Tcs 1983 1085342
Tcs 1983 1085342
Tcs 1983 1085342
Ahsfract -Any continuous resistive nonlinear circuit can be approxi- accuracy. For n > 100, K is generally an extremely large
mated to any desired accuracy by a global piecewise-linear equation in the number. Hence for large n, it becomes extremely tedious
canonical form
and error prone for a user to input all the data necessary to
a+Bx+ ~cil(ai,x)-P,~=O.
specify (1.1) and (1.2). Moreover, this data also requires an
i=l excessive amount of computer memory. For most piece-
All conventional circuit analysis methods (nodal, mesh, cut set, loop, wise-linear functions of practical interest, the above objec-
hybrid, modified nodal, tableau) are shown to always yield an equation of tion can be overcome by representing (1.1) and (1.2) by a
this form, provided the only nonlinear elements are two-terminal resistors single piecewise-linear equation in the canonical form [8]
and controlled sources, each modeled by a one-dimensional piecewise-lin-
ear function.
The well-known Katzenelson algorithm when applied to this equation
f(x)=a+Bx+ f: cil(ai,x)-/3il=0 0.3)
yields an efficient algorithm which requires only a minimal computer i=l
storage. In the important special case when the canonical equation has a where B is a constant n n matrix, a, ci, and cri are
lattice structure (which always occur in the hybrid analysis), the algorithm constant n-vectors, and & is a constant. Note that in
is further refined to achieve a dramatic reduction in computation time. general, we have p -=z K.
Our first objective is to show, in Section II, that any
piecewise-linear function defined by (1.1) and (1.2) which
X,’ 0 x3 xi xi+l X R3
f(X)=a+(bTx)+ i cil(aj>x)-Pil
Geometrically, this means that the dimension of the inter-
section among any j of the p hyperplanes must be less than
or equal to n - j where n is the dimension of the space. For ‘sgn(x) = 1 if x z 0, sgn(x) = - 1 if x < 0, and sgn(0) is undefined.
where x, b, (Y~,i = 1,2; * * ,p are in R”, and the coefficients given explicitly by
can ,be calculated explicitly by
B = ; ,k J(x) (2.12)
b= ; ,i vf(x) W-9 xGRp
c,=i [J(X)I.rER,+- J(X)IxER,e]ai
1 ~T(vfcX,,,:Ivf(x)l~~_)
’ 2 Cai 3 ‘i>
Ci = -
2 (2.9)
Caiy Oli>
’ = f(O)- C (2.14)
a=fW- f: ‘iIPiI (2.10) i=l
f(x)=a+Bx+ f: cil(ai,x)-&I (2.11)
where x, u, ci E IL!n and B E R nXn. The coefficients are
*For the case /3, = 0 where sgn( pi) is undefined, we choose x1,-3=&
[i= &i&y 3For x = [xl, x2,.. .,x,l’~ R”, abs(x) = [IxII,I.~~ .,lx,ll’
+ i2
v,+v,+2i,=E and v,+v,+2i,=E.
T v2
Writing these equations in the vector form, we get
[ 1 03’
40 x,,+=R,
[ 1 312’1 x,,xz E%
J/(x,4 =
02’ x,,xz~R3
i=l [1
p’ 2Cli
o lv,-~,il+~,[~~jli2-l;jl=[~].
3 -1
2’ 1 X,7x2E%
Indeed, this equation is in the canonical form (3.11) pro-
vided that we identify x = [v, i21T, ai = [ 1 OIT, aj =
[0 llT, /3i=V,i, bj=12j for i=1,2;..,p,,j=1,2;..,p2.
using (2.12)-(2.14) to compute the coefficients, we can The above discussion shows that arbitrary elimination of
express f in the form of either (2.11) or (2.15): variables will not, in general, give rise to a system of
equations in canonical form, even though KVL and KCL
r 11 are linear equations and the constitutive relation of all
resistors are expressed in canonical form (2.1). However,
by proper formulation, it is possible to reduce the equa-
tions in canonical form.
Consider the class of nonlinear circuits made of linear
and nonlinear two-terminal resistors, linear and nonlinear
controlled sources (all 4 types), each depending on a single
controlling variable, dc independent sources (battery and
current sources), as well as any linear multiterminal resis-
r1 1 tive elements, such as ideal transformers gyrators, etc.
