Xingguo Xiong
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer
B.S., Wuhan University; Ph.D, Shanghai
Institute of Microsystem and Information
Technology; Ph.D, University of Cincinnati.
Frances Yahia
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nutrition
B.S., M.S., M.P.H., Florida International
University; Ph.D. (Cand.), Barry University;
LD/N, Licensed Dietician/Nutritionists-Florida
Richard W. Yelle
Senior Lecturer of Art and Design
B.F.A., Massachusetts College of Art, M.F.A.,
Rhode Island School of Design, M.A., New
York University
Yanmin Yu
Professor of Mass Communication
B.A., Shanghai Studies International
University; M.A., Ph.D., Syracuse University
Eugene Zampieron
Senior Lecturer of Naturopathic Medicine
N.D., Bastyr University; A.H.G, American
Herbalist Guild
Meg Zayan
Associate Professor of Health Sciences
R.D.H., University of Pennsylvania; B.S.,
University of Missouri-Kansas; M.P.H.,
University of Pittsburgh; Ed.D., University of
*Daniel Zegibe
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Martial Arts
B.A., Syracuse University; M.B.A., Rochester
Institute of Technology
*Keith Zeitlin
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Naturopathic
N.D., Bastyr University
Linfeng Zhang
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
B.S., M.S., Dalian University of Technology,
P.R. China; M.S., Ph.D., Wayne State
Frank Zolli
Professor of Clinical Sciences, Chiropractic
B.S., Saint Peter’s College; D.C., New York
Chiropractic College; Ed.D., University of
*adjunct faculty
Faculty Emeriti
Faculty Emeriti
Robert L. Singletary
Professor Emeritus of Biology
A.B., University of North Carolina; M.S.,
University of Rhode Island; Ph.D., University
of Miami
Valerie L. Sodano
Professor Emeritus of Management and
Industrial Relations
B.B.A., St. John’s University; M.B.A., Ph.D.,
New York University
Bertram Spiller
Associate Professor Emeritus of Sociology
B.S., Northeastern University; Ph.D., Boston
Richard A. Strand
Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
T. Mathai Thomas
Professor Emeritus of Education
B.S., B.Ed., Kerala University, India; M.Ed.,
Madras University, India; M.A., Putney-
Antonich Graduate School, Vermont; M.A.,
University of Connecticut; Ed.D., Boston
Edward S. Tillman, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
B.S.M.E., M.S.M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute; Sc.D., Stevens Institute of
Technology; Registered Professional Engineer
Lubomir W. Tomaszewski
Professor Emeritus of Industrial Design
Graduate, Railroad Technical Mechanical
School, Warsaw, Poland; M.S., Academy of
Fine Arts, Warsaw, Poland
Laura Wanta
Assistant Professor Emeritus of Nursing
B.S., Marquette University; M.A., Columbia
University; R.N.
Office of the President Academic Support Services Schools, Colleges, and Institutes
President Academic Technology Services
Acupuncture Institute
Neil Albert Salonen Director
Alker-Kelly Antoine Director
Special Assistant to the President;
Dean, International Program Initiatives Jennifer Brett, N.D., L.Ac.
Instructional Technology Systems
Brian Lim, M.S. Administrator Assistant Director
Executive Assistant to the President Kris Bickell, M.S. Charles T. Ford, L.Ac.
Joan E. Florczak Clinic Director
Instructional Technology Trainer
Executive Assistant to the President for Michael Ishii, L.Ac.
Claude Perrottet, Ph.D.
Institutional Research
Barbara A. Gabianelli, M.S. Associate Director School of Arts and Sciences
General Counsel Michael Lockshier Dean
Carolyn R. Linsey, Esq. Associate Director Manyul Im, Ph.D.
Administrative Assistant to the General Tara Maroney Associate Dean
Counsel Assistant Director of Student Edward V. Geist, Ph.D.
