Uttar Pradesh Factory Rules 1950
Uttar Pradesh Factory Rules 1950
Uttar Pradesh Factory Rules 1950
1. Short title.—(a) These rules may be cited as the Uttar Pradesh Factories Rules,
(b) These rules shall extend to the whole of the Uttar Pradesh.
(c) These rules, except Rules 52, 59, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70 and 109 shall come into
force on April 1, 1951 and Rules 52, 59, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70 and 109 shall come
into force on such dates as are specified thereunder.
[2. Definitions.—In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in the
subject or context:—
(b) 'artificial humidification' means the introduction of moisture into the air of a
room by any artificial means whatsoever except the unavoidable escape of steam
or water vapour into the atmosphere directly due to a manufacturing process :
Provided that the 'introduction of air directly from outside through moistened
mats or screens placed in opening at times when the temperature of thee room is
80 degrees or more, shall not be deemed to he artificial humidification.
(cc) 'Board' means the State Effluent Board constituted under sub-rule (2) of Rule
18 of these Rules.
(f) 'Health Officer' means the Municipal Medical Officer of Health, Nagar
Swasthya Adhikari, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health, Additional Medical
Officer of Health, Assistant Medical Officer of Health or such other Officer as
may be appointed by the State Government in this behalf.
(h) 'inspector' means an officer appointed under Section 8 of the Act and includes
"Chief Inspector" and "Deputy Chief Inspector".
(i) the site of the factory and immediate surroundings including adjacent
buildings and other structures, roads, drains, etc., and
(ii) the plan elevation and necessary cross sections of the various buildings,
including all relevant details relating to natural lighting, ventilation and means
of escape in case of fire. The plans shall also clearly indicate the position of the
plant and machinery aisles and passage ways.
(2) If the Chief Inspector is satisfied that the plans are in consonance with the
requirements of the Act he shall, subject to such conditions as he may specify,
approve them by signing and returning to the applicant one copy of each plan or
he may call for such other particulars as he may require to enable such approval
to be given.
(3) No manufacturing process carried on with the aid of power shall be begun
or carried on in any building, or part of a building, until a certificate of stability
of the building, or part of building in Form No. 2, signed by a person possessing
the qualifications prescribed in sub-rule (4) has been delivered to the Chief
Inspector through the Inspector of Factories of the region concerned and
accepted by him. No extended portion of any factory shall be used as a part of
the factory any time after the extension nor any plant or machinery shall be
added in any factory, nor brought into use any time after such addition until a
certificate in respect of such extension or plant has been delivered to the Chief
Inspector through the Inspector of Factories of the region concerned and
accepted by the Chief Inspector of Factories.
(4) The person signing the Form No. 2 shall possess one or other of the
following qualifications :
(iv) The Institute of Engineers (India) together with a degree of a recognized Civil
Engineering College in India; provided that he has also been for three years in
bona fide practice on his own accounts as Chief Assistant of a recognized firm of
Civil Engineers, or
(b) Such other qualifications as the Chief Inspector of Factories may approve.
(5) No person except in the case of building occupied by any Government shall
be authorised to sign a Certificate of Stability, who is in the employment of the
owner or builder of the building in respect of which the certificate is given.
4. (i) The internal height of a workroom shall be not less than 14 feet measured
from the floor level to the lowest part of the roof, and if the roof is of corrugated
iron, which is neither covered with tiles nor has an inner ceiling or lining of heat-
resisting material with an air space of at least four inches between it and the
corrugated iron, the internal height shall be not less than 20 feet:
Provided that in case of the buildings having a brick or concrete roof, or a
combination of the two, the minimum height may be 12 feet, if approved by the
Chief Inspector of Factories :
Provided further that in case of all factories registered under Section 2 (m)(ii),
and factories registered under Section 2(m)(i) of the Act3 employing up to 50
workers, the Chief Inspector may, where he is satisfied that the conditions of
work are reasonably good, exempt such factories from the provisions of this sub-
(ii) There shall be provided at all times for each person employed in any room of
a factory where mechanical or electrical power is used at least 36 square feet of
floor space exclusive of that occupied by machinery and a breathing space
of at least 500 cubic, feet.
(iii) Particulars of each of the rooms, verandahs and other enclosures of the
factory shall be entered in Form 1, which shall be produced before the Inspector
on demand.
The provisions of sub-rule (i) of Rule 4 shall not apply to rooms intended for
storage, godowns and like purposes and also rooms intended solely for office
purposes. Where only clerical work is done.
5. Factories, which were not registered under the Factories Act, 1934 on March
31, 1949, or which had not applied for registration prior to April 1 1949, shall be
considered as not in existence on April 1, 1949 for the purpose of Rules 3 and 4.
Registration and Licensing [Sections 6 and 112]
Provided that, the occupier' of a place, to which the provisions of the Act are
made applicable by a notification under Section 85, shall submit such application
within thirty days of the date of such notification :
Provided further that the occupier shall, before he begins or continues to use any
premises as a factory, obtain a licence or renewal thereof, in accordance with the
provisions of these rules.
[7. Registration and grant of licence.—(1) The factory shall be registered and a
licence for a factory shall be granted by the Chief Inspector in Form 3 and on
payment of the fees specified in the Schedule :
Schedule of fees payable
Quantity of HP installed Maximum number of persons to be employed on any
(maximum H. P.) day during the calendar year
From From From
Up to 101 501 1001 Above
100 to to to 3000
500 1000, 3000
Nil Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Up to 100 100 300 600 1500 3000
Above 100 200 800 1500 2500 4000
but not above 500 400 1300 2300 3000 4500
Above 500 but not 500 1800 2700 3500 5500
above 2000
Above 2000 but 600 2200 3000 3800 6000
not above 5000
Above 5000 1000 3000 4000 4800 7000
(2) Every licence granted or renewed under these rules shall remain in force until
December 31 of the year for which the licence is granted or renewed.]
[8. Amendment of licence.—(1) A licensee shall get his licence amended when
the factory exceeds the limits specified in the licence in regard to horse-power or
the number of persons employed.
(2) The fee for the amendment of a licence shall be ten rupees-plus the amount (if
any), by which the fee that would have been payable if the licence had originally
been issued in the amended form exceeds the fee originally paid for the licence.]
Provided that if the application for renewal is not received within the time
specified in sub-rule (2), the licence shall be renewed only on payment of a fee,
25 per cent in excess of the fee ordinarily payable for the licence.
(2) Every application for the renewal of a licence shall be accompanied by the
notice of occupation prescribed under Section 7 and shall be sent in triplicate so
as to reach the office of the Chief Inspector not less than thirty days before the
date on which the licence expires, and if the application is so made, the premises
shall be held to be duly licensed until such date as the Chief Inspector renews the
10. Transfer of licence.—(1) The holder of a licence may, at any time before the
expiry of the licence, apply for permission to transfer his licence to another
(4) The person to whom the licence is so transferred shall enjoy the same
powers, and be subject to the same obligations under the licence as the original
Provided that in case of die factories newly registered, licence may be obtained
only for the remaining part of die year; for which die fees payable under sub-rule
(1) of Rule 7 shall be proportionately less, but shall be chargeable to the nearest
quarter, i.e., die period, January to March, April to June, July to September and
October to December.
execution of the Act have power to do all or any of the following things, that is to
Provided that the powers of District Magistrates and such other public officers as
are appointed to the Additional Inspector shall be limited to the administration
of the following provisions of the Act, namely the provisions relating to—
(b) Identification cards would be issued for all Additional Inspectors of Factories
belonging to Medical and Public Health Department, by the Director of Medical
and Health Services. For Officers of the Labour Department, the Identification
cards would be issued by the Labour Commissioner and for the Executive
Magistrates, by the District Magistrates of the Districts concerned.
(2) The Certifying Surgeon shall issue his certificates in Form No. 5. The foil and
counterfoil shall be filled in and left thumb-impression of the person in whose
name the certificate is granted shall be taken on them. On being satisfied as to the
correctness of the entries made therein and of the fitness of the persons
examined, he shall sign the foil and initial the counterfoil and shall deliver the
foil to the person in whose name the certificate is granted. The foil so delivered
shall be the certificate of fitness granted under Section 69 of the Act. All
counterfoils shall be kept by the Certifying Surgeon for a period of at least two
years after the issue of the certificate.
(3) The Certifying Surgeon shall, upon request by the Chief Inspector or an
Inspector of Factories carry out such examination and furnish him with such
report as he may indicate, for any factory or class or description of factories
(a) cases of illness have occurred which it is reasonable to believe are due to the
nature of the manufacturing process carried on, or other conditions of working
prevailing therein, or
(b) by reason of any change in the manufacturing process carried on, or in the
substance used therein, or by reasons of the adoption of any new manufacturing
process or of any new substance for use in a manufacturing process, there is a
likelihood of injury to the health of workers employed in that manufacturing
process, or
(c) young persons are, or are about to be employed in any work, which is likely
to cause injury to their health.
(5) At such visits the Certifying Surgeon shall examine the persons employed in
such processes and shall record the results of his examination in a register known
as the Health Register which shall be kept by the factory manager and produced
before the Certifying Surgeon at each visit.
(6) If the Certifying Surgeon finds as a result of his examination that any person
employed in such process is no longer fit for medical reasons to work in that
process, he shall suspend such person from working in that process for such time
as he may think fit and no person after suspension shall be employed in that
process without the written sanction of the Certifying Surgeon in the Health
(7) The manager of a factory shall afford to the. Certifying Surgeon facilities to
inspect any process in which any person is employed or likely to be employed.
(8) The manager of a factory shall provide for the purpose of any medical
examination which the Certifying Surgeon wishes to conduct at the factory (for
his exclusive use on the occasion of an examination) a room which shall be
properly cleaned and adequately ventilated and lighted and furnished with a
screen, a table (with writing materials) and chairs.
[Section 112]
17. Cleaning of walls and ceilings.—(1) Clause (d) of sub-section (1) of Section 11
of the Act shall not apply to the classes or descriptions of factories or parts of
factories specified in the schedule to this rule provided that they are kept in a
clean state by washing, sweeping, brushing, dusting, cleaning or other effective
Provided further that the said clause (d) shall continue to apply—
(d) to such parts of walls, sides and tops of passages and staircases as are less
than 20 feet above the floor or stair.
(3) If it appears to the Chief Inspector that any part of a factory to which, by
virtue of this rule, any of the provisions in clause (d) of sub-section (1) of Section
11 of the Act do not apply, or apply as varied by this rule, is not being kept in a
clean state, he may, by a written notice, require the occupier to white-wash or
colour-wash, wash, paint or varnish the same. In the event of the occupier failing
to comply with such notice within two months from the date of the notice, this
rule shall cease to apply to such part of a factory unless and until the Chief
of Inspector otherwise determines.
(1) Blast Furnaces. (2) Iron and Steel Mills. (3) Copper Mills. (4) Stone, Slate and
Marble works. (5) Brick and tile works in which unglazed bricks or tiles are
made. (6) Cement Works. (7) Chemical Works, and (8) Gas Works.
(b) Rooms in which the walls or ceilings consist of galvanized iron, glazed
bricks, glass, slate, asbestos, bamboo thatch or cement plaster.
(e) Parts in which coal, coke, oxide of iron ochre, lime or stone is crushed on
(f) Parts of walls, partitions, ceilings or tops of rooms which are at least 20 feet
above the floor.
(g) Ceilings or tops of rooms in print works, bleach works or dye works, which
the exception of finishing rooms or ware-houses.
(h) Inside walls of oil mills below a height of 5 feet from the ground floor level.
(i) Inside walls in tanneries below a height of 5 feet from the ground floor level
where a wet process is carried on.
[Section 12(2)]
the Act for the treatment of wastes and effluents and for their disposal shall be in
accordance with the provisions contained in "The Water (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act, 1974 (Act No. VI of 1974) and shall be approved by the State,
Board constituted by the State Government under sub-section (1) of Section 4 of
the said Act (Act No. VI of 1974) from time to time.]
19. (1) The total area of openings for ventilation in every work-room shall
ordinarily be in the ratio of not less than one square foot to every fifteen square
feet of floor spaces :
(2) In every room in a jute mill where opening of bales, batching, machine
hackling, carding, preparing or any other process is carried on in which dust is
generated and inhaled to an extent likely to cause injury to the health of the
workers, efficient exhaust and inlet ventilators shall be provided to secure that
the dust is drawn away from the workers at, or as near as is reasonably possible,
to the point at which it is generated.
(3) In every room in a cotton mill where slasher sizing is carried on, an efficient
arrangement for the removal of the steam given off in the process of drying the
yarn shall be fitted to the satisfaction of the Inspector. Except in cotton mills
which are in existence at the time these rules come into force, slasher sizing shall
not be carried on in any room where any other process of manufacture is being
(4) In every factory where injurious, poisonous and asphyxiating gases, dust or
other impurities are used for or are evolved for any process carried on, all
practicable measures to the satisfaction of the Inspector shall be taken to protect
the workers against the inhalation of such gases, dust or other impurities.
Artificial Humidification (Section 15)
(a) by the use of steam during any period when the dry-bulb temperature of
that room exceeds 85 degrees ;
(b) at any time when the wet-bulb reading of the hygrometer is higher than that specified
in the following schedule in relation to the dry-bulb reading of the hygrometer at that
time, or as regarding a dry-bulb reading intermediate between any two dry-bulb readings
indicated consecutively in the schedule when the dry-bulb reading does not exceed the
wet-bulb reading to the extent indicated in relation to the lower of these two dry-bulb
readings :
Dry-bulb Wet-bulb Dry-bulb Wet-bulb
60 .. .. .. 58.0 91 85.0
61 .. .. .. 59.0 92 85.5
62 .. .. .. 60.0 93 86.0
63 .. .. .. 61.0 94 86.5
64 .. .. .. 62.0 95 87.0
65 .. .. .. 63.0 96 87.0
66 .. .. .. 64.0 97 87.5
67 .. .. .. 65.0 98 88.0
68 .. .. .. 66.0 99 88.5
69 .. .. .. 67.0 100 89.0
70 .. .. .. 68.0 101 89.5
71 .. .. .. 69.0 102 90.0
72 .. .. .. 70.0 103 90.0
73 .. .. .. 71.0 104 90.5
74 .. .. .. 72.0 105 90.5
75 .. .. .. 73.0 106 91.0
76 .. .. .. 74.0 107 91.0
77 .. .. .. 75.0 108 91.5
78 .. .. .. 76.0 109 91.5
79 .. .. .. 77.0 110 92.0
80 .. .. .. 78.0 111 92.0
81 .. .. .. 79.0 112 92.5
82 .. .. .. 80.0 113 92.5
83 .. .. .. 80.5 114 93.0
84 .. .. .. 81.0 115 93.0
85 .. .. .. 82.0 116 93.5
86 .. .. .. 82.5 117 93.5
87 .. .. .. 83.0 118 94.0
88 .. .. .. 83.5 119 94.0
89 .. .. .. 84.0 120 94.5
90 .. .. .. 84.5 .. 95.0
Provided, however, that this clause shall not apply when the difference between
the wet-bulb temperature as indicated by the hygrometer in the department
concerned and the wet-bulb temperature taken with a hygrometer outside
in the shade is less than 3.5 degrees.
(a) Weaving Department.—One hygrometer for departments with less than 500
looms, and one additional hygrometer for every 500 or part of 500 looms in
excess of 500.
(b) Other Departments.—One hygrometer for each room of less than 300,000
cubic feet capacity and one extra hygrometer for each 200,000 cubic feet or part
thereof, in excess of it.
(c) One additional hygrometer for taking shade readings shall be provided and
maintained in a position approved by the Inspector, outside each cotton spinning
and weaving factory wherein artificial humidification is adopted.
(2) The wet-bulb shall be closely covered with a single layer of muslin, kept wet
by means of a wick attached to it and dropping into the water in the reservoir.
The muslin covering and the wick shall be suitable for the purpose, clean and
free from size or grease.
(3) No part of the wet-bulb shall be within ¾ inches from the dry-bulb or less
than § inch from the surface of the water in the reservoir below it, on the side of
it away from the dry bulb.
(4) The bulb shall be spherical and of suitable dimensions and shall be freely
exposed on all sides to the air of the room.
(5) The bores of the stems shall be such that the position of the top of the
mercury column shall be readily distinguished at a distance of two feet.
(6) Each thermometer shall be graduated so that accurate readings may be taken
between 50 and 120 degrees.
(7) Every degree from 50 degrees up to 120 degrees shall be clearly marked by
horizontal lines on the stem, each fifth and tenth degrees shall be marked by
longer marks, than the intermediate degrees and the temperature marked
opposite each tenth degrees, i.e. 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120.
(8) The markings as above shall be accurate, that is to say, at no temperature
between 50 and 120 degrees shall the indicated readings be in error by more than
two-tenths of a degree.
(10) The accuracy of each thermometer shall be certified by the National Physical
Laboratory, London, or some competent authority appointed by the Chief
Inspector, and such certificate shall be attached to the Humidity Register.
(a) The wick and the muslin covering of the wet-bulb shall be renewed once a
(b) The reservoir shall be filled with water which shall be completely renewed
once a day. The Chief Inspector may prescribe the use of distilled water or pure
rain water in any particular mill or mills in certain localities.
(c) No water shall be applied directly to the wick or covering during the period
of employment.
(2) No hygrometer shall be fixed at a height of more than 5 feet 6 inches from the
floor to the top of thermometer stem or in the draughts from a fan window, or
ventilating opening.
(a) The diameter of such pipes shall not exceed two inches, and in the case of
pipes installed after the date of enforcement of these rules, the diameter
shall not exceed one inch.
(c) All hangers supporting such pipes shall be separated from the bare pipes by
an efficient insulator not less than half an inch in thickness.
(d) No uncovered jet from such pipes shall project more than 4½ inches beyond
the outer surface of any cover.
(e) The steam pressure shall be as low as practicable and shall not exceed 70 lb.
per square inch.
(f) The pipes employed for the introduction of steam into the air in a department
shall be effectively covered with such non-conducting material, as may be
approved by the Inspector in order to minimize the amount of heat radiated by
them into the department.
32. Lighting of interior parts.—(1) The general illumination over these interior
parts of a factory, where persons are regularly employed shall be not less than 3
feet candles measured in the horizontal plane at a level of 3 feet above the floor :
Provided that, in any such parts in which the mounting height of the light source
for general illumination necessarily exceeds 25 feet measured from the floor or
where the structure of the room or the position or construction of fixed
machinery or plant prevents the uniform attainment of this standard, the general
illumination at the said level shall be not less than 1 foot candle and where work
is actually being done the illumination shall be not less than 6 feet candles.
(2) The illumination over all other interior parts of the factory over which
persons employed pass shall when and-where a person is passing be not less
than 0.5 foot candle at floor level.
(3) The standard specified in this rule shall be without prejudice to the
provision of any additional illumination required to render the lighting sufficient
and suitable for the nature of the work.
33. Prevention of glare.—(1) Where any source of artificial light in the factory
is less than 16 feet above floor level, no part of the source or of the lighting fitting
having a brightness greater than 10 candles per square inch shall be visible to
persons whilst normally employed within 100 feet of the source, except where
the angle of elevation from the eye to the source or part fitting of the case may be,
exceeds 20°.
(2) Any local light, that is to say artificial light designed to illuminate particularly
the area or part of the area of work of a single operative or small group of
operatives working near each other, shall be provided with a suitable shade of
opaque material to prevent glare or with other effective means by which the light
source is completely screened from the eyes of every person employed at a
normal working place, or shall be so placed that no such person is exposed
to glare therefrom.
35. Exemption from Rule 32.—(a) Nothing in Rule 32 shall apply to the parts of
factories specified in Part I of the schedule to these rules.
(b) Nothing in sub-rule (1) of Rule 32 shall apply to the factories or parts of
factories respectively specified in Part II of the said schedule.
Cement works.
Works for the crushing and grinding of limestone.
Gas work.
Coke oven works. Electrical stations.
Flour mills. Breweries.
Parts of Factories in which the following are carried on:
to be provided for the workers in every factory shall be at least as many gallons a
day as there are workers employed in the factory and such drinking water shall
be readily available during working hours.
[37. Means of supply.—If drinking water is not supplied directly from taps
either connected with the public water supply system or any other water system
of the factory approved by the Health Officer, it shall be kept in suitable vessels,
receptacles or tanks fitted with taps and having dust proof covers placed on
raised stands or platforms in shade and having suitable arrangement of drainage
to carry away the split water. Such vessels or receptacles and tanks shall be kept
clean and the water renewed at least once every day. All practicable measures
shall be taken to ensure that water is free from contamination.]
[38. Cleanliness of well or reservoir.—(1) Drinking water shall not be supplied
from an open well or reservoir unless it is so constructed, situated, protected and
maintained as to be free from the possibility of pollution or chemicals, or
bacterical and extraneous impurities.
(2) Where drinking water is supplied from such well or reservoir the water in it
shall be sterilized once a week or more frequently if the Inspector by written
order so requires and the date, on which sterilizing is carried out, .hall be
Provided that this requirement shall not apply to any such well or reservoir if the
water therein is filtered and treated to the satisfaction of the Health Officer
before it is supplied for consumption.
(3) Inspection.—(i) The drinking water shall be inspected twice a year by the
Health Officer in his capacity of Additional Inspector of Factories and where the
factory does not draw water from Municipal supplies or from supplies
supervised by the Medical staff of a Railway, or where infection is suspected,
samples of water shall be collected by the Health Officer and analysed at the cost
of the factory owner either in a local laboratory or at the State Health
Institute, Lucknow.
(ii) These analysis will be paid for by the factory owner, at the following rates:
(a) Chemical analysis of each sample 20
(b) Bacteriological analysis of each sample 15
(c) Chemical and bacteriological analysis
Provided that factories employing less than 100 persons shall be entitled to free
analysis, but if subsequently tests of water are rendered necessary because the
factory owner has failed to have a satisfactory sanitary installation, these
subsequent analysis shall be charged for at the rate prescribed above.
(iii) The manager or the occupier of the factory shall, in all cases, pay freight and
transportation charges of outfits for collection and dispatch of samples both
Provided that if a sample does not arrive safely at the Laboratory of the State
Health Institute to which it is sent, the employer concerned shall not be liable to
pay the freight and transportation charges for any subsequent samples taken in
lieu to the first.
(iv) The following will be the standard of purity of drinking water supplied to
factory workers :
Filtered water supply, unfiltered water supplied from the tube-wells or
chemically treated water supplies—Chlorine ! .5 pails per million. Free ammonia
0.05 parts per million Albuminoid ammonia 0.1 parts per million.
(1) Unchlorinated supplies from slow sand filters, protected wells springs or
others sources :
(a) Under 100 calories per c.c. of original water per Agarmedia at 37°C.
(b) Presumptive coliform count in 48 hours at 37°C. presumptive coliform count
per 100 c.c.
40. Cooling of water in every factory wherein more than two hundred and
fifty workers are ordinarily employed.—(a) The drinking water supplied to the
workers shall from May 1 to September 30, in every year, be cooled by an
effective method :
Provided that if ice is placed in the drinking water, the ice should be clean and
wholesome and shall be obtained only from a source approved in writing by the
Health Officer.
(b) The cooled drinking water shall be supplied in every canteen, lunch-room
and rest-room and also at conveniently accessible points throughout the factory
which for the purpose of these rules shall be called "water centres"
(c) The water centre shall be sheltered from the weather and adequately drained.
(d) The number of water centres to be provided shall be one "centre" for every
150 persons employed at any one time in the factory : Provided that in the case of
a factory where the number of persons employed exceeds 500, it shall be
sufficient if there is one such "centre" as aforesaid for every 150 persons up
to the first 500 and one for every 500 persons thereafter.
(e) Every "water centre" shall be in charge of a suitable person, who shall
distribute the water and maintain the "centre" in a clean and orderly condition.
The person in charge of the centre shall be provided with clean clothes while on
Provided that this clause shall not apply to any factory in which suitable
mechanically operated drinking water, refrigerating units or water taps
connected to a reservoir containing cool water are installed to the satisfaction of
the Chief Inspector.
(a) Where the number of workers does not exceed 50—one seat.
(b) Where the number of workers exceeds 50 but does not exceed 150— 4 seats.
(c) Where the number of workers exceeds 150 but does not exceed 250—5 seats.
(d) Where the number of workers exceeds 250—one seat for every 50 or fraction
of 50.
42. Latrines and public health requirements.—Latrines other than those
connected with an efficient water borne sewage system shall comply with the
requirements of the Public Health authorities.
In calculating the urinal accommodation required under this rule any odd
number of workers less than 50 or 100, as the case may be, shall be reckoned as
50 or 100.
Provided that this rule shall not apply to latrines and urinals, the walls, ceilings,
or partitions of which are laid in glazed tiles or otherwise finished to provide a
smooth, polished, impervious surface and that they are washed with suitable
detergents and disinfectants at least once in every period of four months.
49. Drains carrying waste or sullage water.—All drains carrying waste or
sullage water shall be constructed in masonry or other impermeable material and
shall be regularly flushed and the effluent disposed of by connecting such drains
with a suitable drainage line :
Provided that, where there is no such drainage line the effluent shall be
deodorized and rendered innocuous and then disposed of in a suitable manner
to the satisfaction of the Health Officer.
51. Spittoons.— (1) The number and location of the spittoons to be provided
shall be to the satisfaction of the Inspector.
(2) The spittoons shall be cleaned and disinfected at least once every day.
52. Safety precautions.— (1) Without prejudice to the provision of Section 21(1)
of the Factories Act, 1.948, in regard to the fencing of machinery, the following
additional provisions specified in the schedules annexed hereto shall apply to
machinery noted in each schedule, The provisions of this rule shall come into
force from July 1, 1951, in the case of factories registered before April 1, 1949.
(2) The fences and other devices for protection shall be so constructed and
designed as to render it impossible for any person to pass between them and a
moving part and also in such manner as to give protection to a person oiling,
cleaning or otherwise attending to machinery and to all persons, who may be in
the neighbourhood of moving part while it is in motion.
(3) In every fence the spaces between the fence framing shall be completely and
securely fitted in with panels of sheet metal, expanded metal or other stout and
durable material, unless the frame members of the fence are, in the opinion of the
Inspector, sufficiently close together to serve the same purpose. When panels are
fitted, the boards shall be ^fitted to all fences, which stand upon the ground or in
a wall-way, scaffold or platform.
(4) In case where a fixed fence cannot be used to give protection from flying
chips or the like, the manager shall provide portable screens where these can be
effectively used ; and where screens are not adequate protection, he shall
provide goggles for each worker within range.
(5) The guards and other appliances required by the rules shall be—
(6) If the driving machinery is situated in a room separated from the driven
machinery room by a high wall, an Inspection door 4'x4'shall be provided in the
wall and further a bell arrangement shall be provided under the control of the
person attending the driven machinery.
1. Cotton openers, scutchers, combined openers and scutchers, and lap machines, hard
waste breakers, etc.—(a) All cotton openers, scutchers, combined openers and
scutchers, scutcher and lap machines, hard waste breakers and similar machines
shall be driven by separate motors or from countershafts provided with fast and
loose pulleys and efficient belt shifting devices.
(i) the covers and doors being opened while the machine is in motion; and
(ii) the machine being re-started until the covers and doors are closed :
Provided that in respect of doors of openings, other than dirt doors or desk doors
such openings shall be so fenced as to prevent access to any dangerous parts of
the machine if effective inter-locking arrangement is not provided.
(iii) In all openers, combined openers and scutcher, scutchers, scutcher-lap
machines, hard waste breakers and similar machines, the openings giving access
to the dust chamber shall be provided with permanently fixed fencing, which
shall, while admitting light, yet prevent contact between any portion of a
worker's body and the beater gride bars.
(b) The guard or cover shall be so locked that it cannot be raised until the
machine is stopped and the machine cannot be started until the guard or cover is
Line shafts.—(a) The line shaft or second motion in cotton ginning factories shall
be completely enclosed by a continuous wall or unclimbable fencing with only as
many openings as are necessary for access to the shaft or removing cotton seeds,
cleaning and oiling and such openings shall be provided with gates or doors
which shall be kept closed and locked.
(b) The feed mouth of the opener shall be fitted with a traverser or a grid guard
extending 4 feet over the lattice conveyer so as to render it impossible for the
operative to be within reach of the beaters when feeding on to the lattice.
SCHEDULE III (Wood working machinery)
(a) Wood-working machine means a circular saw, band saw, planning machine,
chain mortising machine or vertical spindle moulding machine operating on
wood or cork.
(b) Circular saw means a circular saw working in a bench (including a rack
bench) but does not include a pendulum or similar saw which is moved towards
the wood for the purpose of cutting operation.
(c) Band saw means a band saw, die cutting portion of which runs in a vertical
direction but does not include a long saw or band re-sawing machine.
2. Stopping and starting device.—An efficient stopping and starting device shall
be provided on every wood-working machine. The control of this device shall be'
in such a position as to be readily and conveniently operated by the person
in charge of the machine.
(b) A person who is being trained to work a wood working machine shall be fully
and carefully instructed as to the dangers of the machine and the precautions to
be observed to secure safe working of the machine.
(a) Behind and in direct line with the saw there shall be a riving knife, which
shall have a smooth surface, shall be strong, rigid and easily adjustable, and shall
also conform to the following conditions:
(i) The edge of the knife nearer the saw shall form an arc of a circle having a
radius not exceeding the radius of the largest saw used on the bench.
(ii) The knife shall be maintained as close as practicable to the saw having regard
to the nature of the work being done at the time, and at the level of the bench
table the distance between the front edge of the knife and the teeth of the saw
shall not exceed half an inch.
(iii) For a saw of a diameter of less than 24 inches, the knife shall extend upwards
from the bench table to within one inch of the top of the saw, and for a saw of a
diameter of 24 inches or over shall extend upwards from the bench table to a
height of at least nine inches.
(b) The top of the saw shall be covered by a strong and easily adjustable guard,
with a flang at the side of the saw farthest from the fence. The guard shall be kept
so adjusted that the said flang shall extend below the roots of the teeth of the
saw. The guard shall extend from the top of the riving knife to a point as
low as practicable at the cutting edge of the saw.
(c) The part of the saw below the bench table shall be protected by two plates of
metal or other suitable material one on each side of the saw; such plates shall not
be more than six inches apart, and shall extend from the axis of the saw outwards
to a distance of not less than two inches beyond the teeth of the saw. Metal
plates, if not beaded, shall be of a thickness at least l/10th inch, or if beaded be of
a thickness of at least l/20th inch.
7. Push sticks.—A push stick or other suitable appliance shall be provided for
use at every circular saw and at every vertical spindle moulding machine to
enable the work to be done without unnecessary risk.
(a) Both sides of the bottom pulley shall be completely encased by sheet or
expanded metal or other suitable material.
(b) The front of the top pulley shall be covered, with sheet or expanded metal or
other suitable material.
(c) All portions of the blade shall be enclosed or otherwise securely guarded
except the portion of the blade between the bench table and the top guide.
(c) The feed roller of every planning machine used for thicknessing except the
combined machine for overhead planning and thicknessing shall be provided
with an efficient guard.
10. Vertical spindle moulding machine.—(a) The cutter of every vertical spindle
moulding machine shall be guarded by the most efficient guard having regard to
the nature of the work being performed.
(b) The wood being moulded at a vertical spindle moulding machine shall, if
practicable, be held in a jig or holder of such construction as to reduce as far
as possible the risk of accident to the worker.
(ii) horizontal safety trip rods or tight wire cables across both front and rear,
which will, when pushed or pulled, operate instantly to disconnect the power
and apply the brakes, or to reverse the rolls.
(b) Safe-trip rods or tight wire cables on rubber mills shall extend across the
entire length of the face of the rolls and shall be located not more than sixty-nine
inches above the floor or working level.
(c) Safety-trip rods and tight wire cables on all rubber mills shall be examined
and tested daily in the presence of the manager or other responsible person and
if any defect is disclosed by such examination and test the mill shall not be used
until such defect has been remedied.
53. (a) No machinery or shaft in motion shall be cleaned by waste rags or similar
material h 'd in hand.
(b) Every shafting ladder shall be fitted with either hooks or some effee-tive
non-skid device and shall be free from cracks, broken rungs and other defects.
When necessary to prevent slipping another worker shall be provided to
hold the bottom of the ladder.
(e) Notices or posters in Hindi for the prevention of accidents shall be displayed
at conspicuous places in every room of the factory in which machinery is in use.
(f) The manager of every factory shall cause the contents of the notices or posters
to be explained to each worker in the language understood by him on his first
engagement and as often as there is a change in the work performed by him.
(g) The register as required in sub-section (1) of Section 22 of the1 Act shall be in
Power presses other than hydraulic presses : milting machines used in the metal
trades ; Guillotine machine ; Circular Saw : Platen Printing machines.
55. Rules under Section 28.—(1) A register shall be opened with the following
columns to record particulars of examination of hoists and lifts :
(2) Exemption of certain hoists and lifts.—In respect of any class or description of
hoists or lift specified in the first column of the Schedule, the requirements of
Section 28 specified in the second column of said schedule and set opposite to
that class or description of hoist or lift shall not apply :
(a) Hoist or lifts mainly Sub-section 1(b) in so far as it requires a gate at the
used for raising materials bottom landing; sub-section 1(e).
for charging blast
furnaces or lime-kilns.
(b) Hoists not connected Sub-section 1(b) in so far as it requires the hoist way
with mechanical power or liftway enclosure to be so constructed as to
and which are not used prevent any person or thing from being trapped
for carrying persons. between any part of the hoist or lift and any fixed
structure or moving part; sub-section (l)(e).
Pressure plant testing, examination and other safety measures
in relation thereto
55-A.—(1) No lifting machine, and no chain, rope or lifting tackle, except fibre
rope or a fibre rope sling, shall be taken into use in any factory unless it has been
tested and all parts have been thoroughly examined by a competent person and
certificate to that effect, specifying the safe working load or loads, has been
obtained from that person and is kept available for inspection.
(2) (a) Every jib-crane, which is so constructed that die safe working load varies
with raising or lowering of the jib, shall have attached thereto either an
automatic indicator of safe working loads or an automatic jib-angle indicator and
a table indicating the safe working loads at the corresponding inclinations
of the jib, or corresponding radii of the load.
(b) A table showing the safe working loads of every kind and size of chain, rope
or lifting tackle in use, and, in the case of a multiple sling, die safe working loads
at different angles of-the legs, shall be posted in the storeroom or place where, or
in which, the chains, ropes or lifting tackles are kept, and in prominent positions
on the premises; and no rope, chain or lifting tackle, not shown in the table, shall
be used. However, the foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall not apply in
respect of such lifting tackle in the safe working load thereof, or in the case of a
multiple sling, safe working load at different angles of the legs, is plainly marked
upon it.
(3) The register to be maintained under clause (a)(iii) of sub-section (1) of Section
29 of the Act shall be—
(v) Date and number of the certificate relating to any test and examination made
under sub-rules (1) and (7) together with the name and address of the person
who issued the certificate.
(vi) Date of each periodical thorough examination made under clause (a) (iii) of
sub-section (1) of Section 29 of the Act and sub-rule (6) and name and
designation of the person by whom it was carried out.
(vii) Date of annealing or other heat treatment of die chain and other lifting tackle
made under sub-rule (5) and name and designation of the person by whom it
was carried out.
(viii) Particulars of any defects affecting the sate working load found at any such
thorough examination or after annealing and of the steps taken to remedy
such defects.
