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Chapter 8

Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors,

and Nozzles

8.1 Intake

8.1.1 Introduction

All air-breathing engines installed in an aircraft must be provided with an air intake
and a ducting system (which is also identified as inlet or diffuser) to diffuse the air
from free-stream velocity to a lower velocity acceptable for further processing by
other engine components [1]. The intake is the first part of all air-breathing
propulsion systems. Both of the words intake and inlet are used alternatively. Intake
is normally used in Britain, while intake is used in the USA.
Due to the influence of intake flow on overall aircraft performance, responsibil-
ity for intake design rests with the aircraft manufacturer, not the engine maker.
However, both partners work closely together to arrive at an optimum solution.
Both manufacturers cooperate also in testing air intakes. An aircraft will require one
or more intakes to capture (collect) the atmospheric air (working fluid) at free-
stream Mach number, sometimes change its direction of flow, and supply this flow
to the engine with as little distortion as possible, to ensure smooth running and
efficient propulsion.
The performance of an inlet must fulfill the following requirements:
• Delivers exact amount of air required for different flight phases and wide
spectrum of angles of attack and sideslip
• Diffuses air with maximum static pressure rise and minimum total pressure loss
• Recovers flow distortion or separation at large angles of attack to achieve as
uniform flow as possible
• Achieves least possible external drag to the system
• Provides good starting and stability
• Achieves low signatures (acoustic, radar, etc.) for a noise suppression and stealth
• Holds minimum weight and cost while meeting life and reliability goals

© Springer-Verlag London 2016 589

A.F. El-Sayed, Fundamentals of Aircraft and Rocket Propulsion,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-6796-9_8
590 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Detailed aero-thermal analysis and design of intake for subsonic/supersonic and

hypersonic speeds was the topic of a lecture series organized by von Karman
Institute [2].
For gas turbine engine (turbojet, turbofan, and turboprop), the airflow entering
subsonic compressors or fans must be of low Mach number, of the order 0.4–0.5 or
less even if the aircraft speed is supersonic.
For a ramjet also, the inlet reduces the speed to a subsonic value to have a
subsonic combustion. Scramjet engine facilitates supersonic combustion, and thus
its intake delivers air at supersonic speeds to the combustion chamber. Thus the
entrance duct reduces air speed from flight speed to lower values even for scramjet
Inlets may be classified as:
1. Subsonic or supersonic/hypersonic
2. Fixed or variable geometry
3. Two-dimensional or axisymmetric geometry
Inlet performance is either identified by isentropic efficiency or pressure recov-
ery. The last is defined as the ratio, expressed in percent, of the average total
pressure of the air entering the engine to that of the free-stream air. The total
pressure is the sum of the static, or ambient, pressure of the air and the impact
pressure associated with its motion. Modern jet transports may cruise with values of
the pressure recovery of 97–98 %. Supersonic aircraft with well-designed, practical
inlet and internal flow systems may have pressure recoveries of 85 % or more for
Mach numbers in the 2.0–2.5 range.
Noise generated in intake is another issue with extensive research list.
The intake geometry and performance are closely related to the method of power
plant installation. The position of the power plant must not affect the efficiency of
the air intake. In the following sections, the different methods of power plant
installation will be first discussed for both civil and military aircrafts; next subsonic
and supersonic/hypersonic intakes will be analyzed. The performance of intakes
will be finally discussed.

8.1.2 Power Plant Installation

Power plant installation is sometimes referred to as propulsion–airframe integra-

tion. It is the process of locating the power plants and designating their installation
to meet many operating requirements while minimizing drag and weight penalties
[3]. The installation of the engines influences aircraft safety, structural weight,
flutter, drag, control, maximum lift, performance and reliability of engine, main-
tainability, and aircraft growth potential. Power plant installation influences the
design of air-inlet system, cooling arrangement, and mounting structure. These
elements are largely the responsibility of the airframe manufacturer. However, the
8.1 Intake 591

engine manufacturer is also involved as the engine data must be available to the
airframe manufacturer to design a suitable installation.
Hereafter, power plant installation will be discussed for both subsonic and
supersonic aircrafts. Subsonic Aircrafts

Power plant installations for both civil and military aircrafts are similar as long as
their flight speeds are subsonic or transonic. However, for supersonic aircrafts there
are great differences in the installation methods of civil and military aircrafts as
well be described later on. Turbojet and turbofan engines have the same methods
for installation, while turboprops employ other methods.
(A) Turbojet and turbofan engines
Though most of the present-day transport (passenger or cargo) aircrafts are
powered by turbofan engines, turbojet engines still have small avenues. The
following methods are frequently seen for turbojet and turbofan engines:
1. Wing installation (Even number of engines: 2,4,6, or 8)
2. Fuselage (Even number of engines 2 or 4)
3. Wing and tail combination (Three engines)
4. Fuselage and tail combination (Three engines)
Figure 8.1 illustrates the breakdown of power plant installation for turbojet and
turbofan engines in civil applications.
(a) Wing installation
The four forms of power plants installed to wings are the following:
(a) Buried in the wing (2 or 4 engines)
(b) Pod installation (2, 4, 6, or 8 engines)
(c) Above the wing (2 or 4 engines)
(d) Pitot installation (2 or 4 engine)
Buried in the wing
This type of wing installation is found in early aircrafts like the De Haviland
Comet 4 and the Hawker Siddeley Nimrod. In both aircrafts, four engines are buried
in the wing root (Fig. 8.2).
This method of installation had the following advantages:
1. Minimum parasite drag and probably minimum weight.
2. Minimum yawing moment in case of engine failure that counteracts the asym-
metric thrust; thus, the pilot can easily maintain a straight level flight.
However, it has the following disadvantages:
1. It poses a threat to the wing structure in case of failure of a turbine blade or disk.
592 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Turbojet/Turbofan Installation (Civil Aircrafts)

Wing Fuselage Combined fuselage

Wing and tail (3) and tail (3)

Above Pod
Wing (2/4) Pod Pod
(2/4) Engines
Engines (2 Engine wing) (2 Engine fuselage)

Below Wing

Pod Pitot Pod (1Tail Engine)

(2/4/6/8) Engines (2/4) Engines

Bifurcated Long inlet Long tailpipe S-bend inlet

Fig. 8.1 Different methods of installation for turbojet/turbofan engines of civil transports

Fig. 8.2 De Havilland Comet (4 engines buried in the wing)

2. Very difficult to maximize the inlet efficiency.

3. If a larger diameter engine is desired in a later version of the airplane, the entire
wing may have to be redesigned.
4. Difficult accessibility for maintenance and repair.
5. It eliminates the flap in the region of the engine exhaust, therefore reducing the
maximum lift coefficient CLMAX .
8.1 Intake 593

Pod installation
In this type engines are attached to the wings via pylons (Fig. 8.3). Most engines
nowadays have pod installation; either two or four engines are found in the
following aircrafts: Boeing 737, 757, 767, 777, MD-11, and future 787; Airbus
A320, A330, A340, A350, and A380; Tristar; and Antonov An-148. Six engines
power the Antonov An-225, while eight P&W TF33 turbofan engines power the
This type of engine installation has the following advantages:
1. Minimize the risk of wing structural damage in case of engine fire or blade/disk
2. Simple to obtain high ram recovery in the inlet since the angle of attack at the
inlet is minimized and no wakes are ingested.
3. Easy engine maintenance and replacement due to engine accessibility and being
close to the ground.
4. Less noisy.
5. The weight of the engines reduces the wing tip upbending effects of lift allowing
a lighter wing structure.
6. It may be a little easier to arrange for a suitable structural fuse that allows the
engine to break free from a wing–pylon under-engine seizure or other severe
However, it has the following disadvantages:
1. For low-wing aircrafts like Boeing 737, the engines are mounted close to the
ground; thus, they tend to suck dirt, pebbles, rocks, snow, and so on into the inlet.