[I [ 1
0 0
x2 +
-- 1
Through equivalent circuit transformation techniques, vir-
tually any dc resistive circuit can be reduced to this class
[9], [lo]. Our objective in this section is to show that if we
approximate the characteristics defining each nonlinear
. abs
El-M)* 1
1 - .l
0 resistor or nonlinear controlled source by a continuous
piecewise-linear function and represent it in the canonical
form (2.1), then, for all conventional methods of circuit
formulation, the equilibrium equation of the resulting cir-
cuit will always assume the n-dimensional canonical form
Consider the simple circuit shown in Fig. 4. Rl is voltage given in (2.11). We will prove this rather remarkable and
controlled and R2 is current controlled. The n-i character- unifying result for each of the following common equation
Note that the nodal equation (3.6) is precisely in the form of
(2.11) provided we relabel the double indexes in the last
+ i $, CjiJ(“j’~q)-(~i-(uj,Eq))l. To formulate the cut set equation of N, pick a tree and
j=l i=l choose the tree branch voltages v, as independent variables.
- b4
- b2
b, + b4 + b, I[ e3
Fig. 6. Bridge circuit containing 5 voltage-controlled piecewise-linear ‘Ii
+, E -;I; ]e,-e,-V,,]
‘ii le, - V3,]
+E 0 ]e,-e3-V4i]+ 5 O le3-Vsil
- c4i i=l CSi
i I
=a+Bu,+ 5 $ c~~I(Qu~,v,)-/~~,I=O (3.8)
j=l i=l =TO1
where 0
It is remarkable to observe that the resulting nodal
equation is in closed analytic form. Changing the resistor
(3.9) characteristics only changes the parameters in this equa-
Equation (3.8) is precisely in the form of (2.11) provided
Theorem 3.2 (Mesh and loop analysis):
we relabel the double indexes in the last term. 0
Consider a connected resistive circuit N containing
Example 2:
linear two-terminal resistors, dc independent sources,
Consider the bridge circuit containing five voltage-con-
current-controlled piecewise-linear two-terminal resis-
trolled piecewise-linear resistors, as shown in Fig. 6. As-
tors, and linear or piecewise-linear current-controlled
sume the o-i characteristics of these resistors are expressed
voltage sources. If each piecewise-linear characteristic
in the canonical form (2.1): is represented in the canonical form (2.1), then the
mesh equation and loop equation of N always assume
Ik = ak + bkvk + ? ck,luk - vk,l, k = 1,2,3,4,5. the canonical form (2.11).
i=l Proof: Dual of Theorem 3.1. 0
Shift the current source 1, in parallel with Rl and R3 so
3.2. Canonical Equation for Modified Nodal Analysis and
that the resulting circuit contains only 5 composite branches
Tableau Formulation
and 4 nodes. The reduced incidence matrix A with respect
to datum node @ is In the case when N contains both voltage and current
controlled elements, we may resort to modified nodal
1 10 00 analysis.
A= -1 0 0. 1 1 Theorem 3.3 (Modified nodal analysis):
I 0 -1 -1
1I 0 Consider a connected resistive circuit N containing
Computing the coefficients using (3.7) we obtain only linear two-terminal resistors, dc independent
sources, current-controlled and voltage-controlled
aI -Is
piecewise-linear two-terminal resistors, linear and
1 1
a2 a, + a4 - I,
piecewise-linear controlled sources (all 4 types), and
a=A a3--IS = - a, + a2 + a3
any linear multi-terminal resistive elements. If each
a4 - a2 - a4 + a5 piecewise-linear function is represented in the canoni-
a5 _ cal form (2.1), then the modified nodal analysis of N
B = Adiag[b,b2b,b4b,]AT always assumes the canonical form (2.15).
Proof: Partition the elements in N into the following
b,+b4 - b, - b4 groups :
-b, b,+b,+b,
- b2 i, = G(v,)+N(i,) (3.10)
- b4 - b2 b, + b4 + b, I uE=M(vG)+S(iR) (3.11)
cji = cji Au/, B’, = L$, j=1,2,3,4,5. v, = R(iR) (3.12)
where G( .) in (3.10) includes all voltage-controlled resis-
tors, voltage-controlled current sources and dc current
sources; N(a) in (3.10) includes all current-controlled cur-
49,+ AGUN
v, = [a,,, + BMuc + C,abs ( DLnG - eM)]
D= 0 0 000
+ [as + B,i, + Csabs(@ii, -es)] (3.14)
1 0 0 DS DR DN I
vR=a,+BRi,+CRabs(D~ii,-eR). (3.15)
e= [ eg e; es' eg ec I’
Let A be the reduced incidence matrix of N relative to we can recast (3.21) in the following canonical form:
some datum node, and partitioned A as A = [A,IA,IA,].