(4) All rails on which a travelling crane moves and every track on which "the
carriage of a transporter or runway moves shall be of proper size and adequate
strength and have an even running surface and every such rail or track shall be
properly laid, adequately supported and properly maintained.
(5) All chains and lifting tackle except a rope sling shall unless they have been
subjected to such other heat treatment as may be approved by Chief Inspector of
Factories be effectively annealed under the supervision of a competent person at
the following intervals :
(i) All chains, slings, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels used in connection with
molten metal or molten slag or when they are made of half inch bar or smaller
once at least in every six months.
(ii) All other chains, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels in general use, once at
least in every twelve months :
Provided that chains and lifting tackle not in frequent use shall, subject to the
Chief Inspector^ approval, be annealed only when necessary. Particulars of such
annealing shall be entered in a register prescribed under sub-rule (3).
(6) Nothing in the foregoing sub-rule (5) shall apply to the following classes of
chains and lifting tackles :
(i) Chains made of malleable cast iron.
(iii) Chains, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels made of steel or of any non-
ferrous metal.
(v) Rings, hooks, shackles and swivels permanently attached to pitched chains,
pulley blocks or weighing machines.
(vi) Hocks and swivels having screw threaded 17parts or ball bearing or other
case hardened parts.
(ix) Any chain or lifting tackle which has been subjected to the heat treatment
known as "normalizing" instead of annealing.
(7) Every lifting machine, chain, rope and lifting tackle, except a fibre rope, or
fibre rope sling, which has been lengthened, altered or repaired by welding or
otherwise, shall, before being again taken into use, be adequately re-tested and
re-examined by a competent person and a certificate of such test and
examination be obtained and particulars entered in the register kept in
accordance with sub-rule (3).
(8) No person under 18 years of age and no person who is not sufficiently
competent and reliable shall be employed as driver of a lifting machine, whether
driven by mechanical power or otherwise, or to give signals to a driver.
[Section 31(2)]
(a) "design pressure" means the maximum pressure that a pressure vessel or
plant is designed to withstand safety when operating normally;
(b) "maximum permissible working pressure" means the maximum pressure at
which a pressure vessel or plant is permitted to be operated or used under this
rule and is determined by the technical requirements of the process;
(c) "plant" means a system of piping that is connected to a pressure vessel and is
used to contain a gas, vapour or liquid under pressure greater than the
atmospheric pressure, and includes the pressure vessel;
(d) "Pressure vessel" means an unfired vessel that may be used for containing,
storing, distributing, transferring, distilling, processing or otherwise handling
any gas, vapour or liquid under pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure
and includes any pipe line fitting or "other equipment attached thereto or used in
connection therewith ; and
(e) "competent person" means a person who is, in the opinion of the Chief
Inspector, capable by virtue of his qualifications, training and experience, of
conducting a thorough examination and pressure tests, as required, on a
pressure vessel plant, and of making full report on its condition.
(a) vessels having internal diameter not exceeding 150 millimeters and a
capacity not exceeding 142 litres ;
(b) vessels made of ferrous materials having an internal operating pressure not
exceeding 1 kilogram per square centimetre ;
(c) steam boilers, steam and feed-pipes and their fittings coining under the
purview of Indian Boilers Act, 1923 ;
(d) metal bottles or cylinders used for storage or transport of compressed gases
or liquified or dissolved gases under pressure covered by the Gas Cylinder
Rules, 1940 framed under the Indian Explosives Act, 1884;
(e) vessels in which internal pressure is due solely to the static head of liquid;
(f) vessels with a nominal water capacity not exceeding 500 litres connected in a
water-pumping system containing air that is compressed to serve as a cushion;
(b) shall be of good construction, sound material adequate strength and free
from any patent defects; and
Provided that the pressure vessels or plant in respect of the design and
construction of which there is an Indian standard or a standard of the country of
manufacture or any other law or regulation in force, shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with the said standard, law or regulation, as the case
may be, and a certificate thereof shall be obtained from the manufacturer or from
the competent person which shall be kept and produced on demand by an
(a) a suitable safety valve or other effective pressure relieving device of adequate
capacity to ensure that the maximum permissible working pressure of the
pressure vessel shall not be exceeded. It shall be set to operate at a pressure not
exceeding the maximum permissible working pressure and when more than one
protective device is provided only one of the devices need be set to operate at the
maximum permissible working pressure and the additional device shall be set to
discharge at a pressure not more than 5 per cent in excess of the maximum
permissible working pressure ;
(b) a suitable pressure guage with dial range not less than 1.5 times the maximum
permissible working pressure, easily visible
and designed to show at all times the correct internal pressure and marked with
a prominent red mark at the maximum permissible working pressure of the
pressure vessel;
(c) a suitable nipple and globe valve connected for the exclusive purpose of
attaching a test pressure guage for checking the accuracy of the pressure gauge
referred to in clause (b) of this sub-rule;
(d) a suitable stop valve or valves by which the pressure vessel may be isolated
from other pressure vessels or plant or source of supply or pressure. Such a stop
valve or valves shall be located as close to the pressure vessel as possible and
shall be easily accessible; and
(e) a suitable drain cock or valve at the lowest part of the pressure vessel for the
discharge of the liquid or other substances that may collect in the pressure vessel:
Provided that it shall be sufficient for the purpose of this sub-rule if the safety
valve or pressure relieving device, the pressure gauge and the stop valve are
mounted on a pipe line immediately adjacent to the pressure vessel and where
there is a range of two or more similar pressure vessels served by the same
pressure load only one set of such mountings need be fitted on the pressure load
immediately adjacent to the range of pressure vessels, provided they cannot
be isolated.
(a) Every pressure vessel which is designed for a working pressure less than the
pressure at the source of supply, or less than the pressure which can be obtained
in the pipe connecting the pressure vessel with any other source of supply, shall
be fitted with a suitable pressure reducing valve or other suitable automatic
device to prevent the maximum permissible working pressure of the pressure
vessel being exceeded.
(b) To further protect the pressure vessel in the event of failure of the reducing
valve device, at least one safety valve having capacity sufficient to release all the
steam, vapour or gas without undue pressure rise as determined by the pressure
at the source of supply and the size of the pipe connecting the source of supply,
shall be fitted on the low pressure side of the reducing valve.
(a) No new pressure vessel or plant shall be taken into use in a factory after
coming into force of this rule unless it has been hydrostatically tested by
competent person at a pressure at least 1.3 times the design pressure, and no
pressure vessel or plant which has been previously used or has remained
isolated or idle for a period exceeding 2 months or which has undergone
alterations or repairs shall be taken into use in a factory unless it has been
thoroughly examined by a competent person externally, and internally, if
practicable and has been hydrostatically tested by the competent person at a
pressure which shall be 1.5 times the maximum permissible working pressure:
Provided, however, that the pressure vessel or plant which is so designed and
constructed that it cannot be safely filled with water or liquid or is used in
service when even some traces of water cannot be tolerated, shall be
pneumatically tested at a pressure not less than the design pressure or the
maximum permissible working pressure as the case may be:
Provided, further that the pressure vessel or plant which is lined with glass shall
be tested hydrostatically or pneumatically as required at a pressure not less than
the design pressure or maximum permissible working pressure, as the case may
Design pressure shall not be less than the maximum permissible working
pressure and shall take into account the possible fluctuations of pressure during
actual operation.
(b) No pressure vessel or plant shall be used in a factory unless there has been
obtained from the maker of the pressure vessel or plant or from the competent
person a certificate specifying the design, pressure or maximum permissible
working pressure thereof and stating the nature of tests to which the pressure
vessel or plant and its fittings (if any) have been subjected and every pressure
vessel or plant so used in a factory shall be marked so as to enable, it to be
identified as to be the pressure vessel or plant to which the certificate relates and
the certificate shall be kept available for perusal by the Inspector.
Provided further that for a pressure vessel or plant in continuous process which
cannot be frequently opened, the period of internal examination may be
extended to four years; and
Provided, that in respect of a pressure vessel or plant with thin walls such as
sizing cylinder made of copper or any other non-ferrous metal, periodic
hydrostatic test may be dispensed with subject to the condition that the
requirements laid down in sub-rule (8) are fulfilled:
(b) The pressure for the hydrostatic test to be carried out for the purpose of this
sub-rule shall be 1.25 times the design pressure for 1.5 times the maximum
permissible working pressure, whichever is less.
(8) Thin walled pressure vessel or plant—(a) In respect of any pressure vessel or
plant of thin walls such as sizing cylinder made of copper or any other non-
ferrous metal, the maximum permissible working pressure shall be reduced at
the rate of 5 per cent of the original maximum permissible working pressure for
every year of its use after the first five year no such cylinder shall be allowed to
continue to be used for more than twenty years after it was first taken into use.
(9) Report by competent person—(a) If during any examination any doubt arises as
to the ability of the pressure vessel or plant to work safely until the next
prescribed examination the competent person shall record in the prescribed
register his observations, findings and conclusions with other relevant remarks
with reasons and may authorise the pressure vessel or plant to be used and kept
in operation subject to a lowering of maximum permissible working pressure, or
to more frequent or special examination or test, or subject to both of these
(b) A report of every examination or test carried out shall be completed in Form
9 and shall be signed by the person making the examination or test, and shall be
kept available for persual by the Inspector at all hours when the factory or any
part thereof is working.
(c) Where the report of any examination under this rule specified any condition
for securing the safe working of any pressure vessel or plant, the pressure vessel
or plant shall not be used unless the specified condition is fulfilled.
(d) The competent person making report of any examination under this rule,
shall within seven days of the completion of the examination, send to the
Inspector a copy of the report in every case where the maximum permissible
working pressure is reduced or the examination shows that the pressure vessel
or plant or any part thereof cannot continue to be used with safety unless certain
repairs are carried out or unless any other safety measure is taken.
(3) Oxygen and hydrogen pipe shall be painted with distinguishing colours to
eliminate the possibility of faulty connections and the connecting of the cells to
the right lines shall be carried out by a competent person nominated by the
(4) Samples of oxygen shall be taken and tested for purity at both the ends of
the gas-pipes connecting the gas holder and the suction end of the compressor
after the supply of oxygen to the gas-holder is cut off completely from the cells
by means of a stop-valve. Testing of the gas for purity shall be reported
thereafter every hour and records maintained in a register which shall be
approved by the Chief Inspector of Factories in this behalf.
(5) Each plant shall be provided with at least two gas-holder so that while
oxygen of one of them completely isolated from the cells is being compressed,
the gas generated at the cells is collected in the other.
(b) No woman or young person shall engage, in conjunction with others in lifting,
carrying or moving any material, articles, tool or appliance, if the weight thereof exceeds
the lowest weight fixed by the schedule for any if the persons engaged, multiplied by the
number of the persons engaged :
Maximum weight of
material, article, tool
or appliance
Persons When the When the
work is work is
intermittent continuous
lbs. lbs.
(a) Adult female 66 44
(b) Adolescent male 66 44
(c) Adolescent female 50 33
(d) Male child 35 21
(e) Female child 30 20
(a) The processes specified in the schedule given below, being processes which
involve risk of injury to the eyes from particles, or fragments thrown off in
the course of the process :
The following process when carried on by means of hand tools or other portable
tools :
Cutting out or cutting off cold rivets or bolts from boilers or other plants, or from
ships ; chipping or scaling of boilers or ships plates. Breaking or dressing of
stones, concrete or slag.
(b) The processes specified below, being processes, which involve risk of injury to
the eyes by reason of exposure to excessive light:
(a) In the case of a rectangular or oval shape, be not less than 16 inches long and
12 inches wide.
(b) In the case of circular shape, be not less than 16 inches in diameter.
[Section 37(5)]
(a) The operation of repairing a water sealed gas-holder by the electric welding
process, subject to the conditions that:
(i) The gas-holder shall contain only the following gases, separately or mixed at a
pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, namely, town gas coke, oven gas,
producer gas, blast furnace gas, or gases other than air, used in their
manufacture :
Provided that this exemption shall not apply to any gas-holder containing
acetylene or mixture of gases to which acetylene has been added intentionally.
(ii) Welding shall only be done by the electric welding process and shall be
carried out by experienced operatives under the constant supervision of a
competent person.
(b) The operations of cutting or welding steel or wrought iron gas mains and
service pipes by the application of heat, subject to the conditions that:
(i) The main or service pipes shall be situated in the open air, and it shall contain
only the following gases, separately or mixed at a pressure, namely, gas coke,
oven gas, or producer gas, blast furnace gas, or gases other than air, used in their
(ii) The main or service pipes shall not contain acetylene or any gas or mixture of
gases to which acetylene has been added intentionally.
(iii) The operation shall be carried out by an experienced person or persons and
at least two persons (including those carrying out the operations) experienced in
work on gas mains and over 18 years of age shall be present during the
(iv) The site of the operation shall be free from any inflammable or explosive gas
(v) Where acetylene gas is used as a source of heat in connection within operated
it shall be compressed and contained in a porous substance in a cylinder.
(vi) Prior to the application of any flame to the gas, main or service pipes shall be
pierced or drilled and the escaping gas ignited.
(c) The operation of repairing an oil tank by the electric welding process subject
to the following conditions :
(i) The only oil contained in the tank shall have a flash point of not less than
150°F. (close test) and a certificate to this effect shall be obtained from a
competent analyst.
(ii) The analyst's certificate shall be kept available for inspection by an Inspector.
(iii) The welding operation shall be carried out only on the exterior surface of the
tank at a place (a) which is free from oil or oil leakage in inflammable quantities
and (b) which is not less than one foot below the nearest part of the surface of the
oil within the tank.
(iv) Welding shall be done only by the electric welding and shall be carried out
by experienced operatives under the constant supervision of a competent person.
(2) Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to make any exemption from the
requirements of the provisions of rules made under any other Act.
(1) Processes, equipment, plant, etc., involving serious explosion and serious fire
hazards -
(a) All processes, storages, equipments, plants etc. involving serious explosion
and flash fire hazards shall be located in segregated buildings where the
equipment shall be so arranged that only a minimum number of employees are
exposed to such hazards at any one time.
(b) All industrial processes involving serious fire hazard should be located in
buildings or work places separated from one another by walls of fire-resistant
(c) Equipment and plant involving serious fire or flash fire hazard shall,
wherever possible, be so constructed and installed that in case of fire, they can be
easily isolated.
(e) In all workplaces having serious fire or flash fire hazards, passages between
machines, installations or piles of materials should be at least 90cm wide.
Buildings and plant shall be so laid and roads, passage ways etc. so maintained
as to permit unobstructed access for fire fighting.
(3) Protection against lightning:- Protection from lightning shall be provided for-
(iv) buildings, tall chimneys or stacks where flammable gases, fumes, dust or lint
are likely to be present.
(4) Explosive :- All explosives shall be handled, transported, stored and used in
accordance with the provisions in the Indian Explosives Act, 1884.
(c) workers shall wear shoes without iron or steel nails or any other exposed
ferrous materials which is likely to cause sparks by friction ;
(e) transmission belts with iron fasteners shall not be used ; and
(f) all other precautions as are reasonably practicable shall be taken to prevent
initiation of ignition from all other possible sources such as open flames,
frictional sparks overheated surfaces of machinery or plant, chemical or physical-
chemical reaction and radiant heat.
(a) The quantity of flammable liquids in any work room shall be the minimum
required for the process or processes carried on in such room. Flammable liquids
shall be stored in suitable containers with close fitting covers :
Provided that not more than 20 litres of flammable liquids having a flash point of
21deg C or less shall be kept or stored in any work room.
(d) Effective steps shall be taken to prevent leakage of such liquids into
basements, sumps or drains and to confine any escaping liquid within safe limits.
(e) Coal, oil, gasoline, or other flammable materials shall not be poured in any
sewer or drain.
(a) Effective steps shall be taken for removal or prevention of the accumulation in
the air of flammable dust, gas, fume or vapour to an extent which is likely to be
(i) "horizontal exit" means an arrangement which allows alternative egress from
a floor area to another floor at or near the same level in an adjoining building or
an adjoining part of the same building with adequate separation ; and
(ii) "travel distance" means the distance an occupant has to travel to reach an exit.
(b) An exit may be a doorway, corridor, passage way to any internal or external
stair way or to a verandah. An exit may also include a horizontal exit leading to
an adjoining building at the same level.
(c) Lifts, escalators and revolving doors shall not be considered as exits for the
purpose of this sub-rule.
(d) In every room of a factory exits sufficient to permit safe escape of the
occupants in case of fire or other emergency shall be provided which shall be free
of any obstruction.
(e) The exits shall be clearly visible and suitable illuminated with suitable
arrangement, whatever artificial lighting is to be adopted for this purpose, to
maintain the required illumination in case of failure of the normal source of
electric supply.
(f) The exits shall be marked in a language understood by the majority of the
(g) Fire resisting doors or roller shutters shall be provided at appropriate places
along the escape routes to prevent spread of fire and smoke, particularly at the
entrance of lifts or stairs where funnel or flue effect may be created inducing an
upward spread of fire.
(h) All exits shall provide continuous means of egress to the exterior of a
building or to an exterior open space leading to a street.
(i) Exits shall be so located that the travel distance on the floor shall not exceed 30
(j) In case of those factories where high hazard materials are stored or used, the
travel distance to the exit shall not exceed 22.5 metres and there shall be at least
two ways of escape from every room, however small except toilet rooms, so
located that the points of access thereto are out of or suitably shielded from areas
of high hazard.
(k) Wherever more than one exit is required for any room space or floor, exits
shall be placed as remote from each other as possible and shall be arranged to
provide direct access in separate directions from any point in the area served.
(l) The unit of exit width used to measure capacity of any exit shall be 50 cm. A
clear width of 25 cm shall be counted as an additional half unit. Clear width of
less than 25 cm shall not be counted for exit width.
(m) Occupants per unit width shall be 50 for stairs and 75 for doors.
(n) For determining the exits required, the occupant load shall be reckoned on
the basis of actual number of occupants within any floor area or 10 square metres
per person, whichever is more.
(o) There shall not be less than two exits, serving every floor area above and
below the ground floor, and at least one of them shall be an internal enclosed
(p) For every building or structure used for storage only, and every section
thereof considered separately, shall have access to at least one exit so arranged
and located as to provide a suitable means of escape for any person employed
therein, and in any such room wherein more than 10 persons as may be normally
present at least two separate means of exit shall be available, as remote from each
other as practicable.
(q) Every storage area shall have access to at least one means of exit which can be
readily opened.
(r) Every exit door way shall open into an enclosed stairway, a horizontal exit on
a corridor or passage way providing continuous and protected means of egress.
(s) No exit doorway shall be less than 100 cm. in width Doorways shall be not
less than 200 cm. in height.
(t) Exit doorways shall open outwards, that is, away from the room but shall not
obstruct the travel along any exit. No door when opened, shall reduce the
required width of stairway or landing to less than 90 cm. Overhead or sliding
doors shall not be installed for this purpose.
(u) An exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight of stairs. A landing
atleast the width of the doorway shall be provided in the stairway at each
doorway. The level of landing shall be the same as that of the floor which it
(v) The exit doorways shall be openable from the side which they serve without
the use of a key.
(w) Exit corridors and passage ways shall be of a width not less than the
aggregate required width of exit doorways leading from there in the direction of
travel to the exterior.
(x) Where stairways discharge through corridors and passageways the height of
the corridors and passageways shall not be less than 2.4 metres.
(a) Internal stairs shall be constructed as a self-contained unit with at least one
side adjacent to an external wall shall be completely enclosed.
(aa) A staircase shall not be arranged round a lift shaft unless the latter is totally
enclosed by a materials having a fire resistance rating not lower than that of the
type of construction of the former.
(bb) Hollow combustible construction shall not be permitted.
(dd) The minimum width of treads without nosing shall be 25 cm for an internal
staircase. The treads shall be constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent
(ee) The maximum height of a riser shall be 19 cm. and the number of risers shall
be limited to 12 per flight.
(ff) Hand rails shall be provided with a minimum height of 100 cm and shall be
firmly supported : and where necessary shall be provided on both sides of the
(gg) The use of spiral staircase shall be limited to low occupant load and to a
building of height of 9 metres, unless they are connected to platforms such as
balconies and terraces to allow escapes to pause. A spiral staircase shall be not
less than 300 cm in diameter and have adequate headroom.
(hh) The width of a horizontal exit shall be same as for the exit doorways.
(ii) The horizontal exit shall be equipped with at least one fire door of self-closing
(jj) The floor area on the opposite or refuge side of a horizontal exit shall be
sufficient to accommodate occupants of the floor areas served, allowing not less
than 0.3 square metre per person. The refuge area shall be provided with exits
adequate to meet the requirements of this sub-rule. At least one of the exits shall
lead directly to the exterior or street.
(kk) Where there is difference in level between connected areas for horizontal
exit, ramps not more than 1 in 8 slope shall be provided. For this purpose steps
shall not be used.
(mm) Ramps with a slope of not more than 1 to 10 may be substituted for the
requirements of staircase. For all slopes exceeding 1 to 10 and wherever the use
in such as to involve danger of slipping, the ramp shall be surfaced with non-
slipping material.
(nn) In any building not provided with automatic fire alarm a manual fire alarm
system shall be provided if the total capacity of the building is over 500 persons,
or if more than 25 persons are employed above or below the ground floor, except
that no manual fire alarm shall be required in one-storey buildings where the
entire area is undivided and all parts thereof are clearly visible to all
(a) In every factory there shall be provided and maintained adequate and
suitable fire fighting equipment for fighting fires in the early stages, those being
referred to first-aid fire fighting equipment in this rule.
(i) "Class A fire" - Fire due to combustible materials such as wood, textiles, paper,
rubbish and the like.
(1) "Light hazard" - Occupancies like offices, assembly halls, canteens, rest-
rooms, ambulance rooms and the like;
(2) "Ordinary hazard" - Occupancies like saw mills, carpentry shop, small timber
yards, book binding shops, engineering workshop and the like;
(3) "Extra hazard" - Occupancies like large timber yards, godowns storing fibrous
materials, flour mills, cotton mills, jute mills, large wood working factories and
the like ;
(ii) "Class B fire" - Fire in flammable liquids like oil, petroleum produces,
solvents, grease, paints etc.
(iv) "Class D fire" - Fire from reactive chemicals, active metals and the like.
(v) "Class E fire" - Fire involving electrical equipment and delicate machinery
and the like.
(c) The number and types of first-aid fire-fighting equipment to be provided shall
be as per the following scale :-
1. Light Hazard :- One 9 litre water bucket for every 100 square meters of floor
area or part thereof and one 9 litre water type (soda acid or gas pressure or
bucket pump) extinguisher shall be provided for each 6 buckets or part thereof
with a minimum of one extinguisher and two buckets per compartment of the
building. These equipments shall be so distributed over the entire floor areas that
a person shall have to travel not more than 25 metres from any point to reach the
nearest equipment.
2. Ordinary Hazard :- One 9 litre water bucket for every 100 square meters of
floor area or part thereof and one 9 litre water type (soda acid or gas pressure or
bucket pump) extinguisher shall be provided for each six buckets or part thereof,
with a minimum of 2 extinguishers and 4 buckets per compartment of the
building. These equipments shall be so distributed over the entire floor areas that
a person shall have to travel not more than 15 metres from any point to reach the
nearest equipment.
Provided that in special cases, the Inspector, after taking into consideration the
circumstances, authorise that the buckets prescribed in this clause may be
dispensed with provided the number of the extinguishers provided in double of
that what is prescribed.
(ii) Class-B Fire :- There shall be at least one fire-extinguisher either, foam type or
carbon dioxide or dry power type per 50 square metres of floor area and shall be
so distributed that no person is required to travel more than 15 meters from any
point to reach the nearest equipment. In addition to the requirements,
extinguishers specified here, requirements as laid down in clause (1) shall also be
(iii) Class C Fire :- Carbon dioxide or dry chemical power extinguishers shall be
provided near each plant or group of plants.
(iv) Class D Fire :- Special dry power (Chloride based) type of extinguisher shall
be provided near each plant or group of plants depending upon the risk
(v) Class E Fire :- Carbon dioxide of dry power type extinguisher shall be
provided near each plant or group of plants depending upon the risk involved.
(d) The first-aid fire fighting equipments shall conform to the relevant Indian
(e) As far as possible the first-aid fire fighting equipments shall all be similar in
shape and appearance and shall have the same method of operation.
(f) All first-aid fire fighting equipments shall be placed in a conspicuous position
and shall be readily and easily accessible for immediate use. Generally, these
equipments shall be placed as near as possible to the exits or stair landing of
normal routes of escape.
(g) All water buckets and pump type extinguishers shall be filled with clean
water. All sand buckets shall be filled with clean, dry and fine sand. All water
and sand buckets shall be painted red.
(h) All other extinguishers shall be charged appropriately in accordance with the
instructions of the manufacturer.
(m) In case the fire is caused by electrical equipment, the connected switches be
pulled out.
(12) Other fire fighting arrangements : (a) In every factory adequate provisions of
water supply for fire fighting shall be made and where the amount of water
required in litres per minute as calculated from the formula A+B+C+D divided
by 20 in 550 or more, power driven trailer pumps of adequate capacity to meet
the requirement of water as calculated above shall be provided and maintained.
B - the total area in square meters of all floors and galleries including open spaces
in which combustible materials are handed or stored :
C - the total area in square meters of all floors over 15 meters above ground
level ; and
D - The total area of square meters of all floors of all buildings other than those of
fire resisting construction :
Provided that in area where the fire risk involved does not require use of water,
such areas under B, C or D may, for the purpose of calculation, be halved:
Provided also that where the factory is situated at not more than 3 kilometers
from an established city or town fire service the pumping capacity based on the
amount of water arrived at by the formula above may be reduced by 25% but no
account shall be taken of this reduction in calculating water supply required
under this clause.
(b) Each trailer pump shall be provided with equipment as per scheduled
appended to this rule. Such equipment shall conform to the relevant Indian
(c) Trailer pump shall be housed in a separate shed or sheds which shall be sited
close to a principal source of water supplies in the vicinity of the main risks for
the factory.
(e) Water supply shall be provided to give flow of water as required under clause
(a) for at least 100 minutes. At least 50% of this water supply or 450,000 litres
which ever is less, shall be in the form of static tanks of adequate capacities (not
less than 450,000 litres each) distributed round the factory with due regard to the
potential fire risks in the factory. Where piped supply is provided, the size of the
main shall not be less than 15 cms in diameter and it shall be capable of
supplying a minimum of 4,500 litres per minute at a pressure of not less than 7
kilograms per square centimetre.
(f) All trailer pumps including the equipment provided with -them and the
vehicles for towing them shall be maintained in good condition and subjected to
periodical inspection and testing as required.
(13) Personnel in charge of equipment and for fire fighting, fire drills, etc :- (a)
The first-aid and other fire fighting equipment to be provided as required in sub-
rules (11) and (12)shall be in charge of a trained responsible person.
(b) Sufficient number of persons shall be trained in the proper handling of fire-
fighting equipment as referred to in clause (a) and their use against number of
persons are available for fire fighting both by means of first-aid fire fighting
equipment and others. Such persons shall be provided with clothing and
equipment including helmets, belts and boots, preferably gumboots. Wherever
vehicles with towing attachment are to be provided as required in clause (d) of
sub-rule(11) sufficient number of persons shall be trained in driving these
vehicles to ensure the trained persons are available for driving them whenever
the need arises.
(c) Fire fighting drills shall be held at least once in every 3 months.
(14) Automatic sprinklers and fire hydrants shall be in addition and not in
substitution of the requirements in sub rules (11) and (12).
(15) If the Chief Inspector is satisfied in respect of any factory or any part of the
factory that owing to the exceptional circumstances such as inadequacy of water
supply or infrequency of the manufacturing process or for any other reason, to
be recorded in writing, all or any of the requirements of the rules are
impracticable or not necessary for the protection of workers, he may by order in
writing (which he may at his discretion revoke) exempt such factory or part of
the factory from all or any of the provisions of the rules subject to conditions as
he may by such order prescribe.
Note - If it appears to the Chief Inspector that in any factory the provision of
breathing apparatus is necessary he may by order in writing require the occupier
to provide suitable breathing apparatus in addition to the equipment for light
trailer pump or large trailer pump as the case may be.
(1) Application:- This rule shall apply to ovens and driers, except those used in
laboratories or kitchens of any establishment and those which has a capacity
below 325 litres.
(2) Definitions:- For the purpose of this rule oven or drier means any enclosed
structure, receptacle, compartment or box which is used for baking, drying or
otherwise processing of any article or substance at a temperature higher than the
ambient temperature of the air in the room or space in which a flammable or
explosive mixture of air and a flammable substance is likely to be evolved within
the enclosed structure receptacle, compartment or box or part thereof on account
of the article or substance which is baked, dried or otherwise processed within it.
(4) Design, construction, examination and testing :- (a) Every oven or drier shall
be properly designed on sound engineering practice and be of good construction,
sound materials and adequate strength, free from any patent defects and safe if
properly used ;
(b) No oven or drier shall be taken into use in factory for the first time unless a
competent person has thoroughly examined all its parts and carried out the tests
as are required to establish that the necessary safe systems and controls provided
for safety in operation for the processes for which it is to be used and a certificate
of such examination and tests signed by that competent person has been
obtained and is kept available for inspection ; and
(c) All parts of an oven or drier which have undergone any alteration or repair
which has to effect of modifying any of the design characteristics, shall not be
used unless a thorough examination and tests as have been mentioned in clause
(b) have been carried out by a competent person and a certificate of such
examination and tests signed by that competent person has been obtained and is
kept available for inspection.
(5) Safety ventilation :- (a) Every oven or drier shall be provided with a positive
and effective safety ventilation system using one or more motor-driven
centrifugal fans so as to dilute any mixture of air and any flammable substance
that may be formed within the oven or drier and maintain the concentration of
the flammable substance in the air at a safe level of dilution ;
(b) The safe level of dilution referred to in clause (a) shall be so as to achieve a
concentration of the concerned flammable substance in air of not more than 25
per cent of its lower explosive limit :
(ii) Sounds an alarm when the concentration of the flammable substance in air in
any part of the oven or drier reaches a level of 50 per cent of its lower explosive
limit ; and
(iii) Shuts down the heating system of the oven or drier automatically when the
concentration in air of the flammable substance in any part of the oven or drier
reaches a level of 60 per cent of its lower explosive limit ;
is provided to the oven or drier and maintained in efficient working condition ;
(c) No oven or drier shall be operated without its safety ventilation system
working in an efficient manner;
(d) No oven or drier shall be operated with a level of dilution less than what is
referred to in clause (b) ;
(e) exhaust ducts of safety ventilation systems should be so designed and placed
that their ducts discharge the mixture of air and flammable substance away from
the workrooms and not near windows or doors or other openings from where
the mixture could re-enter the workrooms ;
(f) The fresh air admitted into the oven or drier by means of the safety ventilation
system shall be circulated adequately by means of circulating fan or fans through
all parts of the oven or drier so as to ensure that there are no locations where the
flammable substance can accumulate in the air or become pocketed to any
dangerous degree ; and
(6) Explosion panels :- (a) Every oven or drier having an internal total space of
not less than half cubic meter shall be provided with suitably designed explosion
panels so as to allow release of the pressure of any possible explosion within the
oven or drier through explosion vents. The area of openings to be provided by
means of such vents together with area of openings of any access doors which
are provided with suitable arrangements for their release in case of an explosion
shall be not less than 2200 square centimetre for every one cubic meter of volume
of the oven or drier. The design of the explosion panels and doors as above said
shall be much as to secure the complete release under the internal pressure of
0.25 Kg. per square centimeter ; and
(b) the explosion releasing panels, shall as far as practicable, be situated at the
roof of the oven or drier or at those portion of the walls where persons not
remain in connection with operation of the oven or drier.
(i) all ventilating fans and circulating fans whose failure would adversely effect
the ventilation rate or flow pattern are in operations before any mechanical
conveyor that may be provided for feeding the articles to be processed in the
oven or drier is put into operation :
(ii) failure of any of the ventilating or circulating fans will automatically stop any
conveyor as referred to in clause (i) as may be provided, as well as stop the fuel
supply by closing the shut off valve and shut off the ignition in the case of gas or
oil fired oven and in the case of electrically heated ovens switch off the electrical
supply to the heaters;
(iii) the above said mechanical conveyor is not in operation before the above said
shut-off valve can be energized ; and
(iv) the failure of the above said conveyor will automatically close and above
said shut off value in the case of ovens and driers heated by gas, oil or steam and
reactivate the ignition system, or cut off the electrical heaters in the case of
electrically heated ovens or furnaces.
(8) Automatic preventilation :- Every oven or drier heated by oil, steam, gas or
electricity shall be provided with an efficient arrangement for automatic pre-
ventilation consisting of at least 3 volumes changes with fresh air by operation of
the safety ventilation fans and the circulating fans (if used) so as to effect purging
of the oven or drier of any mixture of air and a flammable substance before the
heating system can be activated and before the conveyor can be placed in
(12) Periodical examination, testing and maintenance :- (a) All parts of every
oven and drier shall be properly maintained and thoroughly examined and the
various controls as mentioned in this rule and the working of the oven or drier
tested at frequent intervals to ensure its safe operation by a responsible person
designated by the occupier or manager, who by his experience and knowledge of
necessary precautions against risks of explosion is fit to undertake such works ;
(b) A register shall be maintained in which the details of the various tests carried
out from time to time under clause (a) shall be entered and every entry made
shall be signed by the person making the tests.
(13) Training of operators : No person shall be assigned any task connected with
operation of any oven or drier unless he has completed 18 years of age and he is
properly trained.
(a) Printed fabric shall be thoroughly dried by passing them over drying cans or
through hot flue or other equally effective means, before the same is allowed to
pass through polymerising machines, and
(b) Infra red ray heaters of polymerising machines shall be cut-off while running
the prints.
(c) which carried on 'hazardous process' as defined under section 2(cb) of the Act
there shall be Safety Committee.
(a) A senior official, who by his position in the organisation can contribute
effectively to the functioning of the Committee, shall be the Chairman ;
(b) A Safety Officer and a Factory Medical Officer wherever available, and the
Safety Officer in such a case shall be the Secretary of the Committee ;
(5) Safety Committee shall meet as often as necessary but at least once in every
quarter. The minutes of the meeting shall be recorded and ; shall be produced to
the Inspector on demand. A copy thereof shall be sent to the Inspector of
Factories of the region concerned.
(6) Safety Committee shall have the right to be adequately and suitably informed
of -
(a) potential safety and health hazards to which the workers may be exposed at
work place.
(b) data on accidents as well as data resulting from surveillance of the working
environment and of the health of workers exposed to hazardous substances so
far as the factory is concerned, provided that the Committee under-takes to use
the data on measure to improve the working environment and the health and
safety of the workers.
(a) assisting and co-operating with the management in achieving the aims and
objectives outlined in the 'Health and Safety Policy' of the occupier ;
(b) dealing with all matters concerning health safety and environment and to
arrive at practicable solutions to problems encountered ;
(f) carrying out health and safety surveys and identify causes of accidents ;
(g) looking into any complaint made on the likelyhood of an imminent danger to
the safety and health of the workers and suggesting corrective measures; and
(8) Where owing to the size of the factory, or any other reason, the functions
referred to in sub-rule (7) can not be effectively carried out by the Safety
Committee, it may establish sub-committees as may be required to assist it.
