Antibacterial Activity of Red Dragon Fruit Extract

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Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2013 Dec; 6(12): 1451–1474.

Published online 2013 Nov 25. doi: 10.3390/ph6121451

Effect of Essential Oils on Pathogenic Bacteria

Filomena Nazzaro,1,* Florinda Fratianni,1 Laura De Martino,2 Raffaele Coppola,1 and Vincenzo De Feo2




MS Department of Oral Biology Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jember, Indonesia
2 DDS,MS, PhD Departement of Conservative Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanudin University, Makasar, Indonesia
3DDS, MS Departement of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jember, Indonesia


Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the red
dragon fruit extract to the growth of Streptococcus mutans. Material and Methods: Red
dragon fruit peel and pulp extract were obtained by maceration using ethanol 96%.
Pathological isolates Streptococcus mutans was obtained from Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jember. The inhibition testing method has used well
diffusion method. The treatment is started by giving red dragon fruit peel and pulp extract
concentration of 100%, 50%, chlorhexidin 0,2% and aquadest sterile in each of the wells,
then incubated for 24 hours and was measured using digital caliper. The antibacterial
activities were assessed by the presence of inhibition zones after incubating the plates at 37 0C
for 24 hours. Results : Based on the results of inhibition zone calculation, on average the
biggest inhibition zone found in positive control group (16.84 mm), then followed by
Peel100% (10,34 mm), Peel50% (8.57 mm), Pulp100% (6.79 mm), and Pulp50% (5.93 mm).
The higher concentration on the peel and pulp of the fruit shows the bigger inhibition zone
diameter. The Kruskall Wallis test showed significant difference (p<0,05) and Mann-Whitney
test results showed significant difference between the study group (p<0,05). Conclusion: the
red dragon fruit extract (Hylocereus polyrhizus) showed significant antibacterial activity
against Streptococcus mutans, and inhibition power ability of fruit peel extract is larger in
inhibiting the S. mutans than its pulp ability.

Keywords: red dragon fruit extract, antibacterial activity, streptococcus mutans


A current review of the available epidemiological data from many countries clearly
indicates that there is a marked increase in the prevalence of dental caries. If remedies are not
initiated, there could be a serious negative impact upon the future oral and systemic health of
the global community, as well as a strain on the dental profession and a major increase in the
cost of dental services [1]. The prevalence of dental caries in Indonesia for people over 12
years old reached 53.2% with details of active caries experience and haven't done any
treatment. Indonesia’s DMF-T index at that same age is 4.6, this indicates there is 460 teeth
decay per 100 people. This index will be increased along with the increased age and this
number is considered high [2].
Streptococcus.mutans is a normal flora in the oral cavity that can transform into
pathogens if there is an increase in a big number of colonies. This bacteria is the main cause
of dental caries through carbohydrates fermentation on plaques on the surface of the tooth.
Carbohydrates fermentation will produce a formation and hoarding of acid that resulted in the
destruction and decalcification of tooth enamel thus forms caries. Epidemiological studies in
different populations claim that in the case of dental caries S. Mutans was found in a number
of 74-94%. So to reduce the occurrence of caries, bacteria’s activity must be inhibited [3].
Antibacterial material is a material containing compounds that can inhibit or kill
microorganisms. Antibacterial compounds can be derived from natural or synthetic
chemicals. Synthetic chemicals such as chlorhexidineis a powerful antiseptic agent but shows
toxicity reaction and side-effects on the tissues of oral cavity. Natural antibacterial material
can be derived from plants, such as Red Dragon fruit (Hylocereuspolyrhizus) [4].
Dragon fruit cultivated in Indonesia starting in the year 2000. Red Dragon Fruit as
natural antibacterial materials are cheaper, easier to obtained and has natural deposits that
reduce the risk of side effects commonly caused by synthetic antibacterial materials. Dragon
fruit is effective in maintaining heart health, eye health, lowers blood sugar levels and rich in
antioxidants. According to nutritionists, red dragon fruits are sweeter and contains more
nutrients and vitamins than the white one. The total phenolic content on a red dragon fruit is
also greater than the white dragon fruits [5].
Red Dragon fruit contains antibacterial content of betalain pigments which belongs to
betacyanin the alkaloids, the phenols such as flavonoids and vitamin C, while the peel of this
fruit contains flavonoids, alkaloids and these terpenoids. The content of phenols such as
flavonoids are naturally found in plants and vegetables. Phenolic compounds may inhibit the
growth of bacteria with the ability of damaging the cytoplasmic membrane and proteins as
well as inactivated some bacterial enzymes [6].
The usage of fruit is only as consumption of fruit pulp alone, about 30-35% of the fruit
peel has no further use. In fact, the results of previous studies shows the total content of
phenolic substances in the peel of red dragon fruit is larger than in the red dragon fruit pulp
with 70% ethanol extract. Red Dragon fruit peel extract is also proved to be able to inhibit the
growth of Salmonella pullorum and Staphylococcus aureus [7]. Based on explanation above,
researchers are interested in examining the activity of antibacterial extracts of dragon fruit
(Hylocereus polyrhizus) peel and pulp through its inhibit power against the growth of
Streptococcus mutans.


