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Table of Contents
Faculty ......................................................................................................................................................... xi
CME Activity Description
An Overview of Perioperative Medicine 2013 has been a successful collaboration of Mayo Clinic and
Jefferson Medical College. This merger of two of the nation’s most comprehensive perioperative courses
features a collaborative faculty of multi-specialty experts in perioperative medicine from both Mayo
Clinic and Jefferson Medical College.
This course is intended to update general internists, internist-sub specialists, family medicine specialists,
and other health care providers on perioperative assessment and management. This course will focus on
the practical, clinical side of preoperative assessment and postoperative management.
Attendance at this Mayo Clinic activity does not indicate nor guarantee competence or proficiency in the
performance of any procedures which may be discussed or taught in this activity.
College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical
Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, designates this live activity for a maximum of 22.25 AMA PRA
Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their
participation in the activity.
This Live activity, Mayo Clinic's An Overview of Perioperative Medicine, with a beginning date of
10/09/2013, has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 22.25 Prescribed credit(s) by the American
Academy of Family Physicians. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of
their participation in the activity.
A Record of Attendance is provided to you during on-site registration. The Record of Attendance allows
attendees to calculate their own credits of participation in the educational activity.
The total number of credits participants can earn per day is noted on the Record of Attendance. Below
each day is a line to record the actual number of credits during which you participated in the educational
activity. It is recommended that you record your actual credits daily as you proceed through the CME
Upon conclusion of the CME activity, please total the number of credits you have recorded on the top half
of the form, sign it, and return it with your evaluation to the registration desk.
The bottom half of the form represents your Record of Attendance, which you must retain for your
records. Please make sure the number of credits claimed in both sections coincide. No other
documentation is provided to you after this CME activity. The Record of Attendance has replaced the
The Record of Attendance can be used for requesting credits in accordance with state licensing boards,
specialty societies, or other professional associations.
The overall CME activity evaluation will be emailed following the activity to the email address that was
provided when you registered. The CME activity evaluation is brief and will only take a few minutes to
Faculty evaluation forms were offered to a sampling of the registrants. Completed faculty evaluation
forms should be returned to the registration desk at the conclusion of the CME activity. If you wish to
participate in evaluating the faculty, please stop at the registration desk to inquire if extra evaluation
forms are available.
Your feedback is very important to us and will be used for planning future programs, as well as
identifying faculty strengths and opportunity for growth.
Syllabus and Internet Access
An electronic syllabus will be provided to all attendees. Participants are invited to bring their laptops to
the meeting room(s). Due to copyright issues or revisions, some slides may be shown during a
presentation, but not provided within the syllabus.
No recording devices, audio or visual, may be used during College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic CPD
activities. Duplication, distribution, or excerpting of this program, without the express written permission
of Mayo Clinic, is strictly prohibited.
All of the proceedings of this program, including the presentation of scientific papers, are intended for
limited publication only, and all property rights in the material presented, including common-law
copyright, are expressly reserved by the Faculty and/or Mayo Clinic. No statement of presentation made
is to be regarded as dedicated to the public domain. Any sound reproduction, transcript or other use of the
material presented at this CME activity without the permission of Mayo Clinic is prohibited to the full
extent of common-law copyright in such material.
Electronic Devices
Please turn all electronic devices (cellular telephones, pagers, etc.) to silent mode. As a courtesy to the
presenters and other participants, phone calls should be taken outside of the general session.
Course Directors
Karen F. Mauck, M.D., M.Sc. Margaret Beliveau, M.D.
Chair, Faculty Development Education Coordinator, Medical Consult Service
Assistant Professor of Medicine Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine, Section Division of General Internal Medicine, Section
of Medical Education of Medical Education
College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic
James A. Fink, M.D. Stuart L. Gordon, M.D.
Associate Professor Division Chief: Hip and Knee Reconstruction
Bond University School of Medicine Service
Cooper University Hospital
Cooper Bone and Joint Institute
Mayo Clinic
John B. Bundrick, M.D. Richard A. Oeckler, M.D., Ph.D.
Program Schedule
An Overview of Perioperative Medicine 2013:
From Outpatient Preoperative Assessment to Inpatient Postoperative Care
10:45 a.m. Perioperative Medication Management:
Prescription & Non-Prescription Medication .............................................................. 77
Moderator: Karen F. Mauck, M.D.
Panel: Geno J. Merli, M.D., Howard H. Weitz, M.D., Margaret Beliveau, M.D.,
and David R. Danielson, M.D.
What issues need to be considered with perioperative medication management?
What are the drugs that need to be held for surgery?
What drugs need to be given before surgery?
If certain medications are held preoperatively, how should they be restarted
What should I recommend to my patients regarding dietary supplements
3:30 p.m. Clinical Short: Urinalysis Prior to Joint Replacement .............................................. 117
Stuart L. Gordon, M.D.
Do we need to perform preoperative urinalysis on patients scheduled to undergo joint
replacement surgery? What is the evidence?
When is pulmonary testing recommended preoperatively?
What measures can be employed to help minimize postoperative pulmonary
complications in at-risk patients?
What are the basic tests to consider when evaluating a patient for lung resection
Which patients should be referred to a pulmonary specialist for preoperative
9:45 a.m. Refreshment Break
Can you recommend an approach to anticoagulation dosing and the timing of
How and when should anticoagulation be restarted after surgery?
2:30 p.m. Perioperative Management of the New Oral Anticoagulants ................................... 199
Geno J. Merli, M.D.
How long should I hold dabigatran, rivaroxaban or apixaban before surgery?
When should the newer oral anticoagulants be restarted postoperatively?
How do I manage prolonged DVT prophylaxis in patients who are also taking
dabigatran, rivaroxaban or apixaban?
How should we reverse these agents if major bleeding occurs?
3:00 p.m. Perioperative Management of the Patient with Liver Disease .................................. 211
William Sanchez, M.D.
How do I approach preoperative risk assessment in a patient with liver disease?
Which patients with liver disease may not be good candidates for elective surgery
due to significant increase perioperative morbidity and mortality?
What is the appropriate timing for transplant referral prior to surgery?
What are the common postoperative management challenges for patients with
advanced liver disease?
4:00 p.m. Clinical Short: Preoperative Evaluation in Cancer Patients .................................... 231
Molly A. Feely, M.D.
What chemotherapies are cardiotoxic?
What additional preoperative testing should be considered in the cancer patient?
7:00 a.m. Meet the Professor Case Discussions: Informal Q & A with selected course faculty
at breakfast
7:55 a.m. Announcements
8:30 a.m. Managing the Diabetic Patient in the Perioperative Period...................................... 243
James A. Fink, M.D.
Should I be screening for diabetes preoperatively in patients who are at risk?
When would I recommend postponing an elective surgical procedure because of poor
diabetic control?
How should I manage patients on insulin therapy in the perioperative period?
How should I manage patients on oral hypoglycemics in the perioperative period?
How should I manage patients on insulin pumps in the perioperative period?
What is the optimal glycemic control in the postop setting?
9:15 a.m. Perioperative Management of the Patient with Kidney Disease ............................... 253
Amy W. Williams, M.D.
What perioperative issues do I need to consider for a patient with advanced kidney
How do I prevent acute kidney injury in the perioperative period?
Who is at risk for contrast nephropathy and how can it be prevented?
10:00 a.m. Postoperative Delirium: Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Management ....................... 265
Margaret Beliveau, M.D.
What are the risk factors of postoperative delirium?
How do I diagnose postoperative delirium?
What is the difference between hyperactive and hypoactive delirium?
Are their preventive measures that have been shown to decrease the risk of
postoperative delirium?
What diagnostic workup is recommended for patients with suspected postoperative
How is delirium managed in the postoperative setting?
7:00 a.m. Meet the Professor Case Discussions: Informal Q & A with selected course faculty
at breakfast
8:00 a.m. Common Hematology Issues in the Perioperative Period ......................................... 299
Rajiv K. Pruthi, MBBS
Which patients should have hemostasis assessment preoperatively?
Which transfusion strategy is best in the perioperative period—conservative or
What should trigger transfusion in the postop period?
When is FFP indicated preoperatively?
How do I diagnose and treat heparin induced thrombocytopenia in the perioperative
How do I manage patients with Von Willebrands disease perioperatively?
How do I manage patients with sickle cell disease perioperatively?
9:30 a.m. Pain Management in the Perioperative Period .......................................................... 323
Susan M. Moeschler, M.D.
What are the commonly used opioids in the postoperative setting and what issues
should I consider when prescribing these?
What are the common PCA doses for postoperative pain control?
How do I manage chronic pain patients who have uncontrolled postoperative pain?
When should I consider adjunctive analgesic therapies to help with pain control?
How should patients on multiple sedating medications postoperatively be monitored?
For patients with epidural or spinal anesthesia, how should anticoagulant DVT
prophylaxis be managed?
An Overview of
Perioperative Medicine 2013:
Roles and Responsibilities of the
• Nothing to disclose
Ethical Principles- Surgical Co- What is NOT a “Useful” Preoperative
management Consultation?
• The treating physicians are responsible for ensuring
• “Clearing” the patient for surgery
that the patient has consented not only to take part in • The decision to proceed with surgery is
the surgical co-management arrangement but also to based on the information included in the
the services that will be provided within the consultation
• Physicians should ensure that their surgical co- • Indicating the type of anesthesia to be used
management arrangements do not violate the ethical or • Recommending intraoperative monitoring
legal restrictions on self-referral.
• Referrals to another caregiver should be based only on • Qualitative advice (“Avoid hypotension and
that caregiver’s skill and ability to meet the patient’s tachycardia”)
needs and not on expected further referrals or other
self-serving bases
• Don’t tell the surgical and anesthesia teams
what they already know!
• Preoperative tests that will help optimize the • Pertinent anticoagulation recommendations
patient’s medical condition • Patient will require bridging anticoagulation because
• Known history of chronic kidney disease, check of recent DVT
electrolytes and creatinine • Details on coronary stents- when, where, type
• What can we do to prevent complications?
• SBE prophylaxis should be given, because of
prosthetic mitral valve
ACC/AHA Guidelines ACC/AHA Guidelines
• A critical role of the consultant is to determine • (the consultant should) provide a clinical risk
the stability of the patient’s cardiovascular profile that can be used in making treatment
status and whether the patient is in optimal decisions…
medical condition, within the context of the
surgical illness. The consultant may
recommend changes in medication, suggest
preoperative tests or procedures, or propose
higher levels of postoperative care.
Provide Contingency Plans and Discuss IX
Their Execution Talk is Cheap, Effective…and Essential
• Patients are dynamic. Recommendations for • There is no substitute for direct personal
this morning may not be applicable this contact with the referring team.
• Recommendations are more likely to be
• Provide “if, then” statements. followed if they are verbally communicated.
• E.g. If the systolic BP is >150 after maximum beta blockade
(HR 55-65), then consider adding clonidine 0.1mg po Q 12 hrs. • Don’t document that the surgery should be
postponed or cancelled unless you have
• Be available if your help is needed. spoken with the surgeon first.
What would you do? What would you do?
• You have been consulted for co-management • The surgeon insists that the antiplatelet agents
of a patient on the orthopedic service. The be stopped before the surgery. You discuss the
patient is a 75 year old man , who has suffered situation with the surgeon, and explain the risk
a right hip fracture after a fall. The patient has a of perioperative stent thrombosis if the
history of CAD. 2 months ago, he had an antiplatelet agents are discontinued. You
episode of severe chest pain with dyspnea, and provide the surgeon with a paper outlining the
was found to have a non-STEMI. He underwent high mortality associated with stent thrombosis.
cardiac catheterization, with drug eluting stents (Teach with tact)
placed in his LAD and obtuse marginal. He is
currently taking aspirin and clopidogrel. • The surgeon thanks you for your input and
discontinues the antiplatelet agents.
AMA Ethical Principles- Role of the
Consultant Remember…
• Discussions during the consultation should be • The decision to proceed with a surgical
with the referring physician and only with the procedure is ultimately between the patient, the
patient by prior consent of the referring surgeon and the anesthesiologist. The role of
physician. the consultant is to outline the risks and assist
with minimizing the risk.
• Conflicts of opinion should be resolved by a
second consultation or withdrawal of the
consultant. However, the consultant has the
right to give his or her opinion to the patient in
the presence of the referring physician.
References References
• Ten Commandments for Effective • Principles of Effective Consultation: An Update
Consultations. Goldman L, et al. Arch Intern for the 21st Century Clinician. Salerno S. Arch
Med. 1983; 143: 1753-5 Int Med. 167: 271-275.
• Principles of Effective Consultation: An Update • Giving anesthesiologists what they want: How
for the 21st-Century Consultant. Salerno SM, et to write a useful preoperative consult.
al. Arch Intern Med. 2007; 167:271-5 Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 76: S32-
• Role of the Medical Consultant. Merli GJ and
Weitz HH. Clin in Chest Med. 1993; 14 (2):
Thank You!
Anesthesia 101 for the
An Overview of
Perioperative Medicine 2013: October 9, 2013
From Outpatient Preoperative Assessment
to Inpatient Postoperative Care
David R. Danielson, M.D.
Department of
Director, Pre-Operative
Mayo Clinic
Mayo School of Continuous Professional Development
David R. Danielson, M.D
Mayo Clinic Department of Anesthesiology.
October 9-12, 2013 Grand Hyatt Seattle Seattle, Washington
Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist
• DISCLAIMERS • Objectives: To Discover
• 1. No money from
anyone. • What’s happened in the OR since you
• 2. I have biases; they rotated there in medical school.
are obvious. • The physiologic changes that occur with the
• 3. I may mention modern anesthesia drugs.
brand names. They • Why anesthesiologists are so interested in
are not endorsements,
merely examples. systems and patient flow.
• 4. I may mention off- • A few pre-op pearls about odd things.
label use. You’re
smart enough to
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
• Alternatives for • Next is airway.
induction: • Face mask
• Inhalation • LMA
• Sevoflurane
• No paralysis
• Ketamine
• Etomidate
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
• Definitive airway. • Why VIDEO
• Trach
• Neck stays neutral
• ETT • Less trauma
• VIDEO • Teeth
Laryngoscopy • Lips
• Tongue
• Easier!
• Teaching
Glidescope Glidescope
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
• Because of VIDEO • But wait – that’s
Laryngoscopy and not all!
other advanced • Do not need
techniques -- flexion/extension
• Do NOT need films for
consults ahead of • Down’s
operative day • RA
solely for airway
issues • s/p trauma
Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist
Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist
Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist
• What can you do about these drugs? • What happens upon emergence?
• They all can cause BP!! • Stimulation
• Wait for “Surgipress” • Tachycardia
• Give α agonist (phenylephrine)
• Give Volume • Hypertension (What about that skipped
• Trendelenburg position ACEI pill?)
• Have patient hold ACEI pre-op • Need to balance analgesia with
respiratory drive
• Respiratory aids – CPAP machine
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
• Machine is
• All electronic
• No flowmeter
• No vaporizor dials
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
• What’s the
• Breathing circuit
• CO2 absorber
• Ventilator
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
• What about • What about
monitors? brain monitors?
• Pulse ox • Processed EEG
• BP • Do they work?
• Invasive lines
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
• What about BIS? • BIS Monitor
• Aspect Medical Systems ,
now Covidien • Now 3 studies
• EEG processed • Prospective
via a proprietary • Non-industry
formula funded
• From frontal lead • Well-designed
• No different from
• Dimensionless # ETAG
• References at end
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
Is this true? (side Is Spinal/Epidural safer than General?
Not if one uses modern
• Death, stroke, MI = NO
drugs/techniques. • DVT/PE, especially total joints = YES
• Fast on/Fast off
BUT strongest data pre-dates
• More TIVA
aggressive prophylaxis
• Multi-modal analgesia
• Desflurane helps
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
What about side effects? What does Spinal/Epidural do?
• GA • Dose dependent sensory block/motor
• PONV • Sympathetic blockade!!!
• Delerium – esp. elderly • Fore-warned is fore-armed
• SAB/Epi • Nothing to the airway
• Spinal headache – esp. young
• Hearing things
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
How to choose? When to choose?
The morning of
It depends. . .
• Operation
So – helpful to introduce
• Co-morbidities both possibilities in
• Patient position selected cases
• Coagulation status
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
Can my patient have a Can my patient have a
spinal if s/he is on spinal if s/he is on
aspirin? clopidogrel or. . .?
See ASRA guidelines
Regional Anesthesia in the Patient Receiving
YES Antithrombotic or Thrombolytic Therapy:
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and
Pain Medicine Evidence-Based Guidelines
(Third Edition)
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine:
• Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, et al
January/February 2010 - Volume 35 - Issue 1 -
Anesth Analg. 1995;80(2):303.
pp 64-101
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
What about all those • The 3 O’s
other blocks?
• Operating Room Suite
Very effective for the • “Outfield”
right operation
• Office-based
Ultrasound has
boosted success
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
• Where is the “Outfield? • Is the Outfield more dangerous than
• GI Suite the Operating Room??
• Cardiac lab • Yes and No
• Emergency room • Look at ASA Closed Claims
• Radiology (MRI suite) database
• Closed Malpractice Cases 40
Anesthesia 101 for the Non- Anesthesia 101 for the Non-
Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist
• “Outfield” dangers • “Outfield” Pearls from Closed
• Older (20% ≥ 70) Claims
• Sicker (69% ASA 3-5) • O2 sat ≠ ventilation!!!!!!
• Emergent (36%) • O2 delivery may delay recognition
• Pt. expects “Totally asleep” • GETA may be safer than MAC!!!!
Who can’t be an outpatient? Addendum
• Unstable ASA 3 or 4
• Remind your outpatients
• It’s NOT doing the
• MH case!!! • Bring someone along
• On MAOI • Leave valuables at home
• Morbid Obesity (What
BMI?) • It’s that we do NOT • Forget driving for 24 hrs.
have Level 1 Recovery
• Acute substance abuse facility and extra
• Psychosocial difficulties personnel
Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc. Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc.
• Car
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-55 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-56
P6 Accupressure P6 Accupressure
PON→V @ 24 hrs NO difference in
10% vs. 26% (Sham) Hospital discharge
Time to normal activities
Return to work
Pt. satisfaction
84% vs. 66% (Sham)
White et al, Anesth Analg 2012; 115:31-37
NPO Rules NPO Rules
• This is current rule (1999 ASA) • Clear Liquids 2 hrs ahead
•2 – 4 – 6 – 8 • Water
• 8 hours “heavy” meal • Juice (no pulp)
• 6 hours “light” meal
• 4 hours breast milk
• Coffee (no lightener)
• 2 hours clear liquids • Jello, popsicle, soda.
Anesth 90:896-905; 1999
• Proteins
• Caffeine
Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc.
What about booze?
• Not the morning of • What is this?
• E-cigarette
• Night before OK (in • Electronic cigarette
• Less problem than a • Vapor cigarette
sleeping pill • E-cig
Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc. Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc.
• Is it safe? • Is it legal?
• Sort of. . . • Sort of . . .
• Safer than smoking • FDA must regulate it
like tobacco, not like a
• Dangerous if it gets drug.
you to start
• Varying doses of • States are lining up to
ban sales to minors.
• (Think nicotine gum)
Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc. Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc.
Doesn’t have
• Pacemaker (CIED) • ICD (CIED)
to beneeds
• What on the
• What does it do?
• Senses bad rhythms
day of(Within 6
months) • Stops bad rhythms
• Settings • Always accompanied by
a pacemaker
• Battery level
• Dependency? • So, what does the
• Magnet effect magnet do?
Anesth 114:247-61;2011
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-79 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-80
Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc. Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc.
Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc. Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc.
Deaths • SUCROSE
• How to interpret this when • GLUCOSE
patients ask about it?
Energy Drinks
Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc. Gadgets, Gizmos, Etc.
• FDA warning • “Air-based
March, 2012 Energy Shot”
• Marketing at • $2.99 Online
students price (Accessed
(minors) August, 2013)
• Not really
Multiple sources, including JAMA , NSC data, and several anesthesia textbooks
Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist
• The next three slides are the references for BIS Monitor vs.
the measurement of ETAG = End-Tidal Anesthesia Gas
• All three studies showed ETAG to be equal or better at established in 1812 march 13, 2008 vol. 358 no. 11
predicting recall.
Anesthesia Awareness and the Bispectral
• These three studies were NOT industry funded.
Michael S. Avidan, M.B., B.Ch., Lini Zhang, M.D., Beth A.
Burnside, B.A., Kevin J. Finkel, M.D., Adam C. Searleman, B.S.,
Jacqueline A. Selvidge, B.S., Leif Saager, M.D., Michelle S. Turner,
B.S., Srikar Rao, B.A., Michael Bottros, M.D., Charles Hantler, M.D.,
Eric Jacobsohn, M.B., Ch.B., and Alex S. Evers, M.D.
Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist Anesthesia 101 for the Non-Anesthesiologist
Pre-op (NPO) Instructions Pre-op (NPO) Instructions
• MI risk • Cardiac arrest (OR & PACU)
• Non-cardiac surgery • 1:2,324
• Within 30 days
• Hospital survival ≤ 50%
• 0.3% = 1:334 • Death is ~1:5,000
• Cardiac arrest (OR & PACU)
• Sprung et al. Anesth 2003; 99:259-69
• 1:2,324
• Sprung et al. Anesth 2003; 99:259-69
Important Disclosures
Cardiac Risk Assessment:
Using Guidelines to Direct Practice and • No industry conflict of interest
Choosing the Appropriate Stress Test
• I will not advocate the off-label use of
FDA approved drugs
• How do I use the ACC/AHA guidelines for • Evaluate/assess/quantify cardiac risk for
preoperative cardiac risk assessment? both patient and surgeon
• How do I use the Gupta cardiac risk • Optimize appropriateness of testing and
calculator? intervention
• How do I decide which stress test to • Direct perioperative care in order to
order? decrease cardiac risk
Lee Revised Risk Index
Independent Predictors of Perioperative Cardiac What Do We Need to Know for Cardiac
Events Risk Assessment?
OR (95% CI)
Functional Capacity
Estimated Energy Requirements for Various What Do We Need to Know for Cardiac
Activities Risk Assessment?
Can you take care of yourself?
Climb a flight of stairs or walk up a
hill? • Patient specific risk
MET Eat, dress, or use the toilet? Walk on level ground at 4 mph or 6.4
km per hr or run a short distance? • Clinical risk factors for CAD
Walk indoors around the
house? Do heavy work around the house like
scrubbing floors or lifting or moving
• Functional capacity
Walk a block or two on level heavy furniture?
ground at 2 to 3 mph or 3.2 to
4.8 km per h? Participate in moderate recreational
• Surgery specific risk
activities like golf, bowling, dancing?
Do light work around the
house like dusting or washing Participate in strenuous sports like
• Type or duration of surgery
dishes? swimming, singles tennis, football,
basketball, or skiing?
Overriding Theme Overriding Theme
• Surgical or percutaneous intervention is rarely
necessary simply to lower the risk of surgery • No testing should be performed unless it
unless the intervention is indicated irrespective is likely to influence patient treatment
of the preoperative context
• The ultimate decision regarding care of a
• The patient is not “cleared for surgery” rather, particular patient must be made by the
“the patient is medically optimized from a physician and patient in light of all the
cardiac standpoint and does not require
additional testing prior to planned surgical
specific clinical circumstances
*Lee et al: Circulation 100:1043, 1999 *Lee et al: Circulation 100:1043, 1999
Perioperative surveillance
Need for emergency Yes and postoperative risk
Step 1 (Class I, LOE C) Operating room stratification and risk
noncardiac surgery?
factor management
Perioperative surveillance
Need for emergency Yes and postoperative risk
Good functional capacity (MET
Proceed with Operating room
Step 4 level 4) without symptoms†
(Class I, LOE B) planned surgery noncardiac surgery? stratification and risk
factor management
Step 5 No or unknown
Step 2
1 or 2 clinical
3 or more clinical risk factors
risk factors
No clinical
Intermediate risk risk factors
Vascular surgery
Intermediate risk
Vascular surgery
surgery Class I,
Class IIa, LOE B LOE B
Consider testing if it Proceed with planned surgery with HR control (Class IIa, LOE B) or Proceed with
will change management consider noninvasive testing (Class IIb, LOE B) if it will change management planned surgery
Step 2 Step 3
Step 2 Step 3
Active cardiac Yes Evaluate and treat Consider Yes Proceed with
Low risk surgery
conditions per ACC/AHA guidelines operating room planned surgery
No No
Active cardiac conditions Low risk surgery
Step 3 • Unstable coronary syndromes Step 4
• Endoscopic procedures
• Unstable or severe angina • Superficial procedures
• Recent MI • Cataract surgery
• Decompensated HF
• Breast surgery
• Significant arrhythmias
• Severe valvular disease
Step 4 Step 5
Step 4 Step 5
Step 5 Case 1
• 78-year-old female scheduled for a modified
Step 5
radical mastectomy for breast cancer
Clinical Risk Factors
• DM II for 10 years
3 or more 1 or 2 None • Hx of CAD with NSTEMI 5 years ago, BMS
Vascular Intermediate placed in her RCA, asymptomatic
surgery risk surgery
• Functional capacity: <4 METS
Consider testing if
it will change
Vascular or
Proceed with
• Exam: BP 125/65 P 70 BMI 29 ECG: NSR
planned surgery
management risk surgery
• Meds: lisinopril, metoprolol, asa, insulin and
Proceed with planned surgery with HR control or consider
noninvasive testing if it will change management • Labs: Cr 1.4
Active cardiac
Step 2
conditions? No
A. No additional cardiac testing, proceed
with planned surgery Step 3 Low risk surgery? Yes
What Would You Recommend With Respect
Case 2 to Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment?
• 68-year-old female is scheduled for an
elective total hip arthroplasty A. No additional cardiac testing, proceed
• PMH: HTN, CRI with baseline Cr of 2.1, past with planned surgery
CVA with no residual deficits, no CAD B. Exercise stress test
• Functional capacity <4 METS
C. Dobutamine stress Echo
• Exam: BP 140/85; P 55; normal
D. Cardiology consult
• ECG: 1st degree AV block, normal
• Medications: lisinopril, metoprolol, lasix,
ASA, simvastatin, tramadol
Case 3
• 71-year-old male scheduled for a R aorto-femoral
bypass for claudication
Step 5
Clinical Risk Factors
• PMHx: hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and
COPD – still smoking, no known CAD.
3 or more 1 or 2 None
• Functional capacity: <4 METS (dyspnea and
Vascular Intermediate
surgery risk surgery
• Exam: 140/75; P 82 regular; normal except
prolonged expiration phase with scattered rhonchi
Consider testing if
it will change
Vascular or
Proceed with and diminished pulses distal RLE
planned surgery
management risk surgery
• ECG: Q waves in II, III, AVF (no old ECG available to
compare); Labs: NL
Proceed with planned surgery with HR control or consider
noninvasive testing if it will change management • Meds: pravastatin, insulin, metformin, lisinopril,
Ipratropium MDI, albuterol MDI
What Would You Recommend With Respect
to Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment? Need for emergency
Step 1
noncardiac surgery? No
because of COPD
Step 3 Low risk surgery? No
B. No additional cardiac testing, proceed with
planned surgery with beta blockade to Good functional
capacity (METS 4)
Step 4 No
keep heart rate 55-65 bpm without symptoms?
