Klomp 1990
Klomp 1990
Klomp 1990
Org. Geochem. Vol. 16, Nos 1-3, pp. 49-60, 1990 0146-6380/90 $3.00 + 0.00
Printed in Great Britain.All rights reserved Copyright© 1990 PergamonPress plc
Al~ltact--A new laboratory technique for the determination of the kinetic parameters of hydrocarbon
generation has been developed. It measures separately the reaction fate's dependence on the temperature
and on the degree of kerogen conversion. The method allows the direct determination of the activation
energy of generation and makes no assumptions about the pre-exponential factor or the reaction order.
The kinetic parameters of hydrocarbon generation from source rocks of the major kerogen types have
been examined. There are wide variations in the isothermal reaction rates; measured activation energies
lie mainly in the range from 46 to 56 kcal/mol (190-235 kJ/mol). The differing kinetic behaviour is
compared with the elemental compositions of the kerogens.
Using a numerical integration method, the kinetic data can be extrapolated to geological heating rates
and compared with estimates of conversion for naturally mature source rock samples.
fraction of the total potential hydrocarbon gener- 25.
ation that has been generated at time t; [1 - x] is then
the fraction of unreacted, but reactive, kerogen.
Equation (1) is best regarded as a convenient
formulation of the generation rate's dependence on
temperature and degree of conversion. In the kinetic
method we use, the activation energy and rate are lO
determined directly as separate functions of kerogen
conversion, thereby avoiding both the need for non-
linear regression in determining the activation energy
and the need to assume a functional form for the
dependence of rate on conversion (no reaction order
is assumed). The generation rate is measured as the
-i o 60 i~ 200 2~o
Time at 340=0 (h)
source rock is heated at a constant temperature (Tm~t)
between 300-350°C. The rate may then be expressed Fig. 1. The FID signal vs the time of isothermal maturation
at 340~C for a just mature Kimmeridge source rock. The
as an empirical function of the conversion: area A 2 (which equals the time integral of the FID signal
between the start of the experiment and time t) is pro-
Rate(Treat, x) = krm.,(x) "frm.,(X). (2) portional to the amount of hydrocarbons produced up to
The activation energy is then measured by follow- time t. The constant area A~ + A2is proportional to the total
amount of hydrocarbons produced. Therefore, at time t the
ing the reaction rate as the temperature is increased conversion is defined as the ratio A2/Am+A2. Conse-
in steps of 10°C. Relating the rate at each tempera- quently, the rate of conversion corresponds to the derivative
ture to that at a reference temperature (Trot) at the of the ratio with respect to time, which equals the FID signal
same conversion, divided by Aj + A 2.
gives a plot whose slope gives the apparent reaction I 0.02, Oo O
order. In fact, the plots of these variables often show Oo
curvature, particularly at low and high conversions, ~0.01
indicating that the apparent order, the activation
energy, the pre-exponential factor or combinations of 0,00 , o ~
all three are dependent on the conversion. To enable 0 012 014 0.6 0.8 1
the rate's decrease with conversion to be parameter- Conversion at 340°C
ised, the apparent order was calculated by linear Fig. 2. The normalised rate of conversion (per hour) vs the
regression of equation (5) for conversions from 0.20 conversion as calculated from the data of Fig. 1.
Measurement of the kinetic parameters of hydrocarbon generation 51
[] []
• []
• •
8 []
• Tm=310°C
[] Tm=340°C
Table 1. The maceral description of the immature samples examined; estimates of the maturity (VRE) of the samples are also
given where available
Sample VR(E) S.O.M. Vitr. 1 Vitr. 2 Sp/Cut Sub. Res. Lipdet. Algae
Type I
Torbanite, Australia 17 7 0 3 0 0 2 70
U.S.A., Green River Fm. 0.55 59 0 0 0 0 0 17 23
Thailand-I 0.55 26 0 3 0 0 0 35 36
Thailand-2 0.55 50 0 5 0 0 0 15 30
Gabon 42 0 0 0 0 0 12 46
Type I1
Kimmeridge-2, U.K. 0.55 60 0 0 12 0 0 16 12
Hanifa, Qatar 0.6 65 0 0 0 0 0 18 18
Monterey-l, U.S.A. 0.38 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monterey-2, U.S.A. 0.47 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Type Ill
Sarawak- 1 0.43 0 2 83 1 2 5 5 0
Sarawak-2 0.,16 0 5 72 1 16 2 `1 0
Sarawak-3 0.`18 0 5 79 0 10 3 3 0
Sarawak-4 0.,19 0 22 65 0 5 5 3 0
Indonesia-1 0.69 0 78 13 2 0 1 5 0
Indonesia-2 0.57 0 15 68 3 3 3 5 0
Indonesia-3 0.6 0 18 65 5 2 3 ,1 0
Netherlands 0.6 0 1,1 75 9 0 0 0 0
Abbreviations: S.O.M.--structureless organic matter; Vitr. l--Vitrinite 1 (telinite + telocolfinite); Vitr. 2--vitrinite 2 (desmo-
collinite); Sp/Cut-----sporinite +cutinite; Sub.-----suberinite; Res.--resinite; Lipdet.--liptodetrinite. The visual percentages
estimated in the source rock have been normalised to 100%.