Collection, Identification and Extraction of Plant Materials

This type of research is laboratoris experimental research using the post test only control
group design. The research held at the Laboratory of Microbiology, Laboratory of Bioscience
Dental Hospital of Jember University, and Laboratory of Botany Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Science of Jember University, Indonesia. This study passed ethical approval by
Medical Research Ethic Committee of University of Jember as stated in the letter
No.1072/H25.1.11/KE/2016. The making of the fruit extracts begins with washing clean the
dragon fruit with running water, then separate the peel and pulp of the fruit. Then cut dragon
fruit pulp into small pieces then dried or rinse in a shady place for 4 days. Furthermore,
Dragon fruit peel is roasted using oven in 50oC temperature for 3 hours. The dried peel of
dragon fruit mashed using blender, then sifted so that it becomes simplicia powder and after
that weighed. Dry weight obtained by the Red Dragon fruit peel of 84.54 grams. The next
process, is ethanol 96% maseration. Soaking is done by using ratio of 7.5 times the weight of
the powder so the amount of ethanol addition is 634 ml. Simplicia already formed is placed in
a glass jar, then soak using ethanol solvent during ± 3 days with stirring twice daily in the
morning and the afternoon. After the third day, filter it using filter paper. Maseration product
then evaporated so it doesn’t contain any ethanol using a rotary evaporator at a temperature
of 45-500C, so that the extracts obtained from the fruit peel is thick with concentration of
100%. As much as 3.44 grams 100% peel and pulp extract concentration obtained on the
making of the Red Dragon fruit peel extract.

Streptococcus mutans suspension preparation

Suspension of S. mutans is made by adding 1 ose isolates of S. mutans into test tubes
containing liquid media BHI-B as much as 2 ml. Then cover the test tubes using cotton and
then put in a desicator and incubated with temperature 37oC for 24 hours. Growth of S.
mutans was marked by the presence of turbidity in the media. After 24 hours, suspension of
S. mutans in the test tube vibrated using a thermolyne and measured its absorbance with the
standard McFarland 0.5 and 0.05 absorbance with wave length of 560 nm using the
spectrophotometer [8].
The making of Brain Heart Infusion Agar media (BHI-A) is carried out by mixing
10.4 grams BHI-A and 200 ml aquades sterile into an erlenmeyer flask. The mixture is stirred
and heated to above the stove until homogeneous. So the media is then covered using cotton
and sterilized in autoclave at 121oC for 15 minutes. BHI-A media and then incubated for 24
hours to test the sterilization. BHI-A media sterile will remain crystal clear. When the BHI-A
media is already warm, then poured into 8 sterile pertidish each of as many as 25 ml with a
thickness of 6 mm. Then 0.5 ml suspension of S. mutans is inoculated BHI-A media and
leveled with gigaskrin in order for the suspension in the media spread evenly, then left until
the material becomes solid, approximately in 15 minutes [9].

