Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objectives of Care Nursing Method of Nurse- Resources
Problems Interventions Family Contact Required
Unsanitary Toilet Inability to After nursing After nursing Discuss with the Home visit
Facility provide a intervention, the intervention, the family what
sanitary and family will take family will decide and action should be
safe toilet for seriously the effect utilize resources to done to be able to
the family. construct a toilet
of unsanitary toilet construct a sanitary
Inability to facility.
utilize on the health of the toilet facility. Broaden their
resources to family and be able knowledge by
construct a to construct a clean discussing the
toilet facility. and safe toilet. effect of
Neglecting the unsanitary toilet
possible effect facility.
of unsanitary
toilet facility.
Poor hygiene Inability to After nursig After nursing Broaden their Home visit
recognize the intervention, the intervention, the knowledge by
effect of their family will take faamily will know the discussing the
action. action and change effect of poor hygiene effect of poor
the way of hygiene
Lack of they usually use.
Poor Inability to After nursig After nursing Broaden the Home visit.
environmental recognize the intervention, the intervention, the knowledge of the
sanitation effect of their family will take faamily will know the family about the
action. action and change effect of unsanitary possible effect of
the way of disposing disposal and will have
Lack of disposal on the
garbages and wastes a proper disposal area health of their
Knowledge disposal. on their lot. whole family.
regarding Help the family to
cleanliness. have a proper
area for disposal.
Risk for illness
brought by
mosquito bites,
cockcroach, rats
and others.
Open dumping Inability to After nursing After nursing Broaden the Home Visit
recognize the risk inteventions the intervention the knowledge of the
of having an open couple will know couple will know the family about
dumping site the effect of having risk of open dumping unsanitary
an open dumping and will provide one
Discuss with the
near their kitchen pit for the disposal of family what
area and provide a their waste. action to be done
pit for the waste. to keep a clean
Discuss with the
family the
advantage and
disadvantage of
healthy and clean