(1) Construction : The following provisions shall govern the functioning of the
Site Appraisal Committee, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee" in these
(a) the State Government may constitute or reconstitute the committee as and
when necessary ;
(b) the State Government may appoint a senior official of the Factories
Inspectorate preferably with qualification in Chemical engineering to be
Secretary of the Committee ;
(c) the State Government may co-opt the following persons as members of the
Committee ;
(3) Applications for appraisal of Sites- In respect of the factories covered under
section 2 (cb) of the Act shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Committee
along with 15 copies there of in form annexed to this rule. The committee may
dispense with the furnishing of the information on any particular item in the
application under consideration.
(a) The Secretary shall arrange to register the applications received for appraisal
of site in a separate register and acknowledge the same within a period of 7 days.
(b) The Secretary shall fix up meeting in such a manner that all the applications
received and registered are referred to the Committee within a period of one
month from the date of their receipt.
(c) The Committee may adopt a procedure for its working keeping in view the
need for expeditious disposal of applications.
(d) The Committee shall examine the application for appraisal of a site with
reference to the prohibitions and restrictions on the location of industry and the
carrying on the processes and operations in different areas as per the provisions
of Rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 framed under the
Environment Protection Act, 1986.
(e) The Committee may call for documents examine experts, inspect the site, if
necessary, and take other steps for formulating its view in regard to the
suitability of the site.
(f) Wherever the proposed site requires clearance by the Ministry of Industry or
the Ministry of Environment and Forests of the Government of India site
appraisal will be considered by the Committee only after such clearance has been
(g) No business shall be transacted to in any meeting unless at least five members
are present.
(5) Traveling Allowance - A non-official member of the Committee shall be
entitled to draw traveling and daily allowances for any journey performed by
him in connection with his duties as member of the Committee at the rates and
subject to the conditions laid down in rule 20 of Financial Handbook, volume -III.
2.1 Revenue details of site such as Survey number, plot number, Allotment
/Registration number etc.
2.2 Whether the site is classified as forest and if so, whether approval of the
Central Government under section 5 of the Indian Forests Act, 1927 has been
2.3. Whether the proposed site attracts the provisions of section 3 (2) (V) of the
Environment Protection Act, 1986, if so, the nature of the restrictions.
3. Site Plan -
3.1. Site Plan with clear identification of boundaries and total area proposed to be
occupied and showing the following details nearby the proposed site -
(c) Water sources (river, streams, canals, dams and water filtration plants etc.) in
the vicinity.
(d) Nearest hospitals, fire-stations, civil defence stations and police stations and
their distances from the proposed unit.
(e) High tension electrical transmission lines, pipelines for water, oil, gas or
sewerage : railway lines, roads, stations, jetties gas and other similar installations
in the vicinity.
3.2 details of soil conditions and depth at which hard strata obtained.
3.3 Contour map of the factory showing near by hillocks and difference in levels.
3.4 Plot plan of the factory showing the entry and exit points roads within, water
drains, etc.
4. Project Report -
4.4. Maximum requirement of power and water and sources of their supply.
4.5. Block diagram of the buildings and installations, in the proposed unit.
4.6. Details of the proposed housing colony, hospital, school and other
infrastructural facilities.
6.3. Highest water level reached during the floods in the area recorded so far.
7. Communication Links :
8.4. Other external effects critical to the process having safety implications, such
as ingress of moisture or water, contact with incompatible substances, sudden
power failure.
9.1. Raw materials, intermediates, products and by-products and their quantities
(Enclose material safety data Sheet in respect of each hazardous substance).
- handling of materials ;
- internal and external transportation ; and
- disposal (packing and forwarding of finished products.)
10.1. Major pollutants (gas, liquid, solid) their characteristics and quantities
(average and at peak loads).
10.2. Quality and quantity of solid wastes generated, methods of their treatment
and disposal.
10.3. Air, water and soil pollution problems anticipated and the proposed
measures to control the same, including treatment and disposal of effluents.
13.2. Proposed arrangements, ; if any, for mutual aid scheme with the group of
neighbouring factories.
14. Any other relevant information :
(1) The occupier of every factory, except as provided for in sub-rule (2), shall
prepare a written statement of his policy in respect of health and safety workers
at work.
(a) covered under section 2 (m) (i) but employing less than 50 workers.
(b) covered under section 2 (m) (i) but employing less than 100 workers.
Provided that they are not covered under the First Schedule under section 2(cb)
or operations declared to be dangerous under section 87 of the Act.
(3) Not with standing anything contained in sub-rule (2), the Chief Inspector may
require the occupiers of any of the Factories or class or description of factories to
comply with the requirements of sub-rule (1), if, in his opinion, it is expedient to
do so.
(4) The Health and Safety Policy of the top management to health, safety and
environment and compliance with all the relevant statutory requirements ;
(b) Organisational set up to carry out the declared policy clearly assigning the
responsibility at different levels ; and
(b) intention of taking into account the health and safety performance of
individuals at different levels while considering their career advancement ;
(c) the responsibility of the contractors, sub-contractors, transporters and other
agencies entering the premises ;
(d) a resume of health and safety performance of the factory in its Annual
(e) relevant techniques and methods such as safety audits and risk assessment
for periodical assessment of the status on health, safety and environment and
taking all the remedial measures ;
(f) its intentions to integrate health and safety, in all decisions including those
dealing with purchase of plant, equipment, machinery and material as well as
selection and placement of personnel ;
(g) arrangements for informing, educating and training and retraining its
employees at different levels and the public, wherever required.
(6) A copy of the declared health and Safety Policy signed by the occupier shall
be made available to the Chief Inspector.
(8) The occupiers shall revise the Safety Policy as often as may be appropriate,
but it shall necessarily be revised under the following circumstances -
(I) The occupier of every factory carrying on a hazardous process shall arrange to
obtain or develop information in the form of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
in respect of every hazardous substance or material handled in the manufacture,
transportation and storage in the factory. It shall be accessible, upon request, to a
worker for reference -
(a) every such material Safety Data Sheet shall include the following information
(iv) the physical hazards of the hazardous substance, including the potential for
fire, explosion and reactivity ;
(v) the health hazards of the hazardous substance, including signs and
symptoms of exposure, and any medical condition which are generally
recognised as being aggravated by exposure to the substance ;
(vii) the permissible limits of exposure prescribed in the Second Schedule under
section 41-F of the Act, and in respect of a chemical not covered by the said
Schedule any exposure limit used or recommended by the manufacturer,
importer or occupier ;
(viii) any generally applicable precautions for safe handling and use of the
hazardous substance, which are known, including appropriate hygienic
practices, protective measures during repairs and maintenance of contaminated
equipment, procedures for clean up of spills and leaks ;
(xi) the date of preparation of the Material Safety Data Sheet, or the last change in
it ; and
(xii) the name, address and telephone number of the manufacturer, importer,
occupier or other responsible party preparing or distributing the Material Safety
Data Sheet, who can provide additional information on the hazardous substance
and appropriate emergency procedures if necessary.
(b) The occupier while obtaining or developing a Material Safety Data Sheet in
respect of a hazardous substance shall ensure that the information, recorded
accurately, reflects the scientific evidence used in making the hazard
determination. If he become newly aware of any significant information
regarding the hazards, the new information shall be added to the Material Safety
Data Sheet as soon as practicable.
(c) An example of such Material Safety Data Sheet is given in the Schedule to this
Rule Labelling :
(b) The name and address of the manufacturer or importer of the hazardous
(d) the recommended personal protective equipment needed to work safely with
the hazardous substance.
1. Chemical Identify :
Regulated Shipping Name
Hazechem No.
Identification Codes/Label
Hazardous Hazaradous
C.A.S. No. C.S.A. No.
Ingredients Ingredients
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
1. 3.
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
2. 4.
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
Vapour Pressure
Melting / Freezing
0C Order @ 35^0 C mmOdour
Specific Gravity
Water = 1
3. Fire and Explosion
Hazard Data :
TDG Flammability to
UEL % Flash point 0 C Products of
Explosion Sensitivity Sensitivity to
to Impact Impact Static
Combustible Liquid Corrosive Material
4. Reactivity Data :
Chemical Stability
Incompatibility with
other Materials
Reactivity Hazardous
Products of Reaction
5. Health Hazard
Data :
Routes of Entry
Effects of Exposure /
Permissible Threshol
Exposure limit ppm. mg/m3 Order d ppm. Mg / m3
LD 50 LD 50
Healt Flammabilit Stabilit
Hazard Signal Special
h y y
6. Preventive Measures :
Special Procedures
Unusual Hazards
Antidotes / Dosages
Standard Packing
10. Disclaimer :
(1) The occupier of every factory carrying on a hazardous process supply to all
workers the following information in relation to handling of hazardous materials
or substances in the manufacture, transportation, storage and other processes :-
(c) location and availability of all Material Safety Data Sheets as per Rule 63 - C.
(d) Physical and health hazards arising from the exposure to or handling or,
substances ;
(e) measures taken by the occupier to ensure safety and control of physical and
health hazards ;
(f) measures to be taken by the workers to ensure safe handling, storage and
transportation of hazardous substances ;
(h) meaning of various labels and markings used on the containers of hazardous
substances as provided under Rule 63 - C ;
(k) role of workers vis-a-vis the emergency plan of the factory, in particular the
evacuation procedures ;
(l) Any other information considered necessary, by the occupier to ensure safety
and health of workers.
(2) The information required by sub-rule (1) shall be complied and made known
to workers individually through supply of booklets or leaflets and display of
cautionary notices at the work places.
(3) The booklets, leaflets and the cautionary notices displayed in the factory shall
be in the language understood by the majority of the workers and shall also be
explained to them.
(4) The Chief Inspector may direct the occupier to supply further information to
the workers as deemed necessary.
(1) The occupier of every factory carrying on a hazardous process shall furnish,
in writing, to the Chief Inspector a copy of all the information furnished to the
(3) The occupier shall also furnish any other information asked for by the Chief
Inspector from time to time for the purpose of the Act and the Rules made there-
(1) The information furnished under rules 63-D and 63-E shall include the
quantity of the solid and liquid wastes generated per day their characteristic s
and the methods of treatment such as incineration of solid wastes, chemical and
biological treatment of liquid wastes, and arrangements for their final disposal.
(2) It shall also include information on the quality and quantity of gaseous waste
discharge through the stacks or other openings and arrangements such as
provisions of scrubbers, cyclone separators, electrostatic precipitators of similar
such arrangements made for controlling pollution of the environment.
(3) The occupier shall also furnish the information prescribed in the sub-rule (1),
(1) The occupier shall review once in every Calendar year and modify, if
necessary, the information furnished under Rules 63-D and 63-E to the workers
and the Chief Inspector.
(2) In the event of any change in the process or operations or methods of work or
when any new substance is introduced in the process or in the event of a serious
accident taking place the information so furnished shall be reviewed and
modified to the extent necessary.
63 -H - Confidentiality of information :-
as required under rules 63-D and 63-E if the occupier is of the opinion that the
disclosure of details regarding the process and formulations will adversely affect
his business interests, he may make a representation to the Chief Inspector
stating the reason for with holding such information. The Chief Inspector shall
pass an order on the representation after giving an opportunity to the occupier of
being heard.
Medical Examination :-
(2) No person shall be employed for the first time without a certificate of fitness
in Form 26, granted by the Factory Medical Officer, if the Factory Medical Officer
declares a person unfit for employment in a process covered under sub-rule (1)
he shall have the right of appeal to the Inspector who shall refer the matter to the
Certifying Surgeon appointed under sub-section (1) or authorised under sub-
section (2) of section 10 of the Act whose opinion shall be final in this regard. If
the Inspector is also a Certifying Surgeon, he may dispose of the application
(3) Any finding of the Factory Medical Officer revealing any abnormality or
unsuitability of any person employed in the process shall, inturn, examine the
concerned worker and communicate his findings to the occupier within 30 days.
If the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that the worker so examined is
required to be taken away from the process for health protection, he will direct
the occupier accordingly, who shall not employ the said worker in the same
process. However, the worker so taken away shall be provided with alternative
placement unless he is in the opinion of the Certifying Surgeon fully
incapacitated in which case the worker affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.
(5) The worker taken away from employment in any process under sub-rule (2)
may be employed again in the same process only after obtaining the Fitness
Certificate from the Certifying Surgeon and after making entries to that effect in
the Health Register.
(6) The worker required to undergo medical examination under these rules and
for any medical survey conducted by or on behalf of the Central or the State
Government shall not refuse to undergo such medical examination.
(i) the services of a Factory Medical Officer on retainer ship basis in his clinic to
be notified by the occupier. he will carry out premployment and periodical
medical examinations as stipulated in rule 63-I and render medical assistance
during an emergency.
(ii) a minimum of 5 persons trained in first aid procedures of whom at least one
shall always be available during the working period.
(i) an Occupational Health Center having a room with a minimum floor area of
15 square metre with floors and walls made of smooth and impervious surface
and with adequate illumination and ventilation as well as equipment as per the
Schedule annexed to this rule ;
(ii) a part time factory Medical Officer shall be in over all charge of the Center
who shall visit the factory at least twice in a week and whose services shall be
readily available during medical emergencies.
(iii) one qualified and trained dresser-cum-compounder on duty through out the
working period ;
(i) one full-time Factory Medical Officer for factories employing up to 500
workers and one more Medical Officer for every additional 1000 workers or part
thereof ;
(ii) an occupational Health Center having at least two rooms each with a
minimum floor area of 15 square metre with floors and walls made of smooth
and impervious surface and adequate illumination and ventilation as well as
equipment as per the Schedule annexed to this rule ;
(iii) there shall be one nurse, one dresser-cum-compounder and one sweeper-
cum-wardboy throughout the working period ;
(iv) the Occupational Health Center shall be suitably equipped to manage
medical emergencies.
(2) The Factory Medical Officer required to be appointed under sub-rule (1) shall
have qualifications included in Schedule to the Indian Medical Degrees Act, 1916
or in the Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and possess a
Certificate of Training in Industrial Health of a minimum of three months
duration recognised by the State Government Provided that -
(i) a person possessing a Diploma in Industrial Health or its equivalent shall not
be required to possess the certificate of training as aforesaid ;
(ii) the Chief Inspector may, subject to such conditions as he may specify, grant
exemption from the requirement of this sub-rule, if in his opinion a suitable
person possessing the necessary qualification is not available for appointment ;
(iii) in case of a person who has been working as a Factory Medical Officer for a
period of not less than three years on the date of commencement of this rule, the
Chief Inspector may, subject to the condition that the said person shall obtain the
aforesaid certificate of training within a period of three years, relax the
(3) The syllabus of the course leading to the above certificate, and the
organisations conducting the course shall be approved by the Directorate
General of Factory advice Service and Labour Institutes or the State Government
in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Directorate General of Factory
Advice Service and Labour Institutes.
(4) Within one month of the appointment of Factory Medical Officer, the
occupier of the Factory shall furnish to the Chief Inspector the following
particulars :
(1) In every factory carrying on a 'hazardous process' there shall be provided and
maintained in good condition, a suitably constructed ambulance van equipped
with items as per sub-rule (2) and manned by a full time Driver-cum-Mechanic
and a Helper trained in first aid, for the purposes of sickness. The ambulance van
shall not be used for purposes other than the purpose stipulated herein and will
normally be stationed at or near the occupational Health Centre :
Provided that a factory employing less than 200 workers may make
arrangements for procuring such facility at a short notice from a nearby hospital
or other places to meet emergency.
(a) General :
As wheeled stretcher with folding and adjusting devices ; with the head of the
stretcher capable of being titled upward ;
(i) Resuscitation -
- portion suction unit ; portable oxygen unit ;
- bag - valve-mask, hand operated artificial ;
- ventilation unit ;
- airways ; mouth bags ; tracheetomyadapters ;
- short spine board ; I. V. fluids with Administration unit ;
- B. P. manometer ; Cugg ; stethescope ;
(ii) Immobilization -
- long and short padded boards wire ladder splints ;
- triangular bandage ; long and short spine boards.
(iii) Dressings -
- gauze pads -4"x4" universal dressing 10"x36" ;
- roll of aluminium foils ; soft roller bandages 6"x5" Yards ; adhesive tape in 3"
roll ; safety pins ;
- bandage sheets ; burn sheet ;
(iv) Poisoning -
- syrup of Ipecae ; activated Charcoal prepacketed in doses ; snake bite kit ;
- drinking water ;
In every factory carrying out hazardous process the following provisions shall be
made to meet an emergency ;
(b) readily accessible means of water for washing by workers as well as for
drenching of clothing of workers who have been contaminated with hazardous
and corrosive substance ; and such means shall be as per the scale shown in the
table below :
(c) a sufficient number of eye wash bottles filled with distilled water or suitable
liquid, kept in boxes or cupboards conveniently placed and clearly indicated by a
distinctive sign which shall be easily available at all times.
(1) The occupier of every factory carrying out a "hazardous process" shall make
accessible the health records ; including the record of worker's exposure to the
hazardous process or, as the case may be, the medical records of any worker for
his perusal under the following conditions :
(a) once in every six months or immediately after the medical examination
whichever is earlier ;
(b) if the Factory Medical Officer or the Certifying Surgeon, as the case may be, is
of the opinion that the worker has manifest signs and symptoms of any
noticeable disease as specified in the third Schedule to the Act ;
(2) A copy of the upto date health records including the record of workers expo-
sure to hazardous process or, as the case may be, the medical records, shall be
supplied to the worker on receipt of an application from him. X-ray plates and
other medical diagnostic reports may also br made available for reference to his
medical practitioner.
(1) All persons who are required to supervise the handling of hazardous
substances shall possess the following qualification and experience -
(a) (i) a degree in Chemistry or Diploma in Chemical Engineering or Technology
with five years experience ; or
(b) the Chief Inspector may require the supervisor to under go training in Health
and Safety.
(2) The syllabus and duration of the above training and the organisations
conducting the training shall be approved by the Director General, Factory
Advice Service and Labour Institutes or the State Government in accordance
with guidelines issued by the Director general, Factory Advice Service and
Labour Institutes.
For the purposes of compliance with the requirements of sub-sections (1), (4) and
(7) of section 41-B or of section "41-C the Chief Inspector may , if deemed
necessary, issue guidelines from time to time to the occupiers of factories
carrying on 'hazardous process'. Such guidelines may be based on national
standards, Code of practice or recommendations of international bodies such as
International Labour Organisation and World Health Organisation."
64. Washing facilities.—(1) Before April 1, 1951, there shall be provided and
maintained in every factory for the use of the workers employed adequate and
suitable facilities for washing, which shall include soap, where the work to be
done is dirty and dangerous involving contact with lead, tar, etc. The facilities
shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in a clean and orderly
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions the washing
facilities shall include—
(a) a trough with taps or jets at intervals of not less than two feet, or
(e) circular troughs of the fountain type, provided that the Inspector may, having
regard to the needs and habits of the workers, fix the proportion in which the
aforementioned types of facilities shall be installed.
(3) (a) Every trough and basin shall have smooth, impervious surface and shall
be fitted with a waste-pipe and plug.
(b) The floor or ground under and in the immediate vicinity of every trough, tap,
jet, wash-basin, stand-pipe and shower shall be so laid or furnished as to provide
a smooth, impervious surface and shall be adequately drained.
(c) For persons, whose work involves contact |with any injurious or noxious
substance, there shall be at least one tap for every fifteen persons; and for
persons employed at any one time in a factory, whose work does not involve
such contact the number of taps shall be as follows :
Up to 20 1
21 to 35 2
36 to 50 3
51 to 150 4
151 to 200 5
Exceeding 200 but not exceeding 5 plus one tap for every 50 or fraction of 50.
11 plus one tap for every 100 or fraction of
Exceeding 500 100.
(d) If female workers are employed, separate washing facilities shall be provided
and so enclosed or screened that the interiors are not visible from any place,
where persons of the other sex work or pass. The entrance to such facilities shall
bear conspicuous notice in the language understood by the majority of the
workers "For women only" and shall also be indicated pictorially.
(e) The water supply to the washing facilities shall be capable of yielding at least
six gallons a day for such person employed in the factory and shall be from a
source approved in writing by the Health Officer. Provided that where the Chief
Inspector is satisfied that such an yield is not practicable he may by certificate in
writing permit the supply of a smaller quantity not being less than one gallon per
clay for every person employed in the factory .
[65. Facilities for storing clothes.—All Engineering Workshops, Iron and Steel
Works, Chemical Factories, Oil Mills and Motor Garages, covered by the Act, and
(ii) employing 50 or more workers at a time and not using power in the
manufacturing process shall provide facilities for storing, clothing not used
during working hours. Such facilities shall include the provisions of separate
rooms, pegs, lockers or such other arrangements for drying of wet clothes as may
be approved by the Chief Inspector].
A.—For factories in which mechanical power is used and in which the number of
persons employed exceeds nineteen but does not exceed fifty—each first-aid box
or cupboard shall contain the following equipments:
Provided that items (xii) to (xviii) inclusive need not be included in the standard
first-aid box or cupboard (a) where there is a properly equipped ambulance room
or (b) if at least one box containing such items and placed and maintained in
accordance with the requirements of Section 45 is separately provided.
Provided that a First Aid Box having the minimum contents as indicated below is
maintained in categories of factories mentioned in items (i) and (ii) above and a
person trained in First Aid is readily available to give First Aid treatment:
D.—In lieu of the dressings required under items (i) and (ii) there may be
substituted adhesive wound dressings approved by the Chief Inspector of
(3) The ambulance room or dispensary shall be separate from the rest of the
factory and shall be used only for the purpose of treatment and rest. It shall have
a floor area of at least 250 square feet and smooth, hard and Impervious walls
and floor and shall be adequately ventilated and lighted by both natural and
artificial means. An adequate supply of wholesome drinking water shall be laid
on and the room shall contain at least—
(i) a glazed sink with hot and cold water always available,
(ii) a table with a smooth top at least 6'x3'— 6",
(iii) means for sterilizing instruments and other articles,
(iv) a douche,
(v) two stretchers,
(vi) two buckets or containers with close fitting lids,
(vii) two rubber hot water bags,
(viii) a kettle and spirit stove or other suitable means of boiling water,
(ix) twelve plain wooden splints 36''x4"x¼",
(x) twelve plain wooden splints 14"x3''x¼",
(xi) six plain 'wooden splints 10''x2"x¼",
(xii) six1 wollen blankets,
(xiii) one pair artery forceps,
(xiv) one bottle of brandy,
(xv) two medium size sponges,
(xvi) six hand towels,
(xvii) four "kidney'' trays,
(xiii) four cakes carbolic soap,
(xix) two glass tumblers, and two wine glasses,
(xx) graduated medium glass with teaspoon,
(xxi) one eye bath,
(xxii) one bottle (21 lb. carbolic lotion 1 in 20),
(xxiii) three chairs,
(xxiv) one screen,
(xxv) one electric hand torch,
(xxvi) four first-aid boxes or cupboards stocked to the standards prescribed
under Section 45(1) of the Factories Act, 1948,
(xxvii) two clinical thermometers,
(xxviii) an adequate supply of anti-tetanus serum,
(xxix) an arm-chair or a couch.
(4) The occupier of every factory to which these rules apply shall for the purpose
of removing serious cases of accident or sickness provide in the premises and
maintain in good condition a suitable conveyance unless he has made
arrangements for obtaining such a conveyance from a hospital.
(5) A record of all cases of accident and sickness treated at the room shall be kept
and produced to the Inspector or Certifying Surgeon when required.
[68. (1) The occupier of every factory wherein more than two hundred and fifty
workers are ordinarily employed on any one day and which is specified by the
State Government in this behalf shall provide, within six months from the dare of
specification, in or near the factory, an adequate canteen according to the
standards prescribed in this rule. This rule shall come into force at once.
(2) The manager of every factory shall submit in triplicate, through the Inspector
of Factories of the region concerned, the plans and siteplan of the building to be
constructed or adopted, for use as a canteen to the Chief Inspector of Factories
for his approval.
(3) The canteen building or buildings shall be situated not less than fifty feet
from any latrine/urinal, boiler house, coal stacks, ash dumps and any other
source of dust, smoke or obnoxious fumes :
Provided that the Chief Inspector may in any particular factory relax the
provisions of this rule to such extent as may be reasonable in the circumstances
and may require measures to be adoped to secure the essential purpose of this
(4) The canteen building or buildings shall accommodate a dining hall, kitchen,
store room, pantry and washing places, separately for workers and for utensils.
(5) In a canteen the floor shall be made of smooth and impervious material, the
remaining portion of the inside walls shall be made smooth by cement plaster or
in any other manner approved by the Chief Inspector.
(6) The doors and windows of a canteen building shall be of fly proof
construction and shall allow adequate ventilation.
(7) The canteen shall be sufficiently lighted at all times when any person has
access to it.
(a) all inside walls of rooms and all ceilings and passages and stair cases shall be
lime-washed or colour-washed at least once in each year or painted once in three
years dating from the period when last lime-washed or painted, as the case may
(b) all wood work shall be varnished or painted once in three years dating from
the period when last varnished or painted;
(c) all internal structural iron or steel work shall be varnished or painted once in
three years dating from the period when last varnished or painted:
Provided that inside walls of the kitchen shall be lime-washed once every four
(11) (a) The dining hall shall accommodate at least 20 per cent of the workers
working at a time :
Provided that in any particular factory or in any particular class of factories, the
Chief Inspector may with the approval of the State Government alter the
percentage of workers to be accommodated in a canteen keeping in view the
practice prevailing in the factory or in the industry where many workers may not
be available to take advantage of the canteen facilities.
(b) The floor area of the dining hall, excluding the area occupied by service
counter and any furniture, except tables and chairs shall be not less than 10
square feet per dinner to be accommodated as prescribed in clause (a).
(c) A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be partitioned off and
reserved for women workers in proportion to their number. Washing places for
women shall be separate and screened to secure privacy.
(12) Sufficient tables, chairs or benches shall be available for the number of
dinners to be accommodated as prescribed in clause (a) of sub-rule (11).
(14) The furniture, utensils and other equipments shall be maintained in a clean
and hygienic condition. A service counter, if provided, shall have a top of
smooth and impervious material. Suitable facilities including an adequate supply
of hot water shall be provided for the cleaning of the utensils and
(15) The food, drink and other items served in the canteen shall be sold on non-
profit basis, and the prices charged shall be subject to the approval of the
Managing Committee:
(16) In computing the prices referred to in sub-rule (15), the following items of
expenditure shall not be taken into consideration but will be borne by the
occupier :—
(d) the water charges and expenses for providing lighting and ventilation;
(e) the interest on the amount spent on the provision and maintenance of the
building furniture and equipment provided for the canteen;
(f) the cost of fuel required for cooking or heating foodstuffs or water; and
(g) the wages of the employees serving in the canteen and the cost of uniforms, if
any, provided to them.
(17) The charge per portion of foodstuff, beverages and any other items served
on the canteen shall be conspicuously displayed in the canteen in Hindi.
(18) All books of accounts, registers and any other documents used in
connection with the running of the canteen shall be produced on demand to
an Inspector of Factories.
(19) The accounts pertaining to the canteen, shall be audited, once every twelve
months by registered accountants or auditors the balance-sheet prepared by the
said auditors shall be submitted to Canteen Managing Committee not later than
two months after the losing of the audited accounts :
(20) The Manager shall appoint a Canteen Managing Committee which shall be
consulted from time to time as to—
(22) The Manager shall determine and supervise the procedure for elections to
the Canteen Managing Committee.
(23) Canteen Managing Committee shall be dissolved two years after the last
election, no account being taken of a bye-election.
(24) When a rest room made in accordance with rule made under Section 47 of
the Act fulfils the requirements necessary for making of a canteen under this
rule, no separate canteen need be provided.]
Rules for shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms [Section 47]
69. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms.—In every factory (except in the case
of factories registered before April 1, 1949, in whose case this rule shall be
applicable from April 1, 1951), in which more than 150 workers are ordinarily
employed per day, there shall be provided and maintained in good order a rest,
shelter or rooms for use of workers. The shelter or rest room or lunch room
shall conform to the following standards :
(a) The building shall be soundly contructed and all the walls and roof shall be
of suitable heat-resisting materials and shall be water-proof. The floor shall be so
laid or finished as to provide a smooth, hard and impervious surface.
(b) The height of every room in the building shall be not less than 12 feet from
level floor to the lowest part of the roof and there shall be at least 12 square feet
of floor area for every person employed in the largest shift:
Provided that (1) workers, who habitually go home for their meals during the
rest periods may be excluded in calculating the number of workers to be
accommodated, and (2) in the case of factories in existence at the date of
commencement of the Act, where it is impracticable owing to lack of space to
provide 12 square feet of floor area for each person, such reduced floor area per
person shall be provided as may be approved in writing by the Chief Inspector.
(c) Effective and suitable provision shall be made in every room for securing and
maintaining adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air and there shall
also be provided and maintained sufficient and suitable natural or artificial
(d) Every room shall be adequately furnished with chairs or benches with back
(e) Sweepers shall be employed whose primary duty it is to keep the rooms,
building and precincts thereof in a clean and tidy condition.
70. Creches.—(1) In the case of factories registered before April 1, 1949, this rule
shall be applicable from April 1, 1951.
(2) In other factories to which Section 48(1) is applicable, the creche shall conform
to the following standards :
(a) The creches shall be conveniently accessible, to the mothers of the children
accommodated therein and so far as is reasonably practicable it shall not be
situated in close proximity to any part of the factory where obnoxious fumes,
dust or smell are given off or in which excessively noisy processes are carried on.
(b) The building in which the creche is situated shall be soundly constructed
and all the walls and roof shall be of suitable heat-resisting materials and shall be
water-proof. The floor of the creche shall be so laid or finished as to provide a
smooth impervious surface.
(c) The height of the rooms in the building shall be not less than 12 feet from the
floor to the lowest part of the roof and there shall be not less than 20 square feet
of floor area for each child to be accommodated.
(d) Effective and suitable provisions shall be made in every part of the creche for
securing and maintaining adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air.
(e) The creche shall be adequately furnished and equipped and in particular
there shall be one suitable cot or cradle with the necessary bedding for each
child, at least one chair or equivalent seating accommodation for the use of each
mother while she is feeding or attending to her child and a sufficient supply of
suitable toys for the elder children.
(f) A suitably fenced and shady open air playground shall be provided for the
elder children :
Provided that the Chief Inspector may by order in writing exempt any factory
from compliance with this clause if he is satisfied that there is not sufficient space
available for the provisions of such playground.
(g) There shall be in or adjoining the creche a suitable wash-room for the washing
of the children and their clothing.
(i) The floor and internal walls of the room to a height of 3 feet shall be so laid or
finished as to provide a smooth impervious surface. The room shall be
adequately lighted and ventilated and the floor shall be effectively drained and
maintained in a clean and tidy condition.
(ii) There shall be at least one basin or similar vessel for every four children
accommodated in the creche at any one time together with a supply of water
provided, if practicable, through taps from a source approved by the Health
Officer. Such source shall be capable of yielding for each child a supply of at least
five gallons of water a day.
(iii) An adequate supply of soap and clean towels shall be available to a mother
at all times when her child is in the creche.
(h) At least half a pint of clean pure milk shall be provided free of cost for each
child on every day, it is accommodated in the creche and the mother for such a
child shall be allowed in the course of her daily work two intervals of at least half
an hour to feed the child. For children, who do not require milk an adequate
supply of wholesome refreshment shall be provided.
(i) Clothes for creche staff—The creche staff shall be provided with suitable clean
clothes for use while on duty in the creche.
(j) Adjoining the washing room referred to above, a latrine shall be provided for
the sole use of the children in the creche. The design of latrine and the scale of
accommodation to be provided shall either be approved by the Publice Health
authorities, or where there is no such Public Health authority, by the Chief
Inspector of Factories.
74. Weekly holidays and attendance register.—(1) The Manager shall enter
the details of weekly holidays lost and compensated for in the prescribed
attendance register in Form Nos. 12 and 13 :
Provided that, if the Chief Inspector of Factories is of the opinion that any muster
roll or register maintained as part of the routine of the factory or return made by
the Manager, gives in respect of any or all the workers in the factory the
particulars required for the enforcement of Section 53, he may, by order in
writing, direct that such muster roll or register or return shall, to the
corresponding extent, be maintained in place of and be treated as the
register or return required under this rule for that factory.
(2) The register maintained under sub-rule (1) shall be preserved for a period of
three years after the last entry in it and shall be produced before the Inspector on
75. 24
76. (1) For the purposes of Section 59, the cash equivalent to the advantage
(b) from the total amount of the price payable for the same quantity of
foodgrains and other articles at the average market rates which shall be
determined either on the basis of the retail prices for such foodgrains and other
articles prevailing iu the nearest market or according to the rates published by
the Labour Commissioner, for the different weeks of the wage period, in the
table relating to the Consumers Price Index Number for working classes at
(2) The computation of the cash equivalent to such advantage in the manner
indicated in sub-rule (1) above, shall be made for every period :
Provided that sub-rules (1) and (2) shall not apply to any Federal Railway factory
whose alternative method of computation has been approved by the State
(3) The Manager of every factory in which workers are exempted under Section
64 or 65 from the provisions of Section 51 or 54 shall maintain at overtime
register in Form No. 10.
(4) (a) The register shall be correctly maintained and entries made daily in
respect of each worker working overtime and shall be preserved for a period of
three years after the date of last entry.
[(5) The exact period of the intended overtime work and the date and the time
77. The notice prescribed under Section 61 of the Act shall be in Form No. 11.
(2) The Manager shall be responsible for the production, on demand of the
register, irrespective of the fact whether he (the Manager) is present or not in the
factory during an inspection.
(3) If a Manager prefers, he may maintain the separate registers in two parts one
for each half of the month.
(4) The registers shall be preserved for three years after the close of the year to
which they relate.
[Persons Holding Positions of Supervision or Management
[Section 64(1)]
79. (1) The following persons in Factories, other than sugar factories, shall be
deemed to hold positions of supervision or management, provided they are not
required to perform manual labour as regular part of their duties:
(i) The Manager, (ii) The Assistant Manager, (iii) Mill Secretary, (iv) Deputy Mill
Secretary, (v) Labour Officer, (vi) Security Officer, (vii) Heads of Technical
Department, (viii) Engineers, (ix) Assistant Engineers, (x) Foreman ; (xi) Assistant
Foreman, (xii) Chargeman ; (xiii) Overseers ; (xiv) Jobbers in Textile Factories,
(xv) Supervisors, (xvi) Shift Officer, (xvii) Shift Incharge, (xviii) Paper makers,
(xix) Head Storekeepers provided they are employed solely in a supervisory
capacity, (xx) Any other person, who in the opinion of the State Government
holds a position of supervision or management and is so declared by it in
(2) In sugar factories, the following persons shall be deemed to hold positions of
supervision or management:
(i) The General Manager, (ii) The Manager, (iii) The Mill Secretary, (iv) The
Deputy Mill Secretary, (v) The Cane. Manager, (vi) The Cane Superintendent,
where there is no Cane Manager, (vii) The Chief Chemist, (viii) The Labour
Welfare Officer, (ix) The Chief Engineer, (x) The Secretary to the Managing Agent
or the Personal Assistant to the General Manager, (xi) The Cane Development
Officer, (xii) Heads of Commercial Department, like accounts, purchase, store,
legal catering, etc., (xiii) Any person who, in the opinion of the State
Government, holds a position of supervision or management and is so
declared by it in writing.
