Radiative and Non-Radiative Recombination

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Radiative and non-radiative recombination

There are two recombination that can occur in a semiconductor:
1. radiative recombination

2. non-radiative recombination
In the light emitting devices the radiative process are preferred. We can never reduce the non-
radiative recombination but we can minimize it.

1 Radiative electron-hole recombination

Under the equilibrium then the law of mass action states that the product of electron and hole
concentration , under a given temperature, is constant

n0 p0 = n2i (1)

n0 -equilibrium electron concentration

p0 -equilibrium hole concentration
ni -intrinsic carrier concentration
Total carrier concentration is given by sum of equilibrium and excess carrier concentration.

n = n0 + ∆n and p = p0 + ∆p (2)
The recombination rate is proportional to the product to the electron and hole concentration,
that is R ∝ np. The recombination rate per unit time per unit volume can then be written
dn dp
R=− =− = Bnp (3)
dt dt
This is the bimolecular rate equation, and B is a constant called bimolecular recombination
coefficient, where the typical value is 10−11 -10−9 cm3 /s for III-V semiconductors.

2 Radiative recombination for low-level exciton

Electrons and holes are generated and anhilated (by recombination) in pairs, the steady state hole
and electron excess concentration are equal, i.e. ∆n(t)=∆p(t), And from equation 3 we will get

R = B[n0 + ∆n(t)][p0 + ∆p(t)] (4)

For the case of low-level excitation, the photo-generated carrier concentration is much smaller
than majority carrier concentration, ∆n<<(n0 +p0 ), and we also have that ∆n(t)=∆p(t) we will
then get from equation 4

R = Bn2i + B(n0 + p0 )∆n(t) = R0 + Rexcess (5)

The time dependent carrier concentration calculated from the rate equation is

= G − R = (G0 + Gexcess ) − (R0 + Rexces ) (6)
Semiconductor has been illuminated with the light and excess carriers are generated, G0 =R0

∆n(t) = −B(n0 + p0 )∆n(t) (7)
and the solution will be
∆n(t) = ∆n0 e−B(n0 +p0 )t (8)
and after rewriting we get

∆n(t) = ∆n0 e−t/τ (9)

where τ is the carrier lifetime τ = [B(n0 + p0 )] .
In the case for low-level excitation the photo generated carrier concentration is much smaller
than the majority carrier concentration. However the photogenerated carrier concentration is
much larger than the minority carrier concentration.

3 Radiative recombination for high-level excitation

For high-level excitation, the photogenerated carrier concentration is larger than equilibrium car-
rier concentration, i.e. ∆n>>(n0 + p0 ). Bimolecular rate equation is then given by
∆n(t) = −B∆n2 (10)
and then we get
∆n(t) = (11)
Bt + ∆n−1
The time constant here will be
τ (t) = t + (12)
Minority carrier lifetime increases with time. For sufficiently long times, low-level excitation
conditions will be reached and τ will approach the low-level value.

4 Non-radiative recombination in the bulk

During the non-radiative recombination, the electron energy is converted to vibrational energy of
lattice atoms, i.e. phonons. Thus the electron energy is converted to heat.
Most common cause for non-radiative recombination events are defects in the crystal structure.
This effects include unwanted foreign atoms, native defects, dislocations. All such defects have
energy level structure that are different from substantial semiconductor atoms. And it’s quite
common for such defects to form one or several energy levels within the forbidden gap of the
Energy levels within the gap of the semiconductors are efficient recombination centers, in
particular if the energy level is close to the middle of the gap.
Trap-assisted recombination occurs when an electron falls into a ”trap”, this is an energy level
within the bandgap caused by the presence of a foreign atom or a structural defect. Once the trap
is filled it cannot accept another electron. The electron occupying the trap, in a second step, falls
into an empty valence band state, thereby completing the recombination process.
The non-radiative recombination rate through a deep level with trap energy ET and concen-
tration NT
p0 ∆n + n0 ∆p + ∆n∆p
RSR = (13)
(NT vp σp )−1 (n0 + n1 + ∆n) + (NT vn σn )−1 (p0 + p1 + ∆p)

vn and vp - electron and hole velocities
σn and σp - capture cross section of the traps
n1 and p1 - electron and hole concentrations if the Fermi energy is located at the trap levels:
µ ¶ µ ¶
ET − EF i EF i − ET
n1 = ni exp p1 = ni exp (14)
kB T kB T

EF i - Fermi level in the intrinsic semiconductors.

