MST II Notes
MST II Notes
MST II Notes
Manufacturing is the application of physical and chemical processes to change
the geometry, properties and appearance of a given raw material to make parts
or products based on customer's specifications and expectations. Manufacturing
commonly employs a man-machine setup with division of labor in a large scale
Classification of Manufacturing Processes
Machining System
• A machining system consists of following components:
1: Machine tool 2: Cutting tool
• Work holding devices: Work holding devices are used to hold the workpiece
and guide it against the cutting tool.
Cycle time
Material utilization,
Process flexibility,
Operating costs
Surface finish
Machining Conditions
1. Cutting parameters
Cutting velocity
Depth of cut
Feed rate
2. Cutting environment
Cutting Fluid
Cutting temperature
Cutting tool
• Both material and geometry of the cutting tools play very important roles on
their performances in achieving effectiveness, efficiency and overall economy of
• The word tool geometry is basically referred to some specific angles or slope of
the salient faces and edges of the tools at their cutting point.
• Rake angle and clearance angle are the most significant for all the cutting tools.
Rake Angle:
It is the angle between rake face of the tool and a plane perpendicular to the
machining direction. Rake angle is provided for ease of chip flow and overall
Higher the rake angle, less are the cutting forces
Increasing the rake angle reduces the strength of the tool tip.
There is maximum limit to the rake angle and this is generally 20º for HSS
tools cutting mild steel.
• It is possible to have rake angles “positive, zero or negative”. Relative
advantages of such rake angles are:
Positive rake – helps to reduce cutting force and thus cutting power
Negative rake – helps to increase edge-strength and life of the tool.
Zero rake – to simplify design and manufacture of the form tools.
• Zero or negative rake angles are generally used in the case of highly brittle tool
materials such as carbides or diamonds for giving extra strength to the tool tip.
HSS: +5° < rake angle< +20°
Carbides: -5° < rake angle < +10°
Ceramics: -5° < rake angle < -15°
Clearance Angle:
• It is the angle between the machined surface and the flank face of the tool. The
clearance angle is provided such that tool will not rub the machined surface thus
spoiling the surface and increasing the cutting force.
• A very large clearance angle reduces the strength of the tool tip, and hence
normally an angle of the order of 5 - 6º is used. It is always positive.
4. Side relief angle: It is the angle between the portion of the side flank
immediately below the side edge and a line perpendicular to the base of the tool
measured at right angles to the side. It provides relief between flank face and the
work surface.
5. End cutting edge angle: It is the angle between the end cutting edge and a
line perpendicular to the shank of the tool. It provides clearance between tool
cutting edge and workpiece.
6. Side cutting edge angle: It is the angle between straight cutting edge on the
side of tool and the side of the shank. It is responsible for turning the chip away
from the machined surface.
• The chip generated flows on the rake face at an angle approximately equal to “i”
with normal to the cutting edge. The cutting forces acts along all the three X, Y
and Z directions.
• The cutting angle of tool make right • The cutting angle of tool not make
angle to the direction of motion. right angle to the direction of
• The chip flow in the direction motion.
normal to the cutting edge. • The chips make an angle with the
• The chips flow over the tool. • The chips flow along the sideways.
• The shear force act per unit area is • The shear force per unit area is low,
high which increase the heat which decreases heat develop per
developed per unit area. unit area hence increases tool life.
• This tool has lesser cutting life • This tool has higher cutting life.
compare to oblique cutting.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
• The region of maximum shear stress is called primary shear zone. If the friction
between the tool rake face and the underside of the chip is considerable, the
chip gets further deformed, which is termed as secondary shear zone.
In ductile material, the chips are initially compressed ahead of the tool tip, the final
deformation is accomplished mostly by shear in machining ductile materials.
Primary and secondary deformation zone: The pattern and extent of total
deformation of the chips due to the primary and the secondary shear deformations of
the chips ahead and along the tool face is shown in fig.
Types of Chip
• Depending on the properties of work material and cutting conditions, three
basics types of chips are produced by the machining process. These are:
1. Continuous chips
6. Less friction
• The BUE grows up to a certain size but finally breaks due to the increased
forced exerted on it by the adjacent flowing material. After it breaks, the broken
fragments adhere to the finished surface and the chip surface, results in a rough
• Some ideal conditions which promote the formation of continuous chip with
BUE chips are:
1. Ductile work material
Discontinuous chips
• When brittle materials like cast iron are cut, the deformed material gets fractured
very easily and thus the chip produced in the form of discontinuous segments. In
this type the deformed material instead of flowing continuously gets ruptured
• Conditions which promote the formation of discontinuous chips are:
1- Cutting force, Fc
2- Thrust force, Ft
1. Forces on the cutting tool
• where Δt is the time required for the metal to travel the distance Δs along the
shear plane.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-I / Lecture No: 7
(Cutting forces, power required in metal cutting)
Force analysis
From Merchant,s force circle diagram
Coefficient of friction between chip-tool interface
• Here, it is implied that the forces F and N are uniformly distributed over the
entire chip-tool contact area.
• Primary shear zone: In primary shear zone heat is generated due to plastic
deformation of the work material. About 80 – 85% heat is generated in this
• Secondary shear zone: In this zone, heat is generated due to frictional rubbing
between the rake face of the tool and chip. Some plastic deformation also
occurs in this zone. About 15 – 20% heat is generated in this zone.
percentage of sharing that heat depends upon the configuration, size and
thermal conductivity of the tool – work material and the cutting condition.
• Point Y. Material at point y first heated in shear zone but heating is continued
until they cross the frictional heat zone. This point losses some shear zone heat
while moving up but gains more frictional heat.
• Point Z. Point such as z remains in the workpiece and are heated due to
conduction of heat into the workpiece as they pass below the cutting edge.
2- Plastic deformation of the cutting edges if the tool material is not enough
hot-hard .
2- Cooling: Cooling of the job and the tool to reduce the detrimental effects of
cutting temperature on the job and the tool.
3- Cleaning: Cleaning the machining zone by washing away the chip – particles and
debris which, if present, spoils the finished surface and accelerates damage of the
cutting edges.
4- Corrosion Protection. A thin layer of the cutting fluid sticks to the machined
surface and thus prevents it from harmful atmospheric gases like SO2, O2, NxOy
present in the atmosphere.
Principles of cutting fluid action
The chip-tool contact zone is usually comprised of two parts; plastic or bulk
contact zone and elastic contact zone as indicated in Fig.
• The cutting fluid cannot penetrate or reach the plastic contact zone but
enters in the elastic contact zone by capillary effect. With the increase in
cutting velocity, the fraction of plastic contact zone gradually increases and
covers almost the entire chip-tool contact zone. Therefore, at high speed
machining, the cutting fluid becomes unable to lubricate and cools the tool
and the job only by bulk external cooling.
• The chemicals like chloride, phosphate or sulphide present in the cutting
fluid chemically reacts with the work material at the chip under surface
under high pressure and temperature and forms a thin layer of the reaction
product. The low shear strength of that reaction layer helps in reducing
Essential properties of cutting fluids:
• It should have high thermal conductivity and specific heat.
• Have low viscosity and molecular size (to help rapid penetration into the chip-
tool interface).
2. Water
3. Straight oils (or neat oils)
• Water: For its good wetting and spreading properties and very high specific
heat, water is considered as the best coolant and hence employed where cooling
is most urgent.
• Straight Oils: These fluid composed of a base petroleum oil or vegetable oils
with extreme pressure additives of chlorine, sulphur and phosphorus. Straight
oils provide the best lubrication and the poorest cooling characteristics among
all the cutting fluids.
These fluids are used where cutting speed is very low, feed and depth of cut
is high.
• Water Soluble Oils: (water + mineral oil + emulsifier agent + rust inhibitor
agent and EPA). These oils are used in diluted form and provide good
lubrication as well as cooling performance. Soluble oils are widely used in
Water....................Provides cooling
Mineral oils...........Provides lubricity
Emulsifier..............Breaks oil into small globules
Rust inhibitor....... Since water can cause rusting
• Synthetic Oils: Synthetic Fluids contain no petroleum or mineral oils. These
oils are formulated from alkaline inorganic and organic compounds along with
EPA additives for corrosion inhibition. Synthetic fluids provide the best cooling
performance among all cutting fluids but limited lubricity.
• Solid or semi-solid lubricant: Paste, waxes, soaps, graphite, Moly-disulphide
(MoS2) may also often be used as cutting fluids.
Cutting Fluid Application Methods
The effectiveness and expense of cutting fluid application significantly depend
also on how it is applied in respect of flow rate and direction of application. In
machining, depending upon the requirement and facilities available, cutting
fluids are generally employed in the following ways.
• Flood Application: In this method tool and workpiece are supplied with high
volume of the cutting fluids which are generally in liquid condition.
• Jet Application: In this method the cutting fluids which may be either gas or
liquid are applied with high pressure on the tool and workpiece.
• Mist (atomised) Application: In this method cutting fluid is atomised by a jet of
air and the mist is directed at the cutting zone. This method gives maximum
cooling effect.
High temperatures
• Under these condition, the stability of geometric form (or shape) of the tool is
key factor. Thus, the cutting tool must provide the maximum resistance to any
tendency of alteration of its geometric form. To achieve this, the cutting tool
material must be properly selected.
Diamond is having the highest hot hardness. Ceramics also maintain their
hardness at high temperatures. While carbon tool steels rapidly begin to lose their
hardness at moderate temperatures (cannot be used at high speeds Æ high
Low friction: The coefficient of friction between the tool and work should be
low. This will lead to improve the surface finish, reduction in frictional heat
generation and absorbs less cutting energy.
• Beyond 200ºC they lose their hardness and become soft. Therefore, they are
useful only for very low cutting speeds (about 0.15 m/s). Due to this, high
carbon steel mainly used with low temperature generating operations or
machining of the soft materials such as wood, magnesium, brass and
aluminium etc.
• Toughness of HSS is highest among all the cutting tool materials. Thus they are
extensively used in interrupted cutting such as milling. HSS also used for
making drill, reamer, milling cutter, single point cutting tool etc.
Cemented Carbides
• Three group of cutting tool materials just described (high carbon steel, HSS and
cast-cobalt alloys) possess the necessary toughness, impact strength and thermal
shock resistance. But, still these materials are limited in their hot hardness, wear
resistance and strength. Consequently, they cannot be used very effectively
where high cutting speeds (and therefore high temperature) are required. To meet
the challenge of higher speeds for higher production rates, cemented carbides
were developed around 1930 in Germany.
• Cemented carbide tool consists of carbide particles (carbides of tungsten and
titanium) bound together in a cobalt matrix by powder metallurgy process.
