Kindergarten Cowboy Chronicles: Special Thanksgiving Edition 2010

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Kindergarten Cowboy Chronicles

Special Thanksgiving Edition 2010

The Thanksgiving count-down has reached its final hours! You may have every detail of the menu planned, but on the off
chance you are in need of an extra pair of hands in the kitchen to help you prepare the Thanksgiving meal, I’ve included the
resumes of several aspiring young chefs! They have spent much time learning the tricks of the trade, and they are now ready to
share with you their unique and tempting menus for Thanksgiving 2010! However, if you feel a little uneasy turning your kitchen
over to one of these world-class chefs for the day, please consider trying a couple of their new and exciting turkey recipes! I am
confident you will find the recipes to be extremely simple and easy to follow! Though the recipes may seem very strange, even
unconventional at first glance, one must remember that kindergarten culinary school prides itself on teaching aspiring young
chefs to use basic ingredients in recipes using the most straightforward and simplest techniques. Consider simplifying your life
this Thanksgiving with help from one of our fine young chefs!

Menu: Ham, beef from the Menu: Turkey, ice cream Menu: Ice cream, apple pie, wa- Menu: Turkey, chicken, candy,
crockpot, chicken, spaghetti ter milk
How to cook a turkey:
How to cook a turkey: 1. Get the turkey at the store. How to cook a turkey: How to cook a turkey:
1. Kill it. 2. Cook it in the oven for three 1. Put stuff on it (cinnamon). 1. Put it in the oven if you want
2. Take it home in a wagon be- minutes. 2. Cook it in the oven for 12 min- it to be hot.
cause you don’t want to get 3. Take it out. utes. 2. Say grace.
blood on your hands. 4. Set it on the table. 3. Take it out of the oven and 3. Then we can eat.
3. Bake it in the oven for 5 min- 5. Eat it. cut it.
utes at 15 degrees. 4. Eat it.
4. Eat it.
Menu: Turkey, olives, pie, choc-
Menu: Turkey, ham, stuffing, olate milk
pumpkin pie, ice cream, cranber- Menu: Turkey, cottage cheese,
Menu: Turkey, pie, chocolate ry sauce, potatoes stuffing, ice cream, pizza How to cook a turkey:
ice cream, plain milk 1. Stuff it.
How to cook a turkey: How to cook a turkey: 2. Bake it for 6 minutes.
How to cook a turkey: 1. Kill the turkey. 1. Look for it in the woods. 3. Bring it home.
1. Go to HyVee. 2. Take it home. 2. When you kill it, then you 4. Eat it.
2. Get the stuff for it. 3. Cook it in the oven for 60 min- stuff it.
3. Bring it home. utes. 3. Then you cook it in the oven
4. Fill the turkey with stuffing if 4. Take it out and eat it. for an hour.
it is empty. 4. You get it out of the oven.
Menu: Turkey, peas, milk, ice
5. Freeze it. 5. You cut and then eat it.
6. Cook it in the microwave for
1 minute. How to cook a turkey:
Menu: Turkey, cranberry sauce,
7. Eat it! 1. Get a turkey from the forest.
Menu: Turkey, stuffing, milk, 2. Pull out the leaves.
How to cook a turkey: cake, pie 3. Cook him with a fire.
1. Put the turkey in the oven. 4. Put the turkey in the fire un-
Menu: Water, milk, ice cream, 2. Eat it. How to cook a turkey: til he burns.
turkey 1. Microwave it for 20 minutes. 5. Cut the turkey.
2. Put stuffing in it. 6. Put it in the plate.
How to cook a turkey: 3. Bake it in the oven for 3 min- 7. Eat it.
1. Cook it in the oven for 13 min- utes.
utes at 10 degrees. Menu: Turkey, ham, chips, pizza 4. Put it on the table.
2. Take it out. 5. Eat it.
3. Put it back in the oven for 8 How to cook a turkey:
1. Get your turkey at Wal-mart. Menu: Water, turkey feet, ice
2. Put it in the pot for five cream, turkey
4. Eat it.
How to cook a turkey:
3. Wait for it to get done.
1. Bake it in bread.
4. Take it out of the oven.
2. Take it out.
5. Eat it.
3. Eat it.
What’s Happening Around Town

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! I trust Psalm 30:4

you will enjoy a really special extended weekend “Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of His,
with family and friends counting God’s rich bless- and give thanks at the remembrance of His
ings in your lives! May He grant you a weekend holiness.”
of laughter, rest, and sweet memories!
Before the festivities begin, I want to give
you a “heads-up” on a few things that will take
place upon our return from break. First, I will
not be at school on Monday as I have a couple
of appointments scheduled for that day. Sec-
ondly, at the end of next week, we will prepare
special shoe boxes to store the reading material
that will be coming home in the coming months.
So, please send a shoe box with your child to
school next week. We will decorate them on Fri-
day, and your child will bring home his or her
first mini-book along with the shoe box that
same day! Thanks for your help!
Finally, I wanted to remind you that your
child’s Christmas concert is Saturday, December
4 at 6:30 p.m.! Please make sure your child is
dressed nicely, and join us for a great kick-off to
the Christmas season!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Miss Hult

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, Nov. 29 - Friday, Dec. 3 - Introduction to letters X and Z; Bible verse O

Wednesday, Dec. 1 - Chapel: Theme - Christmas, Show and Tell
Friday, Dec. 3 - Early dismissal - 12:30 p.m.; Bible Verse O quiz
Saturday, Dec. 4 - Elementary Christmas Concert, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 8 - Thursday, Dec. 9 - PTF

Christmas Store
Monday, Dec. 13 - Christmas caroling at Sunnyview Care Center, 10:00 a.m.

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