French City Project 2024
French City Project 2024
French City Project 2024
FL.K-12.1.3 · Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety
of topics.
FL.K-12.2.1 · Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives
of the culture studied.
You will research a city in France in a group of 3-4. You need to find
8 photos about your city and describe each one in French. One of
the objectives is to explain why this would be a great travel
destination. What makes this city exciting, unique and a must
tourist destination! Each group member must speak an equal
amount of sentences.
Then, you can put together your PowerPoint and add your
sentences. Your last slide should include the web sites where you
found your information. You will present your project live to the
class. Due Wednesday, February 7th, 2024.
Be creative! Embed videos, songs, etc. to share with the class. This
is your project—own it! Personalize it! Make us want to visit your
une boussole
8 photos
8 French sentences/descriptions about photos
Read sentences with photos- all group members equally
Last slide – list of web sites used
Completed and turned in on time
I can write 8
about the photos.
La population en
chiffres/ les faits/
dans quelle région?
la localisation
géographique en France
-à l'ouest
-à l'est
-au sud(ouest/est)
la population/la culture,
vêtements traditionnels
la nourriture
le sport
la musique
les fêtes (de musique,
de film)
? You choose an
interesting fact.
Il y a … There is, there are
C’est It is
C’est la ville la plus visitée parce que …. It’s the most visited city because …..
C’est une ville à visiter parce que …. This city should be visited because….
La ville de _________ est célèbre pour….. The city of __________ is famous for…
Les monuments célèbres de cette ville sont… The famous monuments of this city are …
Les spécialités de cette ville sont ….. This city’s specialties are…..
Cette ville est située au nord/au sud/à l’est/à This city is located in the north/south/east/west
Le climat est ……. The climate is….