• The two groups used for machining are :
1- Tungsten carbide
2- Titanium carbide
• Ceramics are inorganic compounds, and usually made either of oxides, carbides, or
nitrides. The following ceramic materials used as cutting tool material:
1- Aluminium Oxides (Al2O3) or alumina
2- Silicon Carbides (SiC)
3- Silicon Nitrides (Si3N4)
4- Titanium Carbide
5-Titanium Oxides
• Ceramic cutting tools are harder and more heat-resistant than carbides tools, but more
• They can withstand very high temperatures, due to which the cutting edge retains its
hardness almost up to 1200ºC.
• They have higher wear resistance than other cutting tool materials.
• They are chemically more stable than carbides.
• Cubic boron nitride (CBN): Cubic boron nitride is the second hardest material
available for machining purpose. It is not a natural material, it is produced in
• CBN mainly used as coating material. But cubic boron nitride tools are also
made in small sizes without a carbide insert.
• Diamond: Diamond is the hardest known material that can be used as cutting
tool material. Diamond tools are available as insert. Diamonds are suitable for
cutting very hard materials like glass, ceramics and other abrasive materials.
Use is limited because it gets converted into graphite at high temperature (700
°C). Graphite diffuses into iron and makes it unsuitable for machining steels.
> The time interval during which a cutting tool performs given function
satisfactorily is called tool life.
> Flank wear generally considered as the decisive factor to measure the tool life.
> However, at higher cutting speed, crater wear also used as tool failure criterion.
• Measuring tool life: There are various ways in which tool life can be specified.
• Taylor gave the relation between cutting speed and tool life. That is:
V= cutting speed(m/min)
C=machining constant
3- Depth of Cut: Tool life decreases with increases in depth of cut. This is
because, as the depth of cut increases, the chip-tool contact area and cutting
force increases which rises the temperature due to increasing frictional heat.
Tool Life Criteria
The following are some of the possible tool life criteria that could be used for
limiting tool life.
Wear land size: Wear land size on the flank face of the tool is widely used
criteria to assess tool life. When the wear land reaches a critical value, cutting
becomes difficult and tool leaves rough marks on the machined surface. Under
this condition it is said that life of the tool is over.
The length of wear land is not of uniform. It is larger near the two ends of the
active portion of the side cutting edge. The maximum width of the wear land is
at the rear end of the flank face. The tool life values as suggested by ISO are:
VB = 0.3 mm, if the flank is regularly worn in zone B
Total destruction of the tool: Tool destruction occurs when the tool is unable
to support the cutting force over the tool-chip contact area and results in fracture
of small part of cutting edge. It is Common in interrupted cuts and in non rigid
Types of progressive tool wear: The progressive wear of a cutting tool takes
place into distinct ways:
Crater Wear: Crater wear occurs on the rake face of the tool due to relative
sliding between rake face and chip. In orthogonal cutting this typically occurs
where the tool temperature is highest
> Diffusion process is mainly responsible in the development of crater
• Flank Wear: Flank wear occurs on the flank face of the tool, due to rubbing
between flank face and machined surface. It modified the tool geometry and
changes the cutting parameters (depth of cut).
> The abrasion and adhesion are primarily responsible for the flank wear.
> Flank wear directly affects the surface finish produced. Thus there is
always a close limit kept on the value of the wear land.
Progressive tool wear
crater wear
flank wear
2- Adhesion wear
3- Diffusion wear
4- Oxidation wear
5- Chemical decomposition
• Adhesion wear: Under high pressure and temperature when two surfaces come
in close contact, strong metallic bonds are formed due to welding of the surface
asperities. The spot weld results in an irregular flow of chips over the tool face.
Sliding of chip causes the fracture of these small weld joints and some tool
material carried along with them. Adhesive wear can be reduced by using a
suitable cutting fluid which can provide a protective film on the contacting
• Diffusion wear: Diffusion wear means the material loss due to diffusion of
atoms of the tool material into the workpiece moving over it. Requirements
for diffusion wear are metallurgical bonding of the two surfaces so that
atoms can move freely across the interface and high temperature.
• Chipping: Chipping means breaking away of a small metal piece from the
cutting edge of the tool. The chipped piece may be very small or may be
relatively large. Unlike gradual wear, chipping results in a sudden loss of tool
material and a corresponding change in shape, and has a major detrimental
effect on surface finish and dimensional accuracy of the workpiece.
• The two main cause of chipping are
• The machining characteristics of the work materials widely vary and also
largely depend on the conditions of machining. A term; ‘Machinability’ has
been introduced for gradation of work materials w.r.t. machining
> The metal removal rate is high (or high cutting speed)
• But practically it is not possible to use all those criteria together for
expressing machineability.
• A material with higher cutting speed for a given tool life will have better
• In this method, the effect of surface finish is not accounted. This is most widely
used criterion for assessing machinability of a material.
Let , Vs = Cutting speed of standard material for a given tool life (T).
Vm = Cutting speed of the test material for same given tool life (T).
• Than the machinability Index (MI) can be calculated as:
• Thus, a material with higher cutting speed for a given tool life will have greater
• Surface Finish Criterion: This criterion is used in a situation where poor surface
finish is the cause of rejection on machined parts.
A material that produces better surface finish under a given set of conditions
may be considered to have better machinability.
Some materials may permit use of higher cutting speed or lower cutting forces but
give poor surface finish. In such situations, the surface finish criterion is important.
• Production Rate Criterion: The metal removal rate is directly related to the
cutting speed, and hence, production rate. For given surface finish and tool life, if a
material permits high cutting speeds or higher metal removal rate will have higher
Parameters Affecting Machineability
The important parameters which affect the machineability are:
1-Cutting conditions
> Speed
> Feed
> Depth of cut
2- Tool geometry
> Rake angle
> Clearance angle
> Nose radius
3- Tool material
4- Work material (Hardness, Toughness)
5- Cutting fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-I / Lecture No: 13
(Machine tool vibration and surface finish)
• The cutting process with variable feed is one of the principles cause of
arising of vibrations. That results in the variable dynamic cutting force.
• These vibrations affects the machine tool, quality of work-piece, cutting tool
and the cutting conditions (feed rate, depth of cut, and cutting velocity.
Effect of Vibration
The vibration of machine tools during cutting, affects
• Life of machine tool , particularly transmission elements
• Cutting conditions
Effect of vibrations on life of machine tool: The machine tool is made of
various parts and when vibrations are produced, they also start vibrating at
same frequency. If this frequency approaches the natural frequency of
vibration of that part then amplitude of vibrations will be very excessive
and the part may break even.
finish obtained will be very poor and thus this aspect is very important for fine
> Also due to vibrations, vibratory displacement of tool takes place in the
direction of motion of the job which results in the chatter of tool.
> The penetration rate also varies and therefore penetration force does not
remain constant. Further due to vibration of the tool, cutting velocity does not
remain constant and it varies about the correct value.
Sources of Vibrations
Machine tools operate in different configurations (positions of heavy parts,
weights, dimensions, and positions of work pieces) and at different regimes
(spindle rpm, number of cutting edges, cutting angles, etc.). Due to this machine
tool and cutting tool are always subjected to vibration. These vibrations are due to
one or more of the following causes:
1. In-homogeneities in the workpiece material.
5. Intermittent cutting.
6. Self-excited vibration .
• Vibration Due to in homogeneities in the Work piece: Hard spots or a crust
in the material being machined impart small shocks to the tool and work piece,
as a result of which free vibrations are set up. When machining is done under
conditions resulting in discontinuous chip removals, the segmentation of chip
elements results in a fluctuation of the cutting thrust. If the frequency of these
fluctuations coincides with one of the natural frequencies of the structure,
forced vibration of appreciable amplitude may be excited.
> Rigidify the workpiece, the tool and the machine as much as possible
> Choose the tool that will excite vibrations as little as possible (modifying
angles, dimensions, surface treatment, etc.)
> Choose exciting frequencies that best limit the vibrations of the machining
system (spindle speed, number of teeth and relative positions, etc.)
> Choose tools that incorporate vibration-damping technology.
• Thus in order to increase the life of any part which is subjected to fatigue
loading, the working and non-working surfaces of that part must be given
very good finish.
Importance of surface finish
• It improves the service life of the components
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-II / Lecture No: 14
(Lathe Operations)
• The workpiece is held by a chuck in one end and when possible also by a
tailstock at the opposite end. The chuck is mounted on a headstock, which
incorporates the engine and gear mechanism. The chuck is holding the
workpiece with three or four jaws and a spindle engine causes the chuck and
workpiece to rotate.
• A tool-post is found between the headstock and tailstock, which holds the
cutting tool. The tool-post stands on a cross-slide that enables it to move along
the workpiece. An ordinary lathe can accommodate only one cutting tool at the
time, but a turret lathe is capable of holding several cutting tools on a revolving
Types of Lathe
1-Engine Lathe
2- Bench Lathe
3- Automatic Lathe
4- Turret Lathe
• Engine Lathe : The most common form of lathe, motor driven and comes in
large variety of sizes and shapes.
• Bench Lathe: A bench top model usually of low power used to make
precision machine small work pieces.
• Automatic Lathe: A lathe in which the work piece is automatically fed and
removed without use of an operator.
• Turret Lathe: Lathe which have multiple tools mounted on turret either
attached to the tailstock or the cross-slide, which allows for quick changes in
tooling and cutting operations.
Turning Operation
Facing Operation
Drilling Operation
Boring Operation
Reaming Operation
Threading Operation
Knurling Operation
Parting operation
Forming Operation
Chamfering Operation
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-II / Lecture No: 15
(Shaper, planner, slotter)
Shaper Machine
• Introduction: Shaper is a machine tool that uses reciprocating straight line
motion of the tool and a perpendicular feed of the job or the tool to produce flat
work surfaces. The shaper is used primarily for:
1. Producing a flat or plane surface which may be in a horizontal, a vertical
or an angular plane.
2. Making slots, grooves and keyways
3. Producing contour of concave/convex or a combination of these.
• Features:
1- Single point cutting tool is used for machining. The tool is clamped on
the tool post mounted on the ram of the machine.
2- The ram reciprocates to and fro, tool cuts the material in forward stroke
only, no cutting during return stroke.
3- It uses linear relative motion between the tool and workpiece.
4- The cross-feed is provided by the machine table on which workpiece is
Working Principle:
The job is rigidly fixed on the machine table. The single point cutting tool held
properly in the tool post is mounted on a reciprocating ram. The reciprocating
motion of the ram is obtained by a quick return motion mechanism. As the ram
reciprocates, the tool cuts the material during its forward stroke. During return,
there is no cutting action and this stroke is called the idle stroke. The forward and
return strokes constitute one operating cycle of the shaper.
