This document is an exam for a Software Engineering course consisting of two parts: Part A with short answer questions and Part B with longer answer questions. Part A covers definitions of software and engineering, non-functional requirements, design methodologies, black box testing, lines of code for estimation, and types of re-engineering activities. Part B questions address challenges in software engineering, development process models, requirements analysis techniques, object-oriented design principles, documentation, verification, planning, metrics, maintenance cost estimation, and capability maturity models.
This document is an exam for a Software Engineering course consisting of two parts: Part A with short answer questions and Part B with longer answer questions. Part A covers definitions of software and engineering, non-functional requirements, design methodologies, black box testing, lines of code for estimation, and types of re-engineering activities. Part B questions address challenges in software engineering, development process models, requirements analysis techniques, object-oriented design principles, documentation, verification, planning, metrics, maintenance cost estimation, and capability maturity models.
This document is an exam for a Software Engineering course consisting of two parts: Part A with short answer questions and Part B with longer answer questions. Part A covers definitions of software and engineering, non-functional requirements, design methodologies, black box testing, lines of code for estimation, and types of re-engineering activities. Part B questions address challenges in software engineering, development process models, requirements analysis techniques, object-oriented design principles, documentation, verification, planning, metrics, maintenance cost estimation, and capability maturity models.
This document is an exam for a Software Engineering course consisting of two parts: Part A with short answer questions and Part B with longer answer questions. Part A covers definitions of software and engineering, non-functional requirements, design methodologies, black box testing, lines of code for estimation, and types of re-engineering activities. Part B questions address challenges in software engineering, development process models, requirements analysis techniques, object-oriented design principles, documentation, verification, planning, metrics, maintenance cost estimation, and capability maturity models.
III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, October/November - 2020
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (Computer Science and Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B *****
PART-A (22 Marks)
1. a) What is meant by Software and Software Engineering? [4M] b) What are the non-functional requirements of software? [3M] c) Explain the design methodologies. [4M] d) Explain black box testing. [3M] e) What is the role of lines of code in project size estimation? [4M] f) What are the types of re-engineering activities? [4M]
PART-B (48 Marks)
2. a) Explain the challenges faced in software engineering. [8M] b) What is the use of software development process models? Explain. [8M] 3. a) Differentiate data-oriented requirements analysis and object-oriented [8M] requirement analysis. b) Perform prototype analysis on “railway reservation” software. [8M] 4. a) Explain the importance of data abstraction and encapsulation in object-oriented [8M] design. b) How we can identify the object's classes? Explain. [8M] 5. a) Explain coding documentation. [8M] b) Explain code verification. [8M] 6. a) Discuss the project planning activities. [8M] b) What are the software metrics and measurements? Explain. [8M] 7. a) How do you estimate the maintenance cost of the software? Explain with [8M] process models. b) Write a short note on the capability maturity model. [8M]