mature source rocks are usually close to those ob- expelled at the higher temperature to be removed).
served in the later stages of artificial maturation of For the temperature increase, steps of 40 min were
immature source rocks. usually enough for the signal to reach a steady value.
(Because of the relatively slow rates of conversion the
EXPERIMENTAL METHOD generation rate at each temperature is approximately
constant.) The highest temperature of the stepwise
Source rock samples are finely ground to a grain increase is arranged to be the maturation tempera-
size of no larger than about 150/tm and placed for ture, so that after the stepping the isothermal matu-
1 week in a Sohxlet apparatus, where bitumen is ration is continued. The time spent in the activation
extracted with chloroform/methanol. The samples energy determination is converted to an effective
are then dried at 100°C under 200mbar nitrogen. maturation time at the isothermal temperature by
50-200 mg of the source rock are put in a stainless- assuming a doubling of rate with each 10°C rise in
steel sample chamber (40mm long with i.d.= temperature and thus dividing the actual time spent
2.7 ram) and heated overnight in a modified gas in each step by a factor 2(rm'- ~/:0, where Tm,t is the
chromatography oven in 10 cma/min of flowing nitro- isothermal maturation temperature and T is the
gen at 150-200°C to remove the remaining solvent. temperature of the step.
Pyrolysate that is volatile at the experimental tem- At the maturation temperatures usually adopted,
peratures (260-360°C) is measured by a flame ion- an experiment takes from 2 to 3 weeks. Temperature
isation detector (FID). By switching the flow of programming and data collection are fully auto-
carrier gas through the sample chamber away from mated. The sample yield is measured before and after
the FID detector, a background signal can also be heating to determine the final conversion.
measured. The temperature remains stable to 0.3°C, It should be noted that the experimental method
as measured by PT100 resistance thermometers in- limits the kinetic analysis to products that are volatile
serted into each sample chamber less than 1 cm away at temperatures between 260-360°C. In practice, this
from the sample. Measured temperatures at different corresponds to compounds with boiling points as
positions within the oven may vary by up to 2°C, high as those of normal C30-C40 alkanes. For less
but remain constant at each position. The PTI00 volatile hydrocarbons the measured kinetics may be
thermometers are used as supplied (random in-house rate-limited by evaporation. Our measured kinetics
calibration up to 200°C with a quartz reference will therefore apply to the generation of medium to
thermometer showed that the PTI00s gave tempera- high API gravity oils rather than to heavy oils.
tures within 0.3°C of the quartz thermometer). Kinetic measurements have been performed on a
The temperature is increased in steps to the isother- variety of immature source rocks of different kerogen
mal maturation temperature, and this initial signal/ types, for which standard pyrolysis and maceral data
time history is later converted to expected signal and were available (Tables 1 and 2). For comparison, the
time at the maturation temperature. In the activation kinetics of some naturally mature source rocks have
energy determination, the temperature is first reduced also been determined. In addition, the composition
and the sample is given 2 h to reach a steady state of the pyrolysate was determined by an elemental
(allowing all the volatile bitumen generated and not analysis that combined pyrolysis and combustion
Measurement of the kinetic parameters of hydrocarbon generation 53
with a mass spectrometer, in accordance with the algal remains, whereas the torbanite from Australia
method of van Leuven et al. (1988). Kerogen isolates is made up largely of recognisable Botryococcus
and coals were analysed using a heating rate of algae.
