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Nanotechnology: A reality for diagnosis of HCV infectious disease

Sonia Arca-Lafuente a,b, Paula Martínez-Román a, Irene Mate-Cano a, Ricardo Madrid b,
Verónica Briz a,∗
Laboratory of Reference and Research on Viral Hepatitis, National Center for Microbiology, Institute of Health Carlos III, Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain
BioAssays SL, c/Faraday, 7, Parque Científico de Madrid, Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the primary etiologic agent of liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV
Accepted 26 September 2019 elevated infection rates are mostly due to the lack of an accurate and accessible screening and diagno-
Available online xxx
sis, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Conventional HCV diagnostic algorithm consists of
Keywords: a serological test followed by a nucleic acid test. This sequence of tests is time consuming and not af-
Diagnosis fordable for low-resource settings. Nanotechnology have introduced new promising tests for the diagnose
Hepatitis C virus of infectious diseases. Based on the employment of nanoparticles and other nanomaterials which lead to
Nanotecnology highly sensitive and specific nanoscale tests, most of them target pathogen genome. Implementation of
nanoscale tests, which are affordable, portable and easy to use by non-specialized personal, would im-
prove HCV diagnosis algorithm. In this review, we have summed up the current emerging nanotechnology
tools, which will improve actual screening and treatment programs, and help to reach HCV elimination
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection Association.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.

Introduction DAAs can satisfactory deal with more than 95% of HCV-infected
people, reducing the risk of death from liver cancer and cirrhosis
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the primary etiologic agent of liver as a result. However, since these drugs are too expensive there is
cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. Up to eight major genotypes a socioeconomical barrier for large scale treatment in particular
(1–8) and 86 subtypes [1,2] have been described so far. Among in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Thus, less than
them, the type 1 the most common genotype worldwide, followed 1% of patients infected with HCV worldwide can access to DAAs
by type 3 [3]. Besides, HCV genotypes are differently distributed treatment [6]. On the other hand, an efficient and cheap diagnostic
worldwide, with China and South-East Asia showing the most policy is also instrumental to achieve HCV eradication. Under-
diverse genotypes [4]. diagnosis of HCV remains a serious challenge, so fast and reliable
Despite the introduction of new Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents diagnosis tests are the main objective to improve treatment ac-
(DAAs) hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection remains as a global health cess. Current diagnostic methods for HCV detection are based on
problem. It represents one of the principal cause of deaths related serological and molecular tests. However, they are time-consuming
to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma [5] and the World and expensive; they require modern laboratory infrastructure and
Health Organization (WHO) has recently estimated around 71 expert personnel that avoid their implementation in difficult-to-
million viraemic chronic infections and 40 0.0 0 0 related deaths, reach population with no access to hospitals and in LMICs. Of note,
and a prevalence of 1·1% in 2017 [6]. Number of deaths caused by genotyping of HCV may no longer be necessary shortly as future
Hepatitis C is still increasing, despite the fact that highly effective pan-genotypic HCV DAAs will simplify the treatment strategy [4].
medicines already exist to cure chronic hepatitis C. WHO objective It is critical to develop reliable alternative diagnostic tools for
to eradicate HCV for 2030 could be reached [7] but for this purpose HCV infection in order to overcome the diagnostic barriers and
it is required more efficient screening and treatment programs. therefore to reach those undiagnosed HCV-infected people. New
diagnostic devices should be fast, affordable, time-saving, and
capable to reduce the window period for HCV detection, with high

rates of efficacy and sensitivity as well.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: rmadrid@bioassays.es (R. Madrid), veronica.briz@isciii.es (V.

0163-4453/© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection Association. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.

