in the software to improve salability and reliability. Apart
from locating specific harmonic components in the line current damage to stator core and windings;
(popularly known as motor current signature analysis), other sig- 6) shorted rotor field winding;
nals, such as speed, torque, noise, vibration etc., are also explored 7) bearing and gearbox failures.
for their frequency contents. Sometimes, altogether different tech- Of the above types of faults: 1) bearing; 2) the stator or ar-
niques, such as thermal measurements, chemical analysis, etc., are mature faults; 3) the broken rotor bar and end ring faults of in-
also employed to find out the nature and the degree of the fault. In
addition, human involvement in the actual fault detection decision duction machines; and 4) the eccentricity-related faults are the
making is slowly being replaced by automated tools, such as ex- most prevalent ones and, thus, demand special attention. These
pert systems, neural networks, fuzzy-logic-based systems; to name faults produce one or more of the symptoms as follows:
a few. It is indeed evident that this area is vast in scope. Hence, 1) unbalanced air-gap voltages and line currents;
keeping in mind the need for future research, a review paper de-
scribing different types of faults and the signatures they generate 2) increased torque pulsations;
and their diagnostics’ schemes will not be entirely out of place. In 3) decreased average torque;
particular, such a review helps to avoid repetition of past work and d) increased losses and reduction in efficiency;
gives a bird’s eye view to a new researcher in this area. 5) excessive heating.
Index Terms—Condition monitoring, electrical motors, fault di- For the purpose of detecting such fault-related signals, many
agnosis, review. diagnostic methods have been developed so far. These methods
to identify the above faults may involve several different types
I. INTRODUCTION of fields of science and technology. They can be described as
follows [1], [2]:
occur when fatigue causes small pieces to break loose from the speed. The advantage of envelope detection techniques over
bearing. traditional spectrum analysis is demonstrated in detecting these
Other than the normal internal operating stresses caused by faults [8]. Reference [8] also presents the fundamentals of
vibration, inherent eccentricity, and bearing currents [3] due to bearing fault detection techniques in a very simplified manner.
solid state drives, bearings can be spoiled by many other external
causes such as the following: B. Stator or Armature Faults
1) contamination and corrosion caused by pitting and These faults are usually related to insulation failure. In
sanding action of hard and abrasive minute particles or common parlance, they are generally known as phase-to-ground
corrosive action of water, acid, etc. or phase-to-phase faults. It is believed that these faults start as
2) improper lubrication; which includes both over and under undetected turn-to-turn faults that finally grow and culminate
lubrication causing heating and abrasion; into major ones [9]. Almost 30%–40% of all reported induction
3) improper installation of bearing; by improperly forcing motor failures fall into this category [9].
the bearing onto the shaft or in the housing (due to Armature or stator insulation can fail due to several reasons.
misalignment), indentations are formed in the raceways Primary among these are [10]:
1) high stator core or winding temperatures;
Almost 40%–50% of all motor failures are bearing related.
2) slack core lamination, slot wedges, and joints;
Sometimes bearing faults might manifest themselves as rotor
3) loose bracing for end winding;
asymmetry faults [2], which are usually covered under the cate-
4) contamination due to oil, moisture, and dirt;
gory of eccentricity-related faults. Otherwise, the ball bearing-
5) short circuit or starting stresses;
related defects can be categorized as [1] outer bearing race de-
6) electrical discharges;
fect, inner bearing race defect, ball defect, and train defect. The
7) leakage in cooling systems.
vibration frequencies to detect these faults are given by
There are a number of techniques to detect these faults. For
large generator and motor stator windings rated 4 kV and above,
online partial-discharge (PD) test methods give very reliable re-
for an outer bearing race defect
sults [11]. Even a portable test instrument called TGA-B is avail-
able for this purpose.
for an inner bearing race defect However, for low-voltage motors, stator fault detection proce-
dures are yet to be standardized. Penman et al. [12] were able to
detect turn-to-turn faults by analyzing the axial flux component
for a ball defect
of the machine using a large coil wound concentrically around
the shaft of the machine. Even the fault position could be de-
for a train defect (1) tected by mounting four coils symmetrically in the four quad-
rants of the motor at a radius of about half the distance from the
where is the rotational frequency, is the number of balls, shaft to the stator end winding. The frequency components to
and are the ball diameter and ball pitch diameter, respectively, detect in the axial flux component are given by
and is the contact angle of the ball (with the races).