Sunni M. E. Hudy Advising and Communications
Lauren Humphrey College of Chiropractic
Division of Academic Affairs Media Services Coordinator
Michael Ciolfi, D.C.
Lynn Dorsey
Office of the Provost Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Title III Grant Paul R. Sherman, D.C.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Director Associate Dean of Clinical Education
Stephen Healey, Ph.D. Brian Keiser Anthony Onorato, D.C.
Director of Academic Administrative Director of General Education
Support Seminars & Cohort School of Professional Studies
Valerie Powell Baldwin, B.E.S Elizabeth Haas Dean
Executive Assistant to the Provost Michael J. Giampaoli, M.B.A.
Writing Coordinator
Janet B. Carroll
Leslie Hazen Associate Dean and Director of Academic
Debra Dubuque, B.A. Advising
Deputy Provost Tutoring and Learning Center Yvrose Romulus, B.S.
Aaron Perkus, Ph.D. Director Director of Professional Studies Program
Assistant Provost for Student Success Roxie Ray, M.Ed. Michael T. Patterson, Ed.D.
Jeffrey Johnson, D.M.A. Director of Stamford Center
Senior Vice President for Graduate Studies Student Support Services
Maureen Maloney, M.S.
and Research Director
Chrystie Cruz Director of Waterbury Center
Tarek Sobh, Ph.D.
Karen Ringwood, M.A.
Vice President for Health Sciences Assistant Director
David M. Brady, N.D.,D.C.,C.C.N.,D.A.C.B.N. Moises Jimenez School of Education
Health Sciences Coordinator Dean
Janice Faye Allen Cook, Ph.D.
School of Engineering
Tarek M. Sobh, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Dean
Khaled Elleithy, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Business Development
and Outreach
Gad Selig, D.P.S.
Associate Dean of International Initiatives
and Director of Systems Operations
Abdelshakour Abuzneid, Ph.D.
School Administrative Manager
Susan J. Kristie, B.S.
Ernest C. Trefz School of Business Shintaro Akatsu School of Design Office of Sponsored Research and
Dean Dean Programs
Lloyd Gibson, D.Sc. Max S. Shangle Senior Vice President for Graduate Studies
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research
Arthur McAdams, Ph.D.
Wahlstrom Library Tarek M. Sobh, Ph.D.
University Librarian Director, Sponsored Research and
Assistant Dean
Deborah Dulepski, M.S.L.S. Programs
mothy Raynor, Ph.D.
Christine D. Hempowicz, Ed.D.
Office of the Registrar Grants Research Coordinator
Fones School of Dental Hygiene
Registrar Julie Demers
MaryAnn D’Entremont
Marcia Lorentzen, Ed.D.
Director of Clinical Education Office of Admissions Office of Internationalization
Laura J. Greco, M.S.Ed. Vice President for Enrollment Management Vice President for Internationalization
Nutrition Institute Karissa Peckham, J.D. Thomas J. Ward, D.Ed.
Dean of Admissions Executive Assistant to the Dean and Vice
Leanne Proctor, B.S. President
David M. Brady, N.D.,D.C.,C.C.N.,D.A.C.B.N. Guljana Torikai, M.A.
Assistant Director Director of Domestic Undergraduate
Admissions English Language Institute
Karen Siclare, M.S.
Jessica Crowley, B.A.
College of Naturopathic Medicine Director of Graduate Admissions Meg Cooney, M.Ed.
Dean Melanie Rogers
Office of Overseas Study
Marcia Prenguber, N.D. Director of International Admissions Brandon LaFavor, M.A.
Steven Boyd, M.B.A.
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Stephanie Draus, N.D.
Associate Dean of Clinical Education
Office of Student Affairs Division of University Relations
Dean of Students
Jose Mahfoud, N.D. Vice President for University Relations
Edina Oestreicher, M.S.
Robert P. Cottle, M.S.
Physician Assistant Institute Administrative Assistant to the Dean of
Students Database Services Prospect Research
Director Administrator
Denise Spada-Bargo, B.S.