Let J denote the source current vector and u, denote the a + Bx + Cabs( DTx - e) = 0. 0
node-to-datum voltage vector, then KCL and KVL give4 Theorem 3.4 (Tableau analysis):
Consider a connected resistive circuit N containing
A,i, + A,i, + A,i, = 0 (3.16)
only linear two-terminal resistors, dc independent
A$, = v,, A& = v,, A& = v,. (3.17) sources, current-controlled and voltage-controlled
piecewise-linear two-terminal resistors, linear and
Substituting (3.13), (3.17) into (3.16) and (3.17) into (3.14) piecewise-linear controlled sources (all 4 types) and
(3.15), respectively, we get any linear multiterminal resistive elements. If each
piecewise-linear function is represented in the canoni-
A,[a, + BGAEon + C,abs(DzAEu, - ec)]
cal form (2.1), then the tableau formulation always
+ A, [ aN + BNiR + C,,,abs (S,‘i, - eN)] assumes the form of (2.15).
+A.i,+A,i,=O (3.18) Proof: Let A be the reduced incidence matrix of N
relative to some datum node, and u,, be the node-to-datum
Agu, = [a,,,, + BMAzun + C,abs (DLAgu, - eM)] voltage vector, then KCL, KVL, and element constitutive
relations give
+ [as + BsiR + Csabs(Dlii, - es)] (3.19) Ai=AJ (3.22)
A& = uR + BRiR + CRabs(Diii, - eR). (3.20) v=ATvn+E (3.23)
Let x = [tfli~li~]T be the vector of independent variables f,(i)+ fv(v) = S (3.24)
and rewrite (3.18)-(3.20) into vector form, we get
using the same procedure as in the proof of Theorem 3.1,
we can express fr( 0) and f,,( .) in the canonical form (2.15)
AGO, + 49,
a,+~~ + -A;+BMA; 0 B, f,(i)=a,+B,i+C,abs(DTi-e,) (3.25)
1 I x
1 aR 11 -A; 0 BR
fr,(u)=ai,+ B,v+C,abs(DLu-er,). (3.26)
Substituting (3.25) (3.26) into (3.24) and writing (3.22)-
1 .;y-
A& 0 0 0 AGCN
(3.24) into vector form, we get
+ 00 c,0 c,0 CR
0 00
. abs II AGDG
DN 1 es=o.
(3.21) (3’.27)
4Note: Current sources have been absorbed into i,. Clearly (3.27) is in the canonical form (2.15). 0
‘Any piecewise-linear equation having this property will henceforth be Rl: i, = $ + ivi -lv,l+ :Iv, - 11 (3.33)
called an “equation with a lattice structure”.
In this section, we adapt the canonical form representa-
tion to the Katzenelson algorithm. We state the conditions
which guarantee the convergence of this algorithm in terms
of the coefficients of the n-dimensional canonical represen-
tation. An alternate way of handling the familiar “comer”
problem is also discussed with an illustrative example.
Finally, we compare the bookkeeping complexity and com-
putational efficiency involved in equations with and without
lattice structures.
ml=* Definition 4.1
9=t A continuous mapping f: Iw” + [w” is said to be norm-
-2 -I 0 I
2 v, 2 10
t 2
coercive if I] f(x)\\ + F as ]]x\] - 00.
mo= I The following theorem gives sufficient conditions for the
mo=l -2
e 7-k existence of solution in terms of the coefficients of f( -),
(b) (4 where f(e) is expressed in (2.15). The proof follows directly
from a corresponding theorem in [6].
Theorem 4.1
Let f: [w n --) Iwn be a norm-coercive continuous piece-
wise-linear function expressed in the form (2.15). If
there exists a point x,, E [w” which satisfies6
(1) DTx, - e f 0
(2) B(x - x0> f - C[abs(DTx - e)-abs(DTx, - e)]x E
R”, x =+x0
(3) det{B + C[sgn(DTx, - e)]DT} > 0
then for any given y,, E Iw”, there exists an x E Iw”,
Fig. 8. Figures for Example 3. (a) Circuit containing two piecewise-
linear resistors and a controlled source. (b) u-i characteristics for such that f(x) = yO. Furthermore, the Katzenelson
piecewise-linear resistor R 1. (c) o-i characteristics for piecewise-linear algorithm starting from x0 converges to a solution in a
resistor R2. (d) N is obtained by extracting RI across the voltage port
and R2 across the current port. (e) Lattice structure defined by 3 finite number of steps.