Step 5 Step 5
Clinical Risk Factors
• Diabetes
Proceed with planned surgery with HR control or consider
• Renal insufficiency noninvasive testing if it will change management
Case 3
Take Home Message
• I would stress this patient prior to this
elective high risk surgery • Guidelines are not meant to be
• Aggressive beta blockade is not prescriptive
protective in patients with significant
ischemia who undergo high risk • Sound clinical judgment which considers
vascular surgery each patient’s specific clinical
circumstances should prevail
• This patient has not had prior
evaluation of his heart – and we have
found evidence on ECG of CAD
• I would evaluate his CAD regardless of
©2011 MFMER | 3135271-35 ©2011 MFMER | 3135271-36
Gupta Perioperative Cardiac Risk Calculator Development and Validation of a Risk
Calculator for Prediction of Cardiac Risk After
Gupta PK et al. Circulation 2011; 124:281-7
• Outcomes:
• 30-day Postop Intraoperative or
Postoperative MI or Cardiac Arrest
ASA Class
Results, continued..
N C-statistic
Gupta Derivation 211,410 0.88
MI/CA 0.65%
Gupta Validation 257,385 0.87
MI/CA 0.54%
RCRI Applied to 257,385 0.75
Validation Cohort
Perioperative Cardiac Risk Calculator
Compared to the Lee RCRI
• Surgery specific
• Qx Calculate
• • Exact model based estimate of risk is provided
• Free app for phone in a smartphone app format or on the web
• Has not been externally validated and may
• http://www.surgicalriskcal underestimate risk because of how postoperative MI was defined in the database
• Free download for • Has not been incorporated into updated
guidelines, so decisions on management based
• Request for password on risk is not defined
accepts anything
Case 4 (cont)
• NSTEMI 3 yrs ago with 80% LAD lesion,
treated with bare metal stenting
• Echo 1 year ago: No wall motion
abnormalities; EF 65%
• Occasional mild angina with exertion since
the MI
• Functional capacity: < 4 METS by history
• BP: 140/80; pulse 60 regular
• ECG: shown
Left Bundle Branch Block
Which Stress Test Would You Stress Testing in Left Bundle Branch
Recommend for this Patient? Block
Which Stress Test Would You
Case 5 (cont) Recommend for this Patient?
Diagnostic Performance of Exercise Stress
Echo vs Nuclear Imaging Testing
Meta-Analyses: Coronary Angio Correlation
• Echo imaging • Nuclear perfusion imaging
• More specific • More sensitive – especially
for single vessel CAD Sensitivity Specificity
• Gives more extensive info involving the LCX
on cardiac anatomy and TMET ECG 68% 77%
• Quantifies extent of ischemia
• Costs less more reproducibly Stress Echo 85% 77%
• Superior to nuclear
perfusion in obese • More accurate in assessing Stress SPECT 87% 64%
patients – Echo travels ischemia when multiple
through adipose quite resting RWMA’s present Dob Echo 85% 84%
• Limited by poor Echo • More expensive Adeno SPECT 89% 79%
windows in some patients • Soft tissue attenuation of
nuclear trace in obese
• Technician dependent patients
Fleischman KE et al: JAMA 280:913, 1998
Gibbons RJ et al: JACC 41:159, 2003
©2011 MFMER | 3135271-61 ©2011 MFMER | 3135271-62
Fleisher LA, et al. ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines on
perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care Thank You
for noncardiac surgery: a report of the American
College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;50:e159 –242.
The Plan
Cardiac Risk Reduction Strategies:
• Risk Reduction Strategies
Medical and Interventional – Timing of surgery
An Overview of Perioperative Medicine – Anesthesia
– Monitoring
October 2013 – Medications
– Interventions
Howard Weitz, M.D.
Jefferson Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
Timing of Surgery Post MI
Timing Dual Antiplatelet Rx post MI
Rodgers Results Rodgers Results
Neuraxial blockade outcome Criticism
No Mortality benefit
No definite improvement in cardiac outcome
No fewer thromboembolic events when DVT prophylaxis used
Anesthesia for the Consultant: Summary
High risk [
In the absence of major contraindications, therapeutic doses of beta- Perioperative Beta Blockers
adrenergic antagonists should be given to patients with an intermediate
or high risk of cardiac complications. Patients who are not already
receiving beta-blockers should be given one of these agents. Even if the What really is the evidence?
drug causes complications, such as fatigue or impotence, these side
effects can be tolerated during the perioperative period. Patients who are
already receiving a beta-blocker should be evaluated to ensure that
therapeutic serum concentrations have been achieved.
Lee, T.: Reducing Cardiac Risk in Noncardiac Surgery. N Engl J Med: 341:1838-40, 1999
Mangano, 1996
Pre 2001
Post 2004
POISE POISE trial online release; Lancet May 13, 2008
Trial Design: POISE was a randomized trial of metoprolol (n = 4,174) or placebo (n = 4,177) in patients undergoing
noncardiac surgery. Study drug was given 2 to 4 hours prior to surgery and for the next 30 days. Primary endpoint was
major CV events (defined as CV death, MI, or cardiac arrest through 30 days.
Clinical risk factors: Ischemic heart disease; CHF; Cerebrovasc disease; DM; Renal insuf
• Intermediate-risk or vascular surgery with a single • Patient has absolute contraindication to beta blocker
clinical risk factor in the absence of CAD
• Vascular surgery with no clinical risk factors and who • Routine administration of high dose beta blockers in
are not currently taking beta blocker. the absence of dose titration is not useful and may be
harmful to patients not currently taking beta blockers
who are undergoing noncardiac surgery.
When to start the beta blocker?
• Continue beta blockers for those already receiving • Retrospective studies suggestive of benefit of
• Initiate beta blockers prior to surgery (cautiously) for postoperative statins:
patients who would otherwise need them – Poldermans et al.:Statins are associated with a
– Begin as early as possible- >1 week - not day of surgery reduced incidence of perioperative mortality in
– Titrate to heart rate (60-80) and BP patients undergoing major noncardiac surgery.
• Carefully follow those on beta blockers in the Circulation. 2003;107:1848-1851.
postoperative period – Lindenauer PK et al.: Lipid lowering therapy and in
– Hypotension hospital mortality in major non cardiac surgery.
– Bradycardia JAMA 2004;291(17):2092-9.
Fluvastatin 80 mg daily begun 37 days preop Fluvastatin 80 mg daily begun 37 days preop
N Engl J Med 2009 N Engl J Med 2009
2007 Guideline: Perioperative Statins
DECREASE VI in progress: preoperative NT-pro BNP for the identification of patients who
May benefit from additional preoperative testing prior to vascular surgery.
DECREASE VI in progress: preoperative NT-pro BNP for the identification of patients who
May benefit from additional preoperative testing prior to vascular surgery.
• Clonidine
– Single dose 2 to 6 ug/kg oral or iv preop
• Dexmedetomidine ( “Precedex” iv sedation in the ICU)
– 1-6 ug/kg iv bolus during or postop, then 0.2-0.7
ug/kg/hr for 48 hours
• Mivazerol
– 4ug/kg iv bolus preop, then 1.5 ug/kg/hr for 72
Effect on myocardial infarction in
vascular surgery
Impression: Encouraging for vascular surgery risk reduction Initiated July 2010
Final data November 2013
Results November 2014
POISE – 2 Trial
ASA withdrawl
assoc with 3- fold
higher risk of
major cardiac event
Meta-analysis of 41 studies
ASA increased risk of bleeding complications 1.5 fold
ASA withdrawl preceeded 10% of Acute Coronary Syndromes
Time interval from ASA withdrawl to ACS was 8.5 days
• Preoperative intervention is rarely necessary • Frank, S.M., et al. JAMA 277 (14), 1997
to simply lower operative risk. – Randomized controlled trial
• Identify most appropriate testing and – 300 patients: abdominal, thoracic, vascular
treatment strategies to optimize patient care surgery
and assess short and long term risk. – Known CAD or high risk for CAD
– Outcome: Unstable angina, ischemia, MI,
• Avoid unnecessary testing in this era of cost
arrest, Ventricular tachycardia
Maintenance of Normothermia
Associated with reduced perioperative cardiac events.
1. Evidence
2. Consensus guideline
Coronary Artery Revascularization Coronary Artery Revascularization
Prophylaxis Trial (CARP) Prophylaxis Trial (CARP)
ACC /AHA Preop Guideline Update, 2007: ACC /AHA Preop Guideline Update, 2007:
CABG prior to Non-cardiac surgery CABG prior to Non-cardiac surgery
PTCA Prior to Noncardiac Surgery (planned)
• Stent thrombosis
– ASA + clopidogrel
• Hemorrhage
– ASA + clopidogrel
Lancet, October 23, 2004
• Consider bare metal stent if patient requires PCI and • Defer elective procedures for which there is bleeding
is likely to require invasive or surgical procedure risk until completion of antiplatelet course
within next 12 months. – 1 month bare metal stent
• Educate patient prior to discharge re: risk of – 12 months drug eluting stent
premature antiplatelet discontinuation. • For patient with drug eluting stent who are to undergo
– Instruct patient to contact treating cardiologist procedures that mandate discontinuation of
before antiplatelet discontinuation thienopyridine (eg, clopidogrel), continue aspirin if at
• Healthcare providers who perform surgical or all possible and restart thienopyridine as soon as
invasive procedures must be made aware of possible
catastrophic risks of premature antiplatelet • No evidence for “bridging therapy” with
discontinuation and should contact the treating antithrombins, warfarin, or glycoprotein IIb/IIIa agents
cardiologist to discuss optimal management strategy
Key Points
• Clearance. Perform evaluation and make
recommendations that will relate to perioperative and
long – term issues.
• Tests only if likely to influence treatment.
• Preoperative coronary revascularization if
independently indicated.
• Selective use of beta blockers. (beware bradycardia)
• Statins
• Beware of premature antiplatelet discontinuation in
the patient post PTCA stent.
• Continue beta blocker, aspirin, statins,
Perioperative Medication Management
An Overview of
Perioperative Medicine 2013: • Understand the level of evidence for continuing
Perioperative Medication Management or discontinuing medications in the
perioperative period
• Review general principles
• Discussion of cases
Perioperative Physiological Changes
General Principals
• Surgical stress response
• Communication is key • Secretion of ACTH, growth hormone,
• Which medications should be held and for vasopressin, cortisol and aldosterone
how long prior to surgery
• Secretion of insulin and thyroxine
• Which medications should be taken on the
• Sympathetic activity
morning of surgery and which should not
• For medications that are held, indicate when • Gut response
they can be restarted • Gastric emptying
• Write it down • Absorption (decreased splanchnic blood
flow, edema, decreased mucosal transport)
• Motility (ileus)
Pass SE, 2004 Am J Health-Syst Pharm:61(9) pg:899 -912
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-7 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-8
Panel—Take or Hold? Case 2
Beta Blockers Take • Beta blockers reduce ischemia and may help
(Acebutolol, Atenolol, prevent or control arrhythmias
Bisoprolol, Metoprolol,
Nadolol, Nebivolol, • Increased risk of ischemia with withdrawal of
Propranolol, Sotalol) beta blockade
Summary Antihypertensive Agents Summary Antihypertensive Agents
Medication Preop Comments
Medication Preop Comments Mgmt
Mgmt • Potential for volume depletion and electrolyte
Diuretics Hold
ACE Inhibitors Take/ • Consider holding if BP is low, renal function is (Chlorothiazide,
(Captopril, Enalapril, impaired and/or large surgery with fluid shifts • For outpatient surgery or minor surgical
Ramipril, Quinapril, Hold Hydrochlorothiazide,
Perindopril, Lisinopril, • Holding preop can be associated with Indapamide, procedures, probably OK to take thiazide
significant, often refractory hypertension postop Metolazone, diuretics on the morning of surgery
Benazepril, Monopril)
Angiotensin Take/ • Consider holding if BP is low, renal function is Ethacrynic acid,
Receptor Blockers impaired and/or large surgery with fluid shifts Furosemide, Torsemide,
(Candesartan, Hold Amiloride, Eplerenone,
Eprosartan, Irbesartan, • Holding preop can be associated with Spironolactone,
Telmisartan, Valsartan, significant, often refractory hypertension postop Triamterene)
Losartan, Olmesartan)
Nitrates Take/ • Take if oral
Calcium Channel Take • Take unless preop blood pressure is low
Blockers (Amlodipine, (Isosorbide dinitrate, Hold • Hold nitropaste or nitropatch (transcutaneous
Diltiazem, Felodipine, Isosorbide mononitrate, absorption is unreliable intraoperatively)
Isradipine, Nicardipine, Nitroglycerin)
Nifedipine, Nisoldipine,
Verapamil) Vasodialators Take • Take unless preop blood pressure is low
(Hydralazine, Minoxidil)
Case 3
Summary ASA
Patients on ASA
75-150 mg/d
• 55 year old male with long standing bipolar
disorder presents for preop eval prior to
planned partial bowel resection for colon
Secondary Prevention
Primary Prevention after MI, ACS, Stent,
Stroke, PAD
• Bipolar disorder well controlled on lithium 600
mg BID and aripiprazole 15 mg/day
Intracranial All Other • Anxiety treated with clonazepam 2 mg/day
Surgery Surgeries
• No history of significant medical problems other
than colon cancer and hypertension
Stop aspirin 7 days
Surgery under
continuous aspirin
• Creatinine is 1.5 mg/dl, electrolytes and TSH nl
before surgery
treatment • He is expected to be NPO for 2-4 days postop
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-21 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-22
What do you recommend regarding her
Case 4 psychiatric medications perioperatively?
• 75 year old female scheduled for lumbar 1. Take nortriptyline the evening before surgery and
decompression of L3-L4 tomorrow take both paroxetine and bupropion on the morning
of surgery, continue all throughout the periop period
• Past history includes depression—currently via NG if needed
treated with paroxetine 20 mg/d, bupropion 150
mg BID 2. Hold nortriptyline the evening before and take
paroxetine and bupropion on the morning of
• She also has a history of peripheral neuropathy surgery, resume all when taking PO
and is taking nortriptyline 50 mg/d (HS)
3. Take nortriptyline the evening before, hold
• Exam: unremarkable paroxetine and bupropion and resume all when
• ECG: normal; creatinine and electrolytes taking PO
normal 4. Hold all three medications preoperatively, resume
when taking PO
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-25 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-26
Summary Psychiatric Agents
Summary Psychiatric Agents Medication Preop Comments
Medication Preop Comments Tricyclic / Take/ • Abrupt withdrawal of tricyclic antidepressants
Mgmt Tetracyclic Hold can lead to insomnia, nausea, headache,
Antidepressants increased salivation, and sweating
SSRIs (Citalopram, Take • Withdrawal associated with dizziness,
Escitalopram, Fluvoxamine, GI complaints, palpitations, sleep (Amitriptyline, Amoxapine, • TCAs potentiate the circulatory effects of
Paroxetine, Fluoxetine, disturbance, anxiety, agitation Clomipramine, adrenaline and noradrenaline; risk for
Sertraline) Desipramine, Doxepin, hypertensive crisis related to the amine
• May increase transfusion with surgery Imipramine, Maprotiline, reuptake-blocking properties
SNRIs (Desvenlafaxine, due to platelet aggregation effect Nortriptyline, Protriptyline,
Duloxetine, Milnacipran,
• Continue perioperatively, but monitor for Trimipramine)
• Caution: TCAs lower seizure threshold, prolong
Nefazodone, Sibutramine, QT, increase the risk for arrhythmias in
Venlafaxine) drug-drug interactions combination with some volatile anesthetics or
Aminoketones (Bupropion) sympathomimetic agents
• Caution: Using multiple drugs with sedative
Other (Buspirone) properties is associated with adverse postop
• For major surgery, it can be stopped, but needs
to be tapered over 2 weeks
• For outpatient or minor surgical procedures,
probably OK to take on the morning of surgery
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-31 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-32
Summary Lipid Lowering Agents
Medication Preop Comments
Mgmt Case 7
Bile Sequestrant Drugs Hold • May interfere with bowel absorption of
(Cholestyramine, drugs • 72 year old male scheduled for bilateral
Colesevelam, Colestipol) inguinal hernia surgery
Ezetimibe Hold • Theoretic: rhabdomyolysis
Fibrates Hold • Theoretic: rhabdomyolysis • Past history significant for BPH for which he
(Clofibrate, Fenofibrate, takes finasteride and doxazosin
Fish Oil Take • May decrease risk of postop afib • Also takes oxybutynin for overactive bladder
• May be associated with increased bleeding
risk if given with other anticoagulants
Niacin Hold • Theoretic: rhabdomyolysis
Statins Take • May prevent vascular events through
(Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin, mechanisms other than cholesterol lowering
Lovastatin, Pitavastatin, (eg, plaque stabilization, reduction in
Pravastatin, Simvastatin, inflammation, decreased thrombogenesis)
Rosuvastatin) • Withdrawal may be associated with
increased risk of adverse cardiac outcomes
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-37 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-38
What do you recommend regarding his
GI medications perioperatively? Panel—Take or Hold?
Case 13 What do you recommend regarding her
medications perioperatively?
• 54 year old postmenopausal female is
scheduled for a total abdominal hysterectomy 1. Take all medications on the morning of surgery
with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy tomorrow
2. Take hormones, but hold allopurinol on the
• Past medical history significant for DJD and morning of surgery
3. Take allopurinol, but hold hormones on the
• Medications include conjugated estrogen 0.3 morning of surgery
mg/ day and medroxyprogesterone acetate
2.5mg/ day for hot flashes and allopurinol 300 4. Hold all medications on the morning of surgery
mg/ day
Oral Contraceptives Take • Modest increase in DVT risk Antiandrogens • Increased risk of thromboembolism
• Most often, these are just continued without (Flutamide, • Anemias, leukopenias, thrombocytopenias:
interruption perioperatively Bicalutamide, Nilutamide) check CBC
• If stopped to decrease risk of DVT, needs to be
stopped for 6 wks preop; resume 2-4 weeks postop
Selective Estrogen Take/Hold • Increased risk of DVT Aromatase Inhibitors • Increased risk of thromboembolism
Receptor Modifiers • If taken for osteoporosis or breast cancer prevention, (anastrazole, letrozole, • Anemias, pancytopenias, leukopenias: check
(SERMS) OK to hold (4 wks preop); resume 2-4 weeks postop exemestane) CBC
(Raloxifene, Tamoxifen, • If taken for breast cancer treatment consult with
Toremifene) oncologist
• Toremifene associated with prolonged QT and
• Monitor magnesium, potassium
An Overview of
Perioperative Medicine 2013:
From Outpatient Preoperative Assessment
to Inpatient Postoperative Care
• No financial disclosures
• No discussion of “off label” use of drugs
• Background
• To understand the rationale for evidence based
preoperative testing • Cases
• To understand when preoperative testing is not • Discussion/rationale
indicated…Most of the time!
• Back to our cases
• Questions
How Do You Decide? Case 1
• You are asked to see a 43 year old male for a
• My last case (that went south…) preoperative medical evaluation. He is
scheduled for an inguinal hernia repair next
• What my chief resident told me to do week
• EBM • His past medical history is notable only for
• Guidelines…which ones? obesity (BMI 32) and an uncomplicated ORIF of
a tib-fib fracture at age 14
• Hospital policies…who develops?
• He has never used tobacco and has 1-2 oz of
Case 1 Case 1
• He does construction work and can easily • For preoperative testing you order:
exceed > 4 METS of activity • A) An ECG and CBC
• He takes only a men’s multivitamin daily • B) An ECG and creatinine
• His exam is noteworthy for his weight and an • C) A CBC and creatinine
easily reducible R inguinal hernia. • D) A CBC and INR
• E) No tests
Case 2 Case 2
• You are asked to see a 78 year old female for a • She has had a hysterectomy and carpel tunnel
preoperative medical evaluation. She is repair in the past without complication
scheduled for an elective R TKA tomorrow
• Her medications include lisinopril/HCTZ,
• Her past medical history is noteworthy for simvastatin, metoprolol, aspirin
hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, DJD,
and coronary artery disease for which she • She is limited in her activity due to her knee,
received 2 drug eluting stents 4 years ago. but was able to do >4METS of activity within
the past several months
Case 2 Case 2
• Her exam reveals a BP of 143/80, P 60, BMI of • Preoperatively you order:
37, and a moderate effusion on the R knee. • A) An ECG, electrolytes, creatinine
Cardiovascular and pulmonary exams are
normal • B) Electrolytes, creatinine
• C) An ECG, electrolytes, creatinine, and INR
• You have an ECG available (NSR, non-specific • D) Electrolytes, creatinine, ECG, and a
lateral ST changes) from 3 months ago
dobutamine stress Echo
• You have no other laboratory data available • E) No testing
Case 3 Case 3
• You are asked to see a 58 year old male for a • His functional capacity is excellent, exceeding 4
preoperative medical evaluation. He is METS
scheduled for a R TSA next week
• His exam is normal except for a decreased
• His past medical history is significant for range of motion of his R shoulder
hepatitis C but no history of cirrhosis. He had
an inguinal hernia repaired as a child without
complication. He has had no recent follow up
regarding his liver.
• Medications include a multivitamin
Case 3 Case 4
• Preoperatively you order: • You are asked to do a pre-operative evaluation
• A) An ECG, electrolytes, creatinine for a 23 year old female college basketball
point guard for repair of a torn L ACL
• B) Electrolytes, LFT, creatinine
• C) LFT, INR, creatinine • She reports herself to be in excellent health, no
prior surgery, having irregular menstrual
• D) INR and aPTT periods felt secondary to her level of physical
• E) No studies activity
• She is taking no medicines and her physical
exam is normal except for her L knee
Case 4: You order pre-operatively Should we test?
• Pregnancy testing
• No testing
• Conflicting recommendations amongst ECG YES
consensus organizations
• ACC/AHA • CV symptoms/signs
• ASA • Known stable cardiac disease
• ICSI • Risk factors and intermediate or high risk
• ESC/ESA surgery
• RCRI ≥ 1
• CAD equivalent
Coagulation Studies?
• Coagulation studies only as indicated by H&P
ECG NO • What about high risk surgery e.g. neurosurgery:
“Patient history was as predictive as lab testing for
• Low risk surgery and low risk patient all outcomes (and had) higher sensitivity”
• Cataract surgery Seicean, J Neurosurg 2012
CXR? Albumin?
• Frequent abnormalities --- 10-23.1% • Powerful predictor of perioperative
• Rarely influence management --- < 0.1-3%
• Pulmonary complications increased
• Predictable from H&P • Infectious complications increased
• Who follows up on the abnormality? --- source • Wound healing issues
for missed opportunity, “falling through the • In some settings the strongest predictor of
cracks” morbidity and mortality
• Qaseen A et al. Ann Intern Med. 2006; 144: 575-580
Gibbs J et al. Arch Surg. 1999;134:36-42
Albumin? Glucose?
Pregnancy Testing
LFTs? • 2056 women of child bearing age tested before
elective ambulatory surgery
• Play it again Sam…only if there is suspicion of
liver disease on the basis of history, exam, or • 7 had + pregnancy testing (0.3%)
previous liver function abnormality • Cost of pregnancy discovered: $2879
• • All cancelled their surgery
• If there are indications to perform LFTs, include • 2558 women of child bearing age tested before
INR, bilirubin, creatinine in order to calculate elective orthopaedic surgery
MELD score which predicts post operative
mortality due to liver disease • 5 had + pregnancy testing (0.2%)
• Gastroenterology 2007;132:1261-1269 • Cost of discovered pregnancy: $3273
Anesthesiology 1995
Anesth Analg 2008
Pregnancy Testing Case 1
• “…the literature is inadequate to inform patients • You are asked to see a 43 year old male for a
or physicians on whether anesthesia causes preoperative medical evaluation. He is
harmful effects on early pregnancy. Pregnancy scheduled for an inguinal hernia repair next
testing may be offered to female patients of week
childbearing age and for whom the result would
alter the patient’s management.” • His past medical history is notable only for
obesity (BMI 32) and an uncomplicated ORIF of
a tib-fib fracture at age 14
Anesthesia 2012 (ASA Practice Advisory for Preanesthesia
Evaluation) • He has never used tobacco and has 1-2 oz of
Case 1 Case 1
• He does construction work and can easily • For preoperative testing you order:
exceed > 4 METS of activity • A) An ECG and CBC
• He takes only a mens multivitamin daily • B) An ECG and creatinine
• His exam is note worthy for his weight and an • C) A CBC and creatinine
easily reducible R inguinal hernia. • D) A CBC and INR
• E) No tests
Case 2 Case 2
• You are asked to see a 78 year old female for a • She has had a hysterectomy and carpel tunnel
preoperative medical evaluation. She is repair in the past without complication
scheduled for an elective R TKA tomorrow
• Her medications include lisinopril/HCTZ,
• Her past medical history is note worthy for simvastatin, metoprolol, aspirin
hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, DJD,
and coronary artery disease for which she • She is limited in her activity due to her knee,
received 2 drug eluting stents 4 years ago. but was able to do >4METS of activity within
the past several months
Case 2 Case 2
• Her exam reveals a BP of 143/80, P 60, BME • Preoperatively you order:
of 37, and a moderate effusion on the R knee. • A) An ECG, electrolytes, creatinine
Cardiovascular and pulmonary exams are
normal • B) Electrolytes, creatinine
• C) An ECG, electrolytes, creatinine, and INR
• You have an ECG available (NSR, non-specific • D) Electrolytes, creatine, and a dobutamine
lateral ST changes) from 3 months ago
stress Echo
• You have no other laboratory data available • E) No testing
Case 3 Case 3
• You are asked to see a 58 year old male for a • His functional capacity is excellent, exceeding 4
preoperative medical evaluation. He is METS
scheduled for a R TSA next week
• His exam is normal except for a decreased
• His past medical history is significant for range of motion of his R shoulder
hepatitis C but no history of cirrhosis. He had
an inguinal hernia repaired as a child without
complication. He has had no recent follow up
regarding his liver.
• Medications include a multivitamin
Case 3 Case 4
• Preoperatively you order: • You are asked to do a pre-operative evaluation
• A) An ECG, electrolytes, creatinine for a 23 year old female basketball guard for
repair of a torn L ACL
• B) Electrolytes, LFT, creatinine
• C) LFT, INR, creatinine • She reports herself to be in excellent health, no
prior surgery, having irregular menstrual
• D) INR and aPTT periods felt secondary to her level of physical
• E) No studies activity
• She is taking no medicines and her physical
exam is normal except for her L knee
Case 4: You order pre-operatively Take Home Points
• No testing
Thank You
Valvular Heart Disease
• Aortic stenosis
The Patient with Non – CAD Cardiac • Mitral regurgitation
– Beware of left ventricular dysfunction.
Disease • Aortic regurgitation
– Bradycardia may increase regurgitant flow.
An Overview of Perioperative Medicine 2013 • Mitral stenosis
October 2013 – Tachycardia will impair left ventricular filling.
