Emtl 1
Emtl 1
Emtl 1
(25 Marks)
1.a) Find the Electric Field due to an infinite line charge having a uniform charge
density of 𝜌L C/m., using Gauss’s Law. [2]
b) Define the term - Relaxation Time and estimate the same for a medium with
σ = 10-4 Ʊ/m, and dielectric constant of 81. [3]
c) A copper wire carries a conduction current of 5 mA at 1 kHz. Find the
amplitude of the associated displacement current. Take σCu = 5.8 × 107Ʊ/m. [2]
d) Distinguish between the Magnetic Scalar Potential and Magnetic Vector Potential,
and explain their significance. [3]
e) Account for the phenomenon of Total Internal Reflection, and list out the
conditions under which it is possible. [2]
f) Define the term : Skin Depth, and estimate its value for Brass medium, having
conductivity of 1.1 × 107Ʊ/m at 1 MHz. [3]
g) Sketch the typical equivalent circuit of a general lossy transmission line, listing
out its primary and secondary constants. [2]
h) What is the need for loading of transmission lines? What are the different methods
of loading of transmission lines ? [3]
i) Explain the significance of Zmax and Zmin points along an rf transmission line.
j) Find the Quarter Wave Transformer parameters required, for matching a 60 ohm
rf line to a load of 120 Ω at 600 MHz. Where should this be connected? [3]
(50 Marks)
2.a) State and derive the Maxwell’s Equations for electrostatic fields, in both
differential and integral forms.
b) Find the Potential and Electric Field due to a small electric dipole located on
Z-axis. [5+5]
3.a) Derive an expression for the capacitance of a spherical capacitor having
concentric spheres of radii a and b (a < b). Hence evaluate the capacitance of a
single spherical conductor of 4 cm diameter in air.
b) List out the relations between E and potential in an electrostatic field, and hence
show that the electrostatic field is a conservative field. [5+5]
4.a) State Biot-Savart’s Law, and hence calculate the magnetic field due to a circular
loop of radius R in z=0 plane, carrying a current I, at the points (0, 0, h) and
b) Derive the continuity equation for time varying fields, and hence establish
Maxwell’s curl equation for time-varying magnetic field, explaining the concept
of displacement current density. [5+5]
5.a) State Ampere’s Circuital Law, and hence evaluate the magnetic field for a long
cylindrical conductor of diameter 2a, carrying a dc current I, in the regions
𝜌 ≤ a, and 𝜌 ≥ a.
b) State and derive the boundary conditions to be satisfied by the tangential
components of electric and magnetic fields, at the surface of a perfect
conductor. [5+5]
6.a) Define and distinguish between ‘perpendicular’ and ‘parallel’ polarizations, when
a UPW travelling in air, is obliquely incident on a perfect dielectric, with neat
sketches. Also write the related boundary conditions for tangential components of
electric fields in both cases.
b) For a UPW with H = 0.4 cos(𝜔 t - 0.5 x) z A/m., find the dielectric constant,
intrinsic impedance, direction of propagation and polarization, phase velocity and
propagation constant, at 20 MHz. Also write the expression for E. [5+5]
7.a) Show that a Uniform Plane Wave is a TEM Wave.
b) A 100 MHz UPW is normally incident from air onto another perfect dielectric
medium with = 2.25. Estimate the reflection and transmission coefficients for
E and H fields, deriving the expressions used. [5+5]
10.a) Sketch the variations of input impedances of SC and OC lines with ℓ, and
explain how a UHF line can be used as an inductance or a capacitance.
b) A 50Ω rf line is connected to a load of 75 + j 40 ohms. Estimate the resultant reflection
coefficient, VSWR, Zmin, Zmax. Also find its Input Impedance, if the line length is
0.5 λ. [5+5]
11.a) Explain the principle of impedance matching using a single stub tuner, and list
out its limitations.
b) Define the terms: Reflection Coefficient and VSWR and derive expressions for
the same, as applicable to rf lines. [5+5]