one-dimensional hyperplanes (straight lines) o, = 0, o2 = 1 and i, = - 1,
each one parallel to either coordinate axis ot or i,. Note that all regions For complete generality, we will present the canonical
have the same regulur pattern-bounded or unbounded
rectangles- typical in a lattice structure. Katzenelson algorithm without assuming the equilibrium
equation has a lattice structure. However, remarks will be
given at each step where a lattice structure can bring
1 3 1.
R2: v2 = - 4 + Ti2 - 41~ + I]. (3.34) significant savings in bookkeeping and/or computation.
Extracting Rl across the voltage port and R2 across the Canonical Katzenelson Algorithm
current port (see Fig. S(d)), we obtain the following hybrid Consider the equation
representation for the remaining linear two-port 8:
f(x)dLfa+tx+Cabs(DTx-e)=yo. (4-l)
[:j= [ -: -.I[;;]+[;]. (3.35) Step 1: Choose an initial point x0 satisfying conditions
(l), (2) and (3) in Theorem 4.1. Let k = 1, h = 0, xck) = x0.
Substituting (3.33) and (3.34) into (3.35) and rearranging Let R, denote the region containing xck). R, can be
terms, we obtain the following hybrid equation in the identified by its sign-sequence vector (2.6). Got to Step 2.
canonical form (2.15): Step 2: Compute rick) by
dk)= [JJ’[&- f(x’k’)] (4.2)
where JR, is the Jacobian matrix of f in region
R,. Go to
-- Step 3.
O :
Step 3: If rick) is a zero vector, then xck) is the solution,
and the algorithm terminates here. Otherwise let Ack) be a
subset of {1,2,. . . , p} such that for i E Ack), (q, x) = pi is
The lattice structure of the linear partition is shown in Fig. ‘For x~lR”, sgn(x) = diag(sgn(x,),sgn(x,); .,sgn(x,)), where
8(e). 0 sgn(x,) = 1 when xi > 0 and sgn(x,) = - 1 when xi < 0.
a boundary hyperplane of region R,. Then for each i E A(“) Step 8: (the corner problem): 9 Since the tck)‘s are not
such that (cui, rick))) f 0, compute unique, let I ck) be a subset of A(k) containing ‘the indexes i
where the ttk)‘s are equal. Choose any i from Ick), let h = i,
I and compute x ck+‘) = xck) + t$in(k). Go to Step
t,(k) = Pi - CaiT Ick))
\ I
mm = t^!k)
(cq, n(k)) 9.
and go to Step 4. Step 9: Check xck+‘) against the existing corner points
Remark: Since it is generally impossible to identify the stored in Step 10. If x(~+‘) is a new corner point then go to
boundaries associated with each region of (4.1), the num- Step 10. Otherwise go to Step 11.
ber of elements in set Ack) is always equal to p - 1 (i.e., all Step IO: Store the corner point ~(~1. Go to Step 12.
hyperplanes except the one which contains ~(~1). However, Step 11: Let N, ck) be the total number of elements in set
if the equilibrium equation has a lattice structure, then Ick). Construct a region list Ljk) which consists of all
each region has at most 2n boundaries (therefore, the size neighborhood regions of the corner point except region R,.
of A(“) is always 2n - 1 after the first iteration) and can be Remark: Since each region is uniquely identified by its
easily identified by simply comparing the coordinates of sign-sequence vector, Step II consists merely of generating
XC“) with the &‘s. Substantial computing time can be saved those sign-sequence vectors which represents the neighbor-
at this point since not only the total number of tjk) to be hood regions. Let w ck) denote the sign-sequence vector of
calculated is reduced, but also no multiplication is required region R,. We generate the sign-sequence vectors from
for the dot products in (4.3) because (Y~ is now a unit wck) by varying the sign at the jth position of wck) for
vector. Note that in general p is much greater than 2n, and j E Ick), while keeping the remaining entries identical.
p = 2n occurs only when each of the piecewise-linear char- Clearly this procedure will generate 2Njk’- 1 sign-sequence
acteristic has exactly one breakpoint. vectors.