23 patients
17% risk major
Cardiac complication
RR 3.2
Vascular 46%
Moderate AS (mean gradient 25-49 or valve area 0.7 – 1.0): 11% complication
Orthopedics 21%
Abdominal 12%
Severe AS (mean gradient > 50 or valve area < 0.7): 31% complication
GU 7%
Head – Neck 2%
Aortic stenosis and Noncardiac Surgery
ESC 2012
• When severe, LV function is the issue • Mitral annulus calcification in the elderly
Ejection fraction is key • Rheumatic
• Increased heart rate = decreased
diastolic filling time
• Atrial fibrillation
Chronic Severe Aortic Regurgitation
(ACC / AHA 2008 Valvular Heart Disease Guideline)
Aortic Regurgitation
Low risk of valve thrombosis
Stop warfarin 48-72 hours before procedure High risk of valve thrombosis:
Restart warfarin within 24 hours after mitral valve
tricuspid valve
Chronic hypertension
No discussion of perioperative hypertension
Major issues of chronic hypertension
• Medication management •During first 30 minutes post induction moderate hypotension (syst BP < 85mm Hg)
– “perioperative continuation of medications” more likely if ACE or ARB taken during prior 10 hours
•No difference in postop complications
•Discontinuation of ACE / ARB at least 10 hrs pre induction associated with reduced
risk of immediate post induction hypotension
ACC / AHA 2007 Preoperative Evaluation Guideline
Lip Y, et al. Chest 2010, 137(2):263
Lip Y, et al. Chest 2010, 137(2):263
February 2012
Chronic atrial fibrillation Chronic atrial fibrillation
Preoperative issues Preoperative issues
Risk for embolization
• CHADS2 Score • Major bleeding rare while receiving warfarin:
– CHF (any hx) – 1 – Dental procedures
– Hypertension – 1 – Arthroscopy
– Age > 75 – 1 – Cataract surgery
– Diagnostic endoscopy
– Diabetes – 1
– Stroke or TIA – 2
From Fuster et al. 2006 ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 Guideline for the Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Primary Outcomes
Cardiac death
Systemic embolism
Major bleed
Sust VT
Cardiac arrest
Life threat compl of antiarrhythmic
Secondary Outcomes
Unexplained LVH
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Pulmonary Hypertension
From: ACC / AHA 2008 Guidelines for the Management of Adults with Congenital Heart Disease, Dec 2008
Adult with CHD
• Noncardiac surgery
– Strongly recommend evaluation by cardiologist
experienced in the care of the patient’s disease
– Patients with high risk congenital heart disease
undergo surgery at centers with expertise
– Old records essential
– Emergency: consult with anesthesia, cardiac
– Arrange for post discharge cardiac followup
Earl Bakken
Earl Bakken
Temporary Pacemaker: Indications Permanent Pacemaker
• Symptomatic sinus bradycardia
• Sinus pause > 3 seconds or causing • Pacemaker inhibition by electrocautery
– If pacemaker dependent reprogram to asynchronous mode (or put
symptoms magnet over the device)
• Symptomatic 20 A-V block (Mobitz I) • Rate adaptive unit may increase rate if
• Infranodal 20 A-V block (Mobitz II) respiratory rate increased or if mechanical
• New bifascicular block in acute MI stimulation of the generator.
• Complete heart block • No industry standard to response to
• LBBB in patient who is to undergo PA electromagnetic interference
catheter placement
• Interrogate pacemaker post op.
+ +
Radiation therapy for the patient with a pacemaker or AICD
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
• Electrocautery
– May inhibit ICD
– May be sensed as malignant arrhythmia
– ICD shock function should be deactivated
preop if electrocautery planned
– If pacemaker dependent program pacing
function to asynchronous mode
– Response to magnet different than pmaker
• temporarily disables shock function
• Doesn’t affect pacing function
October 4, 2011
Ipod and Pacemaker Interference
Heart Rhythm Society, May 2007
Jay Thaker
High School Senior
Heart failure admission or
> 3 outpt heart failure visits during prior 20 months
Tibor Farkas photographer. Image from History of Medicine, National Library of Medicine
Ann Rheum Dis, 2010 (69), p. 325-331
Non-CAD Cardiac Issues
Urinalysis Prior to Joint Disclosures
Evidence Based or Expected Standard
October 9-12, 2013
I have no disclosures to
make regarding this
• UTI -> Bacteriuria -> Prosthetic joint infection • American Association of Hip/Knee Surgeons
“I believe you should never order a U/A in Glynn 1984 David 2000
an asymptomatic patient with the Kovlouvaris (Hospital for
Ritter 1987
exception of patients undergoing GU or Special Surgery) 2009
GYN manipulation. Ordering a U/A before
TJR has been promoted in the orthopaedic
• No Correlation of Pre-op positive UTI with PJI
literature on the theoretical basis that (Prosthetic Joint Infection)
bacteria might somehow seed and
colonize the joint. Orthopaedic surgeons • Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (100,000 Colony Count)
like to do it (but I disregard their request • Did NOT cause seeding of joint
for it)” • No patient sample of untreated symptomatic
-Steven L Cohn, M.D., B.A.
Cleveland Clinic Case Studies in Perioperative Management 2009
JBJS British 2012 Study Urinalysis Screening
• Possible correlation with UTI/PJI • No evidence-based support to screen patients
• Study included superficial wound swabs- who have no symptoms of bladder irritation
dubious criterion (cystitis), obstruction, or pyelonephritis
• 558 patients • Accepted as a practice standard
• 85% (+) dipstick bacteria
• 7% (+) Cultures
• UTI may be indicative of subset of sicker, more
debilitated patients rather than a discrete risk
factor for PJI
My University Practice
• All TJR patients have U/A and Cultures • Remove Foley Catheter within 24 hours after
• Nurse practitioner checks all results
• Asymptomatic UTI: Treat with appropriate • Mobilize patient early and often
antibiotics • Use multi-modal “comfort” protocol to
accelerate rehab process minimizing opiates
• Symptomatic UTI: Treat with appropriate
antibiotics, treat until symptoms resolved
An Overview of Preoperative Pulmonary Risk Assessment
Perioperative Medicine 2013:
2 purposes:
Preoperative Assessment of the
Patient with Pulmonary Disease • Predict the risk of postoperative pulmonary
complications (PPC’s)
• Provide strategies to reduce the risk of PPC’s
The Literature… The Literature…
• Lawrence VA, Cornell JE, Smetana GW. • Qaseem A, Snow V, Fitterman N et al. Risk
Strategies to Reduce Postoperative Pulmonary Assessment and Strategies to Reduce
Complications after Noncardiothoracic Surgery: Perioperative Pulmonary Complications for
Systematic Review for the American College of Patients Undergoing Noncardiothoracic
Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2006: 144:596-608. Surgery: A Guideline from the American
College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2006;
Case 1 Case 1
• A 39 yo obese woman (BMI 32) has a long- • What is the best strategy for preoperative
standing history of asthma. She is scheduled evaluation to prevent postoperative
for laparoscopic cholecystectomy for pulmonary complications?
symptomatic gallstones.
1. Chest X-ray
• On exam, her lungs are clear. 2. Spirometry and ABG
• Medications: Flovent inhaler 220 mcg BID;
albuterol inhaler prn, last used 2 months ago 3. Steroids for 5 days preoperatively
4. No further workup needed
Case 2 Case 2
• A 75 year old man with COPD, who smokes 1 • Which of the following should be ordered
PPD, scheduled for open prostatectomy for preoperatively?
prostate cancer
1. Spirometry and ABG
• Currently uses Spiriva inhaler
2. Spirometry without ABG
• Has failed multiple attempts at smoking 3. Send to surgery without further testing
• Chronic cough, but walks 2-3 miles daily 4. Delay surgery for 2 months until patient has
without symptoms stopped smoking
Smoking Smoking
• 44 million Americans smoke • Shouldn’t all patients stop smoking before
• 1 in 5 deaths attributed to smoking
• Active smoking linked to increased risk of • Even brief preoperative smoking cessation can
reduce the risk of complications
perioperative cardiovascular, pulmonary and
wound healing complications • We should seize any opportunities to help
patients stop smoking.
• Smoking at the time of surgery associated with
inferior long-term surgical outcomes
Specialty Complications
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
General surgery Superficial and deep wound infections, sepsis,
anastomotic leak, myocardial infarction,
pneumonia, prolonged intubation, stroke
• Major risk factor for PPC’s
Cardiac Pulmonary complications, sternal wound
infection, vein graft failure, prolonged ventilator
• Chronic respiratory muscle fatigue may be
support, ICU readmission exacerbated by the effects of surgery and
Plastic Increased scarring and asymmetry, delayed anesthesia
wound healing, reduced skin flap survival,
implant loss (breast reconstruction), lower
rates of successful digital replantation
• No incremental increase in risk with worsening
(microsurgery) airflow obstruction
Orthopedic Pneumonia, surgical site infections, impaired
bone healing, increased postoperative pain,
• Increased risk of postoperative arrhythmias in
Pediatric (parent smoking) Anesthesia-related respiratory complications
cardiothoracic surgery
• Postoperatively, decreased lung volume in most Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
• Stay tuned for Dr. Olson
• Obese patients may have restrictive physiology
based on obesity
• Most studies found that obese patients, even
morbidly obese patients, did not have an
increased risk of PPC’s
• Potentially modifiable, but impractical in the
perioperative setting
• Should not impact decision to proceed with a
surgical procedure
Pulmonary Hypertension Pulmonary Hypertension
• Defined as RVSP >35mm Hg • Postoperative complications include:
• Increased risk of postoperative complications if • Respiratory failure
• NYHA functional status >2 • Congestive heart failure
• History of pulmonary embolism • Cardiac ischemic events
• OSA • Arrhythmias
• Hepatic dysfunction
• Most complications occur in the OR or within 48
hours after procedure • Renal dysfunction
• Need for inotropic or vasopressor support
Assessment of Risk
• History and Physical exam
• Imaging
• Spirometry
• Special measures of lung function
• Exercise testing
Multifactorial Risk Index for Predicting Postoperative Respiratory Failure in Men After Major Noncardiac
Arozullah, Ahsan; MD, MPH; Daley, Jennifer; Henderson, William; Khuri, Shukri
Annals of Surgery. 232(2):242‐253, August 2000.
2 (11-19) 1.8%
3 (20-27) 4.2%
4 (28-40) 10.1%
5 (>40) 26.6%
Spirometry Spirometry
• Good diagnostic tool for COPD • ACP Guidelines: Preoperative spirometry
should not be used routinely for predicting risk
• Has never been shown to be better than clinical of postoperative pulmonary complications
data (history and physical exam) for predicting
risk of PPC’s
• No absolute threshold of prohibitive risk
Case 3 Case 3
• Currently on Spiriva inhaler, rare albuterol use Which of the following tests would be helpful
preoperatively to assess risk of PPC’s?
• Walks on a treadmill 3-4 times/week, weight
training, very physically active 1. Chest X-ray
Case 4
How Do We Reduce the Risk of
Postoperative Pulmonary • A 70 yo man is being seen preoperatively for a left
nephrectomy for suspected renal cell cancer
• He has a 60 pack-year smoking history, still
smokes ½ PPD
• Daily cough with production of sputum
• Last known FEV1 was 2 years ago= 1 L
Case 4
Which of the following will help
• Requires nocturnal oxygen decrease his risk of
• Currently on long-acting beta-agonist inhaler postoperative pulmonary
and steroid inhaler
• Last exacerbation was 6 months ago, currently
feels that he is at his baseline
• Exam: increased AP diameter, scattered
• Surgery scheduled in 5 days
1. Smoking cessation Lung Expansion Modalities
2. Lung expansion modalities
• Incentive spirometry, chest physical therapy,
3. Pulmonary artery catheterization deep breathing exercises, cough, intermittent
positive-pressure breathing (IPPB), continuous
4. Pre- and post- operative total parenteral
positive-airway pressure (CPAP)
5. Nasogastric tube decompression for 3 days
Case 1- Asthma Case 2- COPD, Smoker
• What is the best strategy for preoperative • Which of the following should be ordered
evaluation to prevent postoperative preoperatively?
pulmonary complications?
1. Spirometry and ABG
1. Chest X-ray
2. Chest X-ray, spirometry and a 6 minute walk
2. Spirometry and ABG test
3. Steroids for 5 days preoperatively 3. Spirometry without ABG
4. No further workup needed 4. Send to surgery without further testing
5. Delay surgery for 2 months until patient has
stopped smoking
References References
• Chung SA, Hongbo Y, Chung F. A Systematic Review • Khullar D, Maa J. The Impact of Smoking on
of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Its Implications for Surgical Outcomes. J Am Coll Surgeons; 2012:
Anesthesiolgists. Anest Analg 2008; 107:1543-63. 215, 418-26.
• Bapoje SR et al. Preoperative Evaluation of the Patient
With Pulmonary Disease. Chest 2007; 132: 1637-1645. • Canet J, Gallart L et al. Prediction of
Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in a
• Practice Guidelines for the Perioperative Management Population-based Surgical Cohort.
of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Anesthesiology 2006; 104:1081-93. Anesthesiology; 2010: 113, 1338-50.
• Thank you.
Perioperative Cardiac Complications
in Perioperative Complications
Noncardiac Surgery
• Hypertension
I and II • Hypotension
An Overview of Perioperative Medicine • Arrhythmias
October, 2013 • Myocardial ischemia - infarction
• Heart failure
Howard Weitz, M.D.
Jefferson Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
• Immediately post op
– Pain • 48 hours post op
– Hypothermia – Fluid mobilization
– Hypoxia – Medication withdrawal
– Volume overload
– Cessation of positive pressure ventilation
Perioperative Hypertension Perioperative Hypertension
Treatment Treatment
• Prevention • Prevention
– Beware of medication withdrawal – Beware of medication withdrawal
• substitute with long acting agents • substitute with long acting agents
• parenteral agents • parenteral agents
• Is the BP “correct” ? • Is the BP “correct” ?
From: Matthews J. The hypertensive patient in the emergency department. J Emerg Med
Perioperative Hypertension Perioperative Hypertension
Indications for Treatment Medical Rx
• Nitroprusside
• Myocardial ischemia, CHF, cerebral • Nicardipine
ischemia, aortic dissection
• Beta blockers
• ??MAP 20 mm Hg above baseline in
diabetic. • Enalapril
• “Significant” sustained elevation • Nitroglycerine
• AVOID too rapid control • Alpha methyldopa
– Goal: No more than 25% decrease in BP first • Diuretics
24 hrs. • NO Nifedipine
• Use the perioperative encounter to evaluate need
for long term BP Rx
Perioperative Hypotension:
Perioperative Arrhythmias
• Acute
– Iatrogenic
• 84% incidence - 5% significant
– Vasodilation • Types
– Myocardial depression – wandering atrial pacemaker
– Volume depletion – isorhythmic A-V dissociation
– anesthesia (vasodilation/ myocardial
– nodal rhythm
• Delayed – sinus tachycardia / bradycardia
– Acute pulmonary embolism – Atrial premature contractions
– Sepsis – Ventricular premature contractions
Perioperative Arrhythmias
Supraventricular arrhythmia: Risk
• Age > 70
• Altered autonomic tone
• Pre op rales
• Sympathetic stimulation • abdominal, thoracic, vascular
• Hypoxia surgery
• Hypercarbia • concurrent medical problems
• ?? Hypokalemia
Supraventricular Arrhythmia: Rx
Rate control
Page e 214
Cardiac surgery – prophylactic beta blocker
New onset periop afib
Postop afib rate control
Balser JR, et al.: Beta adrenergic blockade accelerates conversion of postoperative supraventricular
tachyarrhythmias. Anesthesiology 1998
How do we determine stroke risk ? Perioperative atrial fibrillation: Rx
(Who requires anticoagulation to prevent stroke?)
412 patients lobectomy or pneumonectomy
Continuous monitoring 72-96 hours
Am J Card 77, 1996
Plaque rupture
Thrombus Angiography avrg 6 days prior to vascular surgery.
1242 pts. Followed for subsequent MI or cardiac death postop. (21 pts)
(decreased Collateralized total occlusions and “nonobstructive lesions most common substrate.
myocardial blood
Were “inadequate collaterals” the cause (increased myocardial O2 demand) ?
Master et al.: 1938
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Master et al.: JAMA 110(18), 1939 Post operative day
Master, 1938
• Perioperative MI 1931-1937
• Shock 60%
• Mortality 66%
• Most without chest pain
Mangano, 1991
323 pts., Known ischemic heart disease
CK + Troponin bid day 1‐4, then daily
Ischemia most common first three postop days.
Ischemia clinically silent. From Badner et al.:Anesthesiology 1998;88:572‐8
Perioperative MI 2011
Perioperative MI surveillance
• Cardiac troponins more specific than CPK-MB
(rise 3 hrs post injury).
Perioperative Myocardial Infarction • Surveillance for known CAD, high risk for CAD,
•30 days postop Intermediate-to-high risk for event:
•5% incidence periop MI
– ECG: baseline, immed post op, POD 1,2,3
•74% of MI first 48 hrs postop
•Asymptomatic 65% – Troponin:
•Mortality 11.6% • POD 1 and 4
•Majority NSTEMI
– Detects > 90% but ? Delayed detection
•Many not treated with meds to decrease
risk of recurrent MI • Evening post op and daily for 4 days
• Marker of risk for months post op
Perioperative MI 2012
Systematic review – 14 studies
Increased Tn postop
Increased 12 month mortality (OR 3.4)
Anesthesiology, April 2011
Perioperative MI 2012 Perioperative MI
Perioperative MI - ? Perioperative MI - ?
Perioperative MI - ? Perioperative MI - ?
Perioperative MI ‐ ? Perioperative MI : 0
Perioperative Troponin Elevation Perioperative Troponin Elevation
• Myocardial necrosis (lab diagnosis; many causes) • Myocardial necrosis (lab diagnosis; many causes)
• Myocardial infarction (clinical diagnosis; few causes) – MI
– Infection
– Sepsis
– Pulmonary embolus
– Heart failure
– Renal failure
• Myocardial infarction (clinical diagnosis; few causes)
– MI
Burger et al 2005
Conclusion: ASA should be discontinued only if low dose ASA may
cause bleeding risk with associated mortality
ASA withdrawal
assoc with 3‐ fold
higher risk of
major cardiac event
JAMA Feb 5, 2008
dysfunction • Occurrence
– 70% first hour post extubation.
– 24-48 hours post op
• Treatment
Perioperative Pulmonary Edema
• Occurrence
– 70% first hour post extubation.
– 24-48 hours post op
• Treatment
– Control blood pressure
– Control afib ventricular response
– Diuretics (cautious if HR-PEF)
– Ischemia eval if no other cause
Sprung J, et al Sprung J, et al
Sprung J, et al
Perioperative Complications
• 79% (19/24) of those whose arrests due to anesthesia
survived to be discharged. • Hypertension
• 29% (58/199) of those whose arrest not due to
anesthesia survived to discharge. • Hypotension
• Arrests due to loss of airway had worst outcome. • Arrhythmias
• Likelihood of survival greater if arrest occurred during
standard working hours.
• Myocardial ischemia - infarction
– ? more comprehensive response to arrest • Heart failure
Management of Documented or Suspected
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in Patients
Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery
• No financial disclosures
• No discussion of “off label” use of drugs
Eric J. Olson, MD
Center for Sleep Medicine, Mayo Clinic Rochester
An Overview of Perioperative Medicine 2013
October 9-12, 2013 Grand Hyatt Seattle Seattle, Washington
OSA Status and Complication Rates in Peri-op Complications Attributed to OSA:
Lower Extremity Joint Replacements Recent, Larger Series
• Complication rates 2-7x ↑ in OSA
• Serious complication rates 14-24%
• ↑ risk in OSA for:
• Unplanned ICU stays
• Reintubation
• Aspiration pneumonia
• Venous thromboembolism in ortho patients
• Longer length of stay
Gupta RM. Mayo Clin Proc 2001; 76:897 Kaw R. Chest 2012; 141:436. Memtsoudis S. Anesth Analg 2011; 112:113. Liao P. Can J Anesth 2009; 56:819
Depressant effects of anesthetics/analgesics/sedatives
Upper airway narrowing due to post-intubation edema,
nasal packings, appliances, hematomas Hypertension (systemic; pulmonary)
Forced supine positioning Stroke
Intense REM rebound CAD
Temporary suspension of CPAP DM2
Pre-op Considerations
• How should patients be screened for OSA? • OSA is highly prevalent
• Most cases undiagnosed All pre-op evals
should look for OSA!
• Potentially devastating
complications if untreated
• History
• Physical exam
• Clinical screening tool to sieve out high risk pts
Berlin Questionnaire for OSA: Category 1 Berlin Questionnaire for OSA: Category 2
1.Do you snore? 4. Has your snoring ever bothered other people?
6. How often do you feel tired or fatigued after
Yes (1) Yes (1) your sleep? 8. Have you ever nodded off or fallen asleep
while driving a vehicle?
No No Almost every day (1)
Don’t know 3-4 times per week (1) Yes (2)
Don’t know
1-2 times per week No
5. Has anyone noticed that you stop breathing 1-2 times per month
2. Your snoring is: during your sleep?
Rarely or never
Slightly louder than breathing Almost every day
As loud as talking 3-4 times per week (2) Score: “+” if ≥ 2
7. During your waking time, do you feel tired,
1-2 times per week (2) fatigued or not up to par?
Louder than talking (1)
1-2 times per month Almost every day (1)
Very loud-can be heard in other rooms (1) Rarely or never 3-4 times per week (1)
1-2 times per week
3. How often do you snore? 1-2 times per month
Almost every day (1) Rarely or never
3-4 times per week (1)
1-2 times per week Score: “+” if ≥ 2
1-2 times per month
Netzer N. Ann Intern Med 1999; 131:485 Netzer N. Ann Intern Med 1999; 131:485
Netzer N. Ann Intern Med 1999; 131:485 Chung F. Anesthesiology 2008; 108:812
Prediction Formulas: Which is Best? Pearls for Pre-op OSA Detection
• Seek bed partner input
• “No clinical model is recommended for use to • Consider overnight oximetry if no collateral history
predict severity of sleep apnea”
AASM. Sleep 2005; 28:499 • History of difficult intubation predicts OSA and vice versa
Back to our Patient…
• Sleep evaluation advised: • If presumptive management: peri-op care
• Elective surgery should be same as for known mod-severe OSA
• Strong suspicion for OSA (oxi unlikely to change this)
• General anesthesia
• Post-op IV opioids likely • If pre-op tested and OSA confirmed → CPAP
• Hypertension not tightly controlled
• Face validity, yet impact on post-op
complications not well defined
• Polysomnogram: severe OSA
• AHI: 49 events/hr • Optimal pre-op use unclear; suggest 1 week
• Lowest SpO2: 70% • Non-PAP options not well studied
• % time SpO2 < 90%: 18%
ASA Checklist: An Aid to Assess Risk
• A. Severity of sleep apnea based on sleep study or clinical indicators:
• Inpatient or outpatient surgery? • None
• Mild
• Moderate (2)
• Severe (3)
• B. Invasiveness of surgery and anesthesia
• Superficial surgery w/o sedation (0)
• Superficial surgery w sedation or GA (1)
• Peripheral surgery with spinal/epidural (1)
• Peripheral surgery with GA (2)
• Airway surgery, moderate sedation (2)
• Major surgery, GA (3)
• Airway surgery, GA (3)
• C. Post-operative opioid requirements
• None (0)
• Low-dose opioids (1)
• High-dose oral opioids, parenteral, or neuraxial (3)
• D. Estimation of peri-operative risk: A + (B or C [whichever higher])
• High risk: 5-6 6
• If no intubation:
• Ambulatory surgery center considered: • Provide pt’s usual OSA treatment
• Any OSA status: procedures with NO post-op IV • If moderate sedation:
narcotics anticipated • Administration by properly trained personnel
• Continuous SpO2, CO2 monitoring
• Mild OSA or low-risk for OSA: procedures with only
post-op ORAL narcotics anticipated
• If intubated:
• ASA Difficult Airway Guideline1
• Hospital-based surgery:
• All procedures with post-op IV narcotics anticipated • Anesthesia:
• Poorly studied
• Known OSA (any severity) or high-risk for OSA: • Local, regional options, if possible
upper airway surgery and lap upper abdominal • Ideal GA not known; short-acting agents preferable
1Bolden N. J Clin Anesth 2009; 21:286
1Anesthesiology 2003; 98:1269
2Anesthesiology 2006; 104:1081
• Airway resources immediately available • Which known or suspected OSA patients
require closer monitoring?
• Ensure sufficient patient wakefulness, cooperation
• Verify reversal of neuromuscular blockade
• Maximal head of bed elevation
• Prompt initiation of PAP
2-Step Process for Identifying Patients at
Risk for Post-op Complications from OSA
Back to our Patient… Post-op Desaturations Despite CPAP
• Extubated in PACU; immediate CPAP initiation • Inadequate pressure
• Consider if breakthrough snoring
• Post-op nausea → nasogastric tube • Empiric pressure; auto-CPAP; meds
• You are called for desaturations during sleep
despite CPAP • Interface issues due to tubes, packings
• Full face mask
Pre-op patient
w/o known OSA OSA very common!