Please cite this article as: S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al., Nanotechnology: A reality for diagnosis of HCV
infectious disease, Journal of Infection, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2019.09.010
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;October 13, 2019;3:57]

2 S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al. / Journal of Infection xxx (xxxx) xxx

The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the new Test (Roche, US) [19], and Abbott RealTime HCV assay (Abbott
promising alternative tools related to the screening and diagnosis assay, Abbott Labs Illinois, US). Despite the robustness of this
of HCV infection, based on the emerging area of nanotechnology. technology, one of the most important drawbacks of molecular
methods is the complexity of the laboratory equipment required,
Conventional systems for HCV diagnosis for instance the variety of lasers for detection of fluorescence dyes
in RTqPCR [20,21].
Conventional diagnostic systems for HCV infection involved It is noteworthy that WHO recommend testing for bloodborne
serological biomarkers and molecular tests. Serological biomarkers viruses like HIV, HBV, and infections such as TB [4] among HCV
may detect anti-HCV antibodies or HCV antigens, while molecular risk populations. Thus, multiplex assays are required in viral
tests detect HCV RNA. Currently the use of serological assays to detection in these groups. Yang et al. (2014) proposed to develop
detect anti-HCV antibodies is the first step within HCV testing a multiplex assay by coupling new specific probes against HIV or
algorithm, because they are easy to handle and more afford- HBV to their bead array test [22]. Conventional molecular methods
able than molecular assays. However, the detection of anti-HCV can detect HBV, HCV, HIV-1, and HIV-2 in a single test, such as
antibodies cannot confirm active HCV infection, since HCV spe- qPCR COBAS TaqScreen MPX test v2.0 (Roche Molecular Systems
cific immunoglobulins remain in the organism longtime after viral Inc., Pleasanton CA, US).
clearance. Thus, a molecular test for HCV RNA detection is required Alternative molecular methods include the Transcription-
as a final step [4]. Another drawback of serological tests is that Mediated Amplification (TMA), which employs acridinium labelled
they can not detect HCV infection in early stages, since detection probes and magnetic microparticles to form detectable complexes
of antibodies requires at least two weeks after primo-infection [8]. [23]. TMA has a better sensitivity than PCR assay amplification
The gold standard serological test to detect anti-HCV antibodies (<9·6 IU/mL) as determined by Morishima et al. (2006) for the
are the third generation of enzyme immunoassays (EIA) as ORTHO commercial test VERSANT HCV RNA Qualitative Assay (Siemens
HCV Version 3.0 ELISA Test System (Ortho Diagnostic Systems, Healthcare Diagnostics, Eschborn, Germany) versus conventional
USA) and Murex anti-HCV 4.0 (Murex Diagnostics, UK) multiplex PCR AMPLICOR HCV Test, v. 2.0 assay (Roche Diagnostics, Ger-
that detect anti-HCV antibodies employing different core, NS3, many) [24]. VERSANT HCV bDNA 3.0 Assay is a quantitative
NS4, and NS5 recombinant antigens. Their high specificity and version developed in order to determine viral load, and has a very
sensitivity are around 99·4–100% in both EIA commercial systems similar capability to quantify RNA compared with COBAS AM-
[9,10] have boosted their use in industrialized countries. PLICOR HCV Monitor assay version 2.0 [25]. Regarding multiplex
Variants of the EIA include chemiluminescent immunoassays analysis, Procleix Ultrio Elite Assay (Grifols Diagnostic Solutions,
(CLIA), as it is the case of Foresight HCV EIA test (ACONLabs, Inc., USA) is a qualitative test based on TMA technology developed
US) (99·8% specificity and > 99·9% sensitivity) [11], enzymatic to detect HIV-1, HIV-2, HCV (genotypes 1–6), and HBV (genotypes
CLIAs as luminol-H2 O2 -horseradish peroxidase (HRP) [12], and A-H) in serum or plasma samples at the same time [26]. However
chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassays (CMIA), as ARCHI- TMA is a technique that still requires exclusive and expensive
TECT (Abbott Diagnostics, USA) which is also able to detect viral instrumentation, not affordable for developing countries.
infections by HBV and HIV-1. Current multiplex assays are expensive and time consuming,
Fluorescence immunoassays, like VIDAS test (BioMerieux, Marcy so standardization of them still remains a challenge. In order to
l’Etoile, France), also detects anti-HCV IgGs. Of note, this brand is reduce time and cost of multiplex assays, Sing et al. (2017) devel-
more sensitive (99·8%) and specific (99·61%) for low titer samples oped a single-step multiplex RT-qPCR to discriminate among dif-
than Ortho HCV [9,13]. As ARCHITECT CMIA, VIDAS test was first ferent HCV genotypes. Currently, single-step multiplex assay re-
developed for detection of similar viruses such as HAV, HBV, and quires two separate assays to detect the 6 genotypes: one reaction
HIV, and since 2017 it also detects the 6 different HCV genotypes for genotypes 2, 3, 4, and 5, and another reaction for genotypes 1
[13,14]. Fluorescence detection methodology has also been im- and 6. Their study showed that single-step multiplex RT-qPCR has
plemented to develop protein chip microarrays, which are also 100% specificity and 94·89% sensitivity. Cost-effective and time-
widely used in diagnostic. Zhang et al. (2005) developed a protein saving genotyping tests are needed until pangenotypic DAAs be-
chip for anti-HCV antibody detection based on ELISA methodology, come more established [27] highlighting the value of this new test.
which improves ELISA specificity and sensitivity: 100% coincidence
rate between ELISA and protein chip for negative results, and Alternatives to molecular tests
99·5% or 97·4%, in regard to the recombinant antigen used, for
positive results (ELISA shows a higher number of false positive Most of LMIC use anti-HCV antibody screening tests and only
results) [15], which reinforce that new methodologies are better a reduced percentage of these countries have access to HCV RNA
than conventional ELISA. tests (between 5 and 30%, as determined by Reipold E.I. et al.,
Confirmatory serological tests are hardly used nowadays. 2017) [28]. The requirements of molecular tests for high specific
Ortho-HCV RIBA-2 (Ortho Diagnostic Systems, Raritan, N.J., USA), and expensive analytical equipment make difficult their imple-
was one of the most confirmatory tests used. However, false mentation in LMIC. However, serological tests cannot detect HCV
negative or negative results have been reported using this test infection at early stages or in immunosuppressed patients [29,30].
[16]. Matrix Immunodot HCV Assay (Abbott Laboratories, USA) and Because of that, detection of HCV core antigen is becoming an al-
new generation assays that include recombinant antigens, such as ternative option in resource-limited settings: as an indirect marker
Murex anti-HCV 4.0 (Murex Diagnostics, UK), are more specific, of HCV RNA, it can correlate with viremia values and determine
and therefore they have had a broader use [17]. an active infection. HCV core antigen could be detected in those
However, the determination of HCV viremia must be finally platforms that detect anti-HCV antibodies, making easier their
confirmed through molecular methods in order to identify an implementation in LMIC. HCV antigen tests are more expensive
active HCV infection, as recommended by WHO [4]. This detection than antibody tests, but they reduce the costs associated with
of HCV RNA is the only way to determine an active HCV infection, instrumentation compared to molecular methods [31,32].
since anti-HCV antibodies remain in the organism long-time after HCV core antigen test could be used as an alternative confirma-
virus clearance [4,8,18]. Different quantitative molecular methods tory assay instead of HCV RNA tests. However, since its sensitivity
to determine viremia have been developed so far. To highlight, the is lower than molecular tests, only a positive result of HCV core
use of real time RT-qPCR technology like COBAS Amplicor HCV antigen makes the HCV RNA test unnecessary [32]. Moreover, core