Fig. 8.3 Antonov An-225 (6 engines pod installation to wing)

594 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.4 Fokker VFW614 (2 engines above-wing installation)

This is known as foreign object damage (FOD) which may cause serious damage
to the engine blades.
2. The high temperature and high dynamic pressure of the exhaust impinging on
the flap increase flap loads and weight and may require titanium structure which
is more expensive.
3. Pylon–wing interference affects the local velocities near the wing leading edge,
thus increases the drag, and reduces the maximum lift coefficient. However, this
drawback can be remedied by choosing the nacelle locations sufficiently forward
and low with respect to the wing as shown in Figs. 8.3 and 8.4.
4. Strong yaw effect if an engine failed on one side.
Above the wing
Some of these planes are seaplanes like A-40 Albatros powered by two Soloviev
D-30KPV engines of 117.7kN thrust each plus two Klimov RD-60 K booster
engines of 24.5kN thrust. Others are conventional airplanes like Fokker VFW614
(Fig. 8.4) powered by two turbofan engines and Antonov An-74TK-200 aircraft
powered by two turbofan engines D-36, series 3-A. This type of installation has the
following advantages:
1. Prevents (or greatly reduces) foreign object ingestion into the engines from the
surface of a runway during takeoff and landing
2. Prevents water ingestion into the engine for seaplanes during takeoff and landing
3. Improves wing lift due to the blowing over of the wing’s upper surface and
inboard flaps by engine streams
4. Reduces noise level at the terrain due to screening engine streams by the wing
which copes with the increasingly stringent civilian aviation noise regulations
8.1 Intake 595

As at present and in the future, increasingly stringent civilian aviation noise

regulations will require the design and manufacture of extremely quiet commercial
aircraft. Also, the large fan diameters of modern engines with increasingly higher
bypass ratios pose significant packaging and aircraft installation challenges. The
design approach that addresses both of these challenges is to mount the engines
above the wing. In addition to allowing the performance trend toward large
diameters and high-bypass ratio turbofan engines to continue, this approach allows
the wing to shield much of the engine noise from people on the ground.
Pitot type
Pitot type is an ideal air intake for a turbojet engine fitted to an aircraft flying at
subsonic or low supersonic speeds (Fig. 8.5). Examples are Boeing 707 and Airbus
A300 aircrafts. It is a short circular intake. This type of intake makes the fullest use
of the ram effect on the air due to forward speed and suffers the minimum loss of
ram pressure with changes of the aircraft attitude. However, as sonic speed is
approached, the efficiency of this type of air intake begins to fall because of the
formation of a shock wave at the intake lip.
(b) Fuselage installation
As described in [3], fuselage installation (which is sometimes identified as aft-
engine arrangements) is most suitable for small aircrafts where it is difficult to
install engines under the wing and maintain adequate wing-nacelle and nacelle-
ground clearances.
Pod engine installation is employed either on the sides or top of the fuselage
using short stub wings. Air gap between the engine and the fuselage minimizes
aerodynamic interference. Aircrafts are either powered by two engines (Fig. 8.6) as
in the DC-9, MD-80, Gates Learjet Model 25, Fokker F-28, Cessna 550 Citation II,
Tu-324 and 334, and Sud Aviation Caravelle 12, or four engines, as in the Jetstar
and BAC Super VC-10 (Fig. 8.7).
Fuselage installation has the following advantages [3]:
1. Greater maximum lift coefficient and less drag due to elimination of wing–pylon
and exhaust–flap interference
2. Less asymmetric yaw after engine failure as the engines are close to the fuselage
3. Lower fuselage height above the ground which permits shorter landing gear and
air stair length
However, this installation has the following disadvantages [4]:
1. The center of gravity of the empty airplane is moved aft, well behind the center
of gravity of the payload. Thus a greater center of gravity range is required which
leads to difficult balance problems and larger tail.
2. On wet runway, the wheels kick water, and the special deflectors on the landing
gear may be needed to avoid water ingestion into the engine.
3. At very high angles of attack, the nacelle wake blankets the T-tail and may cause
stall which needs a larger tail span.
4. Vibration and noise isolation is a difficult problem.
596 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Pitot type intake



Pylon aft fairing

Core mounted gearbox

Pitot Type Intakes

Fig. 8.5 Boeing 707 aircraft with 4 pitot tube engines

Fig. 8.6 DC-9 (fuselage 2 engines pod installation)

Fig. 8.7 Super VC-10 (4 engines fuselage pod installation)

598 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

It appears that for DC-9 size aircraft, the fuselage installation is to be slightly
preferred. In general smaller aircrafts employ fuselage arrangement.
(c) Combined wing and tail installation (Three engines)
Tail installation represents a center engine installation. Only one turbofan engine
is installed in all available tail combinations with either wing or fuselage arrange-
ment. Examples are found in DC-10 aircrafts. Figure 8.8 illustrates a typical wing
and tail installation.
There are four arrangements of center (or tail) engine installation, namely,
(A) bifurcated inlet, (B) long inlet, (C) long tail pipe, and (D) “S” bend inlet.
The two usually used are the S-bend and the long inlet configurations (Fig. 8.9).
Both installation methods have the following advantages:
1. Mounted very far aft so a ruptured turbine blade or disk will not impact on the
basic tail structure.
2. High-thrust reverser without interfering with control surface effectiveness. This
is achieved by shaping and tilting the cascades used to reverse the flow.
Moreover, both arrangements also have the following disadvantages:
1. Large inlet losses due to the long length of intake
2. Difficult accessibility for maintenance and repair

Fig. 8.8 DC-10 Combined wing and tail (3 engines pod installation)
8.1 Intake 599

Fig. 8.9 Tail engine installation possibilities

(d) Combined fuselage and tail installation

Examples for this type of installation are the Boeing 727 aircraft, Tu-154, and
Yak-42D. A typical layout for this configuration is shown in Fig. 8.10.
(B) Turboprop installation
Turboprop (or turbo-propeller) engines, however, have limited options. The
propeller requirements always place the engine in one of the following positions
[5] (Fig. 8.11):
1. Wing installation
2. Fuselage installation, either at the nose or empennage of aircraft for a single-
engined aircraft
(a) Wing installation
Most present-day turboprops/piston engines are wing mounted to either pas-
senger or cargo transports. Either puller or pusher turboprops may be installed to
the wing. Typical wing installation of the puller type is shown in Fig. 8.12.
Examples for wing installation are De Havilland DHC-8 commuter airplane
powered by two PW120 puller engines, Fokker F-27 powered by two RR Dart
engines, and Beechcraft King Air powered by two PT6A engines (Fig. 8.12). In
some aircrafts a pair of counter-rotating propellers is installed to each engine.
Antonov An-70 is an example for these aircrafts where the aircraft is powered by
four engines.
Pusher engine types are less common; examples for pusher turboprops are Rutan
Long-EZ and Piaggio GP-166 Avanti aircraft powered by two PT6A. The latter is
shown in Fig. 8.13. An example for pusher propeller-piston engine coupling is the
famous UAV MQ-1C Sky Warrior powered by a single Thielert Centurion Diesel
600 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.10 Yak-42D (3 engines, pod installation; 2 fuselage and one tail)
8.1 Intake 601

Fig. 8.11 Different

Turboprop and Piston Engines
installation methods for
turboprop and piston
Wing Fuselage

Combined Nose and Empennage Empennage Nose

Fig. 8.12 Puller turboprop/piston engines: (a) Beechcraft King Air powered by two PT6A
turboprop engines and (b) Douglas DC-6 is a piston-powered airliner

Fig. 8.13 Pusher-type engines: (a) Piaggio GP-166 Avanti aircraft powered by two PT6A and (b)
General Atomics MQ-1C Sky Warrior powered by a single Thielert Centurion diesel engine

Pusher propellers have the potential of a quieter ride since the propellers are
further from the passengers and because vortices from the propeller tips do not
strike the fuselage sides. However, the propellers are operating in a turbulent
airflow in the pusher configuration (due to airflow past the wings moving aft in
vortex sheets), and high-velocity exhaust gases are discharged directly into the
props; thus the resulting external propeller noise is more choppy and raucous than
otherwise would be the case.
602 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.14 Dornier Seastar powered by two push–pull turboprop above-wing installation

Figure 8.14 illustrates Dornier Seastar, a parasol-wing flying boat, with its two
engines mounted in a single nacelle over the wings in a push–pull configuration.
(b) Fuselage installation
Nose engine installation is always employed in small aircrafts. Turboprop engine
fitted to the nose is shown in Fig. 8.15a. The majority of light aircrafts are powered
by a single piston engine buried in the fuselage nose, e.g., Cessna 172 (Fig. 8.15b),
Beech Bonanza, Piper PA-28R-201 Arrow, and Pilatus PC-9.
Empennage installation is illustrated in Fig. 8.16. An example for turboprop
engine is the Jetcruzer 500 with a single Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-66
(Fig. 8.16a). For piston engine, an example is Rutan Long-EZ powered by
Lycoming O-235 piston engine (Fig. 8.16b).
Finally an example for combined nose and empennage installation is employed
in aircraft Voyager (Fig. 8.17) with two piston engines, one engine buried in the
fuselage nose and the other in the aft fuselage. Both engines were installed along the
fuselage center line.
Intake of turboprop engines may have different shapes depending on size and
location of the reduction gearbox coupled to the propeller. These inlets may be
axial, axisymmetric, axisymmetric through plenum, or a scoop, which in turn
8.1 Intake 603

Fig. 8.15 Nose-mounted engines: (a) Pilatus PC-12 powered by a Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-
67B turboprop and (b) Cessna 172 powered by one Lycoming IO-360-L2A four cylinder,
horizontally opposed aircraft engine

may have elliptical, rectangular, U, and annular shapes [5] as illustrated in

Fig. 8.18.
Figure 8.19 illustrates an elliptical inlet for a 6-bladed propeller of a puller
turboprop engine and a typical annular inlet. Supersonic Aircrafts

Supersonic aircrafts are mostly military ones. Few civil aircrafts are supersonic
ones including the Anglo-French Concorde (powered by turbojet engines) and the
Russian Tu-144 (powered by turbofan engines). All the remaining supersonic
aircrafts are military ones.
(A) Civil transports
The engines of the two civil supersonic transports (SST) are installed in the
wing. Concorde is powered by four Rolls-Royce/SNECMA Olympus 593 turbojets
(Fig. 8.20), while Tu-144 is powered by four Kolesov RD-36-61 turbojet engines.
604 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.16 Empennage installation: (a) Jetcruzer 500 driven by a single pusher-type turboprop
engine and (b) Rutan Long-EZ powered by Lycoming O-235 piston engine