Hx, PE,
OSA screening tool
Go to next slide
Proceed to pre-op sleep Stakeholder
surgery with evaluation discussion
peri-op OSA
CPAP Go to next slide
Moderate -severe OSA Mild OSA Peri-op Precautions for Known or
Persistent symptoms Suspected Moderate-Severe OSA
PAP non use • Hospital-based surgery if post-op opioids (IV or PO) anticipated
Changes in Weight change
OSA status? Lost to Sleep Routine cares
Assess non-PAP options • Prepare for difficult intubation
No Yes
• Anesthesia: regional, short-acting GA agents
Don’t ignore! Pt to
bring OSA Rx to
hospital; may need • Extubate only in safe location when patient awake, in non-supine
closer monitoring if position, and neuromuscular blockade reversed
Proceed to PACU events
surgery with Pre-op sleep
peri-op OSA evaluation • Analgesia: multimodality; minimize opioids
• Early reinitiation of PAP
Financial Relationships
Update VTE Prophylaxis 2013 Geno J. Merli, MD, MACP, FHM, FSVM
Bayer: Research, Scientific Advisory
Surgical Patient Bristol-Meyer Squibb: Research, Scientific
Sanofi-Aventis: Research
Geno J Merli, MD, MACP, FHM, FSVM Portola: Research
Professor of Medicine & Surgery
Co-Director Jefferson Center for Vascular Diseases
Chief Medical Officer
Jefferson Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
Current Recommendations
Managing Surgical Patients
At-Risk Surgical Patients
Continuum of Care
Medical Institutions
Surgical Procedure
Rehab Centers Long Term Care
Skilled Nursing Facility
Prophylaxis Transition of Care
Surgical Patient
Risk Factors VTE
VTE Levels of Risk
Surgery Selective estrogen receptor
Trauma modulators
Immobility, lower extremity Erythropoiesis-stimulating Level of Risk Approximate DVT Risk without
paresis agents Prophylaxis %
Cancer (active or occult) Acute medical illness Low Risk < 10 %
Cancer therapy (hormonal, Inflammatory bowel disease Minor surgery, Mobile Patient
chemotherapy, angiogenesis, Nephrotic Syndrome
inhibitors, radiotherapy) Myeloproliferative disorders
Moderate Risk 10% to 40%
Venous compression (tumor, Paroxysmal nocturnal
Most general surgery, open GYN or
hematoma, arterial abnormality) Urologic procedures
Previous VTE Obesity
Increasing age Central venous catheter High Risk 40% to 80%
Pregnancy and the postpartum Inherited or acquired Hip or Knee Arthroplasty, HFS,
period thrombophilia Major Trauma, SCI, Cancer
Estrogen-containing oral
contraceptives or hormone
replacement therapy
Risk Assessment Rogers VTE Risk Assessment
Operation other than ASA Physical Status
endocrine Class
Resp & hemic [9] 3, 4 or 5 [2]
Thoracoabdominal 2 [1]
aneurysm, embolectomy
/thromboectomy, venous
Female Gender [1]
reconstruction, Work RVU
endovascular repair [ 7] > 17 [3]
Aneurysm [4] 10-17 [2]
Mouth palate [4]
Stomach, intestines [4]
Integument [3]
Hernia [2]
Rogers VTE Risk Assessment Rogers VTE Risk Assessment
Two Points for each One Point for each of Zero points for each of
of these conditions these conditions these conditions
Disseminated cancer Wound class ASA physical status
Chemotherapy for (clean/contaminated) Class I
malignancy with 30 Preop Hematocrit Work RVU < 10
days of surgery
Preoperative Na >
< 38% Male gender
145 mmol/L
Preop Bilirubin
> 1 mg/dL
Transfusion > 4U Dyspnea
PRBCs in 72 hrs
prior to surgery Albumin < 3.5 mg/dL
Ventilator Dependent Emergency
Rogers S, et al J Am Coll Surg 2007;204:1211-1221 Rogers S, et al J Am Coll Surg 2007;204:1211-1221
General Bleeding Risk Factors
Active Bleeding
Previous Major Bleeding
Known or Untreated Bleeding Disorder
Severe Renal or Hepatic Failure
Bleeding Risk Thrombocytopenia
Acute Stroke
Uncontrolled Systemic Hypertension
Lumbar Puncture, Epidural, Spinal Anesthesia
(previous 4 hrs or next 12 hrs)
Concomitant use of anticoagulants, antiplatelet
agents, thrombolytics
Procedure Related
Severe Consequences of Bleeding
Jefferson Approach
ACCP VTE Risk Guideline (Exclusion Model)
Craniotomy Low
Spinal Surgery Moderate
Spinal Trauma High
Reconstructive procedures involving Assess Bleeding Risk (ACCP Model)
free flaps
CPOE System that requires all patients to be
risk assessed and VTE prophylaxis ordered
before remainder of order set can be
7th ACCP Recommendation
For all patients we do not recommend
ASA for prophylaxis, because other
measures are more efficacious (1A)
Mechanical Thromboprophylaxis
High-Risk surgery patients with multiple risk
factors, pharmacologic method combined with
mechanical method (2C)
IPC Use Intermittent Pneumatic Compression
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals Use at TJUHs
No Yes
IPC Device on Patient Number Percent (%) 70
Percentage Use
No 250 73.75 % 60
All Patients Three shift x 4 days
Yes 89 26.25 % 40 74%
Total 339 100 % 30
% Pts
All patients 7 th floor day and night shift x 4 days Gardiner D, Kelly B, Hosp Pract 2013
Patient out of room 9 3.59%
Unknown 125 49.8 % 3 7/424
Patient refused 0 0 2
1 1.7%
Total 250 100 %
Fondaparinux Placebo
Major Bleeding
All patients 7th floor day and night shift x 4 days
Fond 1.6% vs Placebo 0.2%
Proximal DVT 0.2% vs 1.7% Turpie AG, et al. J Thromb Haemost. 2007;5:1854-1861
VTE Incidence
No Px & Surveillance
Surgery No Studies No Pts VTE 95% CI
Guidelines 2102-2013 Guidelines 2102-2013
General Abdominal-Pelvic Surgery Px General Abdominal-Pelvic Surgery Px
Extended VTE 14
VTE (%)
Abdominal & Pelvic Cancer Surgery
The @RISTOS Project
Clinical Outcomes After Cancer Surgery
Group No Pt VTE+Death RRR (95% CI)
Bemiparin 248 21 (8.5%) 36.5
N = 2373
Advanced Cancer 2.68 1.37-5.24
6 Symptomatic VTE 2.1%
Anesthesia >2 hours 4.50 1.06-19.04
Overall Mortality 1.7%
Bed Rest >3 days 4.37 2.45-7.78
The Odds Ratio were the same for late VTE
0 46% due
1–5 5–10 11–15 16–20 21–25 25–30 >30
to fatal PE
Days post surgery
Agnelli G, et al Ann Surg 2006;243:89-95
Agnelli G, et al. Ann Surg. 2006;243:89-95.
ACCP Guidelines 2008 Extended VTE Prophylaxis
Extended VTE Px Cancer Surgery Abdominal-Pelvic Cancer Surgery
In Selected High-Risk General Surgery patients including those
who have undergone major cancer surgery, suggested post-
High Risk patient undergoing abdominal or
hospital discharge prophylaxis with LWMH [2A] pelvic surgery for cancer who are not high
Enoxaparin 40mg, SC, Q24hrs risk for major bleeding [1B]
Dalteparin 5,000 IU, SC, Q24hrs
Patients undergoing Gynecologic Cancer Surgery and who are Extended prophylaxis 4 weeks with LMWH
>60 years of age or have previously experienced a VTE Dalteparin 5,000 U, Q24 hrs
recommend continuing prophylaxis for 2 to 4 weeks [2C] Enoxaparin 40 mg, Q24 hrs
Enoxaparin 40mg every 24 hours
Dalteparin 5000 IU every 24 hours
Guidelines 2102-2013
Plus IPC
[2B] [2B] [2C] [2C] UFH LMWH [2C]
[2C] [2C]
DVT/PE Prophylaxis in the Surgical Disclosures
Patient II: The AAOS Guidelines and
the Orthopedist's Perspective
October 9-12, 2013
I have no disclosures to
make regarding this
Bleeding Risk
Evolution of Clinical Practice Evolution of Clinical Practice
Guidelines (CPG) Guidelines (CPG)
“The Grand Merger”
• AACP 2004, 2008
• Focus on choosing best prophylactic agent • AAOS 2011/AACP 2012
in preventing ASYMPTOMATIC DVT, ASA • Both guidelines emphasize balancing efficacy and
safety for the selection of DVT prophylactic agents
not included
• AAOS emphasis on prevention of symptomatic
• No consideration for bleeding risk DVT
• Recommendations based on randomized • AACP 2012 CPG includes aspirin and some newer
drug trials (mostly pharmaceutical funded) agents, but unlike the 2008 CPG, does not offer
specific dosage protocol
AAOS Guideline 2011 AAOS 2011 Clinical Practice Guideline
• Use neuraxial anesthesia: decreases blood • Balance risk of bleeding with symptomatic DVT
loss prophylaxis
• Questions use of IVC filters • Encourage orthopaedic surgeons to engage in
• Discontinue anti-platelet agents perioperatively discussion of DVT strategy with patient,
(aspirin/plavix) hospitalist, internist, cardiologist, and
• For patients with high risk of bleeding use
mechanical compression devices, drug agents?
• Patient with prior DVT, use drug agent and
mechanical compression device
Day of Surgery
Drug Agents • Holding area
• Aspirin 325 mg po bid (90% of my practice) • Apply below knee stockings
• OR
• Lovenox (renal dosed)
• Regional block (not indwelling epidural pain catheter)
• Xarelto (rivaroxaban) • Foot mechanical pumps – sterile compression boot with
sterile tubing
• Coumadin
• Measure twice, cut once!
• Lovenox bridged with Coumadin
• Limit TKR tourniquet time/limit leg rotation during THR to
• Aspirin, add Plavix with baby aspirin 10 days avoid kinking of the femoral vein
post-op • IV toradol with aspirin DVT prophylaxis
• Do not use IV toradol with Lovenox/Coumadin/Factor Xa
Inhibitors because risk of bleeding
No Toradol for you! PACU
Things That Go Bump in the Night
• Post-op TJR specific order set not employed
• Surgeon/Nursing/Medicine Service overlooks
(missing) anticoagulation order
• Voluminous discharge instructions for home or
SNIF unit
• “Was I supposed to be taking aspirin after I
left the hospital?”
Thank you!
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-31
Ask: Why receiving antiplatelet agents???
• Primary prevention
Perioperative Management of Antiplatelet
Agents in Cardiac Patients • Secondary prevention: with or without
An Overview of Perioperative Medicine • Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Ticagrelor, Prasugrel
October 2013 • Post stent
• Post CVA
Howard Weitz, M.D.
Jefferson Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
Case 1 Case 1
Case 1
• You advise:
Journal of the American Dental Association, November 2003
Meta-analysis of 41 studies
ASA increased risk of bleeding complications 1.5 fold
ASA withdrawl preceeded 10% of Acute Coronary Syndromes
Time interval from ASA withdrawl to ACS was 8.5 days
85 year old man
PTCA post NSTEMI 11 months ago
left colectomy
• Presents now with fatigue
• Stool heme (+)
• Hgb 9.2, Hgb A1C 12, Cr 2.1
• Colonoscopy without biopsy reveals
fungating mass left colon
We have been requested to assess him for • A. Stop asa + clopidogrel and perform
surgery. colonoscopic biopsy
Our concerns relate to: • B. Consult with GI and see if they can perform
colonoscopic bx on asa + clop
a. Management of his antiplatelet therapy in
• C. Consult with GI and see if they can perform
the peri-colonoscopy period biopsy on asa
b.Management of his antiplatelet therapy in
• D. Consult with surgery and see if they can
perform colectomy on asa
the perioperative period
• E. Wait 1 month, then approach off asa-
Society for Cardiovascular Angiography Clinical Alert, Jan 2007
Society for Cardiovascular Angiography Clinical Alert, Jan 2007
• Advanced age
• Diabetes mellitus
• Renal insufficiency
• Multivessel cad
• Stent placed in setting of acute coronary syndrome
• Stent
– Bifurcation lesion
– Stent placed to treat in-stent restenosis
– Multiple stents
– Small stent dia
– Stent malposition or underexpansion
Riddell J W et al. Circulation 2007;116:e378-e382
Risk Factors for Stent Thrombosis
• *Advanced age
• *Diabetes mellitus
• *Renal insufficiency
• Multivessel cad
• *Stent placed in setting of acute coronary syndrome
• Stent
– Bifurcation lesion
– Stent placed to treat in-stent restenosis
– Multiple stents
– Small stent dia
– Stent malposition or underexpansion
– *LAD
J Gastrointest Endos 2009
Can we get by with short term antiplatelet
Case Case
Recurrent angina last year led to repeat Following cath his medical antianginal regimen was
catheterization. Cath revealed: maximized.
1. left internal mammary artery bypass that was anastomosed He feels well and only has angina if he over exerts.
to the left anterior descending was patent but the distal lad was He can predict this and for 6 months has been able to
diffusely diseased and not thought amenable to intervention.
take prophylactic nitroglycerine to prevent episodes.
Episodes have been infrequent and he has been
2. vein graft to the right coronary artery was occluded and
the right coronary artery was diffusely diseased and not stable. He is unable to climb one flight of stairs due
amenable to intervention. to severe degenerative joint disease.
Case Case
He has chronic renal insufficiency (analgesic related ) Cr. 2.2 He is going to neurosurgery. Regarding his
aspirin you recommend
Medications: metoprolol 100 mg po twice daily, lisinopril 20
mg daily, aspirin 325 mg daily, nitroglycerine
Bp 105/70 HR 58
A. Continue aspirin in the perioperative period
Exam unremarkable. B. Discontinue aspirin in the perioperative period
C. Discuss with the neurosurgeon and recommend
ECG: Normal sinus rhythm. Old diaphragmatic infarct.
Unchanged from prior ecg that aspirin be continued if at all possible
D. Pharmacologic stress test
E. None of the above
He is going to neurosurgery. Regarding his • He has diffuse coronary artery disease felt not amenable
aspirin you recommend to repeat revascularization 1 year ago
How about his aspirin in the perioperative How about his aspirin ?
period ?
10 BMS thrombosis
28 related to procedures
Meta-analysis of 41 studies
ASA increased risk of bleeding complications 1.5 fold
ASA withdrawl preceeded 10% of Acute Coronary Syndromes
Time interval from ASA withdrawl to ACS was 8.5 days
What would the neurosurgeon say? Bleeding Risk Associated With Different Surgical Procedures With
Regard to Antiplatelet Therapies
Majority of neurosurgeons
require ASA stopped
7.3 days preop
Chassot PG, et al. Br J Anaesth 2007;99:316-28 Chassot PG, et al. Br J Anaesth 2007;99:316-28
Chassot PG, et al. Br J Anaesth 2007;99:316-28 Chassot PG, et al. Br J Anaesth 2007;99:316-28
Chassot PG, et al. Br J Anaesth 2007;99:316-28 Chassot PG, et al. Br J Anaesth 2007;99:316-28
Post MI Antiplatelet Rx
Relevant Financial Relationships
Clinical Short: How do I manage
patients who are DNR going to Off-Label/Investigational Uses
Molly Feely MD
Which of the following statements is true? Which of the following statements is true?
A. An institutional policy requiring full code status A. An institutional policy requiring full code status
for surgery is ethically sound for surgery is ethically sound
B. Medical personnel may ethically rescind her B. Medical personnel may ethically rescind her
DNR status for emergency surgery DNR status for emergency surgery
C. It makes no ethical sense to be DNR and C. It makes no ethical sense to be DNR and
have surgery have surgery
D. All available guidelines recommend a D. All available guidelines recommend a
discussion with the patient or surrogate re- discussion with the patient or surrogate re-
examining wishes regarding resuscitation in examining wishes regarding resuscitation in
the perioperative period the perioperative period
The ethics
The Dilemma
• Patient autonomy
• Dying of disease or dying of iatrogenic
• Patient right to self-determination intervention?
• Patient right to refuse • Resuscitation is more successful in the OR
• DNR does not mean “do not treat” • Patients who are DNR have increased mortality
• Ethics vs morality post-operatively
• “failure to rescue”
• Reflected in all guidelines
• what is the definition of “success”
Preparedness Planning
• Attempts to define “success” and “failure”
• Aligns expectations
• Establishing goals of care for a specific intervention
• “What are you hoping this surgery will do for
So, what should we do with patients you?”
who are DNR and need surgery? • “What would you want us to know if things didn’t
go as well as we hope?”
• “What’s the worst thing that could happen from
this surgery?”
• “XXX is a likely complication from this surgery.
How should we address XXX if it happens to
Mrs. L Take Home Points
• Presents to ER with abdominal pain • It is ethically permissible to be DNR in the OR
• CT shows ruptured AAA • Preparedness planning is a way to align
expectations going forward
• Patient is DNR
• Negotiate care decisions based on goals of
• Relevant Financial Relationships
Perioperative Management of Warfarin • NONE
Heparin Bridge
Warfarin Interruption for Invasive Approach to Bridging Therapy:
Procedures Three Key Questions
• There will be 7 – 10 day window of time without
therapeutic anticoagulation 1. Need to stop warfarin?
• Bridging therapy minimizes the window 2. Need bridging therapy?
• Thrombotic risk related to underlying indication for 3. How and when to restart anticoagulation after
anticoagulation and the “prothrombotic” surgical state
a procedure?
• Thromboembolism in 1%
• Preoperative management is the easy part
• Bridging therapy can contribute to risk of perioperative
bleeding complications
• Bleeding rates about 2 – 3X thrombosis rates
Need to Stop Warfarin? Need to Give Bridging Therapy?
• Some procedures can be done without • American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)
stopping or with INR at low end of target range 2012 Guidelines on Antithrombotic and
• Examples: Thrombolytic Therapy
• EMG, Cataract surgery, Dental surgery • Guidelines for atrial fibrillation, mechanical
heart valves, and venous thromboembolism
• QI opportunity
• Establish what level INR acceptable for • Risk strata with annual thrombosis risk
different procedures and standardize • Low: < 5%
• Moderate: 5 – 10%
• High: > 10%
ACCP Risk Stratification 2012:
Bridging Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation Mayo Clinic Thrombophilia:
Bridging Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation
Risk level Characteristics
therapy? Risk Bridging
level therapy?
Any one of the following:
Any one of the following:
• CHADS score 5 or 6
High YES • CHADS score 4 - 6
• Recent (within 3 months) stroke or TIA
• Rheumatic valvular heart disease High • Previous cardioembolic stroke or TIA YES
• Intracardiac thrombus
Moderate CHADS 3 or 4 YES • Rheumatic valvular heart disease
CHADS score 0 – 3
CHADS 0 – 2 Low NO
Low NO (and no history of cardioembolic stroke/TIA)
(no history of stroke or TIA)
Chest 2012; 141(2) (Suppl):e326S – e350S Wysokinski et al. Mayo Clinic Proc. June 2008;83(6): 639-645
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-14
Mayo Clinic Thrombophilia:
Bridging Therapy for Venous
“Severe” Thrombophilia – a la ACCP
Thromboembolism (VTE)
Risk Bridging
therapy? • Protein C or S deficiency
McBane et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. June 2010;30: 442-448 Chest June 2008 133:6 suppl 299S – 339S
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-19 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-20
CHARACTERISTIC LOWER RISK HIGHER RISK He has atrial fibrillation but no prior thromboembolism,
rheumatic heart disease or congestive heart failure.
Number of Valves Single Multiple He is scheduled for a total hip arthroplasty for degenerative joint
Position of Valve Aortic Mitral
Would you give this patient bridging therapy?
ACCP Risk Stratification 2012: Mayo Clinic Thrombophilia:
Bridging Therapy for Mechanical Heart Valves
Bridging Therapy for Mechanical Heart Valves
Risk level Characteristics
Bridging (MHV)
Risk Bridging
•Any mitral MHV Characteristics
level therapy?
High •Caged-ball or tilting disk aortic MHV YES
• Any mitral MHV
•Recent (within 6 months) stroke or TIA
• Older (caged-ball or tilting disk) aortic
Aortic bileaflet MHV and any one of the following: High YES
Moderate YES
• History of cardioembolic stroke or TIA
•Atrial fibrillation, Prior stroke or TIA, HTN, DM,
Age > 75 yrs • Aortic bileaflet AND atrial fibrillation or
Aortic bileaflet MHV without AFib and no additional
NO Aortic bileaflet MHV without atrial fibrillation
risk factors Low NO
or CHF
Daniels et al. Thrombosis Research. 2009;124: 300-305
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-26
Pre-Procedure Low Molecular Weight How and when to restart anticoagulation
Heparin (LMWH) Dosing for Bridging after a procedure?
Risk of Post-Procedure Bleeding: Risk of Post-Procedure Bleeding:
PROSPECT Study Experience With Bridging PROSPECT Study Experience With Bridging
• 260 patients with AF or VTE Major Bleeding while on
Procedure (N)
Enoxaparin + 24 hrs (%)
• Warfarin stopped for:
• invasive procedure Invasive procedure
• minor surgery (148)
• or major surgery (≥ 1 hour duration) Minor Surgery
• Resumed warfarin night of procedure (72)
• Enoxaparin started 12-24 hours post-procedure Major Surgery
(dose = 1.5 mg/kg SC daily) – given until (40)
therapeutic on warfarin
Dunn et al. J Thromb Haemost 2007;5: 2211-2218 Dunn et al. J Thromb Haemost 2007;5: 2211-2218
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-31 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-32
Treatment Strategy
Classifying Bleeding Risk Of Procedures Bleeding Risk of
Pre-Procedure Post-Procedure
1. Cardiovascular surgery
• Valve replacement, CABG, AAA Dalteparin
repair High No Dalteparin
100 IU/kg SC BID
2. Cancer surgery
High Risk • Neurosurgery, Urology, ENT, Breast Dalteparin Dalteparin
3. Intra-abdominal surgery Non-High
100 IU/kg SC BID 100 IU/kg SC BID
4. Other
• Bilateral TKA, laminectomy, TURP, • Coumadin
kidney biopsy • Stopped 5-6 days pre-procedure
• Started back when patient could take oral medication
Non-High Risk All others
• Outcomes (assessed within 14 days):
• thromboembolism, major bleeding, wound related blood loss
Douketis et al. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1319-1326 Douketis et al. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1319-1326
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-35 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-36
% with outcome in each group Predictors of major bleeding in peri-
Non-High High procedural anticoagulation management
Outcome Bleeding Bleeding
Risk Risk All • Mayo Thrombophilia Center Registry
(N = 542) (N = 108) • Retrospective cohort from 1997 – 2007
Thromboembolism • 2182 patients seen for anticoagulation
0.37 1.85 0.62 management recommendations for 2484
(including possible) procedures
Major Bleeds 0.74 1.85 0.92
• 1496 patients given bridging therapy
• Major bleeding rates
Increased Wound
5.9 NA NA • 3% of bridged patients
Blood Loss
• 1% of those not bridged
Douketis et al. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1319-1326 Tafur et al. J Thromb Haemost 2012;10:261-7.
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-37 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-38
Risk factor Hazard ratio
Heparin given within 24 hours post 1.9
procedure (among those bridged) when safe
Previous bleeding history 2.6
Tafur et al. J Thromb Haemost 2012;10:261-7. Chest June 2008 133:6 suppl 299S – 339S
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-39 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-40
71 year old woman taking warfarin due to atrial Bleeding risk assessment
fibrillation has a CHADS score = 4.
• Type of surgery: Cancer surgery, general surgery
By ACCP – MODERATE Thrombosis Risk
• Mechanical mitral valve: NA
Want to give bridging. • Active cancer: Present
Patient will undergo a mastectomy. • Thrombocytopenia: No
Assess post-operative bleeding risk and recommend a • TWO BLEEDING RISK FACTORS PRESENT
strategy for anticoagulation management.
Chest June 2008 133:6 suppl 299S – 339S Spyropoulos et al. J Thromb Haemost 2006;4: 1246-1252.
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-45 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-46
Spyropoulos et al. J Thromb Haemost 2006;4: 1246-1252. Nutescu et al. Ann Pharamcother 2009;43: 1064-1083.
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-47 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-48
Putting it Together:
Post Procedure Warfarin Dosing Identify the patients who do not require bridging
•CHADS = 0 - 3
• We often resume at the dose patient was stable on Atrial fibrillation •AND no stroke/TIA history, intra-
pre-procedure cardiac thrombus or rheumatic heart
• CAUTION: •Last event > 6 months ago
• patients may be more sensitive to warfarin after a Venous
thromboembolism •AND no cancer or “severe”
procedure (e.g. NPO, antibiotics) so may need a thrombophilia
lower dose at re-initiation – do require close
•Aortic position only, bileaflet
monitoring of INR Mechanical heart
valve •AND no history of thromboembolism
or atrial fibrillation
Putting it Together:
Post-Procedure Management
Warfarin Heparins
Risk Level
LOW Not used – No Bridging
Low Bleeding Risk:
•Full bridging 24 hrs post
When High Bleeding Risk:
safe •Full bridging 48 – 72 hrs post
•OR low dose bridging
•OR no bridging
Financial Relationships
Geno J. Merli, MD, MACP, FHM, FSVM
Perioperative Management
Bayer: Research, Scientific Advisory
Bristol-Meyer Squibb: Research, Scientific
New Oral Anticoagulants Advisory
Geno J Merli, MD, MACP, FHM, FSVM
Sanofi-Aventis: Research, Scientific
Professor Medicine & Surgery Advisory
Co-Director Jefferson Vascular Center
Chief Medical Officer Portola: Research
Jefferson Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
Common Pathway
Prothrombin Thrombin
Fibrinogen Fibrin
Useful Dabigatran Rivaroxaban Apixaban
Key Points Dabigatran Rivaroxaban Apixaban Lab Test
Target IIa Xa Xa
Strong ECT Chromogenic Chromogenic
anti-Xa Anti -Xa
Half-Life 12-17 hrs 7-11 hrs 12 hrs
Clearance 80% renal 60% Renal 25% Renal
33% Liver 75% Liver
Protein 35% > 90% 87% aPTT
Dialyzable Yes No No
Weak PT / INR
Dabigatran Rivaroxaban
Pre-procedural Management Pre-Procedural Management
Stable CrCl T1/2 D/C time D/C time
(ml/min) (range, hrs) before minor before major Stable CrCl Rivaroxaban D/C Time D/C Time
procedure procedure or (ml/min) t1/2 before before
epidural (hours) minor major
procedure procedure
> 80 13 (11-22) 36 hours 4 days or epidural
> 50 8 24 hours 48 hours
50 -79 15 (13 – 24) 48 hours 4 days
30 - 49 16 (13 – 23) 3 days 5 days 15 - 49 9 - 10 48 hours 48 – 72
< 30 27 (22 – 35) At least 5 days prior
*Check PTT
TJUH Guidelines for use 2012. TJUH Guidelines for use 2012.
Pre-Procedural Management
Case 1 Case 1
68 year old woman is scheduled with non-valvular When should dabigatran be
atrial fibrillation on dabigatran is scheduled for
hysterectomy for maligancy in 1 week. discontinued prior to the elective
PMHx: Non-Valvular Afib, HBP, HL, No Stroke or TIA,
hysterectomy ?
Meds: Dabigatran 150mg, BID, atorvastatin 20mg,
HCTZ 12.5mg, atenolol 50mg
PE: BP 122/78, P 78, R 12, BMI 27
68 yr old, well nourished, hispanic, female
S1 and S2 normal, irregular-irregular rate 78
Remainder examination normal
Labs: CrCl 60 ml/min, Hgb 12.2, HCT 37, Plt 200k, INR
1, PTT 32s
CHF, HBP, Age, DM, Stroke, TIA CHF, HBP, Age, DM, Stroke, TIA
CHADS2 Stroke Risk NRAF Stroke Treatment
Medical Condition Assigned Score Rate (per 1.2 yrs)
Points 0 Low 1.9 Option ASA
History of stroke or TIA 2 1 Low 2.8 ASA-W-D-R
Hypertension 1 2 Moderate 4.0 W-D-R
3 Moderate 5.9 W-D-R
Diabetes Mellitus 1
4 High 8.5 W-D-R
Presence of congestive heart failure 1
5 High 12.5 W-D-R
Age 75 years or older 1
6 High 18.2 W-D-R
Discontinuation Dabigatran
ACCP Guidelines 2012 CrCl & Half-life
In patients with atrial fibrillation at low CrCL Dabigatran t ½ D/C Minor D/C Major
risk for thromboembolism, suggest NO hrs Procedure Procedure,
epidural, spinal
Bridging [2C] > 80 13 (11-22) 1.5 days 4 days
Case 1
Discontinuation Rivaroxaban
CrCl & Half-life
Case 1
ACCP Guidelines 2012
Surgery Dabigatran at Afib dose
Hysterectomy Most likely effective VTE
Extended Px
In patients with atrial fibrillation at low
risk for thromboembolism, suggest NO
Bridging [2C]
Dabigatran VTE Px Patients requiring VTE prophylaxis
4 days 1. LMWH other than dabigatran, start UFH,
2. UFH
3. IPC + above LMWH, plus-minus IPCs for duration of
prophylaxis then resume these agents
post discharge day one. [Jefferson
Assess renal function to plan dosing
Dabigatran 150mg, BID 1st post discharge day Douketis J, et al Chest 2012;141:e326S-e350S
Case 2 Case 2
75 yr old woman scheduled for right TKA in PE: BP 120/80, P 74, R 12, Wt 80 kg
two weeks. The patient has non-valvular 72 yr old overweight, white, female
atrial fibrillation being treated with atenolol Heart Irregular-Irregular, no murmurs
and rivaroxaban.
Abdomen: No organ enlargement
Meds: atenolol 25 mg, rivaroxaban 20mg, Right knee: + knee effusion, pain ROM
furosemide 40mg, Insulin
PMHx: HBP, Afib, Hx TIA 5yrs ago, HF NY II Labs: Cr 1.2, CrCl 62 ml/min
(compensated EF 35%), Diabetes (insulin)
Case 1
How would you manage rivaroxaban in
the perioperative period in patient
undergoing right TKA ?