Theresa Horvath, PA-C, MPH, DFAAPA Kelly Campion-Socol, M.S.
Assistant Dean of Students
Medical Director Executive Director of Alumni and Family
Craig Lennon, M.S.
Tiffany Sanders, M.D. Engagement
Director of Student Health Services Aimee Marcella, M.S.
Academic Director
Melissa Lopez, R.N., B.S.N., M.P.H.
Aisha K. Khan, PA-C Assistant Director of Alumni and Family
Director of Counseling Services & Engagement
Director of Clinical Medicine and Disability Services
Associate Administrative Director Lindsey Christiani
Gwaina D. Wauldon, M.S., J.D.
Carolyn McCann, RPh, M.S. Director of Annual Giving
Director, Residential Life and Student Arielle Percell
Director of Clinical Education Conduct
Isabel Brodersen, PA-C, CHA, M.S. Robert Vass, M.P.S. Assistant Director of Development
Associate Director for Clinical Education Joshua Parrows, M.S.
Director of International Student Affairs
and Director of Research
Medeya Tsnobiladze, N.D.
Yumin Wang, M.B.A. Communications and Public Affairs
Director of Campus Activities and Civic Executive Director of Communications
Assistant Director of Academic Affairs Engagement and Public Affairs
Lauren Weindling, PA-C, MPAS Kelli Meyer Larry Orman, M.B.A.
College of Public and International Director of Career Services Director of Public Information and Media
Keith J. Hassell, M.S. Affairs
Leslie Geary, B.A.
Web Contents Manager
Thomas J. Ward, D.Ed.
Lisa Calderone, M.F.A., B.A.
Executive Assistant to the Dean and Vice
Guljana Torikai, M.A.
Information Technology
Chief Information Officer
Matanya Elchanani, M.S.
Alumni Association
The Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Acts
And Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Student Right-to-Know and Notification of Rights Under FERPA • A person elected to the Board of
Campus Security Acts The FamilyEducational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights • A person or entity employed by or
The University is in compliance with the with respect to their education records. under contract to the University to
Student Right-to-Know Act of 1990 and Among these rights are: perform a special task, such as securi-
Campus Awareness and Campus Security ty, building and grounds, information
Acts of 1990. Reports, disclosures and other 1. Among these rights are to inspect and technology, food service, an attorney,
data are available in the University’s Student review the educational records within 45 auditor, collection agency or other
Handbook, the Key to U.B., the Campus days of the day the University receives outside vendor.
Public Safety Office and/or other official the request for access. Students should
submit to the Registrar a written request • A student serving on an official com-
University publications. mittee, such as a disciplinary or griev-
that identifies the record(s) they wish
The University of Bridgeport Campus Public to inspect. The University Registrar will ance committee, or who is assisting
Safety Office keeps statistics concerning the make arrangements for access and notify another school official in performing
occurrence on campus of certain criminal the student of the time and place where his or her tasks.
offenses, which were reported to them or records may be inspected. If the Registrar A school official has a legitimate education-
to the local police. These statistics are pub- does not maintain the records requested al interest if the official is:
lished and distributed annually to the entire the Registrar will advise the student of • Performing a task that is specified
University of Bridgeport campus commu- the correct official to whom the request in his or her position description or
nity, and to other interested parties. should be addressed. contract agreement, or is customarily
For further information, contact the Director 2. The right to request the amendment of performed by such person at the uni-
of Campus Security, Dean of Students, or their educational record that he/she be- versity.
the University Attorney. lieves is in accurate or misleading. Stu- • Performing a task related to a stu-
dents should ask the University to amend dent’s education.
the record that they believe is inaccurate • Performing a task related to the disci-
FERPA or misleading. They should write the pline of a student.