All engines are installed to the lower surface and aft part of the wing. Engine
nacelle is flush to the wing surface and has rectangular inlet.
(B) Military aircrafts
Military aircrafts are powered by either turbojet or turbofan engines. Most
fighters have one or, at the most, two engines situated inside the fuselage. Rather
few ones are powered by wing-type engine installation. Single engine may have
single or divided intakes (Fig. 8.21).
A variety of inlet locations and designs have been employed to supply air to
subsequent engine modules. Each of these arrangements has both advantages and
8.1 Intake 605

Fig. 8.17 Aircraft Voyager, with combined nose and empennage piston engines

disadvantages. Figure 8.22 describes different methods for engine installation

employed on fighter aircraft.
(a) Fuselage installation
Engines installed in the fuselage may have pitot (or nose), chin, side, and
underslung configurations.
Nose (or pitot) inlet employed on the North American F-86 fighter is illustrated
in Fig. 8.23. This type of installation enjoys good characteristics through a wide
range of angle of attack and sideslip and free from aerodynamic interference
effects—such as flow separation—from other parts of the aircraft. The long internal
duct leading from the inlet to the engine, however, tends to have relatively high-
pressure losses.
The chin inlet employed on the F-8 and Eurofighter airplanes shown in Fig. 8.24
has many of the advantages of the simple nose inlet but leaves space in front of the
fuselage for radar or guns and has a somewhat shorter internal duct. The proximity
of the inlet to the ground introduces a possible risk of foreign object ingestion, and,
obviously, a possible damage of its hardware.
Side-mounted inlets may be used on both single- and twin-engine fighters.
Grumman F11F is a single engine, while F-22 Raptor is a twin engine as
illustrated in Fig. 8.25. The side-mounted inlet arrangement probably offers the
best compromise of all the conflicting aerodynamic, structural, weight, and space
requirements, and it is used on many modern combat aircrafts.
606 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.18 Inlet shapes for turboprop engines

8.1 Intake 607

Fig. 8.19 Inlet shape for a turboprop engine: (a) an elliptical inlet and (b) an annular inlet

Fig. 8.20 Supersonic transports

608 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.21 Single and divided intakes

Finally, Fig. 8.26 illustrates an underslung intake as fitted to F16 airplane.

Finally, two engines may be installed to the empennage as shown in Fig. 8.27
illustrating Fairchild A-10A Thunderbolt II.
(b) Wing installation
Wing-root inlet installation shown in Fig. 8.28 is employed on the Vulcan
B-2 bomber. Inlets located in this manner offer several advantages. Among
these are short and light, internal flow ducts, avoidance of fuselage
boundary-layer air ingestion, and freedom to mount guns and radar on the
nose of the aircraft. Further, no interference between the cockpit and internal
8.1 Intake 609

Intakes for Turbojet/Turbofan of Military Aircrafts

Fuselage Wing

Pitot Chin Side Underslung Empennage

Top Root Axisymmetric

Fig. 8.22 Intakes for turbojet/turbofan engines of fighter aircrafts

Fig. 8.23 F86 aircraft (single-engine pitot intake)

ducting is encountered in this arrangement. Careful design to avoid flow

separation and associated losses must be accomplished. Wing-root inlets are
not suitable for modern fighters of high-thrust-to-weight ratio because of the
large-size inlets required by these aircrafts and the difficulty of integrating
them with the wing.
610 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

(c) Chin Inlet

View A (Chin Inlet)

Fig. 8.24 F-8 Crusader (above) and Eurofighter (below) with chin intakes
8.1 Intake 611

Fig. 8.25 Side-mounted engines: (a) Grumman F11F, (b) F-22 Raptor, and (c) two-dimensional
side intakes

Wing top intake is employed in the B-2’s four General Electric F118-GE-110
non-afterburning turbofans. They are buried in the wings, with two engines clus-
tered together inboard on each wing (Fig. 8.29). The intakes of the B-2 aircraft have
a zigzag lip to scatter radar reflections, and there is a zigzag slot just before each
612 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.26 F16 aircraft fitted with underslung intake

Fig. 8.27 Fairchild A 10-A Thunderbolt II aircraft with 2 engines installed to the empennage

intake to act as a “boundary-layer splitter”, breaking up the stagnant turbulent

airflow that tends to collect on the surface of an aircraft.
A unique wing installation is found in the SR-71 aircraft (Fig. 8.30). It is
powered by two turboramjet engines having a variable-geometry axisymmetric
8.1 Intake 613

Fig. 8.28 Vulcan B-2 Bomber with 4 engines installed at wing root

Fig. 8.29 B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber with 4 engines having wing top intake
614 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Drag chute doors


Aerial Ejector
refueling flaps
Forward Aft
(pilot’s) cockpit

J58 engine
tanks Inlet
Chine spike
Nose section

Axisymmetric Inlet

Fig. 8.30 SR-71 aircraft fitted with 2 turboramjet engines having axisymmetric intake

Fig. 8.31 Mi 24A (two engines above cabin with front intake)
8.1 Intake 615 Helicopters

Two types of intakes are seen:

1. Forward-facing pitot intake
2. Forward-facing side intake
3. Side-facing intake
Figure 8.31 illustrates Mi 24A helicopter powered by two Klimov TV3-117MT
turboshafts located side by side above the cabin, having a forward-facing pitot

Fig. 8.32 Sikorsky UH-60 helicopter powered by two-side turboshaft engines

616 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Figure 8.32 illustrates Sikorsky UH-60 helicopter powered by two General

Electric turboshaft engines sat atop of either side of the middle fuselage having a
forward-facing side intake.
Side-facing intakes have a very poor pressure recovery compared to the other
two types. Thus using a side-facing intake can only be justified due to its effec-
tiveness as an inertial separator to protect against FOD [6]. Rockets

Hybrid rockets have both air-breathing and rocket engines. Air-breathing engines
may be ramjet, turbojet, or turbofan engines.
(A) Ramjet engines
The Raduga 3M-80 and 3M-82 and Kh-41/ASM-MSS Moskit are all variants of
the same 4.5-ton rocket-ramjet missile. Four intakes on the sides of the fuselage are
employed (Fig. 8.33).
Alternatively, MBDA Meteor has two rectangular side intakes. Detailed
description of ramjet missile propulsion status is described in [7].
(B) Turbojet engines
Several missiles are powered by turbojet engines (instead of the ramjet ones)
together with their basic rocket engines. Examples are the general dynamics
AGM-109H/L MRASM. It is a low-cost air-launched derivative of the Tomahawk
family. Its propulsion system is a Teledyne CAE variable speed turbojet of the
600 lb class. The power plant has ventral engine inlet/inlet duct assembly. Prior
launching the inlet is flush with the missile’s skin, but deploys upon reaching a
programed point in the launch sequence.
(C) Turbofan engines
Williams F107-WR100 engine is a small turbofan engine that powers several
missiles including Tomahawk (Fig. 8.34) and Boeing AGM-86B air-launched
cruise missile (ALCM) (Fig. 8.35).

Fig. 8.33 Raduga 3 M-80, 3 M-82 and Kh-41/ASM-MSS Moskit

8.1 Intake 617

Fig. 8.34 Tomahawk missile

Fig. 8.35 Boeing AGM-86B air-launched cruise missile

The F107-WR100 turbofan engine is embedded in the tail for both of Tomahawk
and Boeing AGM-86B missiles. Tomahawk uses a ventral engine inlet, while for
Boeing AGM-86B, the engine inlet is on the top of the fuselage. Inlet of AGM-86B
is usually shielded from GCI radars by the airframe. Prior to launch the vehicle’s
wings and vertical stabilizer are stowed. They deploy upon release from the launch
aircraft. Both Tomahawk and AGM-86B have tail cone exhaust.
618 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.36 Kh-55SM missile

Fig. 8.37 YJ-62 cruise missile

Figure 8.36 illustrates Raduga Kh-55SM missile. The most visible difference
between Tomahawk and Kh-55 families of missiles is that Kh-55 uses the
two-spool turbofan engine TVD-50 which is mounted in a nacelle and stowed in
the aft fuselage. It deploys via a ventral door on a pylon after launch.
Figure 8.37 illustrates the YJ-62 cruise missile. It is also similar to Tomahawk
family but employs a unique fixed scoop inlet for the air-breathing engine. It is
powered by either turbojet or turbofan engine.
8.1 Intake 619

8.1.3 Inlet Performance Parameters

Inlet performance is characterized by three factors:

1. Total (stagnation) pressure recovery (rd) is the ratio of the average total pressure
at the exit of the inlet to the free-stream total pressure, or

r d ¼ P02 =P01 ð8:1Þ

Modern jet transports may cruise with values of the pressure recovery of
97–98 %. Supersonic aircraft with well-designed, practical inlet and internal flow
systems may have pressure recoveries of 85 % or more for Mach numbers in the
2.0–2.5 range. A higher pressure recovery indicates a better performing inlet. The
maximum possible value of recovery is 1.0.
The isentropic efficiency of the intake is denoted by (ηd), which is static-to-total
efficiency and is a measure for the losses from the far upstream conditions to the
end of inlet (it is the fan/compressor face for turbine or shaft-based engines and the
inlet of combustion chamber for ram-based engines). The efficiency is then
expressed by the following relation (refer to Fig. 8.38):

h02s  h1 T 02s  T 1 ðT 02s =T 1 Þ  1

ηd ¼ ¼ ¼
h02  h1 T 02  T 1 ðT 02 =T 1 Þ  1
ðr d Þ γ 1 þ γ1 M 2
∴ηd ¼ γ12 2 1 ð8:2Þ
2 M1