Non radiative lifetime of excess electrons can be deduced from RSR = ∆n/τ , which will give
1 p0 + n0 p + ∆n
= (15)
τ (NT vp σp )−1 (n0 + n1 + ∆n) + (NT vn σn )−1 (p0 + p1 + ∆p)
If we assume p-type semiconductor, i.e. the holes are in majority p0 >> n0 and p0 >> p1 , and
we assume small deviation from equilibrium, i.e. ∆n << p0 then minority carrier lifetime is
given by
1 1
= = NT vnσ n (16)
τ τn0
If the electrons were majority carriers, the lifetime would be
1 1
= = NT vp σp (17)
τ τp0
Results shows that Shcockley -Read recombination rate is limited by the rate of the capture of
minority carriers, since the capture of majority carriers is much more likely event than the capture
of minority carriers. From equation 15 we will get
1 p0 + n0 + ∆n
= (18)
τ τp0 (n0 + n1 + ∆n) + τn0 (p0 + p1 + ∆p)
For small deviations from equilibrium, i.e ∆n << p0 , which will give
p0 + p1 n0 + n1 + ∆n p0 + p1
τ = τn0 + τp0 ≈ τn0 (19)
p0 + n0 p0 + n0 p0 + n0
The lifetime does not change for small deviations from equilibrium in an extrinsic semiconduc-
We assume that the trap captures electrons and holes at the same rate, i.e. vn σn =vp σp and
τn0 = τp0 , and we get from equation 19
µ ¶
p0 + p1
τ = τn0 1 + (20)
p0 + n0
For special case of intrinsic material, i.e. n0 = p0 = ni the equation becomes
µ ¶ · µ ¶¸
p1 + n1 ET − EF i
τi = τn0 1 + = τn0 1 + cosh (21)
2ni kB T
EF i - the Fermi level typical close to the middle of gap.
The non-radiative life time is minimized, if ET -EF i is zero, when the traplevel is at or close to
the midgap energy. For such midgap levels the lifetime is given by τ =2τn0 This shows that deep
levels are effective recombination centers if they are near in the middle of the gap.
Another non-radiative recombination is Auger recombination, it is given off in the form of
kinetic energy to another electron.
The energy that becomes available through electron-hole recombination (Eg ) is dissipated by
the excitation of a free electron high into the conduction band, or by a hole deeply excited into

the valence band. The highly excited carrier will subsequently lose energy by multiple phonon
emission until they are close to the band edge.
Recombination rate due to the Auger process

RAuger = Cp np2 (22)

RAuger = Cn n2 p (23)
Auger recombination reduces the luminescence efficiency in semiconductors only at very high
excitation intensity or at very high carrier injection currents. At lower carrier concentrations, the
Auger recombination rate is very small and can be neglected.

5 Non-radiative recombination at surfaces

Atoms at the surface cannot have the same bonding structure as bulks atoms due to the lack
of neighboring atoms. Thus some of the valence orbitals do not form a chemical bond. These
partially filled electron orbitals, or dangling bonds, are electronic states that can be located in the
forbidden gap of the semiconductor where they act as recombination center.
Surface recombination leads to a reduced luminescence efficiency and also to a heating of the
surface due to non-radiative recombination at the surface. Both effects are unwanted in electro
luminescent devices.
Surface recombination can occur only when both type of carrier are present. It is important
in the design of LEDs that the carrier-injected active region, in which both type of carriers are
presented, be far removed from any surface. This can be archived by carrier injection under a
contact that is much smaller than the semiconductor die.

6 Competition between radiative and non-radiative recom-

Just as for surface recombination, non-radiative bulk recombination and Auger recombination can
never be totally avoided. Any semiconductor crystal will have some native defects.
It is also difficult to fabricate materials with impurity levels lower than the parts per billion
range (ppb). Thus even the purest semiconductors contain impurities in the 1012 cm−3 .
The total probability of recombination is given by the sum of the radiative and non-radiative

τ −1 = τr−1 + τnr
where τr and τnr are radiative and non-radiative lifetime.
The relative probability of radiative recombination is given by radiative probability over the
total probability of recombination. Thus the probability of radiative recombination or internal
quantum efficiency is given by

ηint = (25)
τr−1 −1
+ τnr
The internal quantum efficiency gives the ratio of the number of light quanta emitted inside the
semiconductor to the number of charge quanta undergoing recombination. Not all photons emitted
internally may escape from the semiconductor due to the light escape problem, reabsorption in
the substrate, or after reabsorption mechanism.

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