Step 4: (a) If det JR, * 0, let A(k) be the subset of Ack) Step 12: Select a new region Rk+, from the list Lfk)
such that for all i E a(“) associated with the corner point xck+‘) in accordance with
the following precedence: (1) the sign sequence of R,, ,
sgn ( tik)) sgn (det JR,) = 1. (4.4) matches w(Z), (2) det JRk+, > 0, (3) det JR,+, = 0, (4)
If A(k) is an empty set, then xck) + rick) is the solution and detJRk+, x 0. Remove Rk+, from the list Lfk) and go to
the algorithm terminates. Otherwise, find $‘)dzf mini E A(!+ Step 13.
Remark: Step 12 and Step 13 form a loop until we
Ittk)l and go to Step 5.
identify the correct region to proceed. Here, w(a) is the
’(b) If det JR, = 0, then find sign-sequence vector computed in Step 13.
I = i Fik) Itik)l (4.5) Step 13: Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 (i.e., repeat (4.2) and
(4.3) with k replaced by k + 1) to compute .ck+‘) and
and go to Step 5. tfk+‘) for i 4 Ick+‘) (go through Step 7 first if det JR,+, * 0).
Remark: Again observe that if (4.1) has a lattice struc- Repeat Step 4 to find t^jk+‘), then compute f = xck+‘)
ture, then the size of A(k) will be smaller and searching for + ii!“’ ‘)nck+ ‘) and the sign-sequence vector w(Z). To
I will also be easier. determine if region Rk+ , is the correct region to proceed,
Step 5: If Z(k) 2 1, then x ck) + rick) is the solution and the we compare w(i) with w ck+ ‘) (the sign-sequence vector of
algorithm terminates here. If ;I”’ < 1 and it is not unique,’ region Rk+ ,). If they are equal, (then R,, , is the correct
go to Step 8. If ti^ck) < 1 and it is unique, let h = i, t$!, = tjk) region to continue), set x(~+~) = ,6, JR,+, = J&;, and incre-
and go to Step 6. ment k by 2. Go to Step 2. If w(Z) and wck+‘) are not
Step 6: Compute equal, then go to Step 12.
x(k+ 1) = x(k) + t(k)n(k) Remark: Since most of Step 13 consists of repeating Step
mm (4.6)
2, Step 3, and Step 4, substantial savings in computing time
J Rk+,=J~k+2ChahT (4.7) will result if (4.1) has a lattice structure (recall the Remarks
where ch is the h th column in matrix C and (Ye is the h th following Step 3 and Step 4).
column in matrix D. Go to Step 7.
Remark: If equation (4.1) has a lattice structure, then OL,, Justification
in (4.7) will be a unit vector, and hence the dyad product (1) To show the Jacobian matrix can be computed from
of ch and al requires no multiplication at all. the one in the adjacent region by (4.7), let R,, R, be two
Step 7: Increment k by 1. If det JR, * 0, then go to Step adjacent regions and J,, J2 be the Jacobian matrices in RI
2. Otherwise, find a vector ti * 0 in the null space’ of JR,. and R, respectively. Then:
Let rick) = n^and go to Step 3.
J,=B+C[sgn(DTx(‘)-e)]DT (4.8)
‘We say ;tk! IS nor unique if there exist at least two indexes “WI” and J,=B+C[S~~(D~X(~)-~)]D~
‘01” such thk tCk) = ItCk)l = ItLk’l. (4.9)
‘The vector 6 is themnull space of JRk+, can be found using standard
linear system techniques. ‘Note that I(~+‘) is now a corner point.
ml=-Im2=+ I rn,=i
m: i,=-- ; + iv2 - flv2 + I].
-2 -I 0 I 2 VI -2 -i 0 I 2 vp
-I The canonical form equation for this circuit is found to be
mo=l -I
;x”’ vp=-I Let EO = 1 so that y, = [ - $ g]‘. The linear partition in
/ this case consists of 3 straight lines 0, = 0, v7 = 1, and
x”‘zx 0
v,=o v,=I
v2 = - 1, as shown in Fig. 9(d). Define x-=
Step 1: Choose an arbitrary p
shown in Fig. 9(d).
, as I-01-v,IT.