Stagnation pressure ratio is then expressed as

" #γ1
1 þ ηd γ1 2
γ M1
r d ¼ P02 =P01 ¼ ð8:3Þ
1 þ γ1 2
γ M1

Fig. 8.38 Streamlines and T-s diagram for a subsonic intake

620 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Thus if the isentropic efficiency is known, the pressure recovery can be obtained
from Eq. 8.3, while if the pressure recovery is known, the diffuser efficiency can be
determined from Eq. 8.2.
However, since the flow upstream of the intake is isentropic, then all the losses
are encountered inside the intake, or from state (1) to state (2). In some cases the
efficiency is defined for the internal part of diffuser (ηd ). In this case, the diffuser
efficiency is defined as

0 h02s  h1 T 02s  T 1 ðT 02s =T 1 Þ  1

ηd ¼ ¼ ¼
h02  h1 T 02  T 1 ðT 01 =T 1 Þ  1
γ1 γ1
0 ðP02 =P1 Þγ 1ðP02 =P1 Þ γ  1
ηd ¼ γ1 ¼ γ1 2
ðP01 =P1 Þ γ  1 2 M1
0 γ  1
ðP02 =P1 Þ ¼ 1 þ ηd M12

2. Air distortion at intake outlet

An inlet distortion is often encountered when the real flow is associated with
some degree of angle of attack to the engine nacelle. Takeoff, landing, and gust
encounter are some typical examples of such situation. The air-to-air refueling is
also one of the reasons of inlet distortion.
Such air distortion has its impact on the pressure/velocity across the exit of the
inlet, which in turn will influence the compressor/fan face for turbine-based engines
or the inlet of combustion chamber for ram-based engines. If air brought from free
stream to the compressor face is distorted, then at the exit of the inlet, one portion of
the flow may have a higher velocity, or higher pressure, than another portion. The
flow may be swirling, or some section of the boundary layer may be thicker than
another section because of the inlet shape. The rotor blades of the compressor move
in circles around the central shaft. As the blades encounter distorted inlet flow, the
flow conditions around the blade change very quickly. The changing flow condi-
tions can cause flow separation in the compressor (a compressor stall) and can cause
structural problems for the compressor blades and the whole engine or disrupt the
flow through the engine. The simplest method for evaluating compressor distortion
takes the maximum measured total pressure minus the minimum measured total
pressure divided by the average total pressure. More sophisticated models use
mass- or area-weighted averages. Inlet distortion is an important factor because
highly distorted flows cause compressor stalls that can damage the engine.
One of the strongest high-cycle fatigue (HCF) drivers can be caused by intake
distortion of the airflow which creates high energy, normally first engine-order
(low-pressure shaft speed) driver. Intake distortion may be due to the operation of
the aircraft. High-yaw or sideslip maneuvers can grossly distort the inlet flow.
Bifurcated intakes often create uneven pressure and velocity distributions at com-
pressor face that induce flutter.
8.1 Intake 621

3. Inlet spillage drag is a drag that occurs when the engine cannot handle all of the
flow that approaches the inlet. The airflow through the engine is set by choked
conditions in the nozzle. Any excess flow that approaches the inlet is spilled
around the inlet generating additional
 drag on the airframe. The form of the
theoretical spillage drag Dspill is very similar to the thrust equation and
expressed as

Dspill ¼ K m_ ðV 1  V 0 Þ þ A1 ðP1  P0 Þ ð8:5Þ

K ranges from 0.4 to 0.7, but for a given inlet, the value is determined

8.1.4 Subsonic Intakes

Most subsonic aircraft inlets have a divergent shape and are sometimes referred to
as inlet diffusers because of their effect on pressure. As air flows into a divergent
duct, it slows and converts some of its kinetic energy into pressure. Subsonic
intakes are found in the turbojet or turbofan engines powering most of the present
airliners and military transports (commercial and cargo aircraft). Examples of these
engines are the JT8, JT9, PW 4000 series, RB211, Trent series, and V2500
powering many of the Boeing and Airbus aircraft transports. Subsonic intakes are
also applied to some combat aircrafts and virtually all jet training aircrafts that
operate near the speed of sound.
The surface of the inlet is a continuous smooth curve where the very front (most
upstream portion) is called the inlet lip. A subsonic aircraft has an inlet with a
relatively thick lip. Concerning turboprop engines the intakes are much compli-
cated by the presence of propeller and gearbox at the inlet of the engine.
Subsonic inlets have fixed geometry, although inlets for some high-bypass ratio
turbofan engines are designed with blow in doors. These doors are spring-loaded
parts installed in the perimeter of the inlet duct designed to deliver additional air to
the aero engine during takeoff and climb conditions as the highest thrust is needed
and the aircraft speed is low [8]. The most common type of subsonic intake is the
pitot intake. This type of intakes makes the fullest use of ram due to forward speed
and suffers the minimum loss of ram pressure with changes of aircraft altitude
[9]. However, as sonic speed is approached, the efficiency of this type of air intake
begins to fall because of the formation of a shock wave at the intake lip. It consists
of a simple forward entry hole with a cowl lip. The three major types of pitot intakes
are the following:
(a) Podded intakes
(b) Integrated intakes
(c) Flush intakes
622 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Podded intake is common in transport aircrafts (civil or military). Examples of

the commercial aircrafts are Boeing 707, 767, 777, and 787 and Airbus A330,
A340, A350, and A380. B-52 is an example for the military aircrafts. The integrated
intake is used in combat (military) aircrafts. An example for which is the British
Aerospace Harrier. For integrated intakes, the internal flow problems are of dom-
inant concern, due to (a) the duct being longer, usually containing bends and shape
changes and (b) the presence of aircraft surface ahead of the intake, wetted by the
internal flow [10].
For typical podded intakes, the friction losses are insignificant while the flow
separation and minimum external drag are of prime importance. The mass flow rate
and the downstream pressure are determined by engine operating conditions:
usually by the conditions at the choked turbine exit and by the operating speed of
the compressor and turbine.
Because of this variation in mass flow requirements, the inlet may be operating
under suction (external acceleration) or spillage (external deceleration).
The internal flow has the shortest and most direct route possible to the engine,
and its pressure recovery is almost 100 % [10]. From aerodynamics point of view,
the flow in intake resembles the flow in a duct. The duct “captures” a certain stream
tube of air, thus dividing the air stream into an internal flow and an external flow.
The external flow preserves the good aerodynamics of the airframe, while the
internal flow feeds the engine.
The flow characteristics in podded intakes are illustrated in Fig. 8.39 for
different flow conditions. Because the inlet does not have thermodynamic work,

Fig. 8.39 Flow characteristics of podded intakes

8.1 Intake 623

the total temperature through the inlet is constant. In ground run and climb
(small or zero Mach number), there will be no effective free-stream velocity
which results in a large induced flow capture area causing the streamlines to
converge into the intake area. The ratio between the upstream capture area to
the inlet area approaches infinite. The stream tube has a bell-shape pattern.
During climb, the free-stream velocity will be lower than the intake velocity due
to the high mass flow rates required. This will also result in a larger entry
stream tube area than the intake area (a convergent stream tube pattern). At
moderate-speed cruise (M 0.45), the entry stream tube will be equal to the
intake area, and diffusion takes place inside the inlet. At high cruise and top
speeds (M 0.85), diffusion takes place partially outside and partially inside the
intake. Takeoff and Cruise Operation

Depending on the flight speed and the mass flow demanded by the engine, the inlet
may have to operate with a wide range of incident stream conditions. Figure 8.40
shows the performance of subsonic intake during two typical subsonic conditions,
namely, takeoff (Fig. 8.40a) and cruise (Fig. 8.40b).
For each operating condition, three plots are given in Fig. 8.36. The first
illustrates the stream tube, while the second depicts the pressure and speed variation
and the third is a temperature–entropy diagram. The flow in intakes is identified by
three states, namely, far upstream which is denoted as (1), at the duct entry denoted
by (1) and at the engine face denoted (2). The flow outside the engine (from state 1
to 1) is an isentropic one, where no losses are associated with the total temperature
and pressure.
Takeoff and Climb Operation
During low-speed high-thrust operation (e.g., during takeoff and climb), the
engine will demand large mass flow and the air stream upstream the intake will be
accelerated. The pressure at the inlet face is lower than the ambient pressure, so that
air is sucked into the inlet. Boundary-layer separation and compressor stall become
more likely [11]. The engine acts as a sink to the flow which rushes in from a wide
stream tube, as shown in Fig. 8.39. There is then an external acceleration. Within
the inlet, the stream tube will have a divergent shape yielding flow deceleration.
Many aircrafts use “bypass doors” which open at takeoff to pull in more air. In high-
speed flight, these doors may slide open to let out some of the excess air and thus
reduce spillage around the lip of the inlet.
The following conditions are satisfied:

u1 > u1 , P1 < P1 , P01 ¼ P01 , T 01 ¼ T 01

P2 > P1 , P02 < P01 , u2 < u1
624 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

a b

1 1

2 2
P∞ = PO∞ PO1 PO∞ PO1

P2 u∞
P1 u2
u1 P2
u∞ P∞ P1

T PO∞ = PO1 = P∞ T PO2 PO∞

O∞ PO2 2 O∞ 2
O2 u2 O2 u2
2cp 2cp
2 2
2 O2s 2 O2s
u1 u∞ P1
2s P2 2s
2cp P1 2cp


Fig. 8.40 Subsonic inlet during takeoff (a) and cruise (b)

