Technical Services Charges
Technical Services Charges
Technical Services Charges
2. Amount of carbon
Pulmac Zero span test
3. - Fibre strength 2,200
- Orientation index 2,200
4. Grease proof testing 1,100 IS:6622/1972
Stencil paper
5. - Moisture resistance 605 IS:5086/1981
- Keeping quality 605 IS:5086/1981
- Performance on duplicating 1,100 IS:5086/1981
Tissue paper
TAPPI 432 om-87
6. - Rate of absorption 1,100
- Disintegration capability 1,100
Paprican Image Analyser Test
7. - Dirt and Speck 6,600
- Formation 6,600
8. Particle Charge of solution ( Mutek ) 6,600
Chemical sensitivity of MICR cheque
9. 1,100
paper per chemical
UV light exposure test of MICR
10. 1,210
cheque paper
1. Rosin 2,200 TAPPI T 408 om-88
2. Wax 1,100 TAPPI T 405 om-85
3. Starch 1,100 TAPPI T 419 om-97
4. Casein 1,100 TAPPI UM 490
5. Water soluble sulphates 1,100 TAPPI T 255 om-89
6. Titanium pigments 1,100 TAPPI T 627 om-92
7. Amount of coating 1,100 TAPPI UM-542
8. Water soluble chloride 1,100 TAPPI T-256-cm-85
9. pH (Hot water extract) 605 TAPPI T 435 om-88
10. Ash content 605 ISO 2144
Mechanical pulp content in paper,
1. 3,850 IS:5285/1998
paper board and pulp sample
2. Fibre furnish analysis (Qualitative) 5,500 IS:5285/1998
3. Fibre furnish analysis (Quantitative) 11,000 IS:5285/1998
Fibre dimensions (Fibre Length &
Distribution, Fibre Width &
4. 5,500 IS:5285/1998
Distribution, Fibre Curl & Fibre Kink
Fibre Coarseness)
Scanning Electron Microscopy (Per
5. 5,500 -
1. Alum 2,200 TAPPI T-614 os-44
2. Soda ash 605 TAPPI T-612 om-89
3. Rosin 2,200 TAPPI T-628 cm-82
4. Starch 605 TAPPI T-638 cm-85
5. Lime stone 1,100 TAPPI T 618 cm-84
6. Titanium 2,200 TAPPI T-627 om-92
7. Available lime index 605 TAPPI T-617 cm-84
8. Calcium carbonate in soap stone 1,320 CPPRI
Viscosity of starch at one CPPRI
9. 1,320
concentration and temperature
Characterization of starch (Includes
pH, Conductivity, Charge, Charge
10. 11,000
Demand, Nitrogen content, Degree of
11. Magnesium Silicate in soap stone 2,200 CPPRI
Molecular weight distribution of Gel Filtration
12. 2,750
water soluble polymer Chromatography
13. Anthraquinone (Purity) 2,200 IS:6259-1971
14. Titanium Dioxide (Purity) 2,200 TAPPI 627 om 97
15. Abrasion value in filler 2,750
1. pH at 300 C 605 CPPRI
2. Total solids 660 CPPRI
3. Specific gravity at 300 C 605 CPPRI
4. Suspended solids 1,100 CPPRI
5. Conductivity 660 CPPRI
6. Residual active alkali 1,100 TAPPI T-625 cm-85
7. Total alkali 1,100 TAPPI T-625 cm-85
8. Silica Content (SiO2) 1,650 TAPPI T-625 cm-85
9. Sulphate Ash 1,650 TAPPI T-625 cm-85
10. R2O3 1,650 TAPPI T-625
11. Lignin Content (UV Method) 1,100 CPPRI
12. Organic Acids 2,750 CPPRI
13. ZETA potential 2,750 CPPRI
14. Total Sugar 2,750 CPPRI
15. Reducing Sugar 2,200 CPPRI
Viscosity at one temperature and four
1. 5,500 CPPRI
solid concentrations
2. Foaming index 1,100 CPPRI
Brookfield viscosity of coating oils &
3. 1,100 CPPRI
printing inks for each sample
Density of liquid sample by
4. 1,650 CPPRI
automatic Density meter
Black liquor density curve at different
5. 5,500 CPPRI
solids and one temperature
Black liquor density curve at different
6. 5,500 CPPRI
temperatures and one solid
1. Loss on ignition 605 TAPPI T-618 cm-84
2. Silica as SiO2 1,650 TAPPI T-618 cm-84
3. Residual CaO 1,320 TAPPI T-618 cm-84
4. R2O3 1,650 TAPPI T-618 cm-84
5. Magnesium as MgO 1,100 TAPPI T-618 cm-84
6. Calcium carbonate 1,320 TAPPI UM-616
7. Residual alkali as Na2O 1,320 TAPPI UM-616
Precipitation point of black liquor
1. 1,650 TAPPI UM-615
during evaporation
Polydispersity (TiO2) of black liquor /
2. 3,300 CPPRI
Molecular weight distribution of
3. 6,600 CPPRI
lignin macromolecule in black liquor
Ultrafiltration using lab module of
4. DDS/RO, including analysis of 49,500 CPPRI
1. Burning properties (SVR) 2,750 CPPRI
Weight loss by thermogravimetry
2. (temperature versus weight loss 3,850 CPPRI
Integral procedural decomposition
3. temperature (IPDT) and activation 2,200 CPPRI
4. Calorific value 2,200 TAPPI T-684 om-02