(i) Stenographers, (ii) Personal Assistants, (iii) Personal Secretaries, (iv) Office
Superintendent, (v) Head Clerk, where there is no Office Superintendent, (vi)
Head Munim where there is no Office Superintendent or Head Clerk, (vii) Head
Accountant, (viii) Head Cashier, (ix) Cashier, (x) Head Time-keeper, (xi)
Telephone Operator, (xii) Receptionist, (xiii) Any other person, who in the
opinion of the State Government, holds a confidential position and is so declared
in writing by it.
81. A list of all the workers in a factory to whom the provisions of Section 64(1)
apply, shall be kept in Form No. 6 in the Inspection Book, after it has been
approved by the Inspector.
82. Subject to the conditions stated below the work of adult male workers
employed on urgent repairs in any factory shall be exempt from the provisions of
Sections 51, 52, 54, 55 and 56.
(i) When the cast of urgent repairs has arisen, a notice shall be sent within 24
hours of the commencement of the employment of persons employed to carry
out the said repairs to the inspector of factories of the region concerned in
writing stating the names of persons employed, the precise nature of work and
the exact time of commencement of such works. A copy of the said notice shall
be affixed at the place mentioned in Section 108(2) before the workers are put on
urgent repairs.
(ii) A rest period of one hour shall be given as work permits during the working
(ii) No workers shall be employed for more than 14 consecutive days without a
holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
(iv) All the workers working in excess of nine hours a day or 48 hours a week in a
factory shall be paid in respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the
ordinary rate of pay in accordance with the provision of sub-section (1) of
Section 59 of the Act.
Note.—For the purpose of this rule expression "urgent repairs" means (a) any
repair to the main driving machinery, and plant necessary to prevent or remedy
a breakdown that may cause or has caused, a stoppage of the whole or part of
manufacturing process or (b) repairs that are of such nature that failure to
execute them would cause a stoppage or serious interruption of a public service :
[83. The work of male adult workers engaged on loading and unloading of
(ii) Total daily hours of work shall not exceed 10 the total spread over being
limited to 12 hours in any one day and total hours of overtime work shall not
exceed 50 in any quarter.
(iii) The weekly hours of work shall not exceed 60.
(iv) A rest period of one hour shall be given as work permits during the working
(v) No worker shall be employed for such work for more than 14 consecutive
days without a holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
(vi) All the workers working in excess of 9 hours per day or 48 hours per week
shall be paid in respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the ordinary
rate of wages in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section
59 of the Act.
Maintenance Staff
84. (a) The work of the following classes of adult workers shall be deemed to be
of the nature referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (2) of Section. 64 of the Act,
and such workers shall be exempt from the provisions of the sections of the Act
mentioned against each :
(i) Engine drivers, firemen, coalmen, oilmen, rope and beltmen, fitters, welders,
electricians, machinemen, blacksmith, carpenters, masons and their assistants
when employed solely for the purpose of maintenance of a power plant and
transmission machinery of a factory, from the provisions of Sections 51, 55 and
Explanation.—"Maintenance" for the purpose of this rule means the upkeep and
repairs to power plant, transmission machinery, electric-motors and their
switchgears and cables, but shall not include the repairs of adjustment of
manufacturing machines and their ropes and belts.
(b) An exemption under this Rule shall be subject to the following conditions:
(i) A period of rest of one hour shall be given during each shift.
(ii) The total hours of overtime work shall not exceed 50 in any one quarter, the
total spreadover being limited to 12 hours in any one day.
(iii) All workers working in excess of 48 hours a week in a factory shall be paid in
respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the ordinary rate of wages in
accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 59 of the Act.
(iv) The periods of work of maintenance staff shall be indicated before hand in
Form No. 11.
[Section 64(2)(b)]
85. The. work of adult male workers employed in foundries on the cupola and
casting on the day cupola is worked, shall be deemed to be of the nature referred
to in clause (b) of sub-section (2) of Section 64 and such workers shall be exempt
from the provisions of Sections 51, 54, 55 and 56 subject to the following
(i) A notice giving the names of such workers as are employed, showing their
working hours on the day on which the exemption is availed of, should be
displayed before the work beyond the hours fixed in Form No. 11 is commenced
and a copy of the same should be sent to the Chief Inspector and the Inspector
(ii) Total daily hours of work shall not exceed 10 and the total hours of overtime
work shall not exceed 50 in any one quarter, the total, spreadover being limited
to twelve hours in any one day.
(iii) A minimum interval of rest of half an hour shall be given at any time during
the working hours.
(v) All workers working excess of 9 hours a week in a factory shall be paid in
respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the ordinary rate of pay in
accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 59 of the Act.
Brassware Factories
(i) The notice giving the names of such workers as are employed and showing
their working hours on the day on which the exemption is availed on by the
occupier of the factory should be displayed before the work beyond the hours
fixed in Form No. 11 is commenced and a copy of the same should be sent
to the Chief Inspector and the Inspector concerned.
(ii) Total daily hours of work shall not exceed 10 and the total hours of overtime
work shall not exceed 50 in any one quarter, the total spreadover being limited to
12 hours on any one day.
(iii) An interval of rest of at least half an hour shall be given at any time during
the working hours.
(v) All workers working in excess of 9 hours a day and 48 hours a week in a
factory shall be paid in respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the
ordinary rate of pay in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) of
Section 59.
Shellac Factories
[86. The following classes of work in the under mentioned classes of factories
(vi) Rosin and The work of male adult workers attending to—
Turpentine. (a) boilers, engines, pumps, motors and switch-board;
(b) distillation of rosin;
(c) refining of turpentine ;
(d) filtration and casting of rosin.
(vii) Ice factories The work of male adult workers attending to—
(a) boilers and ice-making machinery;
(b) receptacles for the production of ice.
(viii) Chemical works The work of male adult workers attending to—
(a) boilers, pumps and compressors ;
(b) the manufacture of sulphuric, nitric and
hydrochloric acids, ammonia, magnesium sulphate,
alum, hyposulphite and sulphite of soda, sodium
sulphate, sodium sulphide, nitrate of potash, alumina
and bichromate of potash.
(x) Plate and sheet The work of the following classes of male adult
glass factories and workers—
glass bangles factories. (a) gas producers, window and plate glass
machinemen, tankmen, sheet-glass carriers and lift
attendants and workers employed on glass blowing
machines in tank and pot furnaces when run in
conjunction with the glass furnace;
(b) firemen, engine and boiler attendants.
(xii) Kiln, seasoning of The work of male adult workers attending to—
timber and bobbin (a) boilers, engines, pumps, motors, dynamos and
stone enamelling. switch-boards;
(b) Timber, seasoning Kiln.
(c) stone-enamelling chamber.
(xiii) Vegetable oil The work of male adult workers attending to—
Hydrogenation (a) boilers, generators, motors, transformers, switch-
factories. boards and water softening plants;
(b) refining, bleaching, distillation (deodorization) and
hardening plants, soldering, labelling, packing and
storing of containers ;
(c) the production and compression of hydrogen and
oxygen gases ;
(xv) Soap factories The work of male adult workers attending to—
(a) boilers, generators, motors, switch-boards; and
(b) boiling, scrutching and framing.
(xvi) Paper mills The work of male adult workers attending to—
(a) boilers, engines, turbines, generators, motors,
switch-boards and pumps;
(b) cooking, milling, beating, straw-board and paper
manufacturing machines.
(xx) Glue and Gelatine Work of male adult workers engaged in the
mills. manufacture of glue and gelatine, including soaking,
boiling, spreading, chopping and drying.
(xxi) Biscuit factories Work of male adult workers engaged in the mixing of
the dough, baking, drying, and packing biscuits.
(xxiii) Cold storage Work of male adult workers attending to motors and
factories. compressors.
(i) Such workers shall be employed on three eight-hour shifts system. An interval
for rest of half an hour shall be allowed to every such worker some time during
each shift he is required to work.
(ii) No such workers shall be employed for more than fourteen consecutive days
without a holiday of twenty-four consecutive hours.
(iii) The total daily hours of work shall not exceed 10 with a spread over of 12
hours except in an emergency when it is necessary to employ a shift worker for
more than 8 hours in any day to enable him to work whole or part of the
subsequent shift. In no case shall the worker be employed for more than 16 hours
in a period of 24 hours from the commencement of work, and the total number of
hours of overtime shall also not exceed 50 in any quarter:
Provided that where subsequent shift or any part thereof during which a shift
worker is employed as aforesaid falls on a weekly holiday, compensatory period
of rest shall also be given on a day which is neither a festival nor a weekly
Also when a worker is so employed the Manager shall within seven days inform
the Inspector of Form No. 10 and shall intimate the date of compensatory period
of rest to be given.
The Manager shall also enter the period of extra time worked and the extent of
compensatory period of rest in the respective registers and shall note therein the
time of commencement of such extra time work before its commencement.
(v) All workers working in excess of 9 hours a day or 48 hours a week in a factory
shall be paid in respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the ordinary
rate of any in -accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 59 of
the Act.
87. The work of adult male workers employed on engines, boilers, motors, switch
boards, pumps, mechanical sawing and chipping, autoclaves, evaporation,
refrigeration, Alteration and drying in wood product factories shall be deemed to
be of the nature referred to in clause (d) of sub-section (2) of Section 64 of the Act
and shall be exempt from the provisions of Sections 51, 54 and 56 subject to
the conditions stated below:
(i) The total daily hours of work shall not exceed 10 with a spreadover of 12
hours except in an emergency when it is necessary to employ a shift worker for
more than 8 hours in any day to enable him to work the whole or part of the
subsequent shift. In no case shall the worker be employed for more than 16 hours
in a period of 24 hours from the commencement of work and the total number of
hours of overtime shall also not exceed 50 in any quarter:
Provided that where subsequent shift or any part thereof during which a shift
worker is employed as aforesaid falls on a weekly holiday, compensatory period
of rest shall also be given.
Also when a worker is so employed the Manager shall within seven days inform
the Inspector of Factories in Form No. 10 and shall intimate the date of
compensatory period of rest to be given. The Manager shall also enter the period
of extra time worked and the extent of compensatory. period of rest in the
respective register and shall note therein the time of commencement of such
extra time work before its commencement.
(ii) All the workers working in excess of 9 hours a day or 48 hours a week in a
factory shall be paid in respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the
ordinary rate of pay in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of
Section 59 of the Act.
Glass Works
88. The work of all adult workers, employed in glass factories on all work and
processes from the mixing of the batch to the removal of the manufactured
glassware from the lehrs or annealing chamber, shall be deemed to be of the
nature referred to in clause (d) of sub-section (2) of Section 64 of the Act and shall
be exempt from the provisions of Sections 51 and 52 subject to the conditions
stated below :
(i) The daily hours of work shall not exceed 8 and the weekly hours of work 56.
The total hours of overtime shall not exceed 50 in any one quarter.
(ii) No persons shall be employed for more than 14 consecutive days4 without a
holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
(iii) All workers working in excess of 18 hours per week in a factory shall be paid
in respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the ordinary rate of pay in
accordance with the provisions of sub-section (?) of Section 59 of the Act.
(ii) A rest period of half-an-hour shall be given to each worker during each shift.
(2) A rest period of half an hour shall be given to each worker during each shift.]
(i) The daily hours of work shall not exceed 9 and the weekly hours of work 54. A
rest interval of half an hour shall be given during each shift. The total hours of
overtime shall not exceed 50 in any quarter.
(ii) All workers working in excess of 48 hours per week in a factory shall be paid
in respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the ordinary rate of pay in
accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 59 of the Act.
[Section 64(2)(d)]
91. The work of adult workers employed in soaking, liming, washing, bathing,
tanning and drying of hides, kips and skins in tanneries shall be deemed to be of
the nature referred to in clause (d) of sub-section (2) of Section 64 of the Act, and
shall be exempt from Sections 51 and 52 of the Act subject to the conditions
stated below:
(i) No worker shall be employed for more than 4 hours on any Sunday.
(ii) No worker shall be employed for more than 14 consecutive days without a
holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
(iii) The total hours of overtime work shall not exceed 50 in any one quarter.
(iv) All workers working in excess of 48 hours per week in a factory shall be paid
in respect of such additional hours at the rate of twice the ordinary rate of the
pay in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 59 of the Act.
92. The work of adult workers employed in the preparation, packing and
despatch of serum and vaccine in factories manufacturing serum and vaccine
shall be deemed to be of the nature referred to in clause (e) of subsection (2) of
Section 64 of the Act, and shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 52
subject to the following conditions :
(i) No such worker shall be employed for more than 14 consecutive days without
a holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
(ii) Every worker shall be given a compensatory holiday in accordance with
Section 53 of the Act.
93. The work of adult male workers employed in dairy factories other than those
engaged in printing and in the manufacturing of containers for milk, cream,
cheese and butter shall be deemed to be of the nature referred to in clause (e) of
sub-section (2) of Section 64 of the Act, and shall be exempt from Section 52
subject to the conditions stated below :
(i) No such worker shall be employed for more than 8 hours on Sunday.
(ii) No such worker shall be employed for more than 14 consecutive days
without a holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
(iii) Every such worker shall be given a compensatory holiday in accordance with
Section 53 of the Act.
Rice Mills
94. The work of adult workers employed in moving the railway wagons and on
drying platforms in the rice mills shall be deemed to be of the nature referred to
in class (f) of sub-section (2) of Section 64 of the Act, and shall be exempt from the
provisions of Section 52 subject to the conditions stated below :
(i) No such worker shall be employed for more than 14 consecutive days without
a holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
Opium Factories
[Section 64(2)(/)]
95. The work of adult workers employed in opium factories and engaged in
removing opium from railway wagons to the import shed, from April 1 to June
30, in each year, shall be deemed to be of the nature referred to in clause (f) of
sub-section (2) of Section 64 of the Act, and shall be exempt from the provisions
of Section 52 of the Act subject to the conditions stated below :
(i) No worker shall be employed for more than 14 consecutive days without a
holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
Tea Factories
96. The work of adult workers attending u; boilers or engines or engaged in the
process of rolling, fermenting, firing, seiving, stewing, picking and packing in
factories situated on, and used solely for the purposes of tea plantations shall be
deemed to be of the nature referred to in clause (g) of subsection (2) of Section 64
of the Act, and shall be exempt from the provisions of Sections 52 and 55 from
April 1 to November 30 each year, provided that the following conditions are
observed :
(i) The number of workers employed on a particular piece of work shall always
be at least 25 per cent greater than the number actually required to do the work
at any given time.
(ii) No worker shall be employed for more than 14 consecutive days without a
holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
(iii) A rest interval of half-an-hour shall be given during the working hours.
(i) No worker shall be employed for more than 14 consecutive days without a
holiday of 24 consecutive hours.
(ii) A rest interval of half-an-hour shall be given during the working hours.
96-B. The work of male adult workers engaged in the printing of newspapers,
who are held up on account of break-down of machinery shall be
(i) Total hours of work shall not exceed 10 and the total hours of overtime work
shall not exceed 50 in any one quarter, the total spreadover being limited 12
hours inclusive of rest interval in any one day.
(i) The total number of hours of work shall not exceed ten hours in any one day;
(ii) the period of work inclusive of intervals for rest shall not spread over more
than twelve hours in any one day;
(iii) the total number of hours of work in any one week, including overtime, shall
not exceed sixty;
(iv) the total number of hours of overtime shall not exceed fifty for any one
(v) every worker shall be given compensatory holidays as provided under
Section 53 of the Factories Act, 1948;
(vi) an interval for rest of at least half an hour in a day shall be given to a worker
during the working hours after five hours of work;
(vii) all workers working in a factory for more than nine hours in a day or for
more than forty eight hours in a week shall be paid in respect of such additional
hours at the rate twice his ordinary rate of wage as provided under sub-section
(1) of Section 59 of the Factories Act, 1948; and
(viii) no worker shall be employed for more than fourteen consecutive days
without a holiday of twenty four consecutive hours.
97. The work of adult workers exclusively employed in the progress of hemp
cleaning, assorting and combing (with the exception of mechanical and press
house staff) shall be deemed to be of the nature referred to in sub-section (1) of
Section 65 and such workers shall be exempted from the provisions of
Section 61 subject of the following conditions :
(ii) The periods of work for adult workers shall be within the limits of 6 a.m. and
6 p.m. or where the Chief Inspector of Factories by order in writing so directs
within the limits of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
(iii) The Manager or occupier of any such factory shall before he avails himself of
an exemption granted under the preceding condition by the Chief Inspector of
Factories, serve on the Inspector and display in the factory a notice of his
intention to do so, in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section
108 of the Act, and shall keep the notice so displayed for such period as he avails
himself of the exemption.
(iv) No person shall be allowed to work in a factory until the exact time of
commencement of work and its duration has already been posted in the register
in Form No. 12 against the name of each worker before its commencement.
98. When a written exemption order is issued by the Chief Inspector under
Section 65(2), he shall at once submit a copy of his order, together with a report
of the circumstances, to the State Government, which may confirm or modify or
rescind the order.
99. The notice prescribed under Section 72 of the Act shall be in Form No. 11.
100. The Manager of every factory shall keep legibly written in ink, and, if he so
desires, separately by departments, a register in Form No. 13, for child workers,
showing the dates, whether Sundays or week days, on which the factory, or any
department thereof, is closed and its employees are not working, the hours of
work on each day of all the person working in the factory, the time of
commencing work, rest periods, the time of ending work, the days of absence,
and the nature of the employment of each person. Entries relating to presence or
otherwise of all workers shall be posted in the register within four hours of the
starting time of each working period of the factory, except on days when workers
have been called to work on weekly holidays fixed under Section 52 when such
entries shall be made within two hours but the name of each worker shall
invariably be shown on the register before he or she is allowed to work in
the factory.
101. (a) The duties of a certifying surgeon appointed under Section 10(1) of the
Act shall comprise the examination of young persons, desirous of being
employed, and the re-examination of young person in respect of whom a notice
under Section 75 has been served upon the Manager or who desires to be re-
employed. Certificate of age and fitness shall be given only to such young
persons as are found qualified to receive them on a fee of annas eight per young
person being charged for such examination from the occupier or Manager of the
(b) The certifying surgeon shall fix such date and place and time as may be
mutually convenient for the attendance of persons wishing to obtain certificates
of age and physical fitness. He shall give notice of the place, date and time thus
fixed to the Manager of the factory within the local limits for which he is
LEAVE WITH WAGES [SECTION 30a[79(8), 80, 83 AND 112]]
102. Leave with wages.—(a) The Manager shall keep a register in Form No. 14
hereinafter called the leave with wages register, which shall be filled weekly or
fortnightly or at least once a month :
Provided that, if the Chief Inspector of Factories is of the opinion that any muster
roll or register maintained as part of the routine of the factory, or return made by
the Manager, gives in respect of any or all the workers in the factory the
particulars required for the enforcement of Chapter VIII of the Act, he may, by
order in writing, direct that such muster roll or register or return shall, to the
corresponding extent, be maintained in place of and be treated as the register or
return required under this rule in respect of that factory.
(b) The leave with wages register shall be preserved for a period of three years
after the last entry in it and shall be produced before the Inspector on demand.
103. Leave book.—(i) The Manager shall provide each worker with a book in
Form No. 15 (hereinafter called the leave book). The leave books shall be the
property of the worker and the Manager or his agent shall not demand it except
to make entries of the dates of leave or interruption in service and shall not keep
it for more than a week at a time. Workers shall submit the leave book when
required by the Manager within three days.
(ii) If a worker loses his leave book, the Manager shall provide him with another
copy on the payment of four annas and shall complete it from his record.
104. Medical certificate.—If any worker is absent from work due to his illness
and he wants to avail himself of the leave with wages due to him to cover the
whole or a part of the period of his illness under the provisions of clause (7) of
Section 79, he shall, if required by the Manager produce a medical certificate
signed by a registered medical practitioner or by a registered or recognized Vaid
or Hakim, stating the cause of the absence and the period for which the worker
is, in the opinion of such medical practitioner unable to attend to his work, or
other reliable evidence to prove that he was actually sick during the period for
which the leave is to be availed of.
105. The cash equivalent to the advantage accruing through the concessional sale
of foodgrains and other articles, payable to the workers proceeding on leave,
shall be the difference between the value at the average market rates, prevailing
during the month immediately preceding his leave and the value at the
concessional rates of foodgrains and other articles to which he is entitled.
For the purpose of the cash equivalent, monthly average market rates of
foodgraim and other articles shall be computed at the end of every month.
The average market rates shall be determined in accordance with the cost of
living indices published from time to time by the Labour Commissioner, Uttar
Pradesh :
Provided that if retail prices for any particular centre are not published by the
Labour Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh, retail prices prevailing in the main market
in that centre, or, if there is no market in the centre, the nearest market, shall be
taken into account for this purpose.
106. Grant of leave with wages.—A worker may exchange, the period of his
leave with another worker, subject to the approval of the Manager.
107. Payment of wages if the worker dies.—(1) Where a worker dies before he
resumes work, the balance of his pay, due for the period of leave with wages not
availed of shall be paid to his nominee within one month of the receipt of
intimation of the death of the worker.
(2) Each worker shall submit a nomination in Form No. 16, duly signed by
himself or herself and attested by two witnesses. The nomination shall remain in
force until it is revised or cancelled by another nomination.
(2) He shall display at the place indicated in Section 108(2) a notice giving full
details of the system established in the factory for leave with wages and shall
send a copy of it to the Inspector.
(3) No alteration shall be made in the scheme approved by the State Government
at the time of granting exemption under Section 84 without its previous sanction.
(viii) Cleaning or smoothing of articles by a jet of sand, metal shot or grit or other
abrasive propelled by a blast of compressed air or steam.
(ix) Liming and tanning or raw hides and skins and processes incidental thereto.
(x) Certain lead processes carried on in Printing Presses and Type Foundries.
(xx) Process of extracting oils and fats from vegetable and animal sources in
solvent extraction plants.
(xxvii) Carpet and woollen drugget making or any work incidental thereto or
connected therewith.
(xxix) Lock and hardware making or any work incidental thereto or connected
(2) The provisions specified in the Schedules I to XIV annexed after Chapter XI
shall apply to any class or description of factories wherein dangerous
manufacturing process is or operations specified in each Schedule are carried
(3) (a) For the medical examinations of workers to be carried out by the certifying
surgeon as required by the Schedules annexed to this rule, the occupier of the
factory shall pay fees at the rate of Rs. 6.00 per examination of each worker
every time he is examined.
(b) The fees prescribed in clause (a) shall be exclusive of any charges for
biological, radiological or other tests which may have to be carried out in
connection with the medical examinations. Such charges shall also be payable by
the occupier.
(c) Such percentage of fee fixed under clause (a) as may be determined from
time to time as share due to Government shall be deposited into the treasury by
the Certifying Surgeon under the relevant head of account and the rest shall be
retained by him in accordance with para 361-A of Financial Handbook Vol. V,
Part I. The share of Government until revised shall be seventy per cent of the
total fees.
(4) This rule shall come into force in respect of any class or description of
factories wherein the said manufacturing processes or operations are carried on
from the date of enforcement of these rules, except for factories which were
registered before April, 1949 in whose case this rule shall come into force from
July 1, 1951.]
accident which results in the death of any person or which results in such bodily
injury to any person as is likely to cause his death, or any dangerous occurrence
specified in the Schedule takes place in a factory, the Manager of the factory shall
forthwith send a notice thereof by telephone, special messenger or telegram to
the Inspector of Factories of the region concerned and the Chief Inspector of
(2) When any accident or any dangerous occurrence specified in the schedule,
which results in the death of any person or which results in such bodily injury to
any person as is likely to cause his death, takes place in a factory notice as
mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall also be sent to :—
(3) Any notice given as required under sub-rules (1) and (2) shall be confirmed
by the Manager of the factory to the authorities mentioned in the above sub-rides
within 12 hours of the accident or the dangerous occurrence by sending them a
written report in Form 18 in the case of an accident or dangerous occurrence
causing death or bodily injury to any person and in Form 18-A in the case of a
dangerous occurrence which has not resulted in any bodily injury to any person.
(4) When any accident or dangerous occurrence specified in the Schedule takes
place in a factory and it causes such bodily injury to any person as prevents the
persons injured from working for a period of 48 hours or more immediately
following the accident or the dangerous occurrence, as the case may be, the
Manager of the factory shall send a report thereof to the Inspector of Factories of
the region concerned as well as to the Chief Inspector of Factories in Form No. 18
within 24 hours after the expiry of 48 hours from the time of the accident or the
dangerous occurrence :
Provided that if in the case of an accident or dangerous occurrence, death occurs
of any person injured by such accident or dangerous occurrence after the notice
and reports referred to in the foregoing sub-rules have been sent, the Manager of
the factory shall forthwith send a notice thereof by telephone, special messenger
or telegram to the authorities and persons mentioned in sub-rules (1) and (2) and
also have this information confirmed in writing within 12 hours of the death :
Provided further that, if the period of disability from working for 48 hours or
more referred to in sub-rule (4) does not occur immediately following the
accident, or the dangerous occurrence but later, or occurs in more than one spell,
the reports referred to shall be sent to the Inspector of Factories of the region
concerned as well as to the Chief Inspector of Factories in Form No. 18 within 24
hours immediately following the hour when the actual total period of disability
from working results from the accident or the dangerous occurrence
becomes 48 hours.
The following are the classes of dangerous occurrences, whether or not they are
attended by personal injury or disablement—
(a) Bursting of a plant used for containing or supplying steam under pressure
greater than atmospheric pressure.
(b) Collapse or failure of a crane, derrick, winch hoist or other appliances used in
raising or lowering persons or goods, or any part thereof, on the overturning of a
(c) Explosion, fire, bursting out, leakage or escape of any molten metal, or hot
liquid or gas causing bodily injury to any person or damage to any room or place
in which persons are employed, or fire in rooms of cotton pressing factories
when a cotton opener is in use.
(d) Explosion of a receiver or container used for the storage at a pressuse greater
than atmospheric pressure of any gas or gases (including air) or any liquid or
solid resulting from the compression of gas.
(e) Collapse or subsidence of any floor, gallery, roof, bridge, tunnel, chimney,
wall, building or any other structure.]
111. No person shall be allowed to disturb the site at which a fatal accident has
occurred or any objects involved in the accident before the arrival of the
Inspector, or a police officer, not below the rank of a Sub-Inspector, or without
the consent of such officer, provided that such action may be taken as may be
necessary to prevent a further accident or to secure persons from danger.
Notice of Poisoning From Notifiable Diseases
(Section 89)
112. (1) A notice in Form No. 19 should be sent forthwith 45[to the Chief
Inspector, the Inspector of Factories of the region concerned] and the certifying
surgeon of the district by the Manager of factory in which there occurs a case of
lead, phosphorus, mercury, manganese, arsenic, carbon bisulphide or benzene
poisoning; or poisoning by nitrous fumes, or by halogens or halogen derivatives
of the hydrocarbons of the aliphatic series ; or of chrome ulceration, anthrax,
silicosis, toxic anaemia, toxic jaundice, primary opitheliomatous cancer of the
skin, or pathological manifestations due to radium or other radio active
substances or x-rays.
[For every report, which, is sent by a medical practitioner to the Chief Inspector
in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section 89 of the Act, and
which is confirmed to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector by the certificate of a
certifying surgeon or otherwise, as required under subsection (3) thereof, the
medical practitioner shall be paid a fee of Rs. 2 by the Chief Inspector.]
113. An appeal presented under Section 107 shall lie to the Chief Inspector or in
cases where the order appealed against, is an order passed by that officer, to the
Labour Commissioner, U. P. and shall be in that form of a memorandum setting
forth concisely the grounds of objection to the order and bearing court-fees
stamp in accordance with Article II of Schedule II to the Court Fees Act, 1870,
and shall be accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against.
114. The Employers' Association of Northern India, Kanpur, 47Indian Sugar Mills
Association, 23-B Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta, the Upper India Chamber of
Commerce, Kanpur, the Merchants' Chamber of Commerce, Kanpur, the U. P.
Chamber of Commerce, Kanpur, the U. P. Glass Manufacturers' Syndicate,
Shikohabad, the Western U. P. Chamber of Commerce, Meerut, 48National
Chamber of Industries and Commerce, U. P., Agra, 49Glass Industries Syndicate,
Firozabad, Agra, are hereby prescribed as bodies empowered to appoint one of
the two assessors referred to in sub-section (2) of Section 107.
115. The appellant shall state in the memorandum presented under Rule 113
whether he is a member of any of the aforesaid bodies, and if, he is member of
two such bodies which of these two bodies he desires should appoint one of the
two assessors as aforesaid; and the body empowered to appoint such assessors
(iii) if the appellant does not state in the memorandum which of such bodies he
desires should appoint the assessor be the body which the appellate authority
considers as the best fitted to represent the industry concerned.
Appointment of Assessors
117. An assessor appointed in accordance with the provisions of Rules 114 and
115 shall receive for the hearing of the appeal, a fee to be fixed by the appellate
authority, subject to a maximum of fifty rupees per diem. He shall also receive
reasonable travelling expenses to be fixed by the appellate authority. The fees
and travelling expenses shall ordinarily be paid to the assessor by Government;
but where assessors have been appointed at the request of the appellant the fees
and travelling expenses of the assessors shall be paid in full by the appellant if
the appeal has been decided wholly against the appellant and if the appeal is
only partly decided against the appellant, the appellate authority may direct
what part of the fees and travelling expenses of the assessors shall be paid by the
appellant and what part by the Government.
118. The abstract of the Act and the rules required by Section 108(1) to be
displayed in every factory shall be in the prescribed Form No. 20.
Manner of service of Notice (Section 109)
119. The despatch by post, under register cover acknowledgment due, of any
notice, order of extract of an Inspector's report send under the Act or under these
rules shall be deemed sufficient service on the occupier or Manager the factory of
such notice or order or of any directions contained in such extract.
120. (1) The owner, occupier or Manager of every factory shall furnish to the
Chief Inspector of Factories and any other officer or officers designated by
Government the following returns namely :
(i) On or before January 15, every year an annual return in duplicate in the Form
No. 21 ;
[(ii) On or before July 15, each year, a half-yearly return for the period January 1
Provided that in the case of a factory in which work is carried on only during a
certain season or seasons of the year, the occupier or Manager shall submit the
return within 15 days after the close of that season or last of these seasons, as the
case may be.
121. The occupier, owner or Manager of a factory shall furnish any information
that an Inspector may require for the purpose of satisfying himself whether any
provision of the Act has been complied with or whether any order of an
Inspector has been duly carried out. Any demand carried out by an Inspector for
any such information, if made, during the course of an inspection shall be
complied forthwith if the information is available in the factory, or, if made in
writing, shall be complied with within seven days of receipt thereof.
122. The Manager of every factory shall maintain a register of all accidents and
dangerous occurrences, which occur in the factory in Form No. 23.
123. (a) The Manager of every factory shall maintain a bound Inspection Book
The Inspection Book shall be of the size 13"x8 1/2''. It shall contain at least 180
sheets. Every fourth sheet thereof shall be serially numbered and the two
unnumbered sheets, between each two serially numbered sheets, shall have a
vertical perforated straight line on the left-hand side at a margin of 1".
It shall also contain in the beginning at least six copies each of Form Nos. 1,4, 6, 8
and 9, prescribed under these rules. Form No. 1, shall be kept posted up to date
and Form No. 4, shall be filled in every year or whenever there is change of
Manager or occupier. All exemptions granted to the factory shall be posted in
Form No. 6 and entries in Form Nos. 8 and 9 shall be made periodically
according to the relevant rules.
(b) In case the Inspection Book containing the remarks passed by an Inspector or
a Certifying Surgeon is lost, the Manager of the factory shall within a week
report in writing the loss of Inspection Book to the Chief Inspector and the
Inspector Incharge of the region stating the circumstances in which it has
been lost and shall immediately start maintaining a new Inspection Book.
124. All registers, records required to be maintained under the Act and these
rules shall be produced on demand by an Inspector or Certifying Surgeon.
125. A note of all defects and irregularities discovered at the time of inspection
126. All Additional Inspectors appointed under Section 8(4) and 8(5) shall
inspect factories for breaches of sections mentioned in Rule 15(c) and their
relevant rules and shall submit their inspection reports to the Chief Inspector of
Factories, who shall pass final orders thereon.
127. The occupier or Manager of every factory shall report to the Inspector any
intended closure of the factory or any section or department thereof immediately
it is decided to do so, intimating the reason for the closure, the number of
workers on the register on the date of report, the number of workers likely to be
effected by the closure and the probable period of the closure. An intimation
shall also be sent to the Inspector as soon as the factory or the section or
department of the factory, as the case may be starts working again.
or more workers, shall plant and maintain trees within the precincts of the
factory. The number, type and layout of the trees to be planted shall be got
approved by the Forest Officer of the area or any other qualified
(a) suitable face-guards to protect the face, neck and throat, and
(b) suitable gauntlets for both arms to protect the whole-hand and arms:
Provided that—
(i) Paragraph 2(1) shall not apply where bottles are filled by means of an
automatic machine so constructed that no fragment of a bursting bottle can
escape, and
(ii) where a machine is so constructed that only one arm of the bottler at work
upon it is exposed to danger, a gauntlet need not be provided for the arm, which
is not exposed to danger.
(2) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the use of all
persons engaged in corking, crowning, screwing, wiring, foiling, capsuling,
sighting or labelling bottles or syphons :
(a) suitable face-guards to protect the face, neek and throat, and
(b) suitable gaundets for both arms to protect the arm and at least half of the
palm and the space between the thumb and forefinger.
(b) "Bath" means by vessel used for an electrolytic chromium process or for any
subsequent process.
(b) for persons actually working at a bath, loose fitting rubber gloves and rubber
boots or other water-proof foot wear.
(2) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed,
suitable accommodation for the storage and adequate arrangements for the
drying of the protective clothing.
(b) A health register in the prescribed Form No. 17 shall be kept by the occupier
of the factory and in it shall be entered the names of all persons employed
together with such entries as the Certifying Surgeon may make from time to
(c) No person after suspension shall be employed without written sanction from
the Certifying Surgeon entered in or attached to the health register.
(a) "Lead Process" means the melting of lead or any material containing lead,
casting, pasting, lead burning, or any other work, including tribbing, or any
other abrading or cutting of pasted plates, involving the use, movement or
manipulation of, or contact with any oxide of lead.
(b) "Manipulation of raw oxide of lead" means any lead process involving any
manipulation or movement of raw oxides of lead other than its conveyance in a
receptacle or by means of an implement from one operation to another.
5. Air space.—In every room in which a lead process is carried on, there shall be
at least 500 cubic feet of air space for each person employed therein, and in
computing this air space no height over 12 feet shall be taken into account.
(c) kept free from materials, plant or other obstruction not required for, or
produced in, the process carried on in the room.
(2) In all such rooms other than grid casting shops the floor shall be cleaned
daily after being thoroughly sprayed with water at a time when other work is
being carried on in the room.
(4) Without prejudice to the requirements of sub-paragraphs (1), (2) and (3),
where manipulation of raw oxide of lead of pasting is carried on the floor shall
also be—
9. Work benches.—The work benches at which any lead process is carried on shall
(b) be kept free from all materials or plant not required for, or produced in, the
process carried on thereat;
and, all such work-benches other than those in grid casting shops shall—•
10. Exhaust draught.—The following process shall not be carried on without the
use of an efficient, exhaust draught:
(c) Pasting;
other than—
(ii) chemical burning for the making of lead linings for cell cases necessarily
carried on in such a manner that the application of efficient exhaust is
Such exhaust draught shall be effected by mechanical means and shall operate on
the dust of fume given off as nearly as may be at its point of origin, so as to
prevent it entering the air of any room in which persons work.
