EE359 - Lecture 4 Outline: Announcements

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EE359 – Lecture 4 Outline

 Announcements:
 1st HW due tomorrow.
 Makeup lecture Friday, 12pm-1:10, 102 Hewlitt, wth pizza
at 11:45 (also 10/9, these are makeups for Oct. 12-14)
 Discussion T 4-4:50 in 380-380W (Math dept. basement)
 Review of Last Lecture
 Model Parameters from Empirical Data
 Random Multipath Model
 Time Varying Channel Impulse Response
 Narrowband Approximation for RX Signal
 In-phase and Quadrature RX Signal Components
Review of Last Lecture

 Log Normal Shadowing

 Combined Path Loss and Shadowing
 Cell Coverage Area
Model Parameters from
Empirical Measurements
K (dB)
 Fit model to data Pr(dB)
 Path loss (K,), d0 known: log(d0)
 “Best fit” line through dB data
 K obtained from measurements at d0.
 Exponent is MMSE estimate based on data
 Captures mean due to shadowing

 Shadowing variance
 Variance of data relative to path loss model
(straight line) with MMSE estimate for 
Statistical Multipath Model

 Random # of multipath components, each with

 Random amplitude
 Random phase
 Random Doppler shift
 Random delay
 Random components change with time
 Leads to time-varying channel impulse response
Time Varying Impulse Response

 Response of channel at t to impulse at t-:

c ( , t )    n (t )e  j n ( t )
 (   n (t ))
n 1
t is time when impulse response is observed
 t- is time when impulse put into the channel
 is how long ago impulse was put into the
channel for the current observation
 path delay for MP component currently observed
Received Signal Characteristics
 Received signal consists of many multipath
 Amplitudes change slowly
 Phases change rapidly
 Constructive and destructive addition of signal
 Amplitude fading of received signal (both
wideband and narrowband signals)
Narrowband Model
 Assume delay spread maxm,n|n(t)-m(t)|<<1/B
 Then u(t)u(t-).
 Received signal given by
  N (t )
j n ( t )  
   n (t )e
j 2f c t
r (t )  u (t )e 
  n 0 
 No signal distortion (spreading in time)
 Multipath affects complex scale factor in brackets.
 Characterize scale factor by setting u(t)=(t)
In-Phase and Quadrature
under CLT Approximation
 In phase and quadrature signal components:
N (t )
rI (t )    n (t )e jn (t ) cos(2f c t ),
n 0
N (t )
rQ (t )    n (t )e jn (t ) sin(2f c t )
n 0

 For N(t) large, rI(t) and rQ(t) jointly Gaussian (sum

of large # of random vars).
 Received signal characterized by its mean,
autocorrelation, and cross correlation.
 If n(t) uniform, the in-phase/quad components are
mean zero, indep., and stationary.
Main Points
 Statistical multipath model leads to a time-varying
channel impulse response
 Received signal has random amplitude fluctuations

 Narrowband model and CLT lead to in-phase/quad

components that are stationary Gaussian processes
 Processes completely characterized by their mean,
autocorrelation, and cross correlation.

 Assuming uniform phase offsets, process is zero

mean with joint expectation also zero.

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