200°C/rain up to 1000°C, followed by combustion. A first-order reaction with a single activation
During pyrolysis, two sulphur peaks are observed; energy would appear as a straight line on the rate
the first comes from organic sulphur, the second from vs conversion plots. The algal S.O.M. source rocks
pyrite decomposition. Carbon, hydrogen and sulphur (see Fig. 6) in fact, approximate this behaviour.
atomic ratios are given in Table 2, split up into total This near first-order behaviour [n (apparent) = 1.3 to
and pyrolysate compositions. 1.6] may be explained by the kerogens' chemical
homogeneity and their low sulphur content. At
very low conversions they have higher reaction
RESULTS rates, though, since residual solvent or bitumen
is removed particularly in the first few percent of
The results for each source rock's reaction kinetics conversion.
are summarised in plots of the isothermal generation The highly structured, algal torbanite sample
rate and the activation energy, both measured as a converts much more slowly than the other Type I
function of conversion (Figs 6-8). Although iso- samples. The isothermal rate at lower conversions is
thermal maturation took place at temperatures be- lower than a first-order model would predict--the
tween 310-360°C, according to the thermal reactivity apparent reaction order is 0.71.
of the source rock, all rate data are converted to a Activation energies for generation from the Type I
standard temperature (340°C) to facilitate compari- source rocks vary from 49 to 55 kcal/mol; most of the
son. Apparent reaction orders were calculated for generation occurs with values at the lower end of this
rate data at conversions between 0.2-0.8. range. Average values from the torbanite are at the
Using a numerical integration method, the con- upper end of this range (52.5-55 kcal/mol). These
version curves of each kerogen type were calculated measured values are in reasonable agreement with
and plotted against an estimate of the VR assuming those measured elsewhere (Campbell et aL, 1978;
a heating rate of 3.3°C/my. The VR rather than Ungerer and Pelet, 1987).
temperature was plotted on the x-axis to enable the In general, the pyrolysates of Type I source rocks
comparison of source rocks with different burial were very low in sulphur (total S/C < 0.02; see
histories. Table 2 and Fig. 9).
The atomic sulphur/carbon ratios of pyrolysates as Type I source rocks are predicted to generate a
a function of conversion determined by pyrolysis-- sulphur-poor product over a narrow maturity inter-
combustion-mass spectrometry are displayed in val, which for the kerogens containing poorly struc-
Fig. 9. tured organic matter is mainly from 0.75 to 1.0 VRE,
with a peak generation rate, assuming linear heating,
Type I
at 0.85-0.9VRE. The torbanite, which generates
The source rocks from the U.S.A., Thailand and more slowly than the other, less-structured algal
Gabon are composed predominantly of structureless source rocks, is predicted to generate at a higher
algal organic matter (algal S.O.M.), with recognisable maturity (1.0-1.2 VRE).
54 U. C. KLOMPand P. A. Wmorrr
• Thai-1 oThai-2 •Gabon
0 , / "=,~ 0 0 , , -
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Conversion Conversion Conversion
• Expt.-1 • Expt.-3
° Expt.-2 o Expt.-4 • Thai-1 o Thai-2 . Gabon • Expt-1 n Expt-2 • Expt-3
% O° •
• °'D, ,~ .= ~o 60s0 t ""° .eo. l
40 40 , , 40/ , ,
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Conversion Conversion Conversion
1/ /
Calculated Yield Curves for Total Hydrocarbon
Thai-1 Thai-2 Gabon
0 0 q i i 0 n n r i
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Estimated vitrinite reflectance Estimated vitrinite reflectance Estimated vitrinite reflectance
Fig. 6. Plots of the reaction rate per hour at 340°C (standardised to the expected rate at 340°C using
measured activation energies when the actual isothermal maturation temperature used was not 340°C) and
the activation energy, both as a function of conversion. The samples are the fine ground, extracted
immature Type I source rocks of Tables 1 and 2. Using these kinetic data in a numerical integration
method, the expected conversion is calculated assuming a heating rate of 3.3°C/my and plotted against
an estimate of the VR level, as calculated using a modified Lopatin method.