Schoen et al. [4] have shown that these vibration frequencies (3)
reflect themselves in the current spectrum as
where is the number of pole pairs, is the mains frequency,
(2) and and is the slip. The axial
where , and are one of the characteristic flux-based detection technique works well even in the presence
vibration frequencies. However, the experimental results were of supply harmonics as in the case with VSI-driven induction
presented for rather extensive bearing damage (such as a hole in motors [13].
the outer race of the bearing; brinelling induced by a vibration Toliyat and Lipo [14] have shown through both modeling and
table). The implementation of an unsupervised on- line detec- experimentation that these faults result in asymmetry in the ma-
tion of these faults using artificial neural networks (ANNs) has chine impedance causing the machine to draw unbalanced phase
also been described in [5]. currents. This is the result of negative-sequence currents flowing
Yazici et al. [6] have reported an adaptive, statistical time in the line as also have been shown in [15] and [16]. However,
frequency method for the detection of bearing faults. Experi- negative-sequence currents can also be caused by voltage un-
ments were conducted on defective bearings with scratches on balance, machine saturation, etc. Kliman et al. [9] model these
the outer races and bearing balls and cage defects. It has been unbalances which also includes instrument asymmetries. It is
claimed that all defective measurements were correctly clas- reported that with these modifications, it is possible even to de-
sified as defective. However, the detection procedure required tect a one turn “bolted” fault out of a total 648 turns. A sim-
extensive training for feature extraction. Detection of bearing ilar technique has been used in [17] with a power decompo-
faults using vibration signals is affected by machine speed [7], sition technique (PDT) to reduce harmonic effects and nega-
particularly when the bearing condition is deteriorating. The tive-sequence reactance to reduce temperature and slip variation
machine vibration may decrease even though failure is immi- effects on negative-sequence current measurement. The differ-
nent. The bearing life is also influenced by variable machine ence between the positive sequence of current under the faulty
D. Eccentricity-Related Faults
Machine eccentricity is the condition of unequal air gap
that exists between the stator and rotor (Vas [1], Heller and
Hamata [51], Cameron et al. [52]). When eccentricity becomes
large, the resulting unbalanced radial forces (also known as
unbalanced magnetic pull or UMP) can cause stator to rotor
rub, and this can result in damage of the stator and rotor.
There are two types of air-gap eccentricity: the static air-gap
eccentricity and the dynamic air gap eccentricity. In the case
of the static air-gap eccentricity, the position of the minimal
radial air-gap length is fixed in space. Static eccentricity may
be caused by the ovality of the stator core or by the incorrect
Fig. 4. Experimental plots of normalized line current spectra of healthy
positioning of the rotor or stator at the commissioning stage.
machine (top) and with one to four bars partially broken (next four plots). If the rotor-shaft assembly is sufficiently stiff, the level of
Slip = 0:033. These plots have been obtained from a machine that is similar static eccentricity does not change.
to the one simulated. Faults were introduced by drilling the bars.
In case of dynamic eccentricity, the center of the rotor is
not at the center of the rotation and the position of minimum
air-gap rotates with the rotor. This misalignment may be caused
due to several factors such as a bent rotor shaft, bearing wear
or misalignment, mechanical resonance at critical speed, etc.
Dynamic eccentricity in a new machine is controlled by the
total indicated reading (TIR) or “run-out” of the rotor (Barbour
and Thomson [53]). An air-gap eccentricity of up to 10% is
permissible. However, manufacturers normally keep the total
eccentricity level even lower to minimize UMP and to reduce
vibration and noise.
In reality, both static and dynamic eccentricities tend to
co-exist. An inherent level of static eccentricity exists even
in newly manufactured machines due to manufacturing and
assembly method, as has been reported by Dorrell et al. [54].
