Equivalent Circuit Model For Closely Spaced Patch Antenna and Microstrip Line With Loaded Defected Microstrip Structure
Equivalent Circuit Model For Closely Spaced Patch Antenna and Microstrip Line With Loaded Defected Microstrip Structure
Equivalent Circuit Model For Closely Spaced Patch Antenna and Microstrip Line With Loaded Defected Microstrip Structure
In modern compact communication devices, the mutual
coupling intensively increases because of the closely spaced
elements, such as antenna and transmission lines, which might
affect the performance of the device. Hence, there is a need to
suppress the mutual coupling between closely spaced elements
in communication devices. A great number of methods have
been proposed to suppress the mutual coupling between closely
spaced antennas and coupled microstrip transmission lines [1- Fig. 1. Geometry of the structure loaded DMS
3]. However, there are few researches on reduction of mutual
coupling between closely packed patch antenna and microstrip
transmission lines. In addition, there is little analysis on the
equivalent circuit model. Although various mutual coupling
reduction techniques have been proposed, some of these
methods are complex and difficult to implement. Defected
microstrip structure (DMS) has received considerable interest
and has been applied to filter and antenna designs because of
its simple structure and unique characteristics [4-6].
In this paper, a DMS is used and integrated on a 50-Ω
transmission line to provide an enhanced isolation of 12 dB
between the patch antenna and the transmission line. Also, an
equivalent circuit model is proposed to analyze the coupling of
the proposed analysis structure. The performance is
Fig. 2. The simulated results with/without DMS
investigated by using the HFSS and ADS. The results show
that a coupling is reduced between the antenna and the Fig.2 shows the simulated results of the structure with
transmission line. /without DMS. The neighboring patch antenna gives a mutual
coupling to microstrip transmission line, which might interfere
with the transmission line. It is also worth noting that the nH, C2 = 2.94 pF, L3 = 2.15 nH, L4 = 0.89 nH, C3 = 0.5 pF, L
coupling in near-end and far-end are not equal due to the =0.5 nH, Cs1 = 2.74 pF, Cs2 = 3.71 pF, Cg = 0.13 pF, Lg =
asymmetry of the structure, which can be seen from S12 and 0.76 nH, Cm = 0.04 pF, Lm1 = 7.3 pF, Lm2 = 0.047 pF, R =
S13. It is found from Fig. 2 that the crosstalk is reduced about 257 Ohm. It can be seen that the coupling capacitor and
12 dB by means of the proposed DMS in the transmission line. mutual inductances are small, which means that the coupling
Figure 4 presents the comparison between the full wave
To investigate the equivalent circuit model of the simulated and equivalent circuit simulation on the basis of the
decoupling structure proposed in Fig.1, equivalent circuit
S-parameters of the structure given in Fig. 1. It can be seen
model of the patch antenna is extracted based on the S-
that the agreement of the circuit simulation and the EM
parameters obtained from HFSS. Then, the circuit model of
microstrip transmission line loaded with DMS is extracted. simulation is acceptable, and the excellent agreement also
Also, we consider the equivalent circuits of the patch antenna validates the accuracy of the equivalent circuit model.
and the DMS loaded transmission line to create the equivalent V. CONCLUSION
circuit of the proposed coupling structure, which is presented in
Fig.3. In this equivalent circuit model, the coupling function is In this paper, a DMS is used to realize the crosstalk
approximated to be coupling capacitors and mutual inductors. reduction between the closely spaced patch antenna and a 50-
Ω microstrip transmission line. The equivalent circuit model
of the proposed structure is extracted and is investigated by
using the ADS. The performance of the decoupling is studied
by using the HFSS and ADS to verify the effectiveness of the
decoupling and to validate the correctness of the proposed
equivalent circuit model.
This work was partially supported by the International
Exchange Program of Harbin Engineering University for
Fig. 3 Equivalent circuit model of the structure in Fig.1 Innovation-oriented Talents Cultivation and the National Key
In the equivalent circuit model, the resonance characteristic Research and Development Program of China
of the antenna is given by RLC resonance circuit, where the (2016YFE0111100), Key Research and Development Program
capacitance C is the combination of the two series capacitors of Heilongjiang (GX17A016), the Science and Technology
(Cs1 and Cs2) which is to widen the frequency band. The innovative Talents Foundation of Harbin (2016RAXXJ044),
coaxial probe and the feed port are equaled to be a capacitor the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (4182077) and
(Cg) and an inductor (Lg) [7]. For the microstrip transmission China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M620918).
line, the values of the elements can be predicted based on the
formulas in [8]. Finally, the coupling capacitor Cm and mutual REFERENCES
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Fig.4. Comparison of EM and circuit model simulations