Please cite this article as: S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al., Nanotechnology: A reality for diagnosis of HCV
infectious disease, Journal of Infection, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2019.09.010
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;October 13, 2019;3:57]

S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al. / Journal of Infection xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

antigen disappears later than RNA so it can be used to detect later As is shown, strip format is one of the preferred chosen for
phases of HCV infection when HCV RNA is undetectable [31]. POC systems, because it makes the test accessible for decen-
Examples of HCV core antigen tests include HRP-based CLIA tralized settings. Sensitivity and specificity data show that if
systems as described by Lui et al. (2015) with high specificity LMIC policies contributed to promote screening programs, rapid
(96·7%) and sensibility at low concentrations (0·6 pg/mL) [12]. POC tests would be great options for diagnosis in decentralized
CMIA test (Abbott HCV cAg assay, Abbott Diagnostics, USA) can be settings. Rapid POC tests do not need high qualified personal or
also used to detect HCV Core antigen. Its sensitivity is about 93% specific instrumentation; they are usually easy to use, avoiding
and shows higher specificity (98·8% versus 96·7%) with the system sample transport to specialised settings. However, faster tests have
described by Lui et al. (2015). Nevertheless, it is not yet systemat- not accomplished yet specificity and sensitivity of conventional
ically used in these LMIC countries because of its costs [28]. immunoassays (>99·4% specificity and >99·8% sensitivity) [4].
In summary, LMICs only have routinely access to serological New molecular rapid POC tests using NAAT and core antigen
tests. Moreover, just a reduced population group (between 5 and are the most desirable ones, and fast POC versions have been
30%) [28] have access to HCV RNA tests, which ends up in an developed. HCV Quant Assay [40] is a new HCV diagnostic test
important percentage of undiagnosed population, due to immuno- for HCV RNA detection from plasma samples. It is an automated
suppression or screening in pre-seroconversion stages. In addition, system that uses paramagnetic particles for RNA extraction, and
there are people who are diagnosed as HCV positive and thus they then performs a RT-qPCR to detect and quantify RNA. Using the
start receiving treatment when they present anti-HCV antibodies, new technology described by Kelso et al. (2017), all the process
but could have spontaneously cleared HCV infection [28,33]. Thus, can be done in a single device, with 100% sensitivity and 100%
implementing HCV molecular or antigen tests in resource-limited specificity. However, this system has not been developed yet to
countries will reduce the unnecessary medical treatment. For this be used by untrained personal, so it is difficult to implement HCV
purpose, affordable nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) or HCV Quant Assay in low-resources settings.
core antigen point-of-care (POC) tests have to be developed. Xpert HCV Viral Load (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA) is another
automated HCV RNA test. It consists on a cartridge where RNA
extraction and conventional RT-PCR amplification are done from
Rapid diagnostic tests 1 mL of serum or plasma samples; hence it does not require the
usually expensive NAAT equipment. This POC system has 100%
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are designed for its use at the specificity and it can quantify HCV viral load, comparable to the
POC, and can be adapted in low-resource settings. Under-diagnosis widely used Abbott RealTime HCV assay [41]. Xpert HCV VL Fin-
of HCV remains a serious challenge in order to achieve HCV elim- gerstick (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA) is another version of the assay
ination. Development of new diagnostic tools that do not require to quantify HCV RNA from drop blood samples [42]. This method
laboratory infrastructure and expertise in their operation, reduce consists on a fingerstick which detects and quantifies RNA in less