Construction of shaper
The main parts of the shaper are:
1- Base 2- Column 3- Ram
4- Table 5- Cross rail 6- Tool head
• Base: The base is a heavy cast iron casting which is fixed to the shop floor. It
supports the body frame and the entire load of the machine. The base absorbs
and withstands vibrations and other forces which are likely to be induced
during the shaping operations.
• Column: It is mounted on the base and houses the drive mechanism
compressing the main drives, the gear box and the quick return mechanism for
the ram movement.
• Ram: It is the reciprocating member with tool head mounted on its front face.
The ram is connected to with the quick-return mechanism housed inside the
hollow of the column. The back and forth movement of ram is called stroke
and it can be adjusted according to the length of the workpiece to be-
• Table: The worktable of a shaper is fastened to the front of the column. The
table moves across the column on crossrails to give the feed motion to the job.
• Cross rail: The cross rail is mounted on the front of the body frame and can
be moved up and down. The vertical movement of the cross rail permits jobs
of different heights to be accommodated below the tool.
• Tool Head- It holds the cutting tool and is fastened to the front of the ram.
• Bull gear is driven by a pinion which connects to the motor shaft through
gear box.
• The bull wheel has a slot. The crank pin A secured in to this slot, at the
same time it can slide in the slotted crank B.
Crank and slotted link mechanism
• As the bull gear rotates causes the crank pin A also to turn and side by side
slides through the slot in the slotted crank B.
• This makes the slotted crank to oscillate about its one end C.
• This oscillating motion of slotted crank (through the link D) makes the ram
to reciprocate.
• The regular feed is provided by moving the cutting tool at right angles to the
direction of the worktable motion.
Planer Machine
Slotter Machine
• Slotting machines can simply be considered as vertical shaping machine
where the single point cutting tool reciprocates vertically (but without quick
return effect) and the workpiece, being mounted on the table, is given slow
longitudinal or rotary feed. The workpieces which cannot be conveniently held
in shaper can be machined in a slotter.
• The main difference between a shaper and a slotter is the direction of the
cutting action. In slotter, the tool moves vertically rather than in horizontal
• Unlike shaping and planing machines, slotting machines are generally used to
machine internal surfaces (flat, formed grooves and cylindrical).
Slotter Machine
Applications of slotter
The usual and possible machining applications of slotting machines are :
• Internal flat surfaces
• Internal keyways and splines, straight tooth of internal spur gears, internal
curved surface of circular section, internal oil grooves etc. which are not
possible in shaping machines.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-II / Lecture No: 16
(Milling Construction, Milling cutters, up & down millin)
Milling Process
• Milling is a process in which metal is removed by means of a rotating
circular multiple points cutting tool known as milling cutter. The milling
machine consists basically a motor driven spindle, which mounts and
revolves the milling cutter, and a reciprocating adjustable worktable, which
mounts and feeds the workpiece.
• There is a possibility that the cutting tool will rub the workpiece before
starting of the metal removal. The initial rubbing of the cutting edge
during the start of the cut tends to dull the cutting edge and consequently
have a lower tool life.
• Also since the cutter tends to cut and slide alternatively, the surface
generated is left with the machining marks (poor surface finish).
• Down Milling: In down milling the cutting tool rotates in the same direction
as that of the feed motion.
• In down milling, the chip starts as maximum thickness and goes to zero
thickness gradually. This gives very fine finish on the workpiece.
• The cutting force acts downwards and as such keeps the workpiece firmly in
the work holding device. This is good for thin workpieces.
1. Drilling
2. Boring
3. Reaming
4. Counter sinking
5. Counter boring
6. Tapping
• Drilling is the operation of producing a cylindrical hole in a work piece using a
rotating tool called drill or twist drill. The work piece is held in the chuck and the
drill is held in the tailstock. The feed is provided by means of moving the sleeve
of the tailstock. Drilled holes can be either through holes or blind holes.
Drilling Operations:
• The various drilling operations are:
• Drilling: This process is used to drill a round blind or through hole in solid
• Core Drilling: Core drilling is used to increase the diameter of an existing hole
by using a drill bit of larger diameter than the diameter of the existing hole.
• Gun Drilling: Gun drilling is a specific operation to drill holes with very
large length-to-diameter ratio up to L/D ~300. There are several
modifications of this operation but in all cases cutting fluid is delivered
directly to the cutting zone internally through the drill to cool and lubricate
the cutting edges, and to remove the chips.
Boring Process
• During drilling operation, drill tend to wander, making hole location inaccurate.
Also, if the lips of the drill are not equal, the hole will be oversized. When
accurately located holes are needed, they are first drilled and then bored.
• Boring is a process of enlarging an existing hole, may be drilled or cored
during casting.
• Boring corrects the location of a hole, makes concentric, and bring them to the
exact required size. This is because; boring bar does not follow the hole, but
bores on its own centre of axis.
Boring process
Reaming Process
• Reaming is an operation of finishing an existing hole to get smooth surface and
closer tolerances (±0.005mm) on the diameter of a hole. This is carried out by
using a multi-point cutting tool known as reamer. Reamer rotates and feed
linearly into an existing hole. In this operation very little material is removed.
• Generally the reamer follows the already existing hole and therefore will not be
able to correct the hole misalignment.
• The reamer is expected to cut from the sides and not from the end. These types
reamer are most suitable for reaming through holes. However for reaming blind
holes with a flat bottom, special end cutting reamers are used. They too have
cutting edges formed at the end.
Reaming Process
Reamer geometry
Tapping Process
• Tapping is an operation in which internal threads are cut in the existing hole.
This operation is carried out with a multi-fluted cutting tool known as tap.
• A tap is a cutting tool with threads cut accurately on its periphery. These threads
are hardened and ground and act as cutting edges. The tap removes metal when
screwed into the hole and generates internal threads.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-II / Lecture No:19
(geometry of twist drill)
Flute Length: It is the length of the measured from the drill point to the end of
the flute. Flute length determines the maximum depth of drilling.
Land : It is the part of the drill body between the flutes. The lands provide the
drill with much of its torsional strength.
Web: It is the thickness of the drill between the flutes. The web also provides
torsional strength to the drill.
Point Angle: The angle included between the cutting lips projected upon a plane
parallel to the drill axis and parallel to the two cutting edges.
• Larger value of point angle is used for hard and brittle materials, while smaller
values are used for soft and ductile materials.
• In general 118º is found to be suitable for mild steel and other general materials.
Chisel Edge: The edge at the end of the web that connects the cutting lips is
called chisel edge.
Lip Relief Angle: The axial relief angle at the outer corner of the lip; it is
measured by projection into a plane tangent to the periphery at the outer corner of
the lip.
Helix Angle: It is the angle between the leading edge of the land and the axis of
the drill.
> The helix angle of the flutes performs the function of lifting the chips
from the hole being drilled.
> The typical helix angle of a general purpose twist drill is 18 – 30º.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-III / Lecture No: 23
(Grinding wheels, abrasive & bonds, cutting action.)
Grinding Process
• Grinding is a finishing process carried out with a revolving abrasive wheel for
removing very fine quantities of material from the work surface.
• The wheel used for performing the grinding action is called grinding wheel.
Cutting Action
• The grinding wheel-workpiece interaction can be divided in to the following:
1- Grit-workpiece (forming chip)
2- Chip-bond
3- Chip-workpiece
4- Bond-work piece
• Except the grit workpiece interaction which is expected to produce chip, the
remaining three undesirable increases the total grinding force and power
Interaction of the grit with the workpiece: The importance of the grit shape
can be easily realized because it determines the grit geometry e.g. rake and
clearance angle as illustrated in Fig. It appears that the grits do not have definite
geometry unlike a cutting tool and the grit rake angle may vary from +45° to -
60° or more.
Grit with favorable geometry can produce chip in shear mode. However, grits
having large negative rake angle or rounded cutting edge do not form chips but
may rub or make a groove by ploughing leading to lateral flow of the workpiece
material as illustrated in fig.
Grinding Wheel
Grinding wheels are made by mixing the appropriate grain size of the abrasive
with the required bonding material and pressed in to required shape (by powder
metallurgy process).
Types of abrasive material.
> Aluminum oxide (Al2O3)
> Silicon carbide (SiC)
> Cubic Boron nitride (cBN)
> Diamond
• Properties of abrasive grains: The desirable properties of abrasive grains
> Friability
> Hardness
> Toughness
> High hot hardness
> Chemically Inert
3. Grain size
• Cubic boron nitride: Cubic boron nitride is a super abrasive material with
hardness second to the diamond. It is chemically inert with relatively high
toughness than diamond. It is used for grinding carbon and alloy steels. .
• Coarse grains give faster rate of metal removal, but yield a poor surface
finish. Fine grains take a very small depth of cut and hence provide a better
surface finish but the rate of metal removal is slow.
• Coarse grains have higher friability; therefore, coarse grain wheels are
suitable for grinding soft and ductile materials. For hard and brittle
materials finer grains are preferred.
4- Grade:
• The grade of a grinding wheel is a measure of the strength of a bond. The grade
of a wheel depends on the kind of bonding material, volume of bonding
material used, structure of wheel, and amount of abrasive grains.
• Hard grade: A hard wheel means strong bonding and the abrasive grains can
withstand large forces without broken away from the wheel.
• Soft grade: Wheels from which the abrasive is more easily broken away is
known as soft wheel.
5- Structure of wheel:
• The structure of a grinding wheel represents the grain spacing or density of
the wheel. A grinding wheel must have some space between grains to allow
space for the chips to collect. This helps avoiding the loading of the
grinding wheel.
• A wheel may have an open structure or dense structure.
Structure of wheel…..
Grinding Wheel Specification
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-III / Lecture No: 22
(Grinding wheel wear)
2- Fracture wear
> Grain fracture
• To restore the cutting ability of the wheel by fracturing away the dull grains
to expose new sharp cutting edges.
• To remove the lodged metal chips and particles.
• It is also used to make the wheel concentric with its axis of rotation.
3- Diamond dressers
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-III / Lecture No: 27
(Surface and Cylindrical grinding. Centerless grinding.)
Surface grinding:
• Surface grinding is used for generating flat surfaces by using either the
peripheral or diametrical face of the grinding wheel.
Cylindrical grinding:
• Cylindrical grinding process used for of grinding cylindrical or tapered
surfaces while they are rotated between centres or supported on a spindle.
The grinding wheel cuts the material from its peripheral face.
Centreless Grinding:
• In conventional cylindrical grinding the workpiece is supported between
centres or a chuck and rotated against the grinding wheel. Centreless
grinding makes it possible to grind cylindrical workpiece without actually
fixing the workpiece between centres or a chuck. As a result no work
rotation is separately provided.
Types of Centreless Grinding:
1- Through-feed centreless grinding
• Super finishing
• Lapping
• Polishing
• Buffing
• Honing process is mainly used to improve the surface finish of bored or
grounded holes. This process removes common errors left by boring or grinding
process such as taper, waviness, and tool marks.
