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Increasing Students’ Reading Comprehension in Descriptive Text by Using Discovery Inquiry



This study focuses on how discovery-inquiry method can increase students’ reading
comprehension in descriptive text. This method is applied, because the students‟ average scores
are lower than standard score (KKM) in school. KKM in the school is 75, and their average
scores are 50. Discovery-inquiry method serves cognitive learning as its strategy. It means that
the students‟ activeness during learning is more important than their test results. In its
implementation, discovery-inquiry method has six steps. They are stimulation, problem
statement, data collection, data processing, verification, and generalization
The research uses Classroom Action Research that has four steps in its implementation.
They are plans, action, observation, and reflection. The subject of the research is the students in
eighth grade in SMP Negeri 4 Maniamolo which the total number of students is fifteen. The data
is collected by qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data is collected by observing
their activity during learning activity, and quantitative data is collected by giving them the test
about learning material.
The writer will finish the research in two cycles, which in every cycle has two meetings.
In the first cycle, the writer finds that the students‟ average scores improved to 74, which it is
still below KKM. But in the second cycle, their scores achieved into 81.33. From observation
results, the writer find that there is an improvement in every meeting. It can be concluded that
discovery-inquiry method can increase the students‟ comprehension in reading descriptive text.

The objective of this research to increase the speaking skills of Grade VIII students of SMP
Negeri 4 Maniamolo through pictures.This research is classified as an action research. It is
conducted in two cycles, which is held for four meetings in the first cycle and two meetings in
the second cycle. The subjects of this research are 32 students of class VIII of SMP Negeri 4
Maniamolo. The data are qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data are obtained through
observations and interviews with the students, the English teacher, and the collaborators. The
data are in the forms of field notes and interview transcripts. While the quantitative data are
obtained from tests (pre-test and post-test) and questionnaires. The validity of the research was
obtained by adopting four criteria of validity namely democratic validity, process validity,
outcome validity, and dialogic validity. In addition, this research applied some triangulation
techniques, such as time triangulation, investigator triangulation and data triangulation. The
actions implemented in this research were using pictures in the teaching and learning process of
speaking, implementing picture-based activities, giving feedback to students’ performances,
accustoming students to opening dictionaries, giving handouts as daily materials, and giving
rewards the active students.
The result of the research shows that the implementation of pictures in the teaching and
learning process of speaking is believed to be effective to improve the students’ speaking skills.
The students’ motivation increased. They are more enthusiastic in learning speaking. Moreover,
the students are interested in various materials presented by the teacher. They could get
involved actively in the speaking learning process. Furthermore, the result of the research also
shows that the increasing on the teaching and learning process affected the improvement on the
students’ speaking skills. The students’ speaking skills are measured quantitatively by comparing
the mean score of pre-test and post-test.

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This Research has a purpose to know whether students’ comprehension of reading text
could be increased by using pre questioning and how using pre questioning could increase
students’ comprehension of reading text. This research is conducted to 20 students of class 8th of
SMP Negeri 4 maniamolo.
The researcher used Classroom Action Research CAR based on Kurt Lewin Design to
solve students’ problem in comprehending reading text. The Kurt Lewin’s model consists of four
phases, planning, acting, observing, reflecting is implemented in this study. There are two kinds
of data in this research, quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data can be got from
the pre-test and post test result. On the other side the qualitative data is derived from the
interview and observation. The researcher used descriptive analysis and statistic analysis to know
the result of the implementation the Classroom Action Research to the class 8th students of SMP
Negeri 4 Maniamolo.
The result of this study shows that the students improved their comprehension of reading
text during teaching and learning process by using pre questioning. It is proven by the data which
derived from this study. From the observation, it could be seen that students were more active, it
can be proven from some students that initiative to ask and answer questions. Students also could
answer the questions that teacher gave. Then data interview result shows that students’
comprehension of reading text has improved. From test results, the increasing of students’
comprehension shows clearly in the increasing of their achievement in pre test and post test.
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This research aimed to increase the students’ speaking skill in English lesson by using
action learning strategy. This research is conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR).
The subject of this research is VIII grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Maniamolo 2019/2020
academic year which consisted of 30 students. The objective of this research would increase
students’ speaking skill in English Lesson by using Action Learning strategy at Eight Grade of
Negeri 4 Maniamolo.
This research is conducted in two cycles which each consists’ of planning, acting,
observing, and reflecting. The data are gathered through quantitative and qualitative data.
The result of this research shows that there is increasing of students in speaking skill. The
data of this research is collected by giving the pre-test and post-test. The result of the data
analysis it would be shows from the result of the post-test.

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