Ufe-Dfa-Kmu Vs Nestle Phils
Ufe-Dfa-Kmu Vs Nestle Phils
Ufe-Dfa-Kmu Vs Nestle Phils
Although foreign-hires
perform similar functions
under the same working
conditions as the local
hires, foreign-hires are
accorded certain benefits
not granted to local-hires.
These benefits, such as
housing, transportation,
shipping costs, taxes, and
home leave travel
allowance, are reasonably
related to their status as
foreign-hires, and justify
the exclusion of the former
from the latter.
To include foreign-hires
in a bargaining unit with
local-hires would not
assure either group the
exercise of their
respective collective
bargaining rights.
National Association of The basic test of an Whether the Certification NO.
Free Trade Unions asserted bargaining unit's Election was validly held. While the existence of a
(NAFTU) v. Mainit acceptability is whether or bargaining history is a
Lumber Development not it is fundamentally the factor that may be
Company Worker’s combination which will best reckoned with in
Union- United Lumber assure to all employees determining the
General Workers of the the exercise of their appropriate bargaining
Philippines collective bargaining rights. unit, the same is not
(MALDECOWU-ULGWP) Otherwise stated: the test decisive or conclusive.
G.R. No. 79526 of grouping is community Other factors must be
Dec. 21, 1990 or mutuality of interests. considered. The test of
grouping is community or
mutuality of interests. This
is so because "the basic
test of an asserted
bargaining unit's
acceptability is whether or
not it is fundamenally the
combination which will best
assure to all employees
the exercise of their
collective bargaining