Lecture 14
Lecture 14
Lecture 14
Graded MTs ready for pickup
Bonus lecture 11/30 5:15-7:15 in 204 Packard
Midterm Postmortem and Grade Distribution
Practical Issues in Adaptive MQAM
Update rate
Estimation error and delay
Introduction to MIMO
MIMO channel capacity
Midterm Postmortem
Grade distribution typical
Common Mistakes
Prob 1(d): For outage, target SNR must be based
on Pb in AWGN and not average Pb in fading
Prob 2(a)(ii): Instantaneous rate should not be
weighted by state probability
2(c): Transmit power is fixed , so formula same
as capacity w/ RX CSI only (not inversion)
P( )
C B log 2 1 p( )d B log 2 1 p( )d
0 P 0
Approximate Grades:
A+: 95-100
A: 86-95
A-: 75-85
B+: 66-74
B: 58-66
Review of Last Lecture
Introduction to adaptive modulation
Variable-rate variable-power MQAM
Optimal power adaptation is water-filling
Optimal rate adaptation is R/B=log(/k)