Antibacterial test using well diffusion method

Well diffusion method is used for inhibition power testing method. On each a petridish
which has been inoculated bacteria, 6 well hole is made using sterile borer diameter 5 mm.
All treatment is done in laminar flow to avoid contamination. After making 6 holes on 8
petridish finished, then add Red Dragon fruit peel extract 100% and 50%, Dragon fruit pulp
extract 100% and 50%, positive control, negative control and on each hole using mikropipet
which is given a yellow tip. As many as 20 µl red dragon fruit peel extract and flesh on each
hole for each treatment group. All the treatments is also done in a laminar flow to avoid
contamination. This tip is always substituted for each treatment group of samples.
Measurement of the diameter of inhibition zones is done after incubated for 24 hours,
using a digital caliper on the area around the holes. The diameter of inhibition zone is
measured from edge to edge (break point) crossed through the center of the hole. There are
no inhibition zone if the result of measurement is said to be 0.00 mm. If there is an oval
inhibition zone, then measurement may use long diameter (a mm) and short (b mm) then sum
them up and divide in two. The measurement is carried out 3 times with different people and
taken on average. Three observers were previously given an explanation about the
measurements terms, to equate the perception in measuring inhibition zone.


In the well diffusion method, the zones of inhibition produced by the sensitive
organisms selected for the study were measured using callipers and recorded after the
incubation period. In the study, positive control (Chlorhexidine) was found to produce zones
of inhibition against S. mutans but was insensitive to the negative control (aquadest sterile);
so no zone of inhibition was noted for the negative control. The zones of inhibitions of red
dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) peel and pulp extract against the growth of S. mutans
shown in table 1, and the comparative activity of the plant extracts against S. Mutans is
represented with bar diagrams in figure 1. The difference test results on the entire research
groups are depicted in table 2.
Based on the results of inhibition zone calculation, on average the biggest drag zone found in
the Group of positive control (16.84 mm) , then followed by Peel group 100% (10.34 mm),
Peel group 50% (8.57 mm), group Pulp 100% (6.79 mm), and Pulp group 50% (5.93 mm).
The higher concentration on the peel and pulp of the fruit shows the bigger inhibition zone
diameter. In addition, the resulting of inhibition zones from red dragon fruit peel is larger
than the pulp one.

Table 1. The average of inhibition zones of red dragon fruit peel and pulp extract
against Streptococcus mutans growth

Concentration Zone of Inhibition (mm)

Negative control (Aquadest sterile) 0,00 ± 0,00

Pulp 50% 5,93 ± 0,28
Pulp 100% 6,79 ± 0,20
Peel 50% 8,57 ± 0.59
Peel 100% 10,34 ± 1,05
Positive Control (Chlorhexidine) 16,84 ± 1,05

Data represents Mean ± Standard error of mean (n = 8)

Table 2. Difference test results on the entire research groups with Kruskal-Wallis

Chi-Square Df Signifikansi
45,767 5 0,000

18 16.84
Inhibition Zone Diameter

12 10.34
10 8.57
8 6.79
5.93 Inhibition Zone
2 0
C- PU50 PU100 PE50 PE100 C+
Group of experiments