11. Fumes and Gases from melting pots.—The products of combustion produced
in the heating of any melting pot shall not be allowed to escape into a room in
which persons work.
12. Container of dross.—A suitable receptacle with tightly fitting cover shall be
provided and used for dross as it is removed from every melting pot. Such
receptacle shall be kept covered while in the work-room except when dross is
being deposited therein.
13. Container for lead waste.—A suitable receptacle shall be provided in every
work-room in which old plates and waste material, which may give rise to dust
shall be deposited.
14. Racks and shelves in drying room.—The racks or shelves provided in any
drying room shall not be more than 8 feet from the floor nor more than 2 feet in
width; provided that as regards racks or shelves set or drawn from both
sides, the total width shall not exceed 4 feet.
Such racks or shelves shall be cleansed only after being thoroughly damped
unless an efficient suction cleaning apparatus is used for the purpose.
(b) A health register in Form No. 17, containing the names of all persons
employed in lead process shall be kept.
and such clothing shall be worn by the persons concerned. The protective
clothing shall consist of a water-proof apron and water-proof footwear; and, also,
as regards persons employed in the manipulation of raw oxide- of lead or in
pasting, head covering. The head coverings shall be washed daily.
17. Mess-room.—There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all
persons employed in a lead process and remaining on die premises during the
meal intervals, a suitable mess-room, which shall be furnished with (a)
sufficient tables and benches, and (b) adequate means for warming food.
The mess-room shall be provided under die charge of a responsible person, and
shall be kept clean.
18. Cloak-room.—There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all
persons employed in a lead process—
(a) a cloak-room for clothing put off during working hours with adequate
arrangements for drying the clothing, if wet.
(b) separate and suitable arrangements for the storage of protective clothing
provided under paragraph 16.
(i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe, without
plug, and of sufficient length to allow of at least two feet for every such five
persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from
taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 2 feet; or
(ii) at least one wash basin for every five such persons employed at any one time,
fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of water laid on .
(iii) a sufficient supply of clean towels made of suitable materials renewed daily
which supply, in die case of pasters and persons employed in die manipulation
of raw oxide of lead, shall include a separate marked towel for each such worker;
(iv) a sufficient supply of soap or other suitable cleansing material and of nail
20. Time to be allowed for washing.—Before each meal and before the end of the
days, work at least ten minutes, in addition to the regular meal times, shall be
allowed for washing to each person, who has been employed in the
manipulation of raw oxide of lead or in pasting
Provided that if there be one basin or two feet of bough for each sue.-person this
"ale shall not apply.
22. Food, drink, etc. prohibited in work-room.—No food, drink, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be consumed or brought by any worker into any workroom in
which any lead process is carried on.
Glass Manufacture
(b) "Lead compound''' means any compound of lead other than galena, which,
when treated in the manner described below, yields to an aqueous solution of
hydrochloric acid a quantity of soluble lead compound exceeding, when
calculated as lead monoxide, five per cent of the dry weight of the portion taken
for analysis.
(b) The dry grinding, glazing and polishing of glass or any article of glass.
(c) All process in which hydrofluoric acid fumes or ammonicle vapours are
given off.
(d) All processes in the making of furnace mould or "pots" including the
grinding or crushing of used "pots".
(ii) be cleansed daily either after being thoroughly damped by means of a suction
cleaning apparatus at a time when no other work is being carried on thereat.
(a) there shall be inlets and outlets of adequate size so as to secure and maintain
efficient ventilation in all parts of the room;
(b) the floor shall be covered with guttaparcha and be tight and shall slope
gently down to a covered drain;
(c) the work places shall be so enclosed in projecting hoods tiiat openings
required for bringing in the objects to be treated shall be as small as practicable;
(d) the efficient exhaust draught shall be so contrived that the gases are
exhausted downwards.
8. Food, drinks, etc. prohibited in workroom.—No food, drink, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any worker in any room or work
place wherein any process specified in paragraph 3 is carried on.
keep in a clean condition for the use of all persons employed in the processes
specified in paragraph 3, suitable protective clothing, footwear and goggles
according to the nature of the work and such clothing, footwear, etc. shall be
worn by the persons concerned.
10. Washing facilities.—There shall be provided and maintained in cleanly state
and in good repair for the use of all persons employed in the processes specified
in paragraph 3 :
(ii) at least one wash basin for every five such persons employed at any one time,
fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having an adequate supply of water laid
on or always readily available;
a sufficient supply of clean towels made of suitable materials renewed daily with
a sufficient supply of soap or other suitable cleansing material and of nail
(b) A Health Register in Form No. 17 containing die names of persons employed
in any process specified in paragraph 3 54and on glass blowing shall be kept.
(e) "Racing" means the turning up, cutting or dressing of a revolving grindstone
before it is brought into use for the first time.
(g) "Rodding" means the dressing of the surface of revolving grindstone by the
application of a rod, bar or strip of metal to such surface.
(b) Nothing in this schedule except paragraph 4, shall apply to any grind-ng or
glazing of metals carried on intermittently and at which no person is employed
for more than 12 hours in any week.
(c) The Chief Inspector may, by certificate in writing, subject to such conditions
as he may specify therein, relax or suspend any of the provisions >f this schedule
in respect of any factory, if owing to the special methods of work or otherwise
such relaxation or suspension is practicable without danger :o the health or
safety of the persons employed.
Provided that the Chief Inspector may accept any other appliance that is in his
opinion, as effectual for the interception, removal and disposal of dust thrown
off as a hood, duct and fan would be.
Provided that this paragraph shall not prohibit the employment of persons to
assist in the manipulation of heavy or bulky articles at any such grindstone,
abrasive wheel or glazing appliance.
(b) A register containing particulars of such examination and test shall be kept in
a form approved by the Chief Inspector.
(a) "Lead Compound" means any compound of lead other than galena which
when treated in the manner described below, yields to an aqueous solution of
hydrochloric acid, a quantity of soluble lead compound exceeding, when
calculated as lead monoxide, five per cent of the dry weight of the portion taken
for analysis. In the case of points and similar products and other mixture
containing oil or fat the "dry weight" means the dry weight of the material
remaining after the substance has been thoroughly mixed and treated with
suitable solvents to remove oil, fats, varnish or other media.
A weighed quantity of the material, which has been dried at 100°C. and
thoroughly mixed shall be continuously shaken for one hour, at the common
temperature, with 1,000 times its weight of an aqueous solution of hydrochloric
acid containing 0-25 per cent by weight of hydrogen chloride. This solution shall
thereafter be allowed to stand for one hour and then filtered. The lead salt
contained in the clear filterate shall then be precipitated as lead sulphide and
weighed as lead sulphate.
(a) Work at a furnace where the reduction or treatment of zinc or lead ores is
carried on.
(c) The manufacture of solder or alloys containing more than ten per cent of
(d) The manufacture of any oxide, carbonate, sulphate chromate, acetate, nitrate
or silicate of lead.
(g) The cleaning of work-rooms where any of the operations aforesaid are carried
4. Prohibition relating to women and young persons.—No women or young persons
shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the operations specified in
paragraph 3.
(2) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of opinion that any person is no
longer fit for employment on the grounds that continuance therein would
involve special danger to health, he shall cancel the special certificate of fitness of
that person.
(3) No person whose special certificate of fitness has been cancelled shall be
employed unless the Certifying Surgeon, after re-examination again certifies
him to be fit for employment.
9. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in work-rooms.—No food, drink, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any worker in any work-room in
which any of the processes specified in paragraph 3 are carried on and no person
shall remain in any such room during intervals for meals or rest.
10. Protective clothing.—Suitable protective overalls and head coverings shall be
provided, maintained and kept clean by the factory occupier and such overalls
and head covering shall be worn by the persons employed.
11. Cleanliness of work-rooms, tools, etc.—The rooms in which the persons are
employed and all tools, and apparatus used by them shall be kept in a clean
12. Washing facilities.—(1) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of
all persons employed suitable washing facilities consisting of—
(a) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without
plug and of sufficient length to allow at least two feet for every ten persons
employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of clean water from
taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than two feet; or
(b) at least one wash-basin for every ten persons employed at any one time,
fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of clean
together with, in either case, a sufficient supply of nail brushes, soap or other
suitable cleaning material and clean towels.
(2) The facilities so provided shall be placed under the charge of a responsible
person and shall be kept clean.
13. Mess-room or canteen.—The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use
of the persons, employed suitable and adequate arrangements for taking their
meals. The arrangements shall consist of the use of a room separate from any
work-room which shall be furnished with sufficient tables and benches, and
unless a canteen serving hot meals is provided, adequate means of warming
food. The room shall be adequately ventilated by the circulation of fresh air, shall
be placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.
14. Cloak-room.—The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of persons
employed, suitable accommodation for clothing not worn during working hours,
and for the drying of wet clothing.
2. Flame traps.—The plant for generation of gas from dangerous petroleum and
associated piping and fittings shall be fitted with at least two efficient flame traps
so designed and maintained as to prevent a flash back from any burner to the
plant. One of these traps shall be fitted as close to the plant as possible. The plant
and all pipes and valves shall be installed and maintained free from leaks.
11. Repair of containers.—No vessel that has contained petrol shall be repaired in
a generating room or building and no repairs to any such vessels shall be
undertaken unless live steam has been blown into the vessel and until the
interior thoroughly steamed out or other equally effective steps have been
taken to ensure that it has been rendered free from petrol or inflammable
(a) no person shall be employed or permitted to work at blasting in the open air
or work within thirty feet of sand blasting apparatus in operation in the open
air ; and
(2) The occupier of the factory shall provide and maintain in good condition all
helmets, overalls and gauntless, that are necessary to comply with the
requirements of this schedule.
(3) Every protective helmet shall carry the distinguishing mark of the person by
whom it is to be used and shall be provided with a sufficient supply of pure air
for breathing and ventilation, together with suitable arrangements to permit the
escape of the expired air.
(4) No person shall wear a protective helmet that has been worn by another
person unless such protective helmet shall have been thoroughly
(5) All persons engaged in sand blasting while at work shall wear the protective
equipment provided under the provisions of this paragraph.
(2) A copy of a warning notice as to anthrax in the form specified by the Chief
Inspector shall be given to each person employed when he is engaged and
subsequently if still employed, on the first day of each calendar year.
(3) Cautionary notices as to the effects of chrome on the skin shall be affixed in
prominent positions in every factory in which chrome solutions are used and
such notices shall be so placed as to be easily and conveniently read by the
persons employed.
(4) Notices shall be affixed in prominent places in the factory stating the
position of the "First-Aid" box or cupboards and the name of the person in
charge of such box or cupboard.
(5) If any person employed in the factory is illiterate, effective steps shall be
taken to explain carefully to such illiterate person the contents of the notices
specified in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 and if chrome solutions are used in the factory,
die contents of the notice specified in paragraph 3.
(a) water-proof footwear, leg coverings, aprons and rubber gloves for persons
employed in processes involving contact with chrome solutions including
the preparation of such solutions;
(b) protective foot-wear, aprons and gloves for persons employed in the
handling of hides or skins other than in processes specified in clause (a) :
Provided that gloves shall not be required for persons flashing by hand or where
there is no risk of contract with lime, sodium sulphide or other caustic liquor.
(a) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without
plug, and of sufficient length to allow at least two feet for every ten persons
employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from taps or
jets above the trough at intervals of not more than two feet; or
(b) at least one wash basin for every ten such persons employed at any one time,
fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of water,
together with, in either case, a sufficient supply of nail brushes, soap or other
suitable cleaning materials and clean towels;
(c) a suitable mess-room adequate for the number remaining on the premises
during the meal intervals, which shall be furnished with (1) sufficient tables and
benches and (2) adequate means for warming food and for boiling water;
The mess-room shall (1) be separate from any room or shed in which hides or
skins are stored, treated or manipulated, (2) be separate from the cloak-room,
and (3) be placed under the charge of a responsible person;
(d) suitable accommodation for the clothing not worn during working hours
with adequate arrangements for drying the clothing, if wet. The accommodation
so provided shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person.
4. Food, drinks, etc. prohibited in work-rooms.—No food, drinks, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any worker in any work-room or
shed in which hides or skins are stored, treated or manipulated.
Certain lead process carried on Printing Presses and Type Foundries
"Lead material" means material containing not less than five per cent of lead.
(a) the melting of lead or any lead material for casting and mechanical
composing; and
(c) any other work including removal of dross from melting pots, cleaning of
(b) heating lead material so that vapour containing lead is given off;
or, unless carried on in such a manner as to prevent free escape of gas, vapour,
fumes or dust into any place in which work is carried on, or, unless carried on in
electrically heated and thermostatically controlled melting pots. Such exhaust
draught shall be effected by mechanical means and so contrived as to operate on
the dust, fume, gas or vapour given off as clearly as may be at its point of origin.
6. Container for dross.—A suitable receptacle with tightly fitting cover shall be
provided and used for dross as it is removed from every melting pot. Such
receptacle shall be kept covered while in the work-room near the machine except
when the dross is being deposited therein.
(c) shall be cleansed throughout daily after being thoroughly damped with
water at a time when no other work is being carried on at the place.
(i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without
plug, and of sufficient length to allow at least two feet for every five such persons
employed at any one time and having a constant supply of water from taps or
jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 2 feet; or
(ii) at least one wash basin for every five such persons employed at any one time,
fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having and adequate supply of water laid
on or always readily available; and
(b) a sufficient supply of clean towels made of suitable material renewed daily
with a sufficient supply of soap or other suitable cleansing material.
(b) A health register containing names of all persons employed in any lead
process shall be kept in Form No. 17.
(c) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of opinion that any person is no
longer fit for employment on any lead process, on the ground that his
continuance in such employment will involve special danger to his health, he
shall make an entry to this effect in the health register against the name of such
person. No such person shall be employed on a lead process without the written
sanction of the Certifying Surgeon, entered in the health register.
11. Food, drinks, etc. prohibited in work-rooms.—No food, drink, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be consumed or brought by any worker into any work room in
which any lead process is carried on.
(i) Soda-mix section, including the place of storage of the mixed chro-mite soda-
ash powder.
(a) Acidification.
(b) Concentration.
(c) Centrifugalization.
(d) Crystallization.
(e) Packing.
(a) trough with an impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without plug and
of sufficient length to allow at least two feet for every ten persons employed at
any one time and having a constant supply of clean water from taps or jets above
the trough at intervals of not more than two feet, or
(b) at least one wash basin for every ten persons employed at any one time fitted
with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of clean water;
together with, in either case, sufficient supply of soap or other suitable cleansing
material and clean towels.
(3) If any time the Certifying Surgeon is of opinion that any person is no longer
fit for employment on any dichromate process, on the ground that his
continuance in such employment will involve special danger to his health he
shall make an entry to this effect in the Health Register against the name of such
person. No such person shall be employed on dichromate process without the
written sanction of the Certifying Surgeon, entered in the Health Register.
Chemical Works
Definitions :
Chemical works means any factory or such parts of any factory as are named in
sub-schedule A of this Schedule.
Life-belt means a belt made of leather or other suitable material which can be
securely fastened round the body with a suitable length of rope attached to it,
each of which is sufficiently strong to sustain the weight of a man.
Bleaching powder means the bleaching powder commonly called chloride of lime.
Caustic pot means a metal pot fixed over a furnace or flue and surrounded by
brickwork, such as is commonly used for concentrating caustic liquor, whether
such pot be used for concentrating or boiling caustic or other liquor.
1. House-keeping.—(a) Every part of the ways, works, machinery and plant shall
be maintained in a clean and tidy condition.
(c) Floors, platforms, stairways, passages and gangways shall be kept free of
temporary obstructions.
(d) There shall be provided easy means of access to all parts of the plant to
facilitate cleaning, maintenance and repairs.
(b) Workers shall be instructed on the possible dangers arising from such misuse.
These instructions shall further be displayed in bold letters in prominent places
in die different sections.
14. Site.—(a) Buildings and plant shall be located with due regard to the
dangers which may arise from the process involved, and in particular shall be
spaced at distances which are deemed safe for the fire and explosive risks
connected with the processes in adjacent buildings. Due consideration shall be
given to the effect on any processes carried out in adjacent factories.
(b) All hot exhaust pipes shall be installed outside a building and other hot pipes
shall be suitably protected.
(c) Portable electric hand lamps shall not be used unless of an intrinsically safe
type, and portable electric tools connected by flexible wires shall not be used,
unless of the flames proof type.
(d) Where an inflammable atmosphere may occur the soles of footwear worn by
workers shall have no metal on them, and the wheels of trucks or conveyers shall
be of conducting non-sparking materials. Adequate precautions shall be taken to
prevent the ignition of explosive or inflammable substances by sparks emitted
from locomotives or other vehicles operated in the factory or on public lines.
(e) No electric arc lamps or naked light, fixed or portable, shall be used, and no
person shall have in his possession any match or any apparatus of any kind for
producing a naked light of sparking in or on, or about any part of the factory
where there is liability to fire or explosion from inflammable gas, vapour or dust
and all incandescent electric lights in such parts shall be in double air-tight glass
(f) Prominent notices in the language understood by the majority of the workers
and legible by day and by night prohibiting smoking, the use of naked lights and
the carrying of matches or any apparatus for producing a naked light or spark,
shall be affixed at die entrance of every room or place where there is the risk of
fire or explosion from inflammable gas, vapour or dust. In the case of illiterate
workers the contents of the notices shall be fully and carefully explained to them
when they commence work in the factory for the first time and again when they
have completed one week at the factory.
(g) Non-sparking tool.—A sufficient supply of spades, scraper and pails made
from non-sparking material shall be provided for the use of persons employed in
cleaning out or removing residues from any chamber, still, tank or other vessel
where an inflammable or explosive danger may occur.
16. Static electricity.—(a) All machinery and plant, particularly, pipe lines and
belt drives, on which static electricity is likely to accumulate, shall be effectively
earthed. Receptacles for inflammable liquids shall have metallic connections to
the earthed supply tanks to static sparking. Where necessary, humidity shall be
(b) Mobile tank wagons shall be earthed during filling and discharge, and
precautions shall be taken to ensure that earthing is effective before such filling
or discharge takes place.
(b) Adequate and suitable fixed fire-fighting appliances shall be installed in the
vicinity of such vessels'.
20. Cleaning of empty containers.—(a) All empty containers which have held
inflammable liquids, and metal containers which have held sulphuric acid shall
be rendered permanently safe as soon as practicable, and shall not be repaired or
destroyed until such cleaning has been completed.
(c) Rubbish shall be removed from buildings without delay and placed in
special metal containers provided with close fitting lids. The contents shall be
removed daily and suitably dealt with. Waste products containing inflammable
or explosive materials shall not be placed on rubbish heaps but shall be
destroyed in an appropriate manner.
21. Installing of pipe lines for inflammable liquids.—All pipe lines for the
transport of inflammable liquids shall be protected from breakage, shall be
arranged so that there is no risk of mechanical damage from vehicles and shall be
so laid that they drain throughout without the collection of any part. All flanged
joints, bends and other connections shall be regularly inspected. Cocks and
valves shall be so constructed that explosive residues do not get accumulated
therein. The open and closed positions of all cocks and valves shall be clearly
indicated on the outside.
23. Safety valves.—Every still and every closed vessels in which gas is
produced or into which gas is passed and in which the pressure is liable to rise to
a dangerous degree shall have attached to it a pressure gauge, and a proper
safety valve or other equally efficient means to relieve the pressure, maintained
in good condition. Nothing in this Schedule shall apply to metal bottles or
cylinders used for the transport of compressed gases.
(b) The amount of inflammable material taken into a building in bulk containers
at any one time shall be kept as low as practicable.
(c) Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent the escape of inflammable and
explosive vapours from any container into the atmosphere of any building.
27. Escape of gases, etc.—Effective steps shall be taken to prevent the escape of
dangerous gases, vapours, fumes or dust from any part of the plant, by the total
enclosure of the process involved or by the provisions of efficient exhaust
draught. Effective arrangements shall be made to ensure that in the event of a
failure of the control measure, the process shall stop immediately. Further
arrangements shall be made to ensure that in case there is any such escape, the
material shall be trapped forthwith so that the danger may be averted.
(b) Effluents, which may contain or give rise in the presence of other effluents to
such gases, shall be provided with independent drainage systems to ensure that
they may be trapped and rendered safe.
29. Staging.—(a) Staging shall not be erected over any open vessel unless the
vessel is so constructed and ventilated as to prevent the omission of vapour or
fumes about such staging.
(b) Where such staging is provided to give access to higher levels in large plants,
effective means shall be provided at all levels with direct means of access to the
outside of the room or building and thence to ground level.
(c) Such staging shall be fitted with suitable handrails and toeboards, and the
floors and staging shall be impervious and easily cleaned.
(ii) oxygen and suitable means of its administration; and (tit) life-belts.
The breathing apparatus and other appliances required by this Schedule shall (i)
be maintained in good order and kept in an ambulance room or in some other
place approved in writing by the Chief Inspector, and (ii) be thoroughly
inspected once every month by a competent person, appointed in writing by the
occupier and record of their condition shall be entered in a book provided for
that purpose, which shall be produced when required by an Inspector.
(b) Workers shall be trained and given a periodic refresher course in the use of
breathing apparatus and respirators.
(c) Respirators shall be kept properly labelled in a clean dry light-proof cabinets,
and if liable to be affected by fumes, shall be protected by suitable containers.
Respirators shall be dried and cleaned after use and shall be periodically
(b) There shall be provided for the use of all persons employed in the processes
specified in sub-schedule B of this Schedule an adequate supply of suitable
protective equipment including gloves, overalls and protective footwear, and of
goggles and respirators. Respirators shall be of a type approved in writing by the
Chief Inspector.
(c) Protective equipment shall be provided and stored in the appropriate place
for use during abnormal conditions or in an emergency.
(d) Arrangements shall be made for the proper and efficient cleaning of all such
protective equipment.
34. Cloak-rooms.—There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all
persons employed in the processes specified in sub-schedule B of this Schedule a
suitable cloak-room for clothing put off during working hours and a suitable
place separate from the cloak-room, for the storage of overalls or working
clothes. The accommodation so provided shall be placed in the charge of a
responsible person, and shall be kept clean.
35. Special bathing accommodations.—(a) There shall be provided for the use
of all persons employed in the processes specified in sub-schedule C of this
Schedule separate sanitary conveniences, and sufficient and suitable bathing
facilities which shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector.
(b) A bath register shall be kept containing the names of all persons employed in
these processes and an entry of the date when each person takes a bath.
36. Entry into vessels.—(a) Before any person entries, for any purposes except
that of rescue, any absorber, boiler, culvert, drain, flue, gas purifier, sewer, still
tank, tower, vitriol chamber or other place where there is reason to apprehend
the presence of dangerous gas or fume, a responsible person appointed in
writing by the occupier for the purpose, shall personally examine such place and
shall certify in writing in a book kept for the purpose either that such place is
isolated and sealed from every source of such gas or fume and is free from
danger, or that it is not so isolated and sealed and free from danger. No person
shall enter any such place which is certified not to be so-is olated and sealed and
free from danger unless he is wearing a breathing apparatus, and (where there
are no cross stays or obstructions likely to cause entanglement) a life-belt, the
free end of the rope attached to which shall be left with a man outside, whose
sole duty shall be to keep watch and to draw out the wearer if he appears to be
affected by gas or fume. The belt and rope shall be so adjusted and worn that the
wearer can be drawn up head foremost through any manhole or opening.
(b) A person entering, for the purpose of rescue, any such place for which a
clearance certificate has not been issued shall wear breathing apparatus and life-
belt in the manner specified.
39. Buildings.—All buildings and plants shall be located with due regard to
possible dangers from accidental liberation or splashing of corrosive and
deleterious liquids, and shall be so designed as to facilitate through washing and
cleaning. The construction of staging and other parts of buildings shall be carried
out with materials impervious and resistant to corrosion so far as practicable.
(c) Passages and work station shall not be situated directly below any part of
plant where there is risk of escape of dangerous liquid. Access to such parts shall,
so far as practicable, be prohibited and danger notices shall be affixed at suitable
(c) No plank or gangway shall be placed across or inside any such vessel, unless
such plank or gangway is at least 18 inches wide, and is securely fenced on both
sides by rails spaced at 9 inches apart to a height of at least 3 feet, or by other
equally efficient means.
(d) Where such vessels adjoin and the space between them, clear of any
surrounding brick or other work, is either less than 18 inches in width or is 18 or
more inches in width, but is not securely fenced on both sides to a height of at
least three feet, secure barrier shall be so placed as to prevent passage between
them :
(it) that part of the sides of brine evaporating pans which require raking,
drawing or filling.
(i) adequate and readily accessible means of drenching with cold water persons,
and the clothing of persons, who have become splashed with such liquids;
(ii) adequate special arrangements to deal with any person who has been
splashed with poisonous material that can be absorbed through the skins;
(iii) a sufficient number of eyewash bottles, filled with distilled water or other
suitable liquid, kept in boxes or cupboards conveniently situated and clearly
indicated by a distinctive sign which shall be visible at all times.
(b) Except where the manipulation of such corrosive liquids is so carried on as
to prevent risk of personal injury from splashing or otherwise, there shall be
provided for those who have to manipulate such liquids sufficient and suitable
goggles and gloves or other suitable protection for the eyes and hands. If gloves
are provided they shall be collected, examined and cleansed at the close of the
day's work and shall be repaired or renewed when necessary.
(b) Adequate precaution shall be taken to liberate any pockets of gas or liquid
which may have been formed in pipe lines and which may cause corrosive spray
at the point where dismantling takes place.
(2) If female workers are employed, separate washing facilities shall be provided
and so enclosed or screened that the interiors are not visible from any place
where persons of the other sex work or pass. The entrance to such facilities shall
bear conspicuous notice in the language understood by the majority of the
workers "for women only" and shall also be indicated pictorially.
50. Ambulance Room.—(a) In every factory in which more than 250 persons
are employed on the processes to which this Schedule applies, there shall be
provided and maintained in good order an Ambulance Room. The Ambulance
Room shall be a separate room used only for the purpose of treatment and rest. It
shall have a floor space of not less than 100 square feet and smooth, hard and
impervious walls and floor, and shall be provided with ample means of natural
and artificial lighting. It shall contain all the items shown in sub-schedule D.
Where person of both sexes are employed, arrangements shall be made at the
Ambulance Room for their separate treatment. The Ambulance Room shall be
placed under the charge of a qualified nurse or other person trained in First Aid,
who shall always be readily available during working hours, and shall keep a
record of all cases of accidents or sickness treatment in the room.
(b) In every factory there shall be provided and maintained in good condition a
suitably constructed ambulance van for the purpose of the removal of serious
cases of accident or sickness unless arrangement have been made with a hospital
or other place in telephonic communication with the factory for obtaining such a
carriage immediately when required.
(a) A Health Register containing the names of all workers so engaged shall be
kept in a form approved by the Chief Inspector.
(b) No person shall be so engaged newly for more than fourteen days without a
certificate of fitness granted after examination by the Certifying Surgeon, by a
signed entry in the Health Register.
(c) Every person so engaged newly shall present himself at the appointed time
for examination by the Certifying Surgeon as provided in (b) above.
(d) The Certifying Surgeon shall have power of suspension as regards all
persons so engaged and no persons after suspension shall be so engaged without
written sanction from the Surgeon entered in the Health Register.]
(a) report to his foreman any defect in any fencing, breathing apparatus,
appliances or other requisite provided in pursuance of this Schedule as soon as
he becomes aware of such defect;
(b) used the articles, appliances or accommodations required by this Schedule
for the purpose for which they are provided;
(c) wear the breathing apparatus and life-belt where required under Paragraph
36 (a) and (b) above.
(a) for the extraction of metal from one or from any by-product or residual
material; or
6. (a) Gas tar or coaltar or any compound product or residue of such tars is
distilled or is used in any process of chemical manufacture.
7. Refining of crude shale oil or any process incidental thereto is carried out.
8. Drawing off of molten sulphur from sulphur pots in the process of corban
disulphide manufacture (overalls, face-shield, gloves and footwear of fire-proof
3. The process of distilling, gas or coaltar (other than blast furnace tar) and any
process of chemical manufacture in which such tar is used.
(i) A glazed zinc with hot and cold water always available;
(ii) a table with a smooth top;
(iii) means for sterilising instruments;
(iv) a couch;
(v) a stretcher;
(vi) two buckets or containers with close fitting lids ;
(vii) two rubber hot water bags ;
(viii) a kettle and spirit stove or other suitable means of boiling water;
(ix) twelve plain wooden splints 36"x4"x¼" ;
(x) twelve plain wooden splints 4"x3"x¼";
(xi) six plain wooden splints, 10"x2"x½";
(xii) three woollen blankets ;
(xiii) one pair artery forceps ;
(xiv) one bottle of brandy ;
(xv) two medium size sponges;
(xvi) three hand towels ;
(xvii) two kidney trays ;
(xviii) four carbolic soaps ;
(xix) two glass tumblers and two wine glasses;
{xx) two clinical thermometers;
(xxi) graduated measuring glass with teaspoon;
(xxii) one eyebath;
(xxiii) one bottle (2 lb.) carbolic lotion, 1 in 20;
(xxiv) two chairs ;
(xxv) one screen;
(xxvi) one electric hand torch;
(xxvii) an adequate supply of anti-tetanus serum; and
(xxviii) two first aid boxes, each containing—
(iii) (a) gas tar or coaltar is distilled or is used in any process of chemical
manufacture; or
(b) nitro or amino process is carried on ; or
(c) a chrome process is carried on ; or
(iv) crude shale oil is refined or processes incidental thereto are carried on; or
(v) nitric acid is used in the manufacture of nitro compounds;
(vi) the evaporation of brine in open pans and the stoving of salt are carried on ;
(vii) the manufacture or recovery of hydroflouric acid or any of its salts is carried
(viii) work at a furnace where the treatment of zinc ores is carried on ; and
1. Entry into gas tar or coaltar still.—(1) Before any person enters a gas tar or
coaltar still for any purpose except that of rescue, it shall be completely isolated
from adjoining tar stills, either by disconnecting—
(a) the pipe leading from the swan neck to the condenser worm ; or
(b) the waste gas pipe fixed to the worm or receiver;
and in addition, blank flanges shall be inserted between the disconnected parts,
and the pitch discharge pipe or cock at the bottom of the still shall be
disconnected. y'
(ii) the air in the chamber has been tested and found to contain not more than 2.5
grains of free chlorine gas per cubic foot. A register containing details of all such
tests shall be kept in a form approved by the Chief Inspector.
(b) Wooden vessels shall not be used for the crystallisation of chlorate, or to
contain crystallised or ground chlorate: provided that this regulation shall not
prohibit the packing of chlorate for sale into wooden casks or other wooden
(a) in a process to which Paragraph 33 of this Schedule applies shall where the
protective clothing, footwear, respirators, goggles or gloves, provided under
Paragraph 33 and shall deposit overall or suit, or working clothing so provided
as well as clothing put off during working hours, in the places provided under
Paragraph 34;
(b) in processes to which Paragraph 35 applies shall carefully wash the hands
and face before partaking of any food or leaving the premises;
(c) in any process to which Part II of this Schedule applies shall use the
protective appliances supplied in respect of any process in which he is engaged.
(c) "First Employment" means first employment in the said processes and also
re-employment in such processes following any cessation of employment for a
continuous period exceeding three calendar months, and
(f) Magneta.
(2) As far as possible all operations shall be carried out in a totally enclosed
system. Wherever such enclosure is not possible, efficient exhaust drought shall
be applied at the point where the controlled substances. are likely to escape into
the atmosphere during the process.
(3) The controlled substances shall be received in the factory in tightly closed
containers and shall be kept so except when these substances are in process or in
use. The controlled substances shall leave the factory only in tightly closed
containers of appropriate type. All the containers shall be' plainly labelled to
indicate the contents.
(a) Long trousers and shirts or over alls with full sleeves and head coverings.
The shirt or over alls shall cover the neck completely.
(3) It shall be the responsibility of the manager to maintain all items of personal
protective equipments in a clean and hygienic condition and in good repair.
(a) smooth and impervious to water provided that asphalt or tar shall no* be
used in the composition of the floor;
(c) with a suitable slope for easy draining and provided with gutters; and
(d) thoroughly washed daily with the drain water being led into sewer through a
closed channel.
10. Disposal of empty containers.—Empty container used for holding controlled
substances shall be thoroughly cleaned of their contents and treated with an
inactivating agent before being discarded.
12. Instructions regarding risk.—Every worker on his first employment in the said
processes shall be fully instructed on the properties of the toxic
chemicals to which he is likely to be exposed to, of the danger involved and the
precautions to be taken. Workers shall also be instructed on the measures to be
taken to deal with an emergency.
14. Medical examination.—(1) Every worker employed in the said processes shall
be examined by a Certifying Surgeon within 14 days of his first employment.
Such examination shall include tests which the Certifying Surgeon may consider
appropriate and shall include exfoliative cytology of the urine. No worker shall
be allowed to work after 14 days of his first employment in the factory unless
certified fit for such employment by the Certifying Surgeon.
(6) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a person is no
longer fit for employment in the said processes or in any other work on the
ground that continuance therein would involve damage to his health, he shall
make a record of his findings in the said certificate and the health register. The
entry of his findings in these documents should also include the period for which
he considers that the said person is unfit for work in the said processes or in any
work as the case may be.
(7) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in subparagraph (6)
shall be re-employed or permitted to work unless the Certifying Surgeon, after
further examination, again certifies him to be fit for employment.
15. Medical facilities.—(1) The occupier of every factory in which the said
processes are carried on shall engage a qualified medical practitioner for medical
surveillance of the workers employed in such processes. His appointment
shall be subject to approval of the Chief Inspector of Factories.
(2) The occupier shall provide to him all the necessary facilities for the purpose
referred to in sub-paragraph (1).
(3) A record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the
qualified medical practitioner shall be maintained in a form approved by the
Chief Inspector.
16. Obligations of the workers.—It shall be the duty of the persons employed in
the said processes to submit themselves for the medical examination including
exfoliative cytology of urine by the Certifying Surgeon or the qualified medical
practitioner as provided for under these rules.
17. Washing and bathing facilities.—(1) The following washing and bathing
facilities shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for
the use of all workers employed in the said processes:
(a) A wash place under cover having constant supply of water and provided
with clean towels, soap and nail brushes and with at least one stand pipe for
every five such workers.
(b) 50 per cent of the stand pipes provided under clause (a) shall be located in
bathrooms where both hot and cold water shall be made available during the
working hours of the factory and for one hour thereafter.
(c) The washing and bathing facilities shall be in close proximity of the area
housing the said processes.
(e) In addition to the taps mentioned under clause (a), one stand pipe in which
warm water is made available shall be provided on each floor.
(2) Arrangement shall be made to wash factory uniforms and other work clothes
every day.
18. Food, drink etc. prohibited in work room.—No worker shall consume food,
drink, pan supari or tobacco or shall smoke in any work room in which the said
processes are carried on and no worker shall remain in any such room during
intervals for meals or rest.
19. Cloak room.—There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in
good repair for the use of the workers employed in the said processes:
(a) a cloak room with lockers having two compartments—one for street clothes
and the other for work clothes; and
(b) a place separate from the locker room and the mess room for the storage of
protective equipments provided under paragraph 7.