• Lapping is an abrasive surface-finishing process and used to produce very high
degree of surface finish.
• Polishing is carried out by a wheel or belt rotating at high speed. The polishing
wheels are made of softer materials like leather or cloths and coated with very fine
abrasive particles. Thus, the wheels are enough flexible to finish the cavities and
intricate shapes.
• Buffing is similar to polishing in appearance, but its function is different. Buffing is
used to provide attractive surfaces with high luster. Negligible amount of material is
removed in this process.
• Buffing is carried out with the help of a buffing wheel which is made by a cloth or
lather. The abrasive is applied intermittently to the wheel in a lubricating medium.
The abrasives used are extremely fine powder.
Gradual improvement of surface roughness produced by various processes ranging
from precision turning to super finishing including lapping and honing.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-III / Lecture No: 25
(Limits, Fits, Tolerances)
Introduction of metrology
• In manufacturing it is impossible to produce all the components to an exact
• In any production process, regardless of how well it is designed or how
carefully it is maintained, a certain amount of natural variability will always
exist. Usually, variability arises from uncontrollable causes like
Improper adjusted machines
Operator error
Tool wear
Defective raw materials.
• Thus some variability in dimension within certain limits must be tolerated
during manufacture. When the tolerance allowed is sufficiently greater than the
process variation, no difficulty arises during manufacturing.
• The range of permissible variation in dimension form actual dimension is
called limit. The permissible variation may exist on either sides of the actual
• Upper Limit: It is the largest permissible variation in dimension of the
• The difference between upper limit and lower limit is called tolerance.
Types of fit:
1. Clearance fit
2. Interference fit
3. Transition fit
• Clearance fit: In clearance fit, an air space or clearance exists
between the shaft and hole as shown in Figure. Such fits give loose joint. A
clearance fit has positive allowance, i.e. there is minimum positive
clearance between high limit of the shaft and low limit of the hole.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-III / Lecture No: 26
(Surface roughness)
Surface Roughness
With the more precise demands of modern engineering products, the control of surface
texture together with dimensional accuracy has become more important. It has been
investigated that the surface texture greatly influences the functioning of the
machined parts. The properties such as appearance, corrosion resistance, wear
resistance, fatigue resistance, lubrication, initial tolerance, ,load carrying capacity, noise
reduction in case of gears are influenced by the surface texture.
Whatever may be the manufacturing process used, it is not possible to produce perfectly
smooth surface. The irregularities are bound to occur. The irregularities on the surface are
in the form of succession of hills and valleys varying in height and spacing. These
irregularities are usually termed as surface roughness or surface finish.
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness
The following factors affect the surface roughness:
1. Vibrations
4. Rigidity of the system consisting of machine tool, cutting tool and work .
5. Rigidity of the fixture.
• Second Order: The irregularities caused due to vibrations of any kind are
called second order irregularities.
• Third order: Even if the machine were perfect and completely free from
vibrations some irregularities are caused by machining itself due to the
characteristics of the process.
• Fourth Order: The fourth order irregularities include those arising from the
rupture of the material during the separation of the chip.
Type of irregularities on the surface of the part
• The irregularities on the surface of the part produced can also be grouped into
two categories:
1- Roughness or primary texture
1. Welding processes
Metal spraying
Welding process
• Welding is a metal joining process in which two or more parts are joined
together at their contacting surfaces by a suitable application of heat or
pressure. Some time parts are joined together by application of pressure only
without external heat. In some welding processes a filler material is added to
facilitate joining.
• MIG welding
• Electro-gas welding
• Projection welding
Solid State Welding Processes
Friction welding
Explosive welding
Ultrasonic welding
Diffusion bonding
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-IV / Lecture No: 28
(Gas welding)
Oxy-Acetylene Welding
• Gas Welding: Gas welding refers to a group of fusion welding processes in
which heat required for welding is obtained from the combustion of a fuel
gas (acetylene, propylene, propane, methyl-acetylene propadiene or
hydrogen) in combination with oxygen. Generally acetylene gas is used as
fuel gas because it generates highest flame temperature.
• Oxy-Acetylene Welding: Oxy-acetylene welding is a fusion welding
process in which heat required for welding is obtained from the combustion
of acetylene gas in combination with oxygen. The heat produced by the
combustion of gas is sufficient to melt any metal.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding
The flame is directed by a welding torch and a filler metal in the form of rod is
added, if required. A flux may be used to deoxidize and cleanse the weld metal.
The flux melts, solidifies, and forms a slag skin on the resultant weld metal.
Types of Flames
Three different types of flames can be obtained by changing the
oxygen/acetylene ratio.
• Oxidizing Flame: When excess oxygen is used (O2:C2H2 = 1.5:1), the flame
becomes oxidizing because of the presence of unconsumed oxygen. A short
white inner cone characterizes an oxidizing flame. The oxidizing flame is
similar to neutral flame in appearance with the exception that the inner cone is
little small.
• The oxidizing flame produces highest tip temperature (3500ºC) than the other
two flames.
• In oxidizing flame, the inner cone is hotter than the other two flames because
the combustible gases will not have to search so far to find the necessary
amount of oxygen.
• Applications: There is unconsumed oxygen in the flame, which badly oxidizes
the weld metal. Because of the burning of the molten metal (due to low
temperature oxide formation during process), foams and sparks are formed in
the weld pool. This also produces loud noise during welding.
• Oxidizing flame is used for welding those metals and alloys which are not
oxidized easily. So, it is used for welding Copper based alloys and zinc based
alloys such as brass and bronze.
• Oxidizing flame will introduce oxygen into the weld metal and so not preferred
for steel.
Gas Cutting Process
• For cutting metallic plates, general purpose machine tools are used. These
tools are useful for only straight-line cuts and also for cuts up to a thickness of
40 mm. For thicker plates and when the cut is to be made along a specified
contour, machine tools cannot be used.
• Thus, for cutting thicker plates or cutting along a specified contours oxy-
acetylene cutting process is used. The oxy-acetylene cutting is the most widely
used industrial thermal cutting process because it can cut thicknesses from 0.5
mm to 2 meters; the equipment cost is low and can be used manually or
• The term for this oxygen flame is the “Preheating Flame”. Next, you direct a jet
of pure oxygen at the heated metal by pressing a lever on the cutting torch. The
oxygen causes a chemical reaction known as “oxidation” to take place rapidly.
When oxidation occurs rapidly, it is called “ combustion or Burning” . When it
occurs slowly, it is known as “Rusting”.
Gas Cutting Process
• When you uses the oxy-gas torch method to cut metal, the oxidation of the
metal is extremely rapid and part of the metal actually burns. The heat, liberated
by the burning of the iron or steel, melts the iron oxide formed by the chemical
reaction and accelerates the preheating of the object you are cutting. The molten
material runs off as slag, exposing more iron or steel to the oxygen jet.
• Welding electrode: SMAW uses a consumable electrode coated with the flux.
The heat of the welding process melts the coating to provide a protective
gaseous shield and slag for the welding operation.
The coating also provided the flux to the molten metal pool. This flux mixed with
the oxides and other impurities present in the pool, forms slag. The slag being
lighter, floats on the top of the molten metal and protect it against atmospheric
2- Improves mechanical properties: The thickness of slag layer formed on the
metal surface also controls the cooling rate of the weld metal. Thus, improves
the mechanical properties of the weld joint.
3- Oxide remover: Flux removes the impurities (oxides and trapped gases) from
the molten metal.
4- Metal addition: Coating also provides alloy addition to the weld metal which
necessary to produce desired arc and metal transfer characteristics.
5- Helps in concentrating the arc: Since electrode coating is disintegrated at
slower rate compare to the filler metal, the coating would be extended beyond
the electrode. This extended coating helps in concentrating the arc and directing
the filler metal towards the weld joint. Thus gives deeper penetration.
Advantages of SMAW
• It is best suited for welding steels (carbon steels, alloy steels, stainless steels
etc) and cast iron.
• Welding can be carried out in any position (Flat, vertical or horizontal
position) with highest weld quality.
• Joints which because of their positions are difficult to weld by any other
process, can be easily weld by SMAW.
• All metals for which electrodes are available can be welded by this process.
Disadvantage of SMAW
• Those metals which having low melting point (aluminum, copper, lead tin etc)
cannot be welded by this process.
• Metal deposition rate is very low, gives slow welding speed. The deposition rate is
limited by the fact that the electrode covering tends to overheat and fall off when
excessively high welding currents are used.
• During multi-pass welding, there are more chances of slag inclusions in weld bead.
• A lot of electrode material is wasted in the form of unused end, slag and gas.
Application of SMAW
• Depending upon the coated electrodes available, it finds extensive use in all
major fabrication industries. Common applications include construction,
pipelines, machinery structures, shipbuilding, fabrication job shops, and repair
• It is preferred over oxy-fuel welding for thicker sections above 5 mm because of
its higher heat density.
• The equipment is portable and low cost, making SMAW highly versatile and
probably the most widely used of the AW welding processes.
• Base metals include steels, stainless steels, cast irons can be welded by this
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-IV / Lecture No: 29
(TIG process and their parameters.)
TIG Welding
Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process developed in 1940s for joining
magnesium and aluminium. Using an inert gas shield instead of a slag to protect
the weld pool, the process was a highly attractive replacement for gas and
manual metal arc welding. TIG has played a major role in the acceptance of
aluminium for high quality welding and structural applications.
In the TIG welding process the arc is formed between a non consumable
tungsten electrode and the workpiece in an inert atmosphere of argon or helium.
The small intense arc provided by the pointed electrode is ideal for high quality
and precision welding. Because the electrode is not consumed during welding,
the welder does not have to balance the heat input from the arc as the metal is
deposited from the melting electrode. When filler metal is required, it must be
added separately to the weld pool.
Working Principle of TIG
In the tungsten inert gas welding process, the arc is produced between a non-
consumable tungsten electrode and the workpiece in a protective inert gas
atmosphere. The shielding gas protects both the tungsten electrode and the weld
pool from the atmospheric contaminations. The shielding gases commonly used
are argon, helium or their mixture. Any filler material needed is supplied
Equipments f or TIG
There are four basic components of TIG welding system namely
• The power source
• Polarity
• Tungsten electrode
• Shielding gas
Power sources: The power sources used are always constant current type. Both
DC and AC power supplies can be used for TIG welding.
Polarity: Depending upon the material to be welded, three types of polarity can
be used in TIG welding.
1- Direct Current Electrode Negative (DCEN or Straight polarity)
2- Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP or Reverse polarity)
3- Alternating Current (AC)
Tungsten electrode
• The electrode used in TIG is made of either pure tungsten or tungsten alloys.
