Newsletter 11.5

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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

Thank you all for coming to conferences! I

am thankful for the opportunity to talk with A: Yes, we will be leaving at (9:45 a.m. on
you about your child’s growth, and I so appreci- , to take a tour of Dahl’s.
ate the wonderful questions I received from Then, we will head to IHOP for lunch and will
you! One question, in particular, was a delight return to school around 12:00 p.m. We are in
to hear! Many of you asked, “What can I do at need of three or four chaperones to help trans-
home to help my child?” The answer is simple, port the students. If you are interested in help-
read! A great way to prepare your child and ing, please let me know. Permission slips will be
help him or her become a fluent reader is to be sent home today or Monday, and I need your
a model reader! I encourage you to spend time signed and returned slips by
reading to your child each night and talk about . I hope our trip will be enjoyable and
the pictures, the words, and the plot, and each will provide a great opportunity to extend our
day you read together for ten minutes, mark it learning about community helpers!
down on your Book It! Calendar so your child
can earn his or her personal pan pizza from Piz-
za Hut!
Another way you can help your child is by We participate in this school-wide project by
practicing reading blends. Your child brought collecting items for two Christmas shoe boxes
home a stack of blends cards for you to keep that will be given to a little boy and girl who
and practice with in the weeks and months to have very few things to call their own. The goal
of this project is to help students understand
come. Attached to the cards is an ideas and
the blessedness of giving to those in need. I am
activities page entitled “Rarin’ to Read.” Just
thankful for all who signed up at conferences
five to ten minutes of practice each day using
to provide a set of a specific item (i.e. a tooth-
the cards and one of the activities will make a
brush); however, I still have four spots on our
huge difference in your child’s success as a flu-
list that need to be filled. If you haven’t signed
ent reader! Please ask if you need further help
up, please take a moment to do so on the list
or ideas for the blend cards.
located outside our classroom door! Once you
I also try to upload new ideas to help develop
pick up a set (one for the girl and one for the
fine motor skills every other week on my class
boy), send the items to school with your son or
notes page. The most important thing you can
daughter. Items are November
do, however, is to talk with your child! Teach
I trust this project will impact our students
them about the world around them! They will
and will encourage them to share with others.
eat it up!
A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week Hebrews 13:15-16
“Therefore by Him let us continually
Monday: (Offering of Isaac - Gen. 22:1-14) God offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is,
tests Abraham’s faith by commanding Abra- the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His
ham to offer his only son, Isaac, as a But do not forget to do good and to
Abraham obeys and tells his servant that they share, for with such sacrifices God is well
will go up to worship and return. God pro- pleased.”
vides a ram just as Abraham is ready to sacri-
fice his son. Likewise, God gave His only Son
to die for us.
Tuesday: Review of previous lesson.
Wednesday: Chapel review and extension.
Thursday: (A Bride for Isaac - Gen. 24:1-67)
Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Spotlighting Students and Volunteers
Isaac, and his servant prays for wisdom. Re-
bekah shows kindness to the servant and is Thank you to the Miller family for pro-
chosen by God to be Isaac’s bride. The ser- viding snacks this week! The students real-
vant thanks God for His guidance, and we can ly enjoyed the different types of crackers!
too. We appreciate your willingness to share and
Friday: Review of previous lesson. provide snacks for us this week!
Thank you to all who signed up to bring
something for the Operation Christmas
Child project! We have already had one
family drop off the supplies! We look for-
ward to putting our Christmas boxes
together with the rest of the supplies on
Wednesday! Thanks for your help and

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, Nov. 8 - Friday, Nov. 12 - Introduction to letters v and w; Bible verse C
Wednesday, Nov. 10 - Chapel - Theme: Generosity;
Thursday, Nov. 11 -
Friday, Nov. 12 - Bible C verse quiz
Monday, Nov. 15 - (9:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
Wednesday, Nov. 17 -

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