20. Mess room.—There shall be provided and maintained for the use of workers
employed in the said processes who remain on the premises during the meal
intervals, mess room which shall be furnished with tables and benches and
provided with suitable means for warming food.
21. Time allowed for washing.—Before the end of each shift 30 minutes shall be
allowed for bathing each worker who is employed in the said processes. Further
at least 10 minutes shall be allowed for washing before each meal in addition to
the regular time allowed for meals.
22. Restriction on age of persons employed.—No worker under the age of 40 years
shall be engaged in the factory in the said processes for the first time after the
date on which the Schedule comes into force.
(2) The Chief Inspector of Factories may allow the manufacture, handling or use
of benezidine hydrochloride provided that all the processes in connection with it
are carried out in a totally enclosed system in such a manner that no prohibited
substance other than benezidine hydrocholoride is removed therefrom except in
quantities not greater tnan that required for the purpose of control of processes
or such purposes as is necessary to ensure that the product is free from
prohibited substances and that adequate steps are taken to insure that benezidine
hydrochloride is except while not in a totally enclosed system, kept wet with not
less than one part of water to two parts of benezidine hydrochloride at all
Cautionary Placard-Notice
2. Use the various items of protective wear to safeguard your own health.
3. Maintain scrupulous cleanliness at all times thoroughly wash hands and feet
before taking meals. It is essential to take a bath before leaving the factory.
4. Wash off any chemicals falling on your body with soap and water. If
splashed with a solution of the chemical, remove the contaminated clothing
immediately. These chemicals are known to produce cyanosis. Contact the
medical officer or appointed doctor immediately and get his advice.
5. Handle the dye intermediates only with long handled scoops, never with
bare hands.
7. Keep your food and drinks away from work-place. Consuming food, drinks
or tobacco in any form at the place of work is prohibited.
8. Serious effect from work with toxic chemicals may follow after many years.
Great care must be taken to maintain absolute cleanliness of body, clothes,
machinery and equipments.]
(c) 'enclosed system' means a system which will not allow escape of benzene
vapours to the working atmosphere ; and
(3) Where suitable substitutes are available, they shall be used instead of
benzene or substances containing benzene. This provision, however, shall not
apply to the following processes:
(4) The Chief Inspector may, subject to confirmation by the State Government,
permit exemptions from the percentage laid down in Paragraph 2(a) and also
from the provisions of sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph temporarily under
conditions and within limits of time to be determined after consultation
with the employers and workers concerned.
(2) Where, however, it is not practicable to carry out the process in an enclosed
system, the workroom in which benzene or substances containing benzene are
used shall be equipped with an efficient exhaust draught or other means for the
removal of benzene vapours to prevent their escape into the air or the workroom
so that the concentration of benzene in the air does not exceed 25 parts per
million by volume or 80 milligrams per cublic metre.
(3) Air analysis for the measurements of concentration of benzene vapours in air
shall be carried out every 8 hours or at such intervals as may be directed by the
Chief Inspector at places where process involving use of benzene is carried on
and the results of such analysis shall be recorded in a register specially
maintained for this purpose. If the concentration of benzene vapours in air as
measured by air analysis, exceed 25 parts per million by volume or 80 milligrams
per cubic metre, the Manager shall forthwith report the concentration of the
Chief Inspector stating reasons for such increase.
(4) Workers who for special reasons are likely to be exposed to concentration of
benzene in the air or the workroom exceeding the maximum referred in sub-
paragraph (2) shall be provided with suitable respirators face masks. The
duration of such exposure shall be limited as far as possible.
5. Measures against skin contact.—(1) Workers who are likely to come in contact
with liquid benzene or liquid substance containing benzene shall be provided
with suitable gloves, aprons, boots and where necessary vapour tight chemical
goggles, made of material not affected by benzene or its vapours.
(2) Workers shall be instructed on the possible dangers arising from such misuse.
Smoking and chewing tobacco or pan shall be prohibited into such workrooms.
12. Washing facilities cloak room and messrom.—In factories in which benzene or
substances containing benzene are manufactured, handled or used the occupier
shall provide and maintain in clean state and in good repair :
(1) Washing facilities under cover of the standard of at least one tap for every 10
persons having constant supply of water with soap and a clean towel provided
individually to each worker if so ordered by the Inspector ;
(2) A cloak room with lockers for each workers, having two compartments one
for street clothing and one for work-clothing ; and
(3) A messroom furnished with tables and benches with means for warming
food, provided that where a canteen or other proper arrangements exist for the
workers to take their meals, the requirements of messroom shall be
dispensed with.
(b) periocical medical examination including blood test and other biological tests
at intervals of every 6 months by the factory medical officer with the assistance of
a laboratory.
(3) If the factory medical officer on examination at any time is of the opinion
that any worker has developed signs or symptoms of benzene exposure, he shall
make a record of his findings in the said register and inform the manager in
writing and on receipt of the information from the factory medical officer, the
manager of the factory shall send the worker so found exposed, to the certifying
surgeon who shall, after satisfying himself with the finding of the factory
medical officer and conducting necessary examination, issue orders of temporary
shifting of the worker or suspension of the worker in the process.
(4) The medical examination shall be arranged by the occupier or manager of the
factory and the worker so examined shall not bear any expenses for it.
(b) architectural terracotta made from plastic clay and either unglazed or glazed
with a leadless glaze only.
(c) "first employment" shall mean first employment in any process mentioned
under Paragraph 3 and shall also include re-employment in the said process
following any cessation of employment for a continuous period exceeding three
calendar months;
(d) "ground or powdered flint or quartz" does not include natural sands;
(e) "leadless glaze" means a glaze which does not contain more than one per cent
of its dry weight of a lead compound calculated as lead monoxide;
(f) "low solubility glaze" means a glaze which does not yield to dilute
hydrochloric acid more than five per cent of its dry weight, of a soluble lead
compound calculated as lead monoxide when determined in the manner
described below—
A weighed quantity of the material which has been dried at 100 degrees
centigrade and thoroughly mixed shall be continuously shaken for one hour at
the common temperature with 1000 times its weight of an aqueous solution of
hydrochloric acid containing 0.25 per cent by weight of hydrogen chloride. This
solution shall thereafter be allowed to stand for one hour and then filtered. The
lead salt contained in the clear filtrate shall then be precipitated as lead sulphide
and weighed as lead sulphate;
(g) "potter's shop" includes all places where pottery is formed by pressing or by
any other process and all places whereby pressing or by any other process and
all places where shaping, fettling or other treatment of pottery article prior to
placing for the biscuit fire is carried on; and
(h) "Pottery" includes earthenware, stoneware, porcelain, chinatiles, and any
other articles made from such clay or from a mixture containing clay and other
materials such as quartz, flint, felpspar, and gypsum.
(a) all processes involving the manipulation or use of a dry and unfritted lead
(c) sifting of clay dust or any other material for making tiles or other articles by
pressure, except where—
(d) pressing of tiles from clay dust, an exhaust opening being connected with
each press, and pressing from clay dust of articles other than tiles, unless the
material is so damp that no dust is given off;
(e) fettling of tiles made from clay dust by pressure, except where the fettling is
done wholly on or with, damp material, and fettling of other articles made from
clay dust, unless the material is so damp that no dust is given off;
(h) fettling of biscuitware which has been fired in powdered flint or quartz except
where this is done in machine so enclosed as to effectually prevent the escape of
(i) ware cleaning after the application of glaze by dipping or other process;
(j) crushing and dry grinding of materials for pottery bodies and saggars, unless
carried on in machines so enclosed as to effectively prevent the escape of dust or
is so damp that no dust can be given off;
(l) grinding of tiles on a power driven wheel unless an efficient water spray is
used on the wheel;
(m) lifting and conveying of materials by elevators and conveyers unless they are
effectively enclosed and so arranged as to prevent escape of dust into the air in or
near to any place in which persons are employed;
(n) preparation or weighing out of flow material, lawning of dry colours, colour
dusting and colour blowing;
(o) mould making unless the bins or similar receptacles used for holding plaster
of paris are provided with suitable covers; and
(p) manipulation of calcined material unless the material has been made and
remains so wet that no dust is given off.
(a) crushing and dry grinding or sieving of materials, fettling, pressing of tiles,
drying of clay and greenware, loading and unloading of saggars, and the use of a
dry lead compound,
7. Provisions of screen to potter's wheel.—The potter's wheel (jolly and jigger) shall
be provided with screens or so constructed as to prevent clay scrapings being
thrown off beyond the wheel.
8. Control of dust during cleaning.—(1) All practical measures shall be taken by
dampening or otherwise to prevent dust arising during cleaning of floors.
(2) Damp sawdust or other suitable material shall be used to render the moist
method effective in preventing dust rising into the air during the cleaning
process which shall be carried out after work has ceased.
10. Protective equipment.—(1) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable
overalls and head coverings for all persons employed in process included under
Paragraph 3.
(2) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable aprons of a waterproof or
similar material which can be sponged daily, for the use of the dippers, dippers'
assistants, throwers, jolly workers, casters, mould makers and filterpress and pug
mill workers.
11. Washing facilities.—(1) The occupier shall provide and maintain, in a clean
state and in good repair for the use of all persons employed in any of the
processes specified in Paragraph 8—
(i) a trough with smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without
plug, and of sufficient length to allow at least 60 centimetres for every five such
persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of clean water
from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 60 centimetres; or
(ii) at least one tap or standpipe for every five such persons employed at any one
time, and having a constant supply of clean water, the tap or standpipe being
spaced not less than 120 centimetres apart; and
(b) a sufficient supply of clean towels made of suitable material changed daily,
with sufficient supply of nail brushes and soap.
12. Tune allowed for washing.—Before each meal and before the end of the day's
work, at least ten minutes, in addition to the regular meal times, shall be allowed
for washing to each person employed in any of the processes mentioned in
Paragraph 3.
13. Mess-room.—(1) There shall be provided and maintained for use of all
persons remaining within the premises during the rest intervals, a suitable mess-
room providing accommodation of 0.93 square metre per head and furnished
(a) a sufficient number of tables and chairs or benches with back rest;
(2) The room shall be adequately ventilated by the circulation of fresh air and
placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.
14. Food, drinks, etc. prohibited in workrooms.—No food, drink, pan, supari and
tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any worker in any workroom in
which any of the processes mentioned in Paragraph 3 are carried on and no
person shall remain in any such room during interval for meals or rest.
15. Cloak-room, etc.—There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all
persons employed in any of the processes mentioned in Paragraph 3,—
(a) a cloak-room for clothing put off during working hours and such
accommodation shall be separate from any mess-room; and
(b) separate and suitable arrangements for the storage of protective equipment
provided under Paragraph 10.
16. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.—(1) The occupier of
every factory in which manufacturing of pottery is carried on, shall—
(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
(2) The record of medical examination and appropriate tests carried out by the
said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by
the Chief Inspector of Factories, which shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
(2) All persons employed in any of the processes mentioned in clauses (a) and
(n) of Paragraph 3 shall be examined by a Certifying Surgeon once in every 3
calendar months. Those employed in any other processes mentioned in the
remaining clauses of Paragraph 3 shall be examined by a Certifying Surgeon
once in every twelve calendar months. Such examinations in respect of all the
workers shall include all the tests as specified in sub-paragraph (1) except chest
X-ray which will be once in 3 years.
(3) The Certifying Surgeon after examining a worker, shall issue Certificate of
Fitness in Form 26. The record of examination and re-examination carried out
shall be entered in the certificate and the certificate shall be kept in the custody of
the manager of the factory. The record of each examination carried out under
sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests, shall
also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a Health Register in Form 27.
(4) The Certificate of Fitness and the Health Register shall be kept readily
available for inspection by the Inspector.
(5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no
longer fit for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance
therein would involve special danger to health of the worker, he shall make a
record of his findings in the said certificate and the Health Register. The entry of
his findings in these documents should also include the period for which he
considers that the said person is unfit for work in the said processes.
(6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (5)
above shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the
Certifying Surgeon, after further examination again certifies him fit for
employment in those processes.
18. Exemption.—If in respect of any factory the Chief Inspector is satisfied that all
or any of the provisions of this Schedule are not necessary for the protection of
the persons employed in such factory, he may by a certificate in writing exempt
such factory from all or any of such provisions subject to such conditions as he
may specify therein. Such certificate may at any time be revoked by the Chief
Inspector without assigning any reasons.
(a) "First employment" shall mean first employment in the processes specified in
Paragraph 1 and shall also include re-employment in the said processes
following any cessation of employment for a continuous period exceeding three
calendar months;
(c) "stone or any other material containing free silica" means a stone or any other
solid material containing not less than 5 per cent by weight of free silica.
are adopted so as to effectively control the dust in any place in the factory where
any person is employed, at a level equal to or below the maximum permissible
level for silica dust as laid down in the second Schedule appended to Section 41-
F of the Act:
Provided that such measures as abovesaid are not necessary if the process of
operation itself is such that the level of dust created and prevailing does not
exceed the permissible level referred to.
4. Maintenance of floors.—(1) All floors or places where fine dust is likely to settle
on and wherein any person has to work or pass shall be of impervious material
and maintained in such condition that they can be thoroughly cleaned by a moist
method or any other method which would prevent dust being airborne in the
process of cleaning.
(2) The surface of every floor of every workroom or place where any work is
carried on or where any person has to pass during the course of his work, shall
be cleaned of dust once at least during each shift after being sprayed with water
or by any other suitable method so as to prevent dust being airborne in the
process of cleaning.
6. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.—(1) The occupier of every
factory to which the Schedule applies, shall—
(a) employ a qualified medical officer for medical surveillance of the workers
employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the
Chief Inspector of Factories, and
(b) provide to the said medical officer all the necessary facilities for the purpose
referred to in clause (a).
(2) The record of medical examination and appropriate tests carried out by the
said medical officer shall be maintained in separate register approved by the
Chief Inspector of Factories which shall be kept readily available for inspection
by the Inspector.
(3) The Certifying Surgeon after examining a worker, shall issue a Certificate of
Fitness in Form 26. The record of re-examination carried out shall be entered in
the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody of the manager of
the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs
(1) and (2) including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also be entered
by the Certifying Surgeon in Health Register in Form 27.
(4) The Certificate of Fitness and the Health Register shall be kept readily
available for inspection by the Inspector.
(5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no
longer fit for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance
therein would involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a
record of his findings in the said certificate and the Health Register. The entry of
his findings in those documents also include the period for which he considers
that the said person is unfit for work in the said processes.
(6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (5)
above shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said process unless the
Certifying Surgeon after further examination, again certifies him fit for
employment in those processes.
(h) sewing, grinding, turning, abrading and polishing in the dry state of articles
composed wholly or partly of asbestos;
(i) cleaning of any room, vessel, chambers, fixture or appliance for the collection
of asbestos dust; and
(j) any other processes in which asbestos dust is given off into the work
(a) "approved" means approved for the time being in writing by the Chief
(b) "asbestos" means any fibrous silicate mineral and any admixture containing
actionlite, amosite, anthophylite, chrysolite, corcidelite, tremolite or any mixture
thereof, whether crude, crushed or opened;
(c) "asbestos textiles" means yarn or cloth composed of asbestos mixed with any
other material;
(f) "first employment" shall mean first employment in the processes, specified in
Paragraph 1 and shall also include re-employment in the said processes
following any cessation of employment for a continuous period exceeding three
calendar months;
(h) "protective clothing" means overall and head covering, which (in either case)
will when worn exclude asbestos dust.
(ii) carding, card waste and ring spinning machines, and looms;
(iv) machines used for the sewing, grinding, turning, drilling, abrading or
polishing, in the dry state, of articles composed wholly or partly of asbestos.
(b) cleaning and grinding of the cylinders or other parts of a carding machine;
(c) chambers, hoppers or other structures into which loose asbestos is delivered
or passes;
(d) workbenches for asbestos waste sorting or for other manipulation of asbestos
by hand;
(e) workplaces at which the filling or emptying of sacks, skips or other portable
containers, weighing or other process incidental thereto which is effected by
hand, is carried on;
(f) sack cleaning machines;
(h) any other process in which dust is given off into the work environment.
(4) The asbestos bearing dust removed from any workroom by the exhaust
system shall be collected in suitable receptacles or filter bags which shall be
isolated from all work areas.
(2) A register containing particulars of such examination and tests and the state
of the plant and repairs or alterations (if any) found to be necessary shall be kept
and shall be available for inspection by an Inspector.
7. Storage and distribution of loose asbestos.—All loose asbestos shall while not in
use, be kept in suitable closed receptacles which prevent the escape of asbestos
dust therefrom and such asbestos shall not be distributed within a factory except
in such receptacles or in a totally enclosed system of conveyance.
8. Asbestos sacks.—(1) All sacks used as receptacles for the purpose of transport of
asbestos within the factory shall be constructed of impermeable material and
shall be kept in good repair.
(2) A sack which has contained asbestos shall not be cleaned by hand beating but
by a machine, complying with Paragraph 3.
9. Maintenance of floors and workplaces—(1) In every room in which any of the
requirements of this Schedule apply—
(a) the floors, workbenches, machinery and plant shall be kept in a clean state
and free from asbestos debris and suitable arrangements shall be made for the
storage of asbestos not immediately required for use; and
(b) the floors shall be kept free from any materials, plant or other articles not
immediately required for the work carried on in the room and which would
obstruct the proper cleaning of the floor.
(3) When the cleaning is done by any method other than that mentioned in sub-
paragraph (2), the persons doing cleaning work and any other person employed
in that room shall be provided with respiratory protective equipment and
protective clothing.
(4) The vacuum cleaning equipment used in accordance with provisions of sub-
paragraph (2), shall be properly maintained and after each cleaning operation, its
surface shall be kept in a clean state and free from asbestos waste and dust.
(5) Asbestos waste shall not be permitted to remain on the floors or other
surfaces at the workplace at the end of the working shift and shall be transferred
without delay to suitable receptacles. Any spillage of asbestos waste occurring
during the course of the work at any time shall be removed and transferred to
the receptacles maintained for the purpose without delay.
(c) in cleaning the cylinders, including the doffers cylinders, or other parts of a
carding machine by means of hand-strickles;
(3) All breathing apparatus and protective clothing when not in use shall be
stored in the accommodation provided in accordance with sub-paragraph (2).
(4) All protective clothing in use shall be re-dusted under an efficient exhaust
draught or by vacuum cleaning and shall be washed at suitable intervals. The
cleaning Schedule and procedure should be such as to ensure the efficiency of
the said clothing in protecting the wearer.
(5) All breathing apparatus shall be cleaned and disinfected at suitable intervals
and thoroughly inspected once every month by a responsible person.
(6) Records of the cleaning and maintenance and of the condition of the
breathing apparatus shall be maintained in a register provided for that purpose
which shall be readily available for inspection by an Inspector.
12. Washing and bathing facilities.—(1) There shall be provided and maintained in
a clean state and in good repair for the use of all workers employed in the
processes covered by the Schedule, adequate washing and bathing places having
a constant supply of water under cover at the rate of one such place for every 15
persons employed.
(2) The washing places shall have standpipes placed at intervals of not less than
one metre.
(3) Not less than one-half of the total number of washing places shall be provided
with bathrooms.
Provided that such towels shall be supplied individually for each worker if so
ordered by the Inspector.
13. Mess-room.—(1) There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all
workers employed in the factory covered by this Schedule, remaining on the
premises during the rest intervals, a suitable mess-room which shall be furnished
(2) The mess-room shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person and
shall be kept clean.
15. Prohibition relating to smoking.—No person shall smoke in any area where
processes covered by this Schedule are carried on. A notice in the language
understood by majority of the workers shall be posted in the plant prohibiting
smoking at such areas.
18. Medical facilities and records of medical examinations and tests.—(1) The occupier
of every factory or part of the factory to which the Schedule applies, shall—
(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the
said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by
the Chief Inspector of Factories, which shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
(2) Every worker employed in the process referred to in sub-paragraph (1) shall
be re-examined by a Certifying Surgeon at least once in every twelve calendar
months. Such examinations shall, wherever the Certifying Surgeon considers
appropriate include all the tests specified in sub-paragraph (1) except chest X-ray
which will be carried out once in 3 years.
(3) The Certifying Surgeon after examining a worker, shall issue a Certificate of
Fitness in Form 26. The record of examination and re-examinations carried out
shall be entered in the certificate and the certificate shall be kept in the custody of
the manager of the factory. The record of each examination carried out under
sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the test, shall
also be entered, by the Certifying Surgeon in a Health Register in Form 27.
(4) The Certificate of Fitness and the Health Register shall be kept readily
available for inspection by the Inspector.
(5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no
longer fit for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance
therein would involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a
record of his findings in the said certificate and the Health Register. The entry of
his findings in these documents should also include the period for which he
considers that the said person is unfit to work in the said processes.
(6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (5)
shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the
Certifying Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him fit for
employment in those processes.
20. Exemption.—If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that
owing to the exceptional circumstances or infrequency of the processes for any
other reason, all or any of the provisions of this Schedule is not necessary for
protection of the workers in the factory, the Chief Inspector may by a certificate
in writing, which he may at his discretion revoke at any time, exempt such
factory from all or any of such provisions subject to such condition, if any, as he
may specify therein.
(b) "corrosive substance" includes Sulphuric acid, Nitric acid, Hydrochloric acid,
Hydrofluoric acid, Carbolic acid, Phosphoric acid. Liquid chlorine, Liquid
bromine, Ammonia, Sodium hydroxide and Potassium hydroxide and a mixture
thereof, and any other substance which the State Government by notification in
the Official Gazette specify to be a corrosive substance.
3. Protective equipment.—(1) The occupier shall provide for the use of all persons
employed in any corrosive operation suitable protective wear for hands and feet,
suitable aprons, face shields, chemical safety goggles and respirators. The
equipments shall be maintained in good order and shall be kept in a clean and
hygienic condition by suitably treating to get rid of the ill effects of any absorbed
chemicals and by disinfecting. The occupier shall also provided suitable
protective creams and other preparations wherever necessary.
(2) The protective equipment and preparations provided shall be used by the
persons employed in any corrosive operation.
Corrosive substances cause severe burns and vapours thereof may be extremely
hazardous. In case of contact, immediately flood the part effected with
plenty of water for at least 15 minutes
(2) Corrosive substance shall not be handled by bare hands but by means of a
suitable scoop or device.
9. Cleaning tanks, sills etc.—(1) In cleaning out or removing residues from sills or
other large chambers used for holding any corrosive substance, suitable
implements made of wood or other material shall be used to prevent production
of arseniuretted hydrogen (arsine).
(3) Wherever possible, before repairs are undertaken to any part of equipment in
which a corrosive substance was handled, such equipment or part thereof shall
be freed of any adhering corrosive substance by adopting suitable method.
10. Storage.—(1) Corrosive substances shall not be stored in the same room with
other chemical materials such as turpentine, carbides, metallic powders and
combustible materials, to accidental mixing with, which may cause a reaction
which is either violent or gives rise to toxic fumes and gases.
(2) Pumping or filling overhead tanks, receptacles vats or other container for
storing corrosive substances shall be so arranged that there is no possibility of
any corrosive substance overflowing and causing injury to any person.
(3) Every container having a capacity of twenty litres or more and every pipeline,
valve, and fitting used for storing or carrying corrosive substance shall be
examined every year for finding out any defects, and defects so found out shall
be removed forthwith. A register shall be maintained of every such examination
made and shall be produced before the Inspector whenever required.
(2) The purity figures shall be entered in a register and signed by the persons
carrying out such tests:
Provided that if the electrolyser plant is fitted with automatic recorder of purity
of oxygen and hydrogen with alarm lights, it shall be sufficient to the purity of
gases is tested at the suction and of the compressor only.
4. Limit switch for gasholder.—The bell of any gasholder shall not be permitted to
go within the 30 centimeters of its lowest position when empty and a limit switch
shall be fitted in the gasholder in such a manner as to switch off the compressor
motor when the limit is reached.
6. Purity of caustic soda.—The water and caustic soda used for making lye shall be
chemically pure within pharmaceutical limits.
8. Colouring of gas pipes.—Oxygen and hydrogen gas pipes shall be painted with
distinguishing colours and in the event of leakage at the joints of the hydrogen
gas pipe, the pipe after reconnection shall be purged of all air before drawing in
hydrogen gas.
10. Prohibition of hot work.—No part of the electrolyser plant and the gasholders
and compressor shall be subjected to welding, brazing, soldering or cutting until
steps have been taken to remove any explosive substance from that part and
render the part safe for such operations and after the completion of such
operations no explosive substance shall be allowed to enter that part until the
metal has cooled sufficiently to prevent risk of explosion.
(a) "Competent person" for the purpose of this Schedule shall be at least a
Member of the Institution of Engineers (India) or an Associate Member of the
said Institution with 10 years experience in a responsible position as may be
approved by the Chief Inspector:
Provided further that the State Government may accept any other qualifications
if in its opinion they arc equivalent to the qualifications aforesaid.
(c) "solvent" means an inflammable liquid such as pentane, hexane and heptane
used for the recovery of vegetable oils;
(d) "solvent extraction plant" means a plant in which the process of extracting
oils and fats from vegetable and animal sources by the use of solvents is carried
(2) A 1-5 metre high continuous wire fencing shall be provided around the
solvent extraction plant up to a minimum distance of 15 meters from the plant.
(3) No person shall be allowed to carry any matches or an open flame of fire
inside the area bound by the fencing.
(4) Boiler houses and other buildings where open flame processes are carried on
shall be located at least 30 metres away from the solvent extraction plant.
(5) If godowns and preparatory processes are at a distance of less than 30 meters
from the solvent extraction plant, these shall be at least 15 meters distant from
the plant, and a continuous barrier wall of non-combustible material 1.5 meters
high shall be erected at distance of not less than 15 meters from the solvent
extraction plant so that it extends to at a least 30 meters of vapour travel around
its ends from the plant to the possible sources of ignition.
(2) All metal parts of the plant and building including various tanks and
containers where solvents are stored are present and all parts of electrical
equipment not required to be energised shall be properly bonded together and
connected to earth so as to avoid accidental rise in the electrical potential of such
parts above the earth potential.
(3) No person shall be allowed to enter and work in the solvent extraction plant
if wearing clothes made of nylon or such other fibre that can generate static
electrical charge or wearing footwear which is likely to cause sparks by friction.
(2) All emergency relief vents shall terminate at least 6 metres above the ground
and be so located that vapours will not re-enter the building in which solvent
extraction plant is located.
10. Waste water.—Process waste water shall be passed through a flash evaporator
to remove any solvent before it is discharged into a sump which should be
located within the fenced area but not closer than eight metres to the fence.
11. Ventilation.—The solvent extraction plant shall be well ventilated and if the
plant is housed in a building, the building shall be provided with mechanical
ventilation with provision for at least six air changes per hour.
(2) Waste materials such as oily rags, other wastes and absorbents used to wipe
off solvent and paints and oils shall be deposited in approved containers and
removed from the premises at least once a day.
(3) Space within the solvent extraction plant and within 15 meters from the plant
shall be kept free from any combustible materials and any spills of oil or solvent,
shall be cleaned up immediately.
13. Examination ami repairs.—(1) The solvent extraction plant shall be examined
by the competent person to determine any weakness or corrosion and wear once
in every 12 months. Report of such examination shall be supplied to the
Inspector with his observation as to whether or not the plant is in safe condition
to work.
(2) No repairs shall be carried out to the machinery or plant except under the
direct supervision of the competent person.
(3) Facility shall be provided for purging the plant with inert gas before opening
for cleaning or repairs and before introducing solvent after repairs.
15. Employment of women and young persons.—No women or young person shall
be employed in the solvent extraction plant.
16. Vapour detection.—A suitable type of flame proof and portable combustible
gas indicator shall be provided and maintained in good working order and a
5. Personal protective equipment.—(1) The occupier of the factory shall provide and
maintain in good and clean condition suitable overalls and head coverings for all
persons employed in any manganese process and such overalls and head
coverings shall be worn by the persons while working on a manganese process.
(2) The occupier of the factory shall provide suitable respiratory protective
equipment for use by workers in emergency to prevent inhalation of dust, fumes
or mists. Sufficient number of complete sets of such equipment shall always be
kept near the workplace and the same shall be properly maintained and kept
always in a condition to be used readily.
(3) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed,
suitable accommodation for the storage and make adequate arrangement for
cleaning and maintenance of personal protective equipment.
7. Food, drinks etc. prohibited in the workrooms.—No food, drink, pan and supari or
tobacco shall be allowed to be brought into premises consumed by any worker in
any workroom in which any manganese process is carried on.
(i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe without
plug, and of sufficient length to allow at least 60 centimeters for every ten such
persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from
tap or jet above the trough at intervals of not more than 60 centimeters; or
(ii) at least one wash basin for every five such persons employed at any one time,
fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of water; and
(b) sufficient supply of soap or other suitable cleaning materials and nail brushes
and clean towels.
10. Cloak-room.—If the Chief Inspector so requires there shall be provided and
maintained for the use of persons employed in manganese process a cloak-room
for clothing, pui off during working hours with adequate arrangements for
drying the clothing.
12. Medical facilities and records of examination and tests.—(1) The occupier of every
factory to which the Schedule applies, shall—
(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the
said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by
the Chief Inspector of Factories, which shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
(3) The Certifying Surgeon after examining a worker shall issue a Certificate of
Fitness in Form 26. The record of examination and re-examinations carried out
shall be entered in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in the custody
of the manager of the factory. The records of each examination carried out under
sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) including the nature and the results of these tests,
shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a Health Register in Form 27.
(4) The Certificate of Fitness and the Health Register shall be kept readily
available for inspection by the Inspector.
(5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that the worker is no
longer fit for employment in the said process on the ground that continuance
therein would involve special danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a
record of his findings in the said certificate and the Health Register. The entry of
his findings in these documents should also include the period for which he
considers that the said person is unfit to work in the said process.
(6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (5)
shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the
Certifying Surgeon after further examination, again certifies him fit for
employment in those processes.
14. Exemption.—If in respect of any factory the Chief Inspector is satisfied that
owing to any exceptional circumstances, or infrequency of the process or for any
other reason, application of all or any of the provisions of this Schedule is not
necessary for the protection of the persons employed in such factory he may, by
an order in writing which he may at his discretion revoke, exempt such factory
from all or any of the provisions on such conditions and for such period as he
may specify in the said order.
6. When required to work in situations where dusts, fumes or mists are likely to
be inhaled, use respiratory protective equipment provided for the purpose.
(a) "dangerous pesticides" means any product proposed or used for controlling,
destroying or repelling any part or for preventing growth or mitigating excepts
of such growth including any of its formulations which is considered toxic under
and is covered by the Insecticides Act, 1968 and the rules made thereunder and
any other product, as may be notified from time to time by the State
6. Food, drinks and smoking prohibited.—(1) No food, drink, tobacco, pan or supari
shall be brought into or consumed by any worker in any workroom in which the
said manufacturing process is carried out.
(2) (a) Protective equipment consisting of rubber gloves, gum boots, rubber
apron, chemical safety goggles and respirators shall be provided for all workers
employed in the said manufacturing process.
(b) Gloves, boots, aprons shall be made from synthetic rubber where a pesticide
contains oil.
(3) Protective clothing and equipment shall be worn by workers supplied with
such clothing and equipment.
(4) Protective clothing and equipment shall be washed daily inside and outside
if the workers handle pesticides containing nicotine or phosphorus and shall be
washed frequently if handling other pesticides.
(2) Floors shall be maintained in good repair, provided with adequate slope
leading to a drain and thoroughly washed once a day with hose pipe.
(2) Cloth, rags, paper or other material soaked or soiled with a dangerous
pesticide shall be deposited in a suitable receptacle with tight fitting cover.
Contaminated waste shall be destroyed by burning at least once a week.
(4) Easy means of access shall be provided to all parts of the plants for cleaning,
maintenance and repairs.
(2) Direct contact of any part of the body with a dangerous pesticide during its
manipulation shall be avoided.
(3) In the event of a failure of the exhaust draught provided on the above
operation, the said operations shall be stopped forthwith.
13. Time allowed for washing.—(1) Before each meal and before the end of the
day's work at least ten minutes in addition to the regular rest interval shall be
allowed for washing to each worker engaged in the manipulation of dangerous
(2) Every worker engaged in the manipulation of dangerous pesticides shall have
a thorough wash before consuming any food and also at the end of the day's
14. Washing and bathing facilities.—(1) There shall be provided and maintained in
a clean state and in good repair for the use of all workers employed in the factory
where the said manufacturing process is carried on adequate washing and
bathing places having a constant supply of water under cover at the rate of one
such place for every 5 persons employed.
(2) The washing places shall have standpipes placed at intervals of not less than
one meter.
(3) Not less than one half of the total number of washing places shall be provided
with bathrooms.
(4) Sufficient supply of clean towels made of suitable material shall be provided:
Provided that such towels shall be supplied individually for each worker if so
ordered by the Inspector.
(a) a cloak-room for clothing put off during working hours with adequate
arrangements for drying clothing if wet; and
(b) separate and suitable arrangements for the storage of protective clothing
provided under Paragraph 7.
16. Mess-room.—(1) There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all
workers employed in the factory in which the said manufacturing process is
carried on and remaining on the premises during the rest intervals a suitable
mess-room which shall be furnished with—
(2) The mess-room shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person and
shall be kept clean.
18. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.—(1) The occupier of
every factory to which the Schedule applies, shall—
(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the
purpose referred to in clause (a).
(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the
said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by
the Chief Inspector of Factories which shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.
(3) The Certifying Surgeon after examining a worker, shall issue a certificate of
Fitness in Form 26. The record of examination and re-examination carried out
shall be entered in the certificate and the certificate shall be kept in the custody of
manager of the factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-
paragraph (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of these tests, shall
also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a Health Register in Form 27.
(4) The Certificate of Fitness and the Health Register shall be kept readily
available for inspection by the Inspector.
(5) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no
longer fit for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance
therein would involve special danger to the health of the worker he shall make a
record of his findings in the said certificate and the Health Register. The entry of
his findings in those documents should also include the period for which he
considers that the said person is unfit to work in the said processes.
(6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (5)
shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the
Surgeon after further examination again certifies him fit for employment in those
20. Exemption.—If in respect of any factory, the Chief Inspector is satisfied that
owing to the exceptional circumstances or the infrequency of the said
manufacturing process or for any other reason which he shall record in writing
all or any of the provisions of this Schedule are not necessary for the protection
of the workers employed in the factory, he may by a certificate in writing exempt
such factory, from all or any of the provisions on such condition as he may
specify therein, such certificate may at any time be revoked by the Chief
Inspector after recording his reasons therefor.
(Paragraph 11)
(3) Benzene can also be absorbed through skin which may cause skin and other
(iv) If any time you are exposed to high concentration of benzene vapours and
exhibit the sign and symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty in breathing,
excessive excitation and losing of consciousness, immediately inform your
Factory Manager.
(vi) Handle, use and process benzene and substances containing benzene
carefully in order to prevent their spillage on floor.
(i) Use respiratory protective equipment in place where benzene vapours are
present in high concentration,
(iii) Wear hand gloves, aprons, goggles and gum boots to avoid contact of
benzene with your skin and body parts.
(d) The First-aid .measure to be taken in case of acute benzene poisoning:
(ii) If liquid benzene enters eyes, flush thoroughly for at least 15 minutes with
clean running water and immediately secure medical attention,
(a) Lay him down preferably on the left side with the head low.