Cruise Operation
For high speed, or cruise condition, the function of intake is to decelerate the
air velocity to that which is acceptable to the compressor/fan face. Air is
decelerated (diffused) both upstream and within the intake. Since the inlet
speed to the engine (compressor/fan) should be nearly constant for different
operating conditions, it is a favorable condition for the diffuser because the
pressure rise in the diffuser is smaller. Under these conditions the “upstream
capture area” A1 is less than the inlet area A1, and some flow is spilled over the
inlet causing spillage drag. Thus losses are smaller, but external drag is
8.1 Intake 625

Table 8.1 Intake ΔP ΔP0 Δu ΔT0

performance at different
Takeoff/Climb (+) () (+) Zero
flight segments
Cruise (+) () () Zero

The following conditions can be stated:

u1 < u1 , P1 > P1 , P01 ¼ P01 , T 01 ¼ T 01

P2 > P1 , P02 < P01 , u2 < u1

Thus, for cruise conditions, to avoid separation, or to have a less severe loading on
the boundary layer, it is recommended to have a low velocity ratio (u1 =u1 ) and
consequently less internal pressure rise [12] while
P2 P2
> ð8:6Þ
P1 takeoff P1 cruise

A summary for intake performance (from far upstream to compressor/fan inlet)

may be tabulated in Table 8.1.
The serious problem is the change in M1 from zero at takeoff to about 0.8 at
If optimized for the M1 ¼ 0.8 cruise, the inlet would have a thin lip to minimize
the increase in Mach number as the flow is divided. But this inlet would separate
badly on the inside at takeoff and low subsonic conditions because the turn around
the sharp lip would impose severe pressure gradients. To compromise, the lip is
rounded making it less sensitive to the flow angle, but incurring some loss due to
separation in the exterior flow.
When fully developed a good inlet will produce a pressure recovery Po2 =Poa
¼ 0:95  0:97 at its optimum condition. Capture Area for a Turbofan Case Study

Since the mass flow rate is expressed by the relation

P1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
m_ 1 ¼ ρ1 V 1 A1 ¼ M1 γRT 1 A1
RT 1

Then sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
m_ 1 RT 1
A1 ¼
P1 M 1 γ

or sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
λ m_ 1 RT 1
A1 ¼ where λ¼
M1 P1 γ

If a turbofan engine during ground ingests airflow at the rate of m_ 1 ¼ 561 kg/s
through an inlet area (A1) of 0.3 m2 and if the the ambient conditions (T1, P1) are
626 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Table 8.2 Stream tubes of airflow entering the engine inlet at different Mach numbers
M1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
A1 9.0 4.5 2. 25 1. 5 1. 125 0.9 0.75 0.64 0.56 0.5
D1 3.0 2.12 1.5 1.22 1.06 0.95 0.87 0.8 0.75 0.71

288 K and 101 kPa respectively, then the area ratio (A1 ¼ A1) for different free
stream Mach numbers is calculated as follows:
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
m_ 1 RT 1 561 287  288
λ¼ ¼ ¼ 1:35
P1 γ 101, 000 1:4
A1 0:45
¼ ðAÞ
A1 M1

From Eq. A, the capture area is equal to the engine inlet area (A1 =A1 ¼ 1) when
M1 ¼ 0:45.
From relation (4), Table 8.2 is constructed. Figure 8.39 illustrates stream tubes
of airflow entering the engine inlet at different Mach numbers.
As shown in Fig. 8.39, the upstream “capture area” can be estimated under ideal,
isentropic flow conditions. The ideal conditions mean that the flow is frictionless
and that there are no flow disturbances in or out of the diffuser. We start from the
mass flow rate balance.

ρ1 V 1 A1 ¼ ρ1 V 1 A1

The area ratio is then expressed by the relation

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
A1 P1 T 1 V 1 P1 T 1 M 1 T1 P1 =P01 T 1 =T 01 M1
¼ ¼ ¼
A1 P1 T 1 V 1 P1 T 1 M1 T 1 P1 =P01 T 1 =T 01 M1
γ !1
A1 1 þ γ1 M 2
1 1 þ γ1 2 2
M M1
¼ 2
A1 1 þ 2 M21 1 þ 2 M21 M1
! γþ1

A1 1 þ γ1 2
2 M1
¼ γ1 2
A1 1þ 2 M1

Next, within the inlet, continuity equation is then

ρ2 V 2 A2 ¼ ρ1 V 1 A1

Friction within the inlet is counted for via pressure recovery factor
8.1 Intake 627



The area ratio is then may be expressed as

rffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
A2 P1 T 2 V 1 P1 M1 T 2 P1 =P01 P01 T 2 =T 02 M1
¼ ¼ ¼
A1 P2 T 1 V 2 P2 M2 T 1 P2 =P02 P02 T 1 =T 01 M2
!γ !1
A2 1 þ γ1 M 2 γ1
1 1 þ γ1 2 2
M M1
¼ 2
A1 1 þ 2 M1 2 πd 1 þ 2 M2 M2

A2 1 þ γ1 2
2 M2
1 M1
¼ γ1 2
A1 1þ 2 M1
π d M2

From Eqs. 8.7 and 8.8,

A1 1 þ γ1 2
2 M1
¼ γ1 2
 πd ð8:9Þ
A2 1þ 2 M2

Equation 8.9 relates the ratio of the capture area to the compressor/fan entrance
area, for the given flight Mach number, M1 , and the required Mach number, M2 , at
the compressor/fan inlet.
Figure 8.41 shows the plot of Eq. 8.9 for various M2 . It can be seen that a large
capture area is required during low-speed operations (acceleration), as noted above,
while the area ratio becomes less than one (deceleration) at normal cruise Mach
Figure 8.42 shows the plot of Eq. 8.9 for a constant value of M2 (0.3) and
different values of inlet pressure recovery (π d ).
Since the inlet resembles diffuser geometry, a quick review of the diffuser
performance is highlighted hereafter. Figure 8.43a illustrates a typical conical
diffuser. Three parameters define its geometry, namely, aspect ratio (AR), either
its wall length (L ) or its axial length (N ) is used as a characteristic length. The third
parameter is the divergence angle (2θ), though it is not an independent variable but
is related to other parameters by the following relation for conical diffusers:
AR ¼ 1 þ 2 sin θ þ sin θ ð8:10Þ
R1 R1

Figure 8.43 illustrates the different shapes of diffuser. Figure 8.44a illustrates the
geometry of a conical/annular diffuser, while Fig. 8.44b illustrates the typical flow
pattern for the first stall in the diffuser. Generally flow ideally follows diffuser
contours; however, as boundary layer thickens, small separation region is first seen
628 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.41 Area ratio as a function of the flight Mach numbers, for various M2 and constant
pressure recovery factor π d ¼ 0:95; Eq. 8.9

in corners. It occupies nearly (1/5) of the diffuser wall or less, and no (or little)
reverse flow is encountered.
Figure 8.45 illustrates first stall characteristics for diffusers of different geome-
tries [13]. It is clear from this figure that stall may occur in annular diffusers under
less severe geometries than in conical diffusers.
Example 8.1 During takeoff conditions, a turbofan engine has the following
Total air mass flow rate of engine
m_ ¼ 1155:43 kg= sec , P1 ¼ 101:325 kPa, T 1 ¼ 288 K
Mach numbers: far upstream M1 ¼ 0:25; intake inlet M1 ¼ 0:58; and intake
outlet M2 ¼ 0:50.
8.1 Intake 629

Fig. 8.42 Area ratio as a function of the flight Mach numbers, for various pressure recovery factor
and constant M2; Eq. 8.9

Determine the diameters at far upstream ðd1 Þ, intake inlet section (d1) and
intake outlet section (d2) assuming the pressure recovery π d ¼ 0:95.
(a) Far upstream (state1)

P1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
m_ ¼ ρ1 V 1 A1 ¼ *M1 * γRT 1 * A1
R T1
101:325  1000 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1155:43 ¼  0:25  1:4  287  288  A1
287  288
630 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.43 Different shapes of diffuser: (a) two dimensional, (b) conical, (c) straight-core annular,
and (d) equiangular annular

a L b

R1 N

Fig. 8.44 Conical/annular diffuser: (a) geometry and (b) typical flow pattern for first stall

