Cs 2019
Cs 2019
Cs 2019
1. a) What is Cyber Crime? List the types of cybercriminals. [2M]
b) Address the types of services provided by cloud computing. [2M]
c) What is cryptographically generated addresses(CGA)? [2M]
d) Write about Steganography with applications. [3M]
e) What are the weak areas of the ITA 2000? [3M]
f) What is a Rootkit? [2M]
2. a) Explain the following terms related to cyber crimes: [7M]
i) Spamming
ii) Salami technique
iii) Hacking
iv) Password sniffing
b) Discuss the global perspective on cybercrimes. [7M]
3. a) What is Cyber Stalking? Explain various types of Stalkers with a case study. [7M]
b) Define Social Engineering? Describe the classification of Social Engineering [7M]
with examples.
4. a) Explain the trends in mobile credit card frauds in wireless computing. [7M]
b) Explain about Vishing and Smishing in detail. [7M]
5. a) Differentiate between computer Virus and Worms with two examples each. [6M]
b) Explain about Trojan Horses and Backdoors in detail with examples. [8M]
Code No: R163205C R16 SET - 2
1. a) A friend sends an electronic Hallmark greeting card (e-card) to your work [2M]
email. You need to click on the attachment to see the card. What should you
do? List major risks associated with this scenario?
b) Define the different categories of cybercrimes? [2M]
c) Define Mobile viruses and Mishing. [2M]
d) How to prevent SQL Injection Attacks? [3M]
e) Define the public key certificate. [3M]
f) What is the need for Computer Forensics? [2M]
2. a) Explain the following terms related to cyber crimes: [10M]
i) Cyber defamation
ii) Data Diddling
iii) Software Piracy
iv) Identity Theft
v) E-mail Bombing/ Mail Bombs
b) Discuss the legal perspectives of cyber crime. [4M]
3. a) Discuss in detail about the Botnets. [7M]
b) Write a short note on Attack Vector. How it alters the system state? [7M]
4. a) What are the organizational measures for handling mobile devices? [6M]
b) Discuss cryptographic security for mobile devices. [8M]
5. a) What are the DDoS Attacks and explain how to protect from DDoS attacks. [7M]
b) Explain about traditional techniques of attacks on Wireless Networks. [7M]
6. a) What are the positive aspects of the ITA 2000? Explain. [7M]
b) Discuss the impact of Digital signatures in ITA 2000. [7M]
7. a) What is the Chain of Custody concept? How it is related to forensics? [7M]
b) Write a short note on Network Forensics. [7M]
Code No: R163205C R16 SET - 3
1. a) Who are the Cyber criminals and classify them? [2M]
b) What are the advantages of Cloud Computing? [2M]
c) Define the terms Mobile phone theft, Mishing and Hacking Bluetooth. [2M]
d) Explain the mechanism of how phishing works? [3M]
e) List the positive aspects of the ITA 2000. [3M]
f) What is a Rootkit? [2M]
2. a) Explain the following terms related to cyber crimes: [10M]
i) Internet Time Theft
ii) Newsgroup Spam
iii) Industrial Spying
iv) Credit card Frauds
v) E-mail Bombing/ Mail Bombs
b) Discuss about the Legal and Indian perspectives of cyber crimes. [4M]
3. a) What is Cyber stalking? How it works? Explain with real life example. [7M]
b) What are the tips for safety and security while using the computer in a [7M]
4. a) What are the physical security countermeasures for laptops? [7M]
b) What are the different types and techniques of Credit Card Frauds? [7M]
5. a) Discuss about the SQL Injection in detail. [7M]
b) What is buffer overflow? Discuss how to minimize Buffer Overflow? [7M]
6. a) Discuss in detail about the Policy standards in information security. [7M]
b) Explain the impact of oversights in ITA 2000 regarding digital signatures. [7M]
7. a) Explain the challenges in Computer forensics. [8M]
b) Write a short note on Antiforensics. [6M]
Code No: R163205C R16 SET - 4
1. a) You receive the following email from the Help Desk: [2M]
Dear XYZ Email User, Beginning next week, we will be deleting all inactive
email accounts in order to create space for more users. You are required to
send the following information in order to continue using your email account.
If we do not receive this information from you by the end of the week, your
email account will be closed. *Name (first and last): *Email Login: *Password:
*Alternate email: Please contact the Webmail Team with any questions. Thank
you for your immediate attention. What should you do? What type of
cybercrime is it?
b) Differentiate the passive attacks and active attacks. [2M]
c) List the security challenges posed by Mobile devices. [2M]
d) What are the different types of identity thefts? [3M]
e) List the Weak areas of the ITA 2000. [3M]
f) Define foot printing. [2M]
2. a) Explain about global perspective on cybercrimes. [6M]
b) Explain about any 8 types of cyber crimes. [8M]
3. a) Explain different types of Attacks. How they affect the system. [6M]
b) Discuss in detail about the Botnets. [8M]
4. a) Why authentication services security is important? Explain about RAS security [7M]
for mobile devices.
b) Discuss the attacks on mobile phones in detail. [7M]
5. a) Explain the attacks on wireless networks. [7M]
b) Discuss in detail about identity theft (ID theft). [7M]
6. a) Explain about public key certificate and implications for certifying authorities. [8M]
b) Explain the legal challenges in computer forensics. [6M]
7. a) Explain the network hacking steps in OSI 7 layer model. [7M]
b) Discuss the phases in Computer forensics/Digital forensics in detail. [7M]