(b) Remove any false teeth ; chewing-gum tobacco or other foreign objects which
may be in his mouth.
(c) Provide him artificial respiration in case difficulty is being experienced in
(d) In case of shallow breathing or cyanosis (blueness of skin, lips, ears, fingers
nailbeds), he should be provided with medical oxygen or oxygen carbondioxide
mixture. If needed, he should be given artificial respiration. Oxygen should
be administered by a trained person only.
FORM No. 1
[Rule 3(1)]
of Floor
room Total area Total
Dimensions in feet g space
in area occupied volum
factor in by e of air
s in
y squar machiner in the
e feet y in the room
Lengt Breadt Maximu Minimu Averag
h h m m e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
[Rule 3(1)]
(b) If there is a system of underground sewage within 100 ft. of the factory, has
its position been shown in the site plan ?
(c) Have the direction i.e., north, south, east and west been shown on the site-
plans as well as on the detailed plans ?
(d) Have the municipal nos. or the field nos. of the premises and the
surrounding areas been shown on the site-plan ?
(e) Have the factory premises been clearly demarcated in the site-plan in
distinctive colour ?
(f) Have the detailed plans of the factory indicating all relevant details " relating
to doors, windows, ventilators, fire escapes, etc., been submitted in triplicate ?
(g) Are all new buildings, parts of buildings (if extensions) or alterations in
existing buildings shown by boundaries duly marked in a distinctive colour ?
(h) Are all rooms, sheds, enclosures, etc., serially numbered inside a circle on the
plans, corresponding to the serial entry in Form No. 1 ?
(i) Are the outlines of all rooms, sheds, enclosures, etc., shown in the site-plan
and allotted the same number as in Item 1(h) above?
(j) Is the sectional elevation of such room or shed, etc., shown separately ?
(k) Is the minimum and 'maximum height of every room, shed, etc., shown
clearly in the sectional elevation ?
(l) Is the material of which the roof is constructed indicated the sectional
elevation ?
(m) Are the heights of all the workrooms in accordance with the provisions of
Rule 4 as under :
(iii) Has an inner ceiling of a heat resisting material with an air gap of at least 4"
been provided at a minimum height of 14 ft. and the name of the heat resisting
material given?
(v) Has an exemption been sought for on the assurance of not employing more
than 50 workers in the factory on any day ?
(n) Is the minimum distance of the nearest building from latrines and urinals
shown on the plans ?
(o) Is the minimum distance of the nearest well, hand-pump or other drinking
water centres shown in the drawing ?
(q) Are the sizes of all the doors and ventilators shown on the plans alongwith
their exact position ?
(r) Are all the drains, pipes and sewers for carrying sullage sewage water effluent
and waste products running within the factory premises constructed and shown
in the plans ?
(s) Are the positions of various machines fitted or proposed to be fitted shown in
the drawings together with their names ?
2. Form No. 1
(a) Is Form No. 1 submitted in triplicate, filled in for all workrooms, godowns,
etc. which are proposed to be constructed or extended ?
(b) Have the internal dimensions only been entered in all the columns of Form
No. 1 ?
(c) Is the breathing space of workroom, shed, etc., calculated as shown below:
Floor area of room x its mean height (height above 14 ft. has to be left out of
(d) Is the maximum capacity entered in Column No. 15 of Form No. 1 the
maximum number of persons shown as the lower value of the two calculations
shown below :
(i) Floor area of a room less area occupied by machinery in the room divided by
36 [Rule 4(ii)].
(e) Have the maximum number of persons as worked out above (lower value)
been also shown on the plans for each workroom corresponding to Column No.
15 of Form No. 17 ?
(f) Is the window, ventilator and skylight area provided at the minimum rate of 1
sq. ft. to every 15 sq. ft. of floor area of the room ? (Rule 19) ?
(g) Can the windows and skylights under Columns Nos. 12 and 13 of Form No. 1
all be opened for ventilation ?
(h) Has a flow chart of the manufacturing process supplemented by its brief
description in various stages been submitted in triplicate ?
3. Doors and ventilators.—(a) Is every work room provided with at-least two
doors or exits ?
Rule 61.
(c) Have any doors of ventilators in common with two adjacent rooms been
counted in both ?
(e) Do the windows and skylights entered under Cols. 12 and 13 of Form No. 1
actually serve the purpose of ventilation ?
4. Fire Escapes.—(In case of buildings of more than one storey, Rule 61) :
(b) Are the fire escapes accessible from every room in the upper floor in the
buildings ?
(d) Are the windows, doors giving access to and external stair-case arranged to
open immediately from inside.
(e) Is any fire escape or stair-way constructed at an angle greater than "450 ft.
with the horizontal ?
(f) Is any fire escape or stair way less than 45'Un width ?
(g) Is any part of the factory building further (along the line of travel) than 150 ft.
from the fire escape stair ?
(h) Have the particulars given against Items 4(e), (f) and (g) above been also
clearly shown in the various drawings being submitted ?
5. Latrines and urinals.—(a) Are the latrines and urinals provided separately
for men and women ?
(b) Are these sufficient to meet the requirements of Section 19, read with Rules
41 and 45 ?
(d) Is the surrounding ground raised to at least 6" above the ground level ?
(e) Is any latrines, ventilator or opening in the proximity of any opening of main
building ?
(f) Do any latrines or urinals communicate with any work room without any
intervening space open to the sky ?
(h) Are all the drains, pipes and sewers for carrying sullage, sewage water
effluent and waste products running within the factory premises constructed of
impermeable material ?
(i) Are the drains of flush type latrines connected to drainge system of the local
Boards ?
(b) Is any well constructed in the premises of the factory for drinking water or
humidification purposes ?
(c) Is the cylinder of the well pucca and impervious to water throughout and up
to a depth not less than the lowest level of sub-soil water ?
(d) Are the positions of water centres including wells, hand pumps situated at
least 20 ft. away from the washing place, latrines and urinals ?
7. Rest shelter, canteen and creches.—If the plans relate to any of these, the
following questions should also be answered—
(a) Does the building fully meet the requirements of Rule 69(a) ?
(c) Is the height of every room in the rest shelter at least 12 ft. from the floor
level to the lowest part of roof ?
(ii) Canteen:
(a) Does the building fully meet the requirements of— Rule 68(4), Rule 68(5),
Rule 68(6), Rule 68(7).
(b) Are the canteen buildings situated not less than 50 yards from any latrines,
urinals, boiler house, coals, stack coals dumps etc.?
(c) What is the minimum height of the buildings of canteen measured from the
floor level to the lowest part of the roof ?
(iii) Creche :
(a) Does the building of creche meet fully the requirements of— Rule 70(2)(a),
Rule 70(2)(b), Rule 70(2)(d), Rule 70 (2)(g).
(b) Is the height of buildings not less than 12 ft. from floor level to the lowest
part of roof ?
N. B.—(i) After showing the above details, the plans and site-plan this
questionnaire and Form No. 1 should all be submitted in triplicate to the
Inspector of Factories of the Region concerned for the approval of the Chief
Inspector of Factories, Uttar Pradesh.
[Rules 3(3)]
I hereby declare that I have personally examined the plans and specifications of
the building described below, the actual materials and methods used in its
construction and the finished building and am satisfied that its construction is
such that its stability will be satisfactory when used as factory or part of a factory
for the purposes herein declared.
Description of Building
8. Signature
9. Date
10. Signature of occupier with an endorsement that the Certifying Engineer
inspected the factory at his request and certified its stability.
NOTE.—The person giving the certificate must be: (a) a Corporate Member of the
Institution of Civil Engineers, or (b) a Corporate Member of the Institution of
Structural Engineers or (c) a Fellow Associate or Licentiate of the Royal Institute
of British Architects, or (d) be a graduate in Civil Engineering and be also a
Corporate Member of the Institute of Engineers (India), provided that no person,
except in the case of buildings occupied or erected by any Government where a
certificate may be granted by an officer not below the rank of an Executive
Engineer, shall be authorized to sign a certificate of stability if he is in the
full time employment of the owner or the builder of the building.
[Rule 7(1)]
Registration No.
Signature of licensing
Date of renewal Date of expiry
1 2 3
(Rule 14)
Notice of occupation for Registration and grant or Renewal of Licence
Written notice prescribed under Sections 6 and 7(i) of the Factories Act, 1948.
paid in
Treasury on
vide chalan no.
Full signature of occupier_______________________
[Rule 14-D]
4. Name of the new manager with his postal residential address and telephone
number, if any............................................................
Signature of new
Date........................... Manager...................................
Place.......................... Signature of
[Rule 16 (2)]
III—General Health—
(a) Hearing in each ear is good and that a candidate has no mental infirmity.
(b) His/Her limbs, hands and feet are well formed and developed and that
there is free and perfect normal motion of his/her joints :
(c) His/Her chest is well formed and that his/her heart and lungs are sound.
(d) There is no evidence of any abdominal disease and that he/she does not
suffer from any inveterate skin disease.
(e) The candidate does not bear any traces of acute or chronic disease pointing to
an impaired constitution.
(2) Those suffering from curable diseases should be rejected until cured.
(3) Special attention should be paid to the presence of obvious signs of mal-
nutrition and under development.
Names and
of persons, Section or rule Extent of and
Date and number
buildings, or parts from which conditions of
of order
of building and exemption is given exemptions
1 2 3 4
(Rule 24)
Humidity Register
Approved hydrometers
Year Hygrometer readings daily 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
in each month
First Second ure of
readings reading per
between between First Second Third son
Months Date between 4
7 a.m. 11 a.m. reading reading reading who
p.m. and
and 9 and 2 took
5-30 p.m.
a.m. p.m. the
(Rule 48)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(c) Date in which the pressure vessel or plant was first taken into use
(f) The history should be briefly given and the examiner should state whether he
has seen the last previous report.
11. Condition of pressure vessel or plant External (state any defects materially
affecting the maximum permissible working pressure of the safe working of the
pressure vessel or plant).................................. Internal
12. Are the required fittings and appliances provided in accordance with the
13. Are all fittings and appliances properly maintained and in good condition?
Have the pressure settings been checked and corrected?
14. Repairs (if any) required, and period within which they should be executed
and any other condition which the person making the examination thinks it
necessary to specify for securing safe workings..........................
16. Where repairs affecting the maximum working pressure are required, state
the working pressure—
(b) After the expiration of such period if the required repairs have not been
(Rule 76)
Extent of
Dates on overtime on Normal
each Total
Workers which hours
occasion overtime
number in Name Department overtime worked
worked in
register has been during the
worked Time Time period
from to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Date of enforcement.....................
Number of workers
Nature of employed in each group Shift or
Relay or set
Group work of period of
of workers
each group work
Permanent Temporary
1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of hours of employment per day of...........all workers for each relay
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Name of Work commences interval or
Relay or Shift or intervals
work of
Worker Group set of period
workers of work
group Mondays
Saturdays Sundays
to Fridays
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Work ends
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Charts showing the relation of relays working on continuous processes similar to those
suggested in Chief Inspector of Factories Office Circular No. 2404, dated March 26, 1949
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri.
Sat. Sun. Sat. Sun. Sat. Sun.
1. Divide all the workers into groups according to their nature of work. Show the
number of workers working in each group [Section 61(4)].
4. Make relays of groups according to Section 2(r) and specify them as I, II, III,
5. Show the daily working hours exclusive of periods of the fixed rest interval of each
relay or set of workers in the upper half of the notice.
7. Do not arrange the shift in such a way that more than one relay of workers is
engaged in work of the same kind at the same time as overlapping shifts are
prohibited (Section 58).
8. Arrange the periods of work for adult workers (except of workers exempted
from Sections 54 and 55) in such a way that no adult worker is required to work
for more than 9 hours in any day (Section 54) and that no worker shall work
more than 5 hours before he has had an interval of rest for at least half an hour
(Section 55).
9. Arrange the working hours in such a way that weekly hours of the adult
workers (except those who are exempted from the provisions of Section 51) do
not exceed 48 hours a week (Section 51).
10. Arrange the periods of work of adult workers (except those exempted from
Section 56) in such a way that inclusive of rest interval they shall not spread over
more than 10-1/2 hours (Section 56).
11. Fix the periods of work for clerical staff working in the precincts of the
factory as they come under the definition of "worker" as defined under Section
2(1) of the Factories Act, 1948.
12. Arrange, the periods of work for child workers in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter VII.
13. Show the weekly holiday for each relay or set of workers in the foot-note of
each notice.
14. Submit the notice of periods for work in duplicate to the Inspector of
Factories of the Region concerned before the day it is enforced. If there is any
change in the system of work a revised notice of periods for work shall be
submitted [Section 61(10)].
Special instructions for filling in the chart which is to be used only in cases of relays
working on continuous process or of sets of workers working in successive periods.
I. Fill in the chart with the help of Chief Inspector of Factories' Circular No. 2402-
F, dated March 26, 1949.
II. Show the periods of work Inclusive of rest intervals of adult workers on
continuous processes in the upper half of the notice.
FORM No. 12
(Rule 78)
FORM No. 13
(Rule 100)
(Rule 102)
Serial No.....................................
Department.................................. Name............................
Serial no. in the Register of Father's name..................
Adult/Child workers................... Date and amount of payment made
Date of entry into service................. in lieu of leave due................
NAME OF FACTORY................
8 Total of Columns 4 to 7
Leave to credit
Leave earned during the year mentioned in
Column 1
18 Remarks
(Rule 103)
Serial No.....................................
Department.................................. Name............................
Serial no. in the Register of Father's name..................
Adult/Child workers................... Date and amount of payment made
Date of entry into service................. in lieu of leave due................
NAME OF FACTORY......................
8 Total of Columns 4 to 7
Leave to credit
Leave earned during the year mentioned in
Column 1
18 Remarks
FORM No. 16
[Rule 107(2)]
[I hereby require that in the event of my death before resuming work, that
balance of my pay, due for the period of leave with wages not availed of shall be
paid to.................... who is my..............
........................Signature of Worker.
........................Present Address
Health Register
Certifying Surgeon
The health register is in two parts in each of which entries by the certifying
surgeon are required at each visit.
In Part I of the register the Certifying Surgeon should at the time of examination,
enter the date at the head of one of the columns numbered 6 to 18 ; and in the
space below opposite the name of each person examined on that date, a brief
note of the condition found using signs in accordance with the scheme on
footnote of the cover where lead is in question.
In Part II of the register, the certifying surgeon should again enter (in Column 3)
the date of examination with a statement of the total number examined on that
occasion in Column 4 ; and (in Column 5) any certificate of suspension from
work, or certificate permitting resumption of work, and particulars of any other
directions given by him, appending his signature in Column 6.
It is the duty of the occupier to enter in Part I, the following particulars with
regards to each person to be examined.
The particulars in Part I may be kept in the form of an approved card register;
but such cards not supplied.
Name of occupier---------------------------
Address of factory---------------------------
Special rules to which the register refers-----------------
First employed in
Worker's such process Date Date Date Date
Number name Process
result result result result
in full
Age Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6
The figures (1, 2, 3, 4) relate to the state of health so as it may have been affected
by employment in lead. They have the following meaning:
(1) No comment.
(2) Blue line, or indication thereof.
(3) Anaemia, with blue line, or other signs of impairment of health suggestive of
absorption of lead.
(4) Suspension by reason of impairment of health from the effects of work in
The letters A, B, C relate to the state of health apart from any effect of work in
lead. The letter A means "no comment"; B and C indicate degrees of impairment
of general health ; D means suspension (for reasons other than impairment of
health from the effects of work in lead); and X denotes carelessness, neglect
of precaution or unsuitability for work in lead.
[FORM 18
I hereby give notice under Section 88 of the Factories Act, 1948 that fatal/non-
fatal accident occurred in this factory to the person mentioned below :—
3. Nature of Industry........................................................
6. (a) Sex..................................................................
(b) Age (last birthday)....................................................
(c) Occupation of the injured person.......................................
(b) Whether wages in full or part are payable to him for the day of the accident or
dangerous occurrence..............................................................
(i) Give name of the machine and the part causing the accident or dangerous
(b) State exactly what the injured person was doing at that time................
(c) In your opinion, was the injured person at the time of accident or dangerous
(d) In case reply to (c), (i) (ii) or (iii) is in the affirmative state whether the act was
done for the purpose of securing the safety in connection with the employer's
trade or business.
12. In case the accident or dangerous occurrence happened while travelling in the
employer's transport state whether...................................................
(i) the injured person was travelling as a passenger to or from his place of
(ii) the injured person was travelling with the express or implied permission of
his employer,
(iii) the transport is being operated by or on behalf of the employer or some other
person by whom it is provided in pursuance of arrangements made with the
employer, and
(iv) the vehicle being not/being operated in the ordinary course of public
transport service.
(ii) whether the injured person at the time of accident or dangerous occurrence
was employed for the purpose of his employer's trade or business in or about the
premises at which the accident or dangerous occurrence took place.
16. (a) Nature and extent of injury (e.g. fatal, loss of finger, fracture of leg, sealed
or scratch and followed by sepsis.)
(b) Location of injury (right leg, left hand or left eye etc.)
17. (a) If the accident or dangerous occurrence is not fatal, state whether the
injured person was disabled for more than, 48 hours.
18. (a) Physician, dispensary or hospital from whom or in which the injured
person received or is receiving treatment.
I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above particulars are
correct in every respect.
Date of receipt.
Date of Investigation...............................................................
Result of Investigation............................................................]
[FORM NO. 18-A
4. Name of Industry......................................................................................................
5. Branch or Department and exact place where the dangerous occurrence took
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, above particulars are
correct in every respect.
Date of
Date of
Result of investigation....................................................................................................]
1. Name of factory..................................................
2. Address of factory..................................................
4. Name of industry..................................................
6. Address of patient..................................................
No. of case.........................
(i) Whereon ten or more workers-are working or were working on any day of the
preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is
being carried on with the aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried on ; or
(ii) Whereon twenty or more workers are working, or were working on any day
of the preceding twelve months, any in any part of which a manufacturing
process is being carried on without the use of power, or is ordinarily so carried
but does not include a mine subject to the operation of the Mines Act, 1952
(XXXV of 1952) of a railway running shed.
"Worker" means a person employed, directly or through any agency, whether for
wages or not, in any manufacturing process or in cleaning any part of the
machinery or premises used for a manufacturing process, or in any other kind of
work incidental to, or connected with the manufacturing process or the subject of
the manufacturing process.
Except in the case of urgent repairs, the relaxation shall not exceed the following
(i) the total number of hours of work in any day shall not exceed ten;
(ii) the total number of hours of overtime work shall not exceed 50 for any one
quarter ;
{iii) the spreadover inclusive of intervals for rest shall not exceed 12 hours in any
one day.
In the case of any or all adults workers in any factory, the ordinary limits on
working hours of adults may be relaxed, for a period or periods not exceeding in
the aggregate three months in any year, to enable the factory to deal with
exceptional press of work.
office of the Inspector of his intention to require the worker on the said day and
of the day which is to be substituted, and displayed a notice to that effect in the
factory :
Provided that no substitution shall be made which will result in any worker
working for more than ten days consecutively without a holiday for a whole day.
6. Intervals for rest {adults). Sections 55 and 56. —The periods of work of adult
workers in a factory each day shall be so fixed that no period shall exceed 5
hours before he has had an interval for rest of at least half an hour and that
inclusive of his intervals for rest they shall not spreadover more than 101 hours
in any day or with the permission of the Chief Inspector in writing, 12 hours :
Provided that the State Government or subject to the control of Slate Government
the Chief Inspector of factories may by written orders, and for the reasons
specified therein, exempt any factory in such a way that the total number of
hours put in by a worker without an interval, does does not exceed six.
7. Prohibition of double employment, Sections 60, 71 and 99.—No child or, except in
certain circumstances an adult worker, shall be required or allowed to work in
any factory on any day on which he has already been working in any other
If a child works in a factory on any day on which he has already been working in
another factory, the parent or guardian of the child or the person having custody
of or control over him or obtaining any direct benefit his wages, shall be
punishable with fine, which may extend to Rs. 50 un appears to the court that the
child so worked without the consent or connivance of such parent, guardian or
8. Prohibition of employment of children under 14, Section 67.—No child, who has not
completed his fourteenth year, shall be required or allowed to work in any
The provision relating to weekly holidays shall also apply to child workers and
no exemption from the provision may be granted in respect of any child.
11. Annual leave with wages, Sections 79, 80, 82 and 83.—Every worker, who has
worked for a period of 240 days or more in a factory during a calendar year, shall
be allowed during the subsequent calendar year leave with wages for a number
of days calculated at the rate of—
(i) if an adult, one day for every twenty days of work performed by him during
the previous calendar year ;
(ii) if a child, one day for every fifteen days of work performed by him during the
previous calendar year.
Any days of lay off, by agreement or contract or as permissible under the
standing orders maternity leave for any number of days not exceeding twelve
weeks in the case of a female worker, and leave earned in the year prior to that in
which leave is enjoyed, shall be deemed to be days on which tin; worker has
worked in a factory for the purpose of computation of the period of 240 days or
more but he shall not earn, leave for these days :
If a worker is discharged or dismissed from service during the course of the year,
he shall be entitled to leave with wages calculated at the rate as laid down above,
even if he has not worked for the entire period as specified in clauses (i) and
(ii) above entitling him to earned leave.
In calculating leave under Section 79, half a day or more shall be treated as one
full day and fraction of less than half shall be omitted.
If a worker does not in any calendar year take the whole of the leave admissible
to him, any leave not taken by him shall be added to the leave to be allowed to
him in the succeeding calendar year :
Provided that the total number of days of leave that may be carried forward to
the succeeding year shall not exceed 30 in the case of an adult and 40 in, the case
of a child :
Provided further that a worker, who has applied fin leave with wages but has
not been given such leave shall be entitled to carry forward the unavailed leave
without any limit.
A worker may at any time apply for leave with wages but not less than fifteen
days before the date on which he wishes his leave to begin, to take all leave or
any portion thereof allowable to him during the calendar year:
Provided that the application shall be made not less than thirty days before the
date on which a worker wishes his leave to begin ii he is employed in a public
utility service as defined in clause (n) of Section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act,
1947 (XIV of 1947) :
Provided further that the number of times in which the leave ma\ be taken
during any year shall not exceed three.
If a worker wants to avail himself of the leave with wages due to him to cover a
period of illness, he shall be granted such leave even if his application for leave is
not made within the time specified above.
For the leave allowed to him under Section 79, a worker shall be paid at a rate
equal to the daily average of his total full time earnings for the days on which he
worked during the month immediately preceding his leave, exclusive of any
overtime and bonus, but inclusive of dearness allowance and the cash equivalent
to the advantage accruing through the concessional sale to the worker of
foodgrains and other articles.
A worker, who has been allowed leave for not less than four days in the case of
an adult, and five days, in the case of a child, shall before his leave begins, be
paid the wages due for the period of leave allowed.
The Manager shall maintain an account of the leave with wages in a register
which shall be on the prescribed Form No. 14 and shall provide each worker
with a book called the "Leave Book'', on the lines of Form No. 15. The Leave Book
shall be the property of the worker and the Manager or his agent shall not
demand it except to make entries of the dates of leave or interruptions in service
and shall not keep it for more than a week at a time, if a worker loses his Leave
Book, the Manager shall provide him with another copy on payment of four
annas and shall complete it from his record.
Any sum required to be paid by an employer, for leave with wages, but not paid
by him shall be recoverable as delayed wages under the provisions of the
Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (Act No. IV of 1936).
12. Cleanliness, Section 11.—Except in cases specially exempted, all inside walls
and partitions, all ceilings or tops of rooms and all walls, sides and tops of
passages and stairscases in a factory shall be kept white-washed or colour
washed. The white-washing or colour washing shall be carried out at least once
in every period of fourteen months. The floors of every work-room shall be
cleaned at least once in every week by washing, using disinfectant, where
necessary, or some other method.
15. Overcrowding, Section 16.—Unless exemption has been granted, there shall
be in every work-room of a factory in existence on April 1, 1949 at least 350 cubic
feet and of a factory built after this date at least 500 cubic feet of space for every
worker employed therein and for this purpose no account shall be taken of any
space which is more than 14 feet above the level of the floor of the room.
16. Lighting, Section 17.—In every part of a factory, where workers are working
or passing, there shall be provided and maintained sufficient and suitable
lighting, natural or artificial or both.
17. Drinking water, Section 18.—In every factory effective arrangement shall be
made to provide and maintain at suitable points, conveniently situated for all
workers employed therein, a sufficient supply of wholesome drinking water.
In every factory wherein more than 250 workers are ordinarily employed, the
drinking water shall during the hot weather, be cooled by ice or other effective
means. The cooled drinking water shall be supplied in every canteen-lunch-room
and rest room and also at conveniently accessible points throughout the factory.
18. Latrines and urinals, Section 19 and rules.—In every factory sufficient latrine
and urinal accommodation of the prescribed type (separate enclosed
accommodation for male and female workers) shall be provided conveniently
situated and accessible to workers at all times while they are at the factory. Every
latrine shall be under cover and so partitioned off as to secure privacy and shall
have a proper door and fastenings. Sweepers shall be employed whose primary
duty it would be to keep clean latrines, urinals and washing places.
19. Spittoons, Section 20.—In every factory, there shall be provided a sufficient
number of spittoons of the type prescribed in convenient places and they shall be
maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. No person shall spit within the
premises of a factory except in the spittoons provided for the purpose. Whoever
spits in contravention of this provision shall be punishable with fine not
exceeding five rupees.
20. Fencing of machinery, Section 21.—In every factory, mover and every
flywheel connected to a prime mover or dangerous parts of machines, e. g. every
moving part of a prime mover, etc. shall be securely fenced by safeguards of
substantial construction which shall be kept in position while the parts of
machinery they are fencing are in motion or in use.
21. Work on or near machinery in motion, Section 22.—No woman or young person
shall be allowed to clean, lubricate or adjust any part of a prime mover or any
transmission machinery while the prime mover or transmission machinery is in
motion, or to clean, lubricate or adjust any part of any machine if the cleaning,
lubrication or adjustment thereof would expose the woman pr young person to
risk of injury from any moving part either of that machine or any adjacent
23. Casing of new machinery, Section 26.—In all machinery driven by power and
installed in any factory after April 1, 1949, every set screw, bolt or key on any
revolving shaft, spindle wheel or pinion shall so sunk encased or otherwise
effectively guarded as to prevent danger ; all spur, worm and other toothed or
friction gearing, which does not require frequent adjustment while in motion,
shall be completely encased, unless it is so situated as to be as safe as it would be
if it were completely encased.
24. Prohibition of employment of women and children near cotton openers, Section 27.
—No woman or child shall be employed in any part of factory for pressing
cotton in which a cotton opener is at work.
25. Excessive weight, Section 34.—No woman or young person shall unaided by
another person lift, carry or move by hand or on head any-material, articles, tool
or appliance exceeding the following limits :
Maximum weight of
Persons material, article, tool
or appliance
Lbs. Lbs.
26. Protection of eyes: Section 35. Effective screens or suitable goggle:, shall be
provided for the protection of persons employed in or in the vicinity of processes
which, involve risk of injury to the eyes from particles or fragments thrown of in
the course of the process or which involve risk of injury to the eyes by reason of
exposure to excessive light.
27. Precautions in case of fire: Section 38.—Every factory shall he provided with
adequate means of escape in case of fire for the persons employed therein. The
doors affording exit from any room shall, unless they are of the sliding type, be
constructed to open outwards. Every window, door or other exit affording a
means of escape in case of fire other than the means of exit in ordinary use, shall
be distinctively marked. Effective and clearly audible means of giving warning in
case of fire to every person employed in the factory shall be provided. Effective
measures shall be taken to ensure that wherein more than twenty workers are
ordinarily employed in any place above the ground floor, or wherein explosive
or highly inflammable materials are used or stored, all the workers are familiar
with the means of escape in case of fire and have been adequately trained in the
routine to be followed in such case.
28. Washing facilities : Section 42.—In every factory, adequate and suitable
facilities for washing shall be provided and maintained for the use of the workers
therein. Such facilities shall include soap76 or other suitable means of cleaning
and the facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in a clean and
orderly condition.
29. Facilities for storing and drying clothing: Section 43 and rules.—In the case of
certain dangerous operations, e. g. lead processes, liming and tanning of raw
hides and skins, etc., suitable places for keeping clothing not worn during
working hours and for the drying of wet clothing shall be provided and
30.- Facilities for sitting : Section 44.—In every factory suitable arrangements for
sitting shall be provided and maintained for all workers obliged to work in a
standing position in order that they may take advantage of any opportunities for
rest, which may occur in the course of their work.
31. First-aid and ambulance room: Section 45s—There shall, in every factory be
provided and maintained so as to be readily accessible during all working hours,
first-aid boxes or cupboards equipped with the prescribed contents. All such
boxes and cupboards shall be kept in the charge of a responsible person, who is
trained in first-aid treatment and who shall always Le available during the
working hours of the factory.
In every factory wherein more than 500 workers are employed, there shall be
provided and maintained an ambulance room of the prescribed size and
containing the prescribed equipment. The ambulance room shall be in charge of
a qualified medical practitioner assisted by at least one qualified nurse and such
other staff as may be prescribed.
32. Canteens: Section 46 and rules.—In specified factories wherein, more than 250
workers arc ordinarily employed, a canteen or canteens shall be provided and
maintained by the occupier for the use of the workers. Food, drink and other
items served in the canteen shall be sold on a non-profit basis and the prices
charged shall be subject to the approval of a Canteen Managing Committee
which shall be appointed by the manager and shall consist of an equal number of
persons nominated by the occupier and elected by the workers.
The number of elected workers shall be in the proportion of 1 for every 1,000
workers employed in the factory, provided that in no case shall there be more
than 5 or less than 2 workers on the Committee. The Committee shall be
consulted from time to time on the quality and quantity of foodstuffs to be
served in the canteen, the arrangement of the menus, etc.
33. Shelters, rest-rooms and lunch rooms: Section 47.—In every factory wherein
more than 150 workers are ordinarily employed, adequate and suitable shelters
or rest-rooms and a suitable lunch-room, with provision for drinking water,
where workers can eat meals brought by them, shall be provided and maintained
for the use of the workers.
34. Creches: Section 48 and rules.— In every factory wherein more than 50
women workers are ordinarily employed, there shall be provided and
maintained a suitable room or rooms for the use of children under the age of six
years of such women. The creche shall be adequately furnished and equipped
and in particular there shall be one suitable cot or a cradle with the necessary
bedding for each child, at least one chair or equivalent seating accommodation
for the use of the mother while she is feeding or attending to her child and
sufficient supply of suitable toys for older children.
There shall be in or adjoining the creche a suitable wash-room for the washing of
the children and their clothing. An adequate supply of clean clothes, soap and
clean towels shall be made available for each child while it is in the creche. At
least half a pint of clean pure milk shall be available for each child on every day
it is accommodated in the creche and the mother of such a child shall be allowed
in the course of her daily work suitable intervals to feed the child. For children
above two years of age, there shall be provided, in addition, an adequate supply
of wholesome refreshment. A suitably fenced and shady open air
playground shall also be provided for the older children.
35. Welfare Officers: Section 49.—In every factory wherein 500 or more workers
are ordinarily employed, the occupier shall employ in the factory such number of
Welfare Officers as may be prescribed.
Special Provisions
(i) Bursting of vessel used for containing steam under pressure greater than
atmospheric pressure other than plant which comes within the scope of the
Indian Boilers Act.
(ii) Collapse or failure of a crane, derrick, winch, hoist or other appliances used in
raising or lowering persons or goods or any part thereof, or the overturning of a
(iii) Explosion or fire causing damage to any room or place in which persons are
employed, or fire in rooms of cotton pressing factories where a cotton opener is
in use.
(iv) Explosion of a receiver or container used for the storage at a pressure greater
than atmospheric pressure of any gas or gases (including air) or any liquid or
solid resulting from the compression of gas.
(v) Collapse or subsidence of any floor, gallery, roof, bridge, tunnel, chimney,
wall or building forming part of a factory or within the compound or curtilage of
the manager of the factory shall forthwith send notice thereof to the Chief
Inspector76" and the Inspector of Factories of the region concerned. If the accident
is fatal or of such a serious nature that it is likely to prove fatal, notice shall also
be sent to the District Magistrate or the Sub-Divisional Officer and the
officer-in-charge of the nearest police station.
39. No charge of facilities and conveniences : Section 114.—No fee or charge shall be
realized from any worker in respect of any arrangements or facilities to be
provided or any equipments or appliances to be supplied by the occupier under
the provisions of the Act.
(i) shall wilfully interfere with or misuse any appliance, convenience or other
thing provided in a factory for the purpose of securing the health, safety or
welfare of the workers therein ;
(ii) shall wilfully and without any resonable cause do anything likely to endanger
himself or others; and
(iii) shall wilfully neglect to make use of any appliance or other thing provided in
the factory for the purpose of securing the health or safety of the workers therein.
If any worker employed in a factory contravenes any provision of the Act or any
rules or orders made thereunder imposing any duty or liability on workers, he
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs. 20.
42. Certificates of fitness, Sections 68, 70 and 98.—No child who has completed
his fourteenth year or an adolescent shall be required or allowed to work in any
factory unless a certificate of fitness granted with reference to him is in the
custody of the manager of the factory and such child or adolescent carries, while
he is at work a token giving a reference to such certificates. Any fee payable of
such a certificate shall be paid by the occupier and shall not be recoverable from
the young person, his parents or guardian.
Provided that no such adolescent, who has not attained the age of seventeen
An adolescent who has not been granted a certificate of fitness to work in factory
as an adult shall, notwithstanding his age, be deemed to be a child for all the
purposes of the Act.
43. Registers, notice and returns : Sections 61, 63, 72, 74, 79, 80 and 110.—A
register of adult workers in the prescribed Form No. 12 and a register of child
workers in the prescribed Form No. 13 shall be maintained by the Manager of
every factory.
A notice of periods of work for adults and a notice of periods of work for
children in the prescribed Form No. 11 shall be correctly maintained and
displayed in every factory. No adult worker or child shall be required or allowed
to work in any factory otherwise than in accordance with their respective notices
of periods of work displayed in the factory.
1. District....................................
2. Postal address...........................
3. Nature of industry.....................
Directly Directly
------ by, by the
occupier contractor
51 ..................
52 ..................
53 ..................
54 ..................
55 ..................
56 ..................
Compensatory Holidays
16. Number of persons who are entitled to leave with wages during the year
preceding the year for which this return is submitted :
17. Number of persons who are entitled to leave with wages during the year for
which this return is submitted :
18. Number of persons who were granted leave during the preceding year:
19. Number of persons who were granted leave during the year for which the
return is submitted :
[20. (a) The total number of workers discharged or dismissed from service
(d) Total number of workers who left the services of their own
accord.. ..................]
21. Number of persons who gave notice not to avail themselves of leave during
the year in which leave accrued :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
§(Column 25). If the columns are insufficient for giving details, a separate sheet
may be
attached and detailed information submitted. Enter "Nil" against the column
which is not applicable
to your factory.
(For factories ordinarily employing more than 50 women workers)
26. Is a creche room provided in compliance of Section 48(1) and Rule 68..............................
1 2 3 4 5
Total attendance Details of facilities provided
Details of staff employed
No. of of children for
children at the
admitte creche
d in the
creche Two Doctors
during years Abov Swe
the year and e two Mil Foo Clothe Medica Other Nurse Teacher Ayah
k d s l aid s Mal Femal s s s
belo years pers
w e e
§(Column 26)-If the column, are insufficient for giving full details, a separate sheet may be
attached and detailed information submitted. (ii) Enter "Nil" against the column which is not
applicable to your factory.
