Easy Pinjaman Ekspres PDS
Easy Pinjaman Ekspres PDS
Easy Pinjaman Ekspres PDS
(Read this Product Disclosure Sheet before you decide to take the Easy-
Pinjaman Ekspres. Please also read and understand the terms stated in
the letter of the offer for Easy-Pinjaman Ekspres. Seek clarification from EASY-PINJAMAN EKSPRES
your institution if you do not understand any part of this document or the
general terms) Date: ___________________________________
(Fill up by sales staff/personal bankers)
1. What is this product? If you fail to pay 3 monthly installments consecutively, Bank
Easy-Pinjaman Ekspres is a personal loan without collateral may increase the financing rate.
in which the interest is charged upfront on the loan amount Right to set off: The bank has the right to set off any credit
approved and interest is pre-computed for the entire tenure balance in account maintained by the Bank against any
based on “Rule 78” outstanding balance in your financing account by giving you
“Rule 78 is a method of calculating the proportion of principal seven (7) calendar days prior notice.
and interest where the interest forms a large percentage of Legal action may be taken against you in the event of default
the installment at the early stage of the tenure. of loan repayment. You will have to bear all cost, expenses
and fees which the Bank may incur, in enforcing to recover
2. What do I get from this product? the loan.
Legal action against you may affect your credit rating leading
Item Description to credit being more difficult or expensive to you.
Loan Amount Minimum: RM2,000 Legal action will be taken if you fail to respond to reminder
Maximum:RM150,000 notices.
Loan Period Minimum: 1years (12months)
Maximum: 5years (60months) 6. What if I partly/fully settle the loan during the lock-in period?
Lock-in period: 6 months from the date of the letter of offer is
Interest rate: The rates stated below are based on a flat rate issued.
and vary according to the repayment period from 12 month Early termination fee: RM200 if the loan fully settled within the
onwards. first 6 months from the date of the letter of offer is issued.
Note: Currently, GST is not applicable for termination fee.
Category 4: A flat rate from 8.18% per annum equal to the effective Coverage Plan 1 (RM) Plan 2 (RM) Plan 3 (RM)
interest rate of 15% per annum. Annual
70 130 205
3. What are my obligations?
Once the loan is approved, the Bank will credit the loan 8. Do I need any insurance coverage?
amount into a savings account and you are considered as
Guarantor or collateral is not required.
having received a loan facility as approved by the Bank.
(Although the amount approved is lower and the amount
has not been adopted or the extended repayment period, 9. What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact
compared to the facilities applied.) details?
The monthly repayment will be calculated based on the It is important to inform the Bank of any changes in your
following variables: contact details to ensure that all correspondence reach in a
i. The amount of your loan timely manner. To update the contact details, please call
ii. The period of your loan our Customer Care Centre: 03-9206 8118
iii. Effective lending rates based on Rule 78
The effective interest rate may be higher if a monthly 10. Where can I get assistance and redress?
payment is not made on regular basis Should you require to inform additional information on the
Easy-Pinjaman Ekspres loan, visit any Easy Outlet or
4. What other charges do I have to pay? www.rhbgroup.com/easy or call 03-9206 8118
Stamp Duties: As per the Stamp Duty Act 1949 (Revised in If you have difficulties in making repayments, you may
1989) and will be debited from the loan facility contact us soonest possible to discuss repayment
Note: Currently 6% Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not applicable for alternatives. You may contact us at:
stamp duties. RHB Bank Berhad
Disbursement Fee: No charges for disbursement. Level 11, Capital Square Tower,
Processing Fee: No processing charges for approved loans. No.10 Jalan Munshi Abdullah,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
5. What I fail to fulfill my obligations? Tel: 03-2776 3111
There is a late payment fee charges on the payment in Fax: 03 2712 5004
arrears at the rate of (1%) per annum of payment in arrears
due, calculated on daily basis until such arrears are paid in Alternatively, you may seek the services of Agensi
full. Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK), an agency
established by Bank Negara Malaysia to provide free
services on money management, credit counseling debt
restructuring for individuals and you may also join the
“Program Pengurusan Wang Ringgit Anda” (“POWER”) to
help your credit management. You may contact AKPK at:
Level 8, Maju Junction Mall,
1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 1-800-88-2575
Email: enquiry@akpk.org.my
If you wish to lodge a complaint on the products or services
provided by us, you may also contact us at:
Customer Care Centre
RHB Banking Group
Level 7, Menara AA,
Jalan Tun Razak
50400 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-9206 8118
Fax: 03-9206 8088
Email: customer.service@rhbgroup.com
Website: http://www.rhbgroup.com/easy
If your query or complaint is not satisfactory resolved by us,
you may contact Bank Negara Malaysia LINK or TELELINK
Block D, Bank Negara Malaysia,
Jalan Dato’ Onn,
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 1-300-88-5465
Fax: 03-2174 1515
Email: bnmtelelink@bnm.gov.my