Lesson Plan About Town

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Lesson Plan: About my town and my country

Concept/Topic to teach: Learning about the town and the country the students are living in

General Goals: Searching, comparing, evaluating the students knowledge about their town and
country, sharing cultural and social ideas concerning the concrete topic, improving English speaking
skills, composing their own texts ( don’t forget to mention site addresses as bibliography), choosing the
proper ICT tools to present the information .

Specific Objectives: Sharing their own cultural identity and perceiving the idea that they live in a
complex social cultural environment and this fact brings benefits to all of them, promote skills on ICT

Specific topics:
1. national (and local , if possible ) colors or symbols/emblems of the town/city/village/country;
2. sights and points with big interest - national or/and local monuments, churches, museums,
historical buildings, natural sights and monuments;
3. transport, important routs to get to the town/city/village/country;
4. national and local history, customs and traditions;
5. national and local music and dance;
6. social and economic life- important social and economic events , specific professions,
economic activity;
7. important people that lived or live in the town/city/village/country- their history and their work
( athletes, scientists, artists, politicians, philosophers , public figures);
8. questionnaire

Required Materials : Word processor, MS Power Points or other Presentation Application, Image
Photo Editor, Audio Editor, Internet Browser.

Duration: 4 weeks (about 7-8 class hour)

Step-By-Step Procedures:

Topic 1:
The students are divided in 2 groups: one with low level of English and one with higher level of
English. The first one has to create a presentation (for example in Word or Power Point) about the
national (and local, if possible) colors or symbols/emblems/logo and to give it to the second group.
The second group has to improve and complete - if it is needed- the presentation , explaining what
are they doing. It is not necessary to be a long or complicated presentation, 5 or 6 sentences about the
representative colors and symbols are enough.

Topic 2, 3:
The students are asked to say 3 or 4 sights and points with big interests- national or/and local
monuments, churches, museums, historical buildings, natural sights and monuments. They will be
organized in groups, concerning the chosen objective. Using a tourist guide or encyclopedias or
Internet browser and search machine, they have to find all the information about the transport
(schedules, timetables, telephone numbers, sites) from the important European routs to their
chosen sights and points with big interest, in order to help a foreign traveler to get there. The students
can present them creating word document.

Topic 4, 5:
The students are asked to choose one of the following activities:
A. Create a CD containing pieces with their favorite folk or national music, in order to make an
audio presentation of the most representative pieces of this kind;
B. Create a Power Point presentation entitled “National and local customs and traditions”,
using encyclopedias, Internet browser, search machine, books or materials from other studying
objects (history, for instance).

Topic 6:

Every student has to present his/her job and to motivate why the job is important for the city/town
/village. The students can bring pictures from newspapers about the job they present, photos of their
own from the job, statistics about the jobs frequently needed in the place they live or the jobs are
well paid. They can create a chart with the specific professions of the place they live.

Topic 7:

The students have to write on a piece of paper the name of the most known public figure of their
town/city/village and to fold the paper. The answers are intermingled and every one is asked to pick
a piece of paper and to say 3 things about the contribution to the public life of the person indicated
by the colleague. The students have to create a Power Point presentation with the work of the
public figures they indicated.
Topic 8

Questionnaire – for both English levels language

1. What country are you from?

a. Italy;
b. Spain;
c. Latvia;
d. Romania;
e. Norway;
f. Sweden;
g. Portugal.

2. How old are you?

a. Between 18- 22;
b. Between 22-26;
c. Between 26-30;
d. Between 30-40;
e. Over 40-50.

3. Where do you live?

a. In a big city;
b. In a small city;
c. In a village.

4 What description is appropriate to your city / town / village?

a. Commercial/trading;
b. Country town;
c. Manufacturing/industrial;
d. Sea-port town;
e. Historical.

5. Do you think your city/town offers you opportunities of living and working?
a. Yes, the place I’m living in gives me opportunities of living and working;
b. No, the place has not many opportunities of living and working;
c. I came to the place I’m now living because it has a suitable job for me.

6. Do you think your city/town offers you opportunities of studying?

a. Yes, the place I’m living in gives me opportunities of studying;
b. No, the place I’m living in has not many opportunities of studying.
c. Yes, the place I’m living offers opportunities of studying, but not in my area of interests.
7. Do you live now in your hometown?
a. Yes;
b. No;
c. No, but I intend to come back to my hometown, after a while.

8. How often do you participate at the important public events of your town/city (festivals,
feasts, public meeting etc):
a. Every time I have this opportunity;
b. Sometimes, when I have the time for this;
c. Rarely/ I don’t usually go.

9 How often do you participate at the important artistic events of your town/city (concerts,
carnivals, etc)?
a. Every time ;
b. Sometimes, when I have the time for this;
c. Rarely/ I don’t usually go.

10. In your opinion, the citizens of your city/town/country are very concerned with the
problems regarding environment, pollution, relation to the nature:
a. Yes, because they are aware about the importance of those problems;
b. Yes, because the local authorities are organizing activities and project on this matter;
c. No, the citizens are not very concerned with the nature and pollution’s problems.

11. Which are the most important things of your town/city:

a. Natural monuments, buildings, historical monuments, architecture;
b. Economic development and its specific products;
c. The entertainment, food, shopping centers, markets;
d. People and their hospitality and way of living.

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