Gruszczynski 2006
Gruszczynski 2006
Gruszczynski 2006
Abstract—The problem of discontinuities in broadband multi- TEM strip- and quasi-TEM microstrip conductor geometries
section coupled-stripline 3-dB directional couplers, phase shifters, contribute reactive discontinuities, which significantly degrade
high-pass tapered-line 3-dB directional couplers, and magic-T’s, the circuits’ performance [4]–[6]. In another group, multioctave
regarding the connections of coupled and terminating signal lines,
is comprehensively investigated in this paper for the first time. The bandwidth can be achieved if several cascaded quarter-wave-
equivalent circuit of these discontinuities proposed in Part I has length sections of uniformly coupled lines are replaced by a
been used for accurate modeling of the broadband multisection section of nonuniformly coupled lines, in which the coupling
and ultra-broadband high-pass coupled-stripline circuits. It has coefficient changes continuously along the whole section
been shown that parasitic reactances, which result from the con- length [7]. Theoretically, in view of their high-pass response
nections of signal and coupled lines, severely deteriorate the re-
turn losses and the isolation of such circuits and also—in case of
behavior, these tapered-line directional couplers and magic-T’s
tapered-line directional couplers—the coupling responses. More- can operate in frequency bands significantly wider than these
over, it has been proven theoretically and experimentally that these of the multisection coupled-line circuits.
discontinuity effects can be substantially reduced by introducing Although the methods of compensation of discontinuities in
compensating shunt capacitances in a number of cross sections transmission lines within a wide frequency range have been
of coupled and signal lines. Results of measurements carried out
reported [8], no methods of the multioctave coupled-strip- and
for various designed and manufactured coupled-line circuits have
been very promising and have proven the efficiency of the proposed microstripline circuit’s design that take under consideration
broadband compensation technique. The theoretical and measured parasitic reactances associated with the regions of connected
data are given for the following coupled-stripline circuits: a decade- coupled and signal lines are known. Such discontinuities may
bandwidth asymmetric three-section 3-dB directional coupler, a be the reason of deterioration of circuits’ frequency-dependent
decade-bandwidth three-section phase-shifter compensator, and a characteristics. Until now, the problem of discontinuities in the
high-pass asymmetric tapered-line 3-dB coupler.
broadband coupled-stripline and microstrip line circuits has
Index Terms—Asymmetric multisection coupled-line directional not been reported in the literature, neither design methods are
couplers, asymmetric tapered-line directional couplers, broad-
known that would take these phenomena under consideration.
band magic-T’s, discontinuities, multisection coupled-line phase
shifters and compensators, technique of capacitive compensation. We have found only one paper [9] describing a design technique
for raising upper frequency limit of a wideband magic-T con-
sisting of tandem-connected 8.34-dB tapered coupled-stripline
I. INTRODUCTION directional couplers, where frequency-dependent characteris-
tics have been considerably improved by introducing an air-gap
OUPLED-LINE 3-dB directional couplers, phase shifters,
C and magic-T’s are often used in microwave integrated
circuits and large microwave networks and systems. For many
section near the magic-T junction, compensating for parasitic
fringing capacitances.
In this paper, the problem of discontinuities in broadband
broadband networks and systems, a one-octave bandwidth
multisection coupled-stripline 3-dB directional couplers, phase
of the most simple quarter-wavelength single-section cou-
shifters, high-pass tapered-line 3-dB directional couplers,
pled-line circuits becomes insufficient. There are two groups
and magic-T’s, regarding the connections of coupled and
of coupled-line circuits operating in wider frequency bands.
terminating signal lines, is comprehensively investigated for
In one, multioctave bandwidth can be achieved by means of
the first time. The equivalent circuit of these discontinuities,
cascading several quarter-wavelength sections of uniformly
proposed in Part I of this paper [10], the parameters of which
coupled lines [1]–[3]. Unfortunately, the physical junctions of
can be computed in a process of fitting curves of the circuit
various quarter-wavelength sections in the usually employed
and electromagnetic (EM) analyses, has been used for accurate
modeling of the broadband multisection and ultra-broadband
Manuscript received January 20, 2006; revised May 25, 2006. This work was high-pass coupled-stripline circuits. It has been shown that par-
supported by the Wroclaw Division, Telecommunications Research Institute.