Step 1
CHF, HBP, Age, DM, Stroke, TIA CHF, HBP, Age, DM, Stroke, TIA
CHADS2 Stroke Risk NRAF Stroke Treatment
Medical Condition Assigned Score Rate (per 1.2 yrs)
Points 0 Low 1.9 Option ASA
History of stroke or TIA 2 1 Low 2.8 ASA-W-D-R-A
Hypertension 1 2 Moderate 4.0 W-D-R-A
3 Moderate 5.9 W-D-R-A
Diabetes Mellitus 1
4 High 8.5 W-D-R-A
Presence of congestive heart failure 1
5 High 12.5 W-D-R-A
Age 75 years or older 1
6 High 18.2 W-D-R-A
Case 2 Case 2
Surgery Surgery
Right TKA Right TKA
Preop Day 3 2 1 Preop Day 3 2 1
Stop Stop
Rivaroxaban VTE Prophylaxis Rivaroxaban VTE Prophylaxis
1. Warfarin 1. LMWH
Enoxaparin Enoxaparin
2. IPC + above 2. UFH
80 mg, Q12hrs 80 mg, Q12hrs
3. IPC + above
Start 1800 hrs Start 1800 hrs
Stop Stop
Enoxaparin after Warfarin Enoxaparin after Stop LMWH, UFH
Morning Dose Continue dosing to target Morning Dose after AM dose day prior
INR of 2 to 3 for 4-6 wks, to discharge then
Then convert to Rivaroxaban start Rivaroxaban that
evening prior to D/C
Case 2
Surgery ACCP Guidelines 2012
Right TKA
In patients receiving Bridging
Preop Day 3 2 1
Anticoagulation with therapeutic LMWH and
undergoing a high-bleeding risk surgery,
suggest resuming therapeutic-dose LMWH
VTE Prophylaxis
1. Rivaroxaban 10mg 48 to 72 hr after surgery instead of resuming
80 mg, Q12hrs
4. IPC + above within 24 hrs postop. [2C]
Start 1800 hrs
If the patient cannot restart full dose LMWH
Stop because of bleeding risk then continue VTE
Enoxaparin after Rivaroxaban prophylaxis and reassess patient. [Jefferson
Morning Dose Continue 10 mg dosing,
Post discharge day 1
Change dose to 20 mg
Douketis J, et al Chest 2012;141:e326S-e350S
Case 3 Case
Pt is a 64 yr old man undergoing right TKA. His How should rivaroxaban be managed
orthopedic surgeon would like to use rivaroxaban for
VTE prophylaxis because of the patient’s PMHx of with spinal anesthesia in the
DVT after a femoral fracture in skiing accident. postoperative period?
Meds: Atenolol 50mg, HCTZ 12.5 mg, atorvastatin
20mg, Qday
PE: BP132/82, P 66, R 12, BMI 29
Lungs clear without crackles
Heart regular rhythm, S1 and S2 normal
Right knee effusion, decrease ROM
Labs: normal
Dosing Rivaroxaban
Epidural Catheters Case 4
Epidural Patient is a 62 yr old woman admitted with small
> 18 hrs from bowel obstruction. The patient is on rivaroxaban for
Surgery 10 AM Last dose
stroke prevention for non-valvular atrial fibrillation.
8AM Leave PACU
Medical consultation is requested for managing the
patient’s anticoagulation.
PMHx: A-Fib, HBP
Placed Riva 10 mg Start Riva ROS: no HF, no Stroke/TIA, no DM
6-8 hrs postop
4 PM – 6 PM
6 hrs after
Meds: Rivaroxaban 20 mg, Qday, amlodipine 5 mg,
Removed NKA medications
Half-Life 7 – 11 hrs
Case 4 Case 4
PE: BP 134/78, P 78, R 12, Wt 68 kg
Patient is a 62 year old, well nourished, white, female.
Is there any withdrawal risk for stroke
Lungs clear after stopping rivaroxaban abruptly?
Heart irregular, irregular rate 78, no murmurs
Abdomen distended, absent bowel sounds, no rebound, N/G
tube in place
Labs: CrCl 68 ml/min, WBC 12 K, no shift, Plts 200K,
INR 0.9, Ptt 32 sec, H& H normal, Obstruction Series
Positive small bowel obstruction
Diabetes Mellitus 1
Presence of congestive heart failure 1
CHF, HBP, Age, DM, Stroke, TIA
CHADS2 Stroke Risk NRAF Stroke Treatment
Score Rate (per 1.2 yrs)
0 Low 1.9 Option ASA
1 Low 2.8 ASA-W-D-R
2 Moderate 4.0 W-D-R-A
3 Moderate 5.9 W-D-R-A
4 High 8.5 W-D-R-A
5 High 12.5 W-D-R-A Black Box Warning
6 High 18.2 W-D-R-A 1. Discontinuing Rivaroxaban increases thrombotic
2. After Discontinuing Rivaroxaban start alternative
Gage BF et al. JAMA 2001;285:2864-2870
You J et al, Chest 2012;141(2):e531S-e575S Patel M et al, NEJM 2011;365:883-891
Rocket AF Study
Group Riva Warfarin HR P value
Rocket AF Study
Case 4
Warfarin 81%
Patient has low CHADS2 Score [1]
Cumulative Proportion with INR > 2
Case 5 Case 5
Patient is a 68 yr old man scheduled for Are patients using dabigatran at risk for
left total hip replacement surgery. acute coronary syndrome with atrial
fibrillation in the post joint replacement
surgery period ?
Uchino K, et al Arch Intern Med 2012;172:397-402 Uchino K, et al Arch Intern Med 2012;172:397-402
MI 1 1 5
Unstable 1 0 0
Cardiac Death 0 0 3
Case 6 Case 6
The patient is an 66 yr old man Pt was discharged on rivaroxaban for
PMHx: HBP, DM, HL VTE prophylaxis for 30 days.
Meds: rivaroxaban 10mg, Qday, amlodipine, On the 16 day postop day the patient
glucophage complained of dizziness and near
PE: BP 128/88, P 80, R 12, BMI 28 syncope.
Labs: PT 11 sec, INR 0.9, PTT 28 sec, Plts At PCP orthostatic, stool heme +,
271K, Cr 1.2, CrCl 72 ml/min testing then sent to ED
CBC: Hgb 5.8, HCT 17.3
PT/INR: 23 sec/2.16
Weak PT / INR
Prothrombin Time
GI Bleed
Four Factor vs Three Factor PCC Rivaroxaban
Rivaroxaban Reversal PT/INR
Re-Evaluate Re-Evaluate
Levi M, et al Abstract ISTH July 2013
Preoperative Assessment
of the Patient with Chronic Liver Disease Case #1
• History and Physical exam are critical You are asked to see a 46 year old female with autoimmune
hepatitis who is scheduled for excision of a indeterminant breast
• Detailed alcohol use history lump. She is not currently on therapy for her hepatitis.
• CBC (platelets > 50K) Pre-op labs: ALT 540 U/L, AST 428 U/L. INR, Bilirubin and
Albumin are normal. No ascites on exam.
• Thrombocytopenia suggests portal HTN When would you recommend surgery?
• Liver labs (includes bilirubin and albumin) A.Right away
• Prothrombin time (< 1.5 INR) B.ALT and AST <5X ULN
• Creatinine, electrolytes
D.After 8 weeks of prednisone therapy
• Abdominal US E.Not a surgical candidate
Acute Acute
Acute Injury
Case #1 Bronchitis Hepatitis
Alcoholic Hepatitis Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
• Very high mortality rate from illness and very • Increasingly common
high peri-operative mortality rate (> 30%) • Ranges from simple steatosis to steatohepatitis with
• Important to distinguish between alcoholic cirrhosis
hepatitis (sick) and alcoholic steatosis (not • Unsuspected cirrhosis in 4%
sick) • PO risk from obesity, diabetes and CV disease
• Recommend abstinence > 12 weeks prior to • Need to identify cirrhotics due to further increase in
elective surgery risk
Case #2 Case #2
69 year old female with obesity, diabetes and 69 year old female with obesity, diabetes and
cirrhosis due to NASH has symptomatic DJD cirrhosis due to NASH has symptomatic DJD
and wants knee replacement. CTP score is 6, and wants knee replacement. CTP score is 6,
MELD 7. What do you recommend? MELD 7. What do you recommend?
A.Proceed with surgery A.Proceed with surgery
B.Surgical risk prohibitive B.Surgical risk prohibitive
C.Transjugular portosystemic shunt (TIPS) C.Transjugular portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
prior to surgery prior to surgery
D.Liver transplant evaluation D.Liver transplant evaluation
Case #3 Case #3
60 year old male with NASH cirrhosis, diabetes 60 year old male with NASH cirrhosis, diabetes
has severe aortic valve stenosis. Dyspnea with has severe aortic valve stenosis. Dyspnea with
minimal exertion, no CHF. Moderate ascites minimal exertion, no CHF. Moderate ascites
present. CTP score is 8, MELD 17. What do present. CTP score is 8, MELD 17. What do
you recommend? you recommend?
A.Proceed with surgery A.Proceed with surgery
B.Surgical risk prohibitive B.Surgical risk prohibitive
C.Transjugular portosystemic shunt (TIPS) prior to C.Transjugular portosystemic shunt (TIPS) prior to
surgery surgery
D.Liver transplant evaluation D.Liver transplant evaluation
Cirrhosis and Surgery: CTP Classification Child-Turcotte-Pugh Classification
Parameter 1 2 3
Encephalopathy None Stage 1-2 Stage 3-4
Ascites Nil Slight-Mod Mod-Severe
Operative Mortality (%)
80 Bilirubin
-Cholestatic <4 4-10 >10
50 -Non-Cholestatic <2 2-3 >3
40 Albumin >3.5 2.8-3.5 <2.8
INR <1.7 1.7-2.3 >2.3
Score CTP Class
Child's A Child's B Child's C
5-7 A
8-10 B
11-15 C
related mortality
• Because of this now used for allocating
donor organs
• Complex equation but incorporates simple
laboratory values
0 • INR, total bilirubin and creatinine
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time after surgery or diagnosis (yr)
Teh SH, et al. Gastro 2007;132(4)
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-23 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-24
Caput Medusae, Umbilical Hernia, Ascites
Decompensated Cirrhotics Have a
Prohibitively High Perioperative Mortality
In Decompensated Cirrhosis Open
Abdominal Surgery is Fraught with
Case #4
55 year old alcoholic male is S/P emergent repair of
Patients with Advanced Liver Disease* ruptured umbilical hernia. Intraoperative course
Should Be Evaluated For Transplantation notable for hemorrhage. You are asked to see
persistent regarding worsening ascites output,
PRIOR to Elective Surgery encephalopathy and jaundice. You recommend:
B.Steroids for alcoholic hepatitis
C.EGD to screen for esophageal varices
D.Discontinue ketorolac
*in the absence of major comorbidities
that would preclude LT (eg, metastatic
Cirrhosis and Surgery
Case #4 Postoperative Problems
55 year old alcoholic male is S/P emergent repair of • Mortality • Sepsis
ruptured umbilical hernia. Intraoperative course
notable for hemorrhage. You are asked to see • Liver failure • Ascites
persistent regarding worsening ascites output,
encephalopathy and jaundice. You recommend: • Hepatic • Wound dehiscence
A.TIPS • Hypoxemia
B.Steroids for alcoholic hepatitis • Renal failure
• ? Hypoglycemia or
C.EGD to screen for esophageal varices • Coagulopathy hyperglycemia
D.Discontinue ketorolac
• Cholestasis
References (1) References (2)
• Sen S, et al. The pathophysiological basis of acute-on- • Northrup PG, et al. MELD predicts non-transplant
chronic liver failure. Liver 2002;22(Suppl 2). surgical mortality in patients with cirrhosis. Ann Surg
• Teh SH, et al. Risk factors for mortality after surgery in
patients with cirrhosis. Gastro 2007;132(4). • Befeler AS, et al. The safety of intra-abdominal surgery
in patients with cirrhosis: MELD score is superior to
• Perkins L, et al. Utility of preoperative scores for CTP score in predicting outcome. Arch Surg
predicting morbidity after cholecystectomy in patients 2005;140(7).
with cirrhosis. Clin Gastro Hep 2004;2(8).
• Suman a, et al. Predicting outcome after cardiac
• Teh SH, et al. Hepatic resection of hepatocellular surgery in patients with cirrhosis: a comparison of
carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis: MELD score Child-Pugh and MELD scores. Clin Gastro Hep
predicts perioperative mortality. J Gastrointest Surg 2004;2(8).
Managing Patients with Neurologic • None
Disease in the Perioperative Period
Perioperative Seizure Risk Perioperative Seizure Risk
• Benish et al, 2010 • Risk likely driven more by the:
• Retrospective review of epilepsy patients • Severity of the patient’s underlying epilepsy
undergoing a procedure under general
anesthesia (excluding neurosurgery)
• Baseline seizure frequency
• Lower risk in adults
• 1 out of 104 (<1%) • …than by the type of surgery (apart from
intracranial surgery, which has a higher risk) or
• Higher risk in children: type of anesthesia
• 5 out of 132 (3.8%)
Benish SM, et al 2010 Benish SM, et al 2010
Case Case
• A 25 year old man with developmental delay • His medications are continued up through the
and longstanding refractory epilepsy is seeing morning of surgery, which goes well.
you prior to an upcoming surgery
• After surgery, however, he develops a
• His antiepileptic regimen includes prolonged ileus with severe nausea and
• Valproic acid (Depakote) vomiting.
• Levetiracetam (Keppra) • He is unable to keep down any pills.
• Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
• Clonazepam (Klonopin)
General Principles Intravenous Anti-Epileptics
• Continue anti-epileptics before surgery and Drug Oral to IV conversion Typical loading dose
resume as quickly as possible after surgery Phenytoin 1:1 oral phenytoin to IV 20 mg/kg IV
(Dilantin) or IM fos-phenytoin*
Should achieve total blood level
of 20 mcg/mL
• Consider alternative delivery routes
Therapeutic range 10-20
• Intravenous Valproic acid 1:1 oral valproic acid to 15-25 mg/kg IV
• Liquid or orally dissolving (Depakote) IV valproate
Should achieve total blood level
• Others (rectal, intramuscular, etc.) of 100-150 mcg/mL
Therapeutic range 40-100
Levetiracetam 1:1 oral to IV 1000 to 4000 mg IV
• If switching antiepileptics, give loading dose of (Keppra) levetiracetam
the new drug Can also load orally (1500 mg)*
When a Seizure Happens… Acute Treatment for Seizures
• Goal of treatment is to • Lorazepam 1-2 mg IV every 5 minutes to as
high as 0.1 mg/kg
• Stop seizure(s) quickly
• Need to consider airway at higher doses…
• Prevent recurrent seizures
• Identify and treat underlying cause • If no IV access…
• Prevent injury and complications • Rectal diazepam (0.2-0.5 mg/kg)
• Midazolam via subcutaneous, nasal,
intramuscular, rectal, or buccal routes
(0.15-0.3 mg/kg)
Carbidopa / Levodopa: Duration of Effect Case
• Carbidopa/levodopa has both a short duration • Surgery goes well, and the patient’s
(onset over ~30 minutes, lasts hours) and a medications are resumed shortly thereafter.
long duration response (builds over 7-10 days)
• On hospital day 2, however, he develops a
• With a missed dose… severe post-operative delirium and appears to
• Short-term response lost right away be hallucinating.
• Long-term response declines over several
days • The patient’s family is very upset and confused
by the situation.
• Hence, consequences of missed doses
increase over time!
Perioperative Parkinson’s Disease Nausea
• Delirium
• Avoid anti-emetics that are anti-dopaminergic
• Swallowing • Prochlorperazine (Compazine)
• Nausea
• Metoclopramide (Reglan)
• Post-operative pain • Odansetron (Zofran) acceptable
• Orthostatic hypotension / syncope
• Rare for a patient who previously tolerated
• Loss of parkinsonism control levodopa to then develop nausea (consider
other causes)
• Optimize levodopa to better manage post-op • Levodopa can also lower standing blood
pain pressure for 3-4 hours after each dose
*Gerdelat-Mas A, et al 2008
Case Which of the following is true?
• You are seeing a 60 year old man for a PAME 1. A carotid bruit is highly predictive of an
prior to prostate surgery. underlying severe stenosis (70-99%)
2. Patients with an asymptomatic carotid bruit
• You note a right carotid bruit. have a higher risk of ischemic stroke
• He denies any prior history of stroke or 3. Patients with an asymptomatic carotid bruit
transient neurologic symptoms including vision have a higher risk of perioperative stroke
loss. 4. All patients over age 65 should undergo
carotid ultrasonography prior to surgery
regardless of the presence of a bruit
*Wiebers 1990; Chambers & Norris 1986; **Ropper et al 1982 PAME = pre-anesthesia medical examination
Carotid stenosis of 50 - 99% with ~3.6% • Your next patient is a 71 year old man seeing
bruit or prior symptoms (stroke) you prior to upcoming coronary artery bypass
undergoing general surgery* grafting.
Carotid endarterectomy done for 2.7%
asymptomatic carotid stenosis of (stroke or death) • He also has a carotid bruit.
60 - 99%**
*Evans & Wijdicks 2001; **ACAS (Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis) Trial 1995; PAME = pre-anesthesia medical examination
***CREST trial 2010
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-41 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-42
Does the Type of Surgery Matter? But the issue is tricky…
• For asymptomatic carotid stenosis, the risk of • Main mechanisms of stroke associated with
perioperative stroke is not high enough to CABG are hypoperfusion or embolism from the
justify the risks of endarterectomy for general aortic arch
surgery. • Neither preventable by carotid endarterectomy!
• The same might not be true for cardiac surgery, • Example: 239 patients with >50% carotid stenosis
including coronary artery bypass grafting • 18 perioperative strokes (7.5%) with CABG
(CABG). • Only 4 of these strokes referable to a carotid
artery, of which 3 were occluded & hence not
amenable to surgery
ACC/AHA Guidelines 2011; Mahmoudi 2011; Naylor 2002; Schwartz 1995; Blacker 2004 CABG = coronary artery bypass grafting; ACC = American College of Cardiology;
AHA – American Heart Association, ACC/AHA Guidelines 2011
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-45 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-46
Case Case
• A 62 year old woman is scheduled to have a • Two days before surgery, she develops sudden
lumbar spine surgery for severe spinal stenosis onset left facial droop and left hand weakness.
and disabling pseudoclaudication.
• When the symptoms are still present the next
• She has chronic rate-controlled atrial fibrillation morning, she goes to the local ED.
on warfarin anticoagulation.
• Initial head CT and carotid ultrasounds are
• Her warfarin (Coumadin) is stopped in negative, but an MRI shows an acute infarct
anticipation of surgery. corresponding to the anterior division of the
right middle cerebral artery.
Where does the concern come from? Where does the concern come from?
Thank you to Joseph Parisi, MD for sharing gross brain photo Thank you to Joseph Parisi, MD for sharing gross brain photo
General Recommendations General Recommendations
• Promptly evaluate all stroke patients • If possible, advise patient to wait at least 1
month before undergoing non-urgent / elective
• Defer non-essential surgery until this evaluation surgery
is complete
• Especially for larger strokes (greater than
• Optimize medical management 1/3rd of the middle cerebral artery territory)
Rerkasem et al 2009
Case What is going on?
• Examination reveals: 1. Acute delirium
• Somnolent patient that can be aroused with 2. Alcohol withdrawal
strong stimuli but cannot follow commands
3. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
• Sinus tachycardia on monitor 4. Opioid-induced seizure
• Increased tone in all extremities with 5. Serotonin syndrome
frequent myoclonic jerks
• Brisk reflexes throughout with upgoing toes
and four beats of clonus at each ankle
Back to the patient Summary
• Patient’s daughter reported that the nurse was • Risk of perioperative seizure
pushing the fentanyl PCA button frequently • Perioperative management of anti-epileptic
(even after the patient became somnolent) in medications
order to “stay on top of the pain”
• Perioperative issues in Parkinson’s disease
• Fentanyl was discontinued and with supportive • Asymptomatic carotid bruit
cares the patient returned to baseline over the
next 24 hours • Timing of surgery after ischemic stroke
• Serotonin syndrome
Thank You to…
• Niesen AD, et al. Perioperative seizures in patients with a history of a seizure disorder.
Anesthesia-Analgesia 2010 111(3):729-735
• Content experts who reviewed this talk • Benish SM, et al. Effect of general anesthesia in patients with epilepsy: a population-based
study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2010;17:87-89.
• Voss LJ, Sleigh JW, Barnard JP, Kirsch HE. The howling cortex: seizures and general
• Eric Ahlskog, MD, PhD (Parkinson’s disease) •
anesthetic drugs. Anesth Analg 2008:107(5):1689-1703.
Koubeissi MZ, et al. Tolerability and efficacy of oral loading of levetiracetam. Neurology
• Jeffrey Britton, MD (Epilepsy) • Silbergleit R, et al. Intramuscular vs. intravenous therapy for prehospital status epilepticus.
NEJM 2012;366(7):591-600.
• Alejandro Rabinstein, MD (Stroke) Rascol O, et al. A five-year study of the incidence of dyskinesia in patients with early
Parkinson’s disease who were treated with ropinirole or levodopa. NEJM 2000;342:1484-1491.
• Grosset KA, et al. Inhaled apomorphine (VR040) for “off” periods in Parkinson’s disease.
Abstract 385 at The Movement Disorder Society’s 15th International Congress of Parkinson’s
Disease and Movement Disorders in Toronto, ON, Canada; June 5-9, 2011.
• Gerdelat-Mas A, et al. Levodopa raises objective pain threshold in Parkinson’s disease: a RIII
reflex study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2008:78(10):1140-1142
• Yeh KC, et al. Pharmokinetics and bioavailability of Sinemet CR: a summary of human studies.
Neurology 1989;39(11 Suppl 2):25-38.
• Ahlskog JE, et al. Controlled-release Sinemet (CR-4): a double-blind crossover study in patients
with fluctuating Parkinson’s disease. Mayo Clin Proc 1988;63(9):876-886.
Cardiotoxic Chemotherapy Ms. V
Known CNS
Which of the following statements is correct Malignancy
Opiate tolerance and perioperative period TAKE HOME POINT
• Inadequate pain control increases morbidity • Don’t mess with the pain meds pre-op!
• Inadequate pain control increases length of stay
• Inadequate pain control in unnecessary
• Tolerance ≠ addiction
• Consider pre-op ECG for cancer patients with
equivocal functional status, risk factors and no
recent evaluation
• Patients with CNS tumors should receive the
same perioperative VTE prophylaxis as those
without CNS disease
• Don’t mess with the pain meds pre-op!
Case 1 Case 1
• 72 yo male is 12 hrs post ORIF R hip fx and • Blood loss with surgery = 420 cc
you are called by his nurse to assess for
possible hypovolemia. • Fluids with surgery = 3.8 L crystalloid (Lactated
• Urine output for past four hours has averaged
20 cc/hr and the urine appears concentrated. • Wt is 72.9 kg, up 2.9 kg from pre-op
Case 1 Case 1
• PMH: • Exam: BP 125/72 P 76/reg R 14
• HTN, controlled with amlodipine 5 mg/d • Alert and oriented
• No other meds • Heart normal, lungs clear, oxysat 92% RA
• Tongue moist
• 3 mm pitting edema R mid tib; 1 mm L
• JVP 2 cm > clavicle at 30 degrees
Case 1
Labs: Case 1
Current Preop How would you manage this patient?
Hgb 11.2 13.5
1. 500 cc IV bolus of 0.9 saline
Na+ 133 137
2. 25 grams of IV albumin
K+ 4.1 4.6
3. 20 mg of IV furosemide
Creatinine 1.0 1.0
4. Recheck creatinine in 12 hours
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
• Normal distribution of body fluids: • Normal distribution of body fluids:
• 50% (women) to 60% (men) of lean body wt • 50% (women) to 60% (men) of lean body wt
= total body water (TBW) = total body water (TBW)
• 2/3 of TBW is intracellular
• 1/3 of TBW is extracellular (ECV)
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
• Normal distribution of body fluids: • 1/5 of ECV is plasma volume (1/15 or 7% of
• 50% (women) to 60% (men) of lean body wt TBW) except in the acute postop
= total body water (TBW) setting…where the plasma volume is
significantly less
• 2/3 of TBW is intracellular
• 1/3 of TBW is extracellular (ECV)
• 1/5 of ECV is plasma volume (1/15 or 7%
of TBW)
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress response
response Time Course
• 1/5 of ECV is intravascular volume (1/15 or • Several stress hormones act to conserve fluid:
7% of TBW) except in the acute postop • ACTH, cortisol, plasma renin-aldosterone
setting…where the plasma volume by are all fairly short-lived, <24 hrs peak effect
proportion is significantly less
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
Time Course Clinical Response
• Several stress hormones act to conserve fluid: • Oliguria with concentrated urine is very
• ACTH, cortisol, plasma renin-aldosterone common in the first 12-24 hours
are all fairly short-lived, <24 hrs peak effect • No correlation with postop renal failure in this
• ADH and IL-6 are potently stimulated by context
surgical stress and may linger for 3 days or
Type the footnote/source in this space Alpert RA, Roizen MF, Hamilton WK, et al. Surgery. 1984;95(6):707-711.
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-17 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-18
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
Clinical Response Therapeutic Implications
• Oliguria with concentrated urine is very • It is generally best to avoid diuretics in the first
common in the first 12-24 hours 24-48 hrs postop
• No correlation with postop renal failure in this
Type the footnote/source in this space Type the footnote/source in this space
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
Clinical Studies of Intraoperative Fluids Clinical Studies of Intraoperative Fluids
• Some fluid is good: • Too much fluid may not be so good:
• RCT in lap choley shows 3 L of Ringer’s lactate • Literature is complex and results somewhat
are better than 1 L in terms of: mixed…
• Exercise capacity
• Subjective outcomes (fatigue, nausea)
• Lower aldosterone and ADH
Type the footnote/source in this space Type the footnote/source in this space
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
Clinical Studies of Intraoperative Fluids Clinical Studies of Intraoperative Fluids
• Too much fluid may not be so good: • Too much fluid may not be so good:
• Literature is complex and results somewhat • Literature is complex and results somewhat
mixed… mixed…
• However, “liberal” (~5L) vs “restrictive”(~2L): • However, “liberal” (~5L) vs “restrictive”(~2L):
• More cardiopulmonary complications • More cardiopulmonary complications
• Tissue healing complications • Tissue healing complications
• Prolonged post-op ileus • Prolonged post-op ileus
• It takes an average of 7 days to resolve 6L
Type the footnote/source in this space Holte K. Dan Med Bull. 2010;57(7):B4156.
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
Clinical Studies of Intraoperative Fluids Clinical Studies of Intraoperative Fluids
• Goal-directed management seems optimal • Goal-directed management seems optimal
• This usually involves transesoph Doppler in • This usually involves transesoph Doppler in
most studies – fluid boluses are given until most studies – fluid boluses are given until
cardiac output hits the flat part of Starling curve cardiac output hits the flat part of Starling curve
• …but this is not practical at the bedside…so
what’s a clinician to do?
Type the footnote/source in this space Type the footnote/source in this space
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
Postoperative management Postoperative management
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
Postoperative management Postoperative management
Type the footnote/source in this space Type the footnote/source in this space
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
Postoperative management Postoperative management
• Timing is everything: • Timing is everything:
• In first 24-48 hrs, bias should (paradoxically) • After 48 hrs, similar principles apply but to
generally be towards avoiding BOTH: lesser degree:
• Further excess of fluid AND • Fluid should still be minimized, though may
• IV volume depletion (no Lasix unless forced) be required for orthostatic tolerance
• Lasix should still generally be avoided
• Generally this means giving maintenance IV unless necessary (or patient on it preop), as
fluids only, until auto-diuresis commences at auto-diuresis should help
48-72 hours.