Tungsten provides the desired properties such as high melting temperature
(3410ºC), low electrical resistance, good heat conductivity and has the ability to
emit electrons easily.
• Pure tungsten electrode: Pure tungsten electrodes are usually preferred for AC
welding of aluminum and magnesium.
• Alloyed tungsten electrode: The current carrying capacity of pure tungsten
electrode is lower and easily gets contaminated. Pure tungsten electrode is alloyed
with some impurities like zirconium oxide, thorium oxide and cerium oxide.
• Pure tungsten electrode is alloyed with some impurities:
1- To increase the current carrying capacity.
2- To avoid the melting of the electrode (to increase melting temperature)
3- To improve arc stability and arc initiation.
4- To increase the resistance to contamination of the tip.
Shielding gases for TIG
• Argon and helium are the major shielding gases used in TIG welding. In some
applications, a mixture of these two gases is also used.
• Shielding gases are used to keep harmful atmospheric gases (O2, N2, H2 and
moisture) away from the weld pool as the metal solidifies. These gases, when
not effectively kept away, produces weld defect such as porosity and brittleness.
• Filler metal rod, if it comes out of the gaseous shield, can cause weld metal
• TIG is often used for root pass in pressure components and other critical
applications, as it gives a clean and accurate weld joint.
• TIG process can be easily mechanized (movement of torch and feeding of filler
wire), so it can be used for precision welding in nuclear, aircraft, chemical,
petroleum, automobile and space craft industries. Aircraft frames and its skin,
rocket body and engine casing are few examples where TIG welding is very
• TIG welding may be used for welding almost all metals — mild steel, low alloys,
stainless steel, copper and copper alloys, aluminum and aluminum alloys, nickel
and nickel alloys, magnesium and magnesium alloys, titanium, and others.
MIG welding
MIG Equipments:
• The power source
• Polarity
• Shielding gas
Power sources: The power sources used are always constant voltage type.
Both DC and AC power supplies can be used for MIG welding.
Polarity: Depending upon the material to be welded, three types of polarity
can be used in MIG welding.
• DCEN mode, though gives higher metal deposition rate, is also not preferred
because it causes unstable and erratic arc which results in large spatter. It
eliminates the advantage of arc cleaning action on the work surface.
• AC power is found unsuitable for MIG welding because it results in arc
extinguishing every half cycle.
1- Argon
2- Helium
3- Argon-helium mixture
4- Carbon dioxide
Advantages of MIG:
• Continuous welding with coiled wire gives high metal deposition rate and high
welding speed, which allow thicker workpieces to be welded at higher
welding speeds.
• High welding speed and metal deposition rate gives less HAZ and distortions.
• Because of the good control on the rate of heat input, MIG can be used for
welding nearly all metals (ferrous or non-ferrous) including carbon steel,
stainless steel, alloy steel and aluminum.
• It provides a stable arc and smooth metal transfer with least spatter for the
entire current range.
• Since MIG is carried out with DCEP mode so it gives excellent oxide film
removal during welding.
Disadvantages of MIG:
• Absence of slag on the work surface gives higher cooling rate of the weld zone
and hence joints made on hardenable steels are susceptible to weld metal
• It cannot be used for welding critical sections (difficult to reach positions).
Applications of MIG:
• All commercially important metals such as carbon steel, high-strength low
alloy steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, titanium, and nickel alloys can be
welded in all position with MIG process by choosing appropriate shielding gas,
electrode, and welding variables.
2- Globular transfer
3- Spray transfer
2- Surface tension: Surface tension always tends to retain the liquid drop at the
tip of the electrode. This force depends on the radius of the electrode, density of
the liquid metal and the capillary constant.
Spray Transfer
• In the spray transfer mode, a stream of molten metal
travels axially across the arc in the form of fine
droplets which is induced by the magnetic force
acting on the molten electrode tip.
• Spray transfer occurs when current and voltage
increases beyond the range of globular transfer. As
the current density increases, an arc is formed at the
end of the filler wire, producing a stream of small
metal droplets.
• High heat input gives high metal deposition rate
which produces a large weld-pool with high fluidity
(because of high temperature). This molten weld
pool cannot be supported only by the surface tension
of the molten metal in vertical and overhead welding
position. So spray transfer welding is limited to use
in the flat and horizontal positions.
Pulsed-Spray Transfer
• In order to overcome the limitation of spray
transfer, pulsed spray transfer is used. Pulsed-
spray transfer is similar to the spray transfer
except that the current required for melting the
electrode tip is given in regular pulses rather than
Pulsed-Spray Transfer
• This mode of metal transfer can only be possible if the power source is
able to supply a pulsed type current. The level of a welding current
supplied by a pulsing type of power source varies between two levels,
high peak current and steady background current.
Pulsed-Spray Transfer
• The pulses allow the average current to be lower, decreasing the overall
heat input and thereby decreasing the size of the weld pool and heat-
affected zone.
• Because of controlled heat input and metal transfer it is possible to weld
thin workpieces.
• The smaller weld pool with lower fluidity makes it possible to weld in all
positions (flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead).
• Pulse current provides stable arc and smooth metal transfer without
• The lower overall heat input reduces distortion and size of the heat
affected zone.
• Increased travel speed and higher deposition rate, compared with the
dip/short circuit metal transfer mode.
Pulsed-Spray Transfer
• High cost of pulsed current power sources
• Only argon based shielding gas mixtures can be used with conventional
pulsing current power sources.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-IV / Lecture No: 32
(Resistance welding )
Resistance Welding
Introduction: Resistance welding is a fusion welding process in which both
heat and pressure are applied to achieve a sound weld joint. The heat necessary
for the melting of the workpiece interface is obtained by the electrical
resistance offered by the material against flow of the current.
• Process: In resistance welding, two parts being welded are put in direct
contact under the welding electrodes. A current is then passed with the
help of electrodes. The flow of current through a resistance generates
intense heat at the interface. Heat produced by the current is sufficient for
local melting of the work piece at the contact point and formation of small
weld pool (nugget). The molten metal is then solidified under a pressure
and joins the pieces. The pressure of the electrode tips on the workpiece
holds the part in close and intimate contact during the making of the weld.
1- Spot welding
2-Seam welding
3- Projection welding
Spot welding
• Spot welding is most common resistance welding process which is used to join
two sheet-metal pieces in a lap joint. Spot welding is accomplished when
electric current is flow through the metal piece, interface melts due to resistance
heating, and a small nugget if formed.
Seam Welding:
Seam welding is a resistance welding process of continuous joining of
overlapping sheets by passing them between two rotating electrode wheels. Heat
generated by the electric current flowing through the contact area and pressure
provided by the wheels are sufficient to produce a leak-proof weld.
Projection Welding
• Projection welding is a variation of spot welding. In this method, one of the
sheets to be welded is provided with a number of projections at the location
where weld is desired. These projections comes into contact with the another
sheet to be welded, thus, current flows through these small projections. As the
current passes through these projections, they melted and a fusion joint is made
under the pressure applied from the electrode.
Advantages of Projection Welding:
• It is possible to produce more than one spot weld at a time. The number of spot
welds depends on the number of projections that can come under the tip of the
• Because large-sized electrodes used, their life is much longer than that of the
convention spot welding electrodes. The larger contact area gives very less
deformation of the electrode tip.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-IV / Lecture No: 34
(Submerged arc welding )
• The electrode wire is fed automatically from a coil into the arc. The arc
heat melts both the work pieces edges and the electrode wire. The
workpieces, fills the weld pool and joins the work pieces. Since the
feeding mechanism (hopper). A part of the flux is melts and forms slag
which protects the weld pool from oxidation and other atmospheric
contaminations. The melted flux also reacts with the metal pool and
removes impurities.
• The rest un-melted flux acts as insulator and controls the cooling rate of the
molten metal. The un-melted flux also provides additional shielding to the
welding zone. It can be recycled.
• Because the arc is totally submerged, high welding current can be
employed. Thus, high metal deposition rate, deep penetration, high welding
speed, slower solidification and cooling all are the characteristics of SAW
Submerged Arc Welding
Process Parameters
• Quality of the weld deposit depends on the type of flux, the electrode, the
welding current, arc voltage, speed of arc and heat input rate. Thus the process
variables are:
1- Welding current and voltage.
2- Welding speed
4- Joint design
5- Wire electrode
Advantages of SAW:
• The blanket of granular flux completely submerges the arc welding operation,
preventing sparks, spatter, and radiation that are so harmful in other arc welding
• The melted flux along with the flux that is not melted provides good thermal
insulation. The slow cooling of the weld metal helps to produce soft and ductile
• SAW is carried out with very high current (300 – 2000A) which increases the
melting rate of the electrode. This gives very high metal deposition rate (around
35 kg/hr) with deep penetration.
• Because of high metal deposition rate, higher welding speed can be employed.
• High heat input and slow cooling rate give a weld with large grain size.
Applications of SAW
• SAW is used for doing faster welding jobs. It is possible to use larger welding
electrodes (12 mm diameter) as well as very high current (300 – 2000 A) so that
very high metal deposition rates of the order of 25 kg/h or more can be achieved
with this process. Also, very high welding speeds (5 m/min) are possible in
SAW. Metal piece thickness up to 100 mm can be welded by this process.
Carbon, alloy and stainless steels up to 12 mm thick can be safely welded in
single pass, while thicker cross section requires multi-pass welding.
• The ability to produce high quality, defect free welds at high deposition rates
and with deep weld penetration makes the SAW process highly suitable for all
mechanized and automatic welding and surfacing applications.
• SAW is widely used for welding carbon, carbon manganese, alloy and stainless
steels. It is also used for joining some nickel based alloys.
• The pool of molten slag is formed by the resistance heating of the current
passing through the conductive slag from the electrode to the workpiece. The
weld pool is covered with molten slag and moves upward as welding
Electro-slag welding
• The flux should have high melting and boiling point to enable melting of
base metal and the filler wires.
• It must have good conductivity and viscosity so as to maintain the
temperature of the slag pool and to prevent the flow of the slag through
gaps between work piece and the cooling shoes.
Friction Welding
• Friction welding is a solid state joining process that uses rotational motion and
high axial pressures to convert rotational energy into frictional heat at a circular
interface. The heat produced by this rubbing action raises the interface
temperature of the two parts to the plastic state. When sufficient plasticity has
occurred, the rotation is stopped and axial pressure increased, to forge the parts
together and form a solid state bond. The flash may be removed as part of the
machine cycle.
Friction Welding
• The sequence of operations in the friction-welding process is as follows:
1- One part is held stationary in a fixed clamp. The other part is held in a
rotating chuck.
4- Rotation is stopped, the force increased and the parts forged together.