This causes a steady UMP in one direction. With usage, this
may lead to bent rotor shaft, bearing wear and tear etc. This
might result in some degree of dynamic eccentricity. Unless
Fig. 5. Experimental plots of normalized line current spectra of healthy
machine (top) and with four bars broken (bottom) around the 5th and 7th time detected early, these effects may snowball into a stator to rotor
harmonics. Slip = 0:033. hub causing a major breakdown of the machine [53].
Fig. 7. Simulated normalized plots of the line current spectra of a 3-ph 3-hp
60-Hz induction motor with 38.46% static (top) and 20% dynamic eccentricity Fig. 8. Simulated normalized plots of the line current spectra of a 3-ph 3-hp
(bottom) with 2p = 4; R = 43. Slip = 0:029. 60-Hz induction motor with 38.46% static with Slip = 0:029 (top) and 40%
dynamic eccentricity and Slip = 0:004 67 (bottom) with 2p = 4; R = 42. The
other static eccentricity component is suppressed due to loading effects.
The presence of static and dynamic eccentricity can be de-
tected using MCSA [1], [52]. The equation describing the fre-
quency components of interest is
(9) Fig. 9. Simulated, normalized line current spectra of 3-ph 3-hp 60-Hz skewed
four-pole induction motors with different rotor slots and identical mixed
where , and or or . eccentricity (SE = 38:46%; DE = 20%) machine around fundamental. From
top to bottom R = 44; 43; 42. Slip = 0:029.
Equation (9) assumes only the fundamental eccentricity com-
ponent in the permeance or inverse air-gap function [51], [56]. It
is to be noted that with , these components are very weak However, if both static and dynamic eccentricities exist to-
and noticeable only under light load conditions. gether, low-frequency components near the fundamental [54],
Simulated results with a four-pole, skewed, 43-rotor slot ma- [57] given by
chine, which conforms to (8) with are given in Fig. 7. (11)
Similar results with a four-pole, skewed, 42-rotor slot machine
can also be detected for all machines (Fig. 9). These low-fre-
are given in Fig. 8. The effects of eccentricity on fre-
quency components also give rise to high-frequency compo-
quency components given by (7) seem to be much less pro-
nents as described by (8). However, these components are strong
nounced for this machine. It has also been ascertained that ma-
only for machines (Fig. 10) whose pole pairs and rotor slot num-
chines generating principal slot harmonics (PSHs) will not give
bers are related by (9) and (10). For machines described
rise to these components with only static or only dynamic eccen-
by (9) with , they are rather weak (Fig. 11). Equations (9)
tricity. The pole pairs and rotor slot numbers for these machines
and (10) can be proved following [58]–[60].
(3 ph, integral slot, 60 phase belt) are related by
Modeling-based approaches to detect eccentricity-related
(10) components in line current have been described in [55] and
[57]. The simulation results obtained through the models can be
where , and or . corroborated by permeance analysis and experimental results.
an example of these rules is “ If is small and is large, [14] H. A. Toliyat and T. A. Lipo, “Transient analysis of cage induction ma-
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Subhasis Nandi (S’97–M’00) received the B.E. de- Xiaodong Li (S’02) received the B.Eng. degree in
gree in electrical engineering from Jadavpur Univer- electrical engineering from Shanghai JiaoTong Uni-
sity, Calcutta, India, in 1985, the M.E. degree in elec- versity, Shanghai, China, in 1994, and is currently
trical engineering from the Indian Institute of Sci- pursuing the Ma.Sc. degree at the University of Vic-
ence, Bangalore, in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree in toria, Victoria, BC, Canada.
electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, In 1994, he became an Electrical Engineer with
College Station, in 2000. Hongwan Diesel Power Co., Zhuhai, China, the local
Currently, he is an Assistant Professor with the power company in South China, where he conducted
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, power generation system maintenance.
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. He
has recently received a Canadian Foundation for
Innovation (CFI) and a matching British Columbia Knowledge Development
Fund (BCKDF) grant for setting up an advanced drives’ lab at the University
of Victoria. From 1988 to 1996, he was with TVS Electronics and the Central
Power Research Institute, Bangalore, India, working in the areas of power
electronics and drives. His main research interests are power electronics and
drives and analysis and design of electrical machines, with special emphasis
on fault diagnosis.