the economic cost and time of diagnosis, are essential particularly than an hour. Xpert HCV VL Fingerstick assay allows patients to
in difficult-to-reach population and in LMICs. get their results in a single visit. Besides it needs less sample
Serological rapid POC tests already detect anti-HCV antibod- preparation compared with Xpert HCV Viral Load [43], but both
ies. The most widely used test is OraQuick-HCV, a rapid test tests still suppose a high cost for low-resources settings.
for anti-HCV antibody detection that consists on a finger stick. TaqMan Array Cards (TAC, Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY)
Preferred samples are whole blood and plasma or serum, but is a rapid test that has been developed for detection of HAV, HBV,
OraQuick-HCV can also detect antibodies in oral fluid although HCV, HDV, and HEV RNA simultaneously (Kodani et al., 2014)
with lower sensitivity, 97·6% versus 99·4%, with whole blood [34]. which has 96% sensitivity and 98% specificity. It has recently been
This test can detect all HCV genotypes and gives the results in 20 applied to multiplex detection of HIV-1 and HIV-2, additionally
min: a pink colour change that can be read at naked eye. It is a to all hepatitis virus (Granade et al., 2018). Nevertheless, these
reliable and easy-to-use test, perfect for diagnosis at point-of-care multiplex assays has lowest sensitivity and specificity compared
[35]. However, OraQuick-HCV test price remains still high for its to single RT-qPCR, but reduced costs, so they are not yet replacing
implementation in large-scale screening. conventional methods but they are an important option to con-
INNO-LIA HCV Score (INNOGENETICS, Ghent, Belgium), using a sider when further studies were done. Improving sensitivity and
line immunoassay (LIA), can detect anti-HCV antibodies on a nylon specificity, these tests could be used in LMIC and for large-scale
strip, to get 6 different lines according to the recombinant antigen screening where rapid tests are necessary [44,45].
detected in a sandwich reaction. It is possible to automatize this A rapid new affordable POC diagnostic system based on detec-
method, reducing the laboratory personal needed, and with higher tion of HCV core antigen is being developed by Daktari diagnostics
sensitivity than OraQuick-HCV (100%) either in serum and in blood (Boston, USA), a system that could perfectly fit in the requested
samples [36]. methods for LMIC. Daktari system is based on microfluidic tech-
Less known methods have been developed, such as SD Bioline nology, and it would be able to analyse a blood drop in a single
(Standard Diagnostics, South Korea), a rapid immunochromato- cartridge in 30 min [46]. This technology is also in development
graphic test approved by WHO [37], developed to detect anti-HCV for HIV. Again, as Xpert HCV VL Fingerstick [42], this test would
antibodies from whole blood, serum, or plasma samples (100% allow patients to get their results in one visit, facilitating their
sensitivity and 99.4% specificity) (Standard Diagnostics). For HCV access to screening and diagnosis, maybe for both HIV and HCV at
screening, SD Bioline employs HCV recombinant antigens Core, the same time, allowing co-infection diagnosis.
NS3, NS4, NS5, and this test has been developed for HAV, HBV,
and HIV as well [38]. In this line we find Assure HCV Multisure
rapid test (MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana, CA, USA) (99% sensitivity Nanotechnology in theragnosis
and 99·8% specificity), and VIKIA® anti-HCV, (100% sensitivity and
99·7% specificity), but they have not been approved by WHO yet. Nanotechnology is becoming a larger important field in ther-
Tri-Dot (J. Mitra, India) is a rapid membrane based test similar agnosis, specially referring to POC systems, since they require
to ELISA for anti-HCV antibodies detection from serum or plasma less sample volume and laboratory equipment, are more sensitive,
samples. With a 100% sensitivity and 98·9% specificity, Tri-Dot test time-affordable, and cost-effective. Most of them are paper-based
gives a visual result in 3 min [39]. systems which makes them easier to transport and storage [47–51].

