Read Aloud
Read Aloud
Read Aloud
JMU Student Name: Kelsie Glass Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to
teach the lesson: 11/7 at 11 AM
Describe how and provide a rationale for the way you have grouped
students for this lesson:
I will read this book to the entire class because I think that every child will enjoy it and
can benefit from it.
Standard(s) Addressed:
Oral Language:
a) Listen with increasing attention to spoken language, conversations, and texts read aloud.
b) Make predictions about what might happen in a story.
c) Use complete sentences to ask and answer questions about experiences or about what has been
d) Listen attentively to stories in a whole class setting.
e) Use appropriate and expanding language for a variety of purposes, e.g., ask questions, express
needs, get information.
The students will… be able to ask and respond to questions about the story’s plot,
characters, and word choice.
Reading Lesson Plan Format
JMU Student Name: Kelsie Glass Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to
teach the lesson: 11/7 at 11 AM
Before Reading
Engage: Before showing the book: Time
Describe how - Raise your hands and tell me, what is one of your 3 min
favorite things to play with in the classroom?
you will: - What do you like to build with the blocks?
● capture - Raise your hands and tell me, do you know what a
students’ person is called whose job is to design buildings?
interest and Show cover, introduce title, author.
introduce the
● activate
● set the
purpose for
Reading Lesson Plan Format
JMU Student Name: Kelsie Glass Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to
teach the lesson: 11/7 at 11 AM
During Reading
Explain: - Page 1: Can someone raise their hand and remind Time
Describe how you me what an architect is? 6 min
will: - Page 2: It sounds like the other termites are being
● model/explain kind of mean to Roberto, how do you think that
your thinking makes him feel?
- Page 6: They don’t have any place to go, what do
(list page
you think Roberto is going to do? How can he help
numbers and
them? Share with your partner your ideas.
what you will - Page 8: Give me a thumbs up if you know what a
say/do) blueprint is.
● invite - Page 10: Does anyone know what anonymously
students to means?
model/explain - Page 15: What kind of museums have you all been
their thinking to? Raise your hands and tell me.
about the
words? (list
page numbers
and what you
will say/do)
After Reading
Elaborate: - How did Roberto feel in the beginning of the story? Time
Describe how - How did he feel at the end? Give a thumbs up if you 1 min
you will: think he was happy at the end.
● engage
students in
developing a
g of the
purpose for
Evaluate: - Can someone raise their hand and tell me, what did Time
Describe how Roberto do to make himself happy? 1 min
- How did Roberto make the other bugs feel?
you will: - Raise your hand and tell me, what is something you do
● encourage that makes you happy?
students to
Reading Lesson Plan Format
JMU Student Name: Kelsie Glass Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to
teach the lesson: 11/7 at 11 AM
assess their
g and
● evaluate
achieving the
Closure: - ___, you said Roberto was going to ____. Were you Time
Describe how right? 2 min
you will: - Can someone remind me what an architect is? And a
● remind blueprint?
students of
the lesson
● link the new
learning to
What could go wrong with this lesson and what will you do about it?
Children may not be engaged in the story, and if this happens I will ask them questions
to get them engaged. They may have trouble getting back to the story after a question,
and if this happens I will put the book down and use the clapping song my CT uses to get
their attention. The students may not understand the story. If this happens I will discuss
the book and make it more clear what happened.