Kissinger Kinetic Analysis of Data Obtained Under Different Heating Schedules
Kissinger Kinetic Analysis of Data Obtained Under Different Heating Schedules
Kissinger Kinetic Analysis of Data Obtained Under Different Heating Schedules
71 269
3 authors:
Luis A Pérez-Maqueda
Spanish National Research Council
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The dynamic heating rate method developed by TA Instruments (Hi-Res™) is a kind of sample controlled thermal analysis in which
a linear relationship between the logarithm of the heating rate and the rate of mass change is imposed. It is shown in this paper that
the reacted fraction at the maximum reaction rate strongly depends on the parameters selected for the Hi-Res heating algorithm,
what invalidates the use of the Kissinger method for analysing Hi-Res data unless that the reaction fits a first order kinetic law. Only
in this latter case, it has been demonstrated that it is not required that a constant value of the reacted fraction at the maximum reac-
tion rate is fulfilled for determining the activation energy from the Kissinger method. In such a case the Kissinger plot gives the real
activation energy, independently of both the heating schedule used and the value of the reacted fraction, am, at the maximum.
heating rate, b, Eq. (1) would be written in the follow- The expressions of the function f(a) and f¢(a) for
ing form: the kinetic models used for describing solid-state re-
da A –E / RT actions are shown in Table 1. It is clear that in the case
= e f (a ) (2) of a first order reaction (F1 model), f¢(a)= –1 and
dT b Eq. (5) becomes
The Kissinger method [15] is based on the study æb ö AR E
of the rate equation at the maximum reaction rate. At lnçç m2 ÷ = ln - (6)
this point d2a/dt2 is equal to zero and, thus, we get è Tm ø E RTm
from Eq. (1): Equation (6) allows to conclude that, provided
d 2a æ Eb m öæ da ö that a first order reaction is involved and bm>0, the plot
=çç ÷ç
dt 2 2
+ Af ¢ (a m )e –E / RTm ÷è dt ÷ø =0 (3) of the left hand side of this equation as a function of
è m
RT ø m
1/T would lead to a straight line whose slope gives the
where Tm, am and (da/dt)m are the temperature, re- activation energy, independently of both the heating
acted fraction, and reaction rate at the maximum schedule used for reaching the maximum reaction rate
while bm is the value of dT/dt at the point in which the and the value of the reacted fraction, am, at this point.
maximum reaction rate is reached. bm would be con- If the reaction does not follow a first order ki-
stant and equal to b only in the case that the experi- netic model, the slope of the plot of lnb m /Tm2 vs. 1/T,
ments were recorded at a constant heating rate as was according with Eq. (7), would lead to the activation
it formerly assumed by Kissinger. It follows from energy only in the case that am were independent of
Eq. (3) the heating schedule used. It has been shown in litera-
ture [33–41] that if the a–T plots are recorded under a
Eb m constant heating rate b (i.e.; bm=b), the value of am is
=- Af ¢(a m )e –E / RTm (4)
RT m nearly independent of the value of the heating rate.
Criado an Ortega [36, 37, 39] and Budrugeac and
Equation (4) can be rearranged after taking loga- Segal [41] have shown that exists a dependence be-
rithms into the Kissinger equation: tween the values of am of the different kinetic model
æb ö æ – AR ö E quoted in Table 1 resulting from linear heating exper-
lnçç m2 ÷ = lnç
÷ è E f ¢ (a m ) ÷ø - RT (5) iments and the actual value of E/RT, although it has
è Tm ø m
been clearly demonstrated that the error in the deter-
mination of the activation energy from the Kissinger
plot is lower than 5% for values of E/RT higher than
Table 1 f(a) kinetic functions and their first derivatives
10. It is noteworthy to remark that under hyperbolic
or logarithmic heating schedules [38] the value of am
Symbol f(a) f¢(a) is dependent on the kinetic law obeyed by the reaction
but independent of the E/RT value.
