2017 RCDSO Annual Report PDF
2017 RCDSO Annual Report PDF
2017 RCDSO Annual Report PDF
201 7
President’s Message 1
Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee 2
Discipline Committee 6
Fitness to Practise Committee 9
Patient Relations Committee 10
Quality Assurance Committee 12
Registration Committee 15
Professional Liability Program Committee 17
Report of the Independent Auditor on the
Summary Financial Statements 19
Summary Statement of Financial Position 20
Summary Statement of Operations 20
Note to Summary Financial Statements 21
Distribution of Dentists 22
Presidents and Registrars 25
RCDSO has led the way in issues such as transparency and access to
information, addressing sexual abuse of patients, privacy, creation
of a Canada-wide standard on mercury waste, access to dental care in
the long-term care sector, labour mobility, guidelines for sedation and
anesthesia, incorporation for health-care professionals, dental CT scanners,
electronic recordkeeping, chronic pain management, fluoridation, and
wellness programs for the profession.
On May 30, 2017, the Protecting Patients Act came into effect. It strengthens
the prevention of, and response to, incidents of patient sexual abuse, increases
supports for victims of sexual abuse by regulated health professionals and
improves regulatory oversight and accountability of health regulatory colleges.
Our College spoke in favour of these changes from the beginning. Our
implementation of the measures exceeds and improves upon the standard.
2018 will see a new website and Register as well as comprehensive revisions to
key guidelines, standards and programs to educate and advise the profession.
At 150 years young, the College progresses and is ready to meet new challenges.
Inquiries, Complaints
Cam Witmer (Chair) Ron Yarascavitch
Ted Callaghan Neil Moss
Keith Morley Michael Duchnay
1. Refer specified allegations of professional misconduct The ICR Committee uses a Risk Assessment Tool and
or incompetence to the Discipline Committee for a Framework to guide its decision-making process.
2. Make inquiries into the member’s capacity and/or refer
the matter to the Fitness to Practise Committee; COMMITTEE ACTIVITY
3. Require the member to appear before a panel of the Complaints
ICR Committee to be cautioned; In 2017, the College received 598 formal complaints.
4. Take other appropriate action, such as: Panels of the ICR Committee met on 104 occasions during
· require the member to complete a specified this period to review the results of investigations of formal
continuing education or remediation program complaints. A summary of the Committee’s dispositions is
(SCERP); shown on page 3.
· ask the member to voluntarily complete courses,
mentoring or practice monitoring;
· ask the member to voluntarily restrict their practice;
· provide advice and/or recommendations to the
5. Take no action.
Richard Hunter (Chair) Barbara Carol Janik
Susan Davis (Vice-Chair) Manohar Kanagamany
Harpaul Anand Lisa Kelly
Vinay Bhide Gregory Larsen (from May 26, 2017)
Richard Bohay Benjamin Lin
Ram Chopra (from March 4, 2017) David Mock
William Coyne Kate Towarnicki
Peter Delean Sandy Venditti
Margaret Dunn Derek Walter (until May 22, 2017)
Elliott Gnidec
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Guilty Findings
Fitness to Practise
Lisa Kelly (Chair) Peter Delean
Harpaul Anand Margaret Dunn
Vinay Bhide Mark Eckler
Richard Bohay Elliott Gnidec
William Coyne Barbara Carol Janik
Susan Davis Kate Towarnicki
Patient Relations
Catherine Kerr (Chair)
Jocelyne Abi-Nahed
Nancy Di Santo
Margaret Dunn
Richard Raymond
Harinder Sandhu
Quality Assurance
David Mock (Chair)
Siranus Hacherian
Elizabeth MacSween
Anita Moosani
Marianne Park
MANDATE choose from over 200 approved core courses, which are
The Quality Assurance (QA) Committee is the statutory listed on the College website.
committee that is charged with the development,
administrative review and ongoing evaluation of In addition, all members are required to record their CE
the College’s QA Program. This program, which is activities in their online e-Portfolio, and to retain original
mandated under the Regulated Health Profession’s documents, e.g. course certificates and other proof of
Act, 1991, is designed to ensure that the knowledge, attendance documents, that provide evidence of their
skill and judgment of Ontario dentists remains current successful participation in CE activities for five years from
throughout their careers, and that they continue to the end of each three-year cycle.
provide safe, effective, appropriate and ethical dental
care to their patients. From April 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017, the College
randomly selected 1,075 members to have their e-Portfolio
reviewed. A summary of their status is reflected in the
ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS following table.