The University of Bridgeport has designated Registrar, clearly identify the part of the • Providing a service or benefit relat-
the following types of information as direc- record they want changed, and specify ing to the student or student’s family,
tory information which may be disclosed why it is inaccurate or misleading. If such as health care, counseling, job
without consent: Student’s full name and the University decides not to amend the placement or financial aid.
alias, if applicable; address; University as- record as requested by the student, the • Maintaining the safety and security of
signed email address; telephone listings; University will notify the student of the the campus.
major field of study; degrees and awards decision and advise the student of his/
Upon request, the University discloses edu-
received; dates of attendance; classification; her right to a hearing regarding the re-
cation records without consent to officials of
participation in officially recognized sports quest for amendment. Additional infor-
another school in which a student seeks or
or activities; weight and height of members mation regarding the hearing procedures
intends to enroll.
of athletic teams; photographs; and enroll- will be provided to the student when no-
tified of the right to a hearing. The Dean of Students or designee has the au-
ment status (undergraduate or graduate, thority to notify parents or guardians when
full-time or part-time). 3. The right to consent to disclosures of dependent students under the age of 21 are
Parents or eligible students have the right personally identifiable information con- found to be in violation of the University alco-
to refuse to permit the University of Bridge- tained in the student’s education re- hol and/or drug policies for: 1) possession of
port to designate any or all of those types cords, except to the extent that FERPA a keg or large volume, 2) dispensing alcohol
of information as directory information authorizes disclosure without consent. to a minor, 3) possession or distribution of
with respect to a particular student, thereby One exception, which permits disclosure controlled substances, 4) under age posses-
preventing its disclosure as directory infor- without consent, is disclosure to school sion or open container in a public space for
mation. Forms indicating the intent of the officials with legitimate educational in- a second time; or in cases where a student is
parents or eligible students to request infor- terests. A school official is: subject to residence hall separation, suspen-
mation be withheld can be obtained in the sion, expulsion or required emergency medi-
• A person employed by the University in
Office of the Registrar, and must be submit- cal care because the student became ill from
an administrative, supervisory, academ-
the consumption of alcohol and/or drugs. The
ted within the first five class days to be ef- ic or research, or support staff position, notification is permissive and at the discretion
fective to avoid disclosure. including health or medical staff. of the university. The notification of parents
or guardians is indicated when: 1) the viola-
The Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Acts
And Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
tion involved harm or threat of harm to per- disclosed to outside organizations. Outside • Height and weight of members of ath-
sons or property, or 2) the violation involved organizations include, but are not limited to letic teams
an arrest in which the student was taken into companies that manufacture class rings or • Place and nature of employment
custody. publish yearbooks. • Post-graduation plans
Nothing in these guidelines shall prevent If you do not wish the University to disclose • Positions or achievements
university officials from notifying parents or directory information without prior written • Hobbies, interests, and community ac-
guardians of a health or safety emergency, or consent you must notify the University by the tivities
when a student, under the age of 21 is found 10th day of class in a semester. The student
• Publications or papers presented
to have violated university policy with respect must contact the Registrar’s Office, located
to the use and/or consumption of alcohol or on the Garden Level of Wahlstrom Library • Title of honors or graduate thesis
drugs. Whenever possible, students will be and fill out the appropriate paperwork. If a • For students seeking employment on
informed that parental notification is planned student makes such a request, the University job interviews, such additional informa-
in advance of their parents receiving the no- has the option or either (1) withholding all tion as has been furnished or cleared
tice. The notification of parents is simply an information of the types specified and omit- by the student with the understanding
act of notice and is not subject to appeal. ting the student’s name from any published that it will be used in connection with
The Dean of Students or designee may dis- list involving such information or (2) seeking applications or employment inquiries
close the name and a summary of the infor- the student’s written permission to release the Religious affiliation, if volunteered by
mation regarding the final outcome of a hear- information. the students, will be revealed to the
ing if the student is found to have committed The University of Bridgeport has designated campus ministry, local churches, syna-
an act of violence. the following information as directory infor- gogues, and mosques.
