Beefing Up The Beefless Mac

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Beefing up the beefless Mac: McDonald’s expansion strategies in


Question 1: What strategies McDonald’s perused in their supply chain network?

What challenges they incurred during the supply chain? In your opinion how
McDonald’s can improve they supply chain process in India?
Answer: McDonalds India used different strategies in their supply chain network.
McDonald’s India used two strategies. The first strategy they used was adaptation strategy
which highlighted many aspects of the restaurant. As mentioned in the article, it said they
took two different menus on the board and it was displayed as green for vegetarian and purple
for non-vegetarian. Moreover, it had different counters and dedicated kitchen area for the
preparation of both the products. The crew of the kitchen had different uniform which
somehow displayed their roles. And they didn’t work on the same day. The wrapping of the
food either it was vegetarian or non-vegetarian product. McDonald’s printed brochures which
explained different steps McDonald’s take in preparation of food. It also allowed it customers
to take a kitchen tour. Secondly, it focused on its pricing strategies. It included special
promotions. It positioned itself as a family restaurant and changed it pricing strategy which
influenced it rivals. This made a lot of its competitors to come forward in the race of the
promotions and discounts. McDonald’s had some special meals which helped it gain a lot of
customers. To be more in the public, it took the advantage of price cutting and offered some
of the periodic promotion along with a lot of benefits. McDonald’s faced a lot of challenges
in its supply chain network. The first challenge they faced was about the supplying of good
quality raw material by one of the supplier on daily basis. Few other included, the difficulty
in identification and finding of iceberg lettuce leaves. Moreover, it was facing hard time in
helping its employees in some of the area of inbound logistics.
In my opinion, the supply chain process of McDonald’s need a little improvement, for
instance it had difficulty in finding a right service for its employees which could be improved
in certain ways.

Question 2: What opportunities does the Indian Market provides to

Answer: After creating well awareness of the brand, the customer started accepting
McDonald’s. They now had 3 well defined strategies that were: increase of seating space in
their existing outlets. Secondly it could penetrate into different cities and last but not the
least, it can open new outlet in New Delhi and Mumbai.
These opportunities will help McDonald’s out grow and flourish and penetrate into different
audience thus gaining a lot of profitability into the market.
Question 3: Conduct an Internal Analysis of MacDonald’s briefly defining
their distinctive capabilities, resources and core competencies that they
should exploit in the context of Indian market to gain sustainable
competitive advantage.
Answer: Internal analysis means to explore the organizations competency, resources and its
When doing internal analysis of McDonald’s. it distinctive capabilities are: its systems, its
operations and the distribution network. Its resources are its customers and the employees. It
core competencies included the displaying of different board which were displayed as
vegetarian and non-vegetarian and included different processes and procedures which helped
its customer to distinguish between the two products easily.

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