Quality Assurance Program
All members with a general or specialty certificate of
Current status of members randomly selected for review of
registration are required to participate in the College’s
their e-Portfolio for the period of April 1, 2015 to
QA Program. As outlined in the QA Regulation, the key December 31, 2017
components of the QA Program are:
Total number of members randomly selected 1,075
Continuing Education and the e-Portfolio: All members Removed from selection list* 14
are required to pursue continuing education (CE) activities Active (in progress) 4
as part of their commitment to the profession and lifelong Completed – successful 942
learning. This includes obtaining at least 90 CE points in
Completed – unsuccessful (shortfall of CE points) 115
each three-year cycle. There are three categories in which
members may obtain CE points: core courses, courses Under review by Committee 3
offered by approved sponsors and other courses. Explanation accepted/no further action 88
Assigned for review of next CE cycle 24
The QA Committee receives course proposals from
* Members may be removed from the random selection list for full-time post-graduate programs,
numerous organizations for review and consideration in registration in a specialty and other reasons that result in a reset of their CE cycle.
core courses, the highest CE category. Members may
Benjamin Lin (Chair)
Flavio Turchet
Sandy Venditti
Derek Walter
Dental Anesthesiology 4
Endodontics 4
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 9
Oral Medicine 2
Oral Pathology 2
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics 7
Pediatric Dentistry 11
Periodontics 7
Public Health Dentistry 2
Prosthodontics 5
Professional Liability
Elizabeth Wilfert (Chair)
Karen Aiken
Vincent Carere
Program Committee
Neil Gajjar
Gurneen Sidhu
Reza Termei
Incidents Reported 0
‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17
Between January 1 and December 31, 2017, there were
1,695 incidents/potential claims reported to PLP, an
increase of 152 from the previous year. Table 1 shows the
number of files opened for the ten-year period 2008–2017.
To the Members of the Council of the Management’s Responsibility for the Summary
Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation of the
The accompanying summary financial statements, which summary of the audited financial statements on the
comprise the summary statement of financial position basis described in the note to the summary financial
as at December 31, 2017, the summary statement of statements.
operations for the year then ended, and the note to
the summary financial statements, are derived from the Auditor’s Responsibility
audited financial statements of the Royal College of Dental Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the
Surgeons of Ontario for the year ended December 31, summary financial statements based on our procedures,
2017. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those which were conducted in accordance with Canadian
financial statements in our report dated June 14, 2018. Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, “Engagements to Report on
Those financial statements and the summary financial Summary Financial Statements”.
statements do not reflect the effects of events that
occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those Opinion
financial statements. In our opinion, the summary financial statements derived
from the audited financial statements of the Royal
The summary financial statements do not contain all the College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario for the year ended
disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards December 31, 2017 are a fair summary of those financial
for not-for-profit organizations. Reading the summary statements, on the basis described in the note to the
financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for summary financial statements.
reading the audited financial statements of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.
2017 2016
$ $
Cash 2,179,479 3,429,310
Accounts receivable 765,200 2,248,021
Prepaid expenses 451,655 159,131
Investments 64,099,013 61,259,923
Pension plan asset 2,826,300 2,460,500
Capital assets 7,338,193 7,468,721
77,659,840 77,025,606
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,535,016 968,652
Deferred revenue 22,403,512 21,798,665
Accrued claims liability 14,085,489 14,099,226
Pension plan obligation 1,933,000 2,162,000
39,957,017 39,028,543
Fund balances
Invested in capital assets 7,338,193 7,468,721
Internally restricted 28,438,000 24,400,000
Unrestricted 1,926,630 6,128,342
37,702,823 37,997,063
77,659,840 77,025,606
The accompanying note to the financial statements is an integral part of these financial statements.