Type the footnote/source in this space Type the footnote/source in this space
Perioperative fluids and the stress Perioperative fluids and the stress
response response
Which fluid? Which fluid?
• Ringer’s Lactate is often used in intraop setting, • Ringer’s Lactate is often used in intraop setting,
due to concern for hyperchloremic acidosis with due to concern for hyperchloremic acidosis with
large infusions of saline large infusions of saline
• This is thought to not be clinically significant for • This is thought to not be clinically significant for
volumes <5L. volumes <5L.
Type the footnote/source in this space Type the footnote/source in this space
Perioperative Clonidine Perioperative Clonidine
• RCT of 190 pts with CAD (or at risk) • A meta-analysis of randomized trials of alpha-2
agonists in over 3000 patients undergoing
• Major vascular and intraabd surgeries surgery confirmed similar results, with a 36%
• Postop myocardial ischemia: 14% rx vs 31% relative risk reduction in mortality.
for placebo
• Postop mortality to two years: 15% rx vs 29%
for placebo
• More bradycardia in rx group (12% vs 2%)
The Perioperative Stress Response The Perioperative Stress Response
Summary Summary
• Loop diuretics should generally be avoided in • Loop diuretics should generally be avoided in
the first 12-24 hours postop. the first 12-24 hours postop.
• Autodiuresis generally begins with waning of • Autodiuresis generally begins with waning of
ADH levels (48-72 hours). ADH levels (48-72 hours).
Type the footnote/source in this space Type the footnote/source in this space
References References
• Holte K. Pathophysiology and clinical implications of • McGee S. Is This Patient Hypovolemic? JAMA.
perioperative fluid management in elective surgery. 1999;281:1022-1029.
Dan Med Bull. 2010;57(7):B4156.
• Wallace AW, Galindez D, et al. Effect of clonidine on
• Desborough JP. The stress response to trauma and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality after noncardiac
surgery. Br J Anaesth. 2000;85(1):109-117. surgery. Anesthesiology 2004; 101:284-93.
• Alpert RA, Roizen MF, Hamilton WK, et al. • Wijeysundera DN, Naik JS, Beattie S. Alpha-2
Intraoperative urinary output does not predict adrenergic agonists to prevent perioperative
postoperative renal function in patients undergoing cardiovascular complications: a meta-analysis. Am J
abdominal aortic revascularization. Surgery. Med 2003; 114:742-752.
An Overview of
Perioperative Medicine 2013:
From Outpatient Preoperative Assessment
to Inpatient Postoperative Care Perioperative Management of Diabetes
• None
Perspective Diabetes and Surgery:
• most common endocrinopathy in western society Scenario 1 - Outpatient:
Elective Surgical outpts pre-op assessment Hospital admission OR & recovery
• 15-20 million Americans: 7-8 % of US pop.
post-op care discharge
Based on your extensive knowledge of the
Question 1. evidence, you advise you colleague to target?
• A colleague calls (knows you’re interested in perioperative
medicine) asking about a diabetic patient going for 1) < 6%
elective surgery
2) < 7%
Answer: History
3) < 9%
? • Hypoglycemia awareness Connery, LE & Coursin, DB. Assessment and therapy of selected endocrine disorders. Anesthesia Clin N AM. 2004; 22:93-123
J Anaesth Clin Pharmacol 2005;21(3):261-264 ACC/AHA 2007 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation and Care for Noncardiac Surgery: Executive Summary
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-11 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-12
Pre-op HbA1c Pre-op BSL / HbA1c – targets?
• Guidelines: • Dr Google:
• Elective surgery goal < 6%
• Check in patients presenting with hyperglycemia
• “Involve diabetes team” > 8.5 - 9%
• Known DM without record of HbA1c in last 2-3 months
• “Consideration should be given to improving control
prior to surgery” > 12%
JCEM 2012
ADA 2010 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-13 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-14
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-15 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-16
Alexanian, S et. al. Anesthesiology Research and Practice 2011 Anesth Analg 2010;111:1378-87
Review Article: Creating a Perioperative Glycemic Control Program AACE Diabetes Mellitus Guidelines, Endocr Pract. 2007;13(Suppl 1) 2007 63
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-17 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-18
Pre-op summary Case #2
• History • 42yo female planned elective cholecystectomy after an episode
• control/adherence of acute cholecystitis 1 mo ago
• complications
• hypoglycemia awareness • Type II DM
• Exam • Meds:
• neuropathies • 30units BD 70/30 insulin
• cardiovascular abnormalities (micro/macrovascular) • Metformin 1000mg BD
• Lisinopril 5mg daily
• Investigations
• BSL • Sees Dr regularly, no known complications, reportedly good
• HbA1c
• ECG • First on the OR list in 7 days time
Perioperative Diabetes
Oral Hypoglycemics/Others
Bottom Line
• sulfonylureas - Glipizide, Glyburide, Chlorpropramide
• short acting insulin secretagogues - Nateglinide(starlix)Repaglinide(prandin)
• Hold all oral hypoglycemics/newer agents
• biguanides – Metformin on the AM of surgery
• thiazolinediones - Pioglitazone
• carbohydrase inhibitors - Acarbose, Miglitol • resume only when taking adequate PO
• DPP4 inhibitor - Sitagliptin (Januvia)
• GLP1 agonists – Exenatide (Byetta)
• SGLT2 inhibitors – Canagliflozin
Perioperative Diabetes
Management of Oral Hypoglycemics
metformin (cont)
• contraindication rigidly defined (in U.S.):
• Serum creatinine > 1.5 ♂, > 1.4 ♀
• Creatinine clearance < 60 mL/min
• CHF, hypoperfusion, old age (>80), chronic
pulmonary disease
• 48 hrs prior to radiocontrast; 24 hrs prior to OR
• 24-48 hrs post procedure if renal function OK
Perioperative Diabetes
Perioperative Diabetes Oral Hypoglycemics: Management
Management of Oral Hypoglycemics
“…Recent evidence continues to indicate that lactic • HOLD:
acidosis is a rare complication despite the relative • Glipizide/Glyburide - night before or morning of procedure
frequency of risk factors. However, in the hospital,
where the risk of hypoxia, hypotension and renal • Nateglinide/Repaglinide - (short acting) morning of
insufficiency is increased, it is prudent to avoid the
use of metformin in most patients...”
• when taking adequate PO
• Sitagliptin (Januvia) – DPP4 Inhibitors
• slow onset and long duration of action
• Exenatide (Byetta) – GLP1 agonists
• can be continued morning of, and throughout
periop period
• No formal guidelines, hold both perioperatively!
• Caution: Hemodynamic changes/CHF or hepatic
Hold ‘em Perioperative Diabetes
Glycemic control considerations
• Duration of procedure
Perioperative Diabetes
Preop Insulin Management
Case #2
• basal insulin (Lantus/Glargine)
• continued without dose change • Given 20 units NPH on AM of surgery
• consider decrease by 50% in type 2 DM • Metformin held AM
CCJM 2006;73(s1):s95-s99
Anesthesia Clin N Am. 2004; 22:93-123
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-33 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-34
Case #3 Case #3
• 55yo male sent to ER by local free medical clinic due
to concerns about his infected foot
• Admitted for surgical debridement
• Hx of poorly managed DM, CAD, HTN…
• Medicine consult – HELP!
• Meds ?
Case #3 Question
Case #3 How should we manage this patients diabetes
• Exam:
1) Sliding Scale Insulin
• T: 98, P:100, BP: 170/95
• BSL – 305mg/dl 2) NPH or Lantus insulin + bolus correction
1) Sliding Scale Insulin
Perioperative Diabetes
Phagocyte Dysfunction
Increased infections
Immune function
Inflammation Increased IL-6
Increased TNF
Endothelial Cell
Inactivation of NO
Increased permeability
Intensive Insulin
NEJM 2010;363(15):1410 - 18
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-45 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-46
• Noncritically Ill:
• Premeal < 140mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l)
• Random < 180 mg/dl
Perioperative Diabetes
Insulin Sliding Scale
• “corrective” insulin
Prospective trial
Type 2 DM
Pre-op antidiabetic meds discontinued
SSI vs. Glargine / glulysine
0.5 U/kg/day divided into G & g
Perioperative Diabetes
Insulin Pump Management
• Limited data, no trials specific for pump management
• Communication essential
• Generally:
• discontinue insulin pump preoperatively and start
continuous insulin infusion IV
• restart insulin pump when patient is alert & awake
and taking adequate PO
Perioperative Diabetes
Perioperative Diabetes
Hyperglycemia with TPN Hyperglycemia with TF
• Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
• Majority of patients require insulin • Tube Feeding (TF) - complicated by regimen
• higher insulin requirements than enteral (lack of GLP -1) • Start with Continuous insulin infusion
• Consider cutting insulin dose by 1/2 when changing
from TPN to enteral • Bolus TF
• can use basal/bolus regimen
• Start IV infusion with TPN x 24hrs
• overnight or continuous TF
• 70/30 insulin one time vs Q8H with regular insulin coverage Q4H
• Add 60-80% of 24 hour total to TPN bag then correct every • Q6H regular insulin + sliding scale for continuous TF
4-6hrs with fast or rapid acting insulin
CCJM 2006;73(S1):S95-S99
CCJM 2006;73(S1):S95-S99
“Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders” in
Medical Management of the Surgical Patient 2008 “Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders” in
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-55 Medical Management of the Surgical Patient 2008 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-56
Diabetes Care 2004:27(2):553-591 “Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders” in Medical Management of the Surgical Patient 2008
Personal communication, K. Furlong 1/2010 J Hosp Med 2007;2(s1):23-32
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-57 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-58
An Overview of
Perioperative Medicine 2013: Perioperative Nephrology
From Outpatient Preoperative Assessment
to Inpatient Postoperative Care Issues
Mayo School of Continuous Professional Development Mayo School of Continuous Professional Development
Amy W. Williams, MD
October 9-12, 2013 Grand Hyatt Seattle Seattle, Washington Amy W. Williams MD
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-1 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-2
Case #1
85 year old women on hemodialysis three times a
• Disclosures week via a left arm AV fistula. Her left arm is
massively swollen due to a proximal stenosis.
None to report
She has now developed a nonhealing ulcer on
her left hand.
She is scheduled for ligation of the left AV fistula
and creation of a right arm AV fistula under
general anesthetic
She refuses to have general anesthetic as
someone told her never to have it because she
would die
Case #1 Case #1
Significant medical history What do you tell her ?
• Atrial fibrillation since 2007, not currently on 1. Her risk of perioperative death is < 10%.
warfarin due to fall risk.
2. Her risk of perioperative death is 45%.
• S/P permanent pacemaker placement for sick
sinus syndrome (2007) which was subsequently 3. Her risk of perioperative death is high and there
removed 7/2008 due to endocarditis. is nothing that can be done to improve it.
• S/P lumbar osteomyelitis 4. Dialysis right after surgery will improve her risk.
5. Transfusions to get her Hemoglobin to a normal
level will decrease her perioperative risk of
Perioperative Nephrology Issues Why is this important?
• > 300,000 people in the US on dialysis
ESRD patients
• > 26 million people in the US have CKD
increased surgical mortality
• 11 million have stage 3 CKD
• Elective general surgery 4% mortality (GFR<60mL/min/1.73m2)
• Cardiac surgery 10% mortality • 6.6 million age >60 years have stage 3 CKD
• Emergency surgery 45% mortality
• 10-16% of the world population has CKD
• Causes: Sepsis & CVD
Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease & Recommended Increased surgical risk: Advanced CKD &
Clinical Action
ESRD multi-system involvement
Stage Description GFR Action
Increased Risk for • Co-morbid illnesses • Malnutrition
At Increased risk >90 with Screening
0 Cardiovascular & • Diabetes Mellitus
CKD risk
factors disease
CKD risk reduction • Multiple medications
1 Kidney damage with
normal or GFR 90
Dx & Rx of common conditions
Slow progression, CVD risk
• Altered volume status
• CAD/heart disease
2 Kidney damage with
Mild GFR 60 - 89 Estimating progression • PVD • Electrolyte /acid-base
3 Moderate GFR 30 - 59 Evaluating and treating complications
• Autonomic dysfunction
Preparation for renal • Cerebral VD • Abnormal coagulation
4 Severe GFR 15 - 29 replacement therapy
<15 or
• Pulmonary disease
5 Kidney failure dialysis Replacement if uremia present • Immune mediated
NKF, Am J Kidney Dis.2002;39(suppl 1):S 1-S266
Major Adverse Cardiac & Cerebrovascular Events after
Non-Cardiac Surgery –
Can you predict who is at risk? Independent Predictors of MACCE
3387 patients: 4.3% had at least one MACCE • History of CAD
• Arrhythmia • History of CHF
• 13.7% died from a
• Angina • History of Cerebrovascular disease
• Stroke • Abnormal ECG
• MI • Intraoperative Hypotension
• Non-fatal cardiac arrest • RBC Transfusions
S. Sabate, et al. British Journal of Anesthesia. 107 (6):879-90. 2011
CKD Morality CKD5 - 8% vs. 2%; P < .001
• History of Cerebrovascular disease • 2.92 adjusted odds ratio for mortality
• Abnormal ECG • 3-fold increased risk for cardiac complications
• 50% greater risk for major complications (39% vs. 21%,
• Intraoperative Hypotension P < .001)
• RBC Transfusions • Hospital stay was approximately twice as long
American College of Surgeons (ACS) 98th Annual Clinical Congress:
Abstract NP2012-23767. Presented October 3, 2012.
Pre-op Laboratory Evaluation
Preparing the ESRD & Advanced CKD Patient Emergent Attention/Risk Assessment
for Surgery 1. Anemia Hgb
• Lab evaluation • Correction of bleeding 2. Bleeding diathesis BUN, Hgb
• Nutritional status diathesis 3. Metabolic Acidosis Bicarbonate
• Anemia • Antibiotic administration 4. Sodium abnormalities Sodium
• Fluid and electrolyte • IV access 5. Hyperkalemia Potassium
• Glucose metabolism • Anesthetic considerations 6. Metabolic bone disease Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium
• Blood pressure control • ESRD -Dialysis dose/method 7. Uremia Creatinine, BUN
• CVD risk evaluation and • CKD - Prevention of ARF & 8. Nutrition Albumin
need for renal replacement
management 9. Diabetes Glucose
ESRD Preoperative Management: ESRD Preoperative Management:
Dialysis Dialysis
• Timing before surgery
• Corrects electrolyte imbalances
• Immediately post dialysis – hypokalemia, • Elective surgery - dialyze the day before
hypercalcemia, metabolic alkalosis • Emergent surgery - can dialyze pre-op
• Removes excess fluid with
• If hypovolemic, anesthesia-induced systemic • Dialysate prescription to avoid hypokalemia
vasodilatation can lead to profound hypotension
• Careful fluid removal
• Can transfuse if needed • Discuss goals for peri-op volume status
• Involves heparin use with surgeon and anesthesiologist
• No heparin
Hypovolemia or Hypervolemia
Hemodynamic instability
Perioperative Management
ESRD & CKD Case #2
52 year old ESRD patient develops an acutely
Hyperkalemia incarcerated abdominal wall hernia and needs
emergent surgery. He is in extreme pain.
If EKG changes – Rx emergently
He dialyzes M-W-F and it is now Sunday at 9PM
To remove K
ESRD - dialysis Exchange Resins He is 2L above his dry weight, but lungs are clear
and he has no edema.
CKD Caution
If urine output - Intestinal Necrosis Labs: Na 132 mmol/L K 5.9 mmol/L
Loop diuretic and Risks: Creatinine 5.9 mg/dL BUN 58mg/dL
Decreased motility
IV fluid replacement
Hypertonic sorbitol
Cation exchange resin
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-31 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-32
Perioperative Hypertension
ESRD and CKD Postoperative Hypertension
Pre and Post -Op
Post-op and taking PO
• IV analaprilat Caution with advanced CKD
Case 4: At this point, which test to you recommend
ESRD to further evaluate.
62 year old women on hemodialysis presents to
the emergency room with abdominal pain. Her A. CT with contrast
exam is consistent with a small bowel
obstruction. She is afebrile and her WBCs is B. CT without contrast
normal. An abdominal film is also consistent C. MRI with gadolinium
with a small bowel obstruction.
D. CT with contrast with hemodialysis
BP 160/82 P 76 immediately after
1+ LE edema E. Bolus with IV fluids
Lungs: Free bibasilar crackles F. NSAIDs to control the pain
Gadolinium Gadolinium
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF)
Risk Factors Risk Factors
Case #3 Case #3
78 year old man with squamous cell CA of the
tongue is scheduled for extensive ENT surgery. You discuss the case with the surgeon and
He has stage 4 CKD (GFR 28ml/min, Cr recommend which measure(s) to prevent AKI:
1.8mg/dL) due to a nephrotic glomerular 1. No real caution needed, this degree of CKD is not a risk for
disease. He never wants to go on dialysis. acute kidney injury (AKI)
2. In the perioperative period maintain strict BP control
3. If urine output decreases to < 35cc/hour give IV loop
4. There is no increase in mortality until the creatinine doubles.
5. Hypotension is the insult most likely to cause AKI.
CKD - Prevent AKI & the need for renal Contrast Nephropathy
replacement Who Is At Risk?
• Maintain renal blood flow • Creatinines < 2mg/dl - Diabetics
• Cautiously use ACE/ARB
• Avoid pre-renal azotemia
• Creatinines > 2mg/dl
• Avoid NSAID • Volume depletion
• Avoid renotoxic medications • CHF
• aminoglycoside • NSAID, Cyclosporin, meds that decrease RBF (ARB,
• Avoid electrolyte disturbances
• Hyperkalemia • Advanced age > 80 years
• Metabolic acidosis • ? Multiple myeloma (nephrotic syndrome)
• Hypo- & hypernatremia
• Repeated exposure within 72 hours
• Avoid contrast dye
• Multiple risk factors are additive
Strategies to Prevent Contrast Nephropathy Strategies to Prevent Contrast Nephropathy
What has not been proven to work: What has been proven to work:
Case # 4
Which of the following will most negatively
58 year old man is s/p mitral and aortic valve replacement impact his survival on long term dialysis?
due to severe endocarditis which destroyed both valves.
His is in respiratory failure - ventilator dependent, on 1. His respiratory failure requiring ventilator
multiple pressors due to a systemic inflammatory support
response and has developed anuric acute kidney injury
requiring continuous renal replacement therapy. 2. His multisystem failure
Exam: he is intubated, ventilated, sedated 3. Requiring continuous renal replacement
He has a temporary dialysis catheter in the L IJ, an art therapy
line in his R arm and a PICC (triple lumen) in the L arm
and a feeding tube in place
4. His PICC line
BP 89/48 p 68 5. His need for a feeding tube
4+ edema
Hemodialysis access
Arteriovenous fistula is the best AVF vs Graft or Central Venous Catheter
• Lack of an AVF is associated with • AVF - better patency rates
• Increased hospitalizations • AVF - fewer complications
• Infections
• Inadequate dialysis • AVF – lower mortality
• Increased mortality • AVF – improved dialysis adequacy
• Previous Peripherally inserted central venous
catheter (PICC)
• 46-100% incidence of stenosis after subclavian vein • CVC – 5x risk of bacteremia
• unrelated to duration or size of the catheter
ABIM Foundation/Consumer Reports Preserve UE veins!
Choosing Wisely Campaign • PICCS and Central Venous Complications
ASN recommendation #4: • 38%Allenincidence of central vein thrombosis
AW, et al. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2000
“Do not place peripherally inserted • 42% incidence of central vein stenosis
Gonsalves CF, et al.Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2003
central venous catheters (PICC) in
stage 3-5 patients without consulting • 46-100% incidence of subclavian stenosis
Nephrology” after subclavian puncture
Barrett N, et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1988, Schwab SJ, et al.Kidney Int 1988
Spinowitz BS, et al. Arch Intern Med 1987
An Overview of
Perioperative Medicine 2013:
• No relevant financial disclosures
Delirium in the Surgical Patient • I have a second job which generates $0
• My 15 year old son is the reason that all my
hair turned grey!
Objectives Delirium
• Discuss the incidence, impact and • An acute change in mental status
pathogenesis of postoperative delirium
• Inattention
• Review the risk factors for postoperative • Fluctuating course
• Understand diagnosis and management of • Disorganized thinking
postoperative delirium
• Review persistent delirium and postoperative
cognitive dysfunction
Impact Impact
• Increased mortality • Common cause of postoperative morbidity and
• Increased length of stay
• Increased rate of discharge to long term care • 50% of all surgeries in the US are done on
people over age 65
• Increased risk of major medical complications • Depending on surgery, approximately 10% will
develop delirium
• MI
• Pulmonary edema • Highest risk in patients having hip fracture
surgery and CABG
• Respiratory failure
• pneumonia
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-7 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-8
Impact Pathophysiology
• Patients who developed delirium had 62% • Not well understood
greater risk of mortality within 1 year after
discharge and lived an average of 274 days vs • EEG- diffuse slowing of cortical background
321 days for those without delirium (Leslie DL. • Neuroimaging-generalized disruption of higher
Arch Int Med 2005) cortical function
• Total direct healthcare costs attributable to
delirium about $143 billion annually (Leslie DL.
JAGS 2011)
Pathophysiology Pathophysiology
Neurotransmission Inflammation
• Cholinergic deficiency • Increased proinflammatory cytokines increased
in delirium
• Anticholinergic drugs
• Physostigmine and cholinesterase inhibitors • Cytokines may alter blood-brain barrier and
• ? perivascular edema> hypoxia>
• decreased synthesis of acetylcholine
Case 1 Case 1
• A 76 year old woman undergoes a right L5 • Postoperatively, she has some mild
foraminotomy and L5-S1 fusion. Past history hypoxemia, thought to be due to narcotics.
significant for “Mixed Connective Tissue
Disease”. Medications preoperatively: • POD #0- no sleep
Prednisone, Plaquenil, Celebrex, Nortriptyline, • AM rounds: easily startled, irritable, restless
Coumadin and Ultram
What is the best way to determine if this What is the best way to determine if this
patient has delirium? patient has delirium?
1. Request a psychiatry evaluation 1. Request a psychiatry evaluation
2. CAM (Confusion Assessment Method) 2. CAM (Confusion Assessment Method)
3. Folstein mini-mental status exam 3. Folstein mini-mental status exam
4. MRI of her brain 4. MRI of her brain
Diagnosis Diagnosis
Diagnostic tools for delirium: • Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
• Folstein MMSE • More useful in diagnosing delirium
• Most helpful if baseline MMSE done • Input from caregivers and family
previously • Studied mostly in the assessment of
• Very good at predicting cognitive impairment postoperative delirium
• Cannot easily distinguish between delirium • 94-100% sensitive
and dementia • 90-95% specific
Diagnosis Diagnosis
• Recent JAMA study: CAM is the most reliable 1. Acute onset and fluctuating course
instrument for the evaluation of delirium
2. Inattention
• Takes about 5 minutes to administer 3. Disorganized thinking
4. Altered level of consciousness
Diagnosis of delirium requires the presence of
both 1 and 2 and either 3 or 4
Case 2 Case 2
• 66 year old woman with multiple medical • Medications: Lisinopril, digoxin
problems is admitted for repair of a right hip • BMI=46
• Unknown functional status
• Medical issues include: • Possible history of bipolar disorder, and bizarre
• Hypertension behavior
• Untreated OSA • On admission, appeared to be oriented, answered most
• Atrial fibrillation, history of RVR questions appropriately
• CAD • Normal vital signs, heart rate 60, atrial fibrillation
• Labs normal, except UA showed 20-50 WBC’s
• History of previous perioperative DVT
Which of the following puts her at Which of the following puts her at
increased risk for postoperative delirium? increased risk for postoperative delirium?
1. Morbid obesity 1. Morbid obesity
2. Digoxin use 2. Digoxin use
3. Multiple co-morbidities 3. Multiple co-morbidities
4. Atrial fibrillation 4. Atrial fibrillation
5. Family history of Alzheimer’s disease 5. Family history off Alzheimer’s disease
Box 1: Risk factors for delirium after noncardiac surgery* 11,12.
What is the most appropriate strategy to
Case 2 determine the cause of her delirium?
• The patient undergoes surgery without any 1. Administer a dose of Narcan
intraoperative complications.
2. Obtain a CT of her head
• She is extubated in the PACU. 3. Obtain an ABG
• About 30 minutes after extubation, she 4. Obtain an EEG
becomes confused and combative, requiring
multiple doses of haloperidol for agitation. 5. Obtain a psychiatry consultation
Workup Workup
Physical exam:
The search for an underlying cause: • Vital signs
• History- Patient may be unreliable, family and • Oxygenation
caregivers very important
• Hydration
• Prior history of delirium
• Trauma
• Infection
• Neurologic exam
• Review of all medications
Organ system evaluation:
• ?Potential for withdrawal syndrome
• All have potential, some more common
• Acute renal failure
• Liver disease
• Stroke
• COPD, respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism
• Constipation
Drugs Commonly Associated with Delirium Workup
• NSAIDs • H-2 receptor blockers
Diagnostic workup:
• Opioids • St. John’s wort
• Fluoroquinolones • Benzodiazepines
• Based on results of history and physical exam
• Cephalosporins • SSRIs • CBC, electrolytes, renal and liver function, blood
sugar, urinalysis
• Atropine • Tricyclic antidepressants
• Diphenhydramine • Clonidine • Drug levels when appropriate
• Levodopa • Digoxin • EKG, cardiac enzymes
• Cultures when infection suspected
Workup Workup
Case 2 Case 2
• 66 year old woman with multiple medical • Since her episode of agitation in the PACU,
problems is admitted for repair of a right hip she remained confused and combative.
• She was noted to be hypercapnic and was
• Medical issues include: started on non-invasive ventilation, with
• Hypertension normalization of her pCO2.
• Untreated OSA
• Atrial fibrillation, history of RVR
• Urine culture grew E. coli, which was treated
with ciprofloxacin
• CHF • Electrolytes, creatinine and ECG were all
• History of previous perioperative DVT normal or unchanged
How should her agitation and How should her agitation and
combativeness be managed? combativeness be managed?
1. Reorient her frequently and use a sleep 1. Reorient her frequently and use a sleep
enhancement protocol enhancement protocol
2. Start benzodiazepines and continue to titrate 2. Start benzodiazepines and continue to titrate
the dose until she is sedated the dose until she is sedated
3. Use vest restraints and give haloperidol until 3. Use vest restraints and give haloperidol until
she is sedated she is sedated
4. Transfer her to the ICU 4. Discontinue all medications
5. Start her on donepezil 5. Start her on donepezil
Supportive care:
Management of delirium: • Simplify the environment • Enlist family members
• Find and treat the underlying cause • Adequate but not • Familiar objects, pictures
excessive lighting • Frequent orientation
• Supportive measures
• Room temperature • Clocks and calendars
• Pharmacologic measures for symptom control and • Glasses, dentures,
safety • Early mobilization
hearing aids
• Prevention • Adequate nutrition,
hydration and
• Sleep disruption may be a key contributing factor
• Remove urinary catheters as soon as to delirium
• Sleep enhancement may help prevent delirium
• Encourage participation in self-care • Delirium and sleep deprivation share many clinical
• Avoid use of restraints except when and physiological features
absolutely necessary • Inattention
• Fluctuating mental status
• Impaired cognition, especially executive
• Cholinergic deficiency, dopaminergic excess
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-53 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-54
• Always try non-pharmacologic strategies first!
