Improper Food Handling
Improper Food Handling
Improper Food Handling
Subjective: Improper food handling Short term: Assess the family - to determine the ways that
related to lack of concerning their practices the family are practicing at
“magkaon man lang mi After 8 hours of nursing
knowledge of importance on handling and preparing home as basis to plan for
usahay nga dili makahugas intervention in the
of sanitation food care and interventions
ug kamot kay malimtan” community, the patient will
be able to verbalize
understanding about the
Objectives: health teachings imparted
Discuss about the - to know the level of
- foods are being left on the
consequences of most awareness of the family
table without covering and
Long term: common diseases that may about the problem
flies and insects can easily
invade After one month duration
of community health
- dirty kitchen utensils
nursing, the family will be
Emphasize the importance
able to gain knowledge and - to help them recognize the
of having a sanitary
skill necessary to maintain benefits that a sanitary
sanitary food handling and environment can give