Fig. 9. Figures for Example 4. (a) Circuit containin two piecewise- Step 2 & 3: (k = 1).
linear resistors and a controlled source. (b) o-i c a aracteristics for
piecewise-linear resistor RI. (c) u-i characteristics for piecewise-linear 1 -- 1 -20
resistor R2. (d) Lattice structure in the et - oa plane. The dotted line y -1
path indicates the iteration goes from x(I) = xc, to xc2), xt3), and finally 8 13
ll I
,(*j =
converges to the true solution at (l/6, l/2). 7 13 33
1 - -
where xc’) and xc2) are arbitrary interior points in R, and
3 = I 12 26
R,, respectively. For continuous piecewise-linear functions, Since the region R, containing x0 is bounded only by the
first (v, = 0) and third ( v2 = - 1) hyperplane, we set A(‘) =
J,= J2+yaT
wo { 1,3) and compute ti’) and t$‘):
where y is a constant vector to be determined [ 11. Substitut-
ing (4.8) and (4.9) into (4.10), we get o-([l ol’,[-1 --;I=) 13
J,- J2=C’[sgn(DTx(‘)-e)-sgn(DTx(2)-e)]DT
’ ([l o]=,[$ g]‘) =!%
since the sign-sequence vectors differ only at the ith posi-
tion for R, and R,, we have -1-([o l]‘.,[-1 -;I=) 13
sgn( DTx(‘) - e)-sgn(DTxc2)-e) “‘)= (i. l]T,[; $1’) =%
=diag(O,O;*. ,0,2,0;.. ,O)
where the number “2” is at the ith diagonal position. Step 4 & 5: (k = 1). Since det JR, = 13/6 > 0, we have
Therefore, (4.11) reduces to a(‘)={1,3}, ts=13/33, and h =3.
x(2) =I
Step 6: (k = 1). (4.6) mplie
-- 3
-- 13
j. ll=!f-g.
Step 7: (k = l).. det JR, = 4/3 > 0. Set k = 2 and go to
Step 2.
Step 2 & 3: (k = 2). (4.2) implies rz(*) = [fi $1 r. Set
A(*) = (1,2} and compute t{*) and t$*): A(‘) = (1 23)
Step 4 & 5: (k = 2). Since det JR, = 4/3 > 0, we have Step 5: (k = 1). Since t,‘(‘)= ;j” = $j, they are not unique.
a(*‘={1,2}, t(*) =l, andh=l. Go to Step 8.
=[--1I-l[ 1
Step 6: (km: 2). (4.6) implies xc3) = [0 - (6)lT, and Step 8: (k = 1). I (‘) = { 1,3}. Set h = 1 and compute
(4.7) implies
-J*) -l 13;
O ,gotoStep9.
:’ +20 200 = -1
Step 9: (k = 1). This is the first time we hit the corner
Step 7: (k = 2). det JR, = 2 > 0. Set k = 3 and go to [0 - l]r. Go to Step IO.
Step 2. Step 10 & 11: (k = 1). IV/*’ = 2. Sign-sequence vector for
Step 2 & 3: (k = 3). (4.2) implies rrc3)= [i $1 r. Set region R, is rvJ”= [- 1 - 1 - l]T; construct Lf” =
Ac3) = {2,3} and compute ti3) and ti3): (wf’), wp, w,“)}, where wj” = [ 1 - 1 - 11’3 w2(‘ =) [ - 1
- 1 l]T, wj’)= [l -1 l]?
Step 12: (k = 1). Since det JW,l,=$, det JWil, = 4, and
l-((1 01r,[O -$]J
det J,,,,u= 2 are all positive, and since w(Z) is still unde-
p =
fined at this moment, pick an arbitrary region (say wf’)) to
([l o]r$ g]q =6 continue. Go to Step 13.
Step 13: (k = 1). Repeat Step 2. n(*)= [& $1’. Since
I(‘) =, (1,3), we only need to compute t$*) in Step 3.
-1-p 11qo -+lq 26
tp = -- l-(P OIT,[O -11’) 15
tp =
([O l]r,[; $]r) = 25’
([1 o]r,[$ $1’) =7
Step 4 & 5: (k = 3). det JR, = 2 > 0 implies A^c3)= (2). compute
Since ;i3’ = ti3) = 6 > 1 solution of (4.13) is given by
w(a)=[1 -1 11=.
The iteration procedure is now terminated. The solution Since wI(‘)=[-1 -1 - l]r is not equal to w(Z), go
path is shown in Fig. 9(d). 0 back to step 12 to select another region.