Figure 1. The histogram of the average diameter of the S. mutans inhibition zone

Inhibition power ability of dragon fruit peel extract is larger in inhibiting the S. mutans
than its pulp ability. This difference is suspected because of the total phenolic content of red
dragon fruit peel is larger than in the pulp. Red dragon fruit peel contains flavonoids,
alkaloids and terpenoids, while red dragon fruit pulp has the same content plus vitamin C but
do not contain terpenoids [10]
The content of other chemical exists in red dragon fruit peel as well as pulp is the
alkaloid. Alkaloids inhibits the growth of bacteria by means of disrupting the bacterial cell
wall preparation so that it does not perfectly formed and lead to death. Alkaloid exists in red
dragon fruit peel as well as pulp is betacyanin. Betacyanin is the main components of red
pigment which include the rare alkaloid that is soluble in water (Betalain). Betacyanin has
proven antibacterial power for Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus [11]. On the
red dragon fruit pulp also contains vitamin C which can inhibit the growth of bacteria. This
content is proven to inhibit the adhesion of Escherichia coli in uroepitelial cells on previous
research. Therefore this vitamin is potentially reducing the risk of other pathogens bacterial
infection [12].
There are three mechanisms antibacterial compounds of flavonoids, namely by the
way of inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis, inhibiting cytoplasmic membrane function, and
inhibiting energy metabolism of bacteria. Flavonoids can inhibit the synthesis of nucleic
acids of bacteria through the cluster B ring that suspected of a role in DNA intercalation
process, or through hydrogen bonds with nucleic acidbasic arrangementof bacteria that will
inhibit the synthesis of DNA or RNA. In addition, flavonoids also have the ability to interfere
with the activity of the tanspeptidase Peptidoglycan so that the formation of cell wall is
disturbed. As a result, the bacterial cell can not withstand the internal osmotic pressure
between atmospheric 5-20, where the pressure is enough to break up the cells if the cell walls
are destroyed [13].
Flavonoids possibly have the ability to form a complex extracellular and able to
dissolve the layer of lipids and proteins on the cell membrane of bacteria. Damage to the cell
membrane can cause changes in the permeability of the cell membrane, where the various
essential components of intracellular, such as nucleic acids, nukelotida, and others can get out
from a cell so it will inhibit the function of the cytoplasm cell membrane. By the inhibition of
nucleic acids synthesis and cytoplasmic membrane functions of bacteria will result in
impaired cell metabolism, so bacterial growth will be hampered or even experiencing death

The other compound that act as antibacterial is alkaloids. Alkaloids have antibacterial
activity as since the compound is known as DNA interkalator and DNA synthesis inhibitor.
Alkaloids arenitrogen heterocyclic compounds which contains at least one nitrogen atom and
include as an alkaline. This base cluster reacts with acidic compounds in the bacterial cell
such as DNA which is the main constituent of the cell nucleus. By the disruption of DNA,
then the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids in the cell will be disturbed [15].
Beside flavonoids and alkaloids, the antibacterial activity of Red Dragon fruit peel is
also thought to derive from Terpenoids compounds. The ability of Terpenoids as antibacterial
compound is associated to the mechanism of action of these compounds that can react with
the transmembrane protein (porin) on the outer membrane of bacterial cell walls, forming a
strong polymer bond that resulted in the destruction of porin. Destruction of the porin is the
influx of nutrients and other compounds will reduce the permeability of the cell wall, so
bacterial growth will be stunted or die [16].
Red Dragon fruit peel extract concentrations 100% have a greater capability in
inhibiting the growth of S. mutans compared to the Red Dragon fruit peel extract
concentrations of 0%, and the pulp of the fruit extract concentrations 100% had greater
inhibition power than the 50% concentrations, but it has less ability than the positive control
group (chlorhexidine 0.2%). Beside antibacterial agents, structure and composition of
bacterial cells also have an important role in those antibacterial mechanisms. S. mutans is a
Gram-positive bacteria that have the structure of the sheath cells which is relatively simple,
consisting of two to three layers, which are membranes, cytoplasm and a thick Peptidoglycan
layer. In contrast to gram-negative bacteria that have numerous layered cell sheath structure
and extremely complex, such as lipoporotein layer, lipopolysaccharide and Peptidoglycan
layer. This causes S. mutans, as one of gram positive bacteria, is more susceptible to the
antimicrobial compounds because the antimicrobial material is easy to get into cells and
found the target to work [17].
Growth inhibitory mechanisms by antimicrobial material in the form of reaction to the
membrane or cell wall of bacteria can cause disruption to the absorption and transport of
bacteria nutrients as well as disorders of energy metabolism in bacteria , especially on Gram-
positive bacteria that have a simple cell sheath structure [18]. The ability of antimicrobial
material such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and Terpenoids which were contained in red dragon
fruit peel extract is expected to kill or suppress the growth or reproduction of S. mutans
which is a bacterial cause of caries. So in the end it can lower the risk of occurrence of caries.


Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the red dragon fruit
extract (Hylocereus polyrhizus) showed significant antibacterial activity against
Streptococcus mutans, and inhibition power ability of fruit peel extract is larger in inhibiting
the growth of Streptococcus. mutans than its pulp ability.


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