S o u r c e R o c k T r a n s f o r m a t i o n rate at 3 4 0 ° C
°'° 0.10
Ihl m o.2 "
0.05 0.05
0 , i -- 0 0 ~ '
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Conversion Conversion Convemion
40 J 40 J
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Conversion Conversion Convemion
C a l c u l a t e d Y i e l d C u r v e s for Total H y d r o c a r b o n G e n e r a t i o n
0,5/ 0.5 //
i i ,
beginning at VREs of 0.5-0.6) and continue to the Type II source rocks, the last 20% or so of generation
same maturities. Indeed, the kinetics of mature Type occurs very slowly and is not completed in a reason-
II source rocks approach those of Type I. The more able time at the isothermal temperatures used.
rapid initial generation appears to be related to the Apparent reaction orders are measured in the range
higher initial organic sulphur content of their kero- 3.0-4.4. Activation energies increase rapidly to
gens. Monterey-l, which has the highest sulphur values around 53-54 kcal/mol, and to 54-58 kcal/mol
content of all samples measured, begins to generate at high conversions. The higher initial reaction rates
at VREs as low as 0.4. The early generated products (much higher than those of Type I kerogens) cannot
correspondingly have high S/C ratios. It should be be attributed to organic sulphur, which is low in all
re-emphasised that these open system experiments these source rocks. Other relatively weak bonds must
are not expected to predict the generation of high- be invoked, possibly oxygen-containing linkages.
molecular-weight hydrocarbons (C4o+). In view of the difficulty of exhaustively extracting
bitumen from coals, it is also possible that part of the
Type III initially high rate is from residual bitumen that has
Type III coals show a wide range of reaction rates been liberated thermally.
as a function of conversion (Fig. 8). Although reac- In naturally matured coals from the Carbonifer-
tion rates at low conversions may be as high as for ous of the Netherlands (VR 0.95-1.0%) activation
56 U . C . KLOMP and P. A. WRIGHT
0 r o
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Conversion Conversion Convemion
50 50 x ~" 5O
40 . . . . 40 , , 40
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Conversion Conversion Conversion
0 r J J i q r T i , 0 J ~ v ~ q
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Estimated vitrinite reflectance Estimated vitrinite reflectance Estimated vi~'inite reflectance
Fig. 8. As Figs 6 and 7, but for Type III coals.
energies for generation are in the range obtaining conversion data from natural samples is
53-58 kcal/mol once unextracted bitumen has been from the pyrolysis of source rocks of different natural
removed. Primary generation of hydrocarbons from maturity. An initial hydrocarbon yield per unit car-
coals is predicted to begin at VREs of 0.6-0.7 and bon can be calculated for immature samples by
continue gradually over a very wide range of matu- plotting their pyrolysis yield against their total
rity, certainly until the VRE exceeds 1.6. organic carbon. As the source rock is converted
No source rocks containing dispersed Type III naturally, the hydrocarbon yield per unit organic
kerogen are included in this report, inasmuch as they carbon will be reduced if the generated oil has a
are the subject of ongoing research. higher H/C ratio than the immature source rock. The
conversion can then be calculated by an equation of
COMPARISON OF PREDICTED WITH the form (Pelet, 1985).
Conversion = {HI(he). [HI(imm) - HI(mat)]} (6)
The conversions calculated from laboratory-de- {HI(imm). [HI(he) - HI(mat)]} '
rived kinetic parameters can be compared with natu-
ral data to check whether they extrapolate to where HI(he) is the mass of hydrocarbons gener-
geological conditions. The most direct manner of ated p e r u n i t m a s s o f c a r b o n in the p r o d u c t a n d
Measurement of the kinetic parameters of hydrocarbon generation 57
~ 0,~ • ll
• Ki_m__m;l__. • Monterey,-1.. 60
a Hanifa o Mon__~rey-2
L. Type I1 .~
• • • illl•ll
.~_ o.lo / 50
.9 " "'-- LU
~ 0.05
0.00 i i 0:2 0:4 016 o18
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 10. The kinetic parameters of the isothermal reaction
rate at 340°C and the activation energy plotted against
• Netherlands conversion from a mature sample of the Hanifa Fm., Qatar
[] Sarawak 1 (VRE =0.78). The "conversion" fraction relates to the
0.15 laboratory conversion of the mature source rock and does
not take into account the natural conversion (estimated at
Type III 6o%).
o 0.10
E were calculated using modified Lopatin calculations
on the burial histories and the yield curve was
o 0.05 calculated using a heating rate appropriate to the
regional geological environment: the data agree
0.00 within experimental and geological accuracy. Direct
oo o12 0:4 08 comparison with our laboratory measurements
Fraction of total carbon Hanifa Fro. O Natural data
Fig. 9. The atomic S/C ratio of pyrolysates evolved upon
non-isothermal pyrolysis (200°C/min) of selected isolated
kerogens and coals. In the method, the pyrolysate is immedi-
ately burnt and the oxides measured by mass spectroscopy
(see text for details).
