City Ordinance - Supplemental Feeding
City Ordinance - Supplemental Feeding
City Ordinance - Supplemental Feeding
WHEREAS, latest data from the Food and Nutrition Research Institute(FNR) of the Department
of Science and Technology(DOST) shows that the Philippines has reached its highest
rate of chronic malnutrition in 10 years among children aged 0-2, which is at 26.2%;
WHEREAS, studies have shown that poor nutrition in the early years of a child results in stunning,
wasting, low birth weight, micronutrient deficiency and weakens immune systems of
children, making them vulnerable to common diseases such as diarrhea, pneumonia
and malaria;
WHEREAS, Article II, Section 15 of the 1987 Constitution mandates the State to protect and
promote the right to health of the people and to instill health consciousness among
them ;
WHEREAS, Section 17 of Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of
the Philippines, further mandates local government units to exercise their powers and
discharge their functions as are necessary and appropriate for the effective provision
of basic services including child welfare and nutrition services;
WHEREAS, Supplementary feeding program is an immediate solution to control, prevent and decrease
prevalence of malnutrition in the community wherein children are being provided with hot
meals such as rice, meat/fish, vegetables and fruits for 120 days, depending on their daily
caloric needs based on the Philippine Dietary Recommended Intake (PDRI – formerly known as
WHEREAS, the City of Malabon recognizes that nutrition is not only fundamental to a child’s cognitive
and physical growth, but is also fundamental for the City’s development efforts and as such,
deems it urgent to scale up nutrition through Supplementary Feeding Program;
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-
building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual,
intellectual, and social well-being. In recognition of the demonstrated
relationship between food and nutrition, and the capacity of students to
develop and learn, the State shall establish a comprehensive feeding
program that will address the problem of under nutrition among Filipino
Towards this end, the City Government of Malabon shifted its strategies
in addressing undernutrition. From daily food preparation with
caregivers, nutrition office will be partnering to available carinderia in the
vicinity of areas with high prevalence of malnutrition. Potential carinderia
will be preparing and providing nutrient-dense food for identified
underweight, severely underweight, wasted and severely wasted children
for 90-days. However, caregivers will still undergo with mothers classes,
pabasa sa nutrisyon and health and nutrition awareness raising to
increase their capacity in sustaining good nutritional status of their
children and families.
Section 3. Objectives. The Ordinance specifically aims to :
a. To decrease the prevalence of malnutrition and to improve Nutrition Status of
under five year old children in Malabon City;
e. To serve nutrient dense food for undernourished children for 120 days;
f. To provide health and nutrition awareness session such as Pabasa sa
Nutrisyon, mothers classes and family development sessions;
g. To closely monitor the progress of nutritional status of under five year old
children and nutritionally at-risk pregnant women through re-weighing;
Section 5. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms are defined
as follows:
In Malabon City, the first 90-day feeding program which was sponsored by private
sectors/organizations, business establishments and individuals was held last 2016 in Barangay
Catmon. Hundred children were fed and rehabilitated from their previous nutritional status.
Such donations contributed to the success of the program.
With the success of the 2016 feeding program, it was continued and further extended to other
barangays by year 2017 (1st batch - April until July 2017 ; and 2nd batch – August to December
2017). The program fed 1011 under 5 year old children and 29 nutritionally at risk pregnant
women. All beneficiaries were rehabilitated from their nutritional status and continuously
monitored during Garantisadong Pambata program, post-natal checkups and/or during their
immunization at their respective local health centers.
For 2018, the schedules of the feeding program are breakdown below:
Name of Address of
Barangay Target Site Number of
Carinderia Owner Carinderia Owner
Sisa St.
Hulong Duhat Gervacio, Gov. Gabriel, Don 30 Sally Flores Gervacio St.
Basilio, Sulucan
Amelia Legaspi Don Bautista Blvd.
Total 530
3. Identified carinderia will be endorsed to the City Mayors Office for further transaction
such as accreditation and etc.;
4. Barangay Nutrition Scholar will conduct re-validation and anthropometrics based on the
result of 2017 Operation Timbang Plus. The result of re-validation will be submitted to
City Nutrition Office to set targets for the feeding program on February 2018;
5. Identified malnourished children will undergo medical and dental check-up. Also,
identified beneficiaries will be provided with vitamin A and deworming tablets;
6. Children will be fed for 90-days in accredited carinderia. Also, BNS will conduct re-
weighing every 2nd and 4th week of the month;
7. During the feeding proper, children will practice daily handwashing before receiving food.
This is to limit the cases of diarrhea and other illnesses due to dirty hands;
8. Mothers and caregivers will be undergone with health and nutrition session such as
pabasa sa nutrisyon, mothers classes and other necessary lectures. This is to increase
their strategies on how to take care of family;
1. After the first quarter of the year, the City Nutrition Office will conduct their annual
OPERATION TIMBANG, from this the list of malnourished children are summarized per
2. The City Nutrition Office shall declare a target per barangay and coordinate with all the
health centers to also enlist all nutritionally at risk pregnant women.
3. From the target per Barangay, “Karinderias” will be identified whose location is near the
4. Because of limited space, there will be 3 feeding times in 1 day- 10:00am; 2:00pm; 4:00pm
5. An allotment of TWENTY FIVE PESOS (Php25) per malnourished child and pregnant
mother for 120-days, Monday to Friday. A weekly budget will be given to the karidneria
in a form of a payroll which they will use to produce food for malnourished children
Bgy Hulong Duhat target 40 malnourished children + 10 pregnant mothers= 50
6. Each BNS will monitor their beneficiaries by re-weighing every 2 weeks, and this will give
us an assurance that the right children/pregnant women are being brought to the
accredited “karinderia”.
7. There will be TWO feeding for year 2018: March to July for 10 Branganggays/ August-Dec
for 11 Barangays
Section 11. Implementing Rules and Regulations – Within thirty(30) days from the effectivity of
this Ordinance, the Office of the City Mayor shall constitute a Technical Working
Group that will craft the Implementing Rules and Regulations necessary for the
implementation of this ordinance. It shall be chaired by the City Health Officer and
shall include as members the City Social Welfare Officer, the Nutritionist, BNS
representative and other necessary stakeholder groups .
Section 12. Appropriations – The amount needed for the initial implementation of this Ordinance
shall be charged against the current appropriations of the City Health Office.
Thereafter, such sums as maybe necessary for the continued implementation of this
Ordinance shall be included in the Annual Budget of the City of Malabon.
Section 13. Separability Clause– If any provision of this Ordinance is held invalid or
unconstitutional for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall remain valid
and enforceable.
Section 14. Repealing Clause- All ordinances, executive orders, administrative orders or parts
thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repeals,
amended, or modified accordingly.
Section 15. Effectivity- This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval.