Sanction_Form_App (4)
Sanction_Form_App (4)
Sanction_Form_App (4)
We IDFC FIRST Bank Ltd are pleased to inform you that with reference to the above application, we have in-principle sanctioned you a Mortgage/Home loan
facility, on the terms and conditions mentioned hereinafter and printed overleaf, the details of which are given below
The aforesaid sanction of the loan("Loan") is subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. This Sanction Letter supersedes all the earlier letters and/or sanction letters.
2. All Owners/Co-owners of the Property must be named as Borrower or Co-Borrowers to the Loan.
3. Title documents of the Property, as specified in the undertaking signed by the Borrower, are to be submitted to the Bank in original.
4. Rate of Interest mentioned above is based current pricing policy of the bank and the Rate of Interest (if floating) is subject to change owing to change in the
EBR/spread as on the date of disbursal
5. Net disbursement amount would be after deduction of charges including pre-EMI charges applicable as per disbursement date
6. The title deeds of the property can be collected by the security provider within 30 days from LALPAR RURAL branch after full repayment/settlement of
the loan account, subject to satisfaction of adequate KYC documents and provided no other credit facility is existing against the said property. Timelines for
release of title deeds may extend if the security provider is unable to collect the documents in person for any reason.
If required, you may contact IDFC FIRST Bank Your IDFC First Bank Relationship Officer PARTH MAKVANA will assist you.
Thanking You,
For IDFC First Bank Ltd,
Authorized Signatory
Name: haresh parmar1
Employee ID:- 175716
I / We have read the terms and conditions mentioned in this Sanction letter and accept the same