Assignment 01 - F19
Assignment 01 - F19
Assignment 01 - F19
1. Load the image “Q1.tif” into MATLAB. Originally, it will be in the form of a 2D-array of unsigned integers.
Check and report
a. how many bits per integer the image has, and
b. what is its width and height?
2. We would like to bring the image to a more typical average brightness. Apply a scaling factor to all pixels,
so that the minimum pixel value becomes 0 and the max pixel value becomes 255. Include the final image
in your report, as well as the MATLAB code you used to produce it.
3. Next perform the histogram equalization on the image “Q1.tif” and compare the results acquired in the
previous question.
4. Next, we would like to double the contrast of the pixels in the middle brightness range. Specifically, take
your result from Question 03 and replace each pixel's intensity i with a new intensity i , where
i 2 i 128 128
Threshold i so that 0 i 255 (you can use the “uint8” function). Include your MATLAB code and the
resulting contrast-boosted image in your report.