ESP or English For Specific Purposes Reflection

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ESP or English for Specific Purposes is one of my subjects this semester, I feel so sad

because the lesson that will be tackle in this subject will be all about English and I really hate
English because I do not know how to construct and speak English in good manner. When I first
saw this subject I really feel that I cannot do it because I know my ability in terms of this subject
but I put in my mind that no matter what happen I will do my best in this subject so that I can
able to pass this subject and finish my studies. So for me, at first I thought that this subject will
really give burden in my studying here but then I realized that this subject is really important for
me as a student not only in passing this subject but also in the future which I can use this in my
profession that I have, especially the English Language it is because speaking in English is really
important in the profession that I have.

As for me, I felt so sad to have this subject but when the time passed I was glad because I
learned so much in this subject. I learned about relevant thing in every topic that we discussed in
this subject. One of the topics I learned was all about the important of having this English in our
lives. English language has its own purpose, like purpose in our academic and in profession. It is
really important in our academic it is because it is one of the important language that we need to
use in everyday of our classes, this language is really useful for the reason that when we are in
our classes and we need to participate we really need to speak in English so that’s why we really
need to learned this kind of language. This language is also useful in our profession because if
we are applying for a job we need to speak in English and also if we are already in our profession
we need to communicate to them using the English language.

This topic also make me feel glad because I really learned a lot in this topic which is
about Business Letter, I really had the opportunity to learn on how to make a business letter. I
was given a chance to make a letter about application, resume, letter for the parents and other
letter that was related to my profession as a teacher. I feel that it was quite difficult to make a
letter like this but I realized that making a letter like this would be an advantage to me because I
had already my ability in making a letter like this especially in applying a job in the near future.
In making a business letter I learned that I need to follow the correct format to make my letter
nice and pleasant to see. There are also some principles that I need to follow like in writing this it
should be clean and neat, in writing your words it should be courteous and polite and all other
principles that are relevant in making a letter. It is really a great help to have a lesson like this.

In this semester we discussed also about the Business Meeting. In business meeting there
are two kinds, these are the free flow meeting and parliamentary meeting. Both of these meeting
needs an agenda, when we say agenda it is about the thing that you need to discuss in a particular
meeting. I learned that a parliamentary meeting is the formal one because it follows a procedure
while the free flow meeting is the informal one. From the name itself you can really tell that it is
informal because in this kind of meeting you can just tell what you need to tell in that meeting
not like the parliamentary meeting that you cannot easily react. I also learned that before
conducting a meeting it is really need to have a memorandum so that the people who are invited
for the said meeting will not be shock. In a meeting there are types of person one of them is "The
know all" this person where even though the meeting has not yet started they already shared
what they know about the meeting. The other one type of person is the "Quite One" they are just
the kind of person who is silent they don’t distract the meeting but they cannot contribute to the
meeting they are just useless. The lesson about business meeting also can contribute to the
profession that I have because if I will be teacher in the future I can use my learning about this in
the HRPTCA meeting and other meetings in the school.

In this subject we also talked about the VCV and Job Interview. VCV or Video
Curriculum Vitae is a video about applying a job using a video. This is the opportunity of the
employee to present his presentation skill. I learned that in making a VCV it should have 2-3
minutes content and the content you have should be like a story. Making a VCV take time but it
is also a good one for the employee who does not have their confident in their self because they
can make a good presentation using this. Job Interview is also discussed in this subject, this
interview talked about how a person can answer the question in an impromptu manner. In the Job
Interview a person should have the confident in answering the question so that he or she will
have a good answer in the question she or he encountered.

Lesson plan is a good topic also where my skill about in making the lesson plan was
improved, it is because of the new information I learned when our instructor discussed it to us.
Lesson plan is really important for a teacher, it is because it is a way to help them to deliver what
they need to discussed to the learners they have. Making lesson was difficult but I was really
glad and grateful because my skill in making a lesson plan was improved because on the
information I learned in this subject. I learned that in making a lesson plan I need to follow the
format of the outcome based education where it should be in the past participle, the reason for
this is, it needs that a teacher should put in their mind that they will really achieve the objective
they have in their lesson plan. I learned also that in making a detailed lesson plan it needs to have
the teacher and learners activity. Making lesson plan will really take time but it will also be an
advantage to us teacher because it will really improve our skill in making this.

The entire lesson that was discussed in this subject was really relevant in the future we
have, it is because it will be useful especially to the profession we have which is being a teacher.
So that’s why even though I feel sad at first to have this subject but then i realized that without
this how would I know all about this. Even though I had really felt difficult in doing the task in
this subject I’m still happy because I really taught a lot about the topic we had discussed that's I
feel so thankful.

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