would predict sulphur-rich oils to be generated below (Tissot et al., 1987; Burnham et al., 1987). If the
0.7-0.8 VRE, above which oils poorer in sulphur isothermal rate curves are compared with those calcu-
would be generated by a near first-order process. lated using kinetic parameters from non-isothermal
heating [Figs 12(a, b) (Burnham A. K. personal com-
munication 1989)] there is good agreement for the
Green River shale and reasonable agreement for a
The kinetic method outlined above gives an marine shale, bearing in mind the observed variation
isothermal rate of conversion and activation energies in such samples. For the latter sample, the curvature
measured to a precision of 1-2 kcal/mol. If the data in the rate vs conversion plot from Burnham's data
are compared to those obtained non-isothermally comes from a distribution of activation energies
(Campbell et al., 1978; Burnham et al., 1987; Ungerer from 47 to 51 kcal/mol. Similarly, the lower than
and Pelet, 1987), then--for the Green River shales at first-order behaviour of torbanite and other Type I
least--the activation energies measured by our samples has been observed previously and attributed
method are closer to those derived by the first two to an induction period in which consecutive bond-
groups of authors (52.4 and 51.0 kcal/mol) than the breaking events are required to liberate hydrocarbons
last group (56 kcal/mol). For a range of source rocks, (Bar et al., 1988).
the activation energies are in the range measured The method outlined in this paper has the
elsewhere from the fitting of non-isothermal data advantage of making more direct measurement of
activation energies compared to non-isothermal
• Thispaper [] Campbellat al methods, which assume that conversion takes place
through parallel first-order reactions with identical
o.o4 I pre-exponential factors. In common with other open
system experiments, our method gives no information
on the generation of high-molecular-weight products
and the extrapolation of the rate data to geological
i 0,02 conditions breaks down if the mechanism in the two
cases is not the same (Burnham et al., 1989).
Although the method allows the determination of
the kinetics of individual source rocks, the predicted
yield curves group roughly according to classical
kerogen types--terrestrial lacustrine/algal (Type I),
o:2 0:4 0:8 0:8 terrestrial landplant (Type III) and marine (Type II).
Conversion High concentrations of sulphur in Type II kerogens
(a) Source rock transformation at 340°C promote more rapid conversion initially. In the later
USA Green River Fm. stages of conversion, however, the generation kinetics
are close to those of Type I rocks (first order), with
• This paper (Hanifa) Burnham,1988 products poorer in sulphur. As the method is only
0.10 applicable to hydrocarbons that are volatile below
350°C, heavy oil generation cannot be modelled
The role of weak bonds in general and sulphur
1 bonds in particular has been discussed in the litera-
c0 0.05 %. ture (Jones, 1984; Sinninghe Damst6 et aL, 1989).
High-sulphur kerogens at low maturity are found to
contain considerable quantities of bitumen with large
proportions of asphaltenes. Although much of this
may be a product of diagenesis and may never have
0.00 , , "It__ been incorporated into the larger kerogen molecules,
o o'.a o'.4 0.6 o.5 the remainder is probably liberated by the cleavage of
Conversion weak bonds. If there are insufficient weak links to
(b) Source rock transformation at 340°C break up the kerogen into products with low enough
Marine source rocks molecular weight to be volatilised in our experiments,
the released pyrolysates will be generated by acti-
Fig. 12. Comparison of the isothermal rate data measured
in these experiments with the values calculated using kinetic vation energies of C - - C bond breaking. The re-
parameters obtained by non-isothermal pyrolysis from (a) duction in connectivity following weak-link breakage
the Green River shale [E = 52.4kcal/mol, A =2.8E13/s may only result in an increase in the pre-exponential
(Campbell et al., 1978)] and (b) from a marine shale reaction factor and a change in the apparent order.
(distribution of E, 5% with 47kcal/mol, 20% with
48 keal/mol, 50% with 49 kcal/mol, 20% with 50 kcal/mol Models for the decomposition of polymers by a
and 5% with 51 kcal/mol, A -5.1E12/s (Burnham A. K., free-radical chain mechanism involving the steps of
personal communication 1989)]. initiation, propagation and termination that assume
Measurement of the kinetic parameters of hydrocarbon generation 59
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