A1 ¼ 11:0 m2
d1 ¼ 3:742 m
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
V1 ¼ M1 γ R T 1 ¼ 0:25 1:4  287  288
V 1 ¼ 85:04 m=s
γ1 2
T O1 ¼ T 1 1 þ M1
1:4  1
T O1 ¼ 288 1 þ *0:25 2
T O1 ¼ 293:14 K
8.1 Intake 631

Fig. 8.45 Diffuser characteristics

γ  1 2 γ1
PO1 ¼ P1 1 þ M1

PO1 ¼ 101:84 kPa

(a) At inlet section of intake (nose lips; state 1)

T O1 ¼ T O1 ¼ 293:14 K

PO1 ¼ PO1 ¼ 101:84 kPa

From Eq. 8.7, then the area ratio is

A1 1 þ γ1 2
2 M1
¼ γ1 2
¼ 1:98
A1 1þ 2 M1

A1 ¼ 5:55 m2
d 1 ¼ 2:658 m
632 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

(b) At outlet section of intake (state 2)

From Eq. 8.8, then the area ratio is
A2 1 þ γ1 2
2 M2
1 M1
¼ γ1 2
  ¼ 1:1626
A1 1þ 2 M1
π d M2

A2 ¼ 6:452 m2
d 2 ¼ 2:866 m

(b) Length of intake ðLÞ


¼ 1:1626

 1 ¼ 0:1626

From Fig. 8.45

¼ 0:58
N ¼ 0:7708 m

Assuming the diffuser has an included angle 2θ ¼ 12

N 0:6645
L¼ ¼ ¼ 0:775 m
cos θ cos θ

Alternatively, from the diffuser shape,

D0  Di
¼ tan θ
2:822  2:658
L¼ ¼ 0:78 m
2 tan 6 Case Study

Numerical Modeling for Subsonic Intake of a High-Bypass Ratio Turbofan Engine

Fluent 6.0 software provided by Fluent Inc. is used here to simulate the flow field
within the intake of high-bypass ratio turbofan engine. Typical engines are CF6 and
V2500 illustrated in Fig. 8.46.
8.1 Intake 633

Fig. 8.46 High-bypass ratio turbofan (HBPR) engine

The equations governing the airflow are the conservation of mass, conservation
of momentum, conservation of energy equations, and some other auxiliary equa-
tions: Sutherland’s equation for viscosity and Spalart–Allmaras [14] for turbulence
The numerical procedure follows the following steps:
1. Division of the computational domain into discrete control volumes using a
computational grid
2. Integration of the governing equations on the individual control volumes to
construct algebraic equations for the discrete dependent variables such as veloc-
ities, pressure, temperature, and conserved scalars
3. Linearization of the discretized equations and solution of the resultant linear
equation system to yield updated values of the dependent variables
Figure 8.47 shows the dimensions of the intake and following fan [15]. The axial
length of the intake is 155.55 cm, and the nose is simplified as a hemisphere of
radius 40.57 cm.
The computational domain in the study includes both the fan and the intake
zones. Due to the large dimensions of both the intake and the fan combination, it
was very difficult to solve overall the domain. Since the fan includes 38 blades, a
periodic sector of an angle (360/38) was generated separately for both the fan and
the intake zones. The two zones were merged together to form the required
computational domain using Gambit preprocessor. Both the fan and the intake
zones were meshed separately and next merged using the Tmerge utility. Due to
complex geometry of both the fan and intake sectors, unstructured tetrahedral
grid is used. Number of cells for intake and fan blocks is 49,000 and 282,000,
respectively. The number of nodes for intake and fan blocks is 11,350 and
59,400, respectively.
The results of the computed airflow properties (Mach numbers, total and static
pressures, as well as the total and static temperatures) through intake are presented
in Figs. 8.48 and 8.49. Two flight conditions are discussed: cruise and takeoff
634 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles


33.0 34.5 47.2


Mean section



Inlet mid

40.7 z

Fig. 8.47 Detailed dimensions of the intake and fan (all dimensions in cm)

conditions. These results include the variation of the flow properties in an axisym-
metric section through the intake.
Cruise Conditions
Figure 8.48 shows the variation of the flow properties at an axisymmetric
section in the intake and fan nose at the cruise conditions (11,000-m altitude,
0.85 flight Mach number, and 100 % fan speed). The contours of the Mach
number are shown in Fig. 8.484a. One can observe that the Mach number varies
in both axial and radial directions. At inlet to the intake, the Mach number
decreases in the radial outward direction from about 0.5 at the center line to
about 0.2 near the intake casing. Moving axially toward the fan, the passage
convergence at nearly the first third causes a rapid increase in the Mach number.
At this location the Mach number increases radially outward from about 0.5 to
0.67 due to flow acceleration Next, the intake passage divergence results in a
decrease in the Mach number in both the axial and radial directions. At the fan
inlet, the Mach number is nearly uniform with a value of about 0.5. The
contours of static pressure and temperature are shown in Fig. 8.48b, c, respec-
tively. It is noticed that these contours have a reverse behavior compared with
the Mach number contours. The maximum static pressure (about 37.4 kPa) and
maximum static temperature (about 261 K) are shown at the fan nose stagnation
Takeoff Conditions
The airflow results at the takeoff conditions are shown in Fig. 8.49. Figure 8.49
shows the contours of the Mach number, static pressure, and static temperature at an
axisymmetric section in the intake. One notices lower values of the Mach number
and higher values of both static pressure and temperature compared with the cruise
conditions given in Fig. 8.47.
8.1 Intake 635

Fig. 8.48 Variation of the

flow field properties across
the intake (cruise). (a)
Contours of absolute Mach
number, (b) contours of
static pressure (Pa), and (c)
contours of static
temperature (K)
636 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.49 Variation of the

flow field properties across
the intake (takeoff). (a)
Contours of absolute Mach
number, (b) contours of
static pressure (Pa), and (c)
contours of static
temperature (K)
8.1 Intake 637

8.1.5 Supersonic Intakes

The design of inlet systems for supersonic aircraft is a highly complex matter
involving engineering trade-offs between efficiency, complexity, weight, and
cost. A typical supersonic intake is made up of a supersonic diffuser, in which the
flow is decelerated by a combination of shocks (one or more oblique followed by a
normal) and a subsonic diffuser, which reduces the Mach number from high
subsonic value after the normal shock to the value acceptable to the engine
[16]. Subsonic intakes which have thick lips are quite unsuitable for supersonic
speeds. The reason is that a normal shock wave ahead of the intake is generated
which will yield a very sharp static pressure rise without change of flow direction
and correspondingly big velocity reduction. The adiabatic efficiency of compres-
sion through a normal shock wave is very low as compared with oblique shocks. At
Mach 2.0 in the stratosphere, adiabatic efficiency would be about 80 % or less for
normal shock waves, whereas its value will be about 95 % or even more for an
intake designed for oblique shocks. Classification of Supersonic Intakes Based on Geometry

Generally supersonic intakes [5] and [8] may be classified into two types, namely,
fixed and variable geometry (Fig. 8.50). Podded installations are inappropriate for
(A) Fixed Geometry
It may have one of the following three configurations:
1. Two dimensional
2. Axisymmetric
3. Chin
(B) Variable geometry
With the maturing of supersonic flight, the demands for variable-geometry
intakes and longer intake ducts gradually pushed engines further back, allowing
more room in the center fuselage for fuel over the CG. One of the aircrafts which set
the trend to fully rear-mounted engines was the MiG-21, with its short afterburner.
Since then aircrafts like the F-111, MiG-25, F-14, F-18, and Tornado have featured
this location, which ensures that the exhaust is aft of the empennage, yielding low
drag when the reheat is off and reducing heating and acoustic effects when reheat
is on.
Variable geometry may have also one of the following three configurations:
1. Translating center body
2. Variable-geometry center body
3. Variable-geometry cowl
638 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Supersonic Inlet

Fixed Geometry Variable Geometry

Translating Variable Variable

Center Geometry Geometry

Body Center body Cowl

Two Chin Axi-symmetric

Dimensional Pitot Variable Variable Variable

Lip Ramp Throat

Angles Angles Area

Fig. 8.50 Classification of supersonic inlets

This last one may be either variable lip angle, variable ramp angle, or variable
throat angle.
The adjustable ramps provide further compression along with the desired vari-
ation of the throat area with Mach number. The angle of the ramps varies automat-
ically in a prescribed manner as the Mach number changes.
Figure 8.51 illustrates both axisymmetric intake for Mig-21 and
two-dimensional (2-D) intake for F-14. SR-71 is another example for axisymmetric
intake. Axisymmetric intake uses axisymmetric central cone to shock the flow
down to subsonic speeds. The two-dimensional inlets have rectangular cross sec-
tions; examples are the F-14 and F-15 fighter aircrafts. For variable-geometry
axisymmetric intakes, the central cone may move fore and aft to adjust the intake
area. The inlet area in the case of rectangular section is adjusted through hinged
flaps (or ramps) that may change its angles.
For flight at Mach numbers much beyond 1.6, variable-geometry features must
be incorporated in the inlet to achieve high-inlet pressure recoveries together with
low external drag.
The General Dynamics F-111 airplane has a quarter-round inlet equipped with
a translating center body or spike (Fig. 8.52). The inlet is bounded on the top by
the wing and on one side by the fuselage. An installation of this type is often
8.1 Intake 639