Please cite this article as: S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al., Nanotechnology: A reality for diagnosis of HCV
infectious disease, Journal of Infection, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2019.09.010
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;October 13, 2019;3:57]

4 S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al. / Journal of Infection xxx (xxxx) xxx


Hepatitis C virus (Hwang, K. S. et al., 2007)

Fig. 1. Scheme of a functionalized microcantilever for detection of HCV Helicase. Binding of HCV Helicase to the aptamers generates oscillations on the microcantilever.

NanoCluster Beacon Single nucleotide polymorphism Paramagnetic beads

Influenza A virus (Yeh, H. et al., 2010) 1) Lan, G. et al., 2011 2) Ma, K. et al., 2011 Song, Y. et al., 2014




1) Hepatitis C virus (Core protein) (Ghanbari, K. et al., 2017) 2) Hepatitis C virus (E2 protein) (Park, J. H. et al., 2013)

signal changes

3) Hepatitis B virus (Xi, Z. et al., 2015)

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of diagnostic systems using nanomatherials. Ag-NC: silver nanocluster; SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism; Core Ag: Core antigen; HBsAg:
Surface antigen of Hepatitis B virus.

Nanoparticles are usually the preferred chosen system, but also DNA-functionalized nanoclusters bind to the target. Different
mechanics are making a place in diagnostics within the nanoscale systems have been developed based in this technology, as the
field. For instance, the oscillations generated when a target binds NanoCluster Beacon designed by Yeh et al. (2010) for detection
a microcantilever generate a signal that can be measured, allowing of influeza A virus [63] and other similar systems for detection
the identification of the pathogen of interest [52,53]. Hwang et of single nucleotide polymorphism or SNPs [64], as this p53
al. (2007) developed a microcantilever diagnostic system for HCV, gene mutation related with cancer [65]. Song et al. (2014), have
employing HCV Helicase as target [54]. functionalized streptavidin-coated paramagnetic beads and studied
Concerning the therapy, nanoparticles are an useful drug de- their ability to detect PCR fragments immobilized in filter paper by
livery tool: nanoparticles can be functionalized with the drug or capillarity: paramagnetic beads can hybridize with PCR fragments
they can be functionalized with linkers that can recognise the and detection at naked eye takes just 2 min [51]. This kind of
target such as different DNA molecules [55]. Once the drug is systems for DNA detection would be suitable for detection in early
encapsulated in the nanoparticle, drug stability, solubility, and stages of HCV infection; because of their reduced incubating time
absorption are enhanced [56]. The drug could be released thanks this technology can facilitate the access of patients to diagnosis in
to combination of diffusion and desorption mechanisms [57]. LMIC since they could get their results in a single visit.
Nanotechnology also includes the use of dendrimers [58],
liposomes [59], or carbon nanotubes [60]. Liposomes have been RNA aptamers: applications for HCV diagnosis
successfully used for delivering AZT, a drug against HIV: its
biodisponibility in the target tissues was higher than administered RNA aptamers are single-stranded RNA oligonucleotides that
in the soluble conventional version [61]. specifically bind to a target molecule, which allow their employ-
Nanoparticles have been studied for treatment of infectious ment for detection and even identification of different pathogen
diseases such as those caused by Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus and tumour markers. Thus, aptamers are emerging as a key tool
epidermidis. These systems are sequence-specific, since they use for analytical diagnosis, that can be implemented in small POC
DNA-functionalized silver nanoclusters targeting specific regions devices [37]. RNA aptamers have been used in the development of
on the bacteria genome and thus inhibiting its growth [62]. HCV serological tests. Enzyme Linked Aptosorbent Assay (ELASA),
DNA-functionalized nanoparticles or nanoclusters have been is a new generation of aptamer-based assay developed by Park
employed for diagnosis. Using silver nanoclusters, detection et al. (2013) for detecting HCV E2 protein. In fact, two different
as fluorescence emission of nanoclusters is enhanced when aptamers recognize two regions of E2 protein, through the capture

Please cite this article as: S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al., Nanotechnology: A reality for diagnosis of HCV
infectious disease, Journal of Infection, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2019.09.010
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;October 13, 2019;3:57]

S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al. / Journal of Infection xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Functionalized gold nanoparticles

A. DNA probes

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Liandris, E. et al., 2009) Dengue virus (Carter, J. R. et al., 2013)

Target present

Helicobacter pilori (Gill, P. et al., 2008)

Target absent

Hepatitis C virus (Core protein) (Liu, Y. et al., 2013)

Influenza A virus (Liu, Y. et al., 2015)

B. Antibodies

Influenza A virus (Zagorovsky, K. & Chan, W. C., 2013) Cancer cells (Bhattacharyya, K. et al., 2013) Staphylococcus aureus (Ju, Y. et al., 2013)

+ emmision Magnetic

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of diagnostic systems using functionalized gold nanoparticles. Two different functionalization methods are represented, based on (A) DNA probes,
and (B) antibodies.