Example 5 (Step-by-step illustration of Step 8- 13: corner Step 12: (k = 1). Since w$” = w(Z), choose the region
__ renresented bv w!” and go to SteD 13.
Therefore, to derive (2.8), it suffices to show Rl: i, = RIO, +61- $0, -61
f ( ,~,ci[sEn((ni,~)-~i)lail,~,,~)=O* CAe6) R2: t+ = kli, + II- $i, -51
c= 0 02;
where xi E Rj, for j = 1,2, + . . , k. Equation (4.6) follows
upon interchanging the summation sign. 00 00
i sgn((ai, xj)-Pi)] =O, fori=1,2;‘-.,p.
Fig. 12. Figures for Example 8. (a) A 4-transistor circuit. (b) Simplified
Ebers-Moll model of an n-p-n transistor. (c) Piecewise-linear ap-
proximation of diode o-i characteristic: m. = 0, WI, = 2.153 X lo-‘,
+ ;Io2 + II- $Io2 - 3]- ;Io2 - 8]+ $10~ - 101 m2 = 2.666 x IO-‘, m3 = 3.765~ IO-*, mq = 8.603 X IO-*, m5 = 1.865
x lo-‘; V, = 0.306, V2 = 0.321, V, = 0.336, V4 = 0.351, Vs = 0.376.
I, = -3.33570322x lO-2 +9.32400146x IO-*u,
+lu, - 13]- $I~ - 16]+ $]02 - 181.
+ 1.25666608x 10-2]u, - V,I
The associated circuit equation is represented in the canon-
+2.23537270x 10-3]o, - V21+8.49354618x 10-3]o, - V3]
ical form as follows:
+2.41900658x 10-2]u, - 1/,]+5.02251145x lo-*]u, - V,I.
Example 8:
Consider the four-transistor circuit shown in Fig. 12(a).
Each transistor is modeled by a controlled source in series
where (Y~= [l OIT for i=1,2;..,6 and CQ= [0 llT for with a p-n junction diode, as shown in Fig. 12(b). The
c, =
i = 7,8,. . . ,16.
-- 03
diode ID - VD characteristic is represented by a continuous
piecewise-linear function with 6 segments as shown in Fig.
12(c). The reader is referred to [l l] for the canonical
representation of the equilibrium equation. The initial point
I 1 [01,
is x0 = [l 0 1 1lT and the solution is [3.290404x 10-l
9 3.652363 x-lo- ’ 3.376266x 10-l 3.602442x lo-‘IT. q
-- 2
cg = 8 >+i=
[ 1] J. Katzenelson, “An algorithm for solving nonlinear resistive net-
works,” Bell System Tech. J., vol. 44, pp. 1605-1620, Oct. 1965.
[2] T. Fujisawa and E. S. Kuh, “Piecewise-linear theory of nonlinear
networks,” SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 22, no 2, pp. 307-328, Mar.
[3] T. Fujisawa, E. S. Kuh,, and T. Ohtsuki, “A sparse matrix method
for analysis of piecewise-linear resistive networks,” IEEE Trans.
Circuit Theoty, vol. CT-19, pp. 571-584? Nov. 1972.
[4] M. J. Chien and E. S. Kuh, “Solving precewise-linear equation for
p,=-l,a=2,p,=5,P,=ll,Ps=l3,P,=15, resistive networks,” Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 4, pp.
3-24, 1916.
pl=-8,~8=-5,~s=-3,~,o=-1,P,,=3,~,~=~~ [5] M. J. Chien and E. S. Kuh, “Solving nonlinear resistive networks
using piecewise-linear analysis and simplicial subdivision,” IEEE
& = 10, ,fJ4 = 13, & = 16, & = 18 Trans. Circuifs Sysi., vol. CAS-24, pp. 305-317, Jan. 1977.
[6] T. Ohtsuki, T. Fujisawa, and S. Kumagai, “Existence theorems and
The initial point is x0 = [ 16 201T and the solution is [I .5 a solution algorithm for piecewise-linear resistor networks,” SIAM
J. Math. Annl., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 69-99, Feb. 1977.
1.S]T. Cl [7] L. 0. Chua and S. M. Kang, “Section-wise piecewise-linear func-
tions: canonical representation, properties, and applications,” Proc. Network Theory (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969) and coauthor of the
IEEE, vol. 65, pp. 915-929, June 1977. book Computer-Aided Analysis of Electronic Circuits: Algorithms and Com-
‘[8] S. M. Kang and L. 0. Chua, “A global representation of multidi- putational Techniques (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975). He has
mensional piecewise-linear functions with linear nartitions.” IEEE
Trans. Cir&its Syst., vol. CAS-25, pp. 938-940, Nov. 1978: also published many research papers in the area of nonlinear networks
[9] L. 0. Chua, “Device modeling via basic nonlinear circuit elements,” and systems. He was the Guest Editor of the November 1971 Special
IEEE Truns. Circuits Sys.,, vol. CAS-27, pp. 1014-1044, Nov. 1980. Issue of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION on “Applications of
[lo] L. 0. Chua and P. M. Lm, Computer Aided Analysis of Electronic Computers to Electrical Engineering Education,” and the Editor of the
Circuits: Algorithms and Computational Techniques. Englewood IEEE TRANSACTIONSON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMSfrom 1973 to 1975.