1- One part is held stationary in a fixed clamp. The other part is held in a rotating chuck.
4- Rotation is stopped, the force increased and the parts forged together.
Final assembly
Parameters in friction welding:
The major variables in the friction welding are:
1- Axial pressure
The axial pressure applied depends on the strength and hardness of the
metal being welded. The pressure may range from 40 – 450 MPa for steel
2- Rotational speed
Friction Welding
• Friction welding achieves 100 per cent metal-to-metal joints, giving high quality welds.
• Edge cleaning is not a problem, since the oxides and other impurities present would easily be
removed during the initial rubbing.
• Dissimilar metals can be joined easily.
• The heat generated being small and well below the melting temperature, there will be no
distortion and warping.
• Very little heat affected zone.
• It has no need of flux, filler. So it is free of smoke, spatter and slag.
• This method is limited to smaller components.
• The part to be welded must be essentially similar in cross-section and must be able to
withstand the high torque developed during welding.
Friction Welding
• Application: Because of high quality of weld obtained, friction welding has been
widely accepted in the aerospace industry as well as automobile industry for the
welding critical parts.
• This is particularly useful in aerospace, where it is used to join lightweight
aluminum stock to high-strength steels.
• Other common uses of friction welding are joining dissimilar metal in the nuclear
industry, where copper-steel joints are common in the reactor cooling systems; and
in the transport of cryogenic fluids, where friction welding has been used to join
aluminum alloys to stainless steels and high-nickel-alloy materials for cryogenic-
fluid piping and containment vessels.
• Friction welding is also used with thermoplastics. The heat and pressure used on
these materials is much lower than metals. It can also be used to join metals to
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-IV / Lecture No: 36
(Atomic Hydrogen Welding )
• As the hydrogen gas passes through the arc, the hydrogen molecules are
dissociated into atoms. A large quantity of heat is absorbed by the hydrogen
during dissociation.
• When the atoms leave the arc they recombine on contact with the cooler base
metal, forming molecules of hydrogen and liberating intense heat. When
hydrogen atom recombines near the workpiece surface, they generate a
temperature of the order of 4000ºC.
• Separate flux or shielding gas is not required. Hydrogen itself acts as a shielding
gas and avoids weld metal oxidation.
• Concentrated arc is obtained which gives faster welding speed with less
distortion of the workpiece.
• The workpiece does not form a part of the electrical circuit; the arc is obtained
between two tungsten electrodes only. Hence, problems like striking the arc and
maintaining the arc length are eliminated and can be moved to other places
easily without getting extinguished.
• Atomic hydrogen welding being expensive is used mainly for high grade
work on stainless steel and super alloys.
• It is used for welding of tool steels containing tungsten, nickel and
molybdenum and also for hard surfacing of moulds, dies and tools.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-IV / Lecture No: 37
(Welding Metallurgy)
2. Heat affected zone (HAZ) - the region around the weld whose
properties or microstructure are affected by the thermal cycle -
reheating also alters the structure of under1ying weld metal in multi-
pass welds
2- Slag-metal reactions -
3- Solidification
Gas-Metal Reactions
• Reactive gases (especially N2, 02, H2) may be present in the arc atmosphere .
These gases dissociate in the arc and react rapidly with the high temperature,
turbulent liquid metal in the weld pool.
• Once dissolved in the metal, oxygen and nitrogen combine with deoxidizers
such as Si or AI. The resulting oxides or nitrides remain as small inclusions in
the weld metal.
• Excess dissolved gas is rejected during solidification and may cause porosity.
• Dissolved hydrogen can cause cracking in steels
Slag-Metal Reactions
• Fluxes and slag interact with the molten weld metal.
• The slag used in flux shielded processes are designed to absorb deoxidation
products and other contaminants.
• The cleanliness and properties of the weld metal depend on the oxidation
potential of the arc and on the type of flux used.
• Highly basic fluxes reduce weld metal oxygen content and give superior weld
toughness. Acid fluxes tend to give higher oxygen contents and poor weld
• Dilution ratio is the mass of base metal melted divided by the total mass of
melted metal. Dilution results from mixing of filler and base metals.
• Weld pool mixing results in a uniform fused zone, except when large
differences exist between filler and parent composition.
• A sharp boundary lies between the fused zone and base metal.
2- Composition
3- Rate of solidification
• Residual stresses are the result of restraint to thermal expansion and contraction
offered by the metals during heating and cooling cycles.
• As metals are heated they expand and when cooled they contract. During
welding, continuous heating and cooling of metals occurs which causes uneven
expansion and contraction of the material, resulting in high residual stresses in
the weld structure.
Development of residual stresses:
• In a welding process, the expansion and contraction forces act on the weld
metal and adjacent base metal. When two pieces of metal are welded together,
expansion and contraction may not be uniform throughout all parts of the metal.
This is due to the difference in the temperature between the actual welding point
and surrounding base metal.
• Heating phase: During the rapid heating cycle of a fusion welding process,
material near to the weld heats and expands in all directions. This expansion is
restrained (compressed) by the much larger and cooler surrounding base metal.
Thus, the heated metal near the joint is under compression. Rest cooler base
metal is under tension.
• Melting phase: When metal melts, stress relaxation occurs. This is because
molten metal cannot transmit forces at the weld pool.
• Cooling phase: On cooling, the deposited weld metal and the heated
volume of the adjacent base metal contracts in all directions. This
contraction is restrained by the neighboring cooler base metal. Thus, tensile
stresses are developed in weld metal. This is called residual stress.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-IV / Lecture No: 39
(Defects and distortions in weld)
Welding Defects
• Any discontinuity in weld metal or in heat affected zone is called defect. The
various types of welding defects are:
1- Cracks
> Cold cracking (or hydrogen induced cracking)
> Hot cracking (solidification cracking)
2- Undercut
3- Lack of fusion (or incomplete fusion)
> Lack of side fusion
> Lack of inter-run fusion
4- Incomplete penetrations
5- Solid inclusion (slag inclusion and metallic inclusion)
6- Porosity
7- Spatter
Welding Defects
Welding Defects
Parameters which causes the weld defects:
The following are the main sources of defects for most of the conventional
welding processes.
4- Rapid cooling
Weld Distortion
A component is said to be distorted when there is any change in its original
Weld distortion occurs due to solidification shrinkage and thermal
contraction of the weld metal.
Welding involves highly localized heating of the metal being joined
together. The temperature distribution in the weldment is therefore non-
uniform. Normally, the weld metal and the heat affected zone (HAZ) are at
much higher temperatures that of the unaffected base metal.
Upon cooling, the weld pool solidifies and shrinks, exerting shrinkage stresses
on the surrounding weld metal and HAZ. If the shrinkage stresses produced
from thermal expansion and contraction exceed the yield strength of the parent
metal, localized plastic deformation of the metal occurs. Plastic deformation
causes change in the component dimensions and distorts the structure.
Types of distortions:
Several types of distortion are listed below:
1- Longitudinal shrinkage
2- Transverse shrinkage
3- Angular distortion
5- Buckling
6- Rotational distortion
Types of distortions
Types of distortions
Weld Decay
Weld decay is a form of inter-granular corrosion, usually of stainless steels or
certain nickel-base alloys, that occurs as the result of sensitization (regions
susceptible to corrosion) in the heat-affected zone during the welding operation.
During welding of stainless steels, local sensitized zones often develop.
If this depletion drops the chromium content below the necessary 12 wt% that is
required to maintain a protective passive film, the region will become sensitized
to corrosion, resulting in inter-granular attack.
This type of corrosion most often occurs in the HAZ. Inter-granular corrosion
causes a loss of metal in a region that parallels the weld deposit. This corrosion
behavior is called weld decay
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-V / Lecture No: 40
(Need and application of UCMP)
1-Mechanical Processes
2- Electrochemical Processes
3- Electro-thermal Processes
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-V / Lecture No: 41
(Abrasive Jet Machining)
• In AJM, a stream of very fine abrasive particles suspended in air or carrier gas is
made to strike the workpiece surface at very high velocity (200 – 400 m/s). The
impact of high velocity abrasive particles causes a tiny brittle fracture and the
flowing air (or gas) carries away the fractured small workpiece particle, resulting
into material removal by erosion.
• This method of material removal is quite effective on hard and brittle materials
(viz., glass, silicon, tungsten, ceramics, composites etc.) but not so effective on
soft materials like aluminum, rubber, etc.
• It is especially useful for the parts having thin sections but not suitable for the
parts having sharp corners.
AJM System
AJM System…….
• In AJM, air is compressed in an air compressor and compressed air at a
pressure of around 5 bars is used as the carrier gas. Figure shows the other
major parts of the AJM system. Gases like CO2 and N2 can also be used as
carrier gas which may directly be issued from a gas cylinder.
• The carrier gas is first passed through a pressure regulator to obtain the desired
working pressure. The gas is then passed through an air dryer to remove any
residual water vapour. To remove any oil vapour or particulate contaminant the
same is passed through a series of filters. Then the carrier gas enters a closed
chamber known as the mixing chamber.
AJM System…….
• The abrasive particles are then carried by the carrier gas to the machining
chamber via an electro-magnetic on-off valve.
• The high velocity stream of abrasive is generated by converting the
pressure energy of the carrier gas to its kinetic energy and hence high
velocity jet. The nozzle directs the abrasive jet in a controlled manner onto
the work material, so that the distance between the nozzle and the work
piece and the impingement angle can be set desirably. The high velocity
abrasive particles remove the material by micro-cutting action as well as
brittle fracture of the work material.
Advantages of AJM:
• The main advantage of AJM process is that it can be used to cut intricate
shapes in very hard and brittle materials. Specially suitable for thin sections
• No heat is generated; therefore there is no thermal stress, thermal
distortion, or thermal damage.
• Only hard and brittle materials can be machined. Soft materials cannot be
machined by this process.
• Poor accuracy due to stray cutting. Tapering occurs due to flaring of the jet
• Slow MRR (around 15 mm3/ min) and hence its applications are limited.
Applications of AJM:
• It is used to clean metallic mould cavities.
• AJM can be used for drilling, cutting, deburring, cleaning and etching.
• Micro-machining of brittle materials
Working of EDM:
• In EDM, the tool (electrode) and the workpiece are immersed in a dielectric
fluid. Generally kerosene or de-ionized water is used as the dielectric fluid. A
suitable spark gap is maintained between the tool and the workpiece.
Working of EDM:
• Initially the gap between the tool and workpiece, which consists of dielectric
fluid, is not conductive. When high frequency electrical pulses of DC current
(generated by the pulse generator unit) are applied between the tool and
workpiece, the dielectric fluid in the spark gap is ionized and becomes
conductive. This ionized dielectric fluid enables the spark to take place
between tool and workpiece.