5. Total organic carbon 2,750 -
6. Fixed and volatile carbon 3,300 CPPRI
7. Temperature of ignition 2,750 CPPRI
Calcium (Quantitative analysis by
1. 1,650 CPPRI
flame photometer)
2. Sodium (flame photometer) 1,650 CPPRI
3. Potassium (flame photometer) 1,650 CPPRI
4. Spectrum in range 190-400 nm (UV ) 1,650 CPPRI
Spectrum in range 400-850 nm
5. 1,650 CPPRI
6. Colour intensity (chloro platinum) 1,100 Spectophotometer
Spectrum in range 4000-450 cm-1
7. 1,650 CPPRI
Carbohydrate composition of wood or
8. 2,750 CPPRI
Elemental analysis (C, H, N) each
9. 1,100 Catalytic Combustion
10. Iron 1,650 CPPRI
Trace Metal (Each Element)Al, As,
B, Ca, Cu, Cr, Cd, CO, Fe, Hg, K,
11. 1,100 AAS
Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Si, Ti,
Inorganic Anions (Each Anion)Cl-,
12. NO2-, NO3-, SO32-, SO42-, S2O32-, 1,100 HPIC
C2O42-, PO43-
13. Na2SO3 Purity 1,100 HPIC
14. Ligno Sulphonate Purity 1,100 UV Spectroscopy
1. Colour 1,100 ASTM
2. pH 550 -
3. Silica as SiO2 1,320 TAPPI T-625
Total hardness
4. - Temporary as CaCO3 1,100 ASTM
- Permanent as CaCO3 1,100 ASTM
5. Sulphates 1,100 ASTM
6. Chlorides 660 ASTM
7. Iron 660 CPPRI
8. Turbidity, NTU 660 Instrumental
9. Residual Free Chlorine, mg/l 660 Titrimetric
10. Dissolved Solids, mg/l 1,100 Titrimetric
11. Magnesium as Mg, mg/l 660 Titrimetric
12. Nitrates as N, mg/l 1,100 Instrumental
13. Nitrites as N, mg/l 1,100 Instrumental
14. Acidity, mg/l 660 Instrumental
15. Alkalinity, mg/l 660 Instrumental
16. Conductivity, μs/cm 825 Instrumental
1. COD 1,980 ASTM
2. BOD 3,300 ASTM
3. Oil and Grease 1,100 ASTM
Volatile Fatty acids (Titration
4. 1,100 *
5. Alkalinity as CaCO3 1,650 ASTM
6. Nitrogen 2,200 ASTM
7. Phosphorous 2,200 ASTM
Distillation cum
8. Ammonical Nitroge, mg/l 1,100
9. Free Ammonia, mg/l 1,100 Titrimetric
% Sodium ( on the basis of Cation
10. 2,750 Instrumental
Na, K, Ca & Mg)
SAR (Sodium Absorption Ratio) on
11. the basis of Concentration of Na, K, 3,300 Instrumental
Ca & Mg)
12. EOX, mg/l 6,600 Instrumental
13. Sulphide, mg/l 550 Titrimetric
14. Sulfite, mg/l 550 Titrimetric
15. AOX, mg/l 6,600 Titrimetric
16. Suspended Solids, mg/l 1,100 ASTM
17. Volatile Solids, mg/l 1,650 ASTM
18. Fixed Solids, mg/l 1,650 ASTM
19. Volatile Suspended Solids, mg/l 1,650 ASTM
20. Fixed Suspended Solids, mg/l 1,650 ASTM
21. TCLP Test 27,500
1. Anaerobic bio-degradability 8,800 *
2. Toxicity assay of effluents 11,000 *
1. Volatile suspended solids 1,650 ASTM
Methanogenic sludge activity
2. 5,500 *
(anaerobic sludge)
3. Stirred specific volume 2,200 WRC method (UK)
Filtrability test (capillary suction
4. 2,200 WRC method (UK)
5. Sludge volume index 1,100 APHA
6. AOX, mg/kg 7,700 Titrimetric
7. EOX, mg/kg 7,700 Titrimetric
8. Toxicity of Environment Sample 13,200 ISO 11348/NVN 6516
- Air Monitoring (RSPM, SOx and 5,500 Per
NOx) Point
- For small Scale Allied Unit (Cottage 4,400 Per
Industries) Point
Stack Monitoring (SPM, H2S, SOx 5,500 Per
and NOx) Point
550 per
3. Noise Monitoring
- Non Condensable Gases (H2S, 82,500 for
Methyl Mercaptans, Di four
Methyl Di Sulfide, Di methyl Sulfide) sampling
per each
5. Volatile Organic Compounds 11,000
6. PM-10 (Instrumental) 5,500
7. PM 2.5 (Instrumental) 5,500
Pulmac Master Screen
1. Macro Stickies Counts in Pulp (>100) 1,650
& Image Analyser
Macro/Micro Stickies Concentration
2. 5,500 Solvent Extraction
in pulp, gm/kg
3. Evaluation of Stickies Control Agent 11,000 CPPRI
Evaluation of Deinking Chemical
including dosage optimization and
testing of yield, deinking efficiency,
4. brightness, residual ink concentration, 27,500 CPPRI
residual ink size distribution, sludge
volume, consistency and inorganic
Estimation of dissolved colloidal
material in paper machine back water
5. 11,000 CPPRI
based on Total Organic Carbon
(TOC) analysis
Analysis of RCF market pulp
(include Filterability by Schopper
Riegler (0SR), Ash content, Alkali
6. solubility in 1% NaOH solution at 11,000 -
100 C, Tensile strength, Burst factor,
Fibre length by Bauer McNett
Classifier etc.)
