Python 3.4.3 Instruction Sheet English

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Instruction sheet for Python

Spoken Tutorial Team

IIT Bombay

1 Online / Offline content 2. To view the tutorial, click on the Play icon
which is located in the player.
1. The online content of Spoken Tutorials can be
accessed from : 3. The Pre-requisite will be visible below the player (only for Online contents).

2. You can also download the Spoken Tutorials 4. Outline, Assignments and Code Files are
for offline learning from : available below the player. 5. Adjust the size of the browser in such a way
3. From this link download the FOSS categories that you are able to practice in parallel.
in the language you wish to learn.
4. The Spoken Tutorial content will be down- 4.1 Open Python console in Linux
loaded as a zip file on your machine.
5. Extract the contents of the zip file & access
them. (a) The tutorials are explained on the Linux
(b) It will be easy for Linux users to follow,
2 The procedure to practise
as instructed on the tutorial.
1. You have been given a set of spoken tutorials (c) Open the Terminal by pressing
and files. CTRL+ALT+T keys together.
2. You will typically do one tutorial at a time. (d) In the Terminal window, type ipython3.
3. You may listen to a spoken tutorial and repro- (e) This will open the Python console with
duce all the steps shown in the video. ipython preloaded.
4. If you find it difficult to do the above, you may (f) Now, you can type your commands in the
consider listening to the whole tutorial once Python console.
and then practise during the second hearing. (g) In the Python scripts, we have used 4
spaces for indentation.
(h) We have also used the gedit text editor.
3 Python
(i) You can use any text editor of your choice,
1. Click on "Select FOSS Category" or "All for writing the Python scripts.
FOSS Categories" drop-down and choose
"Python 3.4.3". Note: Please use "python3/ipython3"
command wherever the python version is
2. Click on "Select Language" or "All
not mentioned explicitly
Languages" drop-down and choose the lan-
guage (English, Hindi, Marathi ...) in which
you wish to learn. 4.2 Open Python console in Win-
3. Click on "Submit" button. dows
4. You will see a list of tutorials based on your
(a) To practise these tutorials on Windows
OS, please follow these instructions.
5. Start with the first tutorial in the displayed
(b) For the first 6 tutorials in
"Basic Level - C2 Level" use the
Start >> All Programs >> ipython
4 First Tutorial: Getting started >> pylab interactive shell.
with ipython (c) For "Intermediate Level - C3
Level" tutorials use the
1. Locate the topic "Getting started with Start >> All Programs >> ipython
ipython" and click on it. interactive shell.
(d) For "Advanced Level - C4 Level" tu- (b) Extract the downloaded zip file.
torials use (c) You will see all the code/source files used
Start >> All Programs >> ipython in the particular tutorial.
>> scipy interactive shell.
(d) Use these files as per the instructions
Note: Please use "python3/ipython3" given in the particular tutorial.
command wherever the python version is
not mentioned explicitly
6. Play-pause-practise the whole tutorial.

4.3 Common instructions to prac- 7. Once the tutorial is complete, choose the next
tice tutorial from the playlist which is located on
the right side or below the player.
(a) Create folder on "Desktop" with your
"Name-RollNo-Component" 8. Follow all the above instructions, till you com-
(Eg. "vin-04-Python"). plete all the tutorials in the series.
(b) Give a unique name to the files you save,
so as to recognize it next time.
(Eg. "Practice-1-vin").
(c) Remember to save all your work in your
5 Additional instructions for Tu-
folder. torials.
(d) This will ensure that your files dont get
over-written by someone else. 1. Tutorial - 3 "Embellishing a plot" at
(e) Save your work from time to time, instead 9:31: The xlim() function limits in Python
of saving it at the end of the task. 3.4.3 returns values assigned to x by linspace().
Python 3.6.8 returns slightly broader values.
4.4 Common instructions for 2. Tutorial - 5 "Multiple Plots" at 4:55:
Assignments The legend in a plot goes to the best position
(a) Attempt the Assignments as instructed in 3.6.8, but goes to the top-right corner in
in the tutorial. 3.4.3 by default.
(b) Save your work in your folder. 3. Tutorial - 13 "Getting started with
for": Python2.7 interpreter used. But the
4.5 Common instructions to use examples work in Python 3.6.X.
Code Files
4. Tutorial - 14 "Getting started with
(a) Click on the link "Code files" located string": Python 3.4.3 is mentioned but the
below the player and save it in your folder. examples work in Python 3.6.X.

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