• When a spark (or discharge) occurs between the gap, the intense heat generated
near the zone. This intense heat melts and evaporates the material in the
sparking zone. Most of the molten and vaporized material is carried away from
the inter-electrode gap by the flowing dielectric fluid in the form of debris
1- Flushing condition
3- Tool material
4- Workpiece material
Advantages of EDM:
• Any material that is electrically conductive can be cut using the EDM process.
Physical and metallurgical properties of work material are not barrier in its
• By this process, materials of any hardness or brittleness can be machined easily.
• During EDM operation there is no direct contact between tool and workpiece and so
no cutting forces. This makes the process more suitable for machining thin and
fragile (weak) workpieces, without the risk of distortion.
• It can be used to produce complex shapes internal or external that would otherwise
be difficult to produce with conventional cutting tools.
• A good surface finish with higher accuracy can be obtained.
• It produces burr free machined components.
• It can be used to perform different kinds of operations like drilling, slotting, contour
cutting, multiple hole drilling etc.
Disadvantages of EDM:
• EDM process can only be employed for machining electrically conductive
materials. It cannot be employed for non-conducting materials.
• Material removal rate is low and the process overall is slow compared to
conventional machining processes.
• When forced circulation of dielectric fluid is not possible, MRR is very low.
• High specific energy consumption compared to conventional machining processes.
• Undesired erosion and over cutting of material can occur.
• Heat generated during the machining can affect the mechanical properties of the
• Tool wear rate is also very high.
• This process cannot be applied on very large sized workpieces as size of workpiece
is constrained by the size of set up.
• EDM process is not capable to produce sharp corners.
Applications of EDM:
Material application:
• EDM can be applied to all electrically conducting metals and alloys irrespective of
their melting points, hardness, toughness, or brittleness.
Shape application:
• EDM can be employed for machining complex geometry and irregular shapes. It is
used for making forging dies, extrusion dies, wire drawing dies, mould making and
non-circular profile holes etc.
• It is used for drilling micro holes in super alloy turbine blades, injection nozzles etc.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-V / Lecture No: 44
( EDM System)
2- Tool or electrode
3- Workpiece material
4- Dielectric fluid
5- Servo control unit
6- Flushing
• DC Pulsed Power Supply: In EDM, a separate generator is used to apply
voltage pulses between the tool and the job. A constant voltage is not applied.
Only sparking is desired in EDM rather than arcing. Arcing leads to localized
material removal at a particular point whereas sparks get distributed all over
the tool surface leading to uniformly distributed material removal under the
• Tool (Electrode): In the EDM process the shape of the tool is impressed on
the workpiece in its complementary form. Thus, the shape and accuracy of
machined part depends mainly on the shape and accuracy of the tool. Further,
the shape and accuracy of the tool depends on tool wear
• Workpiece Material: The important point for workpiece is that any material
which is electrically conductive can be machined by this process, hardness of
the material is not critical. The geometry which is to be machined into the
workpiece decides the shape and size of the tool.
Dielectric Fluid:
Functions of Dielectric Fluid:
1- As Insulator:
Serves as insulator between tool and workpiece until required voltage
reached, thus preventing a spark to occur until the gap voltage is
correct (more than breakdown voltage).
2- Spark Conductor:
Initially the dielectric fluid serves as insulator between tool and
workpiece. When high frequency electrical pulses of DC current are
applied between the tool and workpiece, the dielectric fluid in the spark
gap is ionized and becomes conductive. This ionized dielectric fluid
enables the spark to take place between tool and workpiece.
3- As Coolant:
It acts as coolant and carries away the heat generated in sparking zone,
cooling the workpiece and electrode.
4- Flushing Medium:
It acts as a flushing medium for carry away the wear particles or
workpiece material and electrode (debris) from the sparking gap.
• For efficient machining, the wear out particles (debris) must be removed from
the sparking area. Removal of wear particles is accomplished by flowing
dielectric fluid through the sparking gap.
• Flushing is a method of introducing clean filtered dielectric fluid into the
sparking gap.
• Methods of Flushing
1- Injection flushing (or pressure flushing)
3- Jet flushing
Suction Flushing:
Jet Flushing:
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-V / Lecture No: 45
( Introduction of Electrochemical Machining)
• If the tool is given a feed motion, the work surface tends to take the same
shape as that of the tool. At a steady state, the gap is uniform and tool shape is
reproduced into the workpiece. The removed material appears as precipitated
solid of metal hydroxides, called sludge. The flowing electrolyte removes
sludge from the gap.
Advantages of ECM:
• ECM can machine highly complicated and curved surfaces in a single pass.
That is why gas and steam turbine blades are machined by ECM.
• Theoretically tool wear is zero. A single tool can be used to machine a large
number of pieces without any loss in its shape and size.
• The process is capable of machining any electrically conductive metals and
alloys irrespective of their strength and hardness.
• Machined surfaces are stress and burr free having good surface finish.
Disadvantages of ECM
• Electrically non-conductive metals cannot be machined by ECM.
• This process cannot be used to machine edges and corners because of very high
current density at those points.
• Controlling the electrolyte flow may be difficult, so irregular cavities may not
be produced to the desired shape with acceptable dimensional accuracy.
• ECM can be used for copying of internal and external surfaces, cutting of
curvilinear slots, machining of intricate patterns, production of long curved
profiles, machining of gears and chain sprockets, production of integrally
bladed nozzle for use in diesel locomotives, production of satellite rings
and connecting rods, machining of thin large diameter diaphragms.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-V / Lecture No: 46
(Mechanism of metal removal in ECM)
• Thus in ECM of iron, using NaCl as the electrolyte, iron is removed as iron
hydroxide Fe(OH)2. These hydroxides are insoluble in water hence they
appear as solid precipitates and no further affect the electrochemical reaction.
The iron hydroxide produced during the process must be removed
continuously from the electrolyte by filtration before it is re-circulated.
• The net result of all this is iron getting dissolved from the anode and
forming solid precipitates, consuming electricity and water, nothing else.
The reaction products are iron hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Based on this,
following observations are made:
• The metal from the anode is dissolved (atom by atom) electrochemically
and hence the metal removal rate depends upon the atomic weight, valency,
the current passed, and the time for which current is passed.
• At the cathode only hydrogen gas is generated and no other reaction takes
place, hence there is practically no tool wear. The shape of the cathode
remains unaffected.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-V / Lecture No: 47
(Ultrasonic Machining)
Ultrasonic machining
• Ultrasonic machining is a mechanical material removal process used to
machine holes and cavities in very hard and brittle workpieces by using
shaped tools, high-frequency mechanical vibration, and an abrasive slurry.
• In this process, a tool of desired shape vibrates at very high frequency and
low amplitude over the workpiece. The small gap between the tool and
workpiece is flooded with continuous flow of abrasive slurry. As the tool
vibrates over the workpiece, the impact of the hard abrasive grains fractures
the hard and brittle work surface, resulting in the removal of work material in
the form of small wear particles. These wear particles are carried away by
the abrasive slurry. As the material is removed, the tool is gradually fed into
the workpiece by a servomechanism to maintain a constant gap between the
tool and the workpiece.
The shape and dimensions of the workpiece depends on those of the tool. Since
material removal is based on brittle fracture, this process is suitable for
machining hard and brittle materials such as glass, ceramics, silicon, hardened
steels, titanium carbide etc.
Process Parameters:
Performance (MRR, accuracy and surface finish) of the USM process
depends upon the following parameters:
8- Brittleness
Ultrasonic Machining System:
The main elements of ultrasonic machining unit are:
1- High power sine wave generator
2- Transducer
3- Tool holder
4- Tool
5- Abrasive slurry
2. Since the cutting force involved is very small, the process produces stress free
machined surface.
3. This machining process is non- thermal, non-chemical, and non-electrical. It does not
change the metallurgical, chemical or physical properties of the workpiece.
Disadvantages of USM
1. Very low metal removal rate. It cannot be used for machining large cavities.
2. Fast tool wear rate, which in turn, makes it very difficult to maintain close
4. It is not recommended for machining soft and ductile materials, due to their
5. The flowing slurry wears the side wall of the machined hole as it passes back
towards the surface, which limits the accuracy, particularly for small holes.
6. USM can be efficiently used only when the hardness of work is more than 40
RC (Rockwell hardness on C-scale).
Applications of USM
1. Most successful USM application is machining of round, square, irregular
shaped holes, slots and surface impressions in brittle materials.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-V / Lecture No: 48
(Electron Beam Machining)
• On the exit side of the hole, an organic backing material (support) is used. The
electron beam after complete penetration into the workpiece, also partially
penetrates in the auxiliary backing material. The backing material vaporizes and
comes out of hole at a high pressure. The molten material is also expelled along
with the vaporized backing material.
Electron Beam Machining Parameters
The process parameters, which directly affect the machining characteristics in
Electron Beam Machining, are:
1- Accelerating voltage
2- Beam current
5- Lens current
6- Spot size
7- Power density
Electron Beam Gun: Electron beam gun is the heart of any EBM system. The
basic functions of any electron beam gun are:
• It produces free electrons at the cathode.
• Beam focusing system: After the anode, the electron beam passes through a series
of magnetic lenses and apertures.
Magnetic lens: Magnetic lens are the magnets used to concentrate the
electron beam in order to increase its energy density.
Aperture: From the moving beam some of the electrons diverge, may
be due to repulsive force. So, just after the magnetic lenses there is an
aperture. The aperture allows only the convergent electrons to pass
and captures stray and low energy electrons.
• Beam controlling system: The final section of the electron beam gun is
electromagnetic lens and deflection coil.
Electromagnetic lens: The electromagnetic lens focuses the electron beam to
a desired spot on the workpiece.
Deflection coil: The deflection coil can defect the electron beam by small
amount, if you are not getting a proper hole shape. Thus deflection coil is
used to improve the quality of hole.
Power Supply: The current used for heating the filament is DC current. This is
because AC current can influence the direction of beam.
Advantages of EBM:
1. EBM provides very high drilling rates when small holes with large aspect
ratio (depth/diameter) are to be drilled.
2. It can machine almost any material irrespective of their mechanical
3. As it applies no mechanical cutting force, work holding and fixturing cost
is very less.
4. Because of absence of mechanical force, fragile and brittle materials can
also be processed easily.
5. The heat affected zone in EBM is rather less due to shorter pulses.
6. There is no mechanical contact between tool and work piece, hence no
tool wear.
Limitations of EBM:
1. The primary limitation is the high capital cost of the equipment and
necessary regular maintenance cost.
2. Very high specific energy consumption.
3. Though heat affected zone is rather less in EBM but recast layer
formation cannot be avoided.