2017 2016
$ $
Registration and annual fees 24,203,446 23,457,700
Investment income 1,429,567 1,457,906
Other income 857,186 542,507
26,490,199 25,458,113
Staffing costs 13,184,547 11,787,763
Corporate services 6,144,057 5,221,826
Professional Liability Program 2,946,608 3,747,903
External providers 2,659,374 2,299,208
Council and Committees 1,102,134 864,208
Faculty payments and fees 483,819 438,649
26,520,539 24,359,557
(Deficiency) excess of revenue over expenses (30,340) 1,098,556
The accompanying note to the financial statements is an integral part of these financial statements.
District 1
Dundas 0 0 1 1 1 0
Frontenac 8 31 22 27 12 8
Glengarry 0 1 1 0 1 1
Grenville 2 4 5 2 0 1
Lanark 1 12 7 5 2 3
Leeds 2 5 4 8 4 5
Lennox Addington 0 0 4 2 0 1
Ottawa Carlton 55 169 240 170 68 60
Prescott 1 2 5 3 2 1
Renfrew 2 13 19 9 3 10
Russell 3 4 2 3 2 1
Stormont 7 10 10 6 4 1
District Total: 1,079 81 251 320 236 99 92
District 2
Durham 24 105 94 108 35 37
Haliburton 0 0 2 0 0 1
Hastings 6 23 15 8 4 11
Northumberland 1 8 5 11 2 3
Peterborough 4 20 16 19 5 7
Prince Edward 2 1 2 0 1 1
Victoria 4 9 7 4 0 2
York 82 229 263 225 76 67
District Total: 1,549 123 395 404 375 123 129
District 3
Algoma 5 18 8 12 7 4
Cochrane 3 9 9 5 4 2
Kenora 3 3 9 10 1 3
Manitoulin 0 1 1 2 1 0
Nipissing 1 6 3 12 2 7
Rainy River 1 3 4 3 1 1
Sudbury 8 18 22 23 8 9
Thunder Bay 14 30 13 19 6 12
Timiskaming 2 7 3 3 2 2
District Total: 365 37 95 72 89 32 40
District 4
Halton 30 125 150 87 36 34
Peel 86 249 288 245 75 83
District Total: 1,488 116 374 438 332 111 117
District 5
Bruce 5 9 6 7 6 2
Dufferin 1 5 9 4 6 5
Grey 1 14 8 10 3 9
Huron 1 5 8 5 1 1
Muskoka 1 6 9 12 6 3
Parry Sound 0 4 3 2 3 2
Simcoe 15 64 78 53 23 24
District Total: 439 24 107 121 93 48 46
District 6
Elgin 1 7 7 5 3 5
Essex 29 37 80 69 21 31
Kent 2 15 12 7 4 5
Lambton 11 20 12 7 9 9
Middlesex 32 111 100 76 45 45
District Total: 817 75 190 211 164 82 95
District 7
Brant 5 18 17 18 4 11
Haldimand Norfolk 1 10 10 3 4 6
Oxford 2 15 16 10 2 12
Perth 3 8 11 4 2 3
Waterloo 25 86 103 90 17 26
Wellington 4 34 25 26 11 13
District Total: 655 40 171 182 151 40 71
District 8
Hamilton Wentworth 28 83 84 81 34 54
Niagara 12 44 57 50 28 38
District Total: 593 40 127 141 131 62 92
District 9
Metro Toronto 51 119 133 183 72 114
District Total: 672 51 119 133 183 72 114
District 10
Metro Toronto 35 117 149 151 77 90
District Total: 619 35 117 149 151 77 90
District 11
Metro Toronto 78 157 126 142 72 85
District Total: 660 78 157 126 142 72 85
District 12
Metro Toronto 41 176 213 239 114 104
District Total: 887 41 176 213 239 114 104
Presidents Registrars
B.W. Day S.M. Kennedy N.L. Diefenbacher J. O’Donnell
April 1868 – June 1870 June 1931 – May 1933 January 1971 – January 1973 April 1868 – July 1870