1 2 3 4
§(Column 27)-If the columns are insufficient for giving full details, a separate
sheet may be attached and detailed information submitted. (ii) Enter "Nil
against the column which is not applicable to your factory.
1 2 3 4
[I/We certify that information given by me/us is true and correct to the best of
my/our knowledge.]
Signature of Occupier..........................
Signature of Manager........................
[* *]84
Directly by the
Directly by occupier Total average
............................ ............................
Signature of Occupier Signature of Manager
[* * * *]
[FORM NO. 25
(Rule 53)
3. Father's name......................
5. Nature of work.
8. Remarks.
Signature/thumb-impression of worker.
Signature of Occupier
[FORM NO. 26
Serial Number:
2. Department/Work ..............................
4. Sex ..............................
Uttar Pradesh Factories Welfare Officers'
Rules, 19551
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 49, 50 and 112 of the Factories
Act, 1948 (63 of 1948), and in supersession of the Factories Welfare Officers'
Rules, 1949, the Governor is pleased to make the following rules, the same
having been previously published, under Section 115 of the said Act, with
Government Noti. No. 3439(LL)/XXXVI-B-400(LL)-50, dt. March 26, 1954.
1. Short title.—These rules may be called the [Uttar Pradesh]2 Factories Welfare
Officers' Rules, 1955.
(d) "Welfare Officer" means a Factory Welfare Officer appointed under these
[3. Grades and emoluments of Welfare Officers.—The grade and scales of pay
of a Welfare Officer, shall be such as may be determined by general or special
order, by the State Government from time to time.
The grades and scales of pay of the Welfare Officer with effect from 1st January,
1996 on the basis of the Fifth Pay Commission Report are shown as below:
Class Scale of Pay
1 2 3
[3-A. Fixation of initial pay in the revised scale of pay.—For purposes of
fixation of initial pay of a Welfare Officer in the scale of pay prescribed for his
respective grade, he shall be allowed one advance increment over the minimum
thereof for every three years of continuous services subject to a maximum of five
such increments:
Provided that fraction of service not less than twenty months but below three
years shall also entitle a Welfare Officer for an advance increment:
Provided further that if in the case of any Welfare Officer the fixation of pay in
the revised scale of pay applicable to his grade, or the principle laid down above
is not beneficial to him, his pay shall be fixed in that scale of pay at the stage next
above the pay drawn by him immediately before revision of the scale of pay.]
4. The occupier of a factory, in which 2500 or more workers are employed, shall,
in addition to the Welfare Officer provided in Rule 3, appoint an additional
Welfare Officer of Grade III.
[5. When in any factory any post of Welfare Officer falls vacant, the vacancy
shall be intimated to the Chief Inspector of Factories and the Inspector of
Factories of the areas within 7 days from the date the vacancy occurs. In order to
get a suitable candidate for appointment, the occupier shall advertise the vacancy
at least in two leading daily newspapers. The appointment, when made, shall be
intimated by the occupier to the Labour Commissioner, the Chief Inspector of
Factories and Inspector of Factories of the Area, giving full particulars about the
officer appointed including his qualifications and grade.]
7. [* * *]8
[8. Status.—The Welfare Officers shall have the status of the senior executive of
the factory and shall be governed by the same rules in regard to dearness
allowance, bonus, provident fund, leave, housing, medical and other facilities as
are applicable to the senior executive in the factory.
Explanation.—In this rule the expression "senior executive" shall mean the other
departmental heads serving under the Chief Executive Head of the Factory, other
than the officers of the Government serving on deputation.]
[8-A. Gratuity.—(1) Gratuity shall be payable to a Welfare Officer on the
termination of his employment after he has rendered continuous service for not
less than five years,—
Provided further that in the case of death of the Welfare Officer gratuity payable
to him shall be paid to his nominee or, if no nomination has been made, to his
(2) For every completed year of service or part thereof in excess of six months
the employer shall pay gratuity to a Welfare Officer at the rate of fifteen days'
pay based on the rate of pay last drawn by concerned officer.
(3) The amount or gratuity payable to Welfare Officer shall not exceed twenty
months' pay.
(4) Nothing in this rule shall affect the right of a Welfare Officer to receive better
terms of gratuity under any award or agreement or contract with the employer.
(a) the gratuity of a Welfare Officer, whose services have been terminated for
any act, wilful omission or negligence causing any damage or loss to, or
destruction of, property belonging to employer, shall be forfeited to the extent of
the damage or loss so caused;
(i) if the services of such Welfare Officer have been terminated for his riotous or
disorderly conduct or any other act of violence on his part, or
(ii) if the services of such Welfare Officer have been terminated for any act which
constitutes an offence involving moral turpitude, provided that such offence is
committed by him in the course of his employment.]
(b) (i) he is not less than 21 years of age on the date of appointment in the case of
Grade-I and II:
(ii) he is not less than 21 years of age and not more than 30 years of age on the
date of appointment in the case of Grade-III:
Provided that the upper age limit shall be higher by five years in the case of
members of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, injured persons of the Armed
Forces and dependants and members of the families of fighters of freedom:
(e) he possesses—
(i) a degree from any University established by law in Social Sciences or Labour
Welfare or Industrial Relations and Personnel Management;
candidates will initially be placed on one year's probation, which may, in special
cases and for reasons to be recorded in writing, be extended for a period not
exceeding one year.
(2) A Welfare Officer will earn his first increment on completion of his period of
probation on the condition that his work has been found to be satisfactory. If the
period of probation is extended on account of failure to give satisfaction, such
extension shall not count for increment unless directed otherwise.
(3) If it appears at any time during or at the end of the period of probation or the
extended period of probation that a Welfare Officer has not made sufficient use
of his opportunities or has otherwise failed to give satisfaction, the occupier may
dispense with his services after giving one month's notice or one month's pay in
lieu thereof or in case he previously held a post under the factory, revert him to
that post:
Provided, firstly, that the services of a Welfare Officer shall not be dispensed
with, nor shall he be reverted as aforesaid, without the written concurrence of
the Labour Commissioner, who shall also record his reasons therefor:
Provided, secondly, that the period of probation shall not be extended without
the written concurrence of the Labour Commissioner, who shall also record his
reasons therefor. The order sanctioning extension of probation shall specify the
exact date up to which extension is granted.]
11. 13[* * *]
(b) if the Labour Commissioner refuses to concur in the proposal of the employer
to dispense with the services of the Welfare Officer, or revert him to his original
post, as the case may be, under Rule 14[10].
expedient so to do, exempt any person from all or any of the qualifications or age
restriction prescribed in Rule 9 if such person—
(ii) has had three years in the case of Grade I, two years in the case of Grade II,
and one year in the case of Grade III, practical experience of work concerning or
relating to the welfare of labour:
Provided that no application for exemption under this rule shall be entertained
after the person concerned has already been appointed.]
14. 16
[* * *]
15. Punishments.—(I) The management may impose any one or more of the
following punishments on a Welfare Officer—
(i) Censure,
Provided further that the management shall not impose any punishment other
than censure except with the previous concurrence of the Labour Commissioner.
(2) The Labour Commissioner shall give the Welfare Officer an opportunity to
explain the circumstances appearing against him and, if necessary, of being
heard in person, when a reference is made under sub-rule (1).
16. (1) A Welfare Officer, who is subjected to punishment under clause (v) of
sub-rule (1) of Rule 15, may appeal to the State Government against the order of
punishment made by the management with the concurrence of the Labour
Commissioner, within 30 days from the receipt of the order by him. The decision
of the State Government shall be final and binding.
(2) The State Government may pass such interim orders as may be necessary,
pending the decision of an appeal filed under sub-rule (1).
(a) to promote harmonious relations and to do liaison work between the workers
and the management;
(b) to get the grievances and complaints of workers with regard to their service
conditions redressed as expeditiously as possible;
(c) to bring the breaches of labour laws and orders and statutory obligations to
the notice of the management or occupier of the factory and to advise and assist
the factory management in the fulfilment of obligations, statutory or otherwise,
concerning the application of the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948, Payment
of Wages Act, 1936, Employment of Children Act, 1938 and other labour laws
applicable to factories and the rules made thereunder and to establish liaison
with the Chief Inspector of Factories, Labour Commissioner and the Medical
Service, concerning medical examination of workers, health records, supervision
of hazardous jobs, sick-visiting and convalescence, accidents prevention, safety
supervision, systematic plant inspection, safety education, investigation of
accidents, maternity benefits, workman compensation;
(h) to help in preventing sabotage and other illegal activities of workers and the
management, as the case may be;
(i) to detect and check bribery and corruption and to bring such cases to the
notice of the management of the factory;
(k) to look after the enforcement of the provisions of all the labour laws and
schemes as may be in force including the following:
(2) The Employees' Provident Fund Act, 1952; and the Schemes framed
(5) The Workers Education Scheme framed by the Central Board of Workers'
(7) The U.P. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (U.P. Act 28 of 1947);
18. No Welfare Officer shall be allowed to perform any other duties except those
mentioned in Rule 17, or to hold any other office or post without the previous
written sanction of the Labour Commissioner or the State Government.
19. If a Welfare Officer proceeds on leave for period exceeding one month, the
occupier shall appoint another Welfare Officer for the period of the leave:
Provided that if the vacancy is for less than three months, the occupier may with
the previous approval in writing of the Labour Commissioner, appoint a person
not qualified under Rule 9, to work as Welfare Officer for that period.
20. The factories under the control of the Central Government, situated in the
State of Uttar Pradesh, which are governed by the Labour Officers Central (Pool),
Recruitment and Conditions of Service Rules, 1951 are exempted under Section
50(a) of the Factories Act, 1948, from compliance with the provisions of Section
49 of the Act and these Rules.
Wages) Act, 1978.—The provisions of the Uttar Pradesh Industrial Peace (Timely
Payment of Wages) Act, 1978, shall also apply in the case of Welfare Officers.]
[23. Every Welfare Officer shall submit to the Chief inspector of Factories, Uttar
Pradesh through his employer a monthly return by the 15th day of every month,
in respect of welfare work performed by him during the previous month.]
(iv) a diploma of the Institute of Labour Welfare and Workers, Bombay of two
(ix) a diploma in any other institution of repute in India, approved by the State
Uttar Pradesh Factories (Safety Officers)
Rules, 19841
1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These Rules may be called the Uttar
Pradesh Factories (Safety Officers) Rules, 1984.
(2) These Rules shall come into force with effect from the date of their publication
in the Gazette.
4. Pay, allowances and other benefits.—The scale of pay, allowances and other
benefits such as leave, provident fund, bonus, gratuity. Medical facilities,
residence etc. to be granted to the Safety Officer and other conditions of their
service shall be the same as those of other officers of corresponding status in the
5. Status.—The Chief Safety Officer or the Safety Officer in the case of factories
where only one Safety Officer is required to be appointed shall be given the
status of a departmental head or a senior executive in the factory and he shall
work directly under control of the Chief Executive of the factory. Every other
Safety Officer shall be given appropriate status corresponding the status of an
officer holding a position next below other departmental heads in the factory:
Provided that where any dispute arises as to the status of a Safety Officer or
Chief Safety Officer, the case shall be referred to the State Government whose
decision shall be final.
(i) suspension;
(ii) removal or dismissal from service;
(iii) reduction in rank;
(iv) withholding of increment (including stoppage of an efficiency bar);
(v) censure; and
(vi) warning:
Provided that no order imposing any such penalty on a Safety Officer shall be
made except after an enquiry in which he has been informed of charges against
him and given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in respect of such
charges and where it is proposed, after such enquiry, to impose on him any such
penalty until he has been given a reasonable opportunity of making
representation against the penalty proposed, but only on the basis of the
evidence adduced or any other material being used against him during such
(i) to advise the departmental heads, supervisors and other such officers in
planning and organising measures necessary for the effective control of personal
(ii) to advise on safety aspects in all job studies, and to carry out detailed job
safety studies of selected jobs;
(iii) to check and evaluate the effectiveness of the action taken or proposed to be
taken to prevent personal injuries;
(vi) to carry out plant safety inspections in order to observe the physical
conditions of work and the work practice procedures followed by the workers
and to render advice on measures to be adopted for reducing the unsafe physical
conditions and preventing unsafe actions by workers;
(viii) to investigate fatal and serious accidents and to suggest remedial measures
to the management;
(i) from all or any of the requirements of Rule 3 who has been working as Safety
Officer for a period not less than three years on the date of commencement of
these Rules, provided that he possesses a degree in any branch of Engineering or
Technology of a University established by law; or
(iii) from the requirements of Rule 3 subject to the condition that he possesses a
degree in any branch of Engineering or Technology of a University established
by law, if in its opinion a suitable person possessing the qualifications prescribed
in the said rule is not available for appointment as a Safety Officer.
14. Appeal.—(1) Any Safety Officer on whom any penalty has been imposed
under Rule 8 may, within thirty days of the communication of the order of
imposition of the penalty to him, appeal against such order to the Labour
(3) An appeal against the order of the Labour Commissioner under sub-rule (2)
may be preferred to the State Government within thirty days from the date of the
said order:
In exercise of the powers under Section 112 read with Sections 41-B and 115 of
the Factories Act, 1948 (Act 63 of 1948) the Governor is pleased to make the
following rules after previous publication in the Government Notification No.
2952/XXXVI-3-41(F)-88 dated December 22, 1994 of said date.
1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may be called the Uttar
Pradesh Factories (Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards) Rules, 1996.
(2) They shall come into force with effect from the date of their publication in the
Uttar Pradesh Gazette.
(i) any chemical which satisfies any of the criteria laid down in Part I of Schedule
1 and is listed in Column 2 of Part II of Schedule 1; or
(e) "pipeline" means a pipe (together with any apparatus and works associated
therewith), for system of pipes (together with any apparatus and works
associated therewith), for the conveyance of a hazardous chemical, other than a
flammable gas as set out in Column 2 of Part II of Schedule 3 at a pressure of less
than 8 bars absolute;
(h) Words and expressions not defined in these Rules but defined or used in the
Factories Act, 1948 and the rules made thereunder will have the same meaning as
assigned therein.
(2) An occupier, who has control of an industrial activity in terms of sub-rule (1)
of this rule, shall arrange to obtain or develop detailed information on hazardous
chemical in the form of a material safety data sheet as indicated in Schedule 5.
The information shall be accessible to workers upon request for reference.
(3) The occupier while obtaining or developing a material safety data sheet, as
indicated in Schedule 5 in respect of a hazardous chemical handled by him shall
ensure that the information is recorded accurately and reflects the scientific
evidence used in making the hazard determination. In case any significant
information regarding hazard of a chemical is available, it shall be added to the
material safety data sheet as indicated in Schedule 5 as soon as practicable.
(b) the name and address of the manufacturer or importer of the hazardous
chemical; and
(c) the physical, chemical and toxicological data as per the criteria given in Part I
of Schedule 1.
(5) In terms of sub-rule (4) of this rule where it is impractical to label a chemical
in view of the size of the container or the nature of the package, provision should
be made for other effective means like tagging or accompanying documents.
(2) An occupier who has control of an industrial activity in terms of sub-rule (1)
of this rule shall provide evidence to show that he has—
(i) prevent such major accident and to limit their consequences to persons and
the environment; and
(ii) provide the persons working on the site with the information training and
equipment including antidotes necessary to ensure their safety.
(2) The Chief Inspector shall on receipt of the report in accordance with sub-rule
(1) of this rule, shall undertake a full analysis of the accident and send the
requisite information to the Directorate General, Factory Advice Service and
Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) and the Ministry of Labour through appropriate
(b) Rules 10 to 12 shall apply to an industrial activity, other than isolated storage,
in which there is involved a quantity of a hazardous chemical listed in Column 2
of Schedule 3 which is equal to or more than the quantity specified in the entry
for that chemical in Column 4;
(i) was commenced after the date of coming into operation of these Rules; or
(ii) if commenced before that date, is an industrial activity in which there has
been since that date a modification which would be likely to have important
implications for major accident hazards and that activity shall be deemed to have
been commenced on the date on which the modification was made; and
(2) No report under sub-rule (1) of this rule need to be submitted by the occupier,
if he submits a report under sub-rule (1) of Rule 10.
9. Transitional provisions.—Where,—
(a) at the date of coming into operation of these Rules, an occupier who is in
control of an existing industrial activity which is required to be reported under
sub-rule (1) of Rule 7; or
(b) within six months after that date an occupier commences any such new
industrial activity;
10. Safety reports and Safety audit.—(1) Subject to the following sub-rules of
this Rule, an occupier shall not undertake any industrial activity to which this
Rule applies unless he has prepared a safety report on that industrial activity
containing the information specified in Schedule 8 and has sent a copy of that
report to the Chief Inspector at least three months before commencing that
(3) In the case of an existing industrial activity, until five years from the date of
coming into operation of these Rules, it shall be a sufficient compliance with sub-
rule (1) of the Rule if the occupier on or within the three months after the date of
coming into the operation of these Rules sends to the Chief Inspector the
information specified in Schedule 7 relating to that activity.
11. Updating of reports under Rule 10.—(1) Where an occupier has made a
safety report in accordance with sub-rule (1) of Rule 10, he shall not make any
modification to the industrial activity to which that a safety report relates which
could materially affect the particulars in that report, unless he has made a further
report to take account of those modifications and has sent a copy of that report to
the Chief Inspector at least three months before making those modifications.
(2) Where an occupier has made a report in accordance with Rule 10 and sub-rule
(1) of this Rule and that industrial activity is continuing, the occupier shall within
three years of the date of the last such report make a further report which shall
have regard in particular to new technical knowledge which has affected the
particulars in the previous report relating to safety and hazard assessment, and
shall within one month or in such longer time as the Chief Inspector may agree
in writing, send a copy of the report to the Chief Inspector.
(2) The occupier shall ensure that the emergency plan prepared in accordance
with sub-rule (1) of this Rule, takes into account any modification made in the
industrial activity and that every person on the site who is affected by the plan is
informed of its relevant provisions.
(3) The occupier shall prepare the emergency plan required under sub-rule (1) of
this rule—
(a) in the case of a new industrial activity before that activity is commenced
except that in the case of a new industrial activity which is commenced or is
deemed to have been commenced before a date of three months after the coming
into operation of these Rules by that date; or
(b) in the case of an existing industrial activity, within three months of coming
into operation of these Rules.
(2) The occupier shall provide the District Magistrate or the District Emergency
Authority with such information relating to the industrial activity under his
control as may be necessary to enable the District Magistrate or the District
Emergency Authority to prepare an off-site Emergency plan under sub-rule (1) of
this Rule including the nature, extent and likely effects off-site of possible major
accidents as well as any additional information as the District Magistrate or the
District Emergency Authority may require in this regard.
(3) The District Magistrate or the District Emergency Authority shall provide the
occupier with information from the off-site emergency plan which relates to his
duties under Rule 13 or sub-rule (2) of this rule.
(4) The District Magistrate or the District Emergency Authority shall prepare its
emergency plan for any industrial activity required under sub-rule (1) of this
(a) in the case of a new industrial activity, before that activity is commenced;
(b) in the case of an existing industrial activity, within six months of its being
notified by the occupier of the industrial activity.
(b) the safety measure and the correct behaviour which should be adopted in
the event of a major accident.
(2) The occupier shall take the steps required under sub-rule (1) of this Rule to
inform persons about an industrial activity, before that activity is commenced,
except that, in the case of an existing industrial activity in which case the
occupier shall comply with the requirements of sub-rule (1) of this Rule within
three months of coming into operation of these Rules.
(b) has contravened one or more of that Rules in circumstances that make it likely
that the contravention will continue or be repeated, he may serve on him a notice
(in this Rule referred to as "an improvement notice") stating the reasons for his
opinion, requiring the occupier to remedy the contravention within such period
as may be specified in the notice.
(2) A notice served under sub-rule (1) of this Rule may include directions as to
the matters to be taken by the occupier to remedy any contravention or the
matters to which the notice relates.
Part I
Chemicals having the following values of acute toxicity and which, owning to
their physical and chemical properties, are capable of producing major accident
(ii) Highly flammable liquids.—Chemicals which have a flash point lower than
23 degree C and the boiling point of which at normal pressure is above 20 degree
(c) Explosives:
Chemicals which may explode under the effect of flame, heat or photo chemical
conditions or which are more sensitive to shocks or frictions than dinitrobenzene:
[See Rules 2(a)(ii), 4(1)0), 4(2)(a) and 6(l)(c) and (d)] Isolated storage at installation
other than those covered by Schedule 4 (a) The threshold quantities set out below
relate to each installation or group of installations belonging to the same occupier
where the distance between installations is not sufficient to avoid, in foreseeable
circumstances, any aggravation of major accident hazards. These quantities
apply in any case to each of the installations belonging to the same occupier
where the distance between the installations is less than 500 metres.
(i) in that part of any pipeline under the control of the occupier having control of
the site, which is within 500 metres of that site and connected to it;
(ii) at any other site under the control of the occupier any pan of the boundary of
which is 500 metres of the said site; and
(iii) in any vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft under the control of the same
occupier which is used for storage purpose either at the site or within 500 metres
of it, but no account shall be taken of any hazardous chemical which is in a
vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft for transporting it.
Chemical or groups of chemicals Quantity (Tonnes)
1 2 3 4
2 Ammonia 60 600
5 Chlorine 10 25
(a) This applies to ammonium nitrate and mixtures of ammonium nitrate where
the nitrogen content derived from the ammonium nitrate is greater than 28 per
cent by weight and to aqueous solutions of ammonium nitrate where the
concentration of ammonium nitrate is greater than 90 per cent by weight.
(a) The quantities set out below relate to each installation or group of
installations belonging to the same occupier where the distance between the
installations is not sufficient to avoid in foreseeable circumstances, any
aggravation of major accident hazards. These quantities apply in any case to each
group of installations belonging to the same occupier where the distance
between the installations is less than 500 metres.
(i) in that part of any pipeline under the control of the occupier having control of
the site, which is within 500 metres of that site and connected to it;
(ii) at any other site under the control of the same occupier any part of the
boundary of which is within 500 metres of the said site; and
(iii) in any vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft under the control of the same
occupier which is used for storage purpose either at the site of within 500 metres
of it;
3. The operation instructions when not fixed to the apparatus should be kept
constantly posted up in a place where they can conveniently be referred to by the
4. Every apparatus for generating and storing acetylene gas other than a
portable apparatus holding a charge of Jess than 2 lb. cf carbide of calcium
should be placed in an out-building which should be separated as far as
practicable from any inhabited building and should be well ventilated.
7. No fire, naked light, lamp, other than an electric torch or smoking should be
allowed in a generator house or near a generator,
11. Copper should not be used in the construction of generators pipes, valves
or fittings for acetylene.
12. Electric switches, fuses, etc. in a generator house or near a generator should
be so constructed that risk due to sparking or fusing in an explosive atmosphere
is avoided.
14. Hydraulic valves should be used with low pressure generators but not with
high pressure generators.
15. A hydraulic back pressure valve should be fitted in the acetylene supply
pipe between the generator and each blow-pipe as near the blow-pipe as
16. Ample means for thorough ventilation should constantly be maintained in
use in welding shops, and special provision should be made for ventilating
confined spaces in which acetyienc is used.
17. A blow-pipe designed for use on a low pressure plant should not be used
in connexion with a high pressure plant, unless a suitable acetylene control valve
is fitted to the blow-pipe.
18. Tins containing carbide should not be brought into a welding room or near
to a flame.
21. Reducing valves should always be fitted on both oxygen and acetylene
cylinders when in use.
22. Gas cylinder valves, specially those on oxygen cylinders, should always be
opened slowly.
23. Oil or grease should not be used in connection with valves, fittings or
tubing on oxygen cylinders.
24. The acetylene supply should always be cut off when changing the blow-
pipe or the oxygen cylinder.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 8(1) of the Factories Act, 1948, the
Governor of the U.P. has been pleased to appoint the Chief Adviser, Factories,
and the Deputy Chief Adviser, Factories of Government of India, to be
"Inspectors" in the U.P. for the purpose of the said Act.
No. 314/XXXVI-3—3{F)-90, August 4, 1990
In exercise of the powers under sub-section (5) of Section 8 of the Factories Act,
1948 (Act No. LXIII of 1948) read with Section 21 of the General Clauses Act, 1897
(Act No. 10 of 1897) and in supersession of Government notification No.
4710(V)/XXXVI-5-~2045(F)-74, dated November 20, 1974, the Governor is
pleased to appoint the public officers mentioned in Column 2 of the schedule
below, as "Additional Inspector" for the following purposes of the said Act
within the local limits assigned against each of them from the date of taking over
charge in Column 3 of the said schedule.
Public Officer Local limits
1 2 3
Whole of Uttar
1 Labour Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh
Whole of Uttar
2 All Additional Labour Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh.
Whole of Uttar
5 Director of Medical and Health Services, U.P.
Whole of Uttar
7 Joint Director State Health, Institute, Uttar Pradesh.
Whole of Uttar
11 Assistant Director, State Health Institute, Lucknow.
Whole of Uttar
12 Lecturer Stale Health Institute Lucknow.
(a) The Inspector referred to in sub-section (1) of Section 105 of the Act shall be
the Chief Inspector of Factories, U.P. or the Inspector of Factories in all cases of
proposals for prosecution, except District Magistrates and the Labour
Commissioner, U.P., who are empowered to institute prosecutions themselves;
(b) The Inspector, to whom notices are required to be sent by the said Act or the
rules framed thereunder, shall in each area, be the Inspector of Factories of the
region concerned and, if specifically so required by the said Act or the rules
framed thereunder also the Chief Inspector of Factories, Uttar Pradesh,
Subject—Fee for duties performed under Section 87 of the Factories Act, 1948
and the Rules framed thereunder.
It has been reported to Government that some of the Certifying Surgeons are
demanding fees from the occupiers of factories for the duties performed by them
under Section 87 of the Factories Act, 1948, read with Rule 109 of the U.P.
Factories Rules, 1950. I am directed to say in this connection that the question of
payment of fees for the duties performed under the above provision had come
up for the consideration of Government and in view of the existing provisions of
Section 87 of the Act, it was decided that till these provisions remain as they are
no fees should be charged. I am accordingly to request that for the medical
examinations, etc. conducted by you in discharge of your obligations under the
provision referred to above no fees should be charged by you from the
managements of factories.
2. These orders are being issued with the concurrence of Government in Medical
In exercise of the powers under sub-section (1) of Section 40-B of the Factories
Act, 1948 (Act No. LXIII of 1948) read with Section 21 of the General Clauses Act,
1897 (Act No. X of 1897) and in supersession of notification No. 3283/XXXVI-3—
2001 (F)-84, dated January 2, 1985, the Governor is pleased to require that every
Factory in the State wherein one thousand or more workers are ordinarily
employed, the occupier shall employ such number of Safety Officers as specified
in Column 3 of the Schedule below for the number of workers mentioned against
each in Column 2 :—
1 2 3
(14) Glass Bangle The working hours of jhokias and watermen shall
factories. be so arranged that only rest intervals may overlap.
Whereas the Governor of Uttar Pradesh is satisfied that owing to the nature of
work carried on in the tea factories it is unreasonable to require that the period of
work of certain adult workers in such factories be fixed beforehand.
(a) That all the provisions of the said Act except those in Section 15 and Chapter
VIII thereof and the rules made thereunder shall apply to any place in Uttar
Pradesh wherein any manufacturing process specified in the Schedule
hereto annexed is carried on, notwithstanding that—
(i) the number of persons employed therein is less than ten but not less than five,
if working with the aid of power, and less than twenty but not less than ten, if
working without the aid of power, or
(ii) the persons working therein are not employed by the owner thereof but are
working with the permission of or under agreement with such owner :
Provided that the manufacturing process is not being carried on by the owner
with the aid of his family.
In exercise of the powers under sub-section (1) of Section 85 of the Factories Act,
1948 (Act No. LXIII of 1948), the Governor is pleased to declare that al! the
provisions of the said Act, except those of Section 15 and Chapter VIII thereof
and rules made thereunder shall apply to any place in Uttar Pradesh wherein a
manufacturing process of cane crushing is carried on notwithstanding that—
(1) the number of persons employed therein is less than ten, if working with the
aid of power and less than twenty if working without the aid of power, but not
less than five ; or
(2) the persons working therein are not employed by the owner thereof but are
working with the permission of, or under agreement with such owner:
Provided that the manufacturing processes not being carried on by the owner
only with the aid of his family.
In exercise of the powers under sub-section (1) of Section 85 of the Factories Act,
1948 (Act No. LXIII of 1948), the Governor is pleased todeclare that all the
provisions of the said Act, except those of Section 15 and Chapter VIII thereof as
also of the rules made thereunder, shall apply to any place in Uttar Pradesh
wherein any manufacturing process specified in the Schedule below is
carried on, notwithstanding that:—
(t) the number of persons employed therein is less than ten but not less than five,
if working with the aid of power, and is less than twenty but not less than ten, if
working without the aid of power ; or
(it) the person working therein are not employed by the owner thereof but are
working with the permission of or under agreement with, such owner :
Provided that the manufacturing process is not being carried on by the owner
with the aid of his family.
In exercise of the powers under sub-section (1) of Section 85 of the Factories Act,
1948 (Act No. LXIII of 1948), the Governor is pleased to declare that all the
provisions of the said Act, except those of Section 15 and Chapter VIII thereof
and also of the rules made thereunder, shall apply to any place in Uttar Pradesh
wherein any manufacturing process specified in the Schedule below is carried
on, notwithstanding that—
(i) the number of persons employed therein is less than ten but not less than five,
if working with the aid of power and is less than twenty but not less than ten, if
working without the aid of power; or
(ii) the persons working therein are not employed by the owner thereof but are
working with the permission of or under agreement with, such owner:
Provided that the manufacturing process is not being carried on by the owner
with the aid of his family.
4. Dichromate manufacture.
5. Chemical works
No. 125/XXXVI-3-I7(F)-36, dated August 3, 1987
In exercise of the powers under clause (v) of Rule 3 of Uttar Pradesh Factories
(Safety Officers) Rules, 1984 the Governor is pleased to recognise the diploma in
Industrial safety granted by the Central Labour Institute, Bombay, and
Regional Labour Institutes, Madras, Calcutta and Kanpur.
13. Substituted, vide Labour (B) Department Noti. No. 395 (LL)/XXXVI-B-313
(LL)-53, dt. 28-5-1955.
14. Sub-rule (<;) inserted, vide Labour (B) Department Notification Xo. 305 !
LI./XXXVI-H—3I3(I.j-53, dated May 28, 1955.
15. Substituted the heading, vide Labour Department Notification No. 1950(LL)
/XXXVI-B—2 (IX) -54,. date November 2, 1954.
18. Rule 56-A inserted vide, Labour Department Notification No. 1950
(LL)/XXXVI-B— 2(LL)-54, dated November 2, 1954.
20. Subs, by Noti. No. 366(SM)/XXXVI-A— 1130(SM)-57, dated Sept. 23, 1963.
22. Added by Noti. No. 385(LD)/ XXXVI-A—2027 (SM)-62, dated July 17, 1964.
32. Subs., vide Labour (A) Department Noti. No. 21 (SM)/XXXVI-A—1019 (SM)-
57, dt. 13-6-1958.
33. Subt. vide Labour (A) Department Noli. No. 21(SM)/XXXVI-A—1019 (SM)-
51,dt. 13-6-1958.
34. Subs, by Noti. No. 2562/XXXVI-3— 37(F)-84, dt. 30-8-1986 (1988 LLT-V-49).
47. Subs., vide Labour (B) Department Noti. No. 2784(LL)/XXXVI-B—87 (LL)-
51, dated November 23, 1953.
49. Inserted, vide Labour (B) Department Noti. No. 2438-(LL)/XVIII (B)—61 (LL)-
51, dated September 24, 1952.
50. Suis. by Noti. No. 3607 (SM)/XXXVI-A— 1172(SM)58, dated September, 21,
51. Subs., vide Labour (A) Department Noti. No. 5475 (SM)/XXXVI-A— 1250
(SM)-57, dated November 6,
52. Subs., vide Labour (A) Department Noti. No. 5475(SM)/XXXVI-A— 1250
(SM)-57, dated November 6, 1958.
53. Clause 2 deleted and re-numbered as Clauses 8, 9, 10 and 11, vide Noti. No.
1161/XXXVI-B—290 (M)-52, dated December 30, 1955.
54. Added vide Noti. No. 1161 (M)/ XXXVI-B—290 (M)-52, dated December 30,
55. Subs., vide Noti. No. 4354 (SM)/ XXXVI-A—1048 (SM)-59, dated October 1,
56. Added, vide Labour (B) Department Noti. No. 3855(M)/XXXVI-(B)— 340 (M)-
55, dated January 12, 1956.
57. Added, vide Labour (B) Department Noti. No. 2732 (M)(ii)/XXXVI-(B)—59-
(M)-54, dated March 5, 1956.
61. 45°
62. Item 10 in Form No. 2, inserted, vide IW,. of Labour (B) Department No. 1393
(LL) \XXXVI-B—292 fLI ) w dated August 26, 1955. (LL)"54'
63. Amended, vide Labour Department Noti. No. 21 (SM) /XXXVI-A—1019 (SM)-
57, dated June 13, 1958.
64. Added vide Notification No. 5202 (SM) IV/XXXVI-A—1204 (SM)-61, dated
April 27, 1962.
75. Subs, vide Noti. No. 21(SM)/XXXVI-A— 1019(SM)-57, dated June 13, 1958.
76. The words "and nail brushes" deleted, vide Labour Department Noti. No.
1072(LL) (ii)/XVIII (LB)-61, (41)-51, dated June 6, 1952.
76a. Subs, vide Noti. No. 6264 (SM) (iii)/ XXXVI-A—1250(SM)-57, dated February
19, 1959.
77. Vide Noti. No. 21(SM)/XXXVI-A— 1019(SM)-57, dated June 13, 1958.
78. Subs, vide Noti. No. 3220(SM)/ XXXVI-A—1197 (SM)-57, dated May 11, 1957.
79. Subs, vide Noti. No. 3220(SM)/ XXXVI-A—1197 (SM)-57, dated May 11,
80. Second sentence subs, vide Labour (B) Department Noti. No. 1393 (LL)/
XXXVI (B)— 292 (LL)-54, dated August 26, 1955.
† (Column 8)—Enter "one hour", "two half hours", "or none" as the case may be. If
none of these categories applied to all the adult employees, enter the category
applicable t* the majority of adult employees, where the majority receive an
interval exceeding one hour enter "one hour".
‡(Coloum 15)—The total number "is not the average number". In calculating "total
number" of all the persons swploytd during the year shall be accounted for.
81. Subs, by Noti. No. 5189-(SM)/XXXVI-A— l045(SM)-57 dated Oct. 11, 1960.
83. Added by Noti. No. 3607(SM)/XXXVI-A— li72(SM)-58, dated Sept. 20, 1961.
90. Added, vide Labour (B) Department Noti. No. 395 (LL)/XXXVI-B-313 (LL)-
53, dated May 28, 1955.
90a. Forms 26 and 27, ins. by Noti. pub. in 1987 LLT-V-84 (w.e.f. 7-8-1986).
3. Added by ibid.
8. Deleted by ibid.
9. Subs, by ibid.