of the aptamer and a biotin-labelled detection, with a 3·13 × 102 applicable for multiple targets. DNAzyme system is also used
FPU/mL as detection limit [66]. in either biosensors for metal detection, to detect environmen-
Moreover, aptamers are used in new diagnostic methods for tal contamination or in toxicology assays [77]. With respect to
detection of HCV antigens. Lee et al. (2007) developed a new antibody-modified gold nanoparticles, they have been used for
diagnostic tool based on the use of RNA aptamers, to detect detection of influenza A virus [75], or even circulating tumour
HCV core antigen in serum samples. The system consists on a cells [78]. Sung et al. (2013) described a colorimetric biosensor
sol-gel based protein-chip where aptamers are immobilized. Once based in the combination of antibody-modified gold and magnetic
they bind the core antigen Cy3-labelled human antibodies are nanoparticles to enhance the detection signal for Staphylococcus
added for detection. Optimization of the system sensitivity is still aureus and to reduce the assay time compared to ELISA [79].
needed before starting using it for screening [67]. Chen et al. As already mentioned before, nanoparticles can be functional-
(2009) developed a similar method to detect HCV E2 protein with ized with aptamers as small biosensors and using them especially
biotinylated ssDNA aptamers [68]. As well, Ghanbari et al. (2017) at POC. The usefulness of gold nanoparticles functionalized with
have developed a electrochemical biosensor to detect HCV core aptamers has allowed the development of nucleic acid lateral
antigen [69]. Aptamers that target the Hepatitis B surface antigen flow strips for detection of HCV core antigen. These nanoprobes
has been used in HBV diagnosis, a method that significantly specifically bind to the HCV core protein and detection can be
improved the sensitivity of conventional methods [70]. determined at naked eye [80].
However, it has been described that gold nanoparticles func-
Gold nanoparticle-based biosensors for the diagnosis of tionalization is not always necessary since the presence of free
infectious diseases nucleic acids can change gold nanoparticles aggregation state and
modify their wavelength absorption. Specific probes can hybridize
Among the different types of nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles with target DNA. This change from free ssDNA to dsDNA alters
are an emerging tool in POC diagnosis, and different tests are in gold nanoparticles stability and generates a wavelength change in
development. Gold nanoparticles-based assays have already been the visible spectrum, observable at naked eye. This principle has
employed for detection of infectious diseases and other harmful been employed for detection of HBV [81] and also bacteria such
biological agents, increasing and improving existing test’s options. as Chlamydia trachomatis [82], Lysteria monocytogenes [83], and
Gold nanoparticles have not been yet applied to HCV diagnosis Salmonella spp. Of note, this system shows both a high sensitivity
but they have been used for diagnosis of different infectious (89·15%) and specificity (99·04%) for detection of Salmonella spp
diseases, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis [71,72], Helicobacter [84]. In all of these examples mentioned for un-modified gold
pilori [73], Dengue virus [74], or influenza A virus [75]. Usually, nanoparticles, DNA amplification is necessary as a first step before
gold nanoparticles are functionalized with monoclonal antibodies detection, and gold nanoparticles are employed instead of gel
or DNA probes. Regarding DNA-modified gold nanoparticles, sDNA electrophoresis techniques. Indeed, Shawky et al. (2010) have
probes like for H. pilori [73] are used or even include enzymatic developed a method that detects non-amplified HCV RNA with
systems as DNAzyme (DNA oligonucleotides with catalytic activity non-functionalized gold nanoparticles [85,86].
in presence of a specific target) like for Dengue virus [74], or the Nevertheless, nucleic acid extraction is a limiting step in
system described by Zagorovsky and Chan (2013) [76] potentially molecular diagnostics. Thus, if this step could be obviated it would

Please cite this article as: S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al., Nanotechnology: A reality for diagnosis of HCV
infectious disease, Journal of Infection, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2019.09.010
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;October 13, 2019;3:57]

6 S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al. / Journal of Infection xxx (xxxx) xxx

Non-functionalized gold nanoparticles

DNA probes

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Hussain, M. M. et al., 2013) Chlamydia trachomatis (Jung, Y. L. et al., 2010), Listeria monocytogenes (Fu, Z. et al., 2013) y
Salmonella enterica (Prasad, D. et al., 2011)

Hepatitis B virus (Liu, M. et al., 2011)

Hepatitis C virus (Shawky, S. M. et al., 2010)

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of diagnostic systems using non-functionalized gold nanoparticles. AuNPs: gold nanoparticles; SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism; Core Ag:
Core antigen.
Table 1
Summary of diagnostic methods for bacterial/viral pathogens, and cancer cells using nanotechnology systems.