Management Management
Medications for symptom control: • Cochrane Review 2007:
• Antipsychotics • No convincing studies that newer
antipsychotics are any better than
• Haloperidol haloperidol
• Risperidone or olanzapine • Prophylactic low dose haloperidol in hip
• Quetiapine fracture patients did not decrease the risk of
delirium, but did reduce the duration and
• APA (American Psychiatric Association) severity
recommends low dose haloperidol as the
first line agent for episodes of delirium. • No difference in adverse drug effects
between low-dose haloperidol and atypical
Management Management
• Benzodiazepines only for use in alcohol or • Some recent studies looking at the use of
sedative withdrawal cholinesterase inhibitors for management of
• ? nicotine replacement in smokers
• No good evidence • Cochrane Database Review: No evidence that
these are effective
• May be some adverse effects on bone
• Some studies suggest that melatonin may be
useful in treating postoperative delirium
Management Management
• Prevention seems to be a matter of excellent
• Few intervention studies which demonstrate medical care
success • Fluids, electrolytes, nutrition
• Most successful interventions involve identifying • No unnecessary medications
patients at risk and taking steps to minimize the • Sleep enhancement
risk = Prevention! • Early mobilization and rehabilitation
• Management of the environment
Persistent Delirium Predicts Greater
Mortality Take Home Points
• Postoperative delirium is a medical emergency
• Development of postoperative delirium is
associated with increased morbidity and
• The pathogenesis is unknown, but cholinergic
deficiency is thought to play a role
• CAM is the most reliable tool for diagnosing
• Marcantonio ER, Flacker JM, Wright RJ, Resnick NM . Thank You!
Reducing delirium after hip fracture: a randomized trial.
J Am Geriatr Soc 2001;49:516–22 •
• Lonergan E, Britton AM, Luxenberg J, Wyller T.
Antipsychotics for delirium. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev 2007
• Overshott R, Karim S, Burns A. Cholinesterase
inhibitors for delirium. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
• Flinn DR, Diehl KM, Seyfried LS, Malani PN.
Prevention, diagnosis, and management of
postoperative delirium in older adults. J Am Coll Surg
2009; 209(2): 261-8.
An Overview of
Perioperative Medicine 2013:
From Outpatient Preoperative Assessment Perioperative Management of
to Inpatient Postoperative Care Endocrine Issues:
Take Home
• Adrenal Insufficiency/Steroids
• “Stress Dose” steroids appropriate in certain patients
• None • Adjust dose to pre-op condition & surgery
• Keep it brief!
• Thyroid Disease
• Don’t test pre-operatively unless clinically indicated
• Thyroxine T1/2 = 6-7 days
• Be aware Thyroid Storm
FYI Case # 1
• Medications
• Hydrocortisone 20mg/10mg AM/PM
• Levothyroxine 150 mcg daily
Case # 2
What is the best management for his Addison’s Answer:
disease perioperatively?
1) Cease patients regular steroids and give 200mg IV
1) Cease patients regular steroids and give 200mg IV hydrocortisone x 1 pre-op
hydrocortisone x 1 pre-op
2) Continue patients usual steroids and give 200mg IV
2) Continue patients usual steroids and give 200mg IV hydrocortisone x 1 pre-op
hydrocortisone x 1 pre-op
3) Continue patients usual steroids and give 25mg of
3) Continue patients usual steroids and give 25mg of hydrocortisone pre and post-op
hydrocortisone pre and post-op
4) Continue patients usual steroids and give 50 – 100mg of
4) Continue patients usual steroids and give 50 – 100mg hydrocortisone pre-op and Q8H post-op for 24 -48hrs
of hydrocortisone pre-op and Q8H post-op for 24 -48hrs
JAMA 1952;149:1542-1543
Ann Intern Med 1953;39:116-125
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-9 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-10
Adrenal Insufficiency Perioperative Adrenal Insufficiency
Risk Factors
• Primary:
• adrenal gland dysfunction • Patients with known HPA disease
• loss of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid
• patients taking steroids for > 3 weeks in the past year
• Secondary:
• ACTH dependent (adrenal gland intact) • examples:
• usually intact mineralocorticoid function - transplant recipients - chronic lung disease
- rheumatologic disease - IBD
• Tertiary: - collagen vascular disease - neurosurgery
• hypothylamic/pituitary suppression - dermatologic conditions
• most common
JAMA 2002;287(2):236-240
Uptodate – The surgical patient taking glucocorticoids
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-13 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-14
• all patients on chronic steroids require their normal daily • supplementation individualized according to
corticosteroid therapy
age, procedure, weight, use of concurrent
medications (phenytoin, rifampin, barbiturates)
• patients receiving < 5mg Prednisone/day or alternate
day therapy usually DO NOT require supplemental
therapy • typical dose:
• Hydrocortisone - can be multiple divided doses
• Patients with HPA insufficiency (1°, 2°) require stress
dose supplementation • alternative
• continue pre-procedure therapy and add 0.5mg
dexamethasone or 5mg Prednisone/day – (longer T 1/2)
• no benefit to excessive supplementation or prolonged
treatment !
JAMA 2002;287(2):236-240
Med Clin N Am 2009;93:1031-1047
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-15 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-16
Steroid Supplementation:
Agreement – HPA dysfunction 2
Perioperative Adrenal Insufficiency
Steroid Supplementation: Risk Stratification
• Applies to patients at risk of iatrogenic (3°) adrenal • Low Risk:
insufficiency • Patients taking glucocorticoids < 5mg/day or alternate day
• Inhaled, topical or regional steroids
• Issues/Questions:
• Intermediate Risk:
• To cosyntropin test or not? • Patients taking 5 – 20 mg glucocorticoids day > 3 weeks in the
past year
• Dosage of supplementation?
• High Risk:
• Patients taking > 20mg/day, > 3 weeks in past year or
• Duration of supplementation? • Patients with Cushing features
• Intermediate risk:
• Low Risk
• no further testing, continue standard dose, no • Emergent surgery:
supplementation • no further testing, continue daily dose + supplemental
• Urgent/Elective:
• High Risk
• Cosyntropin stimulation testing of HPA
• no further testing, continue daily dose + • Subnormal response – daily dose + supplementation
supplementation • Normal response – daily dose steroid
Patient Risk
Steroid Management
Maintenance dose +
LOW Cosyntropin normal Cosyntropin subnormal
Procedure Risk
No supplementation No supplementation
or or
Emergent 25mg IV 25mg IV
Hydrocortisone x 1 Hydrocortisone x 1 25 – 50 mg IV
Hydrocortisone x 1 Too Complicated !
Urgent/Elective No supplementation No supplementation
no supplementation no supplementation
Emergent or or
100 mg IV Hydrocortisone
Major 100 mg IV 100 mg IV x 1 and 100 mg IV Q8H x
Hydrocortisone x 1 Hydrocortisone x 1 24 hrs then taper 50%/day
Urgent/Elective then 50 – 100mg then 50 – 100mg to baseline
Q8h x 24 – 48hrs Q8h x 24 – 48hrs
Periop Steriod Recs 1994
Therefore: 40 mg of prednisone x 1 is
likely to be more than adequate for most
patients/procedures if you have concerns
for peri-op adrenal insufficiency.
JAMA 2002;287(2):236-240
Answer: Perspective
• prevalence 1%, F > M, increased incidence with age
1) Continue to withhold thyroxine until taking PO.
• Multisystem complications
2) Give 75mcg thyroxine IV daily • decreased cardiac output
• anemia
• hypoventilation/reduced pulmonary responses
3) Give 150mcg thyroxine IV daily
• constipation
• increase total body water
4) Give 300mcg of thyroxine IV daily • hyponatremia
• myxedema coma
• therapy
• if pt is NPO for > 5-7 days: consider IV replacement • 200-500 mcg thyroxine IV +
• IV 100% bioavailable; PO 50-80% bioavailable
• Cut dose in half PO IV
• Steroids for occult AI
• newly diagnosed hypothyroidism does not need treatment unless • increase in total body water but decreased intravascular
symptomatic volume
Hyperthyroidism Perioperative Thyroid Disease
• Chronic stimulation diminishes ability to respond to stress • Urgent/Emergent: (goal – reduce risk of thyroid storm)
• Beta blockers
• Thoinamides - Methimazole, PTU
• Overt • SSKI or Lugol’s iodine
• Subclinical
• increased nocturnal pulse, increased gut motility, premature atrial • take medications on morning of surgery
contractions, increased peripheral vascular resistance
“Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders” in
Medical Management of the Surgical Patient 2008
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-37 Med Clin N Am 2009;93:1031-1047 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-38
Daily Management
150mg desoxycorticosterone pellets Q3Months
25mg cortisone daily
24 and 12 hrs - 100mg cortisone IM
100mg cortisone in 1000ml NS
2000cc blood
UTI, Transfusion reaction, Angioedema
Corticosteroid Comparison
Biologic ½ HPA axis
Equivalent Mineralocorticoid life
Drug suppression
dose (mg) potency
(hrs) (mg)2
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-45
PATIENTS with RHEUMATIC DISEASE Goals for the Pre-operative Visit
selected perioperative challenges
• Be your patient’s advocate
Brian F Mandell md phd • Are there disease associated issues: Is disease controlled?
• Think about rehab in the setting of joint, muscle or neurologic disease
Professor and Chairman of Academic Medicine
Department of Rheumatic and Immunologic Diseases • Document concisely the RELEVANT history (prior postop
Center for Vasculitis Care and Research flares?) , lab abnormalities, and baseline physical examination,
Cleveland Clinic especially pulses and neurologic
• Try to recognize potential perioperative problems
• Consider disease specific perioperative risks / complications
• Review medications
• DVT and infection prophylaxis - “inflammation” = higher risk
SLE: inactive
Adopted; no other medical or surgical hx
Meds: plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine)
Lab tests: Would you order 3131 ASYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS
No data to support In asymptomatic
getting “routine” patients…
preop tests
1. YES 15
2. NO % 10
CXR ECG Hgb Plt PT PTT Gluc Creat ANY
Choose elective pre-op lab testing based on
• SAME as FOR PATIENTS with PROSTHETIC HEART VALVES • Lupus – creatinine, cbc, pt, ptt, UA, + CK
• ROUTINE MONITORING of PTT • Scleroderma – none
or ACT MAY NOT be RELIABLE* • Vasculitis – creatinine, UA, CBC (medication related changes)
• DOSE LMW HEPARIN BY ALGORITHM • Myositis – CK with MB, troponin
• Medications
• HEPARIN LEVEL • MTX / Leflunomide / Tofacitinib – CBC, AST
• ALTERNATIVE AGENT (little data)
• Anti TNFs, Abatacept, Tocalizumab, - none
• Rituximab, Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide - CBC
Bartholomew: Clin Rheum 4:307-11, 1998,
Erkan in Mandell BF(ed). Perioperative management of the patient with rheumatic disease. Springer 2012
58 yo F with longstanding RA with planned bilateral TKRs. Initially hard to
control with early nodulosis and hand deformities. Currently without AM
stiffness. Mild fatigue(stable) but limited for many months to using a
wheelchair or cane due to knee pain. Cannot walk steps.
S/p uneventful C section, TAH/BSO and cholecystectomy, tonsillectomy. No
cardiovascular, GI, Pulmonary Sx. THE PREOP QUESTION:
NKDA, + smoker. • DAMAGE in C-SPINE
MEDS: ASA, alendronate 70 qw, Ca/Vit D, HCTZ 25, Enalapril 20, Metformin 500 SIMILAR to EXTREMITY
bid, Atorvastatin 20, MTX 25 qw sq, Folic acid, Adalimumab qow, Pred 5qd and WILL BONE, LIGAMENT, DAMAGE)
Celecoxib 200 bid. or PANNUS IMPINGE on
Labs: Hgb 10.1, Creat 1.2, ESR 18, AST/ALT normal, glucose 108 fbs CERVICAL CORD WITH LAXITY OF CAPSULE
DTRs: 3+
PE: 126/78, HR 82. Skin clear, no thrush, no scleritis, gait not tested,
biceps with +Hoffmans and 1+ = knees, 3+ ankles normal SUPPORTING
Babinski test, neck motion painless, good jaw opening, lungs clear, no
murmur/gallop, -HJR, 1+ bilat edema,nl pulses no bruits. LIGAMENTS
+ ulnar drift bilat with PIP nodulosis, swan neck changes but good grip, no CTS,
hips nl, knees valgus with prolif changes and crepitus, valgus ankle changes
with pes planus. PANNUS
Lopez-Olivo et al J Clin Rheum 18:61-66, 2012
58 yo F with longstanding RA with planned bilateral TKRs. Had early nodulosis and
hand deformities. Currently no AM stiffness. Mild fatigue(stable); but limited for
RHEUMATOID CERVICAL SPINE PRE-OP ASSESSMENT many months to using a wheelchair or cane due to knee pain. Cannot walk steps.
S/p uneventful C section, TAH/BSO and cholecystectomy, tonsillectomy. No
Bottom Line: cardiovascular, GI, Pulmonary Sx.
NKDA, + smoker.
MEDS: ASA, alendronate 70 qw, Ca/Vit D, HCTZ 25,
Enalapril 20, Metformin 500 bid, Atorvastatin 20,
MTX 25 qw sq, Folic acid, Adalimumab qow, Pred
Communicate 5qd and Celecoxib 200 bid.
Labs: Hgb 10.1, Creat 1.2, ESR 18, AST/ALT normal, glucose 108
PE: 126/78, HR 82. Skin clear, no thrush, no scleritis, gait not tested, DTRs: 3+
biceps with +Hoffmans and 1+ knees, 3+ ankles, normal Babinski test, neck
motion painless, good jaw opening, lungs clear, no murmur/gallop, -HJR, 1+
bilat edema, nl pulses no bruits.
+ ulnar drift bilat with PIP nodulosis, swan neck changes but good grip, no CTS,
hips nl, knees valgus with contractures and prolif changes and crepitus, valgus
ankle changes with pes planus.
RA and RISK of
Which has/have been shown to be associated with an increased
risk of periop prosthetic joint infection:
A. Methotrexate >15mg/wk within 2 weeks of surgery DATA THAT PERIOPERATIVE
B. RA as the diagnosis vs. Osteoarthritis USE OF METHOTREXATE CAUSES
E. A, B, and C HEALING
F. B, C and D
G. All
The Decision…
How to manage perioperative How often is a diagnostic arthrocentesis
gout performed to confirm gout (r/o infection)?
Its so obvious…
54yo m renal transplant pt adm. 12/2012 with disseminated “I want to go home”
cryptococcal infection; on fluoconazole therapy for > 2 weeks.
Previously clinically diagnosed with gout, had been on ULT • 48 yo man with hypertensive cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation,
Developed acutely swollen right / painful elbow and wrist. creatinine 3.8 with chronic edema, type 2 DM recovering from bout of
Creat acute increase to 5 (had been <2) post-op (lap partial colectomy) pulmonary edema. New recurrent
flare in gout (tophacious with current SUA 6.1 mg/dL), 5 days postop.
Meds incl: mycophenolate 500 bid, tacrolimus 2 bid, pred 5.
Last attack of arthritis ~ year ago knee. • Meds: warfarin, losartan, furosemide (now 120 mg q12h), nifedipine,
minoxidil, metformin, allopurinol (400 mg).
Elbow aspiration: 4cc
(cultures negative) • Acutely swollen, tender bilat midfeet, l ankle, l knee, r wrist. Chronic
SUA venous stasis changes, edema, forearm tophi. Bilateral crackles and
summation gallop. Unable to bear weight to walk to bathroom.
1. Morphine IV (or other narcotic) for pain control as needed • NSAID – any in high dose will work; indomethacin 50mg tid the gold
2. Colchicine 1.2 mg followed by 0.6 mg po an hour later standard – treat few days past resolution..
3. Celecoxib 200 mg bid 3 days • Colchicine 1.2mg followed by 0.6 in an hour – efficacious at
reducing pain with early treatment – outpatient trial demonstrated
4. Methylprednisolone 60 mg IV single dose; repeat if needed effect; did not demonstrate resolution.
5. Anakinra 100mg sq ; repeat daily for 3 days as needed • 38% got 50% relief by 24hrs (31% used rescue med)
6. ACTH 40mg IM; repeat in 24 hrs if needed • Steroid - efficacious – use enough for long enough
• IL1 antagonist – comorbidities or resistant attack – anakinra
• $$; no metabolic side effects
• Narcotics - variable efficacy !!
An Overview of • Pfizer
Perioperative Medicine 2013:
Perioperative Infectious Disease Issues • Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning &
Objectives Objective #1
• Understand how to approach a patient with • Understand how to approach a patient with
postoperative fever. postoperative fever.
• Review management of common postoperative • Review management of common postoperative
infectious disease issues. infectious disease issues.
• Understand the indications for and the duration of
perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis.
• Review the approach to patients with penicillin
• Review perioperative management of patients on
antiretroviral therapy for HIV.
Case 1: Case 1:
All of the following conditions should be in All of the following conditions should be in
your differential diagnosis for etiology of your differential diagnosis for etiology of
postoperative fever in this patient, except: postoperative fever in this patient, except:
Management of Postoperative Fever within
1 Week of Surgery Postoperative Fever: Timing & Differential
• History: make sure to review all medications, determine Subacute fever- onset 1-4 weeks after surgery
new medications
Infectious Non-infectious
• Physical: make sure to include current and former IV UTI, CLABSI Thromboembolism
sites, joints, surgical site, back Pneumonia Drug Fever
• If outside of expected time for fever due to surgery (inflammatory Meningitis after CNS surgery Central fever, in cases of
process) itself, patient appears ill, or vitals abnormal: C. difficile colitis neurosurgery/head trauma
Sinusitis Post-pericardiectomy syndrome
• CBC, UA with micro, urine culture, blood cultures, CXR, if
abdominal pain, consider liver enzymes, lipase Skin/soft tissue infection (SSI)
• Consider workup for thromboembolism based on risk factors, Acalculous cholecystitis
history, PE Specific to surgery type
Device related infections
• If patient is hemodynamically unstable, start broad spectrum Mediastinitis
antibiotics. You can always de-escalate if no infection is found after Deep Abscess
48 hours.
Septic thrombophlebitis
Why is Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis What Are the Indications for Perioperative
Given? Antimicrobial Prophylaxis?
• Prevent Surgical Site Infections • Patients undergoing procedures with high rate
• Antimicrobial prophylaxis is primarily to decrease of infection (not clean surgical site) –
microbial burden at site of surgery abdominal/gynecologic surgery
• Prevent Bacteruria/Bacteremia with Urologic • Implantation of prosthetic material
• Ideally urine should be sterilized prior to urologic • Infection potentially catastrophic –
surgery neurosurgery, cardiac surgery
• Prevent endocarditis • Procedures where prophylaxis has been
• Treat Infection present at time of surgery proven to improve outcomes –surgery for
breast cancer
Bratzler DW; American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; Infectious Disease Society of America; Surgical Infection Society; Society for
Healthcare Epidemiology of America. Clinical practice guidelines for antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery. Am J Health Syst Pharm.
2013 Feb 1;70(3):195-283.
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-23 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-24
Case 2: Case 2:
• A 35 yo female reports documented penicillin • A 35 yo female reports documented penicillin
allergy resulting in anaphylaxis 10 years ago. allergy resulting in anaphylaxis 10 years ago.
She is scheduled for an elective vaginal She is scheduled for an elective vaginal
hysterectomy. What do you recommend for hysterectomy. What do you recommend for
antimicrobial prophylaxis? antimicrobial prophylaxis?
• A. Meropenem • A. Meropenem
• B. Vancomycin • B. Vancomycin
• C. Perform penicillin skin testing prior to making • C. Perform penicillin skin testing prior to making
recommendations recommendations
• D. Clindamycin + levofloxacin • D. Clindamycin + levofloxacin
• E. No antimicrobial prophylaxis is required • E. No antimicrobial prophylaxis is required
Case 3:
A 30 yo male with HIV/hepatitis B coinfection, CD4 150,
Objective #3 viral load undetectable, on tenofovir, emtricitabine,
atazanavir/ritonavir & trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazle is
• Review perioperative management of patients scheduled for bioprosthetic vale replacement for infective
on antiretroviral therapy for HIV. endocarditis & perivalvular abscess. What are your
perioperative recommendations?
A. Proceed with surgery. Hold all ARVs through the perioperative
period until patient is reliably taking po. Give TMP/SMX IV for OI
B. Delay surgery until CD4 is >200. Continue ARVs and OI
C. Proceed with surgery. Continue ARVs and OI prophylaxis
through perioperative period (give through NG if necessary).
D. Continue tenofovir to cover for hepatitis B infection & prevent
flare, discontinue other ARVs, continue OI prophylaxis.
Case 3:
A 30 yo male with HIV/hepatitis B coinfection, CD4 150, Preoperative Evaluation
viral load undetectable, on tenofovir, emtricitabine,
atazanavir/ritonavir & trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazle is • Same as for patients not infected with HIV
scheduled for bioprosthetic vale replacement for infective
endocarditis & perivalvular abscess. What are your • With addition of evaluation of:
perioperative recommendations?
• Immunologic status: CD4 count/percentage
A. Proceed with surgery. Hold all ARVs through the perioperative • HIV control: viral load
period until patient is reliably taking po. Give TMP/SMX IV for OI
prophylaxis. • Review current antiretrovirals (ARVs), ARV history,
B. Delay surgery until CD4 is >200. Continue ARVs and OI history of opportunistic infections (OI), OI
prophylaxis. prophylactic medications
C. Proceed with surgery. Continue ARVs and OI prophylaxis • If elective surgery, and patient does not have
through perioperative period (give through NG if necessary).
optimal control of HIV (viral load is not
D. Continue tenofovir to cover for hepatitis B infection & prevent suppressed or patient is not on ARVs), consider
flare, discontinue other ARVs. Continue OI prophylaxis.
delay of surgery.
• Consult HIV expert if patient is expected to be NPO or • In patients with CD4 <50, also consider adrenal
have issues with absorption for an extended time. insufficiency in appropriate clinical scenario
Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-1-infected adults and adolescents. Department of Health and
Human Services. Available at
Accessed: August 18, 2013. ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-33 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-34
Summary Summary
• Postoperative fever evaluation depends on • In general, ARVs should be continued through
timing of fever and type of surgery performed. the perioperative period unless prolonged
• Atelectasis is generally not considered a period of inability to take oral/NG medications is
cause of fever. suspected.
• Remember to carefully check for drug
• Perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis usually interactions between new medications and
consists of cefazolin (with additional gram- ARVs.
negative & anaerobic coverage for bowel
• Penicillin skin testing can be helpful in
clarifying validity of penicillin allergy.
Peri-operative Medicine
Hematology Issues Off label use
Rajiv K. Pruthi, M.B.B.S
Special Coagulation Laboratory &
Comprehensive Hemophilia Center
Division of Hematology/Internal Medicine
Dept of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology Did I change my slides?
Mayo Clinic
Peri-operative Medicine, Seattle 2013 You betcha!
©2011 MFMER | 3142030-1 ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-2
Objectives Objectives
• Pre-operative hemostatic assessment: Who • Pre-operative hemostatic assessment: Who
and What and What
• Perioperative transfusion strategy: • Perioperative transfusion strategy:
conservative or liberal? conservative or liberal?
• Post-operative transfusion triggers. • Post-operative transfusion triggers.
• How do I diagnose and treat heparin • How do I diagnose and treat heparin
induced thrombocytopenia in the induced thrombocytopenia in the
perioperative period? perioperative period?
• Perioperative management of Von • Perioperative management of Von
Willebrand’s disease Willebrand’s disease
• Perioperative management of sickle cell • Perioperative management of sickle cell
disease. ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-3
disease. ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-4
Bleeding Questionnaire
Outcomes of condensed bleeding score
• Normal controls: -3.2 to +3.6
• Abnormal cut off: >4 Bowman et al JTH 2008;6:2062
• Prospective study for VWD diagnosis
• Sensitivity100%
• Positive predictive value: 20%
• Negative predictive value: 100%
• Abnormal cut off: >3 Tosetto et al JTH 2011;9:1143
• Best haemostatic screening test
• Patient and family history
• Limitation
• Children may not have been exposed to Pre-operative hemostatic
trauma, previous surgery assessment: What tests?
• Circumcision related bleeding: not an
optimal history (improvements in surgical
• Family history will be important
vWD: 1%:
aPTT order VWF PT
Approx Intrinsic Extrinsic Approx
XII frequency
0 to 4.3% VII 1:500,000
Tests of hemostasis VIII
>150 cases
PT and aPTT: What is the point? 1/5,000
X >30 cases
II >20 cases
Fibrinogen >150 cases
©2011 MFMER | 3142030-11 ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-12
Outcomes of Routine Preoperative Outcomes of Routine Preoperative
Prothrombin Time Partial Thromboplastin Time
• Incidence of abnormalities: 0-4.8% • Incidence of abnormalities: 0-15.6%
• Significantly abnormal: 0% • Significantly abnormal: 0%
• Change in management: 0% • Change in management: 0-0.7%
Munro J et al: Health Technology Assessment Vol 1: No.12, 1997 Munro J et al: Health Technology Assessment Vol 1: No.12, 1997
Role of PFA-100
• Evaluation of bleeding symptoms
• As an adjunct to hemostatic history and
Special Coagulation testing including platelet
• Not useful for predicting surgical hemorrhage
• Less than 100% sensitive for residual ASA
• Only 68% ASA users had prolonged CT
10 10
10 6 5 5 5
n=366 n=260 n=107 n=100 n=59 n=54 n=51 n=51
Orthopedic ENT Gen surg Ophthal Dental Urologic Gynecol Other
Narr et al Mayo Cl Proc 72:505, 1997 Narr et al Mayo Cl Proc 72:505, 1997
Results Results
• Deaths 0 (0%) • Based on H&P if no preoperative indication
for laboratory tests determined
• Transfusions 0 (0%)
• Safe to proceed with anesthesia/surgery
• Excess bleeding 1 (0.1%)
• Laboratory evaluation
• Sinus surgery; no transfusions
• based medical and anaesthesia
• No role of obtaining routine preoperative perioperative indications
• Clinical assessment is essential with
additional testing if indicated
Narr et al Mayo Cl Proc 72:505, 1997 Narr et al Mayo Cl Proc 72:505, 1997
Objectives Transfusion thresholds: AABB Guidelines
• Pre-operative hemostatic assessment: Who
and What • Hospitalized hemodynamically stable
• Perioperative transfusion strategy: patients (HHSP)
conservative or liberal? • 1) No other co-morbidity
• Post-operative transfusion triggers. • 2) with preexisting CV disease
• How do I diagnose and treat heparin • 3) with acute coronary syndrome
induced thrombocytopenia in the • 4) Transfusion criteria: symptoms vs
perioperative period? hemoglobin
• Perioperative management of Von
Willebrand’s disease
• Perioperative management of sickle cell Carson JL et al Annals Int Med 2012: 157:49-58
disease. ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-25 ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-26
HHSP: no comorbidity
Restrictive vs Liberal
• Restrictive strategy
• Trend towards • Based on statistical
• Adult/pediatric ICU patients: <7 g/dL decreased mortality analysis, unlikely to
• Post-operative surgical patient: • No evidence of harm
decrease mortality
• <8 g/dL OR
• Symptomatic patient
• Chest pain, orthostatic
hypotension/tachycardia unresponsive to
fluid resuscitation
• Congestive heart failure
• Quality of evidence: high
• Strength of recommendation: strong
Carson JL et al Annals Int Med 2012: 157:49-58 Carson JL et al Annals Int Med 2012: 157:49-58
HHSP transfusion criteria: symptoms vs
HHSP: with acute coronary syndrome
Carson JL et al Annals Int Med 2012: 157:49-58 Carson JL et al Annals Int Med 2012: 157:49-58
• Pre-operative hemostatic assessment: Who Type II: Immune HIT
and What • Isolated HIT or HIT with thrombosis (HITTS)
• Perioperative transfusion strategy: • Based on timing:
conservative or liberal? • Classical HIT (day 5 to 14)
• Post-operative transfusion triggers. • Rapid onset HIT (<day 5)
• How do I diagnose and treat heparin • Delayed HIT (>day 14 to ~4 weeks)
induced thrombocytopenia in the • Atypical HIT
perioperative period?