Fig. 8.51 Axisymmetric and two-dimensional supersonic intakes

referred to as an armpit inlet. The spike automatically translates fore and aft as the
Mach number changes. The throat area of the inlet also varies with the Mach
number. This is accomplished by expansion and contraction of the rear part of the
640 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.52 F-111 fighter fitted by “armpit” intakes Classification of Supersonic Intakes Based on Shock Wave


Concerning shock wave pattern, there are three types, namely, internal, external, or
mixed compression. As shown in Fig. 8.53, three patterns for shock waves are seen,
namely, external, internal, and combined external/internal. The set of shocks
situated between the forebody and intake lip are identified as external shocks,
while the shocks found between the nose lip and the intakes throat are called
8.1 Intake 641

Normal shock Throat
M1 b

c Internal compression

lip Throat


Supersonic Inlet

Fig. 8.53 Types of supersonic intakes. (a) External, (b) internal, and (c) external and internal
compression supersonic intake

internal shocks. The third type combines both shock patterns (external and internal)
and denoted as mixed-compression intakes.
(A) External compression intake (inlet)
The forebody intake is frequently used for “external compression intake of
wedge or cone form” [10].
External compression intakes complete the supersonic diffusion process outside
the covered portion of the inlet where the flow is decelerated through a combination
of oblique shocks (may be a single, double, triple, or multiple). These oblique
shocks are followed by a normal shock wave that changes the flow from supersonic
to subsonic flow. Both of the normal shock wave and the throat are ideally located at
the cowl lip. The supersonic diffuser is followed by a subsonic diffuser, which
reduces the Mach number from high subsonic value after the last shock to the value
acceptable to the engine. The simplest form of staged compression is the single
oblique shock, produced by a single-angled wedge or cone projects forward of the
duct, followed by a normal shock as illustrated in Fig. 8.53a. The intake in this case
is referred to as a two-shock intake. With a wedge the flow after the oblique shock
wave is at constant Mach number and parallel to the wedge surface. With a cone the
flow behind the conical shock is itself conical; the Mach number is constant along
rays from the apex and varies along streamline.
642 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles


M1 b
Ac M2



Subcritical Flow
Fig. 8.54 Types of flow in an external compression intake

In a single oblique shock external compression intake, the capture area (Ac)
for supersonic intakes is defined as the area enclosed by the leading edge, or
“highlight,” of the intake cowl, including the cross-sectional area of the
forebody in that plane (Fig. 8.54). The maximum flow ratio is achieved when
the boundary of the free-stream tube (A1 ) arrives undisturbed at the lip. This

¼ 1:0
8.1 Intake 643

This condition is identified as the full flow [10] or the critical flow [8]. This
condition depends on the Mach number, angle of the forebody, and the
position of the tip. In this case, the shock angle (θ) is equal to the angle
subtended by the lip at the apex of the body and corresponds to the maximum
possible flow through the intake. This is the design point for constant area. At
Mach numbers (or speeds) below the value of the critical (design) value, the
mass flow is less than that at the critical condition, and the oblique shock wave
occurs in front of the cowl lip and this case is identified as subcritical. It is
notice here that

< 1:0

Moreover, the outer drag of the intake becomes very large and smaller pressure
recovery is obtained. If at air speeds are greater than the design value, then the
oblique shock will impinge inside the cowl lip, and the normal shock will move to
the diverging section. This type of operation is referred to as the supercritical
The two-shock intake is only moderately good at Mach 2.0 and unlikely to be
adequate at higher Mach numbers [8]. The principle of breaking down an
external shock system can be extended to any desired number of stages. The
next step is the three-shock intake where two oblique shocks are followed by a
normal shock, where the double wedge and double cone are the archetypal forms
(Fig. 8.55).
Continuing the process of breaking down the external shock system, three or
more oblique shocks may be used ahead of the normal shock. For a system of
(n  1) oblique shocks, the pressure recovery factor will be

Fig. 8.55 Three shocks for double-cone (or double-wedge) geometry

644 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

Fig. 8.56 Various types of intake geometry and their effect on pressure recovery

P0n P01 P02 P03 P04 P0n1 P0n
¼ ......... ð8:11Þ
P01 P01 P01 P02 P03 P0n2 P0n1 normal shock

Two remarks are to be mentioned here:

1. As the number of oblique shocks increases, the pressure recovery factor
increases (Fig. 8.56).
2. Up to Mach 2, equal deflections of the successive wedge angles give the best
results, while for higher Mach numbers, the first deflection angle needs to be the
smallest and the last the largest [8].
Extending the principle of multi-shock compression to its limit leads to the
concept of isentropic compression, in which a smoothly contoured forebody pro-
duces an infinitely large number of infinitely weak oblique shocks. In this case the
supersonic stream is compressed with no losses in the total pressure.
(B) Internal compression inlet (intake)
The internal compression inlet locates all the shocks within the covered passage
way (Fig. 8.53b). The terminal shock wave is also a normal one which is located
near or at the throat.
8.1 Intake 645

A principal difference between internal and external compression intakes is that

with internal compression, since the system is enclosed, oblique shocks are
reflected from an opposite wall which have to be considered. The simplest form
is a three-shock system. The single wedge turns the flow toward the opposite wall.
The oblique shock is reflected from the opposite wall, and the flow passing the
reflected shock is restored to an axial direction. A normal shock terminates the
supersonic as usual. For asymmetrical intake, as shown in Fig. 8.53b, there are four
oblique shocks. The reflected shocks are part of the symmetrical four-shock inter-
section system.
Again here there are three flow patterns resembling critical (design), subcritical,
and supercritical cases. The inlet is said to be operating in the critical mode, when
the normal shock wave is located at the throat resulting in the highest pressure
recovery factor. In subcritical operation, the terminal (normal) shock wave is
located upstream of the throat, or in the converging part of the diffuser. Supercrit-
ical mode occurs when the terminal shock is located downstream of the throat, or in
the diverging part of the diffuser.
Subcritical flow operation is an unstable mode [10]. The terminal shock may
move upstream, or ahead of the cowl lip producing a condition called unstart.
During unstart condition, the pressure recovery factor will drop, and flow will spill
over the cowl, which will produce high drag.
The internal compression for the above reason, internal supersonic compression
intakes operate in the supercritical mode rather than the critical one. This represents
a margin of stability if the inlet flow is suddenly changed.
(C) Mixed compression intakes
These inlets use a combined external and internal compression system
(Fig. 8.53c). In the present days, all the supersonic intakes are of the mixed-
compression type.

8.1.6 Hypersonic Inlets

Inlets for hypersonic aircraft present the ultimate design challenge. For ramjet-
powered aircraft, the inlet must bring the high-speed external flow down to
subsonic conditions in the burner. Scramjet inlets are highly integrated with the
fuselage of the aircraft. On the X-43A, the inlet includes the entire lower surface
of the aircraft forward of the cowl lip. Thick, hot boundary layers are usually
present on the compression surfaces of hypersonic inlets. The flow exiting a
scramjet inlet must remain supersonic. The two types of hypersonic engines are
the following:
1. All-around turboramjet 2. Above-below turboramjet
Refer to Chap. 6 for details and figures illustrating both types.
646 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

8.1.7 Performance Parameters

Supersonic intakes have the same performance parameters discussed in subsonic

intakes. It may be listed as follows:
1. The total pressure recovery, which measures the amount of the free-stream flow
conditions that are “recovered.” The pressure recovery ðr d ¼ P02 =P01 Þ which
depends on a wide variety of factors, including the shape of the inlet, the speed of
the aircraft, the airflow demands of the engine, and aircraft maneuvers. Recovery
losses associated with the boundary layers on the inlet surface or flow separa-
tions in the duct are included in the inlet efficiency factor ηi

ηi ¼ P02 =P01 ð8:12Þ

For subsonic flight speeds, these losses are the only losses. For Mach number
less than unity, the Military Specifications value of recovery is the inlet efficiency,

For M < 1 ηi ¼ P02 =P01

At supersonic flight speeds, there are additional losses created by the shock
waves necessary to reduce the flow speed to subsonic conditions for the

P02 h i
For M > 1 ¼ ηi  1  0:075ðM  1Þ1:35 ð8:13Þ

Actual inlet performance may be greater. The magnitude of the recovery loss
depends on the specific design of the inlet and is normally determined by wind
tunnel testing.
1. There is another performance parameter called spillage drag. Spillage drag
occurs when an inlet “spills” air around the outside instead of conducting the
air to the compressor face. It is also expressed by Eq. 8.5.
2. Supersonic intakes when operating at off-design conditions also cause distortion
at the front face of engine. As the air is brought from free stream to the
compressor face, the flow may be distorted by the inlet. The amount of disrup-
tion of the flow is characterized by a numerical inlet distortion index. At the
compressor face, one portion of the flow may have a higher velocity or higher
pressure than another portion. The flow may be swirling, or some section of the
boundary layer may be thicker than another section because of the inlet shape.
The changing flow conditions can cause flow separation in the compressor, a
compressor stall, and can cause structural problems for the compressor blades.
A good inlet must produce high-pressure recovery, low spillage drag, and low
8.1 Intake 647