Bleaching of recycled fibre for
7. 33,000 -
Quality Upgradation
8. 55,000 -
optimization studies of RCF
Residual Ink concentration in
9. 5,500 PAPRICAN
deinking pulp
Macro(> 100μ) / Micro(< 100μ)
Stickies Profiling across the process
10. line for 10 locations, gm/kg. (if 55,000 Solvent Extraction
exceeded Rs. 3,000/- per location will
be charged additionally)
Estimation of micro Stickies
11. Concentration in back water sample, 2,200 Extraction Method
12. Evaluation of deinking enzymes 55,000 -
13. Repulpability of splices/splicing tape 11,000 TAPPI-UM-213
Macro stickies concentration in pulp,
14. 2,200 Solvent Extraction
Micro stickies concentration in pulp,
15. 2,200 Solvent Extraction
Estimation of Xylose sugar Parabromo Aniline
1. 1,650
(Spectrophotometer method) Method
Estimation of Ethanol Content
2. 1,100 Caputi
(Spectrophotometer method)
Estimation of Dietary fibre- TDF,
3. 3,300 AOAC International
IDF, SDF (Enzymatic-Gravimetric)
Evaluation of Xylanase Enzyme
4. 2,750 Bailey's
Evaluation of Xylanase Enzyme
5. 11,000 Bailey's
Activity, pH & Temperature Profile
Total Microbial Count (CFU, Plate
6. 1,100 APHA
7. Estimation of Coliform Bacteria 550 APHA
Estimation of Coliform & Faecal
8. 1,100 APHA
Coliform (E.Coli)
Estimation of Reducing Sugars
9. 1,100 Miller
(Spectrophotometric method)
Estimation of Total Sugars
10. 1,100 Dubois
(Spectrophotometric method)
Evaluation of enzyme- Enzymetic
Pre-Bleaching response (complete
11. 55,000 CPPRI
Evaluation, optimization of enzyme
dose & pulp evaluation)
Evaluation of enzyme- Enzymetic
deinking (complete Evaluation,
12. 33,000 CPPRI
optimization of enzyme dose & pulp
Evaluation of enzyme- Enzymetic
refining (complete Evaluation,
13. 22,000 CPPRI
optimization of enzyme dose & pulp
Evaluation of Slimicide (Efficacy &
14. 16,500 CPPRI
relative Population density Test)
15. Estimation of Glucan content 1,650 NREL/TP-510-42618
Estimation of Xylan content in raw
16. 1,650 TAPPI
Estimation of Escherichia coil (MPN
17. 550 APHA
Estimation of faecal streptococcus
18. 550 APHA
Estimation of Enterococcus group
19. 1,100 APHA
Removal of coating through
20. 1,650 CPPRI
enzymatic approach
1. Lignin/Lignosulphonate purity % 1,100 CPPRI
2. Ash % 660 CPPRI
Element Composition (CHNS
3. 2,200 CPPRI
4. Methoxyl Group % 3,300 CPPRI
5. Total & Phenolic Hydroxyl Group % 2,200 CPPRI
6. Silica % 1,650 CPPRI
7. Chloride % 1,100 CPPRI
8. Sulphate % 1,100 CPPRI
9. Sodium % 1,100 CPPRI
10. Potassium % 1,100 CPPRI
- * Method developed by Agricultural University of Wageningen, Netherland
(Dutch Method)
- Member Mill of CPPRI will get a discount of 25% on the testing charges on
the normal approved rates for tests/analysis other than
paper & board upon mentioning of their member number assigned by the
- GST @ 18 % will be extra.
- Priority Charges:-100% priority charges on testing fees will be added to
provide out of turn service on urgent basis.