Students may file a complaint with the U.S. mation:
Department of Education concerning alleged • Student’s name Disclosure Information and Complaint
failures by the University to comply with the • Address Procedure
requirements of FERPA. The name and ad- • University electronic mail address U.S. Department of Education Consumer
dress of the office that administers FERPA is: Disclosure Requirements can be accessed
• Telephone listing
Family Policy Compliance Office at http://www.bridgeport.edu/finaid/finan-
• Date and place of birth
US Department of Education • Hometown partment-education-consumer-disclosure-
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. • Citizenship requirements/.
Washington, DC 20202-4605 • Family relations
As an academic community, the University
• Marital status
of Bridgeport seeks to practice constructive
• Previous schools or training
FERPA: Notice for Directory Information criticism. The University invites its students
• Academic year to bring issues of concern to the Dean of
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy
• Dates of attendance and/or graduation Students and/or the University’s academic
Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the
University of Bridgeport with certain excep- • Major field of study or academic spe- officers. Students also may bring unresolved
tions, obtain your written request prior to cialty complaints to the State of Connecticut, Of-
the disclosure closure of personally identi- • Instructors and courses fice of Higher Education. The contact for
fiable information from a student’s educa- • Participation in sports and other offi- that office is as follows:
tional records. However, the University may cially recognized activities (including Connecticut Office of Higher Education
disclose appropriately designated “directory position, role, or function)
information” without written consent. Ex- • Membership in officially recognized Patricia Santoro
amples include: honorary, professional, academic, or Director of Academic Affairs
• The annual yearbook; social organizations Office of Financial and Academic Affairs for
• News releases • Academic honors or achievements Higher Education
• Special awards or recognitions re- 860-947-1822
• Honor roll or other recognition lists;
ceived, scholarships, fellowships, assis- PSantoro@ctdhe.org
• Graduation programs; and
tantships Further Information
• Sports activities sheets, such as weight
• Offices or honorary positions to which Further information can be found at: www.
and height of team members
elected or appointed sheeo.org.
Directory information which is information
• Eligibility for and performance records
that is generally not considered harmful or an
in athletics or other recognized forms
invasion of privacy if released, can also be
of competition
Map to the University of Bridgeport
Directions to the University of Bridgeport
Campus Map
Building List Dormitories duPont Tower Room (9th floor).... 11 University Administration
11 Arnold Bernhard Arts & 8 Barnum Hall Financial Aid (Ground floor)........ 1 President’s Office........................... 1
Humanities Center 24 Bodine Hall Fones School of Dental Hygiene.... 28 Academic Affairs............................ 1
4 Bookstore 17 Chaffee Hall International Student Affairs......... 1 Alumni/University Relations....... 19
2 Carlson Building 16 Cooper Hall (Ground floor) Business & Finance (7th floor)..... 1
23 Carstensen Hall 27 Health Sciences Building Information..................................... 4 Student Services............................. 4
29 College of Chiropractic 14 Schine Hall Interfaith Services........................ 23
19 Cortright Hall 9 Seeley Hall Handicapped Services................... 4 Deans and Directors
33 Charles A. Dana Hall of Science Health Services............................. 27 Arts and Sciences......................... 33
28 Eleanor Naylor Dana Building Function Hillel.............................................. 23 Acupuncture Institute.................. 28
30 Harvey Hubbell Gymnasium Academic Resource Center........... 1 Library............................................. 1 Ernest C. Trefz School of Business..... 3
27 Health Sciences Building (5th floor) Mail and Print Center.................... 6 Shintaro Akatsu School of Design... 11