R2 (1-a )1/ 2 Under dynamic heating rate (Hi-Res) conditions,
2(1- a )1/ 2 heating rate and reaction rate are correlated
[13, 14, 42] by the following equation
R3 (1-a )2 / 3
3(1- a )1/ 3
æ 4R ö
lnb = lnbS -rateçç ÷÷ (7)
è 256 ø
F1 (1-a ) –1
being b the heating rate at the time t; bS the starting
heating rate selected by the user that is decreasing as
n(1- a )[ - ln(1- a )]1–1/ n nln(1- a )+ n-1 far as the rate (expressed in min–1) increases; R a pa-
[ - ln(1- a )]1/ n rameter selected by the user and usually called resolu-
tion and S a sensitivity parameter that generally is
1 -1 fixed at 1. Equation (7) can be also written in the
[ - ln(1-a )] [ln(1- a )]2 (1- a ) form:
3(1- a )2 / 3 1/ 2- (1- a )–1/ 3 lnb = lnbS -3910
. × –3 ×4 R (8)
2[1- (1- a )1/ 3 ] [1- (1- a )1/ 3 ]2 dt
3 - (1- a )–4 / 3
2[(1- a )–1/ 3 -1] 2[(1- a )–1/ 3 -1]2
depend on the profile of the heating schedule used for and R controlling the heating schedule. Figure 5 shows
achieving the maximum reaction rate because a con- that the plot of the values of ln(bm/Tm2 ) taken from
stancy of the value of the reacted fraction at the maxi- Table 3 as a function of the corresponding values of
mum is not required. 1/Tm does not lead to a good straight line as pointed out
The accurate determination of the activation by the poor regression coefficient found (r=0.9575).
energy by the Kissinger method for kinetic models Moreover, the apparent activation energy E=
different from F1 requires, according to Eq. (5), an 1319.7 kJ mol–1 obtained from the slope of this linear
identical value for a at the maximum reaction rate, am, plot is considerably higher than the value of
for all the analyzed curves. It is well known [33–41] that 200 kJ mol–1 assumed for simulating the curves in
this requirement is fulfilled under linear heating Fig. 4. These results suggest that the Kissinger method
program but this requirement is not accomplished under cannot be extended for determining the activation
Hi-Res heating program as shown in Table 2. Thus, it energy from Hi-Res rising temperature experiments
would be interesting to analyse the influence of the lack unless that the reaction obeys a F1 kinetic law.
of constancy of the reacted fraction at the maximum Figure 6 shows the set of da/dt–T plots simu-
reaction rate on the activation energy supplied by the lated by assuming different linear heating rates and
Kissinger equation when applied to analysis of Hi-Res the same kinetic model and kinetic parameters used
results of reactions that follow a kinetic model different for simulating the Hi-Res curves in Fig. 4. The values
from F1. Figure 4 shows a set of diagrams calculated of Tm and am corresponding to these curves are in-
with the Mathcad software by assuming an A2 kinetic cluded in Table 3. It can be observed that the value of
model, an activation energy E=200 kJ mol–1, a pre-
exponential factor A=1014 min–1 and dynamic heating
rate conditions (bS=50 K min–1 and R=2, 3, 4 and 5,
respectively). The values of bm, am and Tm resulting
from these curves are included in Table 3. It is clear
again that the value of the reacted fraction, am, at the
maximum is strongly dependent on the parameters bs
Table 2 Values of am, bm and Tm for the sets of curves in
Figs 1 and 2
am bm/ Tm/
K min–1 K
b=5 K min–1 0.612 5 714.2
b=20 K min –1
0.610 20 743.0
b=50 K min–1 0.609 50 763.4 Fig. 4 Curves simulated for an A2 kinetic model by assuming
bS=50 K min Res=2
0.501 14.7 736.5 the same kinetic parameters of Fig. 1, i.e. E=
bS=50 K min–1 Res=3 0.433 5.5 716.2 200 kJ mol–1, A=1014 min–1, Hi-Res heating with bS=50
and resolution parameter R, equal to a – 2, b – 3, c – 4
bS=50 K min Res=5
0.327 0.5 671.8
and d – 5, respectively
Fig. 3 Kissinger plot of the values of ln(b m /Tm2 ) as a function Fig. 5 Kissinger plots of the values of ln(b m /Tm2 ) as a function
of 103/Tm calculated from Table 2 of 103/Tm calculated from Table 3