• Skin necrosis
• Perioperative management of Von • Systemic reactions to UFH infusion
Willebrand’s disease
• HIT-like syndrome
• Perioperative management of sickle cell
disease. ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-33 ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-34
Emerging Clinical Diagnostic Approach:HIT Expert Probability
Clinical feature
1. Magnitude of fall in platelet count (measured from peak platelet count to nadir platelet count Score
since heparin
1. Magnitude of fall inexposure)
platelet count (measured from peak platelet count to nadir platelet count
a. <30%
since heparin exposure)
b.c. 30%-50%
c. >50%
Role of emerging clinical predictors
2. Timing
Timing of fall in platelet
of fall count –count
in platelet for patients
– forinpatients
whom typical onset HIT
in whom is suspected
typical onset HIT is suspected
a.a. Fall
d.c. Fall
<4 days
after heparin
<4 days
days after
exposure exposure
after heparin
b. Fall begins 4 days after heparin exposure
c.b.Fall after heparin
after heparin
after heparin
• HEP Score:
• Requires prospective clinical validation prior
e.d. Fall
begins>14 11-14
days after
heparin exposure -1 2
e. patients with previous
Fall begins >14 days heparin exposure
after heparinin last 100 days in whom rapid onset HIT is suspected
exposure -1
f. Fall begins <48 h after heparin re-exposure
begins >48 with previous
h after heparinheparin exposure in last 100 days in whom rapid onset HIT is
re-exposure suspected
-1 Cut off 2:
f. Fall begins <48 h after heparin re-exposure 2
3. Nadir platelet
g. Fall beginscount
a. <20 x 109 L-1
h after heparin re-exposure
-1 to routine use
b. >20 x 109 L-1 2
4. Thrombosis (Select no more than one)
For patients in whom typically onset HIT is suspected
a. New VTE or ATE 4 days after heparin exposure 3
Spec: 60%
b. Progression of pre-existing VTE or ATE while receiving heparin 2
For patients in whom rapid onset HIT is suspected PPV: 30%
c. New VTE or ATE after heparin exposure 3
d. Progression of pre-existing VTE or ATE while receiving heparin 2 NPV: 100%
5. Skin necrosis
a. Skin necrosis at subcuteaneous heparin injection sites 3
6. Acute systemic reaction
a. Acute systemic reaction after intravenous heparin bolus 2
7. Bleeding
a. Skin necrosis at subcuteaneous heparin injection sites 3
8. Other
8. Other causes
causes of thrombocytopenia
of thrombocytopenia (select all(select all that apply)
that apply)
Presence of a of
chronic thrombocytopenic
a chronic disorder disorder
thrombocytopenic -1 -1
b. Newly initiated non-heparin medication known to cause thrombocytopenia -2
initiated non-heparin medication known to cause thrombocytopenia -2 -2
d.c. Severe
(defined as fibrogen <100 mg/dL-1 and D-dimer >5.0 g mL-1) -2 -2
Severe intra-arterial
DIC (defined as(e.g.
device fibrogen mg/dL-1 and D-dimer >5.0 g mL-1)
IABP, VAD, -2 -2
f.e.Cardiopulmonary bypass withindevice
Indwelling intra-arterial previous(e.g.
96 h IABP, VAD, ECMO) -1 -2
g. No other apparent cause 3
f. Cardiopulmonary bypass within previous 96 h -1
No other apparent cause
thromboembolism; ATE, arterial thromboembolism; DIC, disseninated intravascular coagulation; IABP, intra-aortic balloon 3
pump; VAD, ventricular assist device, ECMO, extracorporporeal membrane oxgenation
Frequency of a Positive Test for
Heparin-Dependent Antibodies
100 • Pre-operative hemostatic assessment: Who
and What
80 Antigen assay
• Perioperative transfusion strategy:
60 conservative or liberal?
• Post-operative transfusion triggers.
Activation assay
• How do I diagnose and treat heparin
induced thrombocytopenia in the
perioperative period?
0 25 50 75
Days to negative assay result
100 125 • Perioperative management of Von
No. at risk
Antigen assay 93 36 17 8 6
Willebrand’s disease
Activation assay 144 53 23 10 3
• Perioperative management of sickle cell
Warkentin TE 2004
©2011 MFMER | 3142030-43
disease. ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-44
von Willebrand disease: Perioperative
management Postoperative management
• Factor replacement options: • Type 1 (mild)
• Desmopressin (DDAVP) • DDAVP once preop
• Plasma derived VWF concentrate • Typically switch to VWF concentrate
• General principles • Types 2 and 3
• Preop: Infuse and measure a post infusion • Plasma derived VWF concentrates
level (lasts 8 to 12 hours)
• Check daily AM levels for ongoing dosing
• Intraop: depending on length of surgery • Requires quick turn around time of VWF
additional doses may be needed
• Do not dose without checking daily levels
©2011 MFMER | 3142030-49 ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-50
Types of Surgeries Complication Rate
Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2
Variable (n=303) (n=301) Complications (n=303) (n=301)
Operations (%) Operations (%)
Types of surgery Before, during, or after surgery
Cholecystectomy 36 41 Miscellaneous intraoperative 19 20
Ear, nose, and throat 25 26
procedure Acute chest syndrome 11 10
Orthopedic procedure 11 13 Fever or infection 7 7
Orthopedic procedure 11 13 Miscellaneous postoperative 6 5
Splenectomy 6 4
Painful crisis 5 7
Herniorrhaphy 5 5
Neurologic event 1 1
Genitourinary procedure 3 2
Renal complication 1 <1
Obstetrical or gynecologic 3 2
procedure Death 1 0
Skin procedure 3 2 Any complication 31 35
Gastrointestinal procedure 2 2 After surgery
Eye procedure <1 2 Acute chest syndrome 10 10
Vascular-access procedure 2 1 Fever or infection 7 5
Soft-tissue biopsy 2 <1 Miscellaneous postoperative 6 5
Craniotomy <1 0
Painful crisis 4 7
Arteriography <1 <1
Neurologic event 1 <1
Other <1 0
Renal complication 1 <1
Surgical-risk category†
Death 1 0
1 26 23
Any complication 21 22
2 73 77
*Complications associated with transufions, which are shown in Table 5, are excluded here.
3 1 0 The group numbers refer to operations.
Lancet 2013;381:930 Lancet 2013;381:930
©2011 MFMER | 3142030-61 ©2011 MFMER | 3142030-62
Learning objectives
An Overview of
Perioperative Medicine 2013: • Brief review of pulmonary (patho)physiology
From Outpatient Preoperative Assessment most relevant to the perioperative period
to Inpatient Postoperative Care
• Describe the most common post-operative
pulmonary complications
• Discuss best practice to minimize or treat
pulmonary complications in the postoperative
Qaseem et al. Ann Intern Med. 2006;144:575-580. Canet et al. Anesthesiology 2010; 113:1338 –50
Stable incidence despite best practice PPCs increase LOS, mortality
N Engl J Med 1937; 216:973-976June 3, 1937DOI: 10.1056/NEJM193706032162203 Canet et al. Anesthesiology 2010; 113:1338 –50
Case #1
• 52F with COPD, DM2 undergoes uneventful
RUL pulm nodule wedge resection. Develops
low-grade fever evening POD #1, and
tachypnea (no wheeze), tachycardia, increased
secretions, SaO2 90% (preop baseline 96-
99%) on POD #2. The most likely diagnosis is:
b) Bronchospasm
c) Atelectasis
d) VTE
Annals of Surgery, August 1941
Anesthesia and the lung:
Set-up for atelectasis Induction and the benefit of preoxygenation
No Preoxygenation With Preoxygenation
British Journal of Anaesthesia 91 (1): 61-72 (2003) British Journal of Anaesthesia 91 (1): 61-72 (2003)
DOI: 10.1093/bja/aeg085 DOI: 10.1093/bja/aeg085
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-13 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-14
Goran Hedenstierna1 and Hans Ulrich Rothen2 Compr Physiol 2011. Hedenstierna G. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2012; 56: 675–685
Goran Hedenstierna1 and Hans Ulrich Rothen2 Compr Physiol 2011. Goran Hedenstierna1 and Hans Ulrich Rothen2 Compr Physiol 2011.
Obesity: A further mechanical disadvantage The role of postoperative pain in PPCs
Effects of pain Effects of its treatment
• Poor inspiratory effort • Decreased VE
• Shallow breathing • Decreased muscle tone
• Few deep breaths / sigh
maneuvers • Opioids and bronchospasm
• Reduced ability to recruit
• Decreased mental status,
• Ineffectual cough and increased risk of aspiration
mucus clearance
• Retained secretions
Lung expansion techniques to prevent or
treat atelectasis Question #2
• Incentive spirometry • Atelectactic regions of the lung are associated
with all of the following except:
• Chest physical therapy
• including deep breathing exercises, a) Surfactant dysfunction
percussion and vibration b) Increased inflammatory signaling
• Cough c) Ventilator-induced lung injury
• Postural drainage d) An increased V/Q
• Ambulation e) Low tidal volume lung ventilation
Hotchkiss et al. Crit Care Med 2002;30:2368–2370. 1) Oeckler et al. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2010 Dec;299(6):L826-33.
2) Huh et al. PNAS. 2007 Nov;104(48):18886-18891.
29 30
The biophysics of atelectasis
Key players:
• Pathological changes at the functional Neutrophil and
respiratory unit (respiratory bronchiole and • TNF-alpha
alveoli) as a result of atelectasis: • TGF-beta
• IL-1,6,8,10
• Barotrauma
• Biotrauma Compartmental
loss = potential
• Surfactant loss systemic effect
• Interdependence mechanisms
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-33
Case #2 Case #2:
• 75M smoker with moderate COPD, CAD, and • His blood gas on FiO2 0.5 and SaO2 90% is:
systolic CHF underwent resection of RUL pulm
nodule. Post-op he was extubated but unable • PaO2 65
to wean off O2. Despite diuresis he has an • PaCO2 55
increasing O2 requirement and is reintubated • pH 7.35
on POD#3.
• HCO3 30
Acute Lung Injury & the Acute Respiratory Acute lung injury
Distress Syndrome • Ventilator-induced (VILI/VALI)
• Severity Grading • Exposure to mechanical ventilation
• Based on PaO2:FiO2
• Barotrauma
• Mild 200-300 Our patient’s P/F ratio • Biotrauma
• Moderate 100-200
=PaO2/FiO2 • O2/ROS/RNS toxicity
• Severe <100 =130 • Transfusion-related (TRALI)
= Moderate ALI • Immune response to
blood products
• Preventable, “Hospital-acquired” conditions ?
Question #3
Which of the following interventions has been
shown to reduce mortality in patients with acute
lung injury?
a) Increasing PEEP from 5 to 10 cm H2O
b) Lowering tidal volume from 10 to 6 cc/kg
c) High frequency oscillatory ventilation
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-43 44
Upper Pflex
Lower Pflex
JAMA, October 24/31, 2012—Vol 308, No. 16 1651
Low VT in the OR
Sepsis/Septic shock
JAMA, October 24/31, 2012—Vol 308, No. 16 1651 Futier et al. N Engl J Med 2013;369:428-37.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1301082
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-48
Lung opening and collapse during a
PEEP: Minimizing atelectasis & atelectrauma respiratory cycle
Lower Pflex
49 50
Choosing PEEP:
Actuarial Medicine?
Hager et al. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2005. 172 (10): 1241.
51 52
Postop PNA: Diagnosis Therapy
• High level of suspicion • Broad spectrum empiric coverage
• Fever, purulent sputum, WBC, • <50% culture positive
WOB/increasing hypoxia • GNB (Pseudomonas, Kleb, Acinetobacter)
• CXR and Staph aureus most common
• Microbiologic sample • ~30% polymicrobial (Enterobacter + Staph
or Strep)
• Trach secretions
• BAL • Adjust based on culture results and course
• Procalcitonin to de-escalate?
• Biomarkers?
Case #3
Role for procalcitonin?
• 67M with DM2 and moderate COPD s/p
uncomplicated upper abdominal procedure.
POD #2 he develops tachypnea, increased
WOB, and wheezes throughout all lung fields.
All of the following may be a cause of this
condition except:
a) Aspiration
b) Pneumothorax
c) Acute exacerbation of underlying COPD
d) Opioid pain medications
Scheutz et al. Chest 2012;141;1063-1073
DOI 10.1378/chest.11-2430
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-57 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-58
Case #4 Case #4
• 44M obese smoker s/p Ivor-Lewis You immediately recommend:
esophagectomy for adenoCA is POD#4 and on
the general care floor. Despite resting after a) He remain supine without HOB elevation to
ambulation during his PT session he continues help with presyncope and orthostasis
to be lightheaded and dizzy. His therapist is b) Increase supplemental O2 to maintain
concerned that this may be due to the PRN saturation >92%
dose of oxycodone he took prior to their
session. He denies pain or dyspnea, although c) Obtain CT-PE protocol to rule out VTE
he is tachypneic and tachycardic. His SpO2 is d) Administer 0.4 mg naloxone for presumed
91% on 4L NC. BP 95/65 HR 115 RR 26. opioid overdose
Exacerbation of OSA Take home points: PPCs
• Apneas, hypopneas • Pulmonary physiology is your key to predicting,
• Loss of upper airway patency during sleep preventing, and treating PPCs. Learn it well!
• Episodic awakenings, desaturations • Recommend West or Munis (see refs)
• Worsened postoperatively • Atelectasis is bad. Prevent it, and you will
prevent many PPCs!
• Anesthesia, opioids, sedatives
• Compounding effects of obesity, OSA, high
• Muscle relaxation FiO2
• Depression of central, peripheral
respiratory centers
• Supine position post-op may contribute
Goals and Objectives
Peri-operative pain management What are the commonly used opioids in the
postoperative setting and what issues should I consider
Susan M. Moeschler, MD when prescribing these?
October12, 2013
What are the common PCA doses for postoperative
pain control?
How do I manage chronic pain patients who have
uncontrolled postoperative pain?
When should I consider adjunctive analgesic therapies
to help with pain control?
How should patients on multiple sedating medications
Mayo School of Continuous Professional Development
postoperatively be monitored?
For patients with epidural or spinal anesthesia, how
should anticoagulant DVT prophylaxis be managed?
What are our pain issues?
A tumultuous course… • Chronic pain “8/10” with opioid tolerance
• Different pain generators
• While in PACU, “10/10” pain requiring significant amounts • Incisional pain
of IV fentanyl, hydromorphone, midazolam, ketamine • Myofascial spasm
• Sedated, wakes up only to mumble “10/10” • Neuropathic pain (radiculopathy)
• Localizes pain to lumbar spine and legs • Anxiety
• Lumbar incisional pain • Sedation
• Back muscle spasms • General Anesthetic
• Burning, tingling pain down both legs (similar to baseline) • PACU medications
• P.Ox 90% on 2L O2 NC, CPAP initiated • Reduced renal function
• Family is upset • OSA requiring CPAP
• “the doctor needs to do something about his pain…”
What tools are available to treat this patient’s pain? Patient found in room in
• MEDICATIONS Increase dose cardiorespiratory arrest, cold and blue
• Opioid Analgesics
• Non-opioid Analgesics • For anxiety…
Change Med • lorazepam 1mg IV q8h PRN
Add Med
• Anticonvulsants
• Topical agents
• For spasms…
• Antidepressants • valium 5-10mg PO TID
• Antipsychotic Medications Decrease dose • baclofen 10mg PO TID
• PHYSICAL THERAPY “Think both vertically and laterally” • For insomnia…
TECHNIQUES • phenergan 6.25mg IV q6h PRN
©2011 MFMER | 3127551-9 ©2011 MFMER | 3127551-10
Q4. When is the most likely time period Complex Pharmacology: First 24 hours
for postoperative respiratory
depression/arrest to occur? Polypharmacy/resolving anesthesia:
A) In the immediate preoperative period
Residual Anesthetic
B) 0-24 hours postoperatively Barbiturate
Muscle relaxants
C) 24-48 hours postoperatively Volatile anesthetic
D) 48-72 hours postoperatively
E) Immediately post-dismissal from the hospital PACU Floor
Assess: “Sedation Allowance”
How do you take care of chronic pain Case #2
patients that always report “10/10” pain?
• Document patient’s “baseline” pain rating • 82 y/o female: “Aches and Pains”
• Reassure patient that you are treating the pain • 10/10 left leg pain- to undergo total hip arthroplasty
• Set realistic patient expectations
• Neurontin and Tramadol for pain
• Consider using alternate pain measurement scale
(“better or worse”, “tolerable or intolerable”) rather than • Post-operative Plan?
NRS • Oxycodone?
• Try to assess physical pain vs. emotional suffering • Hydromorphone?
• Maintain pre-hospital medications if possible, especially • Morphine?
antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytics
• Put in the face time
What is an appropriate peri-operative pain
regimen? perception
Opioid Metabolism Excretion Active Pearl
Morphine Liver Renal Morphine-6 GL Poor choice in
P450-UGT2B7 Morphine-3 GL Renal failure Opioid Therapy: Routes of Administration
Hydrocodone Liver Renal Hydro- Screen will show
#1 drug P450-CYP2D6 morphone hydro-
prescribed morphone • Oral and transdermal - preferred – if patient
Oxycodone Liver Renal Oxymorphone Screen will show has/can use gut then use it
P450- Oxymorphone
CYP2D6/3A4 • Parenteral – (SQ) and IV preferred for acute post-
Oxymorphone Liver Renal 3-glucuronide, Reduce op and (long-term - hospice) therapy
6-hydroxy Dose if
(both active) CrCl <50ml/min • Oral transmucosal - fentanyl – cancer
Hydro- Liver Renal NONE Active Better choice if • Rectal route – peds/ acetaminophen
morphone P450- renal insuff.
Fentanyl Liver Renal None Caution w
• Epidural – peri-op/hospice
P450-CYP3A4 (redistribution CYP3A4 inhibitor • Intrathecal – peri-operative/ ITP for oncology/
to fat) drugs
hospice/ rarely non-malignant pain
Codeine Liver Renal Morphine Ultrafast or
CYP-2D6 Ultraslow
Patient case #3
**OME conversions**
• 43 y/o otherwise healthy female (60 kg) comes for an
abdominal TAH/BSO; her main concern is pain
during and after surgery. What is your plan for peri-
operative pain management? Oral Intravenous Epidural Intrathecal
• Intra-operative opioids:
• Intrathecal hydromorphone 100 mcg
100 mcg = 0.1 mg 30 10 1 0.1
Pain Consult: 43 y/o writhing in pain, with Standard PCA Parameters for Opioid
nausea and vomiting Naïve Adult Patients
Patient has received oxycodone 5-10 mg 6 hours- Increased Morphine Hydromorphone Fentanyl
pain? 20 mg q 4 hours and patient is vomiting-
help! 1X (single strength) 1 mg/ml 0.2 mg/ml 10 mcg/ml
Case #4
P.atient C.ontrolled A.nalgesia
• 59 y/o male with metastatic colorectal cancer:
• Fentanyl: s/p subtotal colectomy, POD #1
• 10/10/200 mcg • Limit Basal Rates
• PCA: fentanyl 20/20/400 mcg
• 20/10/400 • Continuous Pulse Oximetry-
“with remote monitoring” • He used 1200 mcg/ 24 hours: falls asleep once
• Hydromorphone • Review med list for other comfortable but wakes up in pain- what are the
• 0.2/10/4 mg potentially sedating agents options?
• Assume that no one has
• 0.4/10/8 canceled other pain med
• Basal Rate vs Patch
• Morphine: orders, ie. Post-op tramadol • 1200 mcg/24 hours ~
• 2/10/40 mg • 50 mcg/hour=> 25 mcg patch
Switching Opioids
• IV = Transdermal • Plan for incomplete cross-tolerance
• 50 mcg patch= ??? Dose/hour? • 25-50% typical (+/- based on clinical scenario)
• Patch x 2.5 = OME • Opioid calculators- estimates, at best
• OME/3 = Patch • Formulas based on opioid naïve, white,
cancer dx
• Fentanyl difficult
Opioid Therapy: Drug Selection
Methadone Methadone
• Useful loooong-acting drug with mu-agonist and
NMDA-antagonist activity
• 1:3 to 1:20 (when converting to methadone) • Potency greater than expected based on single-dose
• > 1000 OME use 1:20 and decrease by 30 % • When used for pain: twice a day or three times a
for cross tolerance.
• PO:IV 2:1 • Do not change doses < q 3 days
• Patient admitted on methadone continue same dose
• Long acting: Methadone via pharmacokinetics
• NOT a “prn” medication
• Order ECG to monitor QTc- when changing dose
Serotonin Syndrome
42 y/o female undergoing ACL repair Mild
• PMHx: depression, chronic headaches mydriasis
• Medications: tramadol prn, ibuprofen, paroxetine
• Uncomplicated operative case- hyperreflexia/clonus
Classic Triad of Symptoms
• recovering in 23 hour observation unit Moderate •Altered Mental Status
Hypertension •Neuromuscular abnormality
Hyperthermia (40 C) •Autonomic Dysfunction
• Page: Patient was confused- seizure activity
• Tx: benzodiazepine Severe
Agitated Delerium
• Cause? Patient had received fentanyl in PACU + Severe HTN/Hyperthermia
tramadol and paroxetine @ home Shock
American Society of Regional Anesthesia
Horlocker TT, et al. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine: 2010: 35;
Management of Postoperative
Gastrointestinal Complications:
An Overview of Postoperative Medicine 2013
October 12, 2013
I have no disclosures to
make regarding this
Question 1
Predicting risk of PONV Despite receiving balanced anesthesia and
perioperative prophylactic ondansetron (4 mg IV),
100 the patient experiences nausea and vomiting in
the PACU. Which treatment is most likely to be
Risk 61 effective in ameliorating her symptoms?
Factors Risk of PONV (%) 60
39 A. Dexamethasone
Non-smoker 10
21 B. Metoclopramide
Hx of PONV 0
C. Propofol
Perioperative 0 1 2 3 4
D. Propranolol
Number of Risk Factors
Opioids E. Tropisetron
Kranke P, et al. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2007;8:3217-35.
Question 1 Question 2
Apfel CC, et al. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:2441-51. Apfel CC, et al. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:2441-51.
Question 2 Question 2
100 *
% Patients without N/V
80 *
0-24h 0-48h
*p < 0.05 vs. ondansetron
Question 2 Question 2
P6 Acupressure for PONV PONV
• Incidence as high as 30%
70 acupressure 66 • Common patient complaint and cause of
60 dissatisfaction
% 50
• Prolongs recovery room time, length of stay
30 26
30 and overall costs
10 12
• Treatment dependent on pre-op risk
10 assessment
POVN 24hrs PONV 72hrs Pt satisfaction • Multiple modality approach most efficacious
White PF, et al. Anesth Analg 2012 Apr 13 [Epub ahead of print]
Question 2 Question 2
Question 3 Question 3
Question 3 Question 3
Chewing Gum – Time to Flatus
Chewing Gum – Time to BM
Question 3 Question 3
A. Barium enema
B. Endoscopic decompression
C. Exploratory laparotomy
D. Metoclopramide
E. Neostigmine
Question 4 Question 4
Question 4 Question 4
Neostigmine for acute colonic pseudo-
Contraindications for neostigmine
neostigmine placebo neostigmine placebo
• Bradycardia
10 7
6 • Severe cardiac disease
# of patients
# of patients
6 4 • Hypotension
4 3
• Active bronchospasm
• Renal insufficiency
clinical treatment decreased decreased
response failures cecum girth • Pregnancy
Question 4 Question 4
Clostridium difficile in the US Annual occurrence of C. Difficile by region
0.4 South
0.3 West
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Polgreen PM, et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2010;31:382-7. Zerey M, et al. Surg Infect 2007;8:557-66.
Question 6 Question 6
A 46 year old man is seen in the ICU prior
to surgery. He is mechanically ventilated,
but hemodynamically stable. Which is the
most appropriate recommendation
regarding peptic ulcer prophylaxis?
A. Antacids
B. H2-receptor antagonist
C. No prophylaxis indicated
D. Proton pump inhibitor
E. Sucralfate
Question 6 Question 7
ICU stress ulcer prophylaxis • Apfel CC, Korttila K, Abdalla M, et al. A factorial trial of six
interventions for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
N Engl J Med. 2004;350:2441-51.
• Recommended by many professional
organizations • Cook DJ, Fuller HD, Guyatt GH, et al. Risk factors for gastrointestinal
bleeding in critically ill patients. N Engl J Med. 1994;330:377-81.
• Joint Commission “core quality measure” • Deshpande A, Pant C, Pasupuleti V, et al. Association between
proton pump inhibitor therapy and Clostridium difficile infection in a
meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012;10:225-33.
• Data is for H2RA, but PPI are equivalent by • Elsner JL, Smith JM, Ensor CR. Intravenous neostigmine for
meta-analysis postoperative acute colonic pseudo-obstruction. Ann Pharmacother
• Increase risk of C. diff, pneumonia • Fitzgerald JE, Ahmed I. Systematic review and meta-analysis of
chewing-gum therapy in the reduction of postoperative paralytic ileus
• May not be necessary with early enteral following gastrointestinal surgery. World J Surg 2009;33:2557-66.
feeding (in fact, may worsen outcome) • Kranke P, Schuster F, Eberhart LH. Recent advances, trends and
economic considerations in the risk assessment, prevention and
treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Expert Opin
Pharmacother. 2007;8:3217-35.
• Marik PE, Vasu T, Hirani A, Pachinburavan M. Stress ulcer prophylaxis in the
new millennium: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care Med
• Pisegna JR, Martindale RG. Acid suppression in the perioperative period. J Question Answer
Clin Gastroenterol. 2005;39:10-6.
• Polgreen PM, Yang M, Bohnett LC, Cavanaugh JE. A time-series analysis of 1 A
clostridium difficile and its seasonal association with influenza. Infect Control
Hosp Epidemiol 2010;31:382-7. 2 A
• Saunders MD, Kimmey MB. Systematic review: acute colonic pseudo- 3 B
obstruction. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2005;22:917-25.
• Story SK, Chamberlain RS. A comprehensive review of evidence-based
strategies to prevent and treat postoperative ileus. Dig Surg 2009;26:265-75.
4 E
• Viscusi ER, Gan TJ, Leslie JB, et al. Peripherally acting mu-opioid receptor 5 B
antagonists and postoperative ileus: mechanisms of action and clinical
applicability. Anesth Analg 2009;108:1811-22. 6 C
• White PF, Zhao M, Tang J, et al. Use of a disposable acupressure device as
part of a multimodal antiemetic strategy for reducing postoperative nausea and 7 D
vomiting. Anesth Analg 2012 Apr 13.