Organism Detection Reference

HCV (Helicase) Microcantilever Hwang et al. (2007) [54]
Influenza A virus Nanocluster Beacon Yeh. et al. (2010) [63]
Cancer cells Single nucleotide polymorphism Lan et al. (2011) [64], Ma et al. (2011) [65]
- Paramagnetic beads Song et al. (2014) [51]
HCV (E2 protein) Aptamers Chen et al. (2009) [68], Park et al. (2013) [66]
HCV (Core protein) Aptamers Lee et al. (2007) [67], Ghanbari et al. (2017) [69]
HBV Aptamers Xi et al. (2015)
Functionalized gold nanoparticles
Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA probes Liandris et al. (2009) [72]
Helicobacter pilori DNA probes Gill et al. (2008) [73]
Dengue virus DNA probes Carter R. et al. (2013) [74]
Influenza A virus DNA probes Zagorovsky & Chan (2013) [76]
HCV (Core protein) Aptamers Liu et al. (2013) [80]
Influenza A virus Antibodies Liu et al. (2015) [75]
Cancer cells Antibodies Bhattacharyya (2013) [78]
Staphylococcus aureus Antibodies Ju et al. (2013) [79]
Non-functionalized Gold nanoparticles
Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA probes Hussain et al. (2013) [71]
HBV DNA probes Liu et al. (2011) [81]
Chlamydia trachomatis DNA probes Jung et al. (2010) [82]
Listeria monocytogenes DNA probes Fu et al. (2013) [83]
Salmonella enterica DNA probes Prasad et al. (2011) [84]
HCV DNA probes Shawky et al. (2010) [85]

remarkably reduce the assay time. In summary, the principal overcome the diagnostic access and the undiagnosed of HCV infec-
characteristic of gold nanoparticle-based tests is that they are tion, leading up to the WHO objective towards the HCV elimina-
colorimetric, so no final detection reaction is needed to get the tion.
result but visualizing at naked eye. Besides they seem to be sen-
sitive enough in preliminary studies. Therefore gold nanoparticle Search strategy and selection criteria
tests are cost-effective and time-saving as well as suitable for LMIC
where no specialized personal or laboratory equipment is available. In this review, we searched PubMed, Medline, Web of Science
and Google Patents databases. Search terms included “Hepatitis
Conclusion C virus”, “HCV”, “HCV coinfection”, “diagnosis”, “diagnostic tests”,
“nanotechnology diagnostic methods”, “point-of-care”, and “rapid
HCV is still an under-diagnosed infection, especially in low- diagnostic tests” to identify articles published before November,
resource settings, so new diagnostic tests are urgently required. 2018. Reference lists of selected papers where manually searched
Nowadays, a plethora of new methods are in development, which for additional papers covering topic of interest. We also searched
would greatly overcome drawbacks of current HCV tests. New in online websites such as World Health Organisation (WHO)
generation of HCV test should be cost-effective, time-saving, and website for HCV guidelines. Articles, patents, and guidelines in
easy to implement in low-resource settings where no highly spe- English and Spanish were included.
cialized personal is available. Nanotechnology-based tests espe-
cially meet POC requirements, so it is a highly important emerg- Contributions
ing field to take into account when looking for solutions in
LMIC. Besides, ongoing POC tests usually target nucleic acids, an V.B. conceived the study. S.A.L. participated in its design and
essential requirement for HCV diagnosis in early stages, reduc- implementation of the research. P.M.R. and I.M.C participated in
ing percentage of under-diagnosed population. Thus, the use of the search of bibliography related to HCV conventional diagnostic
nanotechnology-based tests for the diagnosis of HCV infection may systems. S.A.L. drafted the manuscript. P.M.R., I.M.C, R.M. and V.B.

Please cite this article as: S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al., Nanotechnology: A reality for diagnosis of HCV
infectious disease, Journal of Infection, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2019.09.010
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;October 13, 2019;3:57]

S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al. / Journal of Infection xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

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Please cite this article as: S. Arca-Lafuente, P. Martínez-Román and I. Mate-Cano et al., Nanotechnology: A reality for diagnosis of HCV
infectious disease, Journal of Infection, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2019.09.010

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