Example 8.2 Air is flowing through a diffuser in a jet engine that is operating under

steady-state conditions. At the inlet, T i ¼ 10 C, Pi ¼ 101 kPa, V i ¼ 200 m=s, and
the cross-sectional area of the inlet is Ai ¼ 0:4 m2 . The air leaves the diffuser with a
velocity that is very small compared with the inlet velocity (i.e., V e  V i ).
Assuming that we can model the air as an ideal gas and that the velocity is normal
to cross-sectional area at the inlet and exit, determine the following:
(a) The mass flow rate m_ through the diffuser 
(b) The temperature of the air leaving the diffuser (T e

(c) Mass flow rate m_
Control volume:
We’ll take our control volume around the diffuser.
1. Steady-state flow ) dtd ðm_ cv Þ ¼ dtd E_ cv ¼ 0
2. One inlet/One exit ) m_ i ¼ m_ e
3. V i V e ) ΔKE  12 V 2i
4. Ignore the change in gravitational P:E: ) ΔPE ¼ 0
5. No moving mechanical parts in CV ) W _ cv ¼ 0
6. Since the air is moving quickly, there is little time for significant heat transfer out
of the device ) Q_ cv ¼ 0
7. The air as an ideal gas
The mass flow rate is then expressed by the relation

Pi Ai V i 101, 000  0:4  200

m_ e ¼ m_ i ¼ ¼ ¼ 99:48 kg=s
Rair T i 287  ð273 þ 10Þ

(b) Exit temperature (Te)

In general, since we have an ideal gas, then the specific enthalpy is independent
of pressure.
From previous assumptions,

Q_ cv ¼ W_ cv ¼ Δgz ¼ 0
0 ¼ 0  m_ Δ h þ þ0

V 2e V2
he þ ¼ hi þ i
2 2
648 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

V 2i V 2i ð200Þ2
he ¼ hi þ ¼ Cp T i þ ¼ 1005  ð273 þ 10Þ þ ¼ 1005  T e
2 2 2
T e ¼ 303 K ¼ 30  C

Example 8.3 Atmospheric air is ingested into the inlet of an air-breathing engine at
45  C, 60 kPa with a velocity of 900 km/h. Air leaves the diffuser with a velocity
of 20 m/s. Find the diffuser exit temperature and the maximum pressure possible.
Energy equation:

V 2e V2
he þ ¼ hi þ i
2 2

V 2i  V 2e
he  hi ¼ Cp ðT e  T i Þ ¼
"  #
900 2
1005  ðT e  ð45ÞÞ ¼ 0:5   ð20Þ2

T e ¼ 14:1  C ¼ 258:9 K

T i ¼ 273  45 ¼ 228 K

The maximum possible pressure is obtained if the flow in the diffuser is an

isentropic (constant entropy).
γ 258:9 3:5
Pe ¼ Pi ðT e =T i Þ γ1 ¼ 60  ¼ 93:61 kPa

Example 8.4 The shown fighter plane is flying at Mach number of 2.0 and altitude
of 15,200 m. The aircraft is powered by an engine of the pitot intake type having a
chin inlet. An oblique shock wave of angle 40 is attached to the nose of the fuselage,
followed by a normal shock wave just at the inlet of intake. The subsonic diffuser
portion of intake has a pressure recovery of π subsonic ¼ 0:98.
Calculate the following:
1. Overall pressure recovery for air entering the intake
2. Air mass flow rate
3. Inlet conditions to the fan of the turbofan engine powering the aircraft
8.1 Intake 649

Several compressible relations are employed in this example [17] and [18].

P1 ¼ 11:815 kPa, T 1 ¼ 216:5 K

P01 ¼ P1  1 þ M21 ¼ 7:824  P1 ¼ 92:445 kPa

T 01 ¼ T 1  1 þ M21 ¼ 389:7 K

First shock is an oblique shock wave:

M1n ¼ M1 sin θ ¼ 2 sin 40 ¼ 1:2855

M1t ¼ M1 cos θ ¼ 2 cos 40 ¼ 1:532

From normal shock relations

ðγ  1ÞM21n þ 2 0:4  1:28552 þ 2

M22n ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:6295
2γM21n  ðγ  1Þ 2:8  1:28552  0:4
M2n ¼ 0:7934
M1t ¼ M2t ¼ 1:532
M2 ¼ M22n þ M22t ¼ 1:725

Moreover, from normal shock relations

P2 1 þ γM21n 1 þ 1:4  1:28552

¼ ¼ ¼ 1:761
P1 1 þ γM22n 1 þ 1:4  0:79342
P2 ¼ 20:807 kPa
γ1 2
T 2 1 þ 2 M1n 1 þ 0:2  1:28552
¼   2 ¼ ¼ 1:18169
T 1 1 þ γ1
2 M2n
1 þ 0:2  0:79342
T 2 ¼ 255:836 K
2  1 þ γ1 M2  3:5

P02 1 þ γM1n 1
¼   2
2 2n
¼ 1:761  ¼ 0:9817
P01 1 þ γM22n 1 þ γ1
2 M1n
P02 ¼ 90:76 kPa

Intake normal shock

From states (2) to (3)

ðγ  1ÞM22 þ 2 0:4  1:7252 þ 2

M23 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:4022
2γM22  ðγ  1Þ 2:8  1:7252  0:4
650 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

M3 ¼ 0:634

  γ1 !γ1

P03 1 þ γM22 1þ M23

¼ γ1
 ¼ 3:3056  0:2557 ¼ 0:8453
P02 1 þ γM23 1þ 2 M22

P03 ¼ 76:72 kPa

P3 1 þ γM22 1 þ 1:4  1:7252

¼ ¼ ¼ 3:3056
P2 1 þ γM23 1 þ 1:4  0:6342

P3 ¼ 68:78 kPa
T 3 1 þ 2 M22 1 þ 0:2  1:7252
¼   2¼ ¼ 1:476
T 2 1 þ γ1
2 M 3 1 þ 0:2  0:634 2

T 3 ¼ 377:72 K
P3 68, 780
ρ3 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:6345 kg=m3
RT 3 287  377:72
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Speed at inlet of intake V 3 ¼ M3 γRT 3 ¼ 0:634  1:4  287  377:72 ¼
247 m=s
Inlet area of intake A3 ¼ 4 3 ¼ 1:094 m2
Air mass flow rate m_ ¼ ρ3 V 3 A3 ¼ 0:6345  247  1:094 ¼ 171:44 kg=s
Overall pressure recovery of intake

π d ¼ 0:9817  0:8453  0:98 ¼ 0:8133

Inlet total conditions in intake

P04 ¼ 0:8133  92:455 ¼ 75:1855 kPa

T 04 ¼ T 01 ¼ 389:7 K

Example 8.5 Figure 8.57 illustrates a divided intake having two circular inlets;
each has a diameter of 0.3 m (section A-A). The branched part of intake ends with
an elliptical section (B-B) having major and minor diameters of 0.6 m and 0.5 m.
Air then continues to diffuse to the engine inlet (section C-C) that has a circular
shape with a diameter of 0.6 m.
1. If the air velocity at engine inlet (section C-C) is 60 m/s, calculate the air-inlet
velocity at the inlet and outlet of the divided section (sections A-A and B-B,
2. If the ambient conditions are T a ¼ 288 K, Pa ¼ 101 kPa, calculate the inlet total
temperature and pressure at section A-A.
8.1 Intake 651

Fig. 8.57 A divided intake having two circular inlets

3. Assume the total pressure drops in the branching and the succeeding diffuser
parts up to the engine inlet are, respectively, 2 % and 1 %; calculate the total
pressure and temperature at section C-C.

Denote the areas at different sections (A-A), (B-B), and (C-C) by AA, BB, CC then

πD2AA 0:32
AA ¼ 2  ¼2π ¼ 0:1414 m2
4 4

π  0:5  0:6 0:32

AB ¼ ¼2π ¼ 0:2356 m2
4 4
πD2CC 0:62
AC ¼ ¼π ¼ 0:2828 m2
4 4
652 8 Stationary Modules Intakes, Combustors, and Nozzles

1. Continuity equation
For a nearly incompressible flow and assuming uniform axial speed, then
continuity can be expressed as

AA  V A ¼ A B  V B ¼ AC  V C

With V C ¼ 60 m=s, then velocity at section B-B is

V B ¼ 60  ¼ 72 m=s

Velocity at section A-A is then

V A ¼ 60  ¼ 120 m=s

2. Total temperature at inlet (section A-A)

V 2AA 1202
T 0A ¼ T A þ ¼ 288 þ ¼ 295:2 K
2Cp 2  1005

Mach number at inlet

V AA 120
M ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 0:3528
γRT A 1:4  287  288

Total pressure at inlet

P0A ¼ PA 1 þ γ12 M 2 γ1
¼ 1:0899  101 ¼ 110.08 kPa
3. Total pressure at engine inlet

P0C ¼ P0A  0:98  0:99 ¼ 106:8 kPa

Total temperature is constant through the whole sections of inlet

T 0A ¼ T 0B ¼ T 0C ¼ 295:2 K

Remarks The assumption of uniform speeds in the different inlet passages is a

rather rough one. More precise calculation employing a parabolic shape of velocity
profiles is expressed in [19].

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