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975. Dr. Chua is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi. He
[I I] L. 0. Chua and R. Ying, “Finding all solutions of piecewise-linear was a member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Society of
equations”, U.C. Berkeley ERL Memo UCB/ERL M81/54, July Circuits and Systems from 1971 to 1974, and the past President of the
23; 1981.
[ 121 S. N. Stevens and P. M. Lin, “Analysis of piecewise-linear resistive IEEE Society on Circuits and Systems. He has been awarded four patents
networks using complementary pivot theory,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and is a recipient of the 1967 IEEE Browder J. Thompson Memorial Prize
Sys~, vol. CAS-28, pp. 429-441, May 1981. Award, the 1973 IEEE W.R.G. Baker Prize Award, the 1973 Best Paper
[ 131 W. M. G. van Bokhoven, “Macromodelling and simulation of Award of the IEEE Society on Circuits and Systems, the Outstanding
mixed analog-digital networks by a piecewise-linear system ap- Paper Award at the 1974 Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and
proach,” m Proc. 1980 IEEE Int. Conf. Circuits and Computers. Computers, the 1974 Frederick Emmons Terman Award and the 1976
Miller Research Professorship from the Miller Institute.
Leon 0. Clma (S’60-M’62-Sh4’70-F’74) was
born in the Philippines on June 28, 1936. He
received the B.S.E.E. degree from Mapua In- Robin L. P. Ying (S’75-M’82) was born in Taipei,
stitute of Technology, Manila, the Philippines, Taiwan, The Republic of China in 1951. He
the S.M. degree from Massachusetts Institute of received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering
Technology, Cambridge, in 1961, and the Ph.D. from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Tai-
degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in wan, the Republic of China; the M.S. degree in
1964. engineering and applied science from Yale Uni-
He worked for the IBM Corporation, versity, CT, in 1976 and the Ph.D. degree in
Poughkeepsi, NY, from 1961 to 1962. He joined electrical engineering and computer sciences from
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University of California, Berkeley, in 1982.
University, Lafayett, IN, in 1964, as an Assistant Professor. Subsequently, He received the Yale Fellowship at Yale Uni-
he was promoted to Associate Professor in 1967, and to Professor in 1971. versity from 1975 to 1976 and the University
Immediately following this, he joined the Department of Electrical En- Fellowship at U.C. Berkeley from 1978 to 1979. Since June 1976, he has
gineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, been Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant at the EECS Depart-
where he is currently Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer ment, U.C. Berkeley. He is now with Bell Telephone Laboratories in
Science. His research interests are in the areas of general nonlinear Holmdel, NJ. His academic research interests, include computer-aided
network and system theory. He has been a Consultant to various elec- circuit analysis, design optimization, and nonlinear circuit and system
tronic industries in the areas of nonlinear network analysis, modeling, and theory. At Bell Labs, his work involves developing analysis tools for
computer-aided design. He is the author of Introduction to Nonlinear design process of facility networks.
Ahstroct -Coherency-based approach to. the problem of constructing tion, to identify coherent groups directly from system data is developed. A
power system dynamic equivalents has been very successful in applications. physical interpretation of the algebraic characterization of coherency is
The key step in this approach is to identify groups of coherent generators. presented, where the condition for coherency is described in terms of
An analytic study of coherency is conducted. An algebraic characterization generator inertia constants and their equivalent admittances to the bus of
of coherency is given. An algorithm, based on the algebraic characteriza- the disturbance.
Manuscript received August 30, 1977; revised September 27, 1982. I. INTRODUCTION
F. F. Wu is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com-
puter Sciences and the Electronics Research Laboratory, University of N THE ANALYSIS of an interconnected power sys-
California, Berkeley, CA 94720.
N. Narasimhamurthy is with the Department of Electrical and Com- I tem, normally one is interested only in the responses in
puter Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. a portion of the system, called the study system. The rest of
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