The authors are with the Department of Electronics, Institute of Telecommu- asitic reactances, which result from the connections of signal
nications, Teleinformatics and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, and coupled lines, severely deteriorate the return losses and the
50-370 Wroclaw, Poland (e-mail:; isolation of such circuits and also, in the case of tapered-line;
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2006.880649
directional couplers and magic-T’s, the couplings at coupled
Fig. 1. Circuit models of the: (a) uncompensated and (b) compensated asym- PROCESS OF THE ASYMMETRIC THREE-SECTION
metric three-section directional couplers. 3-dB DIRECTIONAL COUPLER
6 1
coupler. Coupling coefficient distribution is given by (2). (a) Amplitude charac-
teristics. (b) Phase characteristic. Fig. 14. Sum and difference characteristics of the magic-T network being
a connection of the 3.3-dB tapered-line directional coupler and transmission-
line sections.
Part I and is based on introducing compensating capacitive [14] R. H. DuHamel and M. E. Armstrong, “The tapered-line magic-T,”
elements in a number of coupled lines’ and signal lines’ cross in Parallel Coupled Lines and Directional Couplers, L. Young, Ed.
Dedham, MA: Artech House, 1972, pp. 207–233.
sections. Theoretical analyses have shown the possibility of
return loss and isolation improvement in all presented ex-
amples; in particular, in case of the asymmetric tapered-line
3-dB directional coupler, the return losses and isolation can Slawomir Gruszczynski was born in Wroclaw,
be improved even by 25 dB in a wide range of frequencies. Poland, on December 14, 1976. He received the
M.Sc. degree in electronics and telecommunications
The measurement results of compensated circuits are in good and Ph.D. degree in electronics and electrical en-
agreement with the calculated ones and confirm the usefulness gineering from Wroclaw University of Technology,
of the proposed capacitive compensation technique. In case Wroclaw, Poland, in 2001 and 2006, respectively.
of the asymmetric three-section 3-dB directional coupler, the From 2001 to 2006, he has been with the Wroclaw
Division, Telecommunications Research Institute,
improvement of return loss and isolation has been achieved where he was involved in numerous projects for
in the whole frequency band of 0.45–4.5 GHz . military applications. In 2005, he joined the Institute
Until now, the tapered-line 3-dB couplers and magic-T’s have of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw
only been designed as a tandem connection of two asymmetric University of Technology, becoming an Assistant Professor in 2006. He is
currently a Principal Researcher involved in the CRAFT-016927 Project within
tapered-line 8.34-dB couplers. We trust that our attempt to de- the European Union Sixth Framework Programme. He has coauthored 17 sci-
sign high-performance compensated coupled-stripline circuits entific papers, including journal, European Microwave Conference, and IEEE
will also turn out to be useful in designing high-performance Antennas and Propagation Symposium papers. His research interests include
passive ultra-broadband microwave circuits such as directional couplers, power
compensated coupled-microstripline circuits. dividers, magic-T networks and also multibeam antennas, Butler matrices, and
integrated planar and conformal antenna arrays.
The authors would like to thank S. Gulinska and D. Skrzypek,
both with the Wroclaw Division, Telecommunications Research
Krzysztof Wincza was born in Walbrzych, Poland,
Institute, Wroclaw, Poland, for manufacturing and assembling on May 27, 1979. He received the M.Sc. degree
all experimental models. in electronics and telecommunications from the
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, in 2003,
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[2] J. P. Shelton and J. A. Mosko, “Synthesis and design of wideband equal expert on the European Union COST 284 Project:
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[9] M. Nakajima and H. Tanabe, “A design technique for raising upper fre- 1991, respectively.
quency limit of wideband 180 hybrids,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. From 1965 to 1967, he was a Research Fellow
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[10] S. Gruszczynski, K. Wincza, and K. Sachse, “Design of compensated Department, Gdansk University of Technology. In
coupled-stripline 3-dB directional couplers, phase shifters, and magic 1967, he joined the Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics, Wroclaw
T’s—Part I: Single-section coupled-line circuits,” IEEE Trans. Microw. University of Technology, becoming an Assistant Professor in 1974. Since
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[12] S. Gruszczynski and K. Sachse, “A coupled-transmission-line multi- Since 1988, he has been a Chair of the Microwave Theory and Technique
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compensation networks as a broadband 3 dB=0 =180 coupler and a is the solution of EM boundary problems for microstrip-like transmission
sum-difference circuit,” in Proc. Mediterranean Microw. Symp., Cac- lines and waveguides, passive microwave integrated-circuit design, and design
eres, Spain, Jun. 2002, pp. CP:1–CP:4. of microwave feed antenna systems and components. His current research is
[13] S. Gruszczynski, “Wide band asymmetric coupled-transmission-line related to a design of planar antenna filters for modern communication systems,
magic-T and sum-difference circuit,” in Proc. MIKON 15th Int. Mi- as well as of beam-forming networks for phased-array antennas.
crow., Radar, Wireless Commun. Conf., Warsaw, Poland, May 2004, Dr. Sachse is a member of the Polish Society of Electrical and Electronic
pp. 162–165. Engineering.