Applications of EBM:
• A wide range of materials such as steel, stainless steel, Ti and Ni super-alloys,
aluminium as well as plastics, ceramics, leathers can be machined successfully
using electron beam. As the mechanism of material removal is thermal in
nature, there would be thermal damages associated with EBM. However, the
heat-affected zone is rather narrow due to shorter pulse duration in EBM.
• The emitted laser beam is focused by the lens. As laser interacts with the
material, the energy of the photon is absorbed by the work material leading to
rapid substantial rise in local temperature. This in turn results in melting and
vaporisation of the work material and finally material removal.
• A very small fraction of the molten metal is vaporized so quickly that a
mechanical impulse is generated which helps in removing most of the molten
metal from the hole.
Working Principle of LBM:
Process Parameters:
Important parameters in LBM are:
1- Power intensity of laser beam.
2- Pulse duration
3- Focused diameter of laser beam
4- Thermal properties of the work material
> Melting temperature of workpiece material.
> Thermal conductivity
> Specific heat
> Latent heat
5- Optical properties of work material
> Reflectivity
> Absorptivity
> Transmitivity
Types of Laser
Basically lasers are of two types:
1- Solid State Laser
2- Gas Laser
Advantages of LBM:
1. The laser beam can be focused to a very small spot, giving a very high
density as high as 1MW/mm2. Thus, a laser beam can machine any known
2. In laser machining there is no physical tool. This eliminates the chances of
workpiece deterioration due to cutting tool force.
Applications of LBM
Process applications:
1- Laser can be used in wide range of manufacturing applications
4- Cladding
5- Surface hardening
Material applications
> Gas which is heated to an extremely high temperature and ionized so that it
becomes electrically conductive.
> PAM process uses this plasma to transfer an electric arc to the work surface.
> The metal to be machine is melted by the intense heat of the arc and
Principle of PAM
• A plasma state is obtained by the dissociation of gaseous molecules in to
electrons and positive ions. During the dissociation process large amount of
heat is absorbed by the gas molecules.
• The source of heat generation in plasma is the recombination of electrons and
ions into atom, and then atoms into molecules. During the recombination
process large amount of heat is released, causes the rapid increases in
• The heat librated by the recombination process is used for machining and
welding of the metals. This is because, the recombination process occurs at the
surface of the workpiece.
• The temperature of plasma can be of the order of 33000°C, sufficient to melt
any metal.
Working of PAM
• Plasma is generated by passing a gas through strong electric arc. For this, first
the arc is setup between the tungsten electrode (cathode) and the anode (nozzle)
and then gas is forced to flow through this arc.
• When gas passes through the arc, there is a collision between molecules of gas
and electrons of the established arc. As a result of this collision gas molecules
get ionized and converted into plasma. This high temperature plasma is directed
to the workpiece with high velocity. When plasma jet strikes the work surface,
recombination occurs. During the recombination large amount of heat is
released, causes the rapid increases in temperature. When such high temperature
source reacts with the work material, the work material melts out and vaporizes,
and finally is cut into pieces.
Types of PAM
1- Non-Transferred PAM: In this system tungsten electrode is
cathode and nozzle tip is anode. The arc is formed between the tungsten
electrode and the nozzle tip. Plasma comes out of the nozzle as a flame. Just
like oxy-acetylene cutting torch, it can be moved from one place to another and
can be better controlled, because workpiece is not a part of the electrical circuit.
• A transferred arc possesses high energy density and plasma jet velocity. For this
reason it is employed to cut and melt metals.
• Transferred arc can also be used for welding at high arc travel speeds.
Advantages of PAM:
• It gives faster production rate.
• Plasma cutting is used to cut particularly those metals, such as stainless steel,
aluminium etc, which cannot be cut by the rapid oxidation induced by the
ordinary oxy-acetylene torch.
• The process requires over safety precautions which further enhance the initial
cost of the setup.
• The plasma arc emits strong ultraviolet and infra-red radiations that may cause
skin and eye damage.
Applications of PAM:
• This process has been used in cutting applications of stainless steel, hardened
and high melting-point metal and hardened alloys.
• It is also used for cutting non-ferrous metals such as aluminium alloys.
• LBM being a non-contact process, distortions are minimized and tool wears
are eliminated.
LBW Advantages
• Laser beam can be focused on a small area, permitting the joining of small,
closely spaced components with tiny welds.
• Welding in areas that are not easily accessible with other means of welding can
be done by LBM, since the beams can be focused, aligned and directed by
optical elements.
• Laser welds are not influenced by magnetic fields, as in arc and electron beam
welds. They also tend to follow weld joint through to the root of the work-
piece, even when the beam and joint are not perfectly aligned.
• Wide variety of materials similar or dissimilar can be welded.
Disadvantages of LBM
• Joints must be accurately positioned laterally under the beam and at a controlled
position with respect to the beam focal point.
• In case of mechanical clamping of the weld joints, it must be ensured that the final
position of the joint is accurately aligned with the beam impingement point.
• The maximum joint thickness that can be welded by laser beam is somewhat
limited. Thus weld penetrations of larger than 19 mms are difficult to weld.
• High reflectivity and high thermal conductivity of materials like Al and Cu alloys
can affect the weldability with lasers.
• Lasers tend to have fairly low energy conversion efficiency, generally less than 10
Applications of LBW
• Laser beam welding is being used in the following sectors
1- Defense
2- Aerospace
4- Medical
5- Marine
1. Accelerating voltage
2. Beam current
3. Welding speed
4. Beam focusing
Advantages of EBW
• High penetration to width can be obtained.
• High welding speed is obtained.
Applications of EBW
• It is used in aerospace industries and marine industries for structure work
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-V / Lecture No: 53
(Plasma Arc Welding)
> The metal to be welded is melted by the intense heat of the arc and
fuses together
Objective of PAW:
> To increase the energy level of the arc plasma in a controlled manner.
• Plasma arc torch: This is most important part of PAW process. This torch
is quite similar as used in TIG welding but too complex. It consist four main
parts which are tungsten electrode, collets, inner nozzle, and outer nozzle. The
tungsten electrode is hold by the collet. The inner gas nozzle supply inert gases
inside the torch to form plasma. The outside nozzle supply shielding gases
which protect the weld area from oxidation. These nozzles wear out rapidly.
PAW torches are water cooled because arc is contained inside the torch which
produces high heat, so a water jacket is provided outside the torch.
• Transferred plasma arc welding: This process also uses straight polarity
DC current. In this process, the tungsten electrode is connected to the negative
terminal and the work piece is connected to the positive terminal. The arc is
produces between tungsten electrode and work piece. In this process both
plasma and arc transferred to the work piece which increases the heating
capacity of process. It is used to weld thick sheets.
Advantages of PAW:
1. High welding speed.
2. High energy available for welding. It can be easily used to weld hard and
thick work pieces.
3. The distance between tool and work piece does not effects the arc
3. More radiation.
Application of PAW:
• This welding is used in marine and aerospace industries.
• It is used to weld pipes and tubes of stainless steel or titanium.
• Due to local plastic deformation and heat generate due to friction between
contact surfaces, joint formation will take place at the interface.
Working of USW
This welding works as follow.
• At the start, high frequency current passes through a piezoelectric transducer. This
transducer converts high frequency electrical signal into mechanical vibration.
• This vibration further supplied to the booster which amplify its frequency. The
amplified high frequency vibration passes through horn which is in contact with
welding plate.
• This welding creates lap joint. One plant of the weld is fixed into fixture and other
one is in direct contact with horn. These plates are fixed under moderate pressure
• The horn supply high frequency mechanical vibration to the welding plate.
• Due to this vibration, oscillation shear force act at the interface between welding
plates which result plastic deformation at interface.
• It also create a localize temperature rise due to mechanical force and friction. This
heat helps in plastic deformation at interface and makes a strong joint without
melting of work piece or using filler metal.
Applications of USW
1. This welding is used in fabrication of nuclear reactor components.
2. It is used in automotive industry for key, head lamp parts, button and
switches etc.
Explosive Welding
• Working Principle: This welding process works on basic principle of
metallurgical bonding. In this process, a controlled detonation of explosive is
used on the welding surface. This explosion generates a high pressure force,
which deform the work plates plastically at the interface. This deformation
forms a metallurgical bond between these plates.
• This metallurgical bond is stronger than the parent materials. The detonation
process occurs for a very short period of time which cannot damage the parent
• This welding is highly depend on welding parameters like standoff distance,
velocity of detonation, surface preparation, explosive etc. This welding is
capable to join large area due to high energy available in explosive.
Elements of Explosive Welding
• Base Plate: This is one of the welding plate which is kept stationary on a avail.
It involves a backer which supports the base plate and minimizes the distortion
during the explosion.
• Flyer Plate: This is another welding plate which is going to be weld on base
plate. It has lowest density and tensile yield strength compare to base plate. It is
situated parallel or at an angle on the base plate.
• Buffer Plate: Buffer plate is situated on the flyer plate. This plate is used to
minimize the effect or explosion on upper surface of flyer plate. This protects
the flyer plate from any damage due to explosion.
• Standoff distance: Stand-off distance plays a vital role in explosion welding. It
is distance between flyer plate and base plate. Generally it is taken double of
thickness of flyer plate for thin plates and equal to thickness of flyer plate for
thick plates.
• Explosive: Explosive is placed over the flyer plate. This explosive is situated
in a box structure. This box placed on the flyer plate. Mostly RDX, TNT,
PTEN etc used as explosive.
• Many industries including automotive, aerospace, electronics, shipbuilding,
offshore, railway and heavy equipment needs modification in surface
properties of a manufactured product. This modification is achieved by the
cladding process.
• Cladding is a widely used process for improving the surface and near surface
properties (e.g. wear, corrosion or heat resistance) of a part or to re-surface a
component that has become worn through use.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
Faculty: Mr. Brijesh Kumar
Unit-V / Lecture No:56
(Diffusion bonding)
Diffusion Bonding
• Diffusion bonding is a solid state welding process in which, no liquid or
fusion phase involves and the weld joint is form in pure solid state. It does
not melt the welding material and mostly a little plastic deformation takes
place at interface and weld is form due to inter-molecular diffusion. This
bonding process conducted in vacuum or in inert environment to reduce
oxidation. This is widely used to join refectory materials in aerospace and
nuclear industries.
• This type of welding can be used to weld both similar and dissimilar
materials with the help of high pressure and temperature.
Principle of Diffusion Bonding
This process works on basic principle of diffusion. Diffusion means movement
of molecules or atoms from high concentration region to low concentration
• In this welding process both the welding plates are placed one over other in
high pressure and temperature for a long period of time. This high pressure
force starts diffusion between interface surfaces. This diffusion can be
accelerated by the application of high temperature. This temperature does not
melt the welding plates.
• It does not use filler material, flux etc. which are used in arc welding process.