34 Knights Field Acupuncture Institute.................. 27 Minority Students Services............ 4 Chiropractic.................................. 29
3 Mandeville Hall Admissions (6th floor)................... 1 Nutrition Institute......................... 28 Education/Human Resources.......... 2
7 Marina Dining Hall Alumni.......................................... 19 Personnel (7th floor)..................... 1 Engineering ................................... 5
31 Norseman Hall Art Gallery.................................... 11 Public Relations........................... 19 Fones School of Dental Hygiene....28
25 North Hall Athletic Office.............................. 30 Public Safety................................. 31 General Studies............................ 33
15 Wheeler Recreation Center Bookstore (Basement)................... 4 Recital Hall (Littlefield)................ 11 Health Sciences............................ 27
26 South Hall Bursar (Ground floor)................... 1 Registrar (Ground floor)............... 1 Health Technology...................... 28
2 John J. Cox Student Center Career Services (6th floor)............ 1 Residence Halls Office ................. 9 Naturopathic Medicine................ 27
5 Technology Center Cafeteria (Basement)..................... 4 (Back Entrance)
Nutrition Institute......................... 28
1 Wahlstrom Library Catholic Services.......................... 23 Security......................................... 31
Physician Assistant Institute........ 28
Counseling Services..................... 23 Soccer Field.................................. 34
Parking Public and International Affairs..... 2
Dining............................................. 7 Student Services & Activities......... 4 Rev. 140520
Parking facilities are available at Theater (Mertens)........................ 11
no charge to UB students and Dental Health Clinic.................... 27
community. University Relations.................... 19
M________________________ R________________________
Mailing Addresses, p. iv Readmission, p. 27
Management and Industrial Relations, B.S., Refunds, p. 11
pp. 160-161 Religious Life, pp. 23-24
Map to the University of Bridgeport, p. 393 Residential Life, pp. 25-26
Marketing, B.S., p. 162
Martial Arts Institute, p. 40 S_________________________
Martial Arts Studies, B.A., pp. 163-164 Scholarships, pp. 17-21
Mass Communication, B.A., pp. 165-166 Social Sciences, B.A., pp. 179-180
Master of Business Administration, Stamford Center, p. 104
pp. 185-186 Student Affairs, pp. 22-26
Mathematics, B.A., p. 167 Student Conduct, pp. 24, 26
Mathematics, B.S., p. 168 Student Right-To-Know Act, pp. 381-382
Mechanical Engineering, M.S., pp. 212 Study Abroad, p. 4
Medical Laboratory Science, B.S., pp. 169-
170 T________________________
Mission Statement, p. 2
Table of Contents, pp. v-vi
Music Arts, B.M., pp. 171-173
Technology Management, M.S., pp. 213
Technology Management, Ph.D.,
N________________________ pp. 216-220
Naturopathic Medicine Academic Policies, Traditional Chinese Medicine, M.S., p. 60
pp. 83-84 Transcripts, p. 28
Naturopathic Medicine Admissions, Trefz Center, p. 106
pp. 84 Tuition and Fees, pp. 11-14
Naturopathic Medicine Curriculum, Tutoring, p. 41
pp. 81-82
Naturopathic Medicine, College of, pp. 80-87
Naturopathic/Acupuncture Joint Degree, U________________________
pp. 86-87 Undergraduate Admissions, pp. 6-10
Nutrition Institute, pp. 92-95 Undergraduate Courses of Instruction,
pp. 222-286
O________________________ University History, pp. 2-3
Off-Campus Study, p. 31
On Line Payments, p. 13 V________________________
Organizations and Clubs, pp. 22-23 Venture Management and Entrepreneurial
Overseas Studies, p. 39 Studies (Ernest C. Trefz Center), p. 106
P________________________ W________________________
Physician Assistant Institute, pp. 96-103 Waterbury Center, pp. 104
Pre-Chiropractic Programs, pp. 108-109 Withdrawing from University, p. 27
Pre-Health Professional Studies, p. 107 Religion and Politics, B.A., pp. 177-178
Pre-Law Studies, p. 107
Pre-Naturopathic Medicine Programs, p. 110
Pre-Professional Programs, pp. 107-110
Copyright © 2016 University of Bridgeport
University of Bridgeport Catalog 2016-2018